money is not my supply

and that is the work
the work is not getting in a vibration to attract money

its just getting in the vibration
to be in the vibration

remembering that god is the source
so looking toward god isn’t about attracting money

its about being one with god
and that is the real supply.

i don’t do the work to
get manifestations
i do the work to get close to god
and then things ive always


wanted come to me like they are nothing
and they are nothing because

all there is is god

that doesn’t mean i can’t be grateful for them
but know

i no longer have to get attached

to them i can just keep turning toward god
knowing that the god self is the supply

that is the most important aspect
of this pro plan

money isn’t’ it

money isn’t it
money isn’t it

i love that i know this i love
that i know
this i love that i know this

i love this i love this

i love that i know this i love
that i know this i love
that i know this

money isn’t it

god is it
god is what i seek and
god is the

life force

the force of life
the force
behind my life

the energy that creates worlds

and that’s why its no my job
to get money

because i have the energy
creates wordls flowing
flowing through me

i love that i know money is not my supply

no person
place or condition
is my supply

my awareness understanding
and knowledge of spirit

appears as every

is my supply

my awareness
and knowledge of spirit


consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i’m with god and i know that
all of life is a reflection of that

i don’t do this work
to do get money i dont seek money i know
that money comes to me
in many ways and i know that its always flowing to me

just like everything else i love
that i know this i love that i know this
truth i love that i know its always flowing
to and through me i love tha t
i know this i love

that liife is
easy i love that i’m

it is already done i love that
i kno wti

it is already done

the end goal isn’t money!!

that’s not the end goal
its satisfaction with life its

enjoyment of life

enjoyment of life is the end goadl

goal i know this i know money isn’t my supply

enjoyment of life is my supply
so grateful for this and to see reflections
fo that

of god in everything so grateful i know god
is on my side so grateful i know god

is on my side i know god is on my side

no person place or
condition is my supply

my awareness understanding
and knowledge of the

all providing activity of the divine m ind

mind within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply
is unlimited

money isn’t the end goal
and its such a relief to remember that

not only to remember that but to

i get to choose i get to choose

yes i get to choose thank you
i get to choose god i

get to choose alignment
i get to choose love i

i get to choose love

i get to choose love the
feeling of love the feeling of

love the feeling of love the feeling
of love the feeling of love

i get to choose the feeling of love
knowing that

my consciousness
of the presence of god within me

is mky supply


money isn’t the end goal

money isn’t my supply
no person place or condition
is my supply

my awareness
and knowledge
of the all providing activity
of the divine mind within me

is my supply

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i feel the feeling i feel the
feeling i look for evidence i look for evidence

of what i want to see and
i celebrate evidenc of the work
of the alignment of the god self

but i don’t seek the god self
for the evidence
i seek the god self for the feeling
of it the feeling of

complete alignment with life
i know my job is to seek god

not money i love that ig et t

i remember this i know this
i know this

money isn’t the end goal i know that satisfaction
is and i can
always choose

satisfaction in the moment

i can always choose
satisfaction in the moment
alignment in the moment

love in the moment i can always
choose love in the moment and

say thank you i can always choose love
in the moment and say thank you
i can

alwys feel the feeling of alignment

i get to feel good i get to
feel good

i kow that
i know that nothing outisde

outside of me is my supply
i can

i can always flip the swiitch

back to feeling good i can
always flip back to god

and love seeing evidence of what i want
i love getting what i want i love that
it always comes back abour

around i love that it
always comes back

i love that it alawys comes
i love that i know this i know this
life fre

reflects the feeling
i know this i love seeing it
i lovee that its already thre i love

that i get to say yes
i like this i like this feeling
i like this
feeling i l

i like this feeling
this feeling good

i like this


i like this feeling i like
this feeling
i like this feeling

i like this feeling

i like this feeling

thank you i love that i know the
truth i love that abundance
is in everything and i know my job

isn’t to get money!!

