time for me to
take back control of the narrative
retake control fo the narrative
time for me to
take back control of the narrative
retake control fo the narrative
to check in with self there’s always time and space to check in with self.
i can alwayrs return to center to the fele
feeling of knowing to feel the of
the feeling of
flying high
and be grateful for the opportunity
for the work for the chance to be set free
into the bath of consciousness
thank you fo this
for this feeling for the feeling of connection
for the connection to life t
for the connection to self to god to love
i get to choose the feeling this
feeling this omment
expand into this moment expand into this moment
and when i do
always feel god
drift across my skin
fully expanding into this
moment fully
fully expansive fully expanded
fully the self fully the self
fully in love with the self
the self
the self fully in love
fully in the oment
fully knowing its only ever me its only
ever me so grateful to remember the power of me
then remember the ersion i want to liv
i remember the version i want to live
i embrace this moemnt i
embrace this
moment i embrace fully i
expand to fill thismoment
and thne
i dont’ have escape it
i expand to fill this moment
i dont have to escape it
and consantly
instantly and constantly
instantly and constantly
i love that there’s more than enough i love that i know
i love that i get to
celebrate it i love that i
get to celebrate life i love
that i get to
feel the attunement of live
i love that i get to feel it
get to feel the
feeling et to feel
the feeling
get to feel the god self get to say
thank yu get to
to say thank you
geto to become it
then see it i love that
i get to act out
the version i am the version i prefer
the feeling i prefeer
i love that i get to choose it
get to choose teh v
the vibration get to choose love get
to choose a good atitude
get to tune myself to vibration
that i even know this is a thing
is lucky
so grateul i know the power of me
so grateful i know
the power of me so grateful i know
the power of me
becuase th
because the feeling is always there
and the feeling comes from where you
decide to focus
i know this i know that the feeling
the flow is
the feeling is always right here and no
its just a matter of flipping the switch i know that
the feeling is all that matters
my consciousness of the presence of god
within me is my supply
my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
i know ths and i know that all fo life
all of life must reflect the feelig
i know that today i can choose to live
subjectively that i can choose what i want in this
moment and
then it is i know that i choose it and then it is and i love that
tis that
its that easy i love that its that easy
i love that i know i
get to choose the feeling right now
and it
doesn’t have to be dependent on
anything outside
of me all
it depends on is the focus all
it depends on is the
the focus
i love that i know ti love that i know the
feeling that i get to choose it now
that i know nothin
i didn’t get the feeling from that
that i had the feeling first
and then that was there and i love that
i know that
i can always choose the f;ee
the feeling no matter what i can always choose
teh feeling no matter what
and i dont need that thing
becuase i gto the feeling rist
first then
the thing came and i know this
is true for everything i know that
its all a feeling an
and that life always reflects that!!
the feeling is here the feeling
is always the feeling is
here and now the feeling is this momn
the feeling
through my consciousness of my god
there’s no need to rush through this
when this is the only work
when the feeling is already here so why would
i need o tr
to try to do something to
get the feeling i already have i already have
there’s no reason to rush throug this
through this this is the only work
make the time to
to mlk
mlk the feeling to tue the
i love the i k
that i know the truth that i know the
i love that i know that
the truth
i allow life i expand to fill
the moment i feel the feeling of alignment
of knowing
of totally letting go of
knowing it doesn’t mater
it just doesn’t matter
i do the work of life
letting go of knwoing its just doesn’t matter
of releasing everyting i relae
i release
i release i
draw into my mind and feeling nautre
nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply thus my
consciousness of the presence of god withi me
is my supply
i love that i get to feel it right now
and i know that it didn’t come from that
person it came from me
i know this is the
this is true the feeling comes from within
and that’s why ic an access the feeling
any time i want i love that i get to
get to expand t
get to expand to fill this moment to
this feeling get to expand to feel this
feeling get to expand to
feel this feeling get to expand to feel
get to expand to the fullness of me
expand into this right now
what did i do i focus one
focused on feeling good i focused
on the version i wanted and then trusted my intuition
and it brought me to what i wanted i just had
to focus on the
feeling focus on the feeling the
connection the knowledge
expanding to fill this here and now
the feeling came frist and it
came from the focus from taking
the big leap into
the moment the good of the
goo of the moment fully trusting
fully knowing god is on my side i know
the work i know the feeling
the feeling the feeling of
doing the work of
choosing the version i want
and actiing it out
acting as if knowing that
everything i want is always formulating
that its already been made and that
i dont even need it becuase when
i can access the knowledge in the here and now
when i can distsance myself
from the wanting from thinking i need more
when i can ust
just exist right now knowing that
everything is on my side
is in my favoe that is the feeling and that’s
