thank you

thank you so much for this day!

for good food!
for good company!
for fun photo shoots for strong classes
for quiet

thank you for this heat thank you
for summer thank you for this beautiful day
this beautiful night

the knowledge to come here to center to tune myself
up to remember what its like to be tuned to remember what is like
to do the work to be tuned

to tune first and then do the reast and
rest and i love that i get to do this and
i’m training my fucus remembering how to focus
on what is wanted and i love doing this work
becoming aware of the thoughts
i love that i get to choose to focus on

what is wanted

grateful to get to do this work
to know its only this work the tuning work
to remember what the tuning work feels like

to do the tuning work first
to remember this is it the feeling work si

is all there is and from here
from the point of peace
and center

then all things are possible
i love that i know this and i can always
tune into this i can alwys turn toward this feeling

feel for this feeling know this feeling
allow this feeling to flow through me

so grateful for everything going right!!

practicing the focus

here i’m here i’m here practicing the focus
the focus

training my attention like i train
my body and i know that the

them ore i train my attention
the easier it is to take my focus and put
it whereever i want

i can pick up my focus and place it
on whatever i want and then just focus on that
just give that t

attention instead and i love that i know
its that easy i love that i know iand

i’m here training that muscle knowing
that there is no limit to th
how strong it can get

i’m training the focus into thee
here and now that is the goal

to get the focus in this here and now
feeling the feeling of god right now
the focs

the entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

entire focus on the god within as the
only cause of my prosperity

entire focus
on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

entire focus on the god within as the
only cause of my prosperity

entire focus on the god within
take make


take the leap teake the lleap
take the leap into the hre andow
and now

make the choice about the world you want to create

make the choicea
bout h

about the world you
want to create

the focus work the focus work the focus
work i’m focused on this right now work

the feeling of the focus the focus on
what is wanted the focus

what is really blocking me is fear


decide to make the choice to make the world better anew

do the work you want to do
to make the world better
to give people a new perspective

to open their minds
to help expand their consciousness

do this work to expand your
own consciousness and understand
who and what you are i love that i get to ci

i love that i get to

the focus on this work the focus on
this work the focus on this work

focus on this work the focus on this work
the feeling the

attention to what is wanted

i can pick up my attention
and put it on something else

training my attention training my focus
picking it up and putting it on what is wanted

what is wanted what is
wanted what is wanted

pt it on what is wanted and just pracctice

practice keeping your attention in one spot

your entire focus and that is
really the secret

entire focus not the secret but
the most powerful aspect
just put all of your attention on what is wanted

and then it is

it’s just that easy i love that i kno this
i love that i get tput

put all of my attention on what is watned

its just atht

that easy and i come here to train my focus
train my focus in this very mometn

not going en

anywhere else

just coming here to milk the feeling of this now
of this life coming here to milk the feelig of this life

of this veryp erfect mo

this moment
in which i have it all i have
everything i ever wanted!!

i am totally fuflfille
di love that i am totally fulfilled

and free i love that i can come here and
feel the freedom of the oem

oment and
lthe p
the feeling of the practice of bringing my
attention back to the present moment
and i love that i can keep it hee i love

i love that its all about the focus
the focus the focs

the focus

so grateful fo thi
for this here and now to have the ability
to put

my entire focus on the truth

i love htat i am aware i love that i know
my personal power

entire focus on my personal power

entire focus on my personal power

entire focus on all the blessings in this
here and now

entire focus on the fact that
i’m totally fulfilled

entire focus on total fulfillment
i love that it’s here and now i love that
i get to take the leap i love
that i get to take the leap i love
that i

get to take the leap i love that
i get to take the leap

grateful for this

for the ability to puck pu

pick up my attention and put it on
what is wanted and its just that
easy i love that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose i love
that i get to do this work

the focus work and know this
is all there
is this
is all there

si know
i now this
this is all there is i love that i know
this i loe th

attention on what is wanted

attention on what is wnted
attention on what is wanted

entire focus and that’s
all it is entire focus

on well being i allow well being

entire focus on what is wanted

totally confident totally confident

thank you for the indicator
so that i can cbocome

become aware and then let that go
i love tha i am

i am aware of the indicators and
then i can just put
my attention on what is wnated
i bet

