i can do it i can feel good now

feel the flow right now feel god right now
remember the god self tap into the god self i can
always feel the god self in this here and now
allow the god self to flow i can

always access the god self tune myself to the god self
say yes thank you i can always sya

say yes thank you allow the energy to flow allow the flow
to flow allow the good life to flow

all life to flow allow life to say yes ia

allow myself to say yese to life

feel my way back to god feel god now dasy

say yes thank you yes thank yo t

to the god self for teh god self
as the god self i feel

connected and connected is a choice i can mae in e

in every moment i choose to feel tuned i choose
the tuning i choose the tuning

i say yes to life i say yes
to feel good to feeling the god self

releasing teh rest i say yes to the
numbers because its all an average
and when

i spend my time paing

bringing my attention to god
then i feel good when

i see god in my lifei know this is just
an average so i

am deliberate about where i place my attention

where i choose to playce

place my attention i love that i get to choose
i can always love for my energy that i can al


let the rest go that i get to choose what
what i pay attention to and know that my life
is just an average of the things i pay attention to

i know thisi know th

i know this i love that i know this love
that i know the secret to life and i can always tune myself
to the knowledge of the secret of life

i get to choose i get to choose where
the focus lands where the energy lands where the god lands

i get to chosoe the god self alignment
with the god self alignment with the god self alignmetn
with the god self

i get to choose the

god self right now i get to choose to feel godo right now
to align with the energy

to allowt he energy to flow through me i
get to celebrate i get to celebrate this moment
celebratet his moment

celebrate this here and now
i get to say yes to this here an dnow
i get to allow the flow

to flow i get to allow the
flow to flow

i get to allow the flow to flow

i know that the energy always flows i know that the
enrgy always flows i know that the
god energy is always right here with me and i can
choose to feel good now i get to

choose to feel good now and allow the rest to fllow
i get to choose wh

the vversion i want and then

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose

how i feel i get to choose
how i feel i get

to choose how if eel

i get to choose how i feel
i get to choose to feel good to choose to feel
the energy of life flowing through me i get

to do this work the god work the only work
the swithc the

the motion of the swtch and

switch and t

its that easy is it on eth e
on the bus and i get to choose
to e on the bus

i’m on the bus

i can feel good now i can say

yes thank you i can say

yes thank you

i can say yes thank you i can
feel good nowi fe

i can feel good now just by flipping thes withc

i can feel good now just

i slip the

flip the switch and that is thep ower
of life

where i put my energy my attention
and how i feel iget t

i get to make the coic

choice how i feel ig et to lfip the

flip the switch i get to flip the swtich

get to choose how i feel i
get to choose how i feel

i get to feel og

god flip the god swithc
and its always that easy

i love that i get to choose love i love
that i
get to choose love that i get to

choose alignmetn in every moment that i
get to chosoe to feel good

that i get to hcooo

choose to feel good to

to feel good that i get to
choose to feel god

i get to flip the switch
and say thank you right now
i get to
feel the god self right now i

get to feel energized right now i get to feel good
right now i get to feel good
right now i get t

to feel the flow
right now

i get to flip the switch i get to
hop on the bus and i kow life
is just that esay i

i know life is just that easy i know

life is eays i know that life loves me i kno w
that life is alawys

in my favor i know that i am
god i know that it literally

is just an average i love that i know this
and that i get to chosoe i love that
i get to choose how i feel
in each moment

in each now in the infinite now i
can always choose to feel aligned

i get to flip the switch
in each moment and that is my power i get

flip the switch in each moment and
that is my power
that is my power

i get to feel ho

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose
how i feel i get

to choose how i feel i get to choose
how i feel

grateful for this day

to wake up feeling good to wake up
feeling the opportunity of life presenting itself

to get to feel creative to get to
enjoy life to get to create the life i want

grateful for the time and space to focus on the god self
grateful to get to feel good

gratefulf or the
chance to chop grateful to f

for good food to eat
to get to go somewhere

grateful for my wife and my family
grateful i get to deicde
how the day unfolds grateful its easy

