
where i want it tuning to the vibration
the sound teh sound of love tehs ound of yes

tuning to yes focusing on yes yes
in this here and now ty

yes in this here and now yes

this here and now yes to
this here and now and i love taht
i get to choose it i love that
i get to choose
it i love that i get to focus toward it i love
that i can focus toward it i love

that i can focus toward it i love

back o the
to the feeling back to center back
to center back to center move it back to cneter

center in this moment in this moment
i’m here now i’m here now in

this moemtn i’m here and i let
the rest go i’m celebrating in this

tuning to the perfectin of

this moment the divine presence i am
and i know that’s the truth
i know that i love that i know

that i am the divine presence

i am

i love that iknow this and its easy to remember it
i love coming ehre re

remembering the focus
not that its a race but its about keeping
the foccus its aoubt

keeping the words flowing so the focus stays here
doesn’t stray
the focus stays here the focus

stays here the focus stays
here in thiss moment
in this here and now in thiss

here and now in this here and now

the focus on the feeling the focus in thie

this hee and now thei shere and n

focus on tuning focus on tuning
feeling it feeling good feeling good rigght now
right now
feeling good right now

feeling good right now
ccelebrating right now

allowing my heart to sing right now

i’m allowing my heart to sing

i allow my heart to sing

focus on the feeling fee
the feeling of knowing god is on y
mmy side the
feeling of knowing
life is on my side

the feeling of knowing life
is on my side

the feeling of knwoing
life is on my side the feeling

the feeling of this

here and now and noen
none of the matters
the focus on this moment the focus in
this moment

trusing instincts

trusting feelings
and letting everything else go
knowing that everything i
ever asked for is on its way
i love that i know that i love that
i know that

i love that i know that i love that
i know this

i love that i know this

the tuning to center
the tuning to center

the feeling at center
to god at center

the knowledge at center
the divine presence i am

divine presence i am
i love that i get to choose it right now
and let the rest go i love that
i don tha

have to care about
i get to focus ig et t

to focus on the god self on the celebration self
on the heart singing i love that i
get to allow my heart to sing i love that
life is good i love that
i get to

to celebrate my good

my good fortuend i get to celebrate

i love thatthis is going to be so fun and easy
i love that my life i

already is i love that i
get to choose it i love that

i love that i know the feeling the
feeling of center the feeling of

god here with me i love that
i know the truth i love that
i know the

i love that i know the truth i love that
there is always more than enough i love

that i know that life is happening to and through
me i love that i know life is good i love

that i know life is good i love that

i know life is good i love
feeling good in my life i love that life
is good i love that

life is good i love that
i get to feel good get to love get to

let it alll loose get to a

allow god
to flow
fully through me
i love that
i get to feel the
god self

flowing totally through me i love that
i know the truth i love that the
truth is already right here i love that
i h

i already have everything i need!!

i love that it’s already right here
i love that i already have everything i ever

wanted i love that life is good i love that

life loves me i love that

life loves me

this work the only work teh tunin

tuingn work here tuning tuning myself
the vibration and so grateful that life just keeps flowing

to and through me so grateful for our guy
and that he lets me knwo and comes with the quickness

that the atm is fixed
that the mgr got us more la croix

that we have orders!!

and a new sub!!

new old sub!!

and dones for dinner!!!

so so much to be grateful for
os much tos

so much so many

blessings in every moment

so many blessings in every

single moment
in every single oment

so mny blessings and so mch to

much to love so much to love

the divine presence i am

the focus the feeling

the feeling of god the feeling of love coming
through me returning remembering who iam

in every moment remembering who i am
in every moment so grateful to remember who i am
to feel good to feel validated
to feel the feeling focus on the feeling

feel uplifted by the feeling

feels so good to feel good
it feels so good
to feel good to feel the flow

to get there so grateful to do this work the only
work to sit and focus on how i want to feel

not only that but milk the feeling of everything working out for me say yes to
everything working out for me say yes
to this feeling allow this feeling
allow this feeling
to grow do the work the focus

focus work focus right here and now and that
this is all there is the real focus the focus in this moment
letting everythign esle

go really feeling this moemtn and focusing on it

doing this work to remember how to focus
and i love that i’m so goood at it
i love that its easy to cresate

to remember the version i prefer
to remember to

i get to feel how iw ant

so grateful to feel how iw ant to go
back to feeling how i want

so grateful everything is working out for us!!

