so grateful for this day

for this perfect day
so grateful everything is going my way
so grateful life loves me so
grateful life loves me
so grateful life
love me

so grateful for this day
to do this work to do the only work
so grateufl to do the only work that matters

so grateful life is fun
and easy so grateful to feel god flowing through
me so grateful i get to feel god

get to know god
so grateful to know god to know tog

to know god to know the god self
to know this focus
to be deep into this to choose this
to choose

focus here focus here
focus on the turht

truth on the knowledge
i know that it’s only ever me i know

the divine presence i am

the divine presence i am
the divine presence

i am

is the source and the substance

i love thtat i nkow this
i love that i know life is good i love that
i get to feel good get to feel the horses
i love the horses
i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good
i love that

i get to feel good i liove that
i get to feel good

get to feel god get to know i am
god i love that i know i am god

i feel good now i feel the energy
of life flowing through me i

love i love i love that
i get to feel love

get to feel love for life
get to feel love

for myself i love
that i

get to feel good i love that
life loves me i love
that life loves me
i love that

life is good

so grateful to get to do this work
to wake up feeling good to love waking up
to look forward to waking up

so grateful to feel good in my
body to get back to classes
to get back to eating well

so grateful for life

my perfect life
so grateful everything is going our way!

so grateful for sales!
and orders!
and work!

so grateful life always works out perfectly for us

so grateful to feel good to feel good
to si

to sink into feeling good
to sink to

into the feeling

the divine presenc i am

the divine presence i am

1i get to feel good i get to
feel good i get to feel good i

get to celebrate life i get to
feel good i get to celebrate life

right now i get to allow
the feeling of god

to fill me up i get to allow the feeling
of god to fill me
up i get to

allow the feeling of god to fill m e

me up i love that i get to feel good i
get to feel god
i love that i know the truth of lfie
and i

i get to feel it right now i love
doing this work
i love doing this work .

yes thank you and i keep saying yes

yes thank you and i keep saying yes i can just
keep saying yes i love that i get to

that i get to cht at

that i get to keep saying yes

i love that i get to feel good get to drop into yes
get to crop in

drop into yes

drop into yes drop
into the truth

drop into the truth drop into the truth
the truth of feeling good the
truth of feeling good

drop into yes drop into god so
grateful to drop into god
to feel the feeling of god
to know i wanted this

to celebrate life
already being perfect

celebrate life already being perfect

i love that it already is i love that life
already is the way i want it to be i love that
life loves me i love that life loves me i love

that i get

i get to feel the feeling of yes i get to dive into this work
trust this moment

trust this moment
so grateful to trust this
moment to trust this moment

so grateful to

trust this moment

i feel good now

divine presence i am

divine presence I AM

I AM i love

i love that i get to feel it
here and now i get to

feel it here and now i get to
feel it

here and now

the divine presence i am
the divine presence i am

is the source and substance
of all my good i love that i know that
i love that i know this
i love that

that i know god i love that i know god
that i get

to feel god that i get to
feel god that i get to be god that i
get to remember that i am
god i get

to remember that

i am god i get to

remember that i am god i
get to feel the feeling of god

get to

completely be god in this moment
say thank you
for the god self
to know the god self
to love that god self

so grateful to chosoe how i feel
i get to choose how if eel about that

i love that i know i love that i know it’s
only ever me

it’s only ever the energy
i love that i know that and i love
doing the energy gow

work i love that i get to feel good

feel good now
feel the

the energy in this here and now
love this

here and now
get to love

this here and now

what am i here doing

tuning myself

am i tuned


i am tuned i am
tuned to miracles
i am tuned to god

am on the frequency with the god self
with the god self

with all my wishes coming true!!

so grateful for life for the flow
for the flow for the
god self for feeling the feeling of alignment

for say yes

saying yes

to the moment to everything that
is i’m here feeling the feeling
i’m here feeling teh feeling

so grateful for this day

to wake up feeling good
to love my life to feel like something amazingly awesome is going to happen
so grateful for the flow flowing through me
the flow flowing through me so grateful to feel good
to feel god

so grateful for good weather and
lazy days and to love my wife and to GET to work out

grateful to get to work out so grateful
for the flow

flowing through me so grateful to feel good
to get to feel good to celebrate life and feeling good

so grateful for ths day for the focus
to remember

to be

deep into this so grateful to feel how iw ante

wnat to
wnat to feel so
grateful for my perfect life

my life already is perfect!!