so grateful to remember that
and just le

relax into life
relax into the god self
and allow

to celebrate me

through my consciousness

of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness
of the presence of god within me
is my supply
is my

supply is my supply

i can always relax

i can always relax into the feeling
in to the flow

i can always relax into the focus
into the feeling i wnat to feel

i can always choose i get to choose
to say thank you i get to chosoe to

say thank you i get to choose
to say thank you for the

i love the feeling of this work
the focus work the only work

choice the choice
i get to make the choice and then know
make the choice and then

relax into the relief

i draw into my mind
and feeling nture
the very substance of spirit

i draw into my mind and
feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

id raw

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my conciousness
of the presence of god within me
is my supply

i relax into the relief
of knowing that i relax into the

relief of the choice i love
that when i atak

take the time for

to make the choice
for what i want

then that is how it is

i know this i know this

i can always relax into feeling
good i can always relax into the flow
i can a

always relax into the witness
i can just witness

that a

that’s all i am is the witness
all i am is the witness
and i get to make

choices i get o choose
to choose what i look for

i get to choose what i wtiness
but i am only the witness

and the invisible energy does the rest

the invisible energy does the rest and
i am just the witness

when i state my preference

life arranges around that
so i can always choose what i prefer
and then life will show me


so i can
i can i can i can i can

i can always i can always

always i can always
i can always i can
always i can

always i can always

i can always

return to the witness
return to watching

say i’m just watching now
i’m just allowing life tou nfo

to unfold i’m just
watching the movie

and its a choose your own adventure movie
but im not the one making anything happen

i’m just discerning preferneces


and my knowledge of this watcher identity
is my suppky
becuase when i get out of the way

when i can change my beliefs
return to the knowledge
then i see the evidence of it

i see different evidence and its all me
i’m the one doing the chosoing


i can always return i can always fe

return to withness consciousness
i can always feel good today i can

let it go and i’m do glasd

glad i came here to do the work
of feeling the

good thw

the switch to feeling good
i’m so gratefl to have this

place to come to practice
flipping the switch
its easy to flip the swithc its

its easy to trun the t

turn the train of though it

easy to choose what i witness

its easy to look for what i want to

its easy to switch the flip

of the truth

the truth
i come here to remember how easy it
is to flip the switch

to opne

open the window of my heart to allow
my heret

heart to sing its so easy
to allow the heart to sing
its so easy to allow

the heart to sing the heart wants to sing the
heart wants to sing
and its so easy to allow it

to just love its so easy to just
love and feel energized by love
its so easy to just
be me
its so

easy to just be me its so easy to just

allow the love to fow
allow myself to be love allow myself
to live

the truth its so easy to allow
myself to live the truth

moment by moment
in the infinite now

i kow that

i know thate verything
is resolved

in the infinite now

my presence

my consciousness
of the presence of god wihitn
within me

is my supply

i can always flip the sw

i can always flip the switch
in any moment

and release trying to

i release control
i release control

i know its not up to me
i just get to watch the simulatoin

i am not my body i am not my mind
i am now my body

i am not my mind i am now my mind
not my mid

in am not my body i a now my mind

i am the experience or t

experiencer of the simulation

and i juget t

get to choose i get to choose

what the simulation shows me
i get to choose what the simulation
shows me

actually i’m always choosing

well the mind is the emotions are

but none of those are me
i am simply the observer of that i simply observe


i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose life
i get to choose life
i get to say thank you i get to say

thank you i get to choose
i get to choose allow it to be wasy

et to
get to choose how i feel about it

i get to say yes to everything i get to
know that i already have it all i know

that i already have it all

i kow that my consciousness of the
presence of god within me is my supply

all i need is the knowledge
make the switch and just keep making
it i love
that i know this i love that this

is the only work and its the hardest
but its also the easiest i love

that i know life loves me that i know
life loves i love that i know life loves

me i love that life is good!!