to expand i thein

in the infinite now and ay
say yes to everything that is
to love
everything that is

to say yes to this now to be

contatnly grateful for everything that god gives me
grateful i get to feel this feeling of connection with god

gratefult o be on the frequency with god
grateful i get to choose it get to align with it
get to celebrate the day

get to feel my vibration rise get to feel
tapped into the source of life
get to feel the

energy that creates worlds efl

flowing through me

grateful to have the energy to focus on this work
right now to do this work right now

the focus
grateful to feel the feeling of slipp

flipping the switch
of feeling perfect right now t

feeling perfect right now

feeling perfect right now feeling perfect right now

grateful to feel invigorated by life
gratefulto feel

the possiblity of all of life
to feel

the inifinte

infinite possiblity of god
grateful to feel good in this day

to know for sure that whatever happens
will be in my faovr

grateful to celebrate this mometn
to celebrate the flow
flowing through me

grateful to feel the god self within me
to feel grateful for everything

to feel grateful for life to know that life
loves me to know that god loves me to know

that i am god and i love me
i can choose to love me
i can choose to love myself as god does
i can

choose to love myself as god does

i can choose to love life as god does

grateful i get to feel good

i get to feel god the energy that creates worlds
and know that it is me
i love that i know it is me
i love that i get to feel

i love that life feels good to me that i can focus
i this infinite now and know there’s nothing else

there’s only this moment there’s only this moment and i can
always feel the love of god in this moment

matter what the situration
i love that life is good for me i love that
we have more than enough i love that
we alawys do

i love that i know life loves me!!

i get to feel the truth of life i get to operate
on the frequency i get to operate on the

i get to feel the magick of life
get to see the magick of life

get to expectt the magick
of life
get to be the magick o lf

of life and i lov that i
that i know this in every moment
that i kow this
i know this feeling of knowing god
o f

seeing god in everything and i can
always choose this perspective i love

that ig et to feel good now that
i get to love life now that

i already have the life i want!!

i love that i already have the life i want i love
that life

that life loves ma d

and is so good to me i love that i
get to feel good now i

get to feel good now that
i get to feel life now that i get to

feel the magick of life right now
that ig et ot

to feel the magick of life right now
that i get to know god right now that

i know that

there is no limit
i know my supply is unlimited
i know

everyone’s supply is unlimited
i know everyone’s supply

is unlimited

i know this!!

i know we are all god
i love that i get to choose that ig et to

choose to embody the god self that i get to
be the god self that i get to celebraer this

this magickal day right now!!!
i love

that ig et to a

get to wake up feeling good i love that i
get to wake up

feeling good i love that i know life
loves me
i love that i know life
loves me
i love that i know

life loves me

so grateful i know that i am god

that money is not my supply
no perso place or condition is my supply

is my supply is my supply
is my supply

is my supply
is my supply

is my supply

i love that

my awareness, understanding
and knowledge of the all providing activity
of the divine mind within me
is my uspply

my consciousness of ths truth
this truth is unlmited


my supply is unlmited

therefore my supply
is unlimited

i know my supply is unlmited

i love that i know life loves me
i love that i know life

whatever i want it to be life is whatever i want it to be

i know that i am my own infinite supply
i love that i know this that
i have the knowledge

that i know the secret to life and that
my only work is to remember this secret and align with it

and there is no limit to how good i can feel
when i align with god

when i tune myself to the feeling of god
when i feel for god

when i feel as god i feel as god

i feel god and i am god i know that i am
the one and only creator i know that i am
the onlye

one and only creator and my only rwor

work is remembering this knowledge
i know this i know that

thank you

so grateful for this day for this

i get to tell so grateful to feel
good in my life so grateful for the sun

for my bike for a nice bike ride
that the wife wanted to go

grateful to do this work

grateful to do this work to feel good
to enjoy the day to enjoy life

to feel good in my life to like my life

so grateful to love my life to love
the flow ofl ife to get to eat so well

to get to smoke so good

to get to enjoy the day to

get to enjoy life
so grateful tod ot his work and feel good
to see the effects of the choice

