i love feeling good

i love that i get to feel good i love that i
get to feel god i love that i get to feel the flow
i love that i know i am god that i get to enjoy this life
right now
that ig et to

get to enjoy this life right no
that i get to enjoy this life right now

i love that ig et to
get to and i dont have to care
i love that i get to feel good!!

get to enjoy life!

i love njoying life
enjoying the flow
enjoying the flow of life i love that i get to feel good!

the flow is always flowing
the flow is

always flowing the flow is
always flowing the flow is

always flowing the flow is

always flowing the flow

is i love that i get to feel it i love

thank you for this feeling this
i know this is the only work that matters
how i feel is all that matters
so i

choose how i feel i choose how i feel
i love that i get to choose it and i get to

the feeling of the flow
the feeling of feeling good the
feeling of feeling good
the feeling of feeling good

grateful to catch that wind
to cateh
the flow to feel the god self to know the god self

to reconvene with the god self to feel good now m

no matter what so gratefult o remember what it feels like
to feel good no matter what!!

i get to feel good i get to feel love i
get to feel full appreciation for this here and now
i get to feel the feeling of it right now
i get to feel the god self
right now i get to
feel the flow right now

this is the only work that matters
and i ilove that i get to remember that

that all of life is about remembering that
the feeling of remembering that is life
and its what creates my life i love that i know
that i love that i can see past it now i love that
i get to

that i get to feel good that i
get to feel centered so grateful that
i get to

to feel centered that i get to feel the flow
the god self

i’m here.

i’m here.

i’m focused on the one truth
which is that the divine prsen

presence I AM is the source and

of all my good

i know that and i come there to pra

here to practice it
practice it i come here to feel it
to milk it and know this
is the only work the feeling good work so
dont gloss over it or try to rush through it

really do it because that’s what i’m here to do

so grateful i know it’s only ever me and
i can realx
in that knowledge

so grateful to have a shoulder to cry on
to have emotional


to use to feel better

i know that
people have their own issues
and i dont have to take things personally

i know that i have good qualities and
am likeable to many

i love that i don’tha ve to care

i love that i don’t care!!

i love that i’m feeling better
because i let it all out
i love that i have so many other topics that a
are really easy to feel good about!!

i love that i am aware that i upper limited!!

and that there is no limit to how good i can feel
i love that i can always choose
the feeling of love

i can always

feel the feeling of love i can
always feel the feeling of love and th
that is the ultimate solution

its ok because i create with how i feel and
i know i don thave to gett wrapped up

i can just choose to feel at
ease in this here and now

this here an now i feel i choose to
feel at ase in this
here and now i choose to feel at ease in this
here andnow

this he

i’m here doing the only work which is how i
feel and i get to choose gratitude for what i have
i a

i can always choose

i love that i get to

what am i doing i’m tuning myself
and i kow that’s

all i can ever do that there’s nothing
else that the feeling is all there is
and the feeling creates everything

i love that i know this i love tha t
i know this love
i love that i know this i love
that i know the

i’m here i’m focused on the feeling i feel how i feel
i know i’m vee

feeling in secure aou
about that but i know i never have
to feel insecure

i’m feeling impatient about that
but i can always trust the process

i feel secure in my knowledge of life

i feel secre in trusting the porcess

process i feel secure and confident in who i am

i feel secure in my life!!

i feel rich!!

i feel wealthy!

i say tahnk you for the way it
already is i am brave enough to choose the
feeling now and know that it’s

that i can choose it every time i think
different and know that the
feeling creates and nothing esle

i know that the feelng
creates and nothing sel


and i’m here doing the work to remember
that to celebrate that

i’m here celebrating life!!

that life is so good!!

i’m here celebrating that life is so good!!

i love that life is good!
i love that i get to feel the
feeling of it now i love that life helps me
find things to feel for

to find new things to align with
i love living the elevated life

the high life i love loving the
high life i love that i
get to choose i love that

that i get to choose to
live the magick life and know its just so

it works!

