to really focus to really focus on the feeling
of me on the vibration of me
to relax into the vibration of trust
relax in to ease and flow
relax into yes relax into the god self
the grateful self just keep looking for
things to be grateful for.
to really focus to really focus on the feeling
of me on the vibration of me
to relax into the vibration of trust
relax in to ease and flow
relax into yes relax into the god self
the grateful self just keep looking for
things to be grateful for.
focus and the wind is flowing through me focus
and it’s already here focus and it’s already here i can focus i can
feel good i can do this work i can allow the
grateful to do this work to get to feel good to get to feel good
to get to feel good to get the choice to
get the choice to celebrate life today
celebrate life right now
i get the choice to focus to tune my attention
what do i want?
how do i wat to feel?
then feel it!
i love that i get to feel it get to allow life
get to tune myself to this feeling
how do you want to feel?
then feel it!!
i love
grateful to tune my attention to
feel authentic grattidue
to tune myself back towards gratitude
toward the feeling of god
to tune myself back toward
i feel good i feel good
i feel good in this day i feel good in this
day i feel good in this day
i love this day i love that i
get to choose to love it
i love that i
get to chosoe th
choose teh narrative
i always get to choose teh narratie
i love
feeling good i love loving the moment
i love the momet i love this moment
restore the moment sthe lu
the locusts have eaten
i love this day i love
eating breakfast on the porch i love
our classess
i love air conditioning
i love having the windows open i love that
it doesn’t get too hot here
i love that it’s a beautiful day to sit on the patio and eat lunch
i love good music!
i’m here tuning the focus
the attention to teh present moment
knowing that what i do doesn’t matter
what i create doesn’t matter
all that matters is how i feel right now how i feel right now
all that matters is how i feel
right now right now right now now
right now right now
it’s only ever me
i love that i get to choose in every moemtn
i love that i know this is teh best day
that the divine buzz is flowing through me
i love that it’s working out!!
i love that it’s working i love that life
is good i love that the payments are flowing
thank you thank you
thank you i get to choose i get to tune my attention
and create teh cers
version i prefer i love that its’ that
easey i love
that i get to feel good get to love this day
get to allow them ost from
this day get to allow
all of life to flow through me
get to allow tall of life
all of god to flow through me
to all
allow all of god to flow through me
to connect to tune my attention i love that
i get to feel good that i ge
get to feel good that i get to
feel good get to
grateful for this for this place
in life for the perfection for the
knowing so grateful for the knowing
for the
knwoing for the knowing for the
grateful to focus within
to feel the divine buzz within to allow
today to be the day
to allow this moment
to be the main event so
grateful right now
is the main event so grateful this
here and now is the divine buzz so grateful to feel the
divine buzz right here and now
so grateful i get to feel the divine buzz
i love getting orders!!
i ilove payours!!
i love that we’re getting paid from micro
again i love that life is good i love htat
that we can publish a journal wehenver
we want i love feeling good feeling the divine buzz
flow throughm ei lov
feelint th
the magick in this moment
celebrating this day fully
knowing that its up to me
to celebrate the day
and then
the day
celebrates me i know that this is alwys happening
i know that the divine buzz is always buzzing that
the god self is always right here that
the god feeling is always right now
so grateful i have access to it.
so grateful the rent and bills are paid
that i get to do this work
the tuning wrk
that i’m here on the buzz
i’m on the buzz youre either on the buzz or off the buzz
and i’m on the buzz i love that i get to choose it i love
that i get to choose it it
i get to choose how i want to feel about teh day
i get to cde
celebrate it i t get to choose to be grateful
i get to look for something to be grateful for
i get to choose to celebrate the da
celebrate teh
the day
let god be teh drug i get to trip in t
ppont he
the drug i get to know the truth
celebrate the turht tune my
tune myself to the truth
and the work always works
i get to celebrate life i get to celebrate the
flow get to celebrate this day
get to celebrate the feeling
get to return to god
get to
return to god get to return to god
get to return to god
thank you for this moment for the
switch for the feeling for the
to celebrate that the tide is turning
the tide is turning
i love that i always have the divine buzz flowing through me
i love that i get to celebrate this day fully
becuse its gods day i love that
i know every moment is god moment
every moment is
the main event
grateful to feel this day
grateful to feel good grateful
to love this moment
grateful to get to live this moment
grateful to let it all go
and celebrate life!