all there is becuase it is so
much fo
the expandsion
first you become it
then you see it
first you become it
then you see it
first you become it
first i become it the i see it
but i dont need to see it
when i become it
because when i become it
there’s nothing else
nothing left
to need
when you become it then you already
are it and you don’t need it anymore
because you already are is
already are it and the power of me
the power of anyone is that
energy that movement of energy away from
i dont have it or i need it to
i am it
i am it i am it i already am that feeling
and whethere i have that thing or not
doesn’t affect it doesnt
affect it
i kow this i know this i nkow this
i know this i know this
i know this
i know this i know this
i know the feeling i know
the feeling of thie
the flow i know
i know the expansion into this here andnow
and now i know the expansion
i know the expansion
i know that i already am it i kow that
that i become it then i see it but
i don’t need to see it
when i become it because i know it’s
all alraedy there and that none of
it matters i love doing this work
the only work
going deeper into the feeling
into the realizatios i get to
go deepper
into this work remember who i am what i am
i know what i am i do this work
to remember who and what i am
the vibration is all there is
and all of life reflects it all of life
is it all of life is the feeling i feel
teh divi
the divine presence i am and that is why i do this wrk that
that is why i do this work the
practicing the feeling of it all the feeling of it all and i love that
i know this i know the truth and i get to live by it i know the truth and
i get to live by it and i love that i know this
i love that i know the feeling i love that
the vibration always works i love that i know tis ‘
always there
i love that i know the feeling and that the feeling is
always right here with me
so grateful to cach
catch a wind to feel teh energy of life
flow through me so
grateful to feel good to feel the flow
the flow l
flowing through me o
so grateful to feel the vibration
to ee
feel the vortex to know the
vortex is a feeling to know that all of life
is the feeling
to choose knkowing
to choose to amkl
milk the feeling because that’s all i an
can do
that’s all i can do is milk the feeling i love that i know
that’s all i can do i love
i can just be grateful for the feeling
know its a good sign know is god
know that the divine prse
presence i am
the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good
the divine presence i am is the source
and substance of all my good the
source and the substance of all my good
the sour
i know that the feeling is all there
is and i can relax in the feeling knowing that god is
always guiding me i know that
god is alawys guid
always guiding
so grateful for the feeling to get to
chooe the f
choose the feeling of knowing
to trust and follow the feeling knowing
that is all i can dthat
that is how i live
that is how to live fully
always trust the feeling
always trust the flow and the
feeling i love that
the feeling of teh flow
flowing through me
i love the knowing of the vibration
i love that i
get to choose
get to choose to milk the feeling t
get to choose the feeling only get to
latch on to the feeling and nothing else
remember the feeling of
to think about what i didn’t want
and only creating teh vers
the version i do wnat the
i do wnat the version
i get to feel the feeling of
relief right now i get to feel the
feeling right now
i can feel the magick of life right now
i love that i
get to feel the magick o flife
of life right now i love that
i get to feel the magick of life right now
the feeling of life right now
the vibration of life
right no the truth
the truth of life the feeling
so grateful fort he feeling becase
becuase that’s a good reflect!!
so grateful to remember the feeling
to remember the feeling to fel the
feel the feeling to feel the feeling of love
to send the feeling of love so grateful i get to choose it
so grateful i get to choose
it so gratful i get to choose to feel good to feel the flow to feel the flow
the flow flowing the
enery in this here and now thss here and now
to milk the feeling to know that the feeling is all there is and life
ahs no
no choice life doesn’t get to choose
just reflects the energy
that’s all there is and i know that
i know ths i know it’s only ever me
i know it’s only ever me i know itls
only ever me i know that it can only
reflect me i love that i get to feel it
get to release it get to allow it to come to me
to let go
of everything and just feel the feeling
just trust the feeling trust the intuition
trust this work i trust
this work i trust this work i trust
teh god se
self the god feeling i trust the magick
the power of me
i kow that my only work
my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth
therefore i am totally confident in letting go
andl etting
god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs
i love that i know this and
get to tap into my energy i love that all of life
is flowing to and through me i love hta
ti can
i can feel it i can feel the energy rising and i know
i can feelt he feeling of knowing the truth
that life has no choice
the energy of life dosn’t
doesn’t choose it only reflects
it only prints our what
what you give i know this i know thia
this i know that life
can only reflect me i know that life can
only refllect me
so grateful for this moment
to do this work to sit
on my computer and tune myself
so grateful for the knowledget hat
the tuning is all there is
so grateful the better it gets
so grateful
the better it gets so grateful i know that
this that i get to feel it so
gratefl i get to know this
i get to feel it i get to know it
so grateful i get to know it
thank you thank you
for this moment for this feeling fo h
this knowing
for my teeth being clean!!!!