i love this life i love ths da

this day so grateful to get to celebrate this day
to focus the energy and celebrate this dsay
to remember

i wanted this!!

so grateful for this day!

so grateful for this day

so grateful to wake up feeling good
so grateful to have nop lans!

to not have to do anything
to get to cle

celebrate life and love
so gratefult o celebrate life
right now
in this here and now

this here andnow

so grateful for this day
to feel the feeling
to feel the feeling of

connecting with god

to feel the truth so gratefl to

feel the truth so gratful
gratefult o feel the truth
to feel the truth of the moment
to know the truth of my powr

to send the signal
so grateufl i know the

i know the signal is always sending
and i can block it if i choose but i dont have

so grateful to feel totally fulfilled in this
herea nd now

and now to be happy in this here and now

thank you

so grateful for this day
to be home in our perfect house
our castle
so grateful i enjoy my life
i really love my life
so grateful everything is working out for me and
there’s always more than enough

so grateful for this here and now
for this moment so

grateful for this day
for the perfect weather

so sit on the porch
and eat good food!

so grateful to be in the flow
to feel good to choose to feel good

for the acid to help me

feel good so grateful to feel good
to feel good to feel the flow

so grateful to get to do my work
so grateful to feel good to

get to do this work the only work
so grateful to catch a wind
to feel rested

so grateful for our neighborhood and
all our neighbors!!

so grateful

for our local farm stand!

so grateful for the flow the flow of well being
so grateful to feel good

so grateful to feel good
so grateful to
feel good

so grateful to feel good to feel
good to feel the flow
to feel the flow

to feel the flow

to feel the flow
to feel the flow to feel the flow
to feel the flow

so grateful to

so grateful to feel good to feel godo
to feel good to feel good to
feel good

so grateful to do this work
so grateful to ride my bike!!

so grateful to focus
to do the work and focus
to feel good anf cous

focus on feeling good to remember

how easy it is
but also how easy it is

to forget

so grateful to be in the practice
to know the work works
to see the effects

so grateful to know
to have new compassion for those

who dont have the privilege

of doing this work for those who

don’t GET to feel good

so grateful to feel good to feel the
flow flowing rhough

through me so grateufl to do this work and knkow
this is the real


source is the drug source is the crug

releaseing resitance

is the drug so grateful to do this work
and feel the connection with source

with the turh t

truth with the energy of god
the gratitdue of god

so gratful to have space from my writing
to return with such feror

thank you thank you
for the connection to god i know it now
more than ever before
i know that life is unfolding
perfectly i know that life
i sun

is unfolding in perfect time i know that
there’s always more than enough i know
that i can

always accept it as it is
so grateful to do the work to
feel good to know the poweer of feeling good

to know

the feeling good of power

remembering my power and using it

my power and using it i love that i know this
i love that i know this is my work and i

stand by it i stand by it i can

choose to love i can choose to love

send the
energy of love

i know the energy of love i know the
energy of life

love the energy of love the
energy of love the

of love the
energy of love

so grateful to returnt ot

to it to feel its simplicity
and its infinite complexity

so grateful to return to center
to return to me

to how i want to feel
so g

grateful to be aware to
be aware of how i want to feel

to be aware of how i want to fele

to be aware

so grateful to be aware to be aware

so gratefult o get to feel good and let
the rest go
to remember who i am

love my patterns to really love
my life to

really really really love
my life

to really love my life

so grateful to do this work
to feel good now to

to feel good now
so grateful to feel good now
to feel t

good now to feel good now
so grateful to allow
to allow
the flow to flow

to allow god
to exist

to allow the miracles to exist

so gratful to do this work
to so dhit

this work to do the

god work
not gods work but god

the being of god work
not belonging to god work

the is-ness of god the knowing
of god the love of god the
love god feels for all

all situations

the returning to pure

energy so grateful to return to

pure energy to feel good

to feel the flow to feel good in life
to love life to have a lust
for life so grateful to get

to GET

to do the only work that matters

so grateful to GET to cook

in my own kitchen
with some good musci

so grateful there’s so much to love in

so grateful there’s

so much to love in life

so grateful to get to feel good to feel good

to feel the connection to the
energy of source to let the rest go


kowing that
knowing that only thoughts can feel bad
only thoughts can feel bad

so grateful i know the truth
so grateful i know teh trth

truth and i get to

sink inot the truth
focus only on the truth
so grateful to

live in a aplace
place and in such a way

that i can focus
entirely focus

on the god within
on the truth i am

entirely focused on the god within
i love that i can do this i love

i love wher ei am i love this beautiful

perfect day i love that i know i am god
and that god loves me
i love that i know i am

all things

i am all things i am all
things i am
all things

the alignment work is all there is

i know the alignment work is all there is
i know this is the only work and i kno

i know for a fact that life can only refelct me
so i always have to take responsibility for how i feel
i always have to take responsibility for how i feel.

