grateful for the switch

so grateful to change the energy
change the momentum so grateful to allow it ccome to
to ome to me so grateful to know to feel

for the energy first feel
for the energy first feel

for the energy first feel
for the energy first

feel for the energy first
do the work feel for it first
feel for it first do the work first
do the work

do the work do the work first

gratefyl to

to changet the the energy grateful to
switch the enegy
grateful to switch the enrgy

energy to turn the boat so gratful to turn the boat to feel the energy
of life flowing through me
to fe

to feel the enery of life
flowing through me

so grateufl to turn the boat
to turn the focus with to fee

to unite with god and know that i can
then put that god energy out into the world
and tha’s all i can

action can onlly come
from god energy

i become the god energy and then put
that energy into the world i know this is

my power so grateful to do thie

to do the work
to do

to do the work to do
the inner work and just

feel my way toward the rest
to accept life is it comes
to accept life

as it comes to

accept new paradigms
to allow life to ebb and flow

grateful to allow the flow

the flow th

grateful to allow the ebb

it feels good to change the enregy and
see the effects
to know

to know it’s always

it’s always the energy it’s

it’s always

the energy it’s always me
it’s always me

so grateful for a new era
for the wind to shif the energy
toward an era of trst

and era of knowing
an era of allowing

era of alliwng

so grateful for an end of an era
to focus even more
to get even more

deep into this

deep into this
depe into

deep into this
deep into this
deep into this

the god work the god self trusting the god self

think of all of myself i will have time to give
if i’m not

on social media lol
i know i’m always doing my best

so grateful to feel good to feel
the flow to catch a wind to

catch a wind fo

that wind i’d been asking for
so grateful for the space and time
to focus more
so grateful for the space and time to focus

so grateful to turn the boat!

so grateful to free up mental sapce

space free up mental space
so gratful to
shift the energy to shift the energy
to shift
the energy so gratefult o shif

to shift the energy
to shift

the energy

thank you thank you

thank you for the energy flowing through
me to feel the

energy flowing through me
to feel
the energy shift so grateful to do the work
to feel the energy


so grateful to do the work
to feel the energy shift

to chosoe to

to choose the version i prefer
so grateful to do the work

so grateful to do the work to
create the version i prefer
so grateful to do the work

create the version i prefer
so grateful i can so grateful to always shift the enrgy

energy shift the energy
the energy

love satisfaction
and good humor

love satisfaction
and good humor

im deep into this and i have
the power to create the version i prefer
i have the power

to create the version i prefer
i love that

i get to do that
i love that i

get to do that i love
that i get

get to do that
i love that
i get to

get to feel good i love that
i get to turn the boat get to do this work .

this is the only work
the energy

work so grateful to turn the boat
to turn the boat
to turn
the abo


so grateful to tunr the

energy to do the enrgy work
to let it all go
to let it all goo

turn the boat rutn
turn the boat turn

the boat turn the boat
turn the boat

i ilove

changing the energy i know that
i can always do that i can

choose the energy i want
choose the energy
i want to be t

to put toward something

the energy i want to put toward something
i know that i can i know that i can
i now

i miss just getting to create my work

and have fun just making work and not have to think about
how is this relating to … revolution

i miss just making good work and not having to wonder if i should
even talk about it fuck it i’m done caring

what others perceive

i know i do my best i know that my work is anti capitalist and
anti racist

i know that and i know that we are committed to doing
everything we can to help

committed to that
and i can do both.

i know that i can do both i can
enjoy life and i can fight for what is right
fight for the version i prefer

i am always creating the version i prefer
looking for the version i prefer
i always look for the version i prefer

i know that i can always create the version i prefer

it’s up to me

it’s always up to me to choose
the versio i want its up to me to hold spae for

space for how i want to feel and i love
that i get to do that i love that
i get to be aware get to really do this work not
just talk about it but really do it

so make the choice
make the choice to let it go forever
to drop it forever to not care
to be brave enough to look for
what i want to see knowing that i an

can choose to look for what i want to see in
every moment

do i know this?

do i really know this o am i just talking about it?