grateful for this moemnt
for the flow of life
grateful for the flow of life
for the divine buzz
grateful to
tune my attention
i can do it i can return to focus i can
return to focus i can return to center i can allow
life to be i can allow life
i allow life i allow life
i can focus in one spot
that’s all i can do that’s all i can
ever do that’s all i can ever do that’s
all i can ever to
i can focus i can focus i can focus
i can return to center i can feel good i can have a
good day i can feel good i can have a good day
i can focus ia nc a
can focus and allow the day allow th day
the day allow the day allow the day allow
the day allow the day
allow the day
i love where i am right now
that i know i’m doing my best i kno wi’m doing
what i can i always can
also can choose to enjoy life and have a good day
i’ve done a lot otday
and i canr est now
thank you thank you thank you
for this this here and now this here and now
god self the god self i know the god self i know teh
god self i choose the god self right now
i choose teh
self right now i choose the god self right now
i choose the god self right now
i choose the god self i choose the inner god self i align with the
god self i align with the god self
i can do it i can do it
i can do it i can
feel good i can feel the flow feel the
flow flowing through me
the flow flowing through me
i gt to
get to feel good get to
reconnect to self
i can alays choose
to reconnect to self
i get to choose to feel the
god self i can always find the god self
i can always find
the god self i cana lways
always find the god self
i am the god self within i
i can return to peace i can return to peace and from
there i can help i can return to peace i can return to peace
i return to cneter i return to peace to cneter
center and choose to feel the feeling of god
that’sa ll i can do that’s all i can focus on
is the feeling of god the feeling of god
the feeling of gratitude for how much has already changed for the good!!
so grateful for that so grateful the world is changing
the world is waking up
thank you for this day for this life
thank you for this day
for this life for this day for this life for this day
for this life for this day
for this life
i can allow it i can allow myself to just be
i can allow myself
to just be i can allow myself to just be
i can allow myself to just be i can
allow i can allow i can allow
i can allow i can allow i can allow
i can return i can feel good i can focus i cn afoc
focus in
i can still bless this day i can
release i can focus in this here and now i can
focus in the
here and now
if ocus in the here and now
i want to enjoy the day!
i will celebrate the day ibr celebrate the day!
i celebrate the day i celebrate the day
i celebrate the day i celebrate the day
i can still return to focus i can
still bask in the day i can still bask in the day
i can still enjoy the say
i can
allow i can allow i can allow i can turn my focus
to the god within
i can turn my focus to the god within
i can turn my focus to the god within
it’s only me it’s only me
it’s only me
what loa people need to realize is that
all of the violence in the world,
that is them
that is a reflection of our collection consciousness
the white consciousness
which has forced out all other ways of experience
thereby s-oppressing all other viewpoints
it’s only me it’s only i tuen m
i tune myself to who i am
and then i am more able to help others
then i am more able to help others.
it’s only me it’s only me it’s only ever me
it’s only ever me
i love that i know this i love
that i know this i love that
i know this i love
that i know
i know that it’s only ever me and that
when i’m at center
when i’m with god that is when i have my most power to do
it’s only me it’s only me i’t sonly me
it’s only be
it’s only ever me it’s only ever
it’s me it’s me it’s the feeling it’s the
decide to flip the switch
decide to know decide to know that
you will know you will know you will know
decide to take action in the flow
decide to take action in the flow.
i get to choose to choose
i can enjoy this day i can revolutionaize
by not participating in the system
i love that i get to
i can still feel good i can still return to god
i cana lways
always return to god
i can always return to god i can always return to god
it’s only ever me i let the god in
and allow god to do the rest i llet the god in a
i let the go in and take action from there
i align first then take action
i align first and then take action.
get in the vortex and then reconnect with god and then
reconnect with god
and then.
it’s only ever me it’s only ever me
it’s only ever
it’s only ever me
it’s only ever me
i don’t have to care i don’t have to attach myself to anything
that feels bad and i can choose to feel good right now
i choose to allow it right no i ca
now i can choose to allow it
the feeling to rise the switch to flip the
flip to switch so
gratefl to feel good to not care to not let it
get to me so grateful i don’t even care i really don’t
so grateufl for that
so grateful for where i am
for a good dinner
for a good wife
the best wife!
for a home that i love to
feel good where i am to feel good where
i am to allow life to flow
love to flow through me
grateful for this day
grateful to learn to be aware that it’s my vibration
ti’s my
it’s my vibration it’s only ever me so
grateful to know this
so grateful to know this
to know the feeling to feel the
feeling so grateful to feel the feeling
to feel the feeling of god to feel the
feeling of god flowing through
to be here now doing this work
to know this is the only work this
what am i here doing????
