grateful for the feeling of god

grateful to feel good to feel the feeling of god to feel
the god self flowing through me to do this work
teh fi

the fitness of the mind to stretch the mind muscle
to see how good i can feel to remember to feel how i want to feel
and to practice flipping that switch i know that
everytihng in life depends on the feeling
and everything in life
reflects it and i cme here to remember that and

remember what it feels like to know the only truth

grateful to remember because the
feeling is energizing grateful to remember to allow god

to know that nothing is ever missing
besides god and i know that god is with me right now

so i know that nothing is missing
i love that i know that nothing is missing i love htat
i h

have it all that i get to have a good day that i get to enjooy

life that i get to enjoy the flow
the god self that i feel the god self the flexing of the god self
and ic an choose to do that an

at any time and ther is no
limit to how strong the god muscle
can grow

i’m here flipping the switch to whatever
version i want i’m here flipping the switch to the
god self to the i know its working self
to the

noticing blessings in everything self
i switch to the knowing blessings are
everywhere self and it feels so good
to be in that mode to be in that vibration to
be in the vibratin of love

it feels so good to be inthe

in the vibration of love it feels good to flp
the switch anda llow the love and blessings to flow

grateful to allow the love and blessings to flow
to know that they always are to know that the always

always are flowing non stop

infinitely and i love that i know this i love that i know this
the only truth

god is always flowing infinitely

grateful to know the god self to know
the god feeling to feel the god feeling right now
knowing this is all there is

it feels good to feel complete
in this here and now
and know that this
is all there is

this is all there is

so grateful to remember who i am
what i am
to remember what i am capable of to

remember what i am capable of

the focus what the focus is capable of it
feels good to tap inot the work to choose the work
to do the fitness of the mind to keep it up to
feel that i am fit to

feel that it’s easy for me to drop things
easy for me to choose how i want to feel

easy for me to feel teh abundance in
everything easy for me to feel the
infinite abundance
always flowing to and through me

easy for me to flip the god switch and choose
to feel how god would
to choose feeling good over

being right.

grateful to tune to feel tuned

tuned in tapped in turned on
to teh g

the god in every moment grateful to see the
god in every moment o know the
blessings in every moment to see that
life is always unfolding according to my
creation i love that i know this

that i get to choose love that i
get to choose god to allow god to fill me up i love

i already have everything i need i love that
i already have everything i need i love that
i know the truth more and more i know the truth i love

that it already is i love that life already is
the way i want it to be i love that it already is

the way i want it to be i love
that i know life is love and i feel it
i feel the feeling of life and that’s a

all there is all there is is

love the feeling of life so grateful for the
feeling of knowing the meaning of life

and feeling of choosing it
over and over

choosing to stay tuned to the blessings of god
making the choice to see them in everything.

i feel tuned i feel knowing i feel
safe and secure in the present moment knowing that
god can only respond to the signal i send
i love

i get to choose to feel love
and gratitude

love and gratitude

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence


is the source and substance of
all my good the divine presence i am

i know this i know the feeling of this
and i know the feeling

of divinity i know that i get to choose
that i love that i get to choose that
and know that is the only work the

focus is the onlyw ork the
choice is the only work i know this i know this

and i love that it already is i love that
life already is the way i want it to be.

i love that i get to feel good
get to trust the god to flow
knowing that god is always

flowing through me can always tr

return to center return to god
i get to choose the feeling right now
and all that matters

is my devotion to that feeling
i get to choose i get to choose i

get to choose i get to choose
i get to choose how i feel and life
really is that is i love that i know this

i love that i get to celebrate knowing it
i love oding

doing this work

the only work!

i love feeling good i love
feeling god i love htat i know
that i know i am god
that i’m creating it all

i am the one and only creator of me

so grateful for this day

so grateful to feel good
to get to listen to the birds at night

so grateful to have my window open and its so
warm in here!!

so grateful for the first actual warm day
so grateful for perfect weather

so grateful for orders!

and that we got our orders in!!!