to feel good and enjoy life to feel good and enjoy
life so grateful life is flowing perfectly through me

so grateful its all working out for me
so grateufl i know that

whatever happens, it iwll b

will be in my favor

gratefulfor this
day for this moment for this

here and now here and now this
here and now for this

here and now for the power of the focus
so grateful for the power of the focus

for the feeling of the focus to know that
this is my only work to know that abunance
is constantly flowing o and through me

so grateful i never have to wrry t
ath i get to feel good now

that i get to feel the

flow of life right now
that i get to feel god and know that is all there is

connected with god
or not

feeling the god self
feeling the way god would about life

is all there is and its so easy to

grateful to feel this feeling to see the effects of the
practice grateful to feel the effects to know the

effects to say yes to say yes
to say yes to the flow of o the feeling of god grateful to say yes
to the feeling of god to feel the

of god to see the effects of the practicce to know
that it only ever reflects me

so gratefl that people want to
distribute our work in prisons!!

and that it could help someone there!!

so grateful we can share our work with no cost to us
so grateful we have

the ability to share so grateful to have something
to give to the world so grateful for

all that i have and knowing that god is infinite
and infinitely flowing to me

gratefl to feel the focus to feel the power of now
to let go and just enjoy this moment

so grateful to get to enjoy thismo m

this momet fully so grateful i know

all my wishes are coming true
so grateful to feel strong and fit
so grateful for our cles

classes and our equipment
for our bikes!!

and allm y extras like my rack and my bag!!!

so grateful i know that whatever

its in my favor so grateful i know that
so grateful i know ti know the

flow is flowing the flow is
flowing the flow

is flowin gi know the flow is always flowing
i love that i know ths
and that

abundance is a feeling
abundance is a connection with god
and if there’s something missing

its’ always god

it’s never not god

that is the answer to every single

so gratreful for this amazing day
for the feeling of connection with source
so grateful

its still so light out
so grateful to get up early

so grateful to enjoy life now
to enjoy life in this right now

to do this work which is just feeling
the god feeling practiing the god feeling

practicing tuning my vibration

knowing there is no limit to the god that i can know

there’s no limit to the god that i can know

there’s no limit

to how good i can feel there’s no limit
to how i

good i can feel ter

there’s no lmit

limit to how good i can feel i love
life i love this life i love
to feel good i love

feel good i love to feel good

i love that i know this
is the work i love that i know this

is the work i love that i get to celebrate life
right now i love that life is good
right now that i
get to enjoy life right now that i get to

feel the god self rightnow that i know life

already is the way i want it to be knowing that
all my wishse

wishes are coming true
i get to feel good i get to feel good

i get to feel good

grateful for this day for this moment
for the god self for the feeling of letting go
and letting god

the feeling of knowing that life is
on my side for teh gift

of celebrating each ea

day so grateful to celebrate the
day to celebrate life to love life
so grateful to love life

right now
so grateful to love life right now
to feel good now

right now to feel the
energy of life
right now

to feel god right now to feel the
flow right now

to feel good right now
to feel god right now
to jump fully into life and say
yes thank you

to know the secret to life so grateful i know the
secret to life

my consciousness
of the presence of god within me

is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply i love that i know this

i get to celegrate

celebrate life right now
that i get to feel good now
that i get to feel good now

i feel good now i feel good now
i feel



i love that i get to choosoe
to feel good that i get to

choose to feel good that i
get to choose

to feel good

grateful for this day

grateful to feel good to feel the flow
grateful we can fix our site!!

grateful for orders!!