lavish abundance

i am conscious of the lavish abundance

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is
filled with the light of truth

my consciousness is filled with
the light of truth

i come here to return to the ligiht
of light of truth
to refill with the ligh

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousnessis

is filled with the light of truth
i know life always unfolds in my favor

i know life flows to me i know life
is one my

on my side i love that i know that
life is on my side i love

my consciousness
is filled with the light of

i’m here to remember
conscious awareness

just be aware
of the activity of the mind
bear witness to it

but don’t get involved just
appreciate it
just appreciate
th p

the perfect life
in ths
this here and now

i come here to fill

back up with the light of truth
to remember the reff

feeling right now to feel
the feeling right now the

feeling of l

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

always always
infinitely providing
infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

my entire realm of conscious
awareness is filled with the light of truth

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish

i am conscious
fo the
of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of


i come here to remember the light of truth
come here to remember the light of
i come here
to remember the light

my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

i am conscious of the inner presence as
my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is
filled with the light of truth

i relax into this now that’s all
i can do

trust this here and now
trust this here and now

trust this flow this feeling
i a

i am cnoscious
fo the

of the inner presence as my lavish

i know that i know that the feeling
inside of me how i feel is my life
and i know i can always return to a feeling
of relief in knowing this is the
one truth of life
i can always return to the feeling of knowing this

how much i know it is
how much i see it i

how much i know it is how much i see it
i love that i know life is
working out for me
i love that i know life is good i love that i know that feeling

l ove i love that i know the feeling i love that
i know the feeling i love that i know the feelig i love
i love that i know the feeling

i release it
i lvet

let go fo all
of all striving
i let go of all resistance

to life i allow life and
all its abundace to
to flow to and through me
i choose knwoing i choose knowing

i choose knowing o ci

i choose to know the flow i choose
to know the flow i choose
to know

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant

activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness

is filled with the light of truth

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with
the light of truth

i am conscious of the inner presence as my
lavish abundance i am conscious
of the constant

of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

i’m here i’m in the monent i

i’m in the knowledge i’m in thet ruth
i feel the feeling of the truth

i feelt he feeling of the one truth and
i know this is all there is this feeling is all there
is the feeling of how i feel

of what i choose of what i choose
to look for i know that life
always refelcs

reflects the feeling of me
the vibraton of

vibration of me i love that i get
to choose what i think
how i feel what i vibrate i love that
i always get to choose i love
that life is

perfect for me
i love that life

alredy is the

way i want it to be it already is
i love that i know this

the feeling is all there is
how i feel what i expect what i
give attention to is
what i make

i know this i know this
i know this i know thsi

is all there is i love that i
get to make it i love tha i know it

it already is i love that i get to
feel good that i get to fee love

and know this is it

this is the main event
this is the main event

i love that i can

get to let go needing anything
and just trust

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant acitivyt

activity of this mind of
infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

divine presence iam

and i know that feeling i know the feeling of the divine
presence the divine presence i am

the divine presence ia m ans that’s
that’s all there is an di


i can trust whatever that divine prsenc

presence happens to be

the divine presence ia m
and i accept whateverr that is

the divine presence

i am

the divine presence

i am is the source
and the substance of all my good

i love that i know this
that i get to feel this that
i can always
feel the feeling of the cinv

divine prsence

i can always
feel the feeling of the divine presence

i can feel it now right this instant
i can always choose the feeling of the divine presence

i feel it now
i fee it

i feel it now i feel it now i feel it now i
feel it now i feel it now i feel it
now i feel it now i feel it now

it’s easy to make the switch to take
the leap its easy to take the leap its easy
to make the switch its

easy to make the switch

the divine presence i am
the divine prsence ia m

and i know the feeling of the presence
the divine presence

i am

that i am is the source and the supply
i know
i don’t have to look at that

i don’t have to care about that
i don’t have to

care about that i don’t have to think about that
i can choose peace i get to choose peace in my own life
i get to choose peace i get to choose

peace i get to choose

ease and flow i get to choose the
ease and flow of the moment
and all the exists is this moment

i lift up my mind
and heart to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine prsence

i am

is the source and substance of

all my good

i lift upmy midn
and heart to be aware to understand
and to know that the
prsence i am