do i just talk about it or do i really do it
feel for what i would prefer

i prefer to be treated with love and respect
and so i must offer the same

i must offer the same

once i’ve admitted that the thoughts
are off the bus i really have no business

thinking them

i love being deep in this really doing the wokr
not just talking about it but really doing it flying high on it

flyig high on the divine buzz

digging deep into this work devoting
myself to this wrok

devoting myself to this vibation
myself to this vibration

devoting myself to this vibration

the vibration of on the bus
the vibration of love the vibration
of love

and good humor

i want to feel it and i know i can
with practice i can really feel it i love that
i get to really feel it this is the work
this is the only work and i get to chosoe

i get to choose i get to choose
i get to choose
i get to

i get to choose i love
i love that i get to choose

i’m devoted i’m devotted to this
work because i know it works

because i know it works

love satisfaction and good humor
i get to feel it now and i know it always works
i’m allowing the feelings to
fill me up i’m allowing myself to feel

how i want to feel i’m allowing
i’m allowing myself to feel how i want to feel

i’m cultivating the feelings i want to feel
i know i was lashing out bcaue

because feelings of
and disdain are floating to the top
but i don’t have to choose to follow them

i can choose the core of me
the center of me i get to choose

the center of me i get to choose the
center of me

i get to return there i know it’s up to me
to choose the version i prefer
and that is MY work i know it’s up to me
to choose hwat

what i perceive and that is my work
i’ts only me it’s only ever me i

and i know this i know this i knwot his
this is the work i’m deep into it i

i’m devoted to it i’m devoted to it

i’m brave enough to align with the
version i prefer
i’m brave enough to do the only work

i love that i know this

i love that i can always jump feet first
feet first into

1i’m triggered by family and that’s ok

i’m still pissed about being disrespected
and that’s ok

i don’t have to care
i don’t have to let it weigh on me
i can still feel good i can

can still feel good i can still
feel good i can still feel good

i can still feel good i can feel the vortex
i can celebrate the vortex i can
allow the vortex to rise up within me
i can allow myself to do this work the only work

just let it go

it’s that easy it’s that east


easy and really that’s the only work
that’s the only work

the only work that’s the only work
the only work .

i get to choose on the bux
and t

and that’s all there is i don’ thave t

to replace it with something
or even choo

feel good on that topic i can just hoo
choose to let it go i can just
choose to let it go

allow life to fow

flow through me
through me do this work the owo
only work the devotion work


devotion to the feeling t
the fec

devotion to the feeling the
to the feeling the devotion to
the feeling

that is my power
i don’t have to care i can

immerse myself deep into the power
of this mometn the love of th

this moment i know my greatest power
is seeing the version

looking for teh vers

the version i prefer

despite hanging on to evidence
to the contrary

i know i canl et that
go i know i can
choose the deovtion

devotion to the self
rather than need to be right
i can choose to feel good and i know this

is this this is the
only this is the only this is the only

work this is the only work t
his is the only work the

vortex work the devotion workd

i want to be deep into this
i want to be
deep into this and i love remembering that
because that means just doint the w

doing the work

not judging it not defending my

but only
ever choosing teh reality

the version i prefer
and acting as if

that is the only work that is
the only work
that is the only work

on the bus
i love that i dont have to care

i can just trust i can just trust
i can

just trust

the flow the work
i want to be deep into this

i want to be deep into this
like i know i can like i know i can

i know my powe i know the
flow i know my power

i know the flow i know my power

i know my poweer
i’m deep into this i know my power

i want to be deep into this

not messing around on the surface but
for real deep into this iw ant
to take this work for real i want to really do it
i want to devote my whole self to it
i am ready to devote my whole sefl

whole self to this work i am
ready to devote my entire self to this work
and that is all ic an do
is devote my entire self to this work
all i can do

is devote my entire self to this work

all i can all of me i want to feel it deeply
they way

the way i know is possible the way i know its
is possible i give everything i can to life
and life givees it right back

i know this is true i know this ture

is ture i know this is true

i want to be deep into this
i want to devote myself to this fully
and i know that i can i know that is
my power i love that i know
this i smyii power

is my power i love that
i know thi sis

is my power

the devotion
the v

devotion is my power
and is my

the devotion is my supply
i know this for a fact it’s the only truth
and i know this through life experience
i love that
i’m at a point where i don’t doubt it anymore!!

i don’t doubt it
i know it!

