the focus work the awareness work

the contrast helps me focus work
i can focus where i want and the contrast helps me do that
so through knowing what i don’t want

know i know

now i know what i do and i can
celebrate that switch i get to celebrate matkin

making that switch i get to i
get to i get to i get t

its me its me its how i feel its my attitude
and i get

i get to choose it i get to choose it i
get to pay attention i get to ppay

pay attention to who and what i am
i get to cpay attention to what and what i

who and what i am

i get to choose i get to choose and then
never falter

i can choose to be helpful instead
of meet them where they are

i can choose to be kind instead of communicate to
them IN kind

and i’m so grateful to have the realization
and mmake the switch i get to make t

the switch myself and i love that

i’m learning every day i love
that i’m learning
every day i love that i’m

learning every day i love that
i’m learning every day i love
that i know this every day

the work always works the
feeling always work the feeling
always works the

work always works the work
always works the work

always works the work

always works the work

always works the work
the focus work the focus work and i love
that i can always come back to it
that d

i don’t have to allow anything to
affect how i feel
that i get to choose peace
that the essence is at ease
that i get to choose it
get to allow it to flow
through me to not hit

me it flows through me

ii know its
all flowing to and through me i know that is all flowing to
and through me i know that

its all flowing ro
to and through me i know what i wam i know what i wamt i know

i know what i am i know i am
the energy of life i feel the
energy of life i know the energy of life
and i love that i get to say yes to it

i get to say yes to celebrating life!!

to having fun!!

to enjoyment!!

i love that i get to enjoy

my life enjoy life
enjoy my life

enjoy my life

i love that i get to allowt go
the god to flow in i love that i know the truth

of life and that its here and now
and every mintue i love that
tis all worked out
or it at least


i love

i get to choose it choose the flow
the feeling get to choose

get to choose to choose this here adn now
this moment hiss

this here and now
this he eand now
here and now
i love knowing

i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to chosoe i love that
i can allow the path of least resistance
i love that i can

allow it i love that i can allow it i love that i can
say yes to it i love that i can say

yes to it

be a match i love that i can be a match

i love that i am a match
i love that i am a match

thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you

i love the god self building up within me

i love that i can address the feeling i love
that i can address it and transmute it i love
that i get to be proud of who i am
i love tha ti get to

be proud of who i am
i love that
i get to celebrate it i love
that i don’t have to care

align with the god self the knowing self
the realx

relaxed self the loving self the
accepting self
align with the accepting self

align with the flow of well being align with the flow of well
being align with the flow

of well being align with the flow
of well being

align with i
the truth i love that i can always
align with the

grateful for this moment for this
hee and now
that life is good that there are so many pb

blessings in life so grateful i get to choose
so gratefl i get to chooe i g

i get to choose i get to choose my version
i get to choose my vesrion

come inot

alignment with my version
allowing prosperity i know tha tis
a hurdle for me and i know i n

can use the contrast to help me focus
i love that the contrast always

helps me turn the focus toward god i love that
the god self is always here and now

here and now here and now

i love that i get to choose it
get to release the rest and just

choose teh ee4
the essence at ease in this here and now
essence at ease in this here and now

the essence at ease in

this here and now tan

fun and done!

fun and done!!

i love that i get to feel it that
i get to say yes to
get to feel the feeling

i love that the feeling is here with
me i love that i ge tto feel it
that i get to enjoy life

in my city i love

that i get to enjoy life in my city that
i get to enjoy life right now
enjoy life right now

i get to enjoy life right now

i love that i know the feeling is
here and now i love

that i know this i love that i get to hoose
choose it
get to align with the truth
i know the truth

and i get to align with it

i get to align with it i get to celebrate life!!

i ilove feeling the celebrating of life i love
feeling the feeling of knowing i love that
the feeling is

here and now!!

its here and now i love that the
the feeling of knowing is

here and now!!

the focus work

the feeling work always work sjust

just take my own advice and i love that there’s so much
i can do to feel good
there’s so much i can do to feel good

so grateful to be here now
so grateful for this beautiful night
so grateful i get to feel good now i
get to feel good now i get to feel the
feeling right now
i get to feel good nw i get to

get on the bus! and og
go for the ride i get to have fun
i get to enjoy i get to allow
i get to allow the fun of life
to flow through me
i get to allow the fun of life!!