so grateful to feel good now to feel the flow
right now so grateful to feel the
flow right now
to feel the flow right now

so grateful to feel the focus of god so grateful to
feel the focus on of god to feel the presence of god

thank you for this moment for this moment for this moemnt

for this moment for this moment
for this moment
for this


moment for this moment
this moment to know that it’s the

energy of me it’s the energy of me it
s the energy of me
ig et to

get to chosoe how i feel knowig that god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source of
infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

grateful for this moment
and that i get to choose how i want to feel
i get to align with the energy i prefer i love t

that i know i alawys g

i always get to make the choice

i always get to make the choice
to know that life is working out in my favor i know that life
is working out in my

favor i know that life
is working out in my favor
how would i feel if i knew
that life was working out in my
favor i love that
i get to choosei love

i love that i get to look for what i want to
see i love that i can decide how it goes
just decide its

in my favor

grateful to feel good
fro thi

for thirst traps for compliments

for good sex for good photos
for fans

so grateful to remember who i am
that i’m not afraid of what others think
to remember who i am

so grateful to remember who i am
to not give a fuck !!

to let go of my fucks!!

so grateful to feel good now to feel the
flow now to feel the magick of life right now

to feel good right now to feel
connected right now to

to feel connected right now
to feel good

right now to feel good right now

i know the truth and i can always
align with it

i know that the evidence is always right in front
of my face i know that whatever happens its
in mky faov

my favor and the horses will
always take care of it i ilove that
i ilove that i love that the
are always

on my side i love that the horses are
always on my side life
is on my side god is on my side i’mhere

here focusing on what kno

i know the god feeling feeling the
god feeling rise i love that i
can feel the god feeling rise i love that
i can feel the god feeling rise i love that
i can

feel the god feeling rise i love that it just
doesn’t matter i love that i know

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich onmipresent substance
of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i love that it already is i love that
i already have it i love that life

is alredy the

already the way i want it to be i love
that life is already the way i want it to be i love
that i have it all i lovee tha i g

that i have it all tha i

that i get to celebrate life that i get to celebrate life

that i get to celebrate life
that i get to feel good that i
get to feel good about that i get to feel
good about that that i get to create the version i prefer

that i know the power of me doing thei

this work to remember the power of me to remember
what i tm to

to remember to feel for the feleing iw an

feeling i wnat to feel and know that that’s all i can
that’s all i can do is feel the
feeling feel the feelin i love htat
i ge to feel the feleing

i love that i get to feel the feeling i love that
i get to feel the feeling that i get to choose the feeling that
i get

get to become it then see it i love that i
already know

i love our orders!

i love our orders!!

i love that the orders are flowing
i love that ht e

the orders are always flowing

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
individualized as me

the reality of me

the reality of me

thank you for the god self for the
god feeling that i can
always connect with

that god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
substance ofo the

of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite abundance
is individualized as me
the reality of me

its about feeling what it feels like
to knto ath

to know that is true totally true

totally true

the relief of that
and that is life that is the source of everything

not money

i love that i know this

that it just doesn’t matter i love that i know life loves me

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
of ghte

the universe

this all providing source
of sin

infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

and the feeling of knowing that
is life

the feeling of knowing that is life

the connection with god is the source and the supply

the god journey

the god switch
the god feeling and that’s all i need
at any moment i look and i see i look and i see

what i want to see i love that i get to look for what
i want to see that i get to feel for what i want to feel

grateful for this day
for orders!!

for the new unemployment
for jeanette and her amazing food

for our bikes!!

for the clouds being our friends
for naps for all the time in the world

for the best life
for yummy food!!!

so grateful for yummy food

grateful for this here and now
for this here and now for this god moment for the god flowing
so grateful it didn’t run

so grateful for another successful campaign

so grateful for friends who support our work
sog ratefu

to feel the god feeling to tune myself to the god feeling
to feel the feeling of god
to look at it as god does

so grateful to look at life
as god does

gratefl for my life
to wake up feeling good to want to feel good
to feel the feeling of god flowing
through me

knowing there’s nothing
that could ever be missing from
my life

besides god and if i thinki need
somehting outside of me

all i need is god i know that all in ever need is god i know
that all there is is
god i know tha ti am g

i kno wthat i am god that i
get to choose the god feeling no matter what that
i get to

grateful to feel good now
so grateful for my charmed life so
grateful for my charmed life and i
that i get to

feel the feeling of the god that
ig et to celebrate the flow
on the bus that ig et to love

and allowl ife to be
my energy i lov that
i get to i love that i
get to feel good i love

that life loves me i love
that i know life loves me i love i love doing this work i love