and it’s always up to me i love that i know
i feel the feeling and then ilove that
get to choose the feeling i love
that it already is i love that it already is

so grateful to see the evidence everywhere i look
to know that life is always flowing perfectly
through me
perfectly reflecting me

i’m dde


deep in this i choose to be deep into this
deep into my power dde

deep into the power of choice
putting all my attention on the version

i’m creating
aware of where

i’m placing my attention
of where i’m placing my attention

i’m deep into this
deep into my power

today i’m on the frequency

today i’m in the flow today i feel the
divine buzz today i feel the divine buzz

today i feel the divine buzz today i feel the divine buzz today
i feel the divine buzz today i feel the divine buzz

today i get to feel good i get to feel the
divine buzz i get to allowt he life
allow the life to flow

today i’m allowing life today ‘m allowing myself to
feel good i’m choosing

choosing the energy and its that easy i know that i
get to choose the energy i get to choose to feel good i
get to choose

celebrateion i

get to choose the energy get to align with the energy
get to allow the g

energy to flow through me i get to
do the work i get to do the work i get to
to do the work i get to do the work

i get to do the work i get tofee feel good get to focus
the energy get to love the day!!!

get to have a good day!
i get to have a good day!!

i will have a good day!!

i will celebrate this energy i will be a conduit for the
energy i will make the choice
to feel good i make the choice
to feel good i g

make the choice

i make the choice

grateful to feel the feeling grateful to make the choice
grateful fo rmak

to make the choice
grateful to feel the feeling
grateful to make the choice

grateful to make the choice

grateful fo

to make the hoice

i get to feel good i get to feel
good i get to feel good

i feel good i feel good i celebrate this day
i focus and allow the energy
i turn it all over to god and

make the choiet o feel good i make
the choice to feel good now to feel
the feeling
the divine buzz i make
the f

the choice to feel the divine buzz i make
the chocie

feel the divine buzz i love that i get to i love
that i get to alow the

allow the horses to do it i love that
the horses love to do it
i love that
i get to choose i love tha ti know the

horses love me i love that
i know

i love
i love that i get to choose to feel good to allow
the good feelings to rise
to enjoy this moemnt
to feel good in the moment

in the weekend!!

so grateful to feel good and celebrate this day
so grateful to feel good to feel the

flow flowing through me

so grateful to feel the energy of life

flowing through me!!!

so grateful to feel good to feel the flow
to feel love

and good humor

so grateful to have fun!!

to chosoet he erngy and know that life
reflects it i love that
i now the secret to life

and never have to wonder

i get to feel good and have fun!
i want to have fun!!

i want to enjoy my life!
be grateful for my life!

i love tha ti get t
i love that i get to chosoe to feel

choose to feel grateful choose to
allowl ife to be

what it is and just enjoy being
i love that i bet

get to enjoy being i love that i know
i never have to pay attention to the rest

i can train my attention
i can tune my vibration
i lvoe the

i love the feeling of feeling in tune wiht l

with life i love that i know life
loves me i love that i know i can look for what i want to see

i love that i get to look for what i want to see

i get to choose the flow ig et to choose
it and i can refuse to feel bad

i can refuse to feel fear

i can choose to feel how i want to feel i get to choose
to feel how i want to feel i get to

choose to feel how iw ant to

how i want to fee i get

i get to choose to feel how i want to feel
i get to choose
to feel how i want to feel how i want to feel

i get to choose to feel howi want
how i want to feel i get to choose to ccelebrate
this day!!!

i get to choose to ccelebrate this day!!

so grateful to get rid of the boxes!!

so grateful to get to help someone!!

so grateful for the perfect weather
and life is working out for me!

i get to cchoose to align with the enrgy i get to
say yes to the day i get to bless the day

i get to renounce my humanhood

i get to choose how i want to fee!!

i get to choose to feel the feeling i get to choose
to feel love i get to choose to feel love
i get t

to choose to feel good i get to choose to feel god
i get to choose to feel god right now

i know this is my power
and its the only work i know that god is here with me
and i get to choose to feel good

i get to choose to bless this day
to feel gratitude ofr this

for this day ig et to choose to allow the alignment of god
to flow i get to choose knowing
i get to choose
knaowing i get

to feel for the version i prefer i
get to choose to make the choice

and then it is!!

i make the choice and then it is!!

i make the choice and the it is!!