i love that life
that life is fun i love that i life is fun i love that
i get to i love that
i get to i love that i know

i get the

i love that i know the feeling
i know my personal power i know how to
sieze my pwer


my personal power i love hat
that i know i love that i get t
i feel good now i love that i get to
ti love
i love that i get to that i get to

make the choicet o feel
to feel good now

i know how i feel is all that matters
i know how

how i feel is all that matters
is all that matters is all that matters
i know

that how i feel is all that matters
that matters that matters

that matters

the feeling and i can allow it in any moment just by saying yes i love that i cana lways just

say yes to waht is i know i love that i know the
feeling that i can always find the feeling i can

always find the feeling i can

always align

this work the focus works4a
always works i am in the feeling work i am

the feeling work i am deep in the feeling work and
i’m proud of myself for doing the things
that make me feel good

doing what i had to
to feel better to feel good
for me to be awrae of

it and feel good find a way to feel
good no matter what i can always find a way to feel
good i can always find a way to feel good i can

always find a way to feel good to release the tension

to release the resistance
to feel the feeling of god
to feel the
feeling of love

flowing through me
i can

always chosoe to feel good
i can al

always chosoe toa llow it
and it comes
so grateful to feel good so

grateful to feel good so
grateful to feel good

to feel the feeling of god

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing tis ture
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility not mind

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident in
letting go and letting god appear

as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affars

i love that i get to that
i cana lways let go
i can let go and let god and that

is my power i ahve the pwer to

let go and let god i love that i get to i love
that i know my power i love that i know the power of me the

the feeling of me the feeling of

i know the feeling of god i know the feeling of god
i know that feeling of god i know

the feeling of god and i love that i get to choose it i love that
i can jsut allow life i can allow life
to happen i can just allow it to be whatever it wants

i love that i know this i loe th
that i know this i love that i know this
that i get to choose i get to choose
how i feel and i get to celebrate life right now


i love that ig et to celebrate life right now i love that i know
life is good i love that i know god is good i love that i know

its good!!

its fun!!!

i love that i get to choose fun
i love that i get to choose
god i love that


chooses me
i love that i know this
i love that nothign matters
and its all just

a straight line that i can

align with this straight line anyt ime
i love that i get to i love
that i get to co

i love that i get to

i know its all the god self its all a feeling its all

the god self its all the feeling its all
the god self its all

the feeling i love that i get to i love that
i get to i love that i get to feel it
i love that i get to feel the magick of life flowing through me

that i can always come back tot eh t

to the truth to let of
go of all the thoughts and come back to the truth

i know that its all about the connection to source
all about the connection to i know ths i know t
this i know this

i know this i can choose the feeling any time
i can choose teh
feeling any time i choose i

it i cultivate it ichoose it in my life
i love that i get to feel good that i can
do it i that

that i can feel good no matter hat
and refuse to feel bad i love that i know tis a

its all up to mup t the
up to the eneryg


the essence is at ease and that’s all that matters

put the essence at
ease and allow the rest to all

fall into place
put the essence at ease

and allow the rest

to fall into place

easy to feel good

easy to feel good for me easy
to feel good for me for me the feeling easy to get to the
feeling focus on the feeling
tuning toward the feeling

tuning toward the feeling tuning toward the
feeling tuning toward the feeling u

become it first with thank you
and allow source to be the substance
allow source to be the substance and
that’s all i need i love that
i know this il ove that
i get to choose

it i love that i get to choose it

allow source to be the subtance
and tune myself towards the effects of that
i know tis up to me to choose and i love
how good i feel when i make the choice
when i make the choice
to not think
about wanything
anything i dont want i love that
i get to call

allow source to be the substance
i get to allow

the straight line of the
devotion the straight

line of the devotion

the devotion
the devotion
to the straight line the devotion
to the straight line
i love that i get

feel the feeling of the straight line
feel the feeling right now allow the god
self allow the

devotion allow

the devotion allow the devotion
allow the devotion

allow the devotion
allow the devotion

allow the devotion
allow the devotion

allow the straight line allow
the feeling allow the feeling
allow the feeling allow

allow the feeling allow the flow
allow the devotion
allow the devotion

allow the straight line allow
the god self allow
the god self allow the god self

allow the god self allow the god self

allow the god self through allow the god self tocome t

allow allow allow allow

i can do it and its ok if i have moments
where i’m out of the vortex
i’m learning more and more