doing thie

this work i love

doing this work

i love that
i get to choose it i love that
i get to choose it
that i
get to ali

align with
it i get to align with the energy of
god ii get to

live life as if i’m god
i get to decide i get to make the hcoi

i feel good now i feel the flow now
i feel the

god certainty i feel the go certainty and that’s
all i nedd i love

i love doing this work i love doing this wrk
i love making the choice i love
that i can enjo life here i can allow it
into my life i can allow i get to allow

i get to allow

feeling the god energy flow through me
knowing the god self knowing the god self

is my source and my supply
and i come here everry day to remember that
and practice what it feels like

remember that i am

to remember what i am to remember the
power of me

to remember the version i’m creating
i come here to remember the version i’m creating

i come here to remember to flip the switch
to praict flipping the swtich

flipping the swtich i know that is the only work flipping the
switch is the only work i love hat

i love that i know this i love that
i know this i

that i get to feel the feeling of
being filled up by god i love that i get to choose
to be filled up by god
i love that
i get to feel the
i love

that i get to feel what it feels like to be god i love
that i get to choose knowing on allf ronts
fronnts i love that
i get to celebrate that i love
that i get to celebrate that

i love that i get to tune myself i love
where i am right now what i am right now

i love what i am right now

i love what i am right now

i feel good i feel good i feel the
flow i feel the fow

i feel god i know god i know that

i know god and that is my source and my supply
i love that i nkow that

that i nkow thiss that i know the
truth ofl ife the

i know that i can always flip the swich i love

remembering who i am
what i am capable of

i know what i am capable of
i know what i am capable of

i know what i am i know what i am
i know what i am
i know what i

i know what i am capable of i love that
i kno wit’s al

it’s all energy and i get to choose the
energy i love that i
get to feel the
energy of me

i love that i

get to choose the feeling of me
i love

i feel energized i feel god i know that
i am god i know what i am

capable of i celebrate what i know
i am capable of

i celebrate what i know i can
i celebrate what i am

the power of me when i put

my “mind” to it

when i really decide to try i know that

what i can do i know that i am
i know what i am i know that it’s

always matching me
life is

always matching the energy of me i love that
i feel the relief of knowing that i am
god i love knowing that life is

always flowing to and through me i love that
i am aware of the energy i love that i am
aware of the energy and i know how ot od th

to od th

to do the work to transmute it

and i now that

i know that everything is just energy

i love myself

i love the feeling of loving myself
that i get to feel good and its my only job
that i get to practice feeling good and that
is my only job that i am allowed to feel good
about life that i know my power

and its how i feel its what i look for
its making the choice for the version i prefer

i feel the feeling of god and i know that’s all i need
i lov that i get

to feel it right now that i get to feel good right no w
that i get to love msyelf right now
that i

can always choose to feel god about

good about anything i love tha i know
that’s my only work just the feeling

just god
i’m here with god and tha’ts all that matters
i have god and that’s all that matters and i know that

training myself to remember that is my
only work

grateful for this day

to wake up early!

to wake up feeling good to wake up feeling
energetic to feel the flow

the frequency to know something amazingly awesome
is always happening in my favor so grateufl i kn

i know this

so gratefl to get my biggest wish!
it always comes
i know it always comes

so grateful for the flow flowing
for the flow of god flowing through me
so gratefult o get

to get to waklk

walk in the sun
so grateful for cheap groceries!!

and it was fine!

i love that i get to do this work
the god work the switch work
the on the bus work the

communion work the knowledge work
i love that i know this is my only work

the work is knowing this is my only work
acknowledging that truth
and celebrating it in every moment

knowing that life is always on my side and
that i get to choose the version i prefer

i love that i know i love that i
get to chosoe get to trust thef low
get to trust

what is i get to trust what is i get to feel the
flow i get to feel the flow

so grateful for all that is for my good life
so grateful for the good life for the flow

flowing life so grateful to gt to ch

get to choose to feel good so grateful to feel good to
feel the flow flowing
to feel the flow flowing to feel the f

god self to feel the frequency

to tune msyelf to the frequency of god
so grateful to feel good to feel good
in my life to flove

to love my life to love feeling good right now
to celebrate life to celebrate life

so grateful to celebrate life
to feel good now to feel the flow right noww

to feel the god self right now
to feel good right onw to

to celebrate life right now
to celebrate my vr

birthday right now!