i can do it i can choose how i want to feel
i can chooset he version

the version and i know that is my only work and i know
life is helping me by giving me challenges


to grow i know this and i am greateful

for the challenge i know that it’s only ever me and i get to
remember that this work helps me

remember that this work helps me remember that

so grateful to be here doing the work
transmuting the energy


knwoing for sure for a fact that all of life
is energy
and that life can only reflect me

its up to me to hcoose
choose what i look for its up to me to choose my life
experience and i know this
i know that i get to choose i know that

i get to choose i know that
i get to choose the life i life
the world i live in i love
that i know this i love
that i get to choose this i love that

i know that life is going my way
i know that life is going my way
i love that
i know

so grateful to be back to feel good
so grateful

to GET

to feel good

so grateful to get to feel good
some people never feel this good their whole lives

i get
to feel it just sitting here
on my computer

looking within

so grateful to remember who i am
and that this work is always here to hlep
me do that

so grateful for space from this work to really elp

help me remember and see what a positive effect it has

on my life

so grateful ig et to choose to feel good
to remember that it’s only ever me and the

signal i send

tis only
ever me and the signal i send

so grateful to release resistance
and choose the version i prefer

so gratful to

choose the version i prefer that
i get to choose
the version i prefer

so grateful i get to chcoose

i get to choose so grateful to remember the feeling to come
back to the feeling to return
to the feeling so grateful tor emember


remember the feeling of me to feel the feeling of me
to tune toward

the feeling of me so grateful to tune toward

the feeling of me th efee

the feeling of me the feeling of me

so grateful to tune toward the feeling of me
to feel the perfect

god self to feel the perfect god self
to release to release

to release

so grateful to let it go to label it

off the bus and let it go
to only be on the bus
to choose on the bus
to be aware of myself and the version i get to hcoose

the on the ubs

bus feeling

new sense of awareness of my
the affect of my energy on all things

i get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose the narrative

its me its me creating it i know its only
ever me and it changes

in the moment i change i love that
i know this i love that i know

that it is ture in

true in every aspect of life

sep a rate

i know this i know this i know this
and its easy to return to this knowledge
to reutnr to feeling good

to be so aware of the factors
that contribute to feeling good

so grateful to remember the work
the only work the work that works

the energy work so grateful to remembr
the energy work

and then choose the energy i prefer
so grateful to remember my power

so grateful i can always come back to my power
the poweer of

of god the powerr of r

of remembering that i am god
the power

of gratitude


so grateful for nice visits
to get to swim!
for my sweet brother and his sweet family
so grateful to get to s

spend so much time so
grateful our family is growing
so grateful we are as close as we are

so graetful i can always send love

so grateful to remember its only ever me
tis only

its only ever me its only ever me its
only ever

its me it s

its all me i love tat i know
that i know tis all working out perfectly

so grateful i know so grateful i know
so grateful

i know

so grateful i know
so grateful i get to choose to feel good

i get to make the choice
to direct the energy i get to make
the choice
to direct the energy to choose love
i get

go make the choice to ho

to choose loe t
to use the drug within i get to make the choice
to do this work the onlly work
i get to make the
choice to do the only work

to feel good now
to feel good now to feel
the energy of yees

to always
changet he energy

the energy
so grateful the energy is flowing
so grateful

energy is flowing
is flowing is

flowing is flowing so grateful
the energy is flowing
is flowing is flowing

so grateful the energy is flowing
is flowing

is flowing is flowing is
flowing is flowing

so grateful i get to choose the
energy so grateful i get to choose
the energy i get to choose the
so grateful i get to choose the energy

so grateful so grateful
so g

grateufl i get to choose where ip lay

place my energy
where i put my focus

so grateful for my life
for our invisible patterns

so grateful to say yes

so gratful ful for all the blessings in my life
so grateful to keep saying yes and keeping seend

seeing the flow flowing to keep saying yes today i am
saying yes today i am saying yes today i am sa

saying yes today i am saying yes

grateful for all the blessings of the day
that i felt it and the ni saw

and then i saw it and i know all i have
to do all i can ever to i

do is feel it then see it

so grateful to have a wife a partner
who helps guide me
so grateful

for all the blessings of the day!
that we get to go somewhere!
and see people!!