grateful i get to choose the story i tell
grateful i am aware of the story i tell

i get to choose to feel good about my life
to have a good attitude about my life
i get to choose how i think about mysself

what i think about myself

how i treat myself
how i see myself and my choices and my actions
i get to choose i get to choose

i like feeling good in my body
i like feeling strong and fit
i loe fee

i like feeling light
i like liking myself
i love

loving myself i love that i get to choose
the narraitve i want to tell
and then resonate with that

make choices in accordance with that

i love doing this work the focus work
the feeling work the remembering the god wrk
work the

not work work the

switch work but its not work
i love this work but its not work this

journey not a journey i love this

feeling teh feeling of god that is always
here with me and the ability to always

change the narrative

address how i feel ask myself if i have
to feel like that and then choose the other side and knowing

the contrast gave me what i wasa asking
for a renewed

sense of self and i wanted that and the contrast gave me
and there is no self without the contrast

so i bless the contrast knowing that the other
side is always there and life helps me choose the
side that feels best

i feel good now i feel good onw on
the other side of the wave the

that the contrast helped me access

the contrast helps me access how i want to feel
and that is the gift of contrast i love that i get to
fee the

feel the gift of contrast i love that i
get to feel the

gift of contrast i love that i get to align with god
i love that i get to feel the feeling of alignment
right now

the feeling of yes right now the feeling
of thank you right now i love tha i get to

i get to feel good right now just by choosing to
just by
chaning how i look at things and

i always get to choose the lens i look through
and the contrast helps me remember which lens

feels the best and its all about perspective
i can change my perspective on any topic and i know that

this is my power i know that this
is my power

i get to tell the story and i’m so glad
i’m telling the story i want i get to
tell the story i get to tell the story i love

that it’s so easy to create the version i want
to decide the version i want

to decide the version i wnat to decide the version i want
i love

that i know who i am what i am i love that i know what i am
i know that i am god
i get to

to decide the narrative i

get to decide the narrative!!

i love that i get to enjoy life
that ig et ot

get to feel good now that i
get to enjoyl ife that

that i get to feel good now
feel the flow

feel the god self know the god slef

know the choice know the switch and live by it
and i love that i get to live my life fully

i love that i get to live fully
that i get to experience the joy of living

i get to know the joy of life that i get to choose it
in each moment that i get to say yes

to each moment

grateful for this work the god work
the god work i love the god work i know the
god work is

all there is and god is the only
thing that could ever be missing

from my life i know t

i know there’s nothing ellse

else besides my connection with god
or not

am i on the bus or off of it
and the secret to life is this awareness

how is this thought making me feel
how is paying attention to this making me feel

how does this belief make me feel????

and i get to choose what i want to believe!
and then see evidence of that!!

i get to love because i am one who loves
and like

attracts like

i must send the signal i want to send

i mkust

i must look for what i want to see
i must feel first how i want to feel

without needing anything without
needing a certain outcome

so grateful to remember how good it feels

to feel good so grateful to remember
that life is good that there is so much
to celebrate

in every omment

so grateful to feel waves of relief
so graetfl to like
my life so

grateful life

is good so grateful to celebrate life
to choose the version i want ot f

to feel good either wya i know
i get to feel good either way
there is alway a

always a way to be ok with whatever is

evern if

even if you feel bad, you can be ok with that.

i love that i get to feel good now i love
that i get
to feel good now i love that

i get to feel the flow right now
get to feel

god right now i love that i know
god is always with me i love that i know

god is me

god is always me unless i’m blocking out the god
i love that i am a

aware i love that i get to choose
i love that i know the secret to life
and i get to choose what i look for and what i create

and i can always change that in an instant

so i never have to wonder or worry
just be aware and choose what i want if i want to see
more of it

i feel good i feel good

i felt through it love that i can
always feel through it that it’s alwaya

a feeling you can always feel through it
just feel just feel just
feel for god just

feel for god just
feel gof

for god feel for god

i do this work to remember

who and what i am i do this work
to bring the focus back to god to remember that

my only job is to find god first and then
let god do the rest i love that i know this i love tha t
i can always let god do the rest

my only job my only work is to return to god and then
i can feel what life is upp

supposed to feel like i do this work to rmember that
life is good l

that life loves me that the enegy that

i do this work to remember who i am
to remember that i am
god and the i

i feel uplifted then i feel uplifted the i feel the
god self lfowing
flowing through me then

i feel the god self flowing through me


my only job is to feel good
my only job is to return to god today i weill

i will ease toward god and i will let god pick me up
and guid me th

guide me through life i love that i can always
allow god to

i can always allow god to

guide me through life to lead with love and i know
that is what i can do as well i know that
i know i kno wthat
i know that
i know