for all of us!
so grateful life loves me so grateful life is flwing
through me so grateeful the
better it get sto

to do this work and focus right here and now
right her eand n

here and now focus in this moment only
no past or futre

future only god only god
in this here and now
only god in hti s

ehre and now
only god in this very ommetn and i love the

the feeling of god

so grateful to feel good again
to feel like myself again to like myself again

so grateful to feel good again
to feel good again
to feel good again
to feel like myself again
to feel god again

greateful to feel god in this here and now to know god
in this here and now so

grateful for this feeling this feeling
to emem

remember who i am to love who i am
to love this love to now want to go to bed
to love getting up!!

to love this love to love this life
to love my life
to love wher ei am right now
to know that i already have
what i want
what i need

the tuning work the vibrational work
and it always works i love that it always

works this work always works the god work
always works the god

the god work the focus work i’m practicing focusing
my attention on what i want to see more of
and i know that is
the only work i know that is the only w

work becoming aware of your thoughts become
aware of your thoughts

become aware of your thoughts and how they make you
feel and then choose different ones if they make you feel
bad its really that easy i love that
tis that

that easy and i know ti i love that
i love thati’m the

creator i love that
i can break free of patterns i love
that i ccan allow

my god self to emerge more and more
i love that i know my god self
is always emerging more and more
i love that i get to
choose love i love that
ig et to feel the feeling of love right now
that i get to feel the feeling of loving mys

my life that ig et to feel this day
that i get to focus
ont he version i prefer i love that life

is good i love that life is good i lvoe that
i know i love that i get to choose

i love that

i get to choose

i’m focused here
in the magick of htis mom

moment in the god of this moent
now this one now this one

so grateful to do this work
the only work and feel so centered
so grounded int eh t

the truth

so grateful to feel grounded in teht ruth
to know the truth of life and
get to live by it!!

to know the truth of life and get to live
by it!

the truth of life i feel the truth
of life inside of me
and i know i get to live by this truth
so grateful i get to feel

the feeling of connecting with this truth
and that it is always here

tis alw

its always here its always here

the truth is always right here with me

i want to let it all go

get back to before i had this weird
things stuck in my vibrational craw

that isn’t even that’s made up mbut
but my subconscious
keeps trying to make it real

im over it!
and justs like that i let it go
i feel good in my life
i feel love in my life
so grateful life is good

focus on what is wanted
focus on evidence of what you want
and i love that i get to feel it
its like i know its the

indicator but its
making me feel it

i get that i get that
its bringing it to light its bringing it to light
something ive been running over and over

wondering if im good enough
if they all hate me
all my family
all of my loved ones hate me for being me
and i must hate me for being me
which is just an indicator
of the lie
the great lie but i know the great truth
so i can turn that hate into love and love

allow love to flow through me

remembering that love is always the answer
its the answer to every question

knowing that love is the answer to
every question
so grateful i know that
so grateful i know that i can turn toward love


grateful to know the truth to remember the truth
and to let go of the

big lie

the big lie bowski

so grateful to remembe to do this work
the focus work and find the god self
to find the god se

let the contrast be the point
of transmutation
of standing up to my thoughts


that’s all i have to do

i’m not going to be run by those thoughts

i really think that stupid book
did this to me lol
it like

infiltrated my mind
and made me like that stupid ass character


just wow

powerful stuff
never again will i read a book where

i hate the way the main character thinks lol


so grateful i know me i knwo what i am i know who i am
that i get to choose to feel good about myself
that i know the

the feeling that its easy to feel and that
it comes from loving it comes from loving
no matter what
and being certain that life
is on my side

i know its only me and i know tis
easy i know tis

its easy to turn it
i love

i’m so grateful i’m aware of it
and i know its only ever me
so grateful i can turn it i can g

trannsmute i can transmute it

feel the way i want to feel

the divine presence I AM

the divine presence I AM

the divine presence i am
the divine prsence

iam i know

the divine presence

i am

is the source
and the substance of all my good

i know this i know this
and i know the feeling i know the
feeling and i know that i can let those thoughst go

the self hatred the wondering
what i did wrong
the looking for something wrong the picking
on my reality looking for something to be wrong
when it ins’t

making something out of nothing
no need to make something out of nothing

make nothing out of something

make nothing of it and i love that
i get to do that

turn back toaward

toward gratitdue
toward god toward how i want to feel

how i want to feel
i get to choose i’m tired of feeling

a way that i know is untrue

i’m over its so

made up and lame!!