learning every day
how to live how to drive this

how to feel the feeling

feel towards what i want use
my powers of creation to choose
i get to choose i get to choose

just like that i’m devoted
just ath

like that the substance
is the supply

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing
its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibiliy
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the
abudant all sufficiency in my life and affairs


all in the feeling its all in the
feeling and i am aware of how the feeling

affects what isee how iexperience my life
i know that life is good i know that life is good
i know that life

is good i know that life is good i know that

life is good i kknow that nothing matters
i can always come back to center bacck to the
feeling to the focused self i can

always return to the focused self to the god self

just focus on the version that is wanted and that’s
it is so very easy and i’m here i’m here
in the version i prefer

i’m here in the version i prefer
i’m here

by life energized by the life flowing through me
and i love that i get to be i love that i get to
feel energized by life i love that
i get to

i knowt het ruth
of life and i coose it

choose it right now i

now the truth of life
and i choose it right now
i choose
the version that

is the truth i choose the version that is
the truth
to know that tah

that i am infinite i kno wthat i
am infinite i know that i m

am infinite i know tha ti am
i know that

i feel energized by life
i feel energized by life i am

life i am the god life i get to enjoy life
the yes life iam the

am the yes life i am the
yes life i am

i am the yes

life i am the straight line
an di’m lea

learning how to not let things
get to me jy

my only job is not to care my only
job is to not care
my only job is to not care my only

job is to not care i know that i’m learning
i’m learning how to not care not let it affect me
just stay where i want to be and i know this

this is my ultimate power is to just
be where i want tobe i

get to just be where i

i want to be i get to be wher ei want


i get to choose the feeling
right now i ge to choose the
feeling right now i get


choose it get to choose the alingment right onw


the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing its true nature
of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mind

my only responsibility
is to be awre of this truth

i love the straight line i love the devotion
i love the deovt

devotionand i bless

the contrast
that helps me focus
i bless the congras

contrast that helps me focus i bless

the contrast that helps me focus

the contrast that helps me focus
i bless the contrast i bless life l

thank you for reaching the pinnacle of success
i love that i’ve made it i love that
i’m already here i love hat i’m

that i’m already here i love that
i’m already

here i love that i already made it!!

i love that i know

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature
of abundance

this is its responsibility

not mine

my only responsibility
is to be awre of this


i am totally confident in

letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in my life

and affairs

i love that i know the truth
and the contrast helps me focus i love that
i know thre’s more than enough

there always is i love that

i am totally confidnet in letting go
and letting god

i love this day!

i love that i get to feel good i love that i can

do it on my own

i love that i get to feel the feeling that
i get to feel the feeling of loveing
loving life and feeling good i love
that i get to feel good

i get to feel good i get to celebrate life i get to
jump right in i get to feel good about that
i get to feel good about atht i
get to do this focus work

the expanding to fill the moment work i love that
i get to do it i love that

i get to do it i love that i
get to do it i love that i
get to do it i love that i get to do the focus work
get the feelingwrok

wrok feel the feeling msyelf work
almost better because i know
how to access it how to harness it
harness my power i love that i know
how to harness my power i’m

here harnessing my power in the here and now
allowing myself to prosper in this
here and now i’m allowing myself to prosper

i’m allowing myself to prosper i now it’s alll flowing my way
i know that life
si good i

i love that i know i love that i know
the straight line is all there is i love that i get to choose it

thank you become it first with tahnk you
becomet he straight line with tahnk you
become the straigh link with whatever it takes

just be the straight line and that’s all that matters
bring the god self to this moment and thinen

then this moment is perfect then
this moment is god i loe that i know that

this that i know the focus work
that i can bring myself fully into this moment

fully into this vortex fully into the god feeling

fully fully fully
ont he bus

totally filled up with god and i love that
i get to gi love
i love that i know ti can only reflect me i love that
i know ti

only reflect me

the focus work the decid
dedication to it to not thinking
aboutw hat i dont want and
that’s all it is

the focus work the
ehre and now
work the ehre and ow

thank you thank you thank you
become it first with thank you
become it first with thank you

be happy right now with thank you
i know teh truth i know the god self i know the
power of me

i know the truth
i know the god self i know the power of me
i know the

tuning work i know the flat line
die to live
i know the flat line
i know it and i know its true
i know the feeling is all there
is and i fieel it