it works and that’s all that
really matters it works haha what works

it works it works i know this and for that
there’s no reason to hang out wher ei don’t
want to be so i accept myself i love

and accept myself and say yes
to the flow to the feeling to the
feeling the feeling

i am aware i am aware of the thoughts
the version i create i love that ia m

awrae and i love that i dont even
have to care and that the contrast helps me

the contrast helps me feel the feeling

why am i acting like i dont know
the truth??


i know the truth and i know its all me
so i can just choose and let it go

i choose and let it go
and turn my energy toward what i like and what i want more of

i love feeling part of something
i love feeling the energy i love appreciating
life i love loving my life i love
feeling the ease and flow

i love the feeling of relaxing on the porch

i love feeling the

ease and flow of mei love that i
get to choose and this is ehlping me do that

i know that life helps me do it and its
exciting because when i’m forced to use the magick

the magick always works

i love that i’ve let the go
and that i’m focusoing
on god now on center now on how i feel
right now i get to choose love and know
that life only refelcts
me i choose love and then

life is easy life is so easy when i choose love
and i love that this work helkps me do it

i know t

k now that thiss is the only work

i love this work i love that life helps me
do this work and its os

so much easier to choose

grateful to get addicted to a new thoughts
grateful to feel the feeling of go

to relax into the feeling to allow the feeling
to acknowledge the feeling created it and know its only

ever the feeling its only ever the feeling

i love that there’s always more than
enough i love that god loves me

i love that i know a
the secret to life
i love that

that i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge tha t
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuously
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow
i am now addicted to a new thought
i am

now addicted to a new thought i am now a
addicted to a new thought i
and it’s hat

that easy

that easy that easy that easy its’ it’s
that easy
its’ that easy

the feeling creates all of life
and i love that i know ths i love how easy
it is to choose teh feeling
i want i have

the feeling i want i have the
feeling i want i have the
feeling i want i know that the feeling
creates all of life i know it i know the feeling
is always

here with me

i am it i am the feeling i am life i am
life i am life i am life i am all of life and
i know this i know ths i get to choose
the feeling and the

nothing else matters nothing esle mattes
and i love that i ge

that i know that i ge
that i get to do this work so grateful for the time and spacce to rea

relax into this feeling this life
so grateful to realx

relax into

into this feeling thiis
feeling this feeling this feeling this feeling

this feelin the connectin

with god
is this one the bus is this on the bus
is thiss downsteam

im creating a problem that doeesnet exist!


and i wanted this i knwo i created it with the
feeling wanting those old feelings
and i relaxing

realize what thoss old feelings are and i
realized now that i don’t have to feel them

and i know i change in feeling is a change in destiny

i know this i know i know this i know this

i love that i don’t care i love that
i’ve let it go forever that i trust the feeling
that i know it just doesn’t matter

it just doesn’t matter i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to choose and life hleps me

helps me do it

so much to celebrate!

so much to celebrate!!!!

so grateful for so much to celebrate
that life arranges itself around me i know it
always does i know it always

i know it always does

a change in feeling is a change in destiny

i get to choose i get to choose how i feel
how i wlak t

walk through life how i walk through life how i walk
through life i get to chooe how i feel about it and i f

if i ontice myseld caring
that’s a sign i’m out of alignment
i get to choose i how i feel rightnow

how i celebrate my life right now

the feeling is the secret
so grateful for this day why
even think about that when there’s so much
to be grateful for and maybe that’s part o

of the upper limiting but oh well

i’m aware!
i’m aware of how i feel !
that everything is going my way

aware that everything is going my way!

i’ awa

i’m aware that everything i sgoing my i
is going my way i’m wa

aware of all that i have to celebrate
and i love that i get to choose to

fly high to feel good to feel good
to love life to celebrate life

so grateful for distros!

for good news!