remembering the power of me
i get to choose
so choose!
what am i here doing
the ease and flow of life to love my life to love this feeling
to feel the switch to make the switch the truth switch
for it to get easier and easier
to connect with tous
source with the vortex with the flow
with god with the knowledge
so grateful to allow wha tis t
to be gratefulf or whatever is
to allow it to allow it
so grateful to allow it
so grateful to allow it
so grateful to allow it
to allow the feeling to rise to allow the energy to
rise to the heavens to feel the energy rising
lifting me p
it feels so good to connect with the truth
to celebrate the rtuht
truth to feel the truth
every dasy
to feel the truth every day to practice flipping the switch
to be on the bus.
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you
i love this moment i love this
ehre a
here and now that i can always connect to center
always connect to center to the feeling tot
to the feeling i can always connect to the fleeing
to love
i love that i get to love my life i love that
life is good i love that life is good i love that
i know life loes me i love
that i know life loves me i love that
i know life
loves me i love that
i love that i get to move the enery up
i love that life loves me i love that
the energy of life is flowing through me
i love that
life is good i love that life is good i love
i know that it already is
it already is the way
i want it to be
i love that i already have it i love
that it already is i love that i already have it
i love that
it already is i love that i
get to feel good get to align
get to tune my attention
get to tune to
do the now work the
fliip the
flip the switch work flip the switch work
flip the switch
flip the switch work i
love doing the feeling work knowing it’s only
the feeling work
knowing life is good celebrating
knowing it’s alredy the way i want
it to be moving
the energy up
feeling the connection with the god within
knowing it’s all right here right now.
i feel the focus if eel the
focus i feel the
connection i feel the power of the connection
the power of the divine buzz
and i know everything
is resolving itself i love
that ita wlays
always does i love that life
loves me i love that life loves me i love
that i know the secret to life
this is its responsbility not mine
i love that it’s already here i love that
i know this is the main event
i love that i know this is the main event i love that
i get to choose it i get to chosoe me
choose me right now i love that i get to
choose me right now i love
that i get
to choose me get to choose the god self
the truth switch
i get to connect get to celebrate life
get to feel the celebration feeling i love
that i get to choose knowing i love that i
get to choose knowing i love
that i get to choose knowing i love tha t
i get to choose it and then it is
i love that i know i lovee that
i get to choose total confidence i get to choose
total confidence
the divine buzz the divine buzz
i love that lfe i
life already ist he way i want it to be
that i know this is the only work that
the feeling work is the only work
i know this for a fact
so grateful to feel connected to the feeling
to feel it building up
inside of so
grateful to feel the feeling
the feeling the
feelng so
the switch the switch the switch
practice flipping the switch
i know there is abundance in every moment
there is magick in every moment
i know
so grateful the rent is already paid!!
so grateful we have more than enough!
we have bud money!
and plenty of bud!!
so grateful for groceries
and the bills are paid
and we can just get a coffee maker!!
so grateful for the windows open andthis
weather and my new dress
and my computer
so grateful for Tim!!!
and the s2member forum
so grateful for our clesse
classes and good food and
the wife!!
and everything she does around the house!
so grateful my project is almost done and it’s almost perfect!
i can live with that because i know
i did my best
so gratefl to feel good about my work
to feel accomplished
to do good work and have it be celebrated
so grateful i know it always comes back around
so grateful for the
flow always flowing the
always flowing
the god self and i can choose it in
every moment so grateful i get to choose the god
self in every moment
choose the god self
in every moment i get to hcoose
i get to choose
just teh god self
and nothing else matters
i have everything i need
and nothing else matters
so grateful for the focus
for the knowing that it’s only ever the
energy so grateful life is good!!
and it always is!
i always have everything i need and then some!
so grateful there’s more than enough
that i already have everything in eed
i need that i get to feel good no matter what
that i get to
love life that i get to love life
that i get to
love life
that i get to love
love life
that life loves me!!
i konw that all my wishes in are
coming rue in
true in every moment
and i celebrate that knowledge!!
here doing the work this work the only work returning to center
return to center right now knowing this is the only work and life
is always
working itself out. life is always
working itself out.