it now all that matters is how i feel
what i expect to happen

what i’m looking to see

grateful for grateful for

the energy of me the energy of me
the energy of me

energy of me the knowledge of

the straight line get to choose teh straight line
of the here andn ow
get to choose

the straight line
get to choose

the version and then i don’t have t
to wonder get to choose the
laser focuse
get to choose the
laser focus get to choose the line
the unwavering line
teh unwavering
line get to choose it get to choose it
get to choose it

get to
choose it get to choose it and know
i get to choose teh life i want
i love that i knwo i get to choose it
get to feel for it get to feel for it
get to feel for it and know its alway s


grateful i get to feel it
grateful i get to feel good

get to feel the straight line
get to feel the alignment

get to feel the tuning

get to feel the fui

i get to feel it i get to feel the

i get to feel the truth i get to feel
the truth i get to

feel the truth

the truth i get to feel
i get to know teh trith

truth get to act in accordance with the truth
i love that i get to

that i get to bring the god self to every
interaction i love that i get to di

i love that life is good i love that i

get to feel good i love that i
get to feel god i love that i get

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you

thank you for this here and now
here and now this here and now

here and now this here and now
this here and now now

this here and now

this hre

this flat line
this laser focus and i know that
tha’ts all thee is
refuse tof cous
anywhere else

refuse to think about it
refuse to think about it
i love that i know i love that i know

the power of em i love that
i get to feel it to

get to tune into it
knowing here and now
and more than ever that it’s only ever me

it feels good to remember this
to bring this

knowledge to the top to act accordingly to act accordingly
i love that i get to that i get to
feel good that everything already is perfect
that i get

to stop striving

that i never have to strive i love that
i knoww this
i love that i kn

that i know this
that i know this t

that i know this
that i know this i knwot he truth
i get to live by it i love that i know the
truth and i get to live by it
i love

that i get to live by it i love that
i get to live by it that i get to veel

feel the

straight line that i
get to feel the laser focus
i gt to feel the laser focus

i get to feel the laser

grateful to have a good attitude

and feel life flowing through me
grateful to be able to see the difference
its ok i noticed that i had a bad attitude before
and i

still totally love forgive and accept myself
i had a bad attitudfeee and i noticed it and switched
it and then i got to enjoy my life

to feel good i know that is all that matters
and i’m grateful i’m aware so grateful i’m awre

of my mood and how it affects my life
i know this is true i know my attitude
creates i know all that matters
is how i feel and i’m so grateful that i hav e

have the tools i have the tools to change my attitude

i love that i can do it
i love tha ti did it and it works i love that
i am very awre o

of how i feel i love htat i get to feel good

thank you for the knowledge for the

laser focus for the substance of spirit
the substance known as spsir


thank you for the feeling of a good attitude
so grateful to have a good attitude!!

so gratefl for this this
this day for this feeling for this focus
for the feeling of focus
for the feeling
of catching a wind for the
feeling of leaning into life
and having a good attitude!!

today i have a good attitude!!

i know i can do it i can be a person
who has a good attitude
who is pleasant to be around who always
has a positive outlook
or at least not a negative one!!!

so grateful to feel good to
changet he way
i do things the way i look at things
to have the

ability to change the wya i look at things
and also
talking about things

brings it to the surface
and i’m aware of the way
that i project my frustrations

and if i could just look at the frustrations
for what they are
just look at the heart of the grus

then i feel better and i’m going to do that more
because once i name what the

real frusstation

its almost comical
like it doesnt matter
and then once that is padded


its easier to have a good attitude!!

thank you thank you thank yoiu tha

thank you thank you

thank you
become it first with thank you
tune myeslt

myself to thank you
tune myself to a good attitude
and that makes everything easier

so grateful to feel good
to have a good attitude
to come to cneter to
not allow frustrations

affect me so much!!