i get to do that i get to
do that
it is something that needs addressed
i get to

i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to feel good i get to
feel good

entire focus on the god within
entire focus on the
god within entire focus

ont he god within

entire focus on the god wtihn

entire focus
entire focus

on the god within and i feel it i feel the

i feel it returning the focus returning rememberig that
it’s all the focus all that matters is teh

the focus where is your attention
where is your attention

just keep asking that
and tuning accordingly

i love that ig et to do
to do this work that i know this work

so grateful for this wrok

just doesn’t matter

and i can always focus within i can always find the energy
of me i can always find the center of me and that’s all that matters

i say yes to everything that is i say
yes to everything and that makes life so easy i love
that i can just accept everything that is i love that
i don’t have to care i love that i don’ thave to care that
i can say

yes thank you yes thank you

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i canalways
alwys find peace and joy within and i lov that
i love that i know ths that i can

always find center and nothing outside of me
circumstances don’t matter wna i lo

and i love that i know this
i love that i always have this work
i always have the birds


i love the birds i love their sounds
i love that i don’t have to
care i love that

i never have to care i love that i get to choose
me get to choose center get to chosoe god

get to celebrate life get to
celebrate everything that is

that i get to have a good day
that i get to choose my own joy
my own satisfaction wth life

that i get to enjoy life
in the way i choose and nothing can stop me
i love that i don thave to care

that i always have me and i always have god
and that’s all i need i love that i know this
and i love that i get to standy by it

stand by me i get to choose to stand by me
to choose me no matter what to choose to follow my own

personal legend.

grateful for this here and now for this
flow for the god self flowing for the choice for the choice
to feel good for the choice to have a good day
so grateful for the choice to feel good

for the choice to have a good day
so grateful for the god self within me
so grateful for the god self within

to know the god self to have access to the god self and to
not have to care so gratefult o have

access to always have access to the god self
to get to enjoy the day
to get to feel the god self flowing through me

so grateful to allow the god self to flow through me
so grateful to feel good now to feel the
god self now

in me now to feel good now to feel the attunement right now

to always have access to this work
to always have access to the feeling of communion with god i love
that i get to choose it i love that i
get to choose it i love that

i get to choose to feel good get to choose to allow god

to choose to say yes to everything that is
that i still get to enjoy the day no

matter what i love that i still get to enjoy the day no matter what i love
that i get to feel good i love that i get to feel good

i love that i get to feel good
that i get to feel god i love that i get ot

to feel god and know that is all thee is

i get to feel good now i get to
celebrate the day right now i get to celebrate the day
right now i love that i get to

that i get to feel good

no matter what i love that i
get to feel good that i get to feel the
flow that i get to feel the flow

that i can always allow
god to enter in any moment i love that
i don’t have to allow

i love that i get to feel good and
i dont have to care i love that i get to celebrate the
day i get to celebrate this day

no matter what i get to allow god to flow through me
no matter what i get to feel good i get to

allow the flow i get to d

do me i get to do me i love that i can always do me
i love that i
can always do me i love that

it just doesn’t matter
i love that i can do me i love that i can do me
i love that i get to

i love that i get to feel the
feeling of me i love that i get to feel

the feeling of me i love that i get to
feel the feeling of me i love that
i get to
feel the feeling of me no matter what

that i get to feel the feeling of god
no matter what that i can say yes to whatever is

and allow god to be the question and the answer
i love that i really dont care because i’m in my vortex
i love that i
really dont care i love that
i dont have to ti

i am totally confident in letting go and letting god

appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affiars

letting go and letting god appear as the abundant all suffiency
in my life and affairs

i love that i know this is the only work
i love that ig et to

get to dive into this day!!

knowing that god made it just for me
i love that i know today is an amazingly awesome day!

for no reason and for every reason!

i love that i know that and i get to choose
it i love that i get to choose the god energy
get to choose the god life and nothing
has to ch

shake me from that

this is the only work

grateful to do this work to
feel the feeling i want to feel from this
knowing what i get out of it is what i put into it

knowing that the focus is part of it the focus for
100 words focus on one spot and i know that is mo

most of the work is focusing and letting the rest go

just focus just attention
that is most of the work

not a journey to enlightenment

a focusing of attention .