i love that i get to do feel god
i love that i get to BE god!!

i know that i ma god
i know that i ma the

am the one and only
creator of my reality and ig et to look
for the version i prefer

i get to ccreate it!!

i know that is my power
i know that is my power
and my only work is tune myself to this truth.

i can feel it

i can feel it i can feelt he focus
the feeling of the focus and its my right to
choose it
its’ my right

to choose it.

i can do it i can
be on the a


of the miracles i know it’s me
i know it’s up to me
i know
it’s up to me i know it’s
to me

i’m on the wavelength
of miracles o

i’m on the wavelength

i’m on the wavelength

it’s me it’s me i have to choose to
look for it choose to me

be to a match i have to chooset o
be a match i have to choose to

be it
i have to choose to be it
i have to choose
to be it

i choose to be it right now

i choose to be it right now

i’m here now i’m here now
focused i th

in this here and now i’m a match i’m a match
it’s only me it’s

only ever the energy of me
i lift it au

up i allow it to rise i allow
it to rise i allow it to rise

it’s up to me to be a match

it’s up to me to be a match
to be the energy it’s up to me
to be the energy it’s up
to me

to be the energy it’s up to me
to be the

i can do it i can be the energy i can
be the energy i can be the
energy i can be

the energy

it’s me i’m the miracles
it’s me i’m the miracles
i’t sonly

only ever me it’s only ever me
it’s only ever me it’s only

ever me

it’s only ever me it’s only
ever me

only ever me it’s only ever me

the energy of me
choose to feel good choose to celebrate life
choose to jump into life



to jump into life
choose to jump into life

so grateful for this day
for this day
for this day for this

moment i can

alwys return to gratitdue

i can always return
to gratitude

i can always return to center i can
always release resistance
and tune my attention i can always tune my attention

i can always choose where i look
i cana lways

always choose where i look i can always choose
where i look

i feel it i feel the center of me
i feel the center of me i feel the

lust for life
i feel the lust

for life

i feel the lust
for life i feel
the lust

for life
i feel the lust for life

i feel the lust for life
i feel the
lust for life i feel the lust
for life

i accept life as it is
i accept myself as it is

i’m allowed
i’m allowed to feel good

i’m allowed to feel good
to run

turn my focus inward
to choose to feel good about life
about life
about this moment i’m allowed to feel

to release it all i’m allowed
to release it all
i’m allowed to release it all

i get to choose

how i feel right now
it’s my right it’s my

power i know i get to choose
i get to choose

how i feel right now i love that
i do i get to focus

hee and now
here and now i get to focus in this
here and now
i get to focus
in this

i can just choose joy first
just choose joy first and the
rest will come the
rest will come

it comes to us it comes to us
and i can trust that
it comes to us

it comes to us
and we can t

i can trust that the opportunties
to give will come to me i’m

looking for ways to give and i can trust
that i can look for a beautiful world
i get to look for a beautiful world

i get to live in a beautiful world

free world i get o to
to live i get to liv life i
get to enjoy

i get to enjoy liife
i get

i get to feel

who is observing
what is really making it all happen

the shared consciousness

begging for freedom

i can feel for that freedom i can always feel for that freedom
i can feel

for the free self
i can always experience the free self
it is my duty o experience the free self

it is i get to feel it
i get to feel it i get to feel
the core self i ge tto feel

core self i get to feel the
core sellf i get
get to feel the

core self i get to feel the core
self i can let it all go d
just for one day i

can allow myself to release the guilt

i can allow myself to just um

jump back into life to
feel good to know i’m doing my best

to release the guilt
to release
the guilt

i can release i can

so grateful for the feeling
so grateful to
be where i am so grateful to

be where ia m
to be able to return

to center

i’m allowed to return to center
to return to miracles

to retrun to

to miracles
i’m allowed to return to miracles

to do the work to create the
version i prefer.

i’m jumping into life
and celebrating what i can do
i’m allowing life to flow through me
i allow life
to flow through me

i allow life to flow
through me

love satisfaction and good humor

authentic gratitude
authentic gratitdue

authentic gratitude

that’s all i need start from
there start from there.

that’s all i need and i can
give myself some time and space to feel
good to charge myself up

i’m charging myself up
charging myself up
i’m charging myself up

and i’m allowed to do that
i’m charging myself up
and i’m allowed to do that.