so grateful for family
so grateufl to have more than enough!!

so grateful we always have more than enough!
so grateufl the flow is flowing so
grateufl the flow is flowing so grateful to say yes

to remember to say yes!!

to say yes to know the feeling to recognize the vibration
and know that i can feel it to

that i can say yes that i can decidd to feel
good no matter what i love that i know this i
ov e

i love that i get to feel the feeling get to feel the feeling

of god
that ig et

get to keep saying yes to the flow flowing to and through me
i love that i can always eep sa

keep saying yes to the flwo of well being

grateful to feel this feeling teh
god feeling so

grateful to keep saying yes
so grateful to keep saying yes

so grateful for more than enough!!

that we asked and it was givine
so grateful li know the secret ot life
to feel good

sso grateful i get to feel good i get to
feel good goo

i get to feel god

so grateufl i get to feel god
so grateful

i get to feel god i get to feel god i get
to feel god so grateful
i get to feel god i am god

so grateful i get to keep feeling thef eeling
keep saying yes i feel the feeling the connection
to yes

so grateful to feel the connection to yes
to focus and od this work to feel good and do this


so grateful to say yes to keep saying yes
to keep doing this work the real work the only wok

so grateful to do the only work to do the only work

so grateful to do the only work

to feel good to

to feel good to feedl the
the god self so gratefl to
feel the god self to fee the
god self

so grateful to keep saying yes to the flow
to keep feeling the feeling of laign


so grateful to fee the

the feeling of alignment
to know the feeling of alignmetn
to know that all ther is is


so grateful the tide can always turn

so grateful to turn the boat
to feel the feeling i want to feel and
i can feel it building

i can feel myself feeling it more and more
i can feel myself getting closer and closer
to that alignment
i mena

feeling that alignmetn deeper and deeper
i love that there is no

limit to how deeply i can resonate with god
i love that i can always find god and feel it fully
i love that i know this that i can tune myself

i know that it’s always me its always the

energy of me i love that i know this
i love that
i know this i love tha t
i know this i lov ethat
i know

i am god i love that i get to chooe i love

i love that it’s all good i love
that its all

i love that i get to feel good i love that
i know life is on my side i love that
i know the magick life

i love that i get to choose i love

i get to choose i get to choose the
flow i get to choose the magick

i get to choose

and good humor

i love that i know i love that i get to choose
i love that its back to fully


i love thatl ife

life is gushing through me i love
that it lovese to gush
through me
i love that life loves me i love

that i chose and then it cam

its that easy

i love doing this work the focus work
i love that it works i lov etha ti
get to choose
i love

making the choice i love that
i know the energy work is

all ther eis i love tha ti know

i know!

just say yes just
keep saying yes

just keep saying yes i love
that ig et to chosoe

to say yes to feel good about it
to feel the vibrational bookmark
i love that i get to feel ti
i love that
i kowt

the energy is always there

already there.

jstt just keep sayin gyes

keep saying yes keep saying yes to the flow

yes to god yes to waht is
what is
yes to waht is

just keep saying yes

just keep saying yes
feeling teh feleing
and making the choice
that’s all ican

can do that’s all ic an

keep saying yes to the flow
to the flow

feeling to the feeling

keep saying yes to the feeling

keep saying yes to the feeling to the feeling to flow to the
feeling of god keep saying yes to the feeling
of god

to the
feeling of god to the god life jut keep

sayin gyes to the
the god life
keep sayin gyes to the

the god life

just feel the feeling of yes

just feel the feeling of knowing that

that’s all i cand o

so grateful

so grateful for a new day!
for a new lease on life for new perspective
so grateful the wife was right!!

so grateful for this here and now
for this moment so grateful fort his

this moment !!

so grateful for new perspective
to remember what i already knew

so grateful for new perspective
so grateful

so grateful for new perspective
to breath new life into life

to remember that its the alignmetn i seek
and that aligment brings everything

so graeful to remember that the universe is a lot
more creative than i am lol

so graetful to remem er that you never know what your next
adventure will be but the universe always comes up
wit something

so graetful to know that i can just trust
just trust life it feels so good to just
rust tlfe

trust life it feels good to trast

trust life it feels s ogo

so good to trust life
t love
to love life to love life so grateful to love life
to feel good

so grateful the wife was right!!