is the source and substance of all my good

so gratefult o feel o
good to feel good to feel at ease m

in my life to choose the
ease and flow life of

of life and to choose not
to bie

give attention to the things
that make me feel bad
i choose not to give attention to those things
that make me feel bad

so grateful to return to self
to return to god

to feel god here and now
and know that god is all there is

to return my focus to god

to place all my focus on god
to malk


milk this moment
milk this feeling


milk this here and now
celebrate this moment

release the rest
release all the resistance

around my divine presence
i can laet

let all of it go i release it all
i let it all goo

i feel good now i feel good nwo i love

myself right now
i love myself fright
right now i love that i get to choose

to feel good right now that
i get to choos love

choos lvoe

choose love right now and know
that is the divine presence

love is the divine presence

i know this i know i am
already complete i know i am


i lift upmy mind and heart
to be aware

to understand

and to know

that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance
of all myu good

i love where i am i love
this right now i love

that i get to feel good now
grateful to feel good now

grateful to feel good now
to relax into life
i relax into life

i releax

relax into love

relax into the flow
relax into the flow

i relax into feeling good

the diine p

divine presence ia m
so all i can ever do is feel
my way back to it and i know

on matter what i can always
feel that connection
no matter what happens

i am safe with the connection of god
i love that i know this and i can

release i love that i get to release
i love that i get to allow life to just be i love
that i get to allow

i love that i get to allow i love
that i get to feel good i get to feel good
now i get to love where i am right now

feel good now i this this moment is all there is
right now is all there is this

feeling is all there iss i know there’s nowhere to arrive there’s no where
to arrive there’s nothing to achieve

there’s nothing to prove and i love that i know this
is my work i love that i know this is my work
the feeling is all there is
and we never have to care

what happens

i feel good i feel good i feel good i
feel good i feel good i

fele t

feel the ease and flow i relax

into the ease and flow of life
and say

thank you i realx

relax and let the rest go i relax
into the ease and flow

i relax into the ease and flow
of life i relax

into the ease and flow of life
i relax into the

ease and flow of life

the ease and flow of life


ease and flow

the divine presence i am
and this is

all there is

so grateful to feel good to love the
day to

feel the eerngy

energy of life to say

yes god

thanks god for everything
i love

the divine presence ia m

and that feeling is celebratiing life

i get to choose how i feel
i get to choose where i place my attention

only i can choose

only i can choose

only i can choose

only i can choose

lavish, unfailing

i know this is the truth ad i know
and i know the only pursuit is feeling the feeling
of alignment with this truth
of really truly knowing its true

right here and now do i know its true
do i know its true
that god

the substance of all things

is lavish and unfailing abundance

all things are made of lavish
and unfailing abundance

do i know that right now do i know it

know it for a fact do i know it for
a fact right now

i know that i can sink into the
feeling i love feeling the feeling

feeling toward the feeling
and nothing else


the rich moni


substance of the universe


this all providing

of infinite prosperity
is individualzied as me

the reality of me

i know this is the truth
of life i know this i know this
i know th

there isn’t anything else to know
i know there

isn’t other

any other achievement
or palce
place to arrive i knw it s

its all right here and n
it’s all me whatever i’m putting off

that i’ve

that’s what i’m seeing it’s all
a simulation
i know this i know this

god is lavish

unfailing unfailing

the rich omnipresent substance
fot he universe

this all providing

all providing
all providing
all providing

all providing
source of infinite prosperity
is individualzied as me

the reality of me

i know the truthi know the
truth of life i celebrate it

i know it and that is my only work
is to feel the truth

i feel the truth
i know the truth

what does is feel like to know
that my mere existence

is lavish and unfailing abundance

i know the truth of life
i know all it is ai

is a feeling i love seeing the effects
of the practicce i love

feeling the effects of the practice
i love the beter it
i love our orders
i love when its sunny