i love that i know this i love
that i get to choose me i love that i am
awaare of

it i lovee that i get to choose myself
choose teh god self i love that
i have the

tools i love that i have the tools
i love that i get to transmute it i lovet he
process of doing so

feeling the other side of the wave
the wave i want to feel the
side i want to feel i get to choose it

so grateful its flowing
in every directoin so grateio


grateful life is good
so grateful to make my best work!

so grateful life is good so grateful to do the work
to feel good doing teh work
so grateful to feel good to

feel the flow the flow of life
tof cous to focus whre i want and allow the god self to rise

rise so grateful to fee the god self rise
to feel the god self rise

i dont have to care

i dont have to feel that way
and if i feel that way
that measn its in me

its me

its only ever me its only ever me and i can
choose the other side of the wave

i can choose love and it doesnt
have to be on that topic
i can just find it on any topic
i can

just find it on any topic

i can do it

i am doing it
i am doing
i am

i know this i know the feeling is right here
and part of it is it just takes a moment
to focus on it to feel it to remember it to

hold on to it long enough to remember what it feels like
to know

to remember its always there that its’s

always been there and will always be there
and grateful for the contrast that helps me
focsu on what wnat
knowing that the other side of thew av
the wave is right there

and i get to ride it

its me making it up its me
trying to make something from nothing!!

i know that now i know that now
and i’m so grateful for this work which
helps me remember that

remember that its me that its god
its just god that’s missing tha’ts
all and

god is never missing god
is right here with me always

its me

pushing god out
not leaving room for god
not thinking
in the way of god feeling in the
way og f

of god its me

resisting the truth of god.

why am insisting on
perpetuating something not true

that i know is not true
just allow the truth

just allow the lies to subside
just let them go they aren’t real

aren’t real and i know ths i know that
i canjust

just switch backt ot
to the version i prefer i love that
its that easy and i love that life
helps me do it i love that i kno

know this feeling so well know this work so
well i love that i gt to feel
good about myself

get to love msyelf

i love that i get to
allow love to flow through me
i dont have to

cut it off

i am doing it im doing it
im giving what i want to get im
cultivating confidence with compassion

im back to the real me
i’m back to the real me

the confident me
the knowing me
im g

back to the old



me and when old shit tried t

tries tocome
up its a gift because it helps you

remember who you are
how far you’ve come it helps me

remember who i really am

it’s only ever me

and i get to choose how i feel
how i feel about life how i feel about me

how i feel about right now
how i feel right now i get to decide and
i know this work always works the focus work
always works feeling good always works

making the choice

always works making the choice always works
remembering the truth always works

am i on the bus?
then make the choice to be on the bus
and its that easy i love that
i get to choose to ride the bus

take the ride i get to enjoy the ride so grateful to enjoy the ride

just get right back on and its that
easy i know this is the work
and this is my power

i dont have to spend a signle sec

second thinking about what i dont want
and its really easy to do that

that is what the work helps me remember

tis really
easy to choose how i want to feel
becausee when i do

then that is the version i get to live
and its just that
that easy to turn the boat turn the boat

toward enthrusi


on the bus entusiasm
and i loe that it sju

its just that easy to turnt he

the boat
to turn the bus and i know that

turning the boat is

turning the boat is my
only work i know this and i know that
its esay i know that its easy

just go back to feeling how you want to feel

looking forw hat you want to see.

