make all things new

and its just so eay
make the choice in the moment
make all tings

things new its so easy
just turn it and i know that is my work and i know

my consciousness of the spirit within me
is the divine power to restore the years the
locusts have eaten

make all things new and lift me up to the high
road of abundant prosperity

this awareness
understanding and knowledge of spirit

appears as every visible form and experience

i could possible imagine

so grateful for this work for this day
for a fun class for a good mood

to know the weather is changing soon
to just accept it as it is

so grateful for yummy food!
and weed!
and coffee!!

and my tramily!!

my consicousness

my consciousness is the diivine

divine power to restore the
years the locusts have eaten

make all things new and lift me
up to the high road of abundant prosperity

i love doing the work this work
and love seeing the ffects of the practice!

so grateful for subs!!

so grateful for the flow
the flow of wellb eing
the flow of well


i know this is the only work the feeling work is all
there is so grateful i know the
feeling work is all there is

the feeling work is all there
is the feeling work
is all there
is i know that the
feeling work is all there is

i love that i get to know this i love
that i get to know this
get to epxer

experience this

i’m here i’m here doing the work
what work

the feeling work the focus work the
vibrational work

the vibrational
choice the choice

i’m here practicing the choice
practicing the feeling of god




so grateful to be on the bus
to et to make the choice
to jump into life so grateful to get to make the choice

to jump into life so grateful to get to enjoy life
so grateful to get to

enjoy life to take the leap

to know that all things
can be made new in the moment
and it’s based on my choice

the focus the bus i’m
on the bus

the jumping on the bus work and tha’ts

that’s what i’m here to do
hop on the bus i’m
here to jp

on the bus i’m on the bus i’m o

on the bus i know its not a journey
but a choice and i’m on the bus right now
i know that life is good i

know that life is flowing to
and through me
i know that life

flowing to and through me

it’s a choice i’m on the bus i’m
on the bus

i’m celebrating the flow
of life saying yes to everything

that is i say yes to life
as it flows to me
i say yes to life
as it flows to me

i love life
i love the flow of life

i love the flow of life

on the bus on the bus on the bus

that’s the only work there is
and i lve

love that i know this
i love that i get to enjoy life become

because its my choice
i love standing
up for myself
and feeling good about who i am

i love being proud of who i am!!

i love that i love my life and how far i’ve
come i love that i know it’s all working out
in my favor i love that i get to choose
knowing this i lvoe that

i get to hoose
choose the focus work the only t

on the bus work..

forever expressing

and i know that life is always epxres

expressing in my favor and i know i can trust that
i know i can always trust life

this is its responsibility i know
that life is on the case i know that life

is always on the case
on the case for me in my favor
and for the favor of anyone

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility not mine

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth

therefore, i am totally confident

totally confident
totally confident

in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

so grateful to get to wake up feeling good
to get to wake up to my sweet beautiful wife who i love so
sooooooooo much

so grateful for love and family
so grateful to do every single load of laundry!!

so grateful for our amazing landlords

so grateful we get to stay!!
that we have the perfect house and we did it!!

we paid the rent by ourselves for a year!!

so grateful we’re doing it and it’s working
so grateful i know that life

is always expressing its true nature of abundance

and i know its not my job to express it
just to allow it and i allow it with my total confidence

total confidence

devotion to the knowledge
to the feeling of yes
is all that is

total confidence means i never have to wonder
i never have to question what is
i know that i never have to question what is

i can trust it toally
i know i can always trust life totally

and that is the feeling of god

the feeling of complete trust in life
of tally

totally letting go i know that i can
release everything and that is the feeling of god

forever expressing and its not my job
its not my job
my only job is to enjoy life and i know this

so gratefl to do this work the tuning
work the only work that mattes so gra

so grateful i know the feeling the
feeling of god and i trust the feeling of

i trsut the god energy to do it i know that life

the energy of life is always responding to
my attunement
i know this

i know this for a fact
i know its i

it is law i know this is law

that is whay i am totally confident
i am totally confident
and that’s all i need

that’s all i need is that feeling of
total confidence because that is my supply

and i love doing this wrok
because it works
becuase its the only work

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mind

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth

i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affairs

my only responsibility is to be aware of this one truth


is to know the one truth
and i know this for a fact

i now t

i know this is law
life reflects the energy of me

life reflects my awareness
my consciuosness
and so my only job is to find a way to feel good i know this