all i can do is focus my attention
be aware of where i’m focusing

my attention and that is the work t
hat is most

of the work being aware of where
you’re focusing your attention
and then being able to

put it somewhere else easily
and its easy to put your focus
somewhere else when know that
when you focus on you

get more of
its just that easy

if that’s what i’m focusing on that

that is the version i create and i can
choose to focus elsewhere
i can choose to focus on something else
and then at

that is my new reality and i get to

take responsibility for that
and it feels good i love that i get to ove
i love
i love that i get to chosoe hwre i

where i place my attention and
verison the version i create and i get to choose

to focus on this work with no

recognizing distractions for
what they are.

that is part of the work
that is most of the work is focusing right here
on this work focusing until its done

and that aspect of the work helps you learn to focus
its time for me to remember how to focus my attention

to remember where my focus is to

and to practice turning it tosomething
something else
i nkow that iss the only work
and its easy to turn

your attention wherever you want

and it gets easier and easier when you know
that as soon as youf ocus on
what is wanted

that is what you see
its so easy to focus on

what is wanted when you know that is
what you get when you focus on it

and so easy to not focus
on what is not wnated

because i know that when i focus on
what is not wanted

that is what i create

i love that i know this
i love that i know this and ;i know

i know that

life really is this easy and i love that i know t
hat i dont

i dont have to convince anyone

its not about ocnv

convincing its about doing it myself

so grateful to do this work to choose
where i focus to focus on feeling good

on things that feel good on a life that
feels good so gratefu to

to feel good to feel good to focus on feeling
good and to have the ability to focus on things that
feel good to

focus on what is wanted so grateful for the
ability to focus on what is wanted and to know

to know that i can just focus on what is
wanted and not focus on what is not wanted

it really is that easy!

it really is that easy and i love that i get
to choose whre to focus and i get to practice the
focus i get to practice


i love that i get to do it get to practice
and know that it is most of the work i love
that i know that whre i focus
and how i feel when i’m focusing on that thing

really is the only wrok i love that
i know this and i get to celebrate life

withi this knowledge

the focus here without getting distracted
without getting pulled away from center
and i know the real work is the focus at center

the reall work is the focus at
and when i can focus at center

nothing else matters i know that this work
helps me

teacheds me

helps me increase my tolerance for feeling good i love
that i can just let the flo

love flow allow the love to flow

allow the flove love to flow

open the floodgates and feel so so good
and it feels good to focus on feeling good
and the better it gets

just for the sake of feeling good
just for the a

sake of enjoying life
just for the sake of enthusiasm

focus on what is wanted that’s all i can
ever do that’s all i can ever do

so gratefl for this revelation
so grateful to feel the effects of the work
to know
i already have it right here and now

i already have it i already have love
right here and now

i don’t need to add anything
i already have it and i’ m so gladi

i know that now that i know
my life isn’t missing anything

i love that i know that i love
that i get to focus on that
knowledge on that feeling and


that’s all i have to do i love that i know this
i love that i get to choose i remembere

i get to choose!!

to focus on what is wnated
that’s all there is is the focus
the focus
creates the focus creates and i get to choose

not scattered but focused
and i love that i get to choose this i love that
i get to chosoe love!

i love that life loves me!!
i love that i knwo this
i love that i know

god is always showing up for me
in every moment

i love that god is always showing up for me i love
that ig t

get to enjoy it i get to focus on
what is wanted and that feels good

that is the blessing of life

the feeling of focusing on what is wanted
knowing that when i do i am


creating more of it

i love this work

i love this work the focus within
returning to the focus within

following the omen’s floo

following what god says to do
following what life says to do trusting life

trusting life

SO grateful for this day

so grateeful to get washed in the waters of the earth
so grateful the work works os

grateful for solutions
so grateful for the winds of change so
grateful so grateful so


so grateful to get to do this work
to live in the flow to live in the flow to
feel the flow to feel the flow

to feel the flow to feel the energy of life
to feel the
energy of life typing these words
and loving just alllowing
liife to dot

the typing and that’s cool i’m cool that
with that what you want to tup e

the beach ethe sun
the water the earth
the sand
the shells in my shocks
not so many today

