i feel at ease in this day

i feel the ease of this day i feel the
ease of life flowing through me on this day i know i can
trust life

i can relax in the knowledge

i relax in the knowledge

i relax in the knowledge i relax
in the knowledge

i relax and allow i relax and allow

relax into the knowledge that the activity of divine abu

abundance is eternally operating in my life i

simply have to e a

be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energ is

that is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from
my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in ght

the flow

relax into the knowledge
relax into the knowledge

i feel better by the minute
by just remembering who and
waht i am

relax into the kowle
knowledge relax into the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance

is eternally operating in my life

relax in the knowledge
and i love that i get to

i love that life is good i love that
i get to enjoy it i love

that i nkow this i love that
it already is i love that it already is

relax in the knowledge
it feels good to relax in the knowledge

it feels good to relax and allow
the flow of life
to be gratfulf or

flow of life to

sink into the flow of life
the flow of life
the flow

of life the flow of life the

of life the flow of life
the flow of life

so grateful the rent is pa


so grateful for orders
so grateful for this fun emails
so grateful

to feel good on my own

for a fun class that we liked
for a warm day even if it is cloudy

for weed to smokke all day!!!

for our stupid show

i love our orders i love
our wholesalers

i love or neighborhood
i love our family

i love my life i love that
i get to look for what i want to see
i get to

give it to get it

i love feeling good i love that i get to feel
good i love that its my choice i love

doing the focus work the focus

flexing the focus muscle

remembier th

remembering the truth of life
relaxing into the truth of life

relaxing in the knowledge
i love that i get to relax in the nkowledge
i love that i
get to chosoe i lvoe
i g

that i feel good i love that i like my life
i love that i get

to enoy

enjoy it i love that i get to take my ownd adi


i love that i get to align with god
that i get to feel the god self that i
get to know the god self

i have to dcied

deicde what
decide what i want
and then it is
i have to decide

i have to decide

i feel good i feel good i feel good

i feel good i feel good i feel
good i feel aligned with the truth

i know god i kno god i know i am
god i know that life

is here to serve me i love

i get to relax in this knowledge i get
to relax in this knowledge

life is here for me
life is here to serve me i love that i
get to celebrate life i love that
i get to know this i love that
i get to love

i love that i love

how i am
i love that li

i love myself how i am
i love myself

how i am i love that i get ot i love
i love that i

i get to i love that
i get to go

align with the god self i love that i know the
god self i love that i know i am god
i am god

i make it
i make everything i make everything

i make everything i make who i am
i make who i am

i am the creator of me

i love ths work the i love this work
the god work the god self i love

that i know all that matters is gthe
god self am i connected with

the god self this is all that matters
right now in

every moment in the
eternal now
the eternal now

am i with god am i knowing that i am
god am i knowing that i am
god i know tht

that i am god right now i know
that i am god right now

i et to choose it to

know the knowledge
to feel the truth of the knowledge
to allow it to swim through me
to get to

get used to the feeling
the practicing

the allowing of the feeling of knowing
that i am god i allow it i allow the knowlefge
to fill m ei allow

i allow the knowledge to fill me
i go

i do the work i do the work i do
the work i do the work

the on the bus wrok

i get to choose gratitude

i get to choose this work the feeling work i
get to choose enjoy the day i get to choose

the narrative i tell me about me in my mind
and its always up to me its up to me the version

grateful to do the focus work

and remember its only ever me its only ever me

its me its all me it all reflects me so i have to

find a way to be ok with it ok
with what is ok with whatever is ok with
whatever because its all mean
i have to find a way back to godb

becuase that is all i seek when i htink i
need something outside of me
its becuase i’m

seekeing god.