to see it obviously play out
to play out so obviously
i love seeing it play out so obviously

i love that there is so much to celebrate i love that
i get to expand into the moment and say
thank you for all that is in this here and now

thank you thank you thank you
i love that i’m already here

i’m expanding to feel this
moment i’m

expanding in this moment
i’m expanding to fill this moment

i’m expanding to fill this moment
i love this moment i’m gratefulf orth
for this oment
i kno wthat i all i can ever do is feel that
it el

already is feel that it already is
and i love that i love that
i get to choose to feel that

i get to choose teh feeling now and know that
is only

the only souliton there is

the feeling is the secret and that’s

why i get to choose it right now
and its just like counting

it takes practice and awareness

and i can just return rith
right to the feeling

i can just return to the feeling
dont need to beat myself up for being out
or for making up false narratives

of for fixating

or making smoething out of nothing
or for mp

picking on myself
because i am aware of thos things and i am
able to let them pass and te


return to my position
beneath the sea

return to center to knowing
knowing that life only reflects me and to let it
go knowing that life only

reflects me and to let it go

i love that i know that life
helps me i get to choose the
feeling choosing it now hcoose

choosing it know
now and knowing it represents all of life
so grateful to get to

celebrate this day
to get to milk this day
so grateful to get to milk this day

milk this oment milk this moknow


so grateful to let it all go
to go back to release to not care to center
myself in my own experience
to choose to

to choose feeling good nw to know that it
all comes fromt he feeling to
be grateful for the feeling so

grateful to feel grateful for the feeling
so grateful to feel good to feel the flow
right now to feel good right now

so grateful to chosoe me to

choose the flow
choose the good life choose the good life
and only put attention where i want it

to be grateful to knwo
that it always flows life always flows life c
alwayrs c

creates in reflection
with the feeling it feels good to milk the feeling to choose the
feeling right now
to choose the feeling righ no

to have access to it to love it to love it
to choose the feeling right nwo

the feeling of the flow the feeling of the
flow the feeling of god kno

of knowing that i am god
the bravery to choose andl et it
all go to recognized when i’m trying and let it
go the

bravery to recognize when i’m trying
and let it all go di love
i love that i get to choose teh feeling right now

that i know reality is subjective

i know that reality is subjective

i love me i love the power of me today
i’m celebrating the power of me and whe

what life helps me do is focus
the contrast helps me fcous

on the version i prefer and i prefer to

celebrate me right now
i prefer to celebrate me right now

i prefer to celebrate me i prefer to love
me i prefer to feel the feeling of loving me i love me
i love that i get to feel the god feeling
that i get to cneter

center myslf in the god feeling the
god feeling the god feeling the

feeling is all there is feeling
i love that i know

i love that the contrast helps me
put my focus when i want

where i want it i love that the contrast helps me focus wher ei anw
where i am

where i want to

the contrast helps me focus
where i want to and i love that i am aware
and the contrast helps me be aware
and i know
that it can literally only

reflect me so

whatever i want

it’s up to m e i

it’s up to me
it’s up to me

it’s up to me

whatever i want just choose

why am i acting like its not up to m???

that its outside of me???

that is the issue here!!

not anything else and the sooner i act on that knowledgee
the sooner i feel what i want and then
rest doesn’t matter

the feeling is all that mattes and i’m
milking the feeling i’m milking the feeling and i’m saying yes!!

thank you!

i’m saying yes thank you!

the feeling is all there is

all of life is created from how i feel
and i have teh too
the tools to choose how i want to feel
to feel for how i want to feel

to practice feeling how i want to feela d
and i know that all that matters is how i feel and
that iccreate
all of life with how i feel i know this
i know this i know this for sre
from life experience
i love that ig et to feel it just get to feel good in general

and celebrate life

celebrate life celebrate life celebrate life

that is the feeling that is the feeling

so grateful for this day
for cooler air for cool neighbors
for a life i love to know i have it
all to feel

totally fuf


fulfilled i feel totallyfulf
and i know i get o cho
to get

get to choose that feeling first
and it’s always right here with me
the feeling of knowing
and then life just gets

so much easier when i have knowing life
just getrs so

so much easier i love that i get to drop into the feeling right now
and feel it get to feel it always
get to feel it wen

whenever i want and know that there is no

no limit

to how fulfilled i can feel

i take my time with this work
make the time for this work
because this work

is teh only creator

what do i really want??

what am i seeking?
where do i think i’m going?