getting better
excited these fucking dogs wow

i love this day i love this day
i love feeling good feeling the

flow of life jumping into the flow
of life inot
the flow of life

love to feel the feeling of life
flowing through me to be on the
bus to feel deep into the work to feel deep into the work

to be aware of the vibrations
to feel aware of the vibrations

to choose how i want to feel to choose
the vibration i want to send

grateful to do this work the only work the feeling wokr

grateful to do the feeling work

the feeling work the feeling
work the feeling work the
flow work the god work the only work
the feeling work the feeling work

feeling work the feeling work the

letting go and letting life write the words
the words of life letting life allowing
life allowing life to breathe

feel how i want to feel feel
how i want to feel feel how i want to feel

feel how i wnat to feel

let go of the rest
lean into tlife and life is there!!

jump and the net appears!

lean into life and life appears!

grateful everything is going my way
grateful for new
for new frat

grateful for new opportunities
every moment

so grateful for this good day
so grateful for life flowing through me

so grateful for life flowing through me so
grateful for life flowing through me

so enjoy

to enjoy the day to want to wake up
to want to life to want to create to feel good

about life to feel good about life
so grateful to feel good about life

so grateful to feel good now to feel good now to feel the flow right now to feel love
right now
to fe

feel good to feel love to feel god to focus

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its ture nature of abundance

this is its responsibility not mine

my only responsibility is to be awre of this truth

therefore i am totally confiidnt
in letting go dnad and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

grateful to let go and let god
let god fill me up let god show
up so grateful to love thd ay!

to enjoy the day!

so gratful to get to enjoy the day
to get to feel good to fe

get to feel god

grateful to feel the focus
grateful to feel the flow
the flow of life
the breeze of life the knowledge of life

grateful to feel the

for this moment for this here and now
grateful for the gaod

god feeling flowing throughme
grateful for the god self
to feel the god self

so grateful to feel the god self
to feel
he g

the god self the

grateful fort he feeling the feelig
the feeling the

grateful for the feeling for the feeling
for the feeling for the feeling for the feeling

for the feeling for the feeling

grateful to focus to get to feel good
to get to feel this feeling to know this
feeling to choose this

feeling to get to choose ths
this feeling snd
and see life reflect it
so grateful to get to choose to feel good

to feel good to choose to fele g


i love loving who i am
i love loving my life i love
seeing god in everything i love
that god shows up when
i allow it i love that i can
alwys turn
into the flow i love

turning into the flow and seeing the
i love that i getto

to enjoy life get to feel good aboutl ife
that i’ll never be poor again

never was

know that i’ll never be “poor”

i love that i can say yes to everythig
i love that life
is always

showing up for me i love htat life
life is

i get to choose i get to choose i
get to choose i get
to chooe i bet to

get to chosoe i love that
i get to choose i get to choose me i
get to choose me i get to co
choose the feeling i get to choose the narrative

its always the feeling its always the feeling
its always the feeling
its always feeling

its always a feeling and god is always showing
up i love that god is always showing p i love
that its an opportunity

its always an opprotunity

ii love that i know this i love that
i know this
i love that i know this i love that i know

i love that i can always jump inot the flow
i can always jump into the flow i jump

i’m here celebrating

the feeling of connection with god

a good day
i’m here celebrating a good day i love
that i get to choose how i feel the
i get to choose
i get to choose and this work
is what helps me do that

i love that i am aware

i am in the flow

i love that i know i love
that i can let it go i love that
i can let go of cancerous thoughts

and only focus on what i want
i can release cancerous thoughts
and only feel how i want to feel
and i know that is the secret to

everything i love that i nkow this
i love that i get to feel healed!

guess i’ll just do me

since that’s all I can do

just focus on how i want to feel
focus on how I want to live and that’s all i can
do is do me all i can do is choose to feel how i
want to feel to look forward to feel ing thooc

good to choose to feel good right now
i can choose to feel good right now feel how i want to feel
right now and that

doesn’t have to depend on anything
on any action it certaintly doesn’t!