Grateful to do the focus
work the

attention work the
awreness work
all that matters
is the

attention where is your attention
what y

are you p

paying attention to what
version are you creating in my

your mind??

version are you creating what are you
thinking about is that what you want?

is always up to you even if you dont feel

active or motivated todo

to dosomething you
can still be awre of
where your attention
is wa

aware of the version you create

i can

i am aware of the version i create

i am aware of how i feel i am

aware of what i am looking for of what i am making
more of i love that i know this i love
that i know

i get to choose i love that i get to chosoe to feel
to feel good to feel the feeling o

i love that i know that what i

what i like what i pay attention to that i like

what i apat

pay attention to
i get more of
the version i create in my mind

is what i get to

and i get to decide what that version is
i get to decide how i feel about every situation

i get to say thankyou i get

to say thank you

i get to choose and i’ so grateful
i know this i get to choose how i feel

about everything
about every situation
about every person

about mmyself and my body and my life

ig et t

i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose
to love myself as i am i get to ch

to choose to feel good about myself
that’s all i can d

that’s all i can nd tha
and that is the answer to

everything i get to choose how i feel
change the energy if you dont like it

and its that simple

its me its the thoughts
its the made up version
and i allow that to brng me

bring me down??

allowing something made up to bring me down???

how about the opposite!!

allow life to lift me up !!

there is so mucht ath

that is uplifting
so grateful for new wholesalers!!!

and sales!
to canada!!

and repeat customers!!

and new email ideas and
the emails getting written so easily

and for banana bread and rice
and such good food in genereal

so grateful for my yogurt and all the toppings

so grateful for my casts

cats and my wife and our home
and our mailbox

so grateful for this
for this moment for this

so grateful for so much to be grateful for

for the sun!!

for time to sit on the porch

so grateful we’re ahead!

so grateful we have more than enough
so grateful i got my check
so grateful the school is back up!!

so grateful for savings so grateful
for so much bud so
grateful for my guy that hits me up
so g

gratful for our track!!

that our wifi reaches!!!

so grateful to feel stronger and more fit
than last time

that i can run/walk 2 miles easily
so g

grateful for this momet
for so much to be grateful for that
i can always choose to look for what
i want

or just how i choose to look
at things

i get to choose
a shift in perspective is so easy
and then you can feel good instead of bad

its just that


its the easiest thing just shit

a shift in perspective

its easy just a shift just

shift the perspective slightly
its easy just allow god
just allow gods version

just allow whatever is to be gods version
i love that i know this and its easy

i love that i have access to this feeling
i love that i know the feeling work that life only
ever is the feeling work i love doing the

feeling work i love the
better it gers i lov

i love the

the better it gets i love the
better it gets i love that

the better it gets i love t

i love that i get to hcoose wha
tchoose hwat i

what i look at i love
that i get to choose and when i choose the
new version then it is

i love that i get to choose this

the shift in perspective is easy
the shift in perspective

i get to choose the version i prefer
the version i align with
the version i think about myself

version i think
i think about myself i love that
i get to choose it i love that

it already is

i get to feel good i have so much to celebrate
i have os much

so much to celebrate in life

its so easy to celebrate life
when there is so much to celebrate i love that
life loves me i love that i know this
i love

that it’s

it’s easy to come back to cner

center i love that i get to

feel good in my lifei love that i get to feel good
about who i am i love that i get to feel good about who i am

i love that i love who i am
i love my body i love myself and i get to choose that

i get to make the narrative i get
to make the narrative
i love that i get to

i love that i’m fit and strong
i love that i can run a mile easily
i love that my clotes fit me!

i love likinghow i look in photos!!

i love that i get to like myself how i am
i love that i get to deicde


decide i’m already there i love that
i get to decide

that i’m already there i love that i know this

i love that i know this

grateful to feel good

to feel good in this day
to get to celebrate this day to get to love this day
gratefult o feel good

i keep mymind and thoughts off this world and place
my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the

only activity in my financial affairs

as the substance of all things visible
i place my faith in the principel of abundance
in action within me

i love this work i love the
feeling work i love that i

i love that life is good forme right now i love that life

loves me right now
i love that life

loves me right now and always i love that i
get to feel the truth of this that i get to celebrate this

that i get to knowt his
i love that i get to know this that i get to remember that

its’ only ever me i get to choose to feel good about myself
right now i get to choose to love myself right now so

gratefult o lo

to love myself right now

so gratefulf or this day
for this moment so grateful for this moemnt

grateful for this moment for this here and now

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the only
activity in my financial affairs as the substance