i know that nothing that happens in the future

will make me feel any different
i know this and i know that i need to make
my goal


my only goal
the only thing i seek
to be total satisfaction
in the moment

the feeling of the flow
the feeling of the flow the
feeling of the flow

the feeling of the flow

finding total satisfaction in the moment
because nothing outside of it
exists and nothing otside
outside of it will make me feel
any better than i can chosoe to

to feel right now and i know that
all of life is practicing these feelings
i know that these feelings are my power

i love that i get to feel
energized by life i love that i get to allow the best of life
to flow through me i love that i
get to feel good get to feel the flow get to feel the flow
get to

feel good get to feel god
knowin that
god is

just feel as if it alraedy
already is and know that is teh only
action to ever take i love that i know this
an di get to feel it i
get to feel the truth

of life i get to feel the truth of god
i love that it already is the way i want it to be

i love feeling community
i love feeling


i love that i never have to wonder
i love that i know the
feeling i love feeling succss


i love
actually asking myself what i want

what do i really want?

and its to feel a certain way about and in my life

and i know it doesn’t have to do with
certain outcomes

its all about the way i feel in my life
andi can choose that feeling right now

its the feeling of life
love i love that i get to feel the feeling of love

i love that i get to
feel the feeling of love

i love feeling good i love
feelin i love feeling
connected i love feeling powerful

in the power of me i love feeling
in my power i love feeling knowing i love

feeling secure i love feeling confident
i love feeling rich i love feeling wealthy
i love feeling abundant
i love feeling love i love that lfo

love is the ultimate feeling and i can
always default to love

and appreciation

that’s why if allyou do is feel gratitude
your life works out becasue

you’re creating with that feeling i know this i know
i create with the feeling so i’m
aware of how i

how i feei’m aa

aware of how i feel and when i notice that i’m feeling
a way i dont want to feel

i address it
because i dont want to create a life with more f
that feeling and just by dooing this

its so easy to feel good
to feel the d

depts ho

of how good life can be
it feels good to
feel good
to feel how good life can be

it feels good to love myself to love my life to love
where i am right now it feels good to

feel good right now

feeling good
feeling the love the love of life the lust for life
just knowing that the only action

the only action there is
the only action ther

is feeling that’s all i can do!

i know this
and life always reflects it i love that i know this
that i’ve seen it so many times i love that
i know that i’m creating in every moment


with my feeling and so grateful that
ig et to feel good that i enver
have to wonder just feel

just feel how i want

i am allowing this feeling
i allow this feeling i allow the feeling of love
adn god

and god to build up inside of me i know the
power of me and i use it i knokw the

i know the pwoer of me i know the power
of me i know the power of me i know

that power of me and i feel it and i know that all of life
is about culitvatig this feeling

so i use my techniques to stay with this feeling
and don’t allow anything esel to

and i know that is the soultion
to everything i know that is
the solution to everything i love that
it already is

i love that it already is

i already am it

i already am successful i already am

wealthy i already am abundant
i already am paid i love that iknow this
and i get to choose

i feel good i feel happy i feell

successful i feel overjoyed i feel

i am focused the book is published
life is solved

we have our garden
we have our van
we have our bronco

we have our jet skis

we have it all because we dont even neeed that shit

i have god i have thr

the truth and that is all i need
i have the truth and that is
all i need ilove

i see miracles every day
every moment i see magick i love
feeling the magick of life

i love

feeling the magick of life
i love that it already is i love
that we’re already there i love that

i get to feel it now
get to practicce
feeling the only thing that matters
how i feel and i love tha i get t

i get to feelthis feelig o

of knowing of conneciton to life
i get to feel the

connection to life i love that life loves me i loget th

love that i get to choose to feel good now
that i get to choose to feel good now that
ig et to choose toe

to feel the feelinr ight now
i am it i already am it

it already is i already am it
it already is i love that i get to choose

and i can always return to this here and now
this here and now

this perfection and i love it that
i get to choose it that i
get to chooe

choose it that i get to choose it
that i get to choose it that i
get to choose it the feeling the feeling
the feeling the feeling the

feeling the feeling is all there is
i love that i know it and i gt to
get to feel it i love that i know it and i get to feel it i get to
feel it i love

that i get to feel it
know that it already is i get to know that
it alrady is i get to choose the perfection of it
in this here and now

this here and now this

i’m here i’m feeling it i become the
feeling and i know that’s the secret to life