i am calm i am centered
and i don thave to allow things
to take me from center so eaisly

i am devoted to
center i am devoted to center

thank yout hank y

thank you thank you
thank you thank you
thank you

thank you
i beomce i

become it first with thank you
i allow the god energy to be enev

everything i allow the god energy to
be enough i come back to the straight line

knowing tis all the straight line
the laser focus the laser focus

just ask and it is given and i love that i know that

the focus work the focus work the
focus work the focus

the laser focus the laser focus the

laser focus the laser
focus the
laser focus the laser focus

the laser focus work the laser focus
work and a good attitude
comes with that because i’m laser focused on how
i want to feel and i love that i can
always come back to that

i love that i can always come back to that
the laser focus on how i awna
want to feel the laser focus on the numbers or whatever
it is but it

always comes back to laser focus

turn the thoughts the
attention to one single point
and that’s all that matters
i love that i get to choose it and i love that
i get to choose to have a good attitude
about myself as well
i love that i get to choose to have fun
i get to choose to be a match to it
to the one single line

to the

to know that all of life is the dot
that all of life

reflects me

i’m allowed to feel good i’m allowed to
feel good now because i know its only me

all of it is me
its a simulation i love that i know
this and i get to decide i love that
i get to decide i love that i am

of who and what i am
i love that i know tis all

none of it is real and all of it
is me i love that i get to ch


the version i’m in
and then i am i know i can do it

ive done it before

been so focused that i can notice
a negative thoughts pattern

right when it comes and drop it right wa

away i know that is my power and i know
i can do it i know i can do it

i nkow i can

i can bring this power back i know the power of me
i now i d

i know i don tha

i know i can always feel good
can always have a good attitude
and i love what

a difference that energy makes in my life
i love that i am awera
of the energy

what i put out ther eis what i get back
and i love hat i know this
that i get to choose the version and then
it si
i love hat

that it’s this easy to choose the version i love
that i get to choose teh versio n

the version choose teh knowing
choose teh vibration
choose teh signal

choose the wave

practice the feeling of knowing
and know that that
feeling that straight line

is all there is i know this
the feeling is all there is the

laser focus is all ther eis

so grateful

grateful for a support system
to have a wife and family who love me
who are there for me when i’m not
there for myself
who loves me when i’m not my best
who helps me be my best when i feel like i can’t

so grateful thank you thank you thank you
thankyou thank you thank you thank you

thank you for this day for someone to care about me
and help me feel better!!

i’m so lucky i have someone!!!!!!!

so so so so so so so so so lucky

thank you thank you thank you
overwhelmed with gratitude

so grateful i’m almost sad

i am sad i’m sad that i’m not perfect and have issues
and that my partner is there for me no matter what

but so so grateful
so grateful this day turned out good
so grateful to turn it around
so grateful to talk about it
to get to the heart of it to

get better i know i’m getting better
i’m trying i’m trying i’m trying i’m aware
of my work and i’m really trying!!

i can give myself that i can
be easier on myself i can say thank you for everything that
is that life

keeps loving me so grateful life loves me

thank you thank you
thank you thankyou t

thank you
thank you
i can always become it with thank you
i can always become god with thank you

i know its all a hologram
its all me its all me its all me

i know its all a hologram i know its all me
i know its all thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you
thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank yo u
thank you thank you

i can always become it first
with thank you

thank you thank you thank you
for the reminder for the knowledge for the

reminder that it’s all fake and none
of it matters that its
all a simulation and none of it matters

all that matters is feeling good and having fun
feeling good and having fun

thank you thank you thank you for teh
knowledge for the reminder for the straight line

for the feeling of the devotion to the straight line thank you
for the feeling of teh devotion thank you
for the
feeling of teh

devotion for the straight line
for the laser focus to remember its about the feeling
its about the laser foucs not

the action so grateful for this day
for the way this day turned out

so grateful for this day
that it turned out good that we
can always talk through it so grateful we always do
so grateful we love each other

so gratefljl
for this day for this momen

for the summer air

so grateful for the summer air
so grateflu
for the summer air

so grateful to feel good to feel the
flow flow flowing
through me to feel the flow
flowing through me
so g

grateful to feel it

so grateful for to feel
to feel it so grateful to feel it

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
for the focus for the feeling for teh knowing

for the knowledge for the devotion
knowing its the laser focus that’s all it is

4 hours every day to laser focus
and i love that i’m doing it i love that i know i love
that i remember now i love that
i know i love that i
get to choose the laser focus

the devotion to the laser focus

my inner supply instantly
and constantly takes on form and experience
according to my needs and desires

and as the principle of desire

principle of supply in action
it is impossible for me
to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

thank you for this day for this oment
moment for this feeling thank you for this feeling
thank you for this feeling thank you
for this feeling
thank you