i know that
i can trust god trust the flow and know the
my only job is to get in the vorte and

vortex and then get in the vortex and then

get in the vortex and hen my only job
is to get in the vortex and then

get tin the

in the vortex and then

get on the frequency and then i know that’s
waht this work is its’ the

tuning work feel as good as you can feel
and then make a choice

just welcome waht

what is say yes to what is
celebrate everything that is

saying yes to everything that is

i feel good i feel good i feel

god i feel the energy of god flowing through me
i feel the feeling

teh relief

the relief of knowing that i am god
that life already is how i want it to be
and i don’t

ever have
to do anything

myo nly jo

only work is to feel connected with god

getin the
vortex and thn i

and i love that it’s easy to

for me to feel good easy for me to return to god i love
that i get to feel good now that

that i get to feel good now

i love this day i love
that ig et to

get to live it that i get to feel good
taht i can

i can always trust god dt

to decide and that my only job is
to relax into the flow of life

relax into the flow of life

relax into the flow
of life

relax into the flow of life say yes to life
celebrate life celebrate feeling good celebrate

feeling good

i feel good in this day i feel good in this flow
in god’s flow i feel the flow flowing through me

i feel the flow flowing through me i feel the flow
flowing through mei

i feel god i feel god i feel god i feel god
i feel that i am god i feel the god self and i know that
is my only

work my only work is to feel good is
to feel connected to god

i know this this
is the only work the tuning is the only work
the feeling is the only work i lov that
this feeling is the only work

i love that d

that i know that i never have to do
i never have to achieve

and my only work is to enjoy

my only work is to enjoy i know my
only work

is to enjoy

i know my oly w

only work is to enjoy this

forever now the

infinite now

i am already perfect in this here and now
and my only work is to remember this

to remember that i am god and i get to choose
i love that i get to choose

to feel filled up my

by life i get to feel excited by life i get to
take each day

love each da love each moment i love
each moment i love this day i love that
i get to ne

enjoy this day get to feel good in this day
get to love this day

i can focus in this day i canfocus

i can focus on this day i

get to focus on this day i get to feel good on this
day i

get to feel good in this here and now

if i feel directionless
i can alawys return to god

i knkow i have

i never havet o do anytihng but return to god
knowing that god always knows best i know that
god always knows best

i love that i get to feel that
get to allow it get to allow

inspiration to strike

its here now its hre

here now

i get this day i have this day
and i get to make the most of it

i get to feel good now

i dont have to do anything
just feel good now just feel the resonance of life
right now just feel good right now

feel connected to go right now i know that this
is my only work right now

i know that thiss is m

this is my only work right now

my only job is to feel the
perfection of the moment

my only job is knowing that
everything is already perfect how it is

and trusting it i love that i know my
only job is to feel the god self within .

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish

i am conscious of the constatn activity of this mind of infinite prosperity


my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

i know i get to choose i know i get to choose
i get to choose i get to decide

what i prefer i get to decide what i prefer
and i prefer to just feel good now

so grateful for this day

so grateful to feel good to have the choice
to get to feel good about that and not overthink it

and that’s really the secret that’s the secret to life
just don’t hold on to it don’t hold on to it
just let it go


just let it go

decide how you want to feel i kove
i love that i know it’s all about how i feel

i get to look for reasons to feel good
i get to look

for reasons to feel good and ic an

always trust how i feel

right now i can

always trust how i feel
right now i can always trust ow i fe

how i feel right
now i can trust life i trust the flow of life

i can always hoose t

choose to lookat myself how god so

does and not
nit pick
and not ol

look for small reasons to beat up
on myself or get down on myself

or hate on myself or pick on myself

i can instead look for reasons to feel

remember i get to tell the narrative
i get to choose the narrative
i love that i get to chosoe how i feel
i love that