so grateful for that so
gratefu to b
to be able to afford that
so grateful i get to choose i
get to choose i
get to choose so grateful i get to choose
i get to choose the feeling the feeling of the flow
ig et to choose that
feeling and life always reflects it
and i can jusst let
just let go and allow
be on the lookout
i know that too often i sit here thinking nothing
is happening when there’s tons of blessings all around me
i just fail to notice them because they are so
commonplace in my life
i know that blessings and miracles are
commonplace in my life in my life
i know that blessings in
are commongplace in my life
i k
i know that its working the vibration
works the feeling works the tuning works
so grateful for the time and space
to tune to want to to feel better to feel mroe energized now
to feel life flowing through me
so grateful for all that i get to do
all that i get to experience
i love that i know the truth and it’s
so easy to act accordingly
i love that i get to feel good
get to feel the flow of life
flowing through me i love that i get to feel good i love that i
get to feel good
do grateful to feel good to know the truth
that god is lavish unfailing abundance
and act accordingly act accordingly
i love that i know the truth
and get to act accordingly i love that i
get to choose i love that i get to choose the flow
the feeling the feeling of the flow
feeling of the truth i love that
i know the truth is all there is i love that
i get to align with it i love htat
i get to know it i love that
i get to
act accordingly
what would you do
if you knew that all of life was on your side
i would never doubt!
i would have so much fun ust
just by feeling the relief of the knowledge
i would be more spontaneous and take more risks!
i would be more self confident!
i would be more loving and kind
i love that i can always act accordingly
act in accordance with the truth i love
taht i get to come here and foucs on the truth
and that i know the truth i love
that i know the truth
i dont have tp
to pick myself apart i dont have to
just accept just
bask in the knowledge
i know this is real and my work is
to just bask in this knowledge
even if it can’t be proven i know its real and so i live
my life by it because i’m
i’ve seen it myeslf i know the power of me
i know the power of mei lo
i love that i know it so deeply
i love tha i am allowing
i am allowing abundance
at all turns
i am allowing all of life to be abundant i am
i allow all of life i allow all of life i allow all of life
i allow all of life i allow
it to be i love hta ti know the truth i love tha
i cacn feel
feel love and gratitude for everything i love that i
feel it
i love that all of life
is flowing to and through me i love that
i don’t have to pick it apart
simply allow it to exist
simply allow life
to compile itself i love
that i know this i love that
everything i see has been created by the mater c
matter compiiler known as me
i love tha wee lawy
always keep iterating on the design
i love that i am aware i lov that
i get to allow it to just be i love that i
get to allow it i loe that
i love
that i dont have to struggle that i
dont have to fight against
that i can just trust and live by the truth i know
the truth that has been so evident in my life
the truth tha i see
playing itself out in every instant
and its just so easy to get out of thew ay
and really experience life
and really experience life
get out of the way
get out of eh
the way and experience life
if i know for a fact this is true
if i know for a fact
this is “real”
how can i act accordingly
i would act with total knowing
i would always know i would always know and never have
to wonder i love the feeling of that
the feeling of lakshmi
the feeling of the truth
its all the same:
i can feel relief i can feel relief
i know this is true i know its true
i know its real for a fact
what do i know that
life reflects the feeling
life reflects the
narrative you give it
that ‘s it
that’s all it’s so true!
it’s so true
life is always showing yo the
the narrative you’re creating!
i know this is true i know this is
real i knwo this is
true i know this is real i love tha t
i know this i love that
i know this
i love that i know the power of this i love tha t
i know the power of this
i know the truth of life
and i can relax in it
i can allow the answers to come
i can allow the experience to unfold with
certainty and i know when i am in this fram of
frame of mind
i am in my power i am in my power
i know when i am in my power
and when i ahve l
have left my power
when i’ve moved out of my power
into my power
forgetting that my power creates my body
and the surroundings my body experiences
i am in my power
i am in my power and i know my power
i know my
power i n
i know my power i know my power
i know
my power i know
my power i know my power
i am in my power i do this work to feel my power
i know when i am in my power
i know when i am in the vibration
of lakshmi
i know when i’m there i know when i’m feeling
the feeling when i’m making the choice
when i’m standing up to my thoughts
i know the truth i know the
truth and i relax into it
i b4
vibrate with it
i am
brave enough to vibrate with the
truth i am
brave enough
to choose the truth and align with it
i choose the truth and align with it
i choose me
i choose to act accordingtly and
it feels so good!