of all things visible

i place my faith in the principe of abudnace in
action within me

thank you thank you thank you for this here and now
this moment
this knowledge that my purpose is to

enjoy life i’m so grateful i get to enjoy life
that i get to feel the feeling of connected to spirit

of connected to go d

i love that god love sme i love

that i know life loves me i love

that i know

life loves me

i keep my mind and thoughts off
this world and place my entire focus
on the god within as the only
cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the only
activity in my financial affais

as the subsance of all things visible
i place my fiath

faith in the principle of abundance in action within me

and place my entire focus on he
god within i love the better it gets i love
that its a good day i love that
i get to

celebrate this day i love that life is good today
i love that i get to celebrate

entire focus on the god within
entire focus on the god within

i love feeling light i love feeling light i love feeling free i love
doing thw e

the work this work the feeling work i love doing the feeling
work the fcous

the focus work the focus work i love feeling the
feeling of the focus on

the focus on knowing the focus on choice
the v

focus on how i feel the
focus on how i feel
the foc

focus on how i feel the
focus on thow i

how i feel the focus on how
i feel get th c

to choose how i feel
i get to choose how

i feel i get to choose

to remember that all that matters is the
thougths i love that get to choose that i love
that i get to chosoe that
i love that i never have to think about it

i get to just choose how i feel rightnow
i get to

to choose how i feel right now

entire focus entire focus

entire focus entire focus entire

entire focus entire focus entrei

entire focus
on the god within

entire focus on the god within

entire focus on the god within
and this is the only work this is
my only job
my only

job is to kokw the

to know the od within
the god within the god within

my only job is to know the god within
my only

job is to know the god within and i lvoe that
i know this i love that i get to feel good
i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to

feel the feeling of loving myself i lovee that
i love myself i love that i love who i am
i love that i love my body

love my life my familly my wife
my home my … city lol
i do in a lot of ways hahaha

i lvoe where i am right now in the infinite now
and i love the feeling of love
feeling me up i love feeling f

filled up with love and light i love
enjoy ing life i love
that i know

something good is going to happen

i love that i kow

i know something amazingly aweosme
is going to happen i love that i know
its a feeling i love that
i can

always rus

trust the feeling

totally fulfilled

i love that i am already totally fulfilled
that i can choose to feel the feeling that i can choose to feel
that feelin right

feeling right now
grateful to do the feeling work
to flex the feeling muscle to decide how i want to feel
i lov that i

i love that i get to decide how i feel i love
that i get to choose how i feel
get to always flip the switch i
get to decide whta fee

what feels good and follow it

when i am aware of the god self within me as my total

fulfillmment i am totally fulfilled
i am now aware off this truth

i have found the secret to life and can
relax in the knowledget ht

that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow the
radiation of creative energy which

easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am anow

now aware i am now in the flow

i love that i know the
secret ot life

i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life

and can relax

in the knowledge

that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating
in my life

i simply have to be aware the flow

the radiation of creative energy which i

easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow.

just allow this moment to be this moment
totally fulfilled

in this moment nd

and allow the rest to be the rest allow life to
flow to and through me allow life to flow
to and through me

allowing this moment
total fulfillment in this mmoment
choosing how i want to feel in this

moment choosing how i want to feel i this moment
letting go of resistance
of stories ive build up


to protect myself
to defend myself against myself
but i dnot have
to believe that and i dnt h

have to do anything i dont hwant to do
i can relax in the here and now
i can releas

relax in the here ena n
and now enjoy this moment
enjoying total fulfillemnt

in this mometn

so grateful for this moment for this flow
for the flow of well being

just accept it i just allwo

is allow the feeling of totl fulfillment

allow the feeling of feeling good right

simply be aware of the flow
i loe the flow i love the flow flowing
i love

this day i love feeling good i love taking the leap i love saying
yes to the flow i love saying yes to the flow
i love

that i can do it i can allow

total fulfillmment right now
and dont have to think

feel about anything outside of the now
so grateful we have more than enough!!