i know the energy i know that the energy is all there is
and i know that feeling that energy connecting with
that energy is all i can do i know this
i know that all it takes is to act as if
all it takes is to be a match to send a signal
to be on the lookout i’m on the lookout i’m on the lookout
i see it in everything i do i love this day
i love that we’re back to our patterns
here returning to center feeling the work
allowing life allowing life to work out perfectly through me
this is the only work anyway
the feeling work the god work the celebrating life work
the getting up early work the loving life
work so grateful to feel the flow l
life flowing through me work
to do this work this work i know this is the
only work i know this is thie
the only work and it’s important
to keep returning to here to tune
to release
resistance and
attachment to error thoughts
so grateful to release the error thoughts
to release the
error thoughts.
so grateful to do this work
the only work the only work
to do this work the only work
to do this work
the only work
here doing this work the only work and i can feel it
i can feel the work i can feel the w
the feeling within me the knowing with in
me and i know that all that matters
is devotoin to this feeling i love
that i don’t have to
care about
anything else just the devotion to this feeling
all i can ever
all that ever matters is the devotion
to this feeling i’ve learned it so many ties
and i’m willing to do the work to practice
flipping the switch i love that i always get to
flip the switch
it’s up to me the version i create
it’s to me the version i create
i get to choose i love that i grt to choose ilove
that i love that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose this work i get to choose the
divine buzz i know thi i know this i know this
is all ther eis
the god work the god work the flipping of the a
switch being brave enought o reall
to really celebrate life to really jump
into life to really love life so grateful to
flip the switch and just like that
life is amazing
so grateful life is amazing!
so grateful for good food!
so grateful for my tramily and my wife sho
who love s me!
and our coffee make!
and our kitties and these boopies
and a good dinner
and fresh food
getting to not cook!
so grateful to get to get groceries whenever i want
for perfect timing
for the clouds being our friends!!
for the miracles in every moment
to see a familiar face
for fruit and greens!
and avos!
and toast and smoothies and iced coffees!
and it didn’t rain
god is lavish
so grateful for the evidence of god in every moment
the breeze kissing my skin
letting me know i’m loved.
i can alawys find the feeling
the sense of adventure the
sense of newness
the sense of celebrating life the
of happiness
enoughness in the now
total fulfillment in the now
i love that i know i love that
i know the
secret to life i love that
i get to celebrate life
i love that i get to fly
fly high
i love that i
get to fly high that i get to celebrate all the
blessings in every moment
i love that the clouds are our friends and that
it didn’t rain
i love that we had perfect timing
i love that life loves us i love that
i get to choose love in every moment
i love that i know life
is always flowing infinitely to and through me
i love that it alreayd is the way i want it
to be
there’s always so much to celebrate
to put my attention on that i want i know
i am the creator and i’m creating my version every day
i get to choose
to allow it to be a match to it to know that
abundance is in every moment.
grateful to do this work to know that the
solutions are always right here
they are always right here clamoring
so grateful to be here to now to feel the
breeze flowing through me so
grateful to do this work to feel good now
to feel good now
in the flow i the feeling to feel the magick of life
through me
to feel the magick
of life
flowing through me to know the
truth of life so grateful to know the truth
of life right now
so grateful to have fun to
feel good to feel the flow
of life so
grateful to feel the flow of life the
magick of life to know that life is alway
always flowing to and through me
so gratefl to
to feel good to feel good now to feel good now
so grateful to feel good now
to feel good now
i’m here tuning the focus remembering to ccreate
create the version i prefer to know i’m creating the
version i prefer
i love doing this truth an
this work and knowing the truth i love
seeing the truth in everyting
everything the magick in everything
knowing it’s all around
feeling it more and morea lways
always feeling my way back to the magick
to haveing a great day!
to celebrating life!