i get to feel good i know that it’s lal

all in my thoughts i love that
it just doens’t matter

i love that i

it just doesn’t matter

i get to chooseh ow i feel
i get to chooseh ow i feel

i get to choose what i think about
what i hold on to i get to chosoe the

choose the narrative
i get to choose the narrative
i get to chosoe to feel

good no matter what i get to
choose to feel good

no matter what i get to choose to feel good
not look for reaons to feel bad

and that’s just an upper limit
i know that’s just and u

an pper

upper limit and i know iall of life is a feeling i know
all of life depends on my narrative
on the story

i tell
i know that
i know that i get to choose how i feel
that i can chosoe to think about something

that i can choose to feel
about myself

how god feels about me
i get to choose to love myself
to love wher i am
right now

there is so muh to love i love that i know that
there is so much to love

so much to appreciate
and i get to choose where

i place my attention

there’s so much to love so much to
feel good about so muc t

so much to feel good about
so i refuse to feel bad
i just get to appreciated
i love

i ove
i love that it just doesn’t matter
i lov ehta ti know

i lovet hat i know its all about
how i feel its all about how i feel
i love

that i know its all
about how i feel its all about the narrative

its all about the narrative i tell
its all about the tory

story i tell its all about
how i decide to see myself
i love that i know this and this
work helps me remember that i

refuse to feel bad
wahen there
are so many reasons to feel good

i refuse to feel bad

when terhe’s so many reaons

to feel good i get to feel good i get to
turn the boat i get to turn the boat

i get to choose to fee good i
get to celebrate myself i get to celebrate how far

i’ve come

i lift up my mind
and heart

to be aware to understand
and to know that
the divine presence

i am

is the sourcce and
the substance

of all my good

is the source
and substance

of all my good

the divine presence i am

the feeling i decide to send
the image i decided to sned
the version the narrative

the switch

the switch back to celebrating
myself and my reality i love
that can just trust

how i feel and that’s all that
mattersi show

is how i feel is the feeling is
the feeling i love that

that’s all that matters
and i know i

i can

there are so many reasons to feel good

i feel good so i can refuse to feel bad

i want to feel good so i refuse to feel
bad i want to feel good

so i refuse to feel bad

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand
and to know that the
divine presence

i am is the source
and the substance of all my good

i lift upmy mind
and heart

to be aware to understand
and to know

that thae divine presence

i am

is the source and substance

of all my good

i love that i know the feeling of life
the feeling go

of god and i can allow it to keep flowing
i can keep saying yes

keep saying thank you i love
that i get to feel good that i know the
feeling of connection wth

with god i l

that i know the feeling of loving myself i know the
feeling of loving myself

i know the feeling of loving myself and i t

it feels good and i can chosoe it right now

i choose it right now and it feels good
it feels like the feeling iw ant t

i want to feel i love that i know that
its just

an intrusive though

an upper limiting belief

that i can choos to l

choose to let go i love that it just doesn’t matter

all that matters is how i feel and how is ee
myself i love that i know that all that matters

is how i feel and how i see myself i love that i know this
i love that i get to choose and celebrate

that it already is

so grateful for the focus

for the feeling of the focus on god
because i know what my source is and i know that i
get to choose where i put my attention i love
that i get to choose and i don’t have to

even think about things that make me feel bad
i get to just

enjoy the day

grateful to do this work the focus
work the god work the
god switch

to practice flipping the god switch

so grateful i get to enjoy life
i get to enjoy life i get to have fun right now

so grateful i get to enjoy life right now

so grateful i get to enjoy life right now i get t

feel the feeling of god right
the love of god right now i get te

to enjoyl ife right now i get tnejoy

enjoy life right now enjoy this moment right now
enjoy the


lust for life

to feel love

love and feel loved tis so good to
enjoy life

to feel the effects of this wrk
to say yes to the god self
to embody the godse

self to love this day
to enjoy this day
to fully embrace this day

to have so much to be grateful for in this life

to know i’ve already


made it i made it already made it

so grateful for this day
for the god self lfowin g

flowing through me
so grateful i already have it all

so gratefullife loves me
so grateful ig et to

get to feel god
get to feel the god self
get to aling with

with the god self get int
to enjoy the infinite now

aligned with the god self

this work always works nad
what it helsp

me do is enjoy every oment of my life
helps me jump into life


helps me love each and every oment
hleps me

feel the feeling of love
the feeling of lust for life the feeling of my heart singing