i love to do this work

to return to the center of this
work to return to the truth of this work
the only turht t

truth the only truth
i love that i can always return to the only truth

to tune myself to the vibration and its
so easy it so easy to feel the
feeling feeling

so easy to tune myself to
god to une myse

tune myself to god and
release the rest
so grateful to release the rest

to release the rest
so grateful to release the rest

so grateful to tune into god
to feel the feeling of god to feel the
feeling of god

so grateful to feel the feeling of god to
tune myself to tune myself
so grateful to tune mys

i’m tuned i’m tuned i’m tuned


i love this wrok the feeling work
the knowing t


work the seeing evidence i love
seeing evidence!!

i love that it’s all flwing!!

i love having such a great day!
i love that life is good!!

i loe that its ccoming from all angels!

i love that we hve more than
enough i love that i get to feel

i know that god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent

substance of the

this all providiing source

of infinie preosperity

is individualized as me

the reality of me

release resistance and feel relief

the focus on what is wnated
and that is the fitness of the mind

picking up the attention over and over again
until the weight becomes lighter
until its second nature
until its a toothpick.

that’s the work that’s the work
and i’m happy to do it because it works!!

that’s the best part is the work always works
so when you pick up your attention
and put it on what is wanted

the focus is here the focus is hee the

the focus o nthis this very omemt
is god and when i rememeber that i feel
god all roua
around me i feel that
god is me

i feel that god is me

i feel that god is me

the focus is the work the focus is the work the focus is teh work
and as long as i keep practicing

picking puu the
attention and putting it on what is wanted
put it on what is wanted and that’s
easy and it gets eaiser

every time you do it when youre member
that when you put your attention on what
is wanted then that is what you see and this is

something i nokw

for sure

this is something i know for sure
and something i’ve seen so many times

something iv elived through

so many times

so grateful to do thew rok to feel the
feeling of the attention
transferring weight
to fee the

the same weight that was weighing me down
now be behind me
when you put the attention on what is wanted

the weight shifts
and what was now working against you
is now working for you

take what’s blocking you and put it behind you
as a force that’s propelling you

i love this work and i love that i know
this is the only work i love that i know the
powe of

power of me and i never have to wonder
about what or what life is
i love that i know thiis i love that i now

i know for certaint hat i am
infinite energy and so is everything else

that i can release fully into that
into fully embracing and enjoying
and celebrating the here and now!

this moment this work is about this moment
only this moment only this moment
the work is about only this moment

the work is about only this moment
only this moment coming back to this f

moment toal fu

total focus in this moment the
work i
this is the only work the only work is
the god work the get in the vortex and then work
the get in the vortex and then work the
get in the vortex and then work

the now ht

the here and now the focus on the
ehre and now that is what i’m training

the focus muscle and i love that i know the power
of it i love that i et to
get to do this work and i love that i know it
better and better i love that i know god

is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance of
the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity

the focus the focus muscle
the focus
m uscle

the focus muscles

tehh focus muscle

i love this work the only work the
focus in only thism omen

this moment that is the work
the focus in

only in this very moment only here
and now is all there is and i know that
theres a

feeling associated witht htat
that presence and that feeling is thew ork

the feeling of relief

not the work but life’s pursuit and that’s
all there is

money isn’t the supply
its the feeling of relief that comes with

that god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent

of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity

individualized as me
the reality of me

the attention on what is wanted
i love that i get to feel it the
feeling of the focus
feeling of teh god self

the feeling of moving the attention
just move the attention and i love
that it’s that easy i love

remembering the work and doing it i love ht
the power of the work i love
that i get to feel good
get to celebrate life
get to elebrate

celebrate life i love that i

we get to celebrte life
get to love life

get to love life

get to feel the feeling of life
get to focus in this moment only
this moment only i and
i get to feel the feeling of flo

of love flowl through me the
feeling of well being flow through me

this moment
the truth of this moment is all ther is
the truth of this

moment is all there is the
truth of this moment is
all there is the

truth of this moment is all
there is this here and now
and releasing the rest

allowing teh ret and
the rest and releasing resistance to the truth
i love
that i know this

i know this work i remember this work
i remember it i know its here i know i have
access to i i know i kow i have access to even
deeper powers

i know this i knwo this i

i know this and all it takes is focus and
all it takes is focus and

all it takes is focus
and awareness and i know this

i know the power of me i nokw

i now the =

i nkow the power of me i know teh power of me
i know teh power of me
i know the power
of me i know the
power of me

i know the power of me
i know the power of me

i know the power of me and
i’m tired of pretending like i dont


i fully embrace the power of me!!