i love our cute neigh

all providing source
of infinite prosperity

all providing source
of infinite prosperity

i trust i trust life
totally i

totally and completely
trust the process of life

i get out of the way
and allow life to work
an di just

and i just get to watch i love
that this is the truth of life
i love that i get to just watch
and create

to decide to preferlet it

it go relaase


ease and flow
ease and flow

its all right now
and i dont have

nothing has to change
it already is

ease and flow ease and flow
ease and flow i love that
i know the magick of life
i love that i know it alreayd

i know that in the moment that
i think about what i dont want

i can instantly
in that instant

choose what i do want
and then it is

then it is i know this is
my work and it is the only work

and i’m so grateful i get to
do this work every day that
every day i get to

create the reality i prefer

i get to create the reality i prefer
i love that it already is

it already is i love
the power of me i love remembering he

the power of me i love
remembering the power of me

feeling the power of me
knowing that in any moment
i can choose and then it is

and that’s real
that’s something i’ve experienced

over and over again
i love that i now this
i love that i’m in on this


why is it a secret?!?!

i’m god i’m god im god

i’m god i’m god i’m god

i’m god i’m god

i’m god i’m god

i know that i am god i know that i am
god i love that i know that is
my only work

i know thisi know

i know this i know the i know t
i know this

i know this
i relax inot this

feeling i milk this feeling
i milk this feeling

i feel this feeling i i know that i
create it i know that i reate

create it i knw that
i know that i create it i know that
i create it with how i feel

and that’s all there is

life filles in the rest!

i don’t need anyting

i don’t have to do anything
i don’t have to

change anything

i don’ thave to look at the
messaging meant to distract us from
who we really are

i don thave to care
i dha

dont have to do i dont have create
i dont have to achieve

just allow just allow god
just allow
god to be in me

alllow god to experience life
through me

just experience the moemtn

just relaxin to

into the moment i relax into this moment
i feel the feeling

i feel the feeling the practice of the

feeling to god feeling the love

god is labish

god is lavish

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

i feel that now
i feel the
ease and flow of that

i feel the release of that
i feel the release of that

i feel the certainty of that
i feel the
love of god i feel the love
of god the feeling of god

the god muscles
i feel the muscles flexing
and it feels good
knowing that this is the work
this is the only work
feeling this

feeling is my only work
i know this now i know this

i get in the vortex and then

i know this is my only work and
the exhilaration of it

is the only thing to seek
i know this feeling is right here
with me always and i get to chosoe

i get to choose knowing that
when i make the choice for what i want

its on its way
i know this
when i make the choice for what i want

it already is i love that it already is!!

entire focus

i keep my mind and thoughts off
this world and place
my entire focus in t

on the god within as the only
cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge
the inner presence as the only activity
in my financial affairs
as the substance of all things visible

i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within me.

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus

entire focus
entire focus
on the god within as
the only cause of my prospertiy

i keep my midn
and mind and thoughts off this world

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this

world and place my entire focus
on the

entire focus on the god within as
the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial affairs
as the substance
of all things visible
i place my faith in

the principle of abundance
in action within me

so grateful for this day
so grateful to

to feel good so grateful for tips!!!

so grateful for subs
and for gift cards!!

so grateful for orders!!

so grateful we get to go to the mailbox
so grateful for
greens and candy
and clif bars and coffee
and one last snow day

i’m good now!!

i’m really really good!!

haha so grateful for a safe warm home that i love

so grateful to do this work
the fun work the god work so grateful to
do the god work to feel the god feeling

so grateful i know the god sel

life so grateful to do this
work celebrating the god self
the god s

life so grateful i know my only is to
remember to celebrate life

to e

keep my mind and thoughts off this so

world and place

my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial

as the substance of all thinsg

i place my faith

in the principle of abundance
in actin within me

i vo

i love feeling the effects of the work
the focus i know this is my only work
i know

the focus work is my only work the

attention work the choice to be on the
bus is my only work and i love that i know this
i love that i know this

i love that i get to feel the truth of this
i love that
i get to feel the truth of thiis i love

that i get to feel the truth of this
i love that i get to

so grateful for this day
for the first salad day!!!