i don’th ave to DO anything and i know that
i almost feel better when i’m just doing me
when i’m just focusing on how EYE want to feel

and i know that’s all that matters

i love that the contrast gives me freedom
i love that at any moment
i can choose to feel good i can choose to go within

and forget the rest i love that i know i don’t have
to worry that ai can d

i can always choose to feel good to celebbrate life
to let go do tfeel free

to feel free so gratefult o feel
free to feel free to allow life to flow and
through me to say yes to life as it comes to
and through me

to say yese to life
so gratefult o say yes to life
to feel good in my life
so grateful to feel good in my life

to feel good in my life
to feel good

in my life to not care about ther est t


the switch its always here its always here its always right
here the feeling of god is alwayr gith

always right here i know its always right here
i know tis alway

always right here

if there’s something missing,
it’s god
it’s always god if there is soething

missing its god i love that i know that
i can always bring

into the mix i love that god is here with me
right now i love that
i get to feel good get to

release just release it all release
caring release thinking

release trying to control
just trust god
just trust
what god says

just ru

trust what god says
just trust the feeling if something feels lie its missing then
its god and i know this is the god work the only work is
the god work

i get to feel good

i get to

control the narrative

so grateful i gt t
i get ot make art that i know
all of life is making art
that i know making
art is the most important thing i can

to give myself over life the most important
thing i can do is give myself over to life

knowing that life
knows the way
knowing that life knows the way
i know that life knows the way i know that life

knows the way i know that
i know that life

knows the way i know that life
knows the way

i’m here now i’m here now

i’m here now i’m me i’m god
i’m god i’m the god self i love the god self

feeling the god energy making the choice
making the god choice
so grateful to make the god choice

grateful to make this choice
to make this choice to feel this feeling to feel this
feeling so gratefl to feel the flow
to feel the flow of god dlowing
flowing thoruhg

through me so gratefult o
feel the flow of god flowing through me
to feel the flow
of god flowing through me

so grateful for who i am
for what i am
to know that it’s all energy to know that
everything is energy to

relax into that truth so
grateful to relax into the truth
so grateful to relax into knowing
so grateful to relax into knowing to

relax into knowing

to relax into knowing to relax into knowing

know to know what i am to return always
return to source to know source to know that
i am mthe

the source and the supply
grateufl i

already know that i am the source
and the supply
so grateful i already have it all
so gratefl i know t
hat my life

is solved

thank you

grateful to do this work to feel this
energy to feel this focus to know the focus
to know

the choice to make the choice
to know that it’s easy to make the
choice it’s easy t
o make t

it’s easy to make the choice to allow god
to allow god to feel good now its easy
to allow
to feel good now to feel god now

to feel god now its easy to feel good nw
god now so grateful to do this work
the god work the god work

the god work

the focus work the focus
work the focus work

the focus work the
focus work the focus
work the focus

work the focus
work the only wrok
the only work

the only work

the focus work tho

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ with

within as my suppy

i draw into my mind and
feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence
of god within me
is my supply

i know this i know
i am

i know that
i am only energy only vibratoin
only vibration

only vibration

i love that i know i love
that i know right now
i love that
i know right now
that i

get to choose
i get to choosei get to choose
i get to choose

i get to choose
i get to choose
i get to be
i get to be god i love that i know i

it already is it already is the way i want it to be

the wa

through my consciousness of my god
self the christ within as my supplly

i draw into my mind anf eff

and feelig nature
nature the very substance of spirit
this subsnta

substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the
presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness
of the presence of god within me
is my supply

i love that i know this i love that i
get to feel good i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel goo i love that

get to feel

i know the truth i know the truth
i know the turht

today is all in eed

today is all i need i love that i know ths
i love that i know this i love
that i get to chooe it

choose it

make the choice make the choice
to be deep into the work to know the work
more than eever

to remember the power more than ever to jump
into to jump into it
to jump into it
jump into it

jump into the flow into the flow
into the god self into the god self
into the god self into the god self

into the god self jump

thank you thank you

thank you i know i know i know the
truth f life

of life i know the feeling of alignment
i know that life gives me the fig

gift of that feeling
the gift of that feeling i love that life

gives me the gift of god
of knowing that i’m god
of being god of accepting everything that

of getting out of the way of the rest

i know all there is is god
i know all there is is well

i know that my life already is perfect
i know that my life

already is perfect

i love that i already have it all i love
that i already have everything that

i need i love that i know this

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the
presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
i love