and i come here to hsor

shore up that feeling shore up that feeling
of knowing that life and god are

always on my side i love that i know
my only work is to shore up this
feeling to

feel the feeling of knowing this for a fact

the knkowlege

that ig et to choose how the situration

what the situation is
i get to choose
i getto

to choose i get to choose i love that i get to make
the choice i love that i get to make

the choice

the frequency
i do this work to remember the

frequency of life
the frequency of life

to feel my vibration rise
to feel the feeling of life

to remember the meaning to life
and its to feel the

of god to connect with the
vibration of god to allow my heart
to sing i allow

my heart to sing i allow my
heart to sing i allwo god

i allow god to sing through me i allow
god to sing through me
i allow god

to sing through me
i al

allow god to sing through me

grateful for this sun
for this life for

the life i already have for our
orders for a

nice day so grateful for this day
to already feel good to feel like i

don’t need this because i already feel good
i love that i know there

there’s no limit to how good i canfeel
i love that i can

milk the feling

feeling milk the feeling milk

the feeling f

milk the feeling it feels

i’m here i’m here i’m here to feel good
to celebrate life i’m here to feel

good i’m here to feel good

i’m here to love i’m

here to enjoy life to allow life
to know that life
is only

on my side that life is me
im here to know the magick
of life to

revel in the magick ofl ife
to say

thankyou to kno w

to know it always comes it always comes it always comes it

always comes

i’m here to feel good i’m here to feel good i’m

here to feel good i’m

here to feel good i’m here to feel good i’

i’m here to feel good i

i’m here to feel the feeling of life i’m here
to feel lifek

to know life to celebrate life
to feel the feeling to feeling teh

feeling of knowing

i do this work to practice remembering
who i am and taht

that i have access to the magick selff
wtih the

flip of a switch i can

flip the switcch to

to god and as long as i am with
god life is on my side

i love that its easy to
enjoy the ride i love that i
get to just enjoy that

the ride i get to say thank you

that i get to say thank you for the
feeling for the flow for the flow
for the flow

for the god self for the knowledge i love that
i get to chosoe i love

that i
get to chosoe how i
feel ig et to choose the narrative

i love that i get to choose the narrative
i love that life already is

the way iwant it

to be

life already is the
way i want it to be

i have it all
and i am totally fulfilled
i am

totall uflfill


i get to feel good i get to
feel totally fulfilled

and that is life

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance of the


this porv

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

htank you

thank you for this day
for this time abundance

for food abundance
money abundance
love abundance

i have abundance everywhere i look!!

i love that i know this!!

i love that i know life is
constantly showering me with gifts!!

i love the
better it gets i love that
i know

my source and mys upply
is my lia

alignmetn with this knowledge

i love this life

i love this work i love
feeling good i love waking up excited about the day

i love being on the frequency i love that life
is good i love that i get to feel good

that i get to feel good in my life

i love our orders
i love taking the orders every day

i love our subs i love that
we get new subs all the time
and i stand behind our content
be cuse

becuase i know its good i love that i nko wi love
that i get

i get to feel good i love that i get to feel this
feeling get to do this work the focus

expanding to fill
the infinite now

i expand to fill the infinite now

i expand to fill the now

i love that i get to feel it i get to feel good get to
do the focus work the feeling work the
only work that matters

grateful to release the resistance
to feel the feelign myself

to know tis always there
and acid just opens it up

but the feeling is ther all the

behind the resistance
and i release the resistance
and love this day

have al ust for this day

have a l

a lust for this life

grateful to feel ease in my life
grateful for the sun

for warmer days

for good food!!
and amazing salads!!