grateful to celebrate right now
to get to celebrate right now
to feel good right now

to feel good right now
so gratefl to feel the flow right now

to feel the magick of life right now

so grateful ig et to feel the
magick of life so

grateful i get to feel the magick o l

of life that i don’t need a reason to celebrate
because i know i am god
that ig et to choose how i

want to feel i love that i get to choose how i

i want to feel that i gt to feel good that
i get to enjoy the flow of life

flowing through me that ig t to

to feel good now i get to feel good now i g

get to practicce f

fitness of the spirit
and i know that’s all there is

i love that the evidence is all around in
every moment i love that i know

god is always providing for me in

eveery omment
i know that

i know that life is good i know that life
is good i know i get to feel the
feeling i get to

feel the feeling iw nat
to feel th

get to feel the frequency right now and that
is the only work i

i know that my only wrk is my

my feeling how i feel what i expect

what i look for
i know

this is theo nly work the feeling is the
only work and

i love that i know this and get to
celebrate it that

ig et to celebrate life fully i love that i get to celebrate life


i love that life already is the way
i want it to be i love that i get to
experience it that i get to
create it i lov that

that i get to create it that i gt to llve

love life it aht
i geth

that i get to celebrate that i know god
is always acting in my faove that

that i know this for real

that i am totallyfulf

fulfilled i love that i know
i am totally fulfilled

i love the feeling of feeling good
and i love that i get to feel it
that i know

my only work is to feel this feeling
and there is no limit to how good i can feel

that i can allow good feelings to flo that
i have so much to be gratefl about i love
that i get to feel good i love

that i get to feel good now i lov that i
get to feel good now i love

that i get to feel good now that i get to feel
the feeling of god with me now i lov that
i get to feel good that god loves me i

i love that i know god loves me i love
that i know god is me i love that i know

all of life led to this i love that
i know its all magick i love that i get to choose

and i know that i already have everything i need i lov that
i know this and now

i can sit back relax and enjoy li love

i lov that t

that there’s so much to enjoy
so much to be gratefl for

so much to love

i feel the frequency i feel the god self i feel
the perfection of life i feel the
knowledge that god is always on my side

that god is always trying to give me figt

gifts in evry mom

every moment

so grateful for the gifts in every moment!!

so grateful god is good so gratefl god

god is good so grateful
god is good

so grateful i know that i am god
that i get to live as if becausee i know

i love that i get to choose to know i love
that i get to feel the feeling now
and allow life to come to me i love that
i gt to feel good that i

i get to feel the god feeling and know
that my only work is align with that feeling
and trust the unfolding

watch the movie
just watch and enjoy i love that i get to
choose i love that i get to have fun
that i get to enjoy life that
i get to feel the feeling of

being god.

so grateful for this day

for the shoice
choice to feel good for the option to feel good

so grateful for my life and all the blessings in it

thank you for groceries
for good food for pizza for anton!!!

for so many pizza lefotever

for free pop!!

and pecans!!

and two things of bay leaves
and briannas!
and hot sauce!!

and rockstars

so grateful to tune in to tap in
to turn on to feel
the power of me to celebrate the

power of me to foccus

on the bus and know this is
all there is it
feels so good to focus to feel the

to focus on the god self
to build the version ip refer

prefer to focus on what i want
and see more of it
to celebrate this day

the sun the good food the
strong body
that i love my life that i love my wife


quitting the gym because we dont need it
enjoying our neighborhood

and the sun on this beautiful day

its my birthday!!

so grateful for somthing to look forward to
get to

to get to enjoy life
so gratefulf or my beers!!

and my mask!!

and jeanette!!

so grateful for my bike!
and my cute neighborhood

so gate

gratefl i know the ruth
truth of life so
grateful there is
so much to celebrate

so grateful to remember its only ever me
that i get to feel the feeling of me
that i get to know

to know the fullness of me i love that i can

i get to do this work the only wor
and keep my mind and thougths off this world

and place my entiere of

focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

grateful to do this work the only work
the only work the
god work the getting closer to god work

the feeling the god self knowing the
god self

being with the god self feeling
as the god asle

self and its so easy to look at life
as the god self to enjoy the moment as the god self
its so easy

to be the moment as the god self

to release everything else becusee i know
whatever happens is in my favor and i loe

i love that i get to choose the version i create
for myself the version i lookf or
and that’s all it

is what you look for what you make the choice
to look for i love that i get to make the choid

what i look for and what i see

i see money i see money i see money

i love that i get to chosoe my life
that i get to feel my life and that my liife feels good

i ilove that i get to feel good i love that ig et to have
fun i love thatl ife
loves me i love that
life loves me i love that

i get to celebrate i love thatl ife
is la

always working out for me

i see money!!