that we have extra so grateful we have more than enough so
grateful life loves me so grateufl i know that life

loves me

grateful i knowt he truth
that i get to choose how i feel that
life givese me the

the opportunity to choose i love that i get to choose
my own flow my own flow of well being i loce

i lovet hat i get to choose how if eel
i never have to feel dread

i love that


get to choose how i feel i get to hcoose how
how i feel i get to choose how i feel

i get to choose

totally fulfilled i get to choose to love this
day this moment

just relax completely into this moment
and trust the moment trust what each moment brings and know
i hv

i never have to try or force i can always
just trust the moment i can always trut

trust the moment trust the feeling
trust the truth

trust god oi

i can turn this over to god
i can have god do the work


god alwyas understands god always understands

becuase i’m shoulding

just release the shoulding
and allowing god to make
the choice in
each moment

i know no matter what
i am

totally fulfilled i am totally fulfille
i can say yes to everything that is
i can

say yes to everything that is i can
say yes to everything that is
i can a


allow everything that is i focus
i feel the feeling i choose the feeling
and i refuse to feel bad
that’s all it is

the feeling work the awareness work
i can choose wha i pre

what i prefer and then allow that
to unfold perfectly in the flow

just choose it

so grateful everything already is
teh way i want it to be

so grateful we’re ahead!!

we can afford our rent and bills!!

so grateful we get to stay!!

so grateful for yummy fresh food

so grateful for more than enough
so grateful for family that loves me

for the choice to feel good

so gratefult o feel good now
to feel the flow now

to like myself
to love myself

so grateful for subs!!

so grateful for life so grateful
for clip sales

so grateful for everything i have
so gratefulf or e

for everything that is

totally fulfilled

so grateful to know i am
totally fulfilled

to remember i already made it
i’m already here

this is the main event

this is the main event

in every moment i am totally
and in every moment
i get to choose to feel

totally fulfilled

i get to choose to not r

feel badto

to feel good to find a way to feel good
i get to find a way to feel good i
get to find a way

to feel good i get to feel good
i get to refuse to feel bad

i get to remember that i am


grateful to do this work

the only work the focus work
the feeling work grateful to do the energy work


so grateful to feel connected

so grateful for deliveries
for pickles!!

and granola
and pet spray and litter
so grateful for deliecio

delicions fresh food

for vegetables

so grateful for a wife and family that love me
so grateful to feel good now to feel the
flow t

to feel the energy now to flip the switch now t
o do thi

do this work right now to know t

there’s no journey only moment
so grateful i know this so grateful to know

to feel this to always be aware
of my state of being
and know that
the awareness is my source and my supply
i kow that

i know that all of life is
an outpicturing of my state of being

i love that it’s easy to focus
i love that it’s easy

easy to cf

feel the way i want to feel to ask myself
if that’s how i watn to feel and then choose
the feeling i do prefer

or just milk the feeling that

feels good in this here and now
and know that
teh turht
the future

doesn’t matter

its easy to focus
to focus on how i feel

to focus on the
the deovtion

devotion to the mathre

the devotion to the feeling

its easy to focus on the feeling
its easy to place my fcous

focus on that which i want more fo

of not what i dont wnat

but what i d

what i do like about my life i love that
i get to choose

i love feeling appreciated i love hwen
people i respect also respect me

i love the good times that were had
and gratefulf or the memories

i love haning out on a boat on the lake!!

i love waking up feeling good i love that

waking up to a new sub!!!

i love the daily div
i love that
i love

i love our work i love that
we just keep pushing it i love that its

always evolving i love t

the better it gets i love that i
get to choose to love myself
and my lfie i love
that i
get to chosoe to feel good now

to feel warm now
to find the eternal fire of the sould
and warm
myself beside it

i love that i get to dovte

devote myself to how i want to feel
i love that i get to devote myself ho

to how i want to feel and then i get to choose
that feeling right now i love that
i never have to dewll


on anything that isn’t how i feel in this present
moment and i know that its

its all on ly

ever me

its easy to put my entire focus
on the god within entire focus
and that is the switch its easy
to jump into god

jump into god knowing that
god is

answering your ever call i love that i know
this i love that god is always answering every day

call i love that i can let the rest go and just

fully enjoy and embrace this moment
for all that i have to

be gratefulf or all that i have to
be grateful for i can

fully embrace and celebrate this moment
feeling how

how i want to feel right now
i feel hw i want
how i want to feel right now

it already is

i make the switch

i choose mei choose this here and now
i choose this moment

gratful t


to do the feeling work the awareness work
to be aware of the

signal i am sending

am i sending the signal of abundance?