i already feel the feeling
i already

feel the feeling i already feel the feeling

i already feel the feeling i already
feel the feeling i already
feel the feeling
i already feel the feeling
i already

feel the feeling i already

am the feelin i am
already am it i already am life
i already am life

i’m already here i’m
already here i already made it i already
have everything i love that
i alrady

already have it all i love
that i already have it all

i love that i already have it all i love that
i get to feel through get
to feel my through it get to feel good

get to feel good feelth

the flow flwing
the flow

the feeling of god knowing the feeling of god is here asa

saying thank you thankyou for the
feeling of god thank you for the feeling of god

thank you for the f
of god

thank you for the feeling of god i
knowing that i am god and i never have to wonder
tha ti get to just choose i love that i
get to choosee it get to

choose love

i already am an artist!
i already am!

and i love that i am i love that i get to choose
to feel good to be it to know i already am to know that i can

only see it after i become it and i love that
i know this that i never have to wonder that i can

always return to the feeling because the feeling
is all there is and thef

feeling is what crears all of life i love that
i know this i lov tha t
i know thi l ov ethat

hta ti know thi l ove that
i know this

i love that i already am it i love that
i arleady am it that it

already is and that i get to choose the
feeling of it that i get to feel the feeling of it
that i

get to feel the feeling of it ath
the feeling of it

is life the knowing that god is

creating everything i tell it to
i love that i know this ia
and i get to feel it
the feeling of this feeling
creates life

allows god to do the work i love that
i know this that i know this

is the only work i know that

this is the only work
this is the only work thiss
is the only work this

is the only work thei

the feeling work and today
i will be aware

when i start wondering
that i never have to wonder and i always get to choose

i never have to wonder
an di always

get to choose

i never have to

wonder and i always
get to choose
i never have to wonder

i lov that i never have to wonder

i already am it i already am it
i already am it i love tha t
i get to feel it right now that i
get to feel the feeling
to get to feel the
work get to feel the f

the feeling get to feel the work
i love that i get to i love th

that i get to feel it i love that i
get to feel it
that i am it that i am god that i get to feel
it right now i love that i ca

can allow life to swee pme

sweep me away into my best life!

i love that i can allow it

feeling is all that matters

so the only work is to decide how i would want to
feeel and the

feel that way and i dont need anything to make
me feelt hat way or facilitate it

just choose it and i can always choose it
i always feel toard

toward it i love thatis easy to
let iit

it go its easy to let it go and just focus on how i want to

i can always focus on how i want to feel
i can tune into and protect my energy i can tune into and protect

my enery and i love that its that eay i
just focs on the feeling knowing that it all reflets fe

reflects me and i can choose me i can
always choose me first i can always choose me first
i can always choose me first

focus on how i want to feel and then get there
and that’s all i can ever do that’s all i can ever do that

allthat’s all i can ever do i love that i get to c
i love that i get to choose how iw atn to feel

feeling is all that matters
so i focus on myself i focus on how i want to feel i focus
on how i want to feel and then it iis and i

i don thave to care because it always reflects me
i love that i dont have to care

that i gt to tak

to take my power back i tet
get to take my power back and feel
how i watn to feel get to enjoy my life
get to enjoy this day get to enjoy the flow flowing

i love that ig et to enjoy the flow flowing
get to feel back to the feeling feel back to the
feeling remembering its the feeling i

i know that its teh feelin

its only ever the feeling and i’m feeling
mty way back to the feeling

i love that i get to feel it and the
feeling is always there i always have access to it
its’ always right here and now i love that
i knw this il ove that

life and the feeling
are always right here anow

it only is me

it’s only ever me so i can refuse to
feel bad because feeling is what creates reality
and i love that i know it and
get to choose it and get to live by it i love
that i get to live by it i love

that i get to live by the feeling get to feel the
feeling get to feel the feeling

i get to choose the feeling and then know that’s
how life arranges its very easy its so easy
just choose it and then it is
and then i never have to wonder of bother feeling
how i don’t want to feel i get to feel the feeling now
i know it’s all the feeling its’a l