so grateful for salad
so grateful for life for the good life
for the energy of life flowing through m e

for the energy of life flowing
through me

the energy of life flowing through me i love that
i get to feel the flow the

energy of life

i love that i et to do

to do this the focus work i love
that i get to have a good day
every day

i love that we have orders!!

and that’s all it is
the focus the

the focus work the focus fow

the focus work the
refusal the refusal the refuls

the refusal
to acknowledge
any other thought

and i know this is the work
and i love doing this work

becuse t

becuase it is the best feeling you can
feel the

feeling of this feeling is my life
its i

it is the only pursuit
and it is theo nly thing

every acquire i loe that i know this
and i get to do thsi work

every day
of feeling good of letting
go of

moving into the vortex i love that

i get to have fufn
in my life i love that
life is flowing

so passionately through me

i love that i get to feel good about lif e
i love that life

loves me i love that i know life
loves me i lo
i love

i love that i know its ony ever
that i am
the creaotr of m

i know that i am the creator of me i love
that i kow i am

i know i am
the creator
of me i love that
i know i am
the creator

of me
i love that i know

i am the

creator of me!!

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focuson

on the god wihtin as the only

cause of my prosperity

i keep my mind and thoughts off this wrold

and place my entire focus
on the god within

i keep my ind and thoughts off this world
and pace

place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i’m on the bus i ko

i know that it’s only me i l

i know it’s only me

unwavering faith
unwavering faith
unwavering fatih

and i love that i
et to choose it i love that
i get to choose life
i love that
i get to choose life i love

that i get to choose me

i get to choose the
dedication to god i get to choose

the decide

dedication to that feeling og
of god and i

i can feel the feeling of god any time
i get to choose the feeling of

i know i know i know the
secret to life
and i love that i know it
i love that ig et to

to always jup

jump into it i love that i get to

jump into life
i love that i get to

jump into life i love that
i get to

jump into life and enjoy it
i get to let the rest go and
just enjoy

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world

i keep my mind and thoughts

off this world and place my

entire focus

on the god withihn

when i am aware

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge that
the activity of divine abundance

eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
that is continuously easily
and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

totally fulfilled
totally fulfilled
totally fulfilled

the god self within me is my total fulfillment
and i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge

the activity of divine
is eternally operatin in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy that is

and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine

i am now aware

i am now in the flow.

totally fulfilled
i love tha i am
totally fulfilled

i love that life is good i love
that life is good

i simply have to be aware of
the flow the radiation of creative
energy which is continuously easily
and effortlessly pouring forth from my
divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in the flow i am now in the flow

i love that i get to choose i love that i
get to feel good get to feel the
flow feel the flow

through me the flo

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i have found the secret to life
i have found the secret to life

can relax

i found the secret to life
and can relax and today i am devoted
to that feeling devoted to that feeling
i know that’s all life is

on the bus or off i love
seeing the effects of the practice
i love kowing

knowing that i’m on the bus
i love nejoy

enjoying the ride i love
being devoted to the feeling i love
being devoted to the feeling i love
the feeling of me
i love

the feeling of me i love
the feeling of god i love that i know i am

god i know that i am
god i know that i am

so grateful for ths

so grateful for this day
so grateful for this feeling for this knowledge

for the knowledge for the ability
to act as if i love i
that i know all of life is a feeling i love
that i get to feel good that i
get to celebrate life that i get to feel

all that is good aboutl ife i love
that i get to allow to

allow my heart to sing i love that
i know the secret to life

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of
divine abundance
is eternally

operating in my life and affairs

i do this work to practice the
choice and i love that the choice
gets ever

easier every day
i love doing me i love choosing love
i love

making the choice to let go of
anything that weighs me down i love
that i get to make this
choice that i get to life

live life to its fullest every day
i love that every day is good

i love packing up packages

i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to choose
i love that

we get to go to the farm stand i love
thtat we have one close
i love
that life always provides i love

that life is good!!