grateful for this flow flowing
for this god self here with me right now

grateful i know i get

to choose the anrra

narrative i love that i get to choose
and its let by a feeling

its created by a feeling and
i geet to choose
that feeling

i draw into my mind and feeling nature

the very substance of spiriit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presenc of god
within me is my supply

i love that i know i can supp

summon spirit
at any time allow spirit
at any time
allow the magick life i love that i know t
hat i have

i have everything i wnat and if i ever do need
anything or

wnat anything

all i have to do is ask and it is

and i can even ask for things i dont want

by thinking about them
and then life

spirit gives me those too

so i choose to think about what i do want

and the it is
it is that easy it

i draw into my midn and
feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance
is my supply thus my consciousness

of the presence of god within me

is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me

is my supply
i love that i kow t

i know this i love that i know that life
is a

feeling that ig et to choos to feel

to enjoy life!!

to love life!!

o cele

to celebrate life!!

to have a lust for life!!

its just like classes

its so much better and make smy

life so much better when i have a good attitude

and don’t resist it
and all of life is like that

if you ahve a good attitude and
don’t resist it

its a lot more fun
that’s all there is to it

and then i get to feel good ig et to feel good
and that’s all that matters
i am

attracting all tha tfeelings good

im ml

milking the feeling of feeling good right now
and that’s all i can ever do

i feel goo dnow

good now and that’s all that matters

i get to feel good now i get to feel good

now i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the versy sub

very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god
within me is my supply

i’m totally at peace right now
totally fulfilled right now

i give in to the flow of life
i trust the flow of life
i celebrate the flow of life
and i open myself up to receivine


i feel the feeling of infinite abunace
i feel the feeling of god right now

knowing i don’t need a thing
i already have it right here and now

i’m allowed to feel this feeling of total

of knowing its already here now

i’m connected

i’m connected with the truth i’m connected with the flow

and when i ‘m aware of a thought that is about
something i don’t want,
i quickly turn it to what i do want

if i’m thinking about what i don’t want
i switch it to thinking about what i do and i know t

that’s miy power

i know my power and i know i can
use it in any instant i know that i am
the creator and it only reflects me

life only reflects me

i feel good in my life i feel good in my body
i feel good in who i am
i know that i already have every single thing i need i love
that i know this i love that life is good

for me right now i love thatl ife loves me
i love that i knwo i am god
i love that i know
i amgo

god it makes life so much easier!

grateful to feel good

for all the blessings in my life
for my proximity to god

my proximity to the knowledge that i am god

i love that i know i am god i love that
i get to feel the feeling of god i love

that god is me i love that i get to do the wrok
i love veeling

feeling inspired by my aret i love
cleaning up the landing i love
our place and that we get to say

stay i love feeling fit and strong
i love that i get to feel good

that life lovs me i love sht

that life loes me

i love that life is lfowing flwing
flowing through mei love that
i get to feel good and love life
i love that life

loves me i love feeling one with life
i love knoiwng that everything is in my favor
i love tapping in and feeling the
feeling of god the love og

of god i love that i am god i love that
i am god i love that
i am god i love that i know i am god

i love that i get to release everything to god right now
feel that feeling of totl s

total surrender

i get to feel that feeling
right now i get to

to feel he
the feeling right now

i feel connected to god i feel knowing i feel that
life is good i know that life is good

i know that

life is good i know that life loves me i

i know that life loves me i know htat

that life loves me i know that life
is good i know that i amg od i love

doing this work the only work the switch
work the
on the bus onw

work the on or off work t

its not a journey work
its not work work

its a switch its now work its a switch

i’m here to take this journey i’m here to
connect and that is my only

job here in life to connect with the god self to
feel the truth of the god self to feel myself filled up
with the god self
to see the

god in everything to know that god is in
everything to revere everything

to feel totally perfect in this here
and now allowing god to come through me
trusting whatever is
because god loves me

flipping the switch i’m for the
fitness of flipping the switch and

every time i practice flipping it
the muscle gets stronger
and it gers

gets easier to access the god version of my life

but i know that flipping the swithc
is my supply

being on the bus is my supply
and its all that matters is

how i feel is all that matters

grateful to do this work the feeling work the
feeling work the creating the life i want work