am i sending the signal of love??

am i sending wha i want
what i want to receive??

am i match??

i know it’s only ever me and that’s
why i’m devoted to how i feel
i am conscious off how i feel

i am conscious of the god self
i am conscious
that i am the crato

creator that i think things
i feel things and that’s how they
are i’ve

made it that
only i can make it
i made it that way and i can
always remake it
i love tha ti know this

i know no

no person

no person


or condition

nothing outside of me is the
answer to wholeness


completeness already is i love that
i know i’m already complete
and i think i am not complte

that i need to add something to
who i am to be fully me

to fully feel




i think that i need something outside
of me to feel passionate but i can

always find that passion within
i love that i know this ilove

i love that i know this
that i can choose my own validation

that i can flip the switch

and be validated

and knowledge
of spirit

appears as every visible
form and experience

that i could possibly imagine
it already is
whatever i think i dont have

alredy exists

i know the secret to life
the magick of life i know it
get to choose
i never have to worry or wonder becuse i

i get to chose

i get to choose!!

i love that i know what my supply
is i love that i know what my power is
i love that
i kno w

who and what

i am
i know

who and what

i am

i get to choose and that is the only work
making the choice

flipping the switch
being aware of my state of being
and flipping to god i

flipping the on switch

turning on to god
whenever i notice its cut off

i love that i get to chosoe this
i love that i get to
do this work i love that i’m doing the work
and seeing the effects

i love that this is the only work t
he feeling work is the only work and the
only thing that could ever bring about




grateful to feel good

to get to wake up to get to have a goodl ife
to get to enjoy life

grateful to get to wake up grateful to feel good
to am

make the choice to feel good

reconnect with god

early and often so grateful to always
have the ability to reconnect with god to know that i can
ground myself in the god self in any moment

i can ground myself in my god self in
everymoment and i love that i can

that i know that all there is i
is the god self i love seeing
the effects i love


knowing that its only ever the energy work
the feeling work i love doing
my writing first thing
and rememering thi

remembering this i love that i

i love that i know i love that i et to feel g

good feel the god self with me in this here and now
return tot he feeling work
choose the feeling s

work choose the feelin and then it is
choose the feeling and then know this is is life

when you choose how you want to feel
then it is real it is more real

than needing something outseid

outside of me
and i know that all there is
is he energy i know that

money is not reasl it
is a reflection like everything else

i love that i get to choose to love
this moment

love this here and now feel

perfect in this here and now
love this day i love that
i get o

to love this dasy

so grateful to celebrate this day!

so grateful to feel good to feel
the energy to feel the

unconditional love of god
i love that i et to choose

total fulfillment

right now i love that i
get to choose it i love that
i et t

get to choose it i get to choose
the feeling align with he feeling

do this work the feeling work
align wt

with the vortex
the feeling work the vortex work knowing that
all threre

there is is the vortex
all there is is

how i feel i am the one and only creator
and i get to choose how i feel
so i choose to feel good about that for me

i chooe to love love

for me i choose to not let it affect me for me

i make the choice
to not allow anything to make me feel
bad and i love that is the choice
ig ett

et to make
that is the only choice and right now i feel
good i get to celebrate life
i get to have a good life~~~!!!!

life already is
how i want it to be

i feel good i feel good i feel good

i feel good about that i celebrate this
day i celebrate this day i

celebrate this day i say yes to the day
i feel the flow

i feel the perfec energy of life!