to leaning into life to loving life
to having a really good day to feeling the divine buzz
i get to feel the divine buzz i get to feel the divine buzz
i get to know i get to choose knowing i get to choose knowin
i love where i am in my life
so grateful to have a project
to feel a sense of accomplishment
to know tha tlif
that life is always working out for me
to know that life loves me to know that i can
always elevate my vibration
by just allowing resistance
to slip away
just by releasing resistance
i release and allow i release and allow
and i practice this work every day
becausee there
is no limit to the amount of magick
i can allow to pass through me in this
i love that i know this
i love that i know
that i can always allow life
i allow life i allow love i allow life
i allow love
i am god i am god i love hat
that i know this that i ge to
celebrate it that i get to
relax in the knowledge
that i get to allow my own
every month i know that it’s
heere that it’s already here i love
tha ti’
htat i’m allowingmore a
more and more in every moment
i love that
i feel good in my life and i know that solutions
are flowing i know that life is good
i know that life is good
i know that life
is good i know that life
is good i know that life
is good i can releax
relax and allow i can
relax and allow i love that i can
relax and allow i can
relax and
i can let it come to me i get to
get in the vortex and then i know thi i know
i know my work i know the only work i know this
because i’ve been here so many times
i know ti’s the focus i know ti’s the focus
the focus in the here and know in the
knwoing tha
everything i wnat i
already unfolded for me i love
that i already have everything i need
i love that i know that
when i ask it is given when
life causes me to ask it comes
wen i
when i ask then it is i know this is my work
i come here to tune myself to that reality i know this
is the only work
love is the only work love is the only work
i love this work the only work
total acceptance total allowing
that is all there is that
is all there is that is the only
act that is the only thing
to strive for and when i’m here i
feel it i allow it to build within me
i aloow
allow myself to sing the praises of life
i love life i love life
life always provides i love life
i love all that is and i send the
signal of love to all that is
that’s all there is and that is
the only act that is the only practice.
god like me god is me
which is infinite
are one and the same
and that is nothing
and everything all at once.
so grateful for the sun and the heat
so grateful for this blissful day
for blissful nappies
for the birds
to get to wear shorts and be warm
to grateful to be warm
so grateful for time affluence
that i have it all and can whatever i want whenever i want
so grateful i get to choose the life i prefer
get to live the life i designed
the life god designed
so grateful to enjoy life
to love this moment to feel ease
in this moment
to feel the ease and flow of g
grateful to feel the perfection
of this moment to feel t
grateful to feel good in this oment
to love life in this moment to love
life in this moment
to have access to al ust for life
to love
to actually love my life to know i have it all
to feel abundant to know that abundance is flowing
rushing through me to feel the
divine buzz of abundance
rushing through me
to relax wholly into this moment
tuning the focus toward knowing
i love choosing knowing i love
getting 5 subs in one day
i love that they’re clamoring
i love that life loves me i love that
i get to keep doing the work that i get to
do what i want i love that
i already have it all
grateful to feel the fulness of life
right now the
god self right now
the infinite abundance
flowing through me os
so grateful to feel the infinite
abundance flowing through me
to connect with the truth
to flip the truth switch
grateful to get to do this work
to enjoy life knowing this
is the only work
to be aware and to
tuning my focus more and more
every day
thank you thank you thank you
thank you
thank for the infintie abundance
flowing through me so grateful i get to choose
the version i align with
and that’s the only truth to life
i love that i kow th
i know this i get to send love
no matter what i get to send love no matter what
i get to release the rest
i release the rest
i love that i et to
get to cne
enjoyl ife i love
that i get to enjoy life
i get to enjoy life
i get to
feel what life is supposed to feel like
i get to feel good naturally
just sit there feeling good
adn that’s it and i know that is
what life is supposed to be
the tuning of the focus the wa
awareness of what i create with
each word with each breath
the awareness and the bravery to create the version i want
to align with the perfection of earht
to align with love to alway move
always move toward love and
every day the fitness of the tuning
every day every moment i’m closer to god
i become more god and there’s no limit
to the amount of god i can become
god like me god is me
which is infinite
are one and the same
and that is nothing
and everything all at once.
here doing this
work this work this work
this work this
the focus the switch the switch
i love the swicht
switch i flip the switch
it’s easy to flip the
switch to really slip
flip the switch
and flip to the version
where i claim my divine inheritance
where it’s already claimed i love
that life is perfect right now
i love that life
i s
is perfect right now i love that
i am god right now ia m love
right now i am love right now
i am love right now
i am love right now
the switch i love the love switch i know it i know
it well i know it well and i know it’s
the source of life
is life off or on and i kno this
i know it
is life off or on i know this is treu
i love that i can choose to lturn life
on in any moment
i love
that i can turn life one
in any moment i love that it’s on i love
that life is on and flowing
rushing through me i love that i know i
life is always rushing
lavishly through me i love tha ti
get to feel that i love that i
get to feel that i love that
i get to feel good
the truth switch i love th trut
the truth switch
i love this moment i love
this life i love this life i love
this life i love
feeling aligned with the truth of life i love htat
i know i love feeling teh d
the divine buzz i love that i’m aware i love
seeing the effects of the practice
i love that i feel good in my life i love that life
is flowing to and through me
i lov that li
i love that life is flowing to and through em
life is turned on i feel the divine buzz
i feel the certainty
no more limiting the unlimited
today i renounce my humanhood and allow
all that is me to flow to
me i allow all that is me
i allow my infinite abundance
i allow my infinite abundance
i always return tot he feeling the
feeling of knowing the infinite abundance
i know that is i teh only work and i know
my infinite abundance
is in every oment
i renounce my humanhood
renounce my humanhood
renounce my humanhood
flipping the switch and turning on to life
and that’s all there is as long as i remember to
flip the switch so will life
i love that i know ths i love that i get to do this
i love that i get to do this work.