so grateful for the life i have to know that
i already have everything i need so

grateful to know to

feel good now to feel the
flow now to feel connected to god right now
to feel the energy of life so grateful
to feel the energy of god

to know its a switch to know its a switch
that i can always


the energy

steer the energy
that its all just an average of what i
pay attention to

to what i create and i take

responsibility for that

i love who i am i love where i am
i love my life right now

i knowing that life is the best its
ever been i lovee that i get
to appreciate right now i love

that i get to feel good now that i get to love
right now

that i’m on the bus right now i love
that i’m on the
bus right now that
i feel the

energy of life right now
i feel the

energy of life right now

i feel good right now

i am totally fulfilled ia m tota
i am totally fulfilled and

as long as i know that it is

whatever i decide to be true is true and
i can always make that choice

in an myom

moment in thien fi

the infinite how i

now i can oa

always switch to he
the god self i cana lways

always switch to the god self

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled
i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge

that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative

energy which iss con


easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divin consciouness

i am now aware
i am now in the

i simply have to be awre of the flow

the radiation of creative energy which is


easily and affor


pouring forth from
my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i love that i know the
secret to life
the magick of

of life i love feeling the
magick of life in every
single day i love
seeing it

everywhere i love that i see
evidence of god
wherever i look i love

that i see miracles wherever i look
i love that i feel the

feel connected with the god self
and kn

know i am already totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled.

i love that i’ve already made it
i love

that i’m already here i’m

already here i’m already god i’m already creating the
life i want

i love that it already is the way
i want it to be i love that
i love that i already have it

it already is the way i want it to be

i love that i’m already

totally fulfilled

on the bus or off

and i noticed that method really ehlp


once yo shing you shine the light on the thought
i can dissipate.

here and now here and now i’m

flipping the switch and there’s no limit
to how good i can feel

there’s no limit to what god
can bring me and i know god
is creating everything in my favor i love

that i know this i love that i know this
i love that i know this

i love that i know the feeling and know
that life is all about aligning with the feeling
life is always

life is just about life is about
aligining with the
the feeling

alignin with center knowing there is no limit to how tood

good i can feel there is no limit to how

so grateful for this day for this moment
for the feeling of knowing

knowing all ther is is
is the feeling of knowing
and i cam

come here to feel it i come here to practice
feeling good i come here to praict

practice feeling good in

to increase my tolerance for feeling good
i love that i know that’s all there is

how you feel and what you expect i love
that i get to choose teh feeling
of on the bus no matter what

just drop the rest and
just drop the rest

grateful for this day to get to enjoy this day
grateful to get to have fun to get to

enjoy the day so grateful for
everything i have so grateful
life is good so
gratefl for so
much to love and enjoy

so grateful to feel good now to feel

the flow right onw to f

to feel the god self right now
to feel the god self right now

so grateful to get to eat such good food!!

grateful for this day to feel good
to feel god to know there’s no limit to the

amount of god i can feel to the amount of
god i can allow to the amount of abundance

i can attract just by sending the signal of abundance
and i know that’s all there is
i know that’s all there is to it

that is the only work that is the only job

my only responsibility is to be awre of this


i am totally confident in

letting go and letting god
appear as my abundant

sufficiency in my life and affairs

letting go and letting god

appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affairs i love that i get to nejoy life
that i get to

enjoy this moment i love that i
get to enjoy life

i love that i get to love life
that there is now li

no limit
to the amount of love and god and abundance i can
feel and attract!!

grateful to get to do this work
to feel the

grateful to feel good now to feel the god self now
to feel good about myself to look
for reasons to feel good

i’m here looking for reasons to feel
good grat



training myself to look for
to feel for the version i want and i know that
is my power
feeling for it and then its there

we already have 230 subs

il ove it!