i can do it

i can feel for god the god self right
now i’m feeling for the god self the god self
right now the god self right now
the god i am the god self i am

the god self.

return to center to me to the center of me to the
center of me
to the center of me

return to the center of me return to the center of me
to the center of me

to the center of me

thisi s the
this is the only work grateful to feel
my way back to center
and feel the feeling
feel the feeling the

feel the feeling feel the

feel the feeling

feel the feeling
feel the feeling
feel the feeling

feel my way
back to center feel my way
back to center

feel my way back to center.

thank you thank you thank
you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you

thank you

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you

thanks god

i can do it i can do it i can
do it i can do it

i can do it i
can feel i can focus toward center

i can do it i can do it i can
allow the energy to rise

i can allow the energy to rise

thank you thank you thank you
thank you

thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you for this moment i can
choose where i put my energy
where i put my focus i ch

get to choose were

where i put my eerg

energy and focus i love that i know
this i love that i kno wthis love

i love that i can always tune my attention

easy to direct my attention where it’s needed

it’s easy to direct my attention
where it feels good

where it feels good

it’s easyt

to direct my attention

to choose to choose to
choose to keep doing the work
to keep wor

doing the work the work
to keep doing the work

to keep doing the work
to keep doing
the work do

to keep doing the work

keep doing thew ork di

doing the work digging
digging doing the woerk

grateful for this day
for this mometn for this focus

for the boat
turn the boat and
float downstream

turn the boat and float

down stream.

floating floating floating
floaing do

floating down the stream
floating down the stream

thank you thank you
thank you for this
this here and now this

here and not his

feeling the god self
return i feel the god self i veel t

feel the god self returnting
i feel the god
self re

i feel the god self fliwng

flowing through me i lo

i feel the focus the focus
the poi

why am i here hwy

why am i here
to focus my energy to feel good

i get to feel good

feeling good is


feeling good

feeling joy is a way to stand up to capitalism


i’m here i’m here
i’m here

i’m here


here in this moment i’m connected i trued

retrn t

return to god i return
to center to center to center to
the center of life o

i return to cneter

i get to choose i get to choose i
gt t

get to choose my thgouths
my attention
andhow i feel

i know i’m doing the work
i’m doing the work

i’m always doing the work i’m
always doing the work

i’m here i’m focus i

i’m centered on god i’m centred on god i
can do it
ic an do it i cna

allow god i allow god to return
i look at life i look at life
i look
at life i look at

what do i want what do i want
what do i want

return to focus t

return to center to wher ei am
to who i am


what do i want
just focus
just focus
one one pont

on one point
that’s all i can d

do just focuso n one point
this point
focuson one

one point this point
and it’s that easy to coe b

come back tot his point
to god

to say tahnk you for what i could give

i’m here now i’m here now
i’m here now

i focus on the version i prefer
i focus on the version i prefer

i’m here i’m here now i’m
here now i’m

here now i’m focused on one spot
that’s all i can do focus
on one spot
return to center to focus

to celebrating life to celebrating what’s good
to allow the pain to express itself through me

what do i want what do i want
to feel good to feel good to do

to feel good

so do that first
and everything

allow everything else to follow
everything else to follow

i’m here i’m here i’m here

feeling the divine buzz

that’s all there is

that’s all there ever is

i love that i know that i love
that i know i love
that i get to

to make the choice to feel

it right now i get to make the choice
to feel it i get to make the choice
to feel it i get to make the choice
to feel it

i get to make the choice to feel it i

can do it ic an
focus that’s all
it really is the focus where
is my focus

where is my attention
where is my focus where is my attention

i know thisi s the only work
i know this is the ony work
and i can feel the feeling i get to choose to feel
the feeling i know this is the
onlyw ork i

i’m here tuning my focus
tuning my attention

i’m here doing the only wrok
feeling the divine buzz

this is the only work

i know this is the only work and the only
thing that matters in my life

sub retention
all that matters is how i feel and the rest reflects that
i know that i know this i know this
i know this is the only work
the feeling is the only work the

connection to self is the only work
and i can always trust the feeling
i can always trust the right now
the feeling right now

i get to feel it i get to feel it
and it starts with a dlim

glimmer and that glimmer builds
the glimmer builds

you can always start with a glimmer
bless the glimmer!!