all the feeling its’a

all the feeling the feeling of me
the feeling of me the feeling of me the feeling of me the
feeling of the feeling of me the

the feeling is me the feeling is me and i love that i kow
and that i get to do this work
feeling toward it i love tha i get to choose how i
feel i love that its

easy to choose i lov that i have access to it i love
what i know
that i know what it is
i love that i get to choose love tha ti get to

choose enthusiasm
that i get so

to choose satisfcation


the feelin si
is everything and i love that i know that i love that
i know i love htat i know i love that
i know i get to ha

experience the feeling of knowing i love that
i get to hcoose love no matter what
feel it as if it already is i love that i
get to feel it as if it already is a nd i love that i know that
is the secret to everything

yes the feeling yes the feeling the
the feeling i get to choose it
because i am the creator and its all me anyway

its all me anyway and i get to choose teh
feeling i want to feel not only that but if i allow
myself to feel how i dont want to feel

then i’m creating that!!!

whatever i feel i’m creating so i have t be
to be conscious i have to be aware of how i feel and what i’m creating

i ilove that i get to choose how i feel
i create it with my feeling and i know this
for a fact i get to choose teh feeling
so the feeling i prefer

is confident
is knowing is
self assured

is confident in myself
and not needing anything from anyone else
not caring what they think

because they are only me in the fisrt place!!

i love that i know and i get o
to choose i love that i know and i get to choose

i love that i kno i
i know i get to choose
everyone can do it

feel how i want to feel feel how i want
to feel feel how i want to feel about aht

and i love that it works because


you feel good when you do it!!

what better motivation could you need

i create with the feeling
and i know that i create with the feeling
and i know that i feel good and i know that i feel good

i feel good i feel the feeling and i know that i feel it and i feel good

become it and then it is
it already is right now i already am right now
i already am right now it already is
i love that i know ti

it that i can feel my way through it that i gt to feel my way
through it

that i get to feel my way through it so grateful for this moment
for this her ean dnow

to realx
relax and feel good relax and feel good
relax and feel good

relax and feel good just feel it
just feel it and that’s all there is
i kno that
i knkow that

i know that’s all ther i

there is i love that i know it i love that i get
to feel it i love that i get to feel it get to feel god

filling me up get to go

feel god crating
creating get to rejoice in the version i have
get to rejoice in what i have

so grateful to relax so grateful to feel good
to release to feel i to fee

to really feel it
the fullness of life to really feel the fullness of life
to allow life to

love to flow through me to have a lust for life
to feel the feeling and know that all of life

is this feeling

i’m wondering again but instead i will choose and then
let it go because wondering … creates what you dont want
becuase you feel that
feeling of uncertainty
so gyo

you create uncertainty
but you can just slip into know

knowing knowing all the time feeling the feeling
all the time

the feeling all the time feeling the ease and flow
of life letting it go knowing you don’t even have
to think about it because it only

reflects the feelinga nd i love that i know this
that i get to live my live by this knowledget hat

that i get to feel this knowing

totally so grateful i get to feel the completion
of this knowing

i get to feel the fullness of this knwoing
i get to feel the
fullness of this knowing

i get to feel it now and then life
arranges around that and when the
feeing changes then life changes

i love that i know thsi i love that
ig et to to live by the feeling that i
get to feel good knowing that life
is awlays

always reflecting that
that i create with how i feel i create with how i feel

i create with how i feel i

create with how i feell

thank you!

thank you for this feeling for this knowledge
for thisf low flowing through me
for this

feeling of


for the feeling of feeling!
so grateful to feel it so grateful to feel the
flow to feel good now so

the feeling of the feeling so grateful to know the truth
to feel the truth!

i love the feeling of celebration!!

i love the feeling of knowing life
loves me!!