the energy work is all there is

i can always choose to feel how iw ant to feel right
now i don’t have to wait to feel abundant

i can look at all that i have and
feel abundant
i have os much

so much i already have so much and
i don tneed to obtain more
in the


i dont need anything to change
i already have everrything i need

i dont have to wait to feel abundant
to feel how i want to feel i get to choose
it right now i nkow

that all of life is a feeling i know tha
all of life

is a feeling all of life is a lg

feeling i know that i don’t
have to wait to feel abundant

i get to choose to feel it right now
to vibrate it right now
to ooze it righ now

i have everything i could need!!

i have it all and i’m so grateful for
everything i have

so grateful to to feel grateful for everything that i have!!

its responsibility

not minne m

my only responsibility
is to be awre of this truth


therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and lettig
god appear

as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

knowing that god is the source
and the supply
and that all there is to seek is god

not money i love hat i know ti
that i know this
that i’ve found this secret ot life

and can relax in the knowledge

i love that i know this i lvo that
i know the truth i love that get to
enjoy life that i can

always flip the switch in any moment
i can always be awrae of thwat

what i’m thinking i a

can alawys be aware of how i feel i can a


always be aware of how i feel

grateful for this feeling

for this knowledge grateful for this
moment for this feeling

for the feeling of thank you
for the feeling of kowing

knoiwng that

knowing that what
i create is always flowing to and
through me

knowing that my awareness is my supply
my awareness is my supply

so grateful to connect o who

to who and waht i

what i really am so grateful to feel energized so grateful to love
where i live

so grateful we get to stay !!

and it swa s

wa the path of least resistance!!

i love that i know
the truth of life i love

that i get to celebrate knowing
it i love that life loves me i love
that i get to choose the version

i align with i ilove that
i don’t have to wonder i love

seeing the effects i love
that i get to say thank you i love
a chance to do the work


evidence i ilove seeing the
evidence of the work

i felt the feeling and then i saw
the evidence
its so easy i love that i get to choose

i am brave enough to choose
how i want to feel i get to feel good now
i get to love myself right now

ig et to feel happy in my life right now!!

this is its responsibility

not mind!!

i love that i know the truth of life i ove tha t
i get to feel good right now

i love this work the focus
work the feeling work the

awareness work i love that its easy
i lvoe that life already is the
way i want it to be

i love that it already is i love
that it already is i love that i know

who i am what i am
i love that i know the energy of me
the power of me i love that
i know the pwoer of

power ofme i love
that i can relax in the power of me
i love feeling the

energy that creates worlds

i feel good i feel good i feel god

i feel god i feel god i feel the
god self i allow the god self i know its already here

i know i already have it
everytihng i want

i am to

i am totally fulfilled
i am

totally fulfilled i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled

it already is i love that it already is
i love that it already is the way i want it

to be i love feeling the god self knowing the god
self knowing i always get to choose in
every moment
i get to be aware andthen

then choose i get to be aware and then choose

i love feeling the god self
being aware of the god self
remembering the power of me remembering
its only ever me

only ever me and i get to choose to do this
work the feeling work the vortex work the work of remembering
that life is good of raising the


that’s all this work is
the feeling work is the

its the feeling work
so grateful to remember how easy it is to celebrate life

i love that life is so good for me right now!!

that life is going my way that my rent and bills are paid

that we have more than enough!!

so grateful we have more than enough
so grateful we always do so grateful i know

loves me and everything is going my way !!

it’s only ever me its only ever me and
life already is the way i want it to be

i love tha i know
its instant and constant

instant and constantly
i know

forever expressing its true nature
of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident

in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth

i love that i know ths

i love that i don’t have to ow
to worry i don thave to wonder

i don’t have to wonder

i sim ply have to be awre of this truth

life is easy
i love that i know life is
easy i lvoe that i get
to align wtih the

the truth of life
thate verything

everything reflects me i love that
i get to feel this truth get to

feel this feeling of love and reverence for live

life i love that i get to feel good that i get to
love that i get to know that love is all there is
and every moment ig et t

get to choose how i feel and that is life
i love that i get to do this work the ;f