the glimmer builds
the glimmer is evidence of god that
god is always there and the only
thing that can block it

is resistance to it

the only thing that can block god
is resistance to it

i love that so much is good in my life i love that
i ahve so much to be grateful for!!


sub payment!!


good food!

so grateful to feel the fli

to feel the glimmer build
to feel good to feel

and good humor

love satisfaction
and good humor

and i can feel all of those things
and every time i make the choice
to make those things my reality

my core identity

then they are

i am one who loves and makes connections easily
i am one who is respected and revered for her work

i am one who trust the flow of life

knowing this is the only work i love knwoing this
is the only work the

flowing work the
feeling work the feeling work
the being w

aware of the version i create work
i get to feelthe

feel the feelin first
i love that i get to feel the
feeling fisrt



good humor

cultivating love

and trusting what the future will bring
i know

i know i can do both of these things i know it’s me
it’s only ever me it’s only ever a thought pattern
and the sooner i’m aware the sooner i can turn the boat

and i love that this is my power
this is my skill i love that i know this i love that
i can be aware of my thoughts i love tha ti am

that i am ware o

aware of the thought patterns i love that i get to
choose to feel something else that i am in control of how i feel
and what i do and i dont have to look outside of me
to judge others to hate on others i love that
i am aware of that and can turn the boat
i love that i’ts eay

easy to turn the boat to turn
to turn the focus and energy within.

i love doing the work i love that i know this
is the work i love feeling empowered by me

by the contrast that helps me focus
helps me focus on something i’ve wanted for myself
and i love that life helps me do that
i love that i know the truth
and i love that life helps me

i love that i know i can do it
i can turn the focus and the love within i love that
i get to choose to love my life
to feel good in my life i love that
i get to

choose to feel good about my life.

Little expressions of hate. Belief in ugliness. Anger at the very basis of your understanding. Spreading frustration about the future.

today i am expressing love in everything i do
in every action i take in every work i think or say

i express love
through everything i do
i express love and i love that
ig et to do this

that i get to bring awareness to thought patterns
and change them!!

i love that i can do it and i know that i always do!!

i’ve done it so many times!!

today i feel good aboutt he pr
the prsent and i trust the truth

future i trust the future i love that i know
i love tha ti am

that i am aware i love that i know that
whatever comes

it’s all good it’s all good

i love that all this change is happening
i love that the future is bright!!

i love that change is happening!

i knwo that i can always tune myself toward

i feel satisfaction i feel satisfied
with the outlook of my life
and i love that

that easy to turn the boat
it’s that easy to turn toward love

and satisfaction

i turn toward love
and satisfaction

i am
love and satisfaction
i love that i get to choose this

cultivate it

and then it is
i love making the choice i love
making the choice i love

doing me
turning that attention within
what if
all the attention i put on the neighbors,,
i put on my own god self?!?!

loving, satisfied and with good humore

loving, satisfied and with good humor

it feels so good to feel free
from looking outside of me
and focus on my own god self
and my own inner world

i got distracted for a minute
but now i remember who i am

i focus on me i focus on me
i turn that attention

i turn that attention toward

and good humore

and good humor

and good humor

love and good humor

i love that i can just
feel toward those feelings
i love that
i get to feel sa

satisfied in my life and my future
love in my life and my future

good humor in my life and my future

i love that i get to choose all things thing
and feel how good they feel i love that
i have a new

renewed focus on who i am
a renewed knowledge of who i am
i love that

get to choose

love and
good humor

i love this and i love
this new focus

this renewed focus
to remember who and what i am
i love that i get to choose who i am

i know i am the creator of me
i know i am the one and only creator of me
and now

i ahve

have soemthing to replace those
old stale thoughts with!!

and good humor

i love that i get to choose
i get to be aware of the vibration
and i love that the contrast helps me focus
i love

i love that the contrast helps me focus
i love that d

don’t have to care

all that matters is vibration
all that matters

vibration all that matters is
vibration i love that i know this
i love that i know this

the only thing i can do

is address the vibration
address the vibration

i love that i get to do this i love that
i get to feel good

and good humor

and it just feels so good
to tune to these feelings to choose
these feelings
to choose

how iw atn to feel in my life!!