when i am aware of the god self
wtihin me as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled
i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the activity
of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life
and affairs

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of

creative energy which is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my
divine sonc

consciousness i am now warea
aware i am now in the flow i am now aware
i am now i

in the flow

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge

i love that i know life

life is always on my side
and that i can always just

relax into the presence moment

so grateful i’m totally fulfilled
and my only work
is to feel wha th

that that feel

what that feels like
return to the feeling of
return to the feeling

totl fu

total fulfillment
and i can always feel it becuase its alway there
always there i can
always feel it becuase its always there

totally fulfilled
i love that i am already totally fulfilled

i love that i am already
totally fulfilled
i love that i am

totally fulfilled

i get to feel the feeling right now i
get to know
right now

i get to feel it i get to jump on the bus
and enjoy the ride i’m enjoying the ride
i enjoy the ride

i enjoy the ride

i’m on the bus

totally fulfilled in every moment

i love that i get to celebrate life!!
i love that i get to choose
the vibration of knowing
i love that i get to choose life i love

that i get to choose love
i love that i get to choose alignment in
every moment
i love

wanting to get up in the morning!!!

i love that i love my life and my work!!

i love that life is good i love
that life is good i love
that life
loves me

i love that i know i am already
totally fulfilled

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

so grateful for this place in time

so grateful to do this wrok
to connect to the truth to make
the time to connec to tthe
one truth

so grateful i know the one truth
so grateful to taop into

so grateful i know the one truth

so grateful for friends
for candy

for my yummy beers
for my good life

for this good day

so grateful i know how to sew
so grateful i like myself
i like how i look

i feel good in my body i loe

i love that i feel good in
my body
i love that i get to feel good
i love that
i get to

feel waves of relief
because all things are new

in every moment

make all things new

and its just so eay
make the choice in the moment
make all tings

things new its so easy
just turn it and i know that is my work and i know

my consciousness of the spirit within me
is the divine power to restore the years the
locusts have eaten

make all things new and lift me up to the high
road of abundant prosperity

this awareness
understanding and knowledge of spirit

appears as every visible form and experience

i could possible imagine

so grateful for this work for this day
for a fun class for a good mood

to know the weather is changing soon
to just accept it as it is

so grateful for yummy food!
and weed!
and coffee!!

and my tramily!!

my consicousness

my consciousness is the diivine

divine power to restore the
years the locusts have eaten

make all things new and lift me
up to the high road of abundant prosperity

i love doing the work this work
and love seeing the ffects of the practice!

so grateful for subs!!

so grateful for the flow
the flow of wellb eing
the flow of well


i know this is the only work the feeling work is all
there is so grateful i know the
feeling work is all there is

the feeling work is all there
is the feeling work
is all there
is i know that the
feeling work is all there is

i love that i get to know this i love
that i get to know this
get to epxer

experience this

i’m here i’m here doing the work
what work

the feeling work the focus work the
vibrational work

the vibrational
choice the choice

i’m here practicing the choice
practicing the feeling of god




so grateful to be on the bus
to et to make the choice
to jump into life so grateful to get to make the choice

to jump into life so grateful to get to enjoy life
so grateful to get to

enjoy life to take the leap

to know that all things
can be made new in the moment
and it’s based on my choice

the focus the bus i’m
on the bus

the jumping on the bus work and tha’ts

that’s what i’m here to do
hop on the bus i’m
here to jp

on the bus i’m on the bus i’m o

on the bus i know its not a journey
but a choice and i’m on the bus right now
i know that life is good i

know that life is flowing to
and through me
i know that life

flowing to and through me

it’s a choice i’m on the bus i’m
on the bus

i’m celebrating the flow
of life saying yes to everything

that is i say yes to life
as it flows to me
i say yes to life
as it flows to me

i love life
i love the flow of life

i love the flow of life

on the bus on the bus on the bus

that’s the only work there is
and i lve

love that i know this
i love that i get to enjoy life become

because its my choice
i love standing
up for myself
and feeling good about who i am

i love being proud of who i am!!