plenty of yummy stuff to put on the salads
grateful for a class i like

grateful for my wife and my family

grateful for good musica

and coffee and weed and my computer

grateful for this day
for this feeling grateful for
the feeling the feeling

the feeling of life flowing through me
grateful to release resistance

and operate on the

frequency of abundance
i love that i knowt hat’s all there is
i love
that i
get to chosoe how i feel and the signal i send

the focus workt he feeling work
the vorete

the vortex i love that i know all of life
is a feelig is a vibration

everything in life refec

reflecs me
reflects how i feel reflects

my vibration
my energy i know that life

i know that life is just
a simulation
that ig et to sh

choose what that simulation shows me
i love that i get to know that i love

that i know i know my supply is infinite
i love
i love that i get to do the feeling work the feeling
work the only work i love that i know the
only wrok

work is the feeling work

grateful to feel at peace in this moment
grateful to feel

in the vortex
to feel the god self

grateful to know i am god

so grateful to know i am god

ia m the one and only god i am
the only and only

i love that i know the deep aspect of life
behine the veil

i love that i know the truth of life i love that
i get to release resistance

and feel good now i love that i get to
feel good now get to love life in this here an dnow
i love

that i get to love life
in this here and now

i love doing this work the only work i love that
life is good for me i love that i get to sit back
and bask in my success i love that
i know

life already worked out for me
i love that i know life

already worked out for me i love that i know life

loves me i love that i know life already loves
me no matter what i love that i get to bask in this

knowledge i love that i get to bask in this knowledge
i love that i get to bask in this knowledge

i love the better it gets i love that
i get to feel good and i know that i s

that is my

only job i love that i get to know this i love that i know

life loves me i love that i know

life loves me!!

grateful i already feel how i want to feel

grateful i love myself and my life
grateful i know teh
feeling of ogd

god is alrea

always right here and i can

activate it

access it

any time just by asking if i feel

just by asking and then its there

i remember the feeling of god i remember
the relief of god i remember

the knowledge of god i remember that

that god loves me i

remember that i am god i remember the
relief of the feeling of god and remember that all of life

leads to this feeling

i love that i get to feel
i love that

i get to feel the feeling right now
i feel the feeling wth

within me and that’s that

all there is that’s all i need i love that i
get to feel it right now i get to

feel good now i get to feel good
now i get to say

thank you i get to say

to feel grateful for everything that is
and release anything in its way i love that
i know this is the secret to life
just releasse

just release anything in the way of how i feel

of how i want to feel

the god self is always here
the lust for liife is

is always here the love is always here
the love is always

here with me i know that i can
always release resistance

i love that i know this is the secret to life
i love that i know life

can’t not reflect i know that it

is law i know that it is law

i get to choose how i feel i get to
choose how i feel and i always have access to the god self

in every moment i love tat

that i know this i love that i know the
secret to life i love that
i get to feel

the love of god

grateful to feel the flow

to feel the energy of life to do the tuning work to make
the choice in each moment

for how i want to feel for how i want to feel

to tune myself to how i want to feel
tune myself to the god self and feel the

energy that creates worlds flowing rhogu

through me so grateful i get to feel the
god energy and know that it can only be blocked with resitance

grateful to feel the energy of life flowing through
me to feel the god self flowing to

feel the energy of life to feel the focus to

feel the

frequency so gat

gratefult o feel the frequency so
gratefult o feel the frequency of life flowing through me

i release resistance
and allow the go dself to flow through me

i allow the frequency of god i allow the focus
work i allowt he god work

i allow god to do

its work
i celebrate this day

this amazigingly awesome day
i dot his focus work to tune myself

to the vibration of god
to feel the god sef

self in me
to look at life
as god does

today i look at life as god does and celebrate it
i lovee that i get to celebrate this day
i love that

life is going my way!!

i look for what i want to see i look for what i want to
se ei am o

i am on the lookout for evidence of god
and when i am
i see it in everything

the feeling work the god work
and the only work is the god work

the how you feel work
the switch the practice of flipping the switch

the practice of feeling how i want to feel
the only work is being aware of how i feel and
then doing the work
to feel how i want to feel if that’s not how i feel

that’s it

the feeling of abundance
the feeling of peace the feeling of

total fulfillment
is all right here in this here and now
i know that i get to celebrate it

m g

grateful i get to cellebrat

celebrate this knowledge
i’m grateful i get to live on the frequency