and good humor

i love my new outlook on life!!

i love that i get to feel good about life that
i get to feel good in getnera

in general

remembering that my moood is

my moos is m

mood is my only work
i love remembering i love


how to do it!!

how to feel good!
that ig et to feel good!!

that i get to feel love!
that i get to feel satisfaction!!

that i get to have good humor!!

i love all these qualities about myself
i love that i get to turn the boat
i get to turn tht efocus

the focus to the god within

i love that i get to make this choice
to feel good in my life!!

to trust life and turst

trust god

to trust this moment right now!!!

grateful to do this work

to feel filled up to feel complete so grateful to feel god
flowing through me to allow god to be the drug so grateful to allow
teh feeling of god to be the drug to always return to the
feeling of god and allow god to be the drug

grateful to connecto remember my mood is my work
so grateful to have a driving concept so grateful to have a
driving concept

love doing this work the focus work love the focus work
the attention work


allowing the god to be the drug i love
that i know the god is the drug
i love that i get to choose it i love
that i get to

choose it i love that
i get to

that i know my mood is my work i know my wmoo
mood is my work i know that no matter what

the only thing that matters is how i feel and then
when i’m connected with god
god leads me in the right direction i love that
i know life is good i love that this da is
good i love that i get to allow

life to be the drug i get to allow life to be the drug
i get to

connect with ccenter i get to allow
center to be it i get to allow
center i get

to allow god i get to be god i get

today i get to be god!!

grateful to do this work to feel this flow
grateful to feel this flow to allow
the god work the

to allow god to work through me so
grateful to celebate this day

to allow my mood to be my work
to feel good and then to feel good and then
to feel good and then

so grateful to do this work
to do this work to feel good now
to practice where i put my attention
to be awrae o

wher ei put my atteniton
to know that life is good to know that life
is good to know that life is good

so grateful to do this work for me
to do this work for me to do this work for me
so grateful to do this work for me

to feel connected to self
to feel connected to life
so grateful to feel connected to life
to know life
so grateful to know life
to know life

so grateful to do this
work to feel lie to

to love life to have a really good day
to have a good deay

to have a really good day
to feel the feeling of that
to become it then see it

so grateful for the infinite now
that i know it’s always right now that it
never won’t be right now
i love that i
get to have fun i love that
i get to have fun right now i love that
i get to have fun

right now i love that

the infinite now all that matters
is how i feel in the infinite now
and i know that i know this

i know this

this is the work this is the work
this is the only work this is the only work this
is the only work i know this
is the only work i love that i knowt his

this is the only work i love that i knowt his is
is the only work i love that i know

i love that i get to do this work the
feeling gow

work the my mood is my work
work i love that i know this i love that it
already is i love that i already have it all i love
that i already have it all i love that i know itls
all right no

right here and now il ove that i
et t

get to feel it gt to tune myself to the truth
get to tune myself to the vibration of

god tune myself to the vibration of god
tune myself to the vibration of god.

i love that i get to feel this feeling that
i can always feel god flowing through me
i love

that i get to feel
the divine buzz.

i get to feel the divine buzz

i get to feel good i get to feel good i
get to feelt he flow
the flow i get to

feel the flow i love that i
get to feel the god flow
knowing i am

jut choose

just choose
choose to celebrate choose to feel

filled up choose to feel

filled up i love that i get to
choose to feel
filled up i love that i get to choose
i love that i know life
loves me

i love that i get to do this work t
he only workt he divnie

buzz work the truth switch i love that
i can always flip the truth switch i

expand to fill the space of this moment
the blissful space of this moment

grateful to feel life flowing through me
grateful to feel good
to feel life
to feel love

to release
to tunr myself over to dog


to love this dasy to celebrate this day
to know that this is the best day

to know that something amazingly awesome is alays


happening in my favor i love that
i know this and i can resonate
with this truth

this is the only feeling and this
i the

is the only truth.

this ist he only truth
this is the only truth this

is the only truth

in this here and now this
here and now
this is erhe

here an dno

this is the only truth the only feeling the only
i ma

i am the one and only creator of my own reality

i am the one and only creator

of my own reality i am
the one and only
creator i am
the one and only creator i love tha ti know this
and i know

that something amazingly awesome is always

happenin gin my favor!