i love that i love my life and how far i’ve
come i love that i know it’s all working out
in my favor i love that i get to choose
knowing this i lvoe that

i get to hoose
choose the focus work the only t

on the bus work..

forever expressing

and i know that life is always epxres

expressing in my favor and i know i can trust that
i know i can always trust life

this is its responsibility i know
that life is on the case i know that life

is always on the case
on the case for me in my favor
and for the favor of anyone

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility not mine

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth

therefore, i am totally confident

totally confident
totally confident

in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

so grateful to get to wake up feeling good
to get to wake up to my sweet beautiful wife who i love so
sooooooooo much

so grateful for love and family
so grateful to do every single load of laundry!!

so grateful for our amazing landlords

so grateful we get to stay!!
that we have the perfect house and we did it!!

we paid the rent by ourselves for a year!!

so grateful we’re doing it and it’s working
so grateful i know that life

is always expressing its true nature of abundance

and i know its not my job to express it
just to allow it and i allow it with my total confidence

total confidence

devotion to the knowledge
to the feeling of yes
is all that is

total confidence means i never have to wonder
i never have to question what is
i know that i never have to question what is

i can trust it toally
i know i can always trust life totally

and that is the feeling of god

the feeling of complete trust in life
of tally

totally letting go i know that i can
release everything and that is the feeling of god

forever expressing and its not my job
its not my job
my only job is to enjoy life and i know this

so gratefl to do this work the tuning
work the only work that mattes so gra

so grateful i know the feeling the
feeling of god and i trust the feeling of

i trsut the god energy to do it i know that life

the energy of life is always responding to
my attunement
i know this

i know this for a fact
i know its i

it is law i know this is law

that is whay i am totally confident
i am totally confident
and that’s all i need

that’s all i need is that feeling of
total confidence because that is my supply

and i love doing this wrok
because it works
becuase its the only work

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mind

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth

i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affairs

my only responsibility is to be aware of this one truth


is to know the one truth
and i know this for a fact

i now t

i know this is law
life reflects the energy of me

life reflects my awareness
my consciuosness
and so my only job is to find a way to feel good i know this

is all there is

feeling how you feel is all there
is just pay attention to that

that’s my only job


that’s my only job
is the consciousness is the awareness
and i love that i know this is true

i love feeling good i love that i get to
feel good that i’ve practiced feeling good

and it comes easily to me

i love that feeling good comes easily to me
i love that i get to choose to love myself
no matter what

i love that i feel like i’m tripping when i’m not
i love that i’m

connected to the one truth i love that i know the
one truth

love making 5 figures a day
loving taking out a bunch of ordres every mome


love the woocommerce doing the best ever!!!

love that our campaign made people’s day!

love my life love my wife
love our clean luandry

love our abundant weed

love the feeling of loving myself
of choosing to love myself

of knowing its a feeling its a mindset
it’s only ever a mindset

it’s only ever a mindset
and i know this i know this i know that

i an always trust my body i can
trust my intuition
the more i tune into my intuition

the better i feel and
the more i learn about my body and my choices

i love that i get to choose
not to mull it over
i get to choose

not to care

and that is the feeling of freedom

i can choose to not spend

any energy thinking about it
i know it’s all a feeling
and i can always transmute

i can always transmute those feelings
those thoughts into loving myself

and i love that it’s that
easy to make the switch
i love that it’s that

easy to make the switch

that i get to choose i get to choose how i feel

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose
how i feel about life and about myself
which is why i’m totally

confident in every decision
i make

totally confident
in every choice i make!!!

i love that i get to choose this
i love that i never have to wonder

that it only reflects me

the total confidence
and i love that i can choose that on

any topic
i love that i’m letting it all go
and it can’t stay


becuase that is law!!

i love that i know it is law

i am totally confident in life
i am totally confident in life
and i’ts a

it’s ability i am totally confident in life
and that is all there is!!

i love that i get to just laugh dude!!

i love that i don’t have to care!!!