me in my life living fully!!
i allow myself to live fully
i allow

putting the focus on what is wanted

i know that is the only work
and that is the work i come here to do

grateful to feel the focus to feel things
i forgot i could feel to feel the effects
of the work to see the effects of the work
to remember that the work is this easy

to remember that the work is this easy

the focus is the work the focus is the
work the focus on what is wanted the focus
on what is wanted the focus on what is

wanted the focus on what is wanted
and i can choose it i get to choose it i get to
choose it i get to choose it i get to

choose to pick

cut it out and pick it up and put it on what is wanted and i lov
that i get to do that that
i know this is the work

the only work
thank you for this work the
only work the self work the
fous wor

work the attention work i’m here celebrating feeling
good i get to feel good
get to feel the flow get to focus

get to focus the fou

the focus in the here ad now
is the only work and to let everything else
out of the now go
i love that i get to

i lovvve that
i get to focus on me how i want to feel how i want to feel

thank you for this day
for this moment for this beautiful
music for this beauutiful breeze

that i have a mom to call!

i love that i get to feel this get to feel good
now feel good today feel the
feeling of feeling good feelt he

the flow

the focus pick pu the focus
and put it on what is wanted
and that is all there is
i love

that is all there is put all the focus
on what is wanted and itis

its easy that is what this work trains me
to do i love that its easy i love that
its easy i loe
that i get to

choose it that i get to choose to feel
how i want put my attention
on what is wanted i love that i get to i love that
i get to i love that i know
that is the only work

the focus in this moment only this moment
how i feel in this
this moment how i feel

in this moment how i feel in this

right now not
a few minutes agod
not in the future

right now right now

put the attention on what is wanted the focus
train the focus to what is
wanted train the focus to what is wanted to ele
celebrating this day celebrating this day

the feeling the floatin th
the god self attention on the god self

attention on the god self

the god self how would god see it?

how would god see it?

just let go and love
and that’s all there is let go and love
do me accept all that is and
don’t create something that’s

not there

i love that i get to choose where my
focus is
choose teh vers

the version the i love that i get to choose teh
version i love that i get to

choose the version i love that i get
to choose teh version get to celebratet his day!

and then the other version goes away

i love that its that easy and
i never haveto

pretend it isnt’ i never have to
pretend it isn’t

i love that life is good for us i love that
life is good for us i

even though i have out of the vortex moments

i still totally love and accept myself the way i am

i love you i’m sorry please forgive me thank you

thank you thank you thank ou

thank you

i love that i get to choose entire focus
on the version that is wanted i love that i get to enjoy this day i love that i get to enjoy this day
i love that i

get to enjoy this moment i love th

the perfection of this moment i love that
we get ot i love that i get to experience this moment!!

thank you thank you thank you fro

for this day for this moment
in this moment i can put all of my focus on the god feeling

the divine presence i am

the divine presence i am the divine presence i am

the divine presence i am the divine presence

i am put the focus

on what is wanted the focus
on what is wanted the focus
on what is wanted

thank you thank you thank you
for the god self for the god self in the moment
for the entire focus

the entire focus on the god within

so grateful for this day
to get to celebrate this day!

this holiday !

with my wife in our beautiful house that i love
so grateful to sink into the day
to this now

to the moment
the here and now

the moment the here and now
and live the version i prefer i love that i get to feel it
get to allow it get to allow the

awesomeness in everymoment
get to put the focus on allowing

the focus where is the focus where is the
focus and i love that its that easy

just turn it there and that ‘s what it is
i’m doing that and i know that is my power
i on

i know that is my power i know that is my power
the focus on what is wanted i love that i get to choose
it i ilove that i get to choose it i love that i know tis


its allme its
only ever is only ever me i

its only ever me its only ever

me i love that

i’m on a roll!!

i love that life is good!!

i love that life is teh way

i want it to be!

i love that we get to celebrate this day!!