is all there is

feeling how you feel is all there
is just pay attention to that

that’s my only job


that’s my only job
is the consciousness is the awareness
and i love that i know this is true

i love feeling good i love that i get to
feel good that i’ve practiced feeling good

and it comes easily to me

i love that feeling good comes easily to me
i love that i get to choose to love myself
no matter what

i love that i feel like i’m tripping when i’m not
i love that i’m

connected to the one truth i love that i know the
one truth

love making 5 figures a day
loving taking out a bunch of ordres every mome


love the woocommerce doing the best ever!!!

love that our campaign made people’s day!

love my life love my wife
love our clean luandry

love our abundant weed

love the feeling of loving myself
of choosing to love myself

of knowing its a feeling its a mindset
it’s only ever a mindset

it’s only ever a mindset
and i know this i know this i know that

i an always trust my body i can
trust my intuition
the more i tune into my intuition

the better i feel and
the more i learn about my body and my choices

i love that i get to choose
not to mull it over
i get to choose

not to care

and that is the feeling of freedom

i can choose to not spend

any energy thinking about it
i know it’s all a feeling
and i can always transmute

i can always transmute those feelings
those thoughts into loving myself

and i love that it’s that
easy to make the switch
i love that it’s that

easy to make the switch

that i get to choose i get to choose how i feel

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose
how i feel about life and about myself
which is why i’m totally

confident in every decision
i make

totally confident
in every choice i make!!!

i love that i get to choose this
i love that i never have to wonder

that it only reflects me

the total confidence
and i love that i can choose that on

any topic
i love that i’m letting it all go
and it can’t stay


becuase that is law!!

i love that i know it is law

i am totally confident in life
i am totally confident in life
and i’ts a

it’s ability i am totally confident in life
and that is all there is!!

i love that i get to just laugh dude!!

i love that i don’t have to care!!!

instantly and constantly

and that’s why i never have to wonder
or worry because life is always reflecting the energy

in every moment if i feel a way that feels bad or i’m
looking outside of me or i’m worried

i can always

instantly and constantly
take on form and experience according to my needs and desires

i can instantly return to center to the
place where i know life is happeing in my favor

where i know this where i know the truth
where i have the knowledge

i love that i have the knowledge i love that
life is good forme right now

instantly and constantly and i love that it happens
that easily o

i love that life reflects my thoughts
feelings and emotions of the moment
so no matter what i’ve been thining

or feeling i can always

get on the bus and then life will reflect
that presence instantly i know this and it makes it so easy to
just retu

return to center and ride the bus
just take the ride
just let jesus take the wheel and trust the ride i love
that i get to trust the ride.

instantly and onsta

constantly which means any time i knot

notice that the energy is off
i can instantly
return to god
and then life will instantly

reflect that new vibration
and if i see

still see evidence of the old thing
i know i’ts
it’s just evidence of an old vibration
and that soon i’ll see evidence

of the new one and if i see the evidence
i can accept it and know that

it’s helping me know what i do want
and when i choose what i do want

it comes

i look for it and i see it and i know this
is my work this is the god muscle

its seeing something you don’t want and saying

hmm interesting
well, what do i prefer then??

if i dont like this, then what do i prefer?
and when i make the choice

when i think about what i prefer
and i think to myself

i prefer this

then i can know that iss what i’ll see evidence of next
and i an know that the other thing helped me make the choice

and i’m constantly making that choice
instantly and constantly

i can always return to the feeling good palce
to the ease

to the place of ease and flow
of allowing ease and flow

of center i can always return to ccenter

center to welcome my thoughts to welcome
my reality i can always return to focus

focus on the truth on celebrating life
on openig
my window


calm bliss i can always return to calm bliss
i don’t have to feel manic

i know there’s no where to arrive
there’s no place to get to

just his here and now
just this
here and now

the relaxation work the knowing work
the allowing work the flowing work
the god work the

focus work the focus on god
because that is all there is and i know this

i love seeing the effects of the practice
i love that every day is more fun than the last i love that
life is working out for me

and i love that i know this
i love the focus work the

ease and flow of the focus work
that it’s the easiest thing

and it’s nothing
it’s just a shift in focus i love that i know
i love that i can always shift my focus i love
i know that
i can change my attention

in a split section
instantly and constantly

instantly and constantly

i love that i can always feel good in
any moment i love that i get to choose
how i feel what i expect

i love that something annoying couldn’t even touch my mood!!