i already is i love that it already is
and my only work

my only work

knowing this is
feeling it and there’s no limit to how
good i can feel to the

how much i can know god there’s no limit
to god

to the inifnite

infinite abundance of god

i love that i know this and
i can relax in it i love that i know this
andi ca

and i can feel my way to it

grateful for where i am

grateful for the moment of life

the infinite creative moment

creative moment i love that it’s only right now
i love that i get
to choose i love
that i get to choose

that i get to feel good i
get to feel good
aligned with god

and there is no limit to the alignment
i love that i get to

release the rest i love that
i get to

let go of ther est

the rest i love that i c

get to fell

feel good that i get to feel godri

right now i am on the bus and life is on my bus and i know this

i love that life is good i love that
life is good i love that

i love that life is good and its in my favor i love that
i know this
and all ic an do

do is align with this truth
i love

feels good to feel good

grateful to feel good to feel the god self
to know the god self so
grateful to know the god self
to feel the god self flowing to feel good now
to feel the flow now
in the

infinite now i know its the infinite now
its only ever right now its only ever right now
life happens right now its how i feel
in every right now its an average of how i feel

in ever right now

so grateful to feel good to feel the
flow of life to know the flow of life
to know the flow of life

the flow of life to have fun to enjo life to
enjoy ths

this moment right now so
gratefult o feel to feel good now
to enjoy life now
to feel soog n

good now to feel good now
to feel god

so grateful for this day

so grateful to feel good to stand up
to my thoughts decide what i’m going to
think about

how i’m going to feel where i put my attention
grateful for this day to feel good

to tune myself to tune myself
grateful fo

to feel the tune of life flowing through me
gratefult o do this work
teh go

the god work he

the god journey he

the connection to god

is god there?
in the choice?

in the thought?

in the emotion?

it’s an easy question and the
answer is always obvious

if it feels bad
god isn’t in it and god can
be in it just by releaseing the

releasing the resistance to
it being there

resistance to the situation
to what is

is god there and if so all is good

and teh an

the question is already answered
and if god isn’t well then

the same is true

and its easy to know its easy to know
and its easy to

be aware its

easy to feel good knowing tha t

that the god energy is always flowing
knowing that life

reflects the feeling knowing
that i get to choose it i know that
i get to choose it i a

i am aware of my expectations
i amw

aware of my mindset i am aware of my
mindset i a

i am aware of my dna

i am aware of my dna

i love that i know i love that
i know i

its all an average of the version
i expect of how i feel about it

the feeling in every omomet

moment i know this i know that
i get to choosei get

i get to choose i love that i know

it’s up to me

i’m here now fliping

flipping the switch

now now now now now now

feeling to god self right now

feeling the fullness of life
right now

feeling the fullness of life right
the truth of life

allowing life to express itself through me

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i know

i know life

loves me ii ilove that i get to love life
i love that i get to love

right now right now that i feel elevatedr

right now that i feel in the flow right now

so grateful for all our new subs!!

and our orders!!

so grateful for our site and that it works!!

so grateful for every person that comes to our site!!

so grateful we’re always making it better
always playing the sims


i’m here

i’m here now doing the only
thing that matters and
that is

pulling for the god self
allowing the god energy to flow

allowing myself to feel charged up by
the god energy alllowing

allowing myself to celebrate life
to feel the feeling of celebrating life

allowing god to live through me
allowing msyelf

myself to know the truth
the truth of life allowing msyelf

myself to celebrate the truth of life

is god hre i’

god is always here god is

here and ni
i know there’s no liimt

limit to the
feeling i can feel when i’m
connected with god

ther’es no limit to how

godly i can feel how much of the real trtuh

truth i can know and i love that i know this
that i am

here flipping the swithc par

practicing flipping the switch

fitness of the switch and that is
the only work
the a

ability to swiitch

switch to the version i prefer and i love
that i know this is the only work

that all of life is creative andi
get to create it in every moment

so grateful for this day
for classes
to feel strong and fit

to get to eat such amazing food!

so grateful for the best greens possible
grown right here so
grateful for work to do on our site
for something to do

to always be making it better
so grateful i enjoy my life and my work

i enjoy my work

so grateful i enjoy my work!!

so grateful for subs and orders!!

so grateful for yogurt and nuts
and grocery christmas

so grateful for my gym clothes that fit me
so grateful for hot showers

so grateful for this
here and now
for this life

my m

for my wife who loves me

for good weed and boopies
for acid

so grateful for acid

so grateful for the sun shining
for the forecast looking up

so grateful for our place which
is the perfect place for us right now

so grateful i know i created it so grateful i get to
create it i get to create the life i want to see

i know this

grateful life already worked out for me

grateufl to feel the
god self flowing the the

the god energy flowing to
feel the god self right now

to be on the bus right now
celebrating life
loving life

looking with love looking with love

creating the version i prefer

i love that life and i love this
work and i know this is the only work!!@