the feeling work the
transmutation works

i can always be aware of how i feel
and if it snow

its now how i want to feel

i can feel toward that feeling

i lov the
feeling of orders of subs

creative fulfillment
of take

walking to the mailbox

i welcome my thoughts

i welcome how i feel i welcome
what is i welcome this day i welcome god
i welcome god i know that god is always with me
no matter what

i welcome how i feel i welcomes myt

mythoughts i welcome the flow of life

i welcome what is i say yes to what is
i allow what is i allow what is

i allow what is i allow what is

i welcome what is

i welcome the flow i welcome life i say yes to life i say

yes to life i allow god to be here

i allow go dot be to be here and say yes
to what is because i know that is god

ive noticed i dont feel like moving

and that’s ok

ive noticed im not feeling it at all today
and that’s ok
i can welcome that i welcome that feeling and allow myself
to rest and releax t

to feel rejuvenated

i feel good now i feel good now i feel
the flow of life right now i feel

the sun right now i feel the

god self right now i welcome
my thoughts i welcome
what i am i choose i choose

to be ok with it i welcome my thoughts i welcome
my emotions i welcome what is

my inner supply insatntly

instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience
according to my needs and desires

and as the principle of supply
in action it is impossible
for me to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

its ok its ok its ok
to welcome my thoughts to say yes to this
day to accept everything that is

to feel that god is still here with me
i know that god is still here with me
that god is always here with me

no matter what so i can trut how

trust how i feel
trust how i feel

welcome my thoughts welcome my emotions
i dont have to

push them away i can embrace them
it feels good to embrace them
to love them to

say yes you are loved you are welcome here
all emotions are welcome here all states of being
are welcome here

and they are all valid
i know this is

and i embrace it i embrace how i feel
i embrace the flow i embrace the ups and downs

welcome my thoughts i welcome
my emotions i welcome how i feel and
i feel at ease in this here and now

my inner supply
instantly and constatnly

takes on form and experience

according to my needs and desires
and as the principle of supply
in action it is impossible
for me to have any unfulfilled
needs or desires


needs or desires

and i love that i know its true
i love that i know the work always work

this work always works this works always works

the focus the turning of attention
the allowing

the surrender

just let it go just let everything
go and surrender to the now

i dot have
i don thave to do anything
i o

dont have to explian it i don thave to
figure it out i dont have to solve it

i never have to take any action
i can allow the energy to move through me
and say thank you for the contrast

i allow life to move through mei

i allow it to pass knowing that its not me
its not me

its just a reflection of an old vibration
its easy to turn the boat
its easy

to celebrate life right now
to just dive into something else

and allow the feeling
allow the energy to pass

i allow the energy to pass i allow the
energy to pass through m

me i allow life to be what it is
i allow life

to be what it is

i can s

zoom out and detach its taht

that easy deatch

detach from what was
and instantly

become what is
detach fro what was

and becoe what is

its that easy and its a choice
its not about pushing it sawy



away its about

allowing to be and then it disapates

i know this i know that life is easy
i know its easy to feel god

god is always
here with me loving me protecting me

taking care of me

loving me no matter what nurturing me

i know this

i know that

my inner supply instantly
and constantly takes on form and experience
according to my needs and desires

as the principle of supply
in action

it is impossible for me
to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

instantly and constantly

i love that i know its a mind set
and i don thave to force

anything i can just allow what is

i allow myself to feel this way

i allow what i is i allow what is

i allow what is
and then i am in the now

i allow what is in

and then i am in the infinite now
i love that i now i l

i love that i am a money magnet

so grateful for eeverything that is
so gratefulf or

so much to be grateful for so grateful for

instantly and constantly
instantly and constantlyl

i love this work i love that i know that
this is the only work
and that life

is always on my side i love that
i kno wthat and

nothign else matters

nothing else matters i love
that i know life

already is the

way i want it to be

my inner supply instantly
and constantly takes on form and experience

according to my needs

and desires

and as the prinicple of supply
in action it is impossible
for me to have

any unfulfilled needs

or desires

i love that i know this i love that
life is good i lo

i love that life is good i love that
i get to allow everything that is


celebrate that i already have
everything i already have it all

i love that i know this i love that
i have so much i love that i know this