the principle of supply in action
there is no such thing as lacck
infinite abundance is always

constantly flowing to all

there’s nothing wrong with being a match to abundance

there’s nothing wrong with being
able to allow all of god’s blessings into my life

there’s nothing wrong with saying yes to
all of god’s blessings

it doesn’t prevent others from receiving them.

i feel at ease in my life i trust my life
i trust the flow of life
i trust the unfolding of life i trust
the unfolding of

life i love the good life i love the good life
i love the good life i love

that life is good

i love that life is good i love that i know it
i love that i know this i love

feeling waves of relief knowing this
i love that it already is i love that it already is

i love that life already is the way

i want it to be i love that i
get to feel the feeling of love that i get to feel love

i feel the feelign of love

i can instantly
and constantly

feel the feeling of love.

i love doing this work and remembering who i am
that it’s a feeling to decide to

love life
to really love it to

be really grateful for it
its a feeling and its a choice

i know that life is always refelcting me

the feeling of the state of me

i know i am the one and only


of me.

i feel at ease because i know that
my abundance is infinite
i know everyone’s is
i love that

ig et to

get to be on the lookout for
i get to
be on the lookout

get to be on the lookout
i get to
be on the lookout fo

i know the feeling
and i can celebrate it

instantly and constantly
its always there and its depth
is unlimited


as the
prinicple of supply in action
it is impossilb
for me to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

i know the infinite supply

is within and there’s no
action i can take or no force i can force
that can make life act a certain way

it’s all a vibration and life
can only respond to that
and my supply is my feleing o

feeling of connection with god
with the love wihtin the the feeling of knowing
and trusting and loving life

my infinite supply
is my ability to love life
to jump into life and all i can ado is

can do is jump into life all i can
i do is jump into life

say yes to life say yes to love
release the weight of resentments
and choose love and that’s always so much easier

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my us

supply my awareness
and knowledge of the
all providing activity of
the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my upp

supply is unlimited

no person place or condition is my supply

i know that my life unfolds according to my

belief that it will
understanding that life
is good

knowledge that life is good
knowing that life
is always working out in my favor

life responds to this feeling
and this feeling is

when you move your consciousness
from your head

from looking outward from looking
from something outside of you

to achieve or obtain
and you move it to your center

to the center of all existence
which is the center of everything

something that can barely be described
you move your consciousness there and then
you just remember ah yes this is it

this is the only place to arrive
the place is the feeling place of knowing that
this is the quest
this is the journey

this is the switch this is the bus
you’re either on or youre off

you’re either centered or frantic

frantically looking outside of you
to give you a feeling of fulfillment

of safety
of assurence

which arae all feelings you can choose
and those feleings

feelings are your supply
the supply isn’t outisde of

outside of you its within
its the feeling of letting go

of giving up
of living like you’re dead

live life like you’re
already did

ask bucky fuller

i know that life always reflects that
that feeling
the degree to which you’re celebrating life

is how life

much life celebrates you i love that i know
i love that i get to sink in ot life

get to be under the

influence of source
to relax in this here and now
i can always relax in this here and now
allow life
in this here and now

feel the connection in this here and now
and the feeling of knowing has come through life

i know that life

relfects the feeling of

givine up giving in knowing

whatever feeling you have,
that is what you will see

so if you feelt hat there
isn’t enough

you’ll see evidence

if you revere life
and look for ways to love

you will find them and that is
the secret to life

my awareness
an knowledge

of the all providing activity
of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truht
is unlimited


my supply is unlmited

its up to me what i see
and what i look for its only
ever up o m

to me what i look for

so i am responsible for what i see
if i decide to love

then that is for me because i want to
have a good experience
so i decide to love i


decided to embody the dvine
divine presence
the divine prsen


i am.