i renounce my humanhood
and claim my divine inheritance
grateful to tune and feel good gratefult o get
to get to feel good to get to feel the flow
flowing through me to get to feel the magick of life
so grateful to get to feel the magick of life
to get to feel the focus to get to do the focus work the
divine buzz work so grateful to feel the divine buzz
to connect with the divine buzz
grateful to feel the divine buzz to be aware of the god self
to get to celebrate the day
to be warm!
to not have to cook
to love where i live to get to live in a penthouse
to bet to be warm to get to enjoy good food
to like my classes and have them
be easy so grateful to feel good
to feel the divine buzz to feel the
divine buzz the divine buzz the
divine buzz
grateful to feel good to
feel the magick of life
to see what i want to see
to get in the vortex and then
in the vortex and then i love that it’s easy i love
that it’s easy to feel good first
i love
that it’s easy to feel good first
to feel the feeling i want to feel to
see the version i want to see
i love that it’s easy to see the version i want to see
the divne consciousness i am
the divine consciousness i am
the divine consciousness i am
i love doing this work the only work
i love that i get to enjoy my life
i love that
i get to enjoy every day of my life i love
that i get to enjoy
ever day
of my life i love
that i get to feel good now i ilove
that i get to
feel good now get to feel the divine buzz
so grateful for this here and now for this
feeling for the flow to get to
enjoy life right now
to get to enjoy life
right now
to feel the feeling of god
to connect with god so gratefl
to connect with god
so grateful to
connect with god to feel the god self to focus
on the truth to come here and tune my focus
be aware of where my focus lies
so grateful fort he good life to
for the flow of well being fot eh god self
the switch so gratefl toc ome here and practice flipping
the switch
so grateful for pizza monday
so grateful i know life loes me
i get to
i get to feel this feeling the god feeling the
feeling of no resistance
the feeling of knowing that life
is always reflecting me i am aware i am
conscious ia m
god is lavish
and unfailing and god is me
the reality of me
so the
reality of me is lavish and
i’m here now i’m connected to the divine buzz
and all of life is so easy with
the divine buzz flowing through me
i come here to tune my focus to the divine
buzz and every time i do
i feel that focus that awareness
get a little more tuned and there is no
limit to the feeling to
to the tuning
ilove that i know this and that i can allow the
feeling of relief that comes with releasing all reissitance
and fear
the divine dbuzz
buzz is here and now and i’m here in the here and now
on that that is the only place to focus and it is
the only work
the only work is the feeling work the knowing work the only
work is teh feeling work the knowing
gratefult o feel good go feel good to feel the
divine buzz so grateful to feel the divine
buzz to connnect t
with the divine to know i am
the divine so gratefulto know that i am
the divine that life is divine
that life is meant to be divine
that life is meant to be
divine and i know this and i get to jump
into the divine in every omen
moment i come here to tune msyelf toward
how i watn to feel in my life what i want
to see in my life what
i want to see in my life
and i’m so gratefl to celebrate me!!
to get in the vortex and then to feel the god
to feel the love
so gratefult o feel the love self
to feel the love self
i feel the feeling of self i feel the magick
of life i feel that
i know that i am the magaick of life
and all that matters is knowing that
i love that i know i alredy have i
it all i know that i already have it all
i know that it’s already
it already is the way i want it to be
it already is the way i want it to be it
already is
the way i want it to be
it already is the way i want it to be
it already is the way i want it to
be i’m connected with that knowledge
i swim in that knowledge i am tat
that knowledge i love that life is good
i love that life is good i love
that life is good i love
that if eel good i love that i get to feel love
that i get to give love that i get to choose
appreciate to send love to feel love twar
towards all
so grateful that i get to choose love
i love knowing that i am god
being awre of the
being aware of my attention of my focus
i am ware
aware of my attention and my focus
i am aware of the feelnig to feeling og
of god in this moment
so grateful for this day
to have the perfect life that i
so grateful i know life is good and life
loves me
so grateful i know god is lavsih
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe
this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualzied as me
the reality of me