i love that i get to act in accordance with the laws of the universe
for this moment for everything flowing to and through me
thank you for muses for potential collaborators
grateful for this moment for this breeze for the
winds of change for the feeling for the feeling of yes
so grateful for the feeling of yes and that i get to
choose it
i get to feel the
i get
i get to choose teh feeling
the feeling of yes i get to choose teh
feeling of yes the focus feeling teh god
feeling ig et to cchoose
the god feeling i get to choose the fog
god feeling
so grateful to get to live how i want to live
so grateful to get to connect to feel the
feeling to get to love to get to feel the feeling
this is the feeling i crave
the feeling of connection the feeling of making something
that matters the feeling of
feeling good about myself of seeing myself how i deserv to
be seen
toda i look at myself like i deserve to be seen!!
thank you for the focus for the feeling
for the feeling for the feeling
for the feeling of the flow for the feeling
so grateful for this day
so grateful for where i am
for where i am rgiht now
for where i am right
so grat
grateful for this day
for the calm bliss of this day
grateful for the flow flowing through me for the
focus for the feeling of focus of grounding of groudning
in this moment
breathing easy and slowly in this moment
allow life to ground me allowing me
to say yes to me
easy to return to the focus to the
feeling the knowing of the here and now
easy to return to lakshmi
the feeling the ease and flow
the release of laskmi
the knowing the choosing the choosing of the feeling
the choosing of the feeling
the lakshmi feeling the knowing
feeling teh real
here and nowe ase and flow
the feeling of ease and flow the
feeling of ease and flow
the lakshmi feeling
the lakshmi
and i know it
i know
it celebrate
i don tget w
get wrapped up i just say thank you
i dont
get wrapped up i just say thank you
i just say thank you
i don’t get wrapped up i just say
thank you
relaxed in the knowledge
in the here and now in the
allowing feeling of life flowing through me
life fowling
saying yes to life
saying yes to life
knowing that life
is say in
saying yes to me saying yes
to life knowing that life
is always saying yes to me
is always saying yes to me
saying yes to me
that life is always saying yes to me
the tuning toward lakshmi
tuning to the vibration of lakshmi
knowing the vibration of it
and saying yes relaxing into the
feeling and focusing
on the feeling making the time to
milk the feeling to appreciate the feeling
to love the feeling
to feel the feeling i
feel the feeling i feel it
i feel it
so grateufl so grateful for friends
and to laugh to
so grateful people want to collaborate!
so grateufl for my life
so grateful to feel good to feel good
now to feel good
so grateful for my life
for my easy
life for the perfect neighborhood
so grateful for fun
for a lively evening
so grateful
so grateufl for orders!
to get my little tasks done
so grateful to feel loved and appreciated
so grateful to get a hug
bc the wife appreciates me and has to tell me
so grateful to be appreciated
so grateful to be loved
so grateful for so much to appreciate
and love so grateufl i know
the flow is flowing the
i never have to wonder i never
have to wonder i can just feel the
feeling of tuning to lakshmi
knowing its taken care
of just tuning to that
to that release just tune
to that release
tune to that release
to just say yes and have tun
fun to feel the magick of life
to remember my power!
so gratefu to
remember my power!
the power of my choice and know
that my choice is all there is
and i have to choose
i get to choose i et
get to choose
i get to choose i get to make the choice
i get to ch
to make the choice i get to
make hee
the choice
i get to
make the choice
i get to
make the choice
i get oc hose
to make the choice
to make the choice to feel the
eae and flow
of life to feel the
the resonance of life
the grounding of life
the energy of life
i get to che
celebrate it and say yes instead of wonder and worry
i get to celebrate life
i’m doing this work
remembering this feeling because
its all there is
remembering the power of me
is all there is i know that
all i can do is
keep sayig yes
keep saying thank you
keep allowing keeping allowing
life to flow
through me
through me
through me
i always do this work
because it matters
the feeling work matters
and its always
going to be the most important
how i feel about it
get the feeling place
right and the rest
the rest
lines up
get the feeling place right
and everything else falss into m
place i love that i know this
that i get to love life
that i get to love
love that i get to
really love my life that
i get to say eys to
to the feeling to the flow
to love i get to say yes to loving life
to being as kid to my
kind to my life to my life
as i want it to be to me
i can do it i am
i am my best self.