for this feeling thank you for this
feeling thank you for the reminder thank yo
thank you for the reminder of what’s important
and i love that it alwyas comes back

the real truth
we always come back to the real truth
i love that i feel it i love
that i feel it i love that i

i can feel it i love that i can feel it
i love that i can feel the straight line
i know aht the
the straight line feels like and i know
my only work is
to commune with that straight line
to commune with hat
that laser focus

to commune with that laser focus
commune with the laser commune with the laser and i know
that;s all

commune with the laser and know that is all there is i love that
i can i love that i get to i love that i get to

i love that i get to commune with the laser i love that i
get to

i love that

grateful for the focus
for the laser for the laser to remember what i am

to remember who i am
to remember its so much more than that
to remember who and what i really

my inner supply
instantly and constantly

takes on form and experience

according to my needs and desires
and as the principle of supply in actin it is

impossible for me to have
any unfulfilled

needs or desires

thank you for the knowledge
so grateful to remember to remember none of it matters
to commune with the straight line and let the
rest fall into place

to commune with the straight line
and get out of the way

my inner supply instantly
and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and
desires and as the principle of supply
in action
it is impossible for me to have any unfulfilled
needs or desires

thank you

thank you for the god energy thank you for the flow energy for the
flow of life thank you for the flow of life thank you for the flow of life

flwing through me

thank you for the flow of life

thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank yo

its easy to turn the boat

its easy to turn the boat when yo’re
you’re aware of how you feel and the energy flowing through you
it’s easy to turn the boat when you’re in the practice
and i love that it is easy
its easy to move downstream
to allow life to propel me its easy to feell good

it feels good to type it feels good
to get in the flow it feels good to feel good
to feel the flow to feel the feeling of yes it feels good

to feel the feeling of yes it feels good to

it feels good to turn the boat because i want to
becuase i know how to

grateful to do this work and feel good
to feel filled up to allow myself the time
and psace

space to feel filled up so grateful for the time
and space so grateful to feel good
to feel good now
to feel good now

so grateful to do this wotk the only work
and know that alll of life

all of life reflects the feeling the
feeling and i get to choose just choose and then
it is

do i insist?? on not believing lol
why can i believe

can i know for sure in one moment
and doubt in the next

so weird

why choose that i love
that it’s easy to choose the version i prefer
to choose teh version
i prefer
a chance to do the work
i chance to do the work

i get to choose how i want to fele
i get o
to choose it
just ask just

i feel good and i feel the flow
flowing i feel the winds of change i feel
the god self here with me

the celebration
self here with me i feel all of
life here with me i now i can
do i iknow i can

choose the version i prefer and know
its that esay i know i can use my powers i know i can
i know i can i know i can get there
to the feeling place i know i can
and i know that is the only work that
is how you make it

you become it you become it i love that i know this
i love that i know this

i know that is the only work the feeling work is the only work i love that
i know this

i love that i know this i love that i know this
i love that life feels good i love that i know the
feeling place i love that i know the feeling place anc

the only work is getting to the feeling place
the od place

the only workk is
getting to the feeling place

grateful to feel the feeling place
to feel the feeling place so
grateful to feel the feeling place to know the
feeling place to know i get to choose
to return to the choice
to flip the swithc to remember i get to choose

to remember its the god self always flowing through me
to remember i’ll never be poor again!!

so grateful i know this that
the flow is always flowing that life is always

so grateful i nkow this i know this i know this i know the
feeling i know the feeling i know

the feeling

so grateful for this work
for the vortex which is always here waiting for me
so grateufl to

catch a wind to feel the energy of life
to love the energy of life

thank you for this feeling for this kowledge
knowledge thank you for the knowledge of

who and what i really am i love that i
get to choose that i get to see the
version i want to

act out and then act it out i love that i
get to choose it i love that its already here
i love tat i can

feel it i love that

it already is

i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose and then its thee
i get to choose and then its there
i get to choose
and then its there

its there its there

its there i love that i get to choose
that i get to choose to feel free and feel good
i love that i get to choose love i love

love that i get to choose fun i love that
i kow life

life loves me i love feeling the life
inside of me i love feeling all of life flowing through me

i love hat i

that i get to just ask and its is given
and then i dont have to think about it again
i love that i know that

this i love that i never have to wonder i love that i
never have to wonder i love that
i never