i love that life loves me!
i love that its all unfolding perfectly for me
i love that its a hit
i love that our work is a hit

i love that ig et to feel good that i get to
celebrate i love that
i get to celebrate life i love that i get to feel good now i get to feel good now i love that
i get to feel good now get to feel the feeling right now
get to feel good now

knowing that feeling is what ccreates life i love that i
know this i love that i know this

i get to create my life through feeling
and i rejoice knowing that i feel so good

when i remember that it’s my feeling that
creates so as long as i can get into the feeling place
of thwa t

what i want then life literally must
provide it must

create it i know that life creates
it arranges the particles according to the feeling

the vibration which is the feeling ilove that
i love tht

that it’s all so obvious i love that its
all so obvious i love that life
is good

the feeling is the secret

i love that i know
i love that i know the secret to life i love that
i knwo the power
the power of me and that the only work is the feeling

i love that i know the feeling work the

the subconscious

non pys

believes everything you tell it with you r
emotions and it makes

it arranges the atoms according to that
i know that i never have to rush through this work

rather its important to take my time

make my time
feeling good feeling how i want to feel
doing the feeling work and

being gratefl for the chance to do it
to feel the feeling ofl of

of love to feel the solution of love

grateful to make the time
grateful to make the time to do the only work
that matters the
feeling work the
getting out of the way the
feeling how i want to feel

knowing for a fact

for a fact through my life
experience that the feeling creates
and that the only work is how i feel

grateful to do the feeling work
to be aware of how i feel

i am aware of how i feel and i have the
tools to address emotions

i have to tools to understand what my emotions mean
an di have
the tools to work through them

the main motivator being that
i know for sure
i know fore su

i know for sure i know for sure

i know for sure

i’m here making the time to
feel the feeling and my the feeling
my focus i make the feeling
my focus because i know that is
life that is the work of life

that is the work of life

that is the work of life that
is the work of life and i know this
for fact so

i dont even have to wonder
i dont

even have to prove it to myself
because i know it so deeply
i know it so deeply so i just do it

i chooe the f

i choose the feeling i want to feel and
i practice it

i choose the feelin i want i choose it
and it

ti’s easy to choose i come
here to practicce chooseing
it come here to pracctice choosing it

the feeling and i know it’s the ffeling
i konw that the
feeling is everything i know that

all of life is the feeling i know this
the feeling tells life what to make the
feeling tells life what to make
and i

the feeling first tehf eeling
first the feeling

first comes the feeling fisrst
comes teh feeling

the feeling is the secret and i know this i know this
i know this
i know the
feeling is the secret

i know the feeling is the

secret i kow the
i know the feeling is teh secret
i know the feeling i si
is the

i’m hre doing
this work i k

i’m here doing this work i’m
here feeling this feeling i’m here

i’m here i’m making the time
enjoying doing the o

only thing that matters which is being
aware of how i feel

the feeling game the feeling game
and its so fun to just choose how i want to feel

knowing that
is what is creating life so why would
i choose a feeling that doesn’t feel good i love that

it’ all just so simple and i love that i know it
and i get to practice it i love that i get to feel it
get to feel the energy of life

i love that i get to feel it
and it’s alreayd here

the feeling is aread

already here i love that i get to feel it and the
energy is already here i love that life
helps me feel it i love that all of life
is it

i love that i get to feel it i love that i know

my power i love that i know my power
i know that life must
reflect the feeling life
must reflect the feeling i love that i know this
i love that its so

easy to get out of the way

the feeling is here and the feeling
is all that matters

i love that i know and i get to reside
in the feeling knowing that life

has to reflect the feeling

its the way it works and i knowk this for
a fact i love that i know i love that i know

i always get to choose how i feel i love that
i know that i get to choose it i love that
ig et to choose i g

the feeling is the secret and i am in the
feeling place i am in the feeling place

i am the feeling i am the f

i feel the feeling the
feel the knowing feeling filling me up
and i feel the rest rushing out
because there isn’t room for

feelings that drag me down
when i am ware

aware that life is always
reflecting them
its just not worth it i loe that i know this
i love that i know the power of me
i love

feeling life gush through me
i love that life is gushing through me i love that
i know this is the feeling

its just a matter of practice

to feel it and feel it and to hold it
and to et

get back there easily when i’mnot there
but i know for a
fact that

all of life reflects the feeling
and its fun to feel good becasue

then life feels good!!

then life feels good and i love that i know this
is my power i love that i know this is

they way i get to live my life!!!

i feel good and i know the feeling
is all there is i love that i get to feel good about that

that i get to choose teh feeling of feeling good