the all proviidng
activity of the divine mind within me

and all i ever need is connection to that
connection that truth
connection to that truth

so grateful to know the truth
kknkow the

know the r
truth of life and feel connected to it

so grateful for this day
for twix eggs!

and family
and waking up feeling good
and having a good day
such good food!

so grateful for our feats we

feast we already made
so grateful to connect with family

so grateful for orders!
and subs!!

and reviews!!

so grateful for a sub a day
so grateful subs paid our internet bill

so grateufl for all these orders!!

so grateful to feel good
for clean laundry for a dray


for pee rags
for good sex!!

for a kinda warm day

for shows to watch for
good feelings for gdoo

god feelings so grateful to
have the

inner guidance
to know the inner guidance
to say eys to

yes to life to
feel the
divine presence

and that’s alll i acn


can ever do i relax in the knowledge
that attention creates
and i get to look for what i want to see

so grateful for where we live

so grateful its the perfule

perfect place
so grateful everything worked out
i get

to feel good i get to feel good
i get to feel the feeling
of infinite abundance

flowing through me

thank youj.w

therefore my supply
is unlimited

therefore my supply is unlmited

my awareness
understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity
of the divine mind within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited

therefore my supply is unlimited

my supply is unlimited
my suppy is u

is unlimited

my supply is unlimited.

so grateful i know i know the
power ofe that

of me that attention creates
feelings create

emotions create and i feel the
feelig n

feeling no i feel i feel

the feeling now i feel the feeling now

i konw the truth to life
i know that i’m on the bus

i know attention creates i kno i am
the one and only powerful
creator of my life experience
and that my

supply is within and it is infinite.

through my consciousness

of my god self the
christ within as my supply
i draw into my mind and feeling nature

the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god
within me

is my supply.

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply
i love that i know this

i love that i get to feel good about myself
get to feel good about life
get to feel good about the flow flowing through me
so grateful for this day
and for the flow

flowing through me

when i am aware of the god self
the christ wihtin
as my supply

i draw into my mind and feeling

the very substance of spirit

this substance
is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me

is my supply

i love that i know the feeling of the
very substance of spirit

i love that i get to feel it
get to feel good get to feel good about myself
get to
feel the

energy of life flowing through me

so grateful to feel good
to feelthe flow
to feel the flow


i draw into my mind
and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god
within me

is mys upply

my supply.

the divine presence I AM

is all there is i know that the feeling
is all there is and tuning

the feeling is all there is
and tuning yourself to the feeling
is the only way to feel good in life
and that is what life is about

feeling good feeling

connected it doesn’t mean that you feel happy
all the time but it means you feel connected to the one
and you are able to allow life life

to pass through you

the divine presence i am
and i can l

always feel that feeling so gratefyul

i get to feel this feeling
of the divine presence that i already am

and its about making the choice to remember
that feeling to be dvot

devoted to that feeling to remember its teh
feeling of me its about

getting in the feeling placeits a

about getting

in the feeling place.

the divine presence ia m
i am and i feel it and i know


all i have to do all i ever can do is
feel it
feel the flow feel the flow

feel the flow

all i can
ever do is feel the flow
flowing throgh

through me
feeling of the divine preesence
i am the
feeling the feeling is all there

grateful for this moment for
so much good for so mnay blass

blessings in my life so
grateful for so many blessings
in my life
so grateful for so

many blessings in my life
so grateful for beer delivery!
for ross!

so grateful for
all these treats!

pay it forward campaigns!
so grateful for greens!!!

we get to eat collards!!

so grateful we have everything
we need right here in our neighborhood

so grateufl for the
feeling the feeling of go the

the connection to god
to celebrating the day
with god and knowing
its my choice to do that

any day so grateful to feel good now
to feel good now to feel good now

the divine presence i am
the divine presence i am

the divine presence i am
the divine presence i am

i am i am i am

so grateful to feel good for all that
is and that i get to

celebrate it
so gratefulf or this

thank you.