ahve to wonder

so grateful for this day
grateful life is working out grateful

fro t

for the flow flowing through m
grateful to say yes right now
to say yes

to the flow right now
to say

yese to the flow right now to say yes

to the flow right now
to say yes
to the flow right nnow

to say yes to the feeling right now

right now to say yes to the
feeling right now
the feeling firht

right now feel the feeling

right now i love htat i know i love that
i know that the god self is always

all i ever need

money is not my supply
no person place or condiditon
is my supply

my awareness

and knowledge

of the all providing activity of
the divine mind within me is my supply
my consciosness
of this truth is unlimited

therefore my supply is unlimited

my spp
i know my supply is unlimited and ik ow that
all of life is about reconnecting with that truth

i love that i get to have fun i love t
aht there’s always more than enough i love that
at any moment

i can become it i love that i can always become it

i can’t bleieve how oppressive the heat is lol

thank you

thank you thank you

thank you thankyou
thank you thank you thank

you thank you thank you
thank you

thank you thank you thankyou
thankyou thank you

thank you

thank you for this day to wake up feeling good
thank you for life being
breathed into me!!

thank you for muses!!
for external motivation!

thank you for the feeling of waking up
feeling good thank you for the
feeling of the weekend of friday
thank you for firdsy

fridays and iced coffee and the
breeze the beautiful breeze

thank you for this day for love
for classes for the feeling of enjoying working
out thank you for opportunities that are pouring
my way thank you for life thank you for life

thank you for the feeling
the feeling of focus the feeling of god flowing through me
thank you for the feeling of god
flowing through me

through me through me

thank you thank you thank yo
thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you

i’m here i’m here doing this work
feeling the feeling of thank you
feeling the perfection of this moment

saying thank you to this moment
i say thank you
to this moment to this everything i say
thank you to this day i relax into this

i expand to fill this moment
because i’m grateful for it because iknow this
is the main event because i know the
feeling of god because

i know how to draw into my mind and feeling nature

the very substance of spirit

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you

i love the feeling of thank you of loving
life of expanding to fill life i love the

the feeling i know the feelign i knwo the
feeling of the switch of the choice and know

i get to make the choice
get to make the switch any time and that
is my work and that is my power
i love that i get to choose love in
every moment and know that life
coms to feel th

feel and fill that space that life feels the love
andshow it

it to me i love that i get to enjoy this day
i love that i get to feel good about it

get to do this work the thank you work

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you

i love that life is what i want it to be
i love that i genuinely love my life

i know that i can do it i can allow the creativity to flow
i love that i can do it i love that
i get to do it i love that life is good i love that

there is always a solution
a good one!!

thank you for the perfect solution i love that
i know life is alawys working out for me
i love that life is good i love that

life is good i love that lfe
loves me
i love that life

loves me i love that i get to feel the
feeling of it i love that i
get to feel good i love that i get to feel good

get to love life get to say thank you
tahnk yo u
thank you

get to expand to fill this space

get to fill the space

thank you thankyou thank yo u

get to feel how i want to feel get to feel
how i want to feel
i love that i

thank you!

thank you for this moment
thank you for this here and now
thank you for life

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you

thank you

thank you thank you thank you
i expand to fill this space with gratitude
because i know this
is the main event i know this is in my favor
i know life loves me i know that
everything loves me i know

its all me!!

i know reality is subjective i know that
i can just ask and then it is i know that
i get to choose how i feel i know the
power of me the

power of tuning the self i love that i know
that i get to feel it that i get to fee the

the power of me the love of me
knowing that its all me knowing that ill be

happy either wya knowig that life
is o my


thank you thank you thank you thank you

for this knowledge for these powers of
creating i lov

creation i know that
in every moment i get to choose and as long
as i know this
then life is perfect i love that i know
this and if i ever think i’m

missing something its this
knowledge and i can always return to this
knowledge and feel this

feeling i can always feeling

feel this feeling of love of certainty
of lust for life

thank you for this feeling of knowing
thank you for these

powers of creation i love that
i get to create i love that i

get to create i love that i get

i get to create i get to know i love that
i get to ch

to know get to choose the version i want i love
tat i

that i get to feel this feeling
get to feel the feeling of knowing
that its all me it alwa

all reflects me that i get to choose
to feel good no matter what!!

i love that i get to feel this feeling
get to really love my life

what more can you ask for1?!

i really love my life!!