is my supply i love that i know this i love
that life
that life helps me focus i love that
life helps me focus i love that

life always knows i love that i know none of it
matters i love that i know i love that i can

always i can always flip the switch i love
that i’ve found total satisfaction i

love that i alrady

already am totally satisfied
i love that i already am totally satisfied

i love that it already is the way
i want it to be i love that i feel a waind

i love feeling the winds of god flow

blow through me

i’m god i’m allowing well being
i love that i can allow love i can allow
well being to flow i can always choose

the other side of the wave i can
always choose certainty
i can always choose the other side of the
wave i can

grateful for this day

grateful to wake up feeling good

grateful i get to choose the energy i prefer
grateful i get to choose
to feel good to allow solutions to focus on how

i want to feel today i will focus on how i want to feel
today i get to feel good get to relax into my life today
i get to relax into my life

get to feel good get to feel the flow the flow
flowing through me the

grateful to do this wrok
to do this work to do this work to feel this feeling

the divine presence i am so
gratefl for the

divine presence i am
is the source and substance
of all my good

is the source and substance of all my good

is the source and substance
of all my

grateful to focus on this work
on how i want to feel grateful to feel

this day to enjoy this day to bless this day
grateful to get to live this day to love this day

so grateful to get to love this day
get to be this day so grateful to sink in and do the work
to start the day right
to see the effects of the

to see the effects of the work
to know the work is always working so grateful the work is
always works the

the work is always working and i know this

is the only work so
gratefult o be in my office
for this birds for

the smell of rain in the sair
for the summer rain
for the summer air
to get to eat breakfast on the porch

so grateful its only me that i get to choose
that i get to choose how i feel that i get to

align with source no matter what
so grateful to align with source
no mater what

matter what so grateful i get to choose the feeling
get to choose
the flow get to allow these words to flow
get to

to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am

is the source and substance
of all my good

i’m on the frequency im in the feeling
im celebrating this day
and all that it brings

so grateful for this day
to celebrate this day
to celebrate this day

to celebrate life

to celebrate life to get to feel good to
relax into feeling good to get to do me

so grateful to get to do me to feel me

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish

i am conscious of the constant activity
of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is
filled with the light of thruth

my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

i love that i know i love that i get to do tho
the work get to do this work get to feel good in

in joy in myself i love that i get to get to bless this
day bless this breeze
i love taht i get t

to feel good now i love that i get to
feel the frequency now get to celebate this

right now i love that
i know that nothing matters
and it doesn’t matterw hat

happens and all ic an do

i s

smile and relax into this moment
this moment htis here and now


i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supplh
thus my consciousness
of the presence of god within me is my supply

so gratfl for this day!
to celebrate this day!

to know eveything is going my way

to draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply thus my consciousness of the presence
of god within me is my supply

i know that my consciousness is my supply
and that is my m

the most fun part of life
i know that my consciousness is my supply

i can tap into the consciousness of the
presnece of god within me
and remembe that

i already have it all i love that i already have it
all i love that i get to feel the feeling

i an alw

can always shore up the feeling i love that
i get to fel good

feel good that i get to raise my vibration
that i can always raise my vibration that i canalways

feel good now feel good in this her eand now
in this moment
in this moment
i can always feel good in this

i love that i don’t have to care
that i can trust anything that happens

that i trust god that i trust
the flow i love that i grust the

trust the flow of life that i can feel good
no matter what i love that i get to celebrate the day

no matter what

knowing god loes me
knowing god is on my side i love that i
get to feel good i love that i
get to feel good that i get to feel good

that i get to feel god
i love that i know i am god
that i get to choose
that i wnat to have a fun day!!

i lovet hat i get to choose tha ti get to
feel good that i get to do this work
that i

get to do this work that i get to love me
that i

all i can do is

love me

all i can do

is love meand

and i feel the feeling right now
i feel the magick of life flowing through me i love
that i know

its a good day!!

i love that i get to make it that wa i get to

i get to choose for it to be that way

i draw into my mind and feeling nature

the very subsatnce of spirit

i get to celebrate life right now!
i get to celebrate god right now!