so grateful i know the feeling

is all there is and that i can always
drop into it
i can always release

and drop into the knowledge
so grateful i know this
so gratefl to do

to do this work so
gratefult o feeto
to feel good to feel the flow
the flow of life the flow

of life

the knkowing

the divine presence i am
the dvi

divines pre

divine presence i am
the divine presence i am

slip into it slip into it
and remember this is all there is
the fcous

is all ht

there is i know ths for a fact i know this is

is all i can all i can do is
this work the feeling work

its okay to attract blessings
its okay to be a match to blessings
i welcome them and i know that

always flowing to and through me
i know that god is flowing to and through me
and all my blessings are a match to my connection
with god i know this

i know that all of life is a feeling
and the choice to feel the feeling
is all there is

the chocie t

the choice to feel the feeling is all there is

the feeling is always there

all there is and it is always with me

i lift up my mind
and heart

my thoughts and emotions

i elevate my thoughts and emotions
to be aware

to understand
and to know

that the divine presence i am
is the courc

source and substance
of all my good


so grateful i already know
so grateful the better it gets

grateful to relax into life
to know life loes me

to choose the feeling no matter what

the divine presence i am
so gratefult o

to feel present in this moment

gratefult o g

to be here now in
this moment so

grateful for this moment for the

in this moment

for the flow in this moment
so grateful to just say yes
and thank you
and create ehwt

what i want to see more of i love that
i get to create it i love that
i get to create life
i love

that i get to create life

what am i doing here i’m
practicing a feeling of knowing

a feeling of yes and thank yo
allowing life to flow
to me

to and through me
so grateful to allow life to flow
to and

through me to say thank you
to say

thank you to all the blessings that flow to
and through me thank you

for the blessings thank you
for the blessings

the blessing thank you for this feeling this feeling
the feeling of life

the divine presence i am
the divine presence

i am all that matters is
remembering the truth

remembering the truth i love that
i get to feel good that i get to
enjoy life that i get to feel love
that i get to love

so grateful to feel the feeling of yes
to love

so grateful for a farm stand
and that it didn’t rain!!

so grateful for this day of gifts

for everything delivered!!

so grateful to have more than enough so
grateful to transcend my DNA

so grateful to transcend my DNA
so grateful to see abundance
in all things so grateful it’s

flowing that life is a feeling and
i get to choose it i get tro ch

to choose love i get to

choose the feeling of god and that
is the source

and the substance

i kow the

i know the secret to life
and i celebrate it every moment
i know the truth of life
i know abundance is flowing to
me in every moment

i know infinite abundance
is always flowing to and through me.

get in the vortex and then

and i know its a switch
its an off or an on

are you on the bus?

are you on the bus?

the bus is here now, are you

the bus is boarding, are you on it?!

i’m on the bus i’m on the bus i’m on the
bus im

i’m on the bus

i’m on the bus i’m o the bus

i’m on the bus right now

thank you i’m on the bus thank you i’m on the bus

thank you
i get to feel the feelig n

feeling now

get in the vortex and then
and that’s all i can do that’s all i can do that’s
all i can do is
get in the vortex in then

get on the bus and then
and it’s a choice in every moment
that i

get to choose i get to choose
in each moment
to be on the bus i get to choose in

each moment to feel the feeling of the bus
i get to choose the bus
i get to choose
to be on the bus and i love that i nkow its that

easy its just this easy to make the choice
to ride the bus
and know that


i know god is driving the bus
and i’m happy to hop on

so grateful to hop on
to have fun and enjoy the ride

i’m on the bus enjoying the ride i love
that i get to enjoy the ride i love

that i get to enjoy the ride i love
that life is good and i get to feel
and that’s all there

is i love that i get to choose the
vortex that i get to choose knowing
that i
get to feel good so grateful to feel good.