so grateful life is good!
get to feel the goodness of life flowing
through me os

so grateful for a new day!!

so grateful for a new lease!!

so grateful to feel good now to feel
good now to feel good now to feel
good now
to feel good now

so grateful to feel good now
to feel the

right now to feel the new day
to feel the new

energy to feel the new energy to jump

into alignment to see the affect of

to know it so

it’s only ever alignment

so grateful to get in the vortex and then

so grateful to have a new lease on life
to remember to TRUST LIFE

so gratful to remember the ease and flow of trusting life!

of actually loving life!
of knowing that it’s always working

so grateful to feel the energy of alignment
of adventure of trusting life

so grateful to stir up

laxy lazy thoughts

stale thoughts

so grateful to feel a new lease on life!
so grateful the wife was right!

say yes!!

looking for ways to say yes
looking for ways to trust
feeling teh feeling
of alignmetn

of release
of knowing the truth to lfie
so grateful to feelt

the release of alignment and then
see the evidence of it right now



knowing that laign
is my only suppy

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world
and place my entire focus on teh god
within as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the
inner presence as the only
activity in my financial affairs
as the substancce of

of all tings visible

i place my faith in the prinicple of abundance
in actio within

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial affairs
as the substance
of all things visible

place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within me

so grateful to feel the energy of life
so grateful to be a match so gratefl to

be a match to life ro tm
to remember the truth of life
to allow life to be creativing to just

sit back and enjoy

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the
god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity in my
financcial affairs
as the substance of all things visible

i acknowledge the inner prese

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within as the



cause of my prosperity
i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial affairs

as the substance of all things visible

i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within me

the substance of all tihngs

i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action wihtin me

i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action wihtin me

i place my faith in the principle of abundance

in action

within me

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the
god within as the only
caus of my prosperity

i acknolwedge
the inner presence as teh only
activity in my financial affairs

as the substance of all things visible

i place my faith in the principle of
abundance in action wihtin me

in action within me
i place my faith

in the principle of abundance in action within me
in action within me

so grateful to feel new energy
to feel excited about life
to feel inspired

to feel free to feel possibility
so grateful to feel possibility

to feel new life so grateful to feel
new life to feel new life to feel new life
so grateful to feel new life

to feel new life to feel new life

so grateful to feel new life
new inspiration new ideas
and to

feel that alignment
so grateful to feel alignment
to feel
the resistance

fade and to again feel lust for life
to feel excited about life again

so grateful to feel excited about life again
to feel good about life again
to feel good about life


so grateful to remember what life
feels like and to kow that

to know that life gave me that feeling
life has been trying try

and trying
life is showing me
who and what i am

i fel the

i felt the feeling
or felt certain that i would feel it
and then it came in a different way
than expected
before i expected it

and that’s aho

how it works life is just a feeling
it’s all a feeling it’s all a feeling its’

all a feeling it’s

all a feeling all of life

is just a feeling

of life is just a feelign i love that i know this i love
that i know this

so gratefl for life
to give me the feeling of life to remember what life
feels like to remember what

alignment feels like to remember
that it’s only

its only ever alignment

just want to feel good

i must i must feel the way i want to feel first
i know i become it then i see it and i know that
i can choose to become it in every omment i know that
i can choose to become it in every ometn


choose how i want to feel right now
feel for how i want to feel right now

i love feeling good i love having more than
enough i love feeling abundant
i love feeling free and i love that i know
there’s evidence of abundance
in everything!!

i love orders i love subs
i love ordres i love subs

i get to choose it right now
i must choose it right now i must be i must be
it and the whe i am

whe i am it when i am abundance
my whoe life

whole life is and i know that’s my choice
i know it’s my choice
to feel good now to feel the flow now
to feel abundant now

i must

there’s no other cchoicchoice
you must feel how you want to feel
you must feel it then see it so i must
choose it i must find a way to sho
to choos it

then i will see it.