thank you for this moment thank you
for this moment thank you for this moment
thank you for this moment
this work this feeling that i get to keep coming back to
this feeling that i get to keep coming back to so grateful to
do it to feel the feeling to feel the
feeling the
feeling th
the feeling teh feeling the feeling i get to fele i can
always come back to the feeling i cn
always come back to the feeling
i cana wlays come back to the feeling
always just come back to the feeling
and say thank you
thank you for the order!
thank you for the knowledge so that we can fix it
thank you for the moment
for the flow flowing thorugh
me for the wind
thank you for the day
for the
feeling for the wind
so grateful for the flow
for the feeling the feeling flowing through me
to feel the feeling to come back to the
feeling to know the powe
of the
feeling to remember the power of the feeling
for this moment for this in and out
for this knowledge
for the ability to not even think about it
for the ability to not get in
to feel the focus deepening
to feel the access to the feeling to know that
its all about the feeling and if i just
make my focus the feeling
the rest falls into place
grateful to do this work
the focus work grateful to do this work
the focus work the feeling work
to focus on the feeling
the feeling is always right here and now
and i love that i get to see it
i love when i noticce
life following what i saw in my head
and i just see it in my head and then i know that
it is and i never have to on
wonder or act
i never have to act just trust that it is
i love that what i see
version i see
is always changing
i love that i know this feeling
that i get to feel it i love that i get to love this day i love that
i get to chosoe thi
choose this day i love that i get to choose
this day i love that
i get to feel it get to feel the feeling that
i can always return
to the feeling i love that i havc
can always return to the feeling the feeling the feeling
the focus work the feeling work the
feeling work the feeling work the
feeling work the focus work the love work
the feeling of love work and that’s a
ll there is the feeling of letting it all go
the feeling of letting it
all go letting it all go letting
it all go letting it
all god letting it all go
so graetful to
do this work the feeling work the
feeling work of the flow
so gratful to
to feel the flow flowing to be back to this work
to have the
energy flowing through me
the god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit
so grateful it all worked out!!
and we have more than enough jus like we wnated!!
i know the focus i know the
feeling i know the meaning to life i know
the meaning of life!!
i have found the meaning of life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating
in my life
i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledget hat
activity of divine abu
so grateful to feel the energy of life
running through me
and to know that i can always
return to this infinite supply
and this feeling is my infinite supply
so grateufl i kno and that i get to celebrate this
so grateful i know so get to choose to know
i get to choose to know i get to
i get to choose to know i get to
choose to know
i get to choose to know i get to
choose to know i get to choose to know
i get to choose to know
i get to choose to know
i get to
i know
i get to choose teh feeling
and its’ easy
thank you for this
thank you for this moment for this
feeling for this ec
celebration of life for this
ehre and now
so grateful for this
here and now this
ehre and now i get to feel good
i get to feel good i get to
to feel goo
the feeling is the only work and i can allow it
i can allow it i allow it i allow the
feeling the
feeling i allow the feeling i allow
myself to feel good
i allow myself
to feel good i allow myself
to feel good i allow it
i allow the feeling i allow the god self to flow
i celebrate the god self!!
thank you thank you
so grateful for this day!
for this feeling of feeling good for this
feeling of feeling good!
i love the feeling i love doing the work
i know what it is i know the
secret to life i know
all it is i know all it is
is a feeling of knwoing
i know this
a feeling of letting go i know that all
of life ais
is a feeling of trust
a feeling of knowing i feeling of love i know that
this is all there is
this feeling is all there is the knowledge
is all there is i love that
i love this day i love tha i
get to enjoy it i love that i
get to enjoy life that
i get to feel the god blood
the god feeling flowing through me
knowing its all a choice
tis all a feelign that i get to
choose to feel right now
a lust for life i love that ig et to
feel it
i love that life is good !!
i love that i life is good and that is
always comese i love that i nkkow i love that life is good i love
that life is good i love that
i get to
enjoy it i love that i
get to feel the god energy i love that i
know i have access to the good life i love
that i get to feel
it get to enjoy it i now
now i love that i get to feel it now i ta
that i get to feel the feeling of life
flowing through me
i get to feel the feeling of life
flowing through me
the feeling of a sigh of releif
i love tha ti know my power and i get to feel it!!
i get to feel it i get ot feel the
the god self
i know the power of me!
i know the power of me and tha ti can tap
into it at any time
that i get to feel it all the time
i love
that it already is!!