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world

and place my


on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity
in my financial affairs
as the substance of all things visible

i place my faith in the principle of abundance

in action within me

i place my faith
i place my fait in the

principle of abundance
in action within me

i love this day i love waking up
feeling good i love that there is so much to love

i love that there is so much to feel good
about i love that it’s easy

to train my attentino
train my attention

i place my faith in the principle
of abundance in action within me
i place my faith in the principle of

abundance in action within me

i love that i know this i love that i nkow life
i know life is good i love that i know this i love

that i know ths i love
i love that i know life is good i love

that i get to say yes i love that i get to say yes

i keep my mind and thoughts off thsi w

this world and place my

entire focus

on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as the only
activity in my financial affairs

as the substance of all things visible

i place my faith in the principle of abundance in
action within me

so grateful for this day

so grateful for new paradigms

so grateful life is good and life
loves me so grateful life loves me

so grateful for clean laundry and pee rags
so grateful for blean

clean blankets and a dryer that works
and the BEST landlords ever

for real the best
and the best place to live and we get to stay another year!!

we did it!!!
we paid our rent for a whole year!!!

grateful to do this work
grateful for the time and space

to practice

keeping my mind and thoughts off this
world which means get out of the way

which means don’t look atit

because when i try to do stuff
when i get to

in the way i mess it up and i know this
is true when you look at something

you limit the possibilities to what you can imagine

or how you think it should come
or how you think its going to come

you limit the unlmited


no more!!

today i allow the unlimited to flow i allow
the unlmited to flow i focus on this work this

feelig i focus

i fcous o

i focus on the only feeling there is
knowing that lie is

always flowing through me
life is alawys flow

always flowing through me life
is always flowing through me

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
because that is its’

responsibility not mind

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident
i nl

in letting go and letting god

appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
because when i look at it

i limit it limit
the unlmited

i limit the unlimited

i keep my mind and thoughts
off the unlimited source within

i keep my mind and thoughts off
this world and place my

entire focus
entire focus
entire focus

entire focus

and that’s the answer right there

entire focus ont he ver
on the version i prefer

entire focus on the
version i prefer and i love that
i get to make that thcoice

choice i love that i g

get to choose knowing i love that
i get to choose knowing

on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence

as the only activity in my
financial affairs

as the substance of all tings

things visible
i place my faithin in the
principle of abundance

in action wihtin me

i place my faith in the
principle of abundance
in action withing me

i love that i know the secret to life

i love that i now the
answer to life i love that i know the
one truth i love that
i get to choose and allow

i love that i know
no matter what life
is on my side i love that

there’s always more than enough i love
that life

loves me i love that i know

there is no limit to the unlmited

i renounce my humanhood and
claim my divine inheritance
as a being of god i claim

my divine in herit


right here and now
i claim love i feel the feeling of life

love of commuing with god

i feel the feeling of god

i keep my mind and thoughts off of it
becuse i know that is what allows the solutions to come
to present themselves and i know they always are

i love that we made it
we made this reality and its here
to serve us to love us
to provide for us

for ust o feel good and enjoy i love that
there is so much to enjoy i love
that i get to enjoy my life
and all that is good about it i love that

there is so much good about it i love
that t

there is so much good in my life i love that

life loves me!!

i love feeling good i love allowing the flow
the god self i focus on the god self

on the tuning ino the

into the vortex on the tuning into the vortex


which means a communion with a feeling of love
and i know that communion is

my only work and the god within
will take care of the rest i know that

the god within is the only cause of
my prosperity

i know that the god within is the
only cause of my prosperity
and i turn my entire focus there and allow the
rest to unfold.

when i am aware

so grateful to feel good so
grateful we can afford our rent

so grateful for our amazing landlords that
are the absolute best landlords anyone could hope for

so grateful for a dryer that works
and that we can just do laundry freely
whenever we want

so grateful for “free” laundry
so grateful it’s only our washer and dryer
and we dont’ have to share

so grateful they came out and fixed it so fucking fast!!!

so. fucking. grateful!!!!!

so grateful for the perfect place
that’s perfect ofr
for us
so grateful for my wife and ourkitt

and orders!!

and new subs!!

so grateful for 409
and to be able to clean for them
so grateful its already so clean
so grateful for life
for the feeling of life

for the feeling of life

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge that the activity
of divine abundance

is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is

easily and effortlessly pouring forth from

my divine consciousness