i must feel it i must be it
i know that and i know how to do it

flip the switch flip the switch and then
it is

celebrate everything that is
it’s that easy flip the switch
be as if

be as if
it already is because it already is
its only


its only
ever perspective

it’s how i look ati t and
that is the only owrk

how i look at it how i feel
about it and i love that
ig et to celebrate t

get to do this work the
yeest work

get to do the yes work
get to do the yes work

the god work the god
work the god work the god work

god work
the god work the god work
the god work

the god work the god work
the god feeling flip

the god switch and that’s all i can
do in any moment
flip the god swithc
i know

i know it’s me and i can choose to feel
how i want to feel right now
to know that i already have what i want
that it already is the way i want it to be
that i chav

have so much to celebrate right now

i love that i get to do that i love

i love that i have everything i need!

i love that the rent and bills are paid!!

i love that we have enough
we always have enough!!

i love that we always have enough i love
feeling the god self
i love
feeling the god
self knowing the god self

experiencing life

as the god self

experiencing life

as the god self i love that
i get to feel the god self
get to know

to know the god self
i love that

i love

i love that i get to feel the god self flip the
god switch

i love that i an


flip the god switch

i feel it i feel the god self
i am the god self
i have to be i have to be the god self

ignor the rest i have to be the god
self and ignore the rest i know that’s
the only answer

to anything i love that i know i love
that i’m choosing it right now

remembering that i get to choose
that i get to choose and then it is

it’s only ever me andhow
i’m looking tat

at it i love that i know this is
true and that this is the

the only work the only work
the only work the only work

the only work just

change the perspective

make a quantum leap
its as easy as a shift in perspective

i’ve already made the switch
i’ve already made the switch

i already am god i already am god self
i already am

looking at everything in a nwe way

grateful to look at life in a new
way grateful to feel in communion
with it to celebrate it to make the choice

to cceleb

to celebrate everything that is
to celebrate

everything that is
so grateful to

celebrate the

i love making the switch i love
making teh swit

the switch i love that our work
i sperfe

is perfectly poised for any
i love that our work is perfectly poised

i love that the switch is flipped

the switch is flipped i love that
its easy to flip the swtich
to feel the feeling

is e

its easy to flp the flip the switch
to be it to be it

already know

for it already to be i love that
i can always flip the switch

and its as easy as thinking about
flipping the switch

i love that life is good i love
making moeny moves
i love that i’m a money magnet i love that i get to feel
good about it i love that
i get to feel the flow right now

i’ve already made the switch and that’s
all i can do i’ve already made the switch

the god switch
i’m looking at life like god now
i’m looking at life like

allowing life like god allowing
god allowing the god self to flow
through me

allowing the

god self to flow through me

i’ve already made the switch

already made the switch
i’ve already made the god switch


i’ve already made the wi
switch i’m already here

i’m already here and i know that’s
all it is it’s how i look at life
it’s how i look at it

i say yes to it i welcome it
i celebrate it and n

above all i found

i find a way back to connection
with god and allow the feeling to solve everything
else i know this is all
i can ever i know this is all that
has ever made any difference in my life
i know that my inner connection is my suppl

and all that matters is this inner connection
with god innever co

inner connection with god loveing life
from the perspective of god.

so grateful to do the only work

to feel good so grateful to feel good now to feel good onw
to feel the flow right now

so grateful to feel good nowt o feel
good now to feel the flow right now
to feel the feeling of god the feeling of connection

so grateful to feel energized to feel god
go to do he only work and allow
the rest to floo

follow i know this is the only
work i know this is the only work i know this is the oly work

the only work i know this is the only work
i know this is

the only work i know this is the only work
i know this is the only work i know this is the only
work i know this

is this
this is the only work i know this
is the only work the feeling work is the only work
and i love that i know that!

so grateful to do the energy
so grateful to do the energy work
so grateful
to do the

energy work so grateful to feel the flow
to feel the flow
to feel the energy
to feel

really energized for the first time in awhile

so grateful to really focus on the moment
right in front of me
to feel good to dcdd

decide to LOVE where i am
right now i love where i am right now

i know that’s all i can do
make total peace with it
love it i do love it i do love

i am at total peace
i know that feeling i know that feeling
i am at total peace with everything i have

i have so much and i am at total peace with that

with where i am.

grateful to let the rest go
to remember what i truly am
who i truly am

who i truly am align with god
first allign with

align with god first
align with
god first
align with god first
align with god first

i love that i know this is my power
i love that i kno
i love taht

that i get to do it
i get to align with god i

get to align with god
and then i allow the rest
i know this is the only

one truth of life
i know that this is my experience
this is my experience

this is what i have experienced
i know it’s real i love that i get to choose
i get

to choose how i wnat
want to feel instead i get to
choose how i

want to feel instead.

i love it here i love it here
i love it here

i love it her ei love
i ilove it
here i love that there’s

so much to love i love it here
i’m happy exactly where i am

i’m happy exactly where i am
i’m happy

exactly as i am
i’m happy exactly as i am

i get to choose how i feel about
it i get to choose how i feel i
get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose i get to choose
i get to
choose i get to choose

so grateful to feel good!

to feel energized to feel good about life!
so gratful to feel good about life
to switch it up
to feel good now so grateful to feel good now

so grateful to be here now
to feel good now to feel good now to love
this moment so grateful to allow
myself to love this moment

so grateful to allow myself to love this moment

so grateful to allow msye
to love this moment to
feel good in this moment
in this moment
so grateful to allow myself to
feel good now in this moment
i feel good now
in this moment

so grateful to do this work
to be deep into this work to get deeper and ee

deeper always deeper into this work so grateufl
to put my attention where
it needs to be

so grateful to put my attention where
it needs to be

grateful for this here and now
to love myself right here in this here and now

to celebrate life to turn the attention
within so grateful to
to turn the attention within

turn the attention within

deep into the work
deep into the focus into the energy
into the

energy deep into the energy
deep into the focus the god work the
god work
the god work

to go deep into it
to remember its all me to
remember its all me

to remember its all me it feels good to do the work
to do me to go within
to know that i can go within
i go within first
and allow the rest to come and i know that’s the
only way i know that’s the
only way

i go within first

i go deeper and deeper i get to feel the
feeling i get to
feel the

feeling i get to feel the
feeling i

get to feel the feeling
here and now
i get to feel the

here and now i get to feel the feeling here and now

i pay attention
i pay

attention i pay attention i pay attention

i pay attention
i pay attention

to how i feel to the thoughts
to the version the thoughts are creating

grateful to see a new world

i know i know we’re all
a collective consciousness
and nothing about us
is separate

i know that life is showing me a

i know that life shows me
a simulation

i know that it’s just a simulation
i know that it is
i know that it’s just

a simulation

i pay attention to the indicators
i pay
attention to the indicators

i pay attention to the thoughts
and the version i create

i pay attention to the inner self
i connect with the inner self

i connect with the inner self

i connect with the inner self


ok i can do it i can
go totally within i can trust i can

trust i can trust

i can trust the flow i trust
the flow i trust the

flow i trust the flow

i trust the feeling the inner self i love
that i an

can always put the focus within
i can always put the focus within

turn the focus within
i love

that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good that is the number one

then do the reset

then do the rest
then do the rest

then do the rest

deeper and deeper
is all i can do all i can
all i can do is
feel for center and know that
god self will lead me

i know that all i can do is let go
and know and trust and allow
and when i do that i feel good

i feel a rush of life flowing through me
i feel
a rush of life flowing through me i feel

rush of life flowing through me
i come to center and i allow
center to do the work
i come to center ot

and i allow center to do the work

deeper and deeper into the self
into the self

into the self into how i want to feel
into how i want to feel i know i have
to find teh fee

the feeling place first

find teh feeling place

grateful to choose teh feeling i prefer

that’s all i can do
choose what i prefer and know it is

it already is choose it and it
already is i don’t have to defend my

i can just return to center
return to center
and feel for the version i prefer

feel for the version i prefer
i love that i can help imagine a new world
i love that i know i can play a part in that
i know that our materials can play
a part in that i know that i can do the work

take the leap to make that happen and i know i’m doing
it every day i know i’m doing it every day

i know i’m doing it every day
feeling toward it more and more

feeling toward it more and more

the feeling deeping into

deeper into this deeper into the emotional switch
the emotional switch
i love remembering it and i love knowing
that my only job is to flip it

the switch i love that i can always flip the switch i love that i get
to feel good

get to love the day
get to love the day

get to love the day
welcome the day
welcome the

changes the world is going thorugh

a chance to make a new world
always making a new world

looking for ways i can give more
of myself
i know that’s all i have to do
and the opportunities will present themselves

and all i have to do is say yes

all i have to do is say yes

deeper into the feeling i prefer
deeping into the

into the feeling i prefer

deeper into the feeling i prefer
i know that’s all i can do

i know that’s all i can do i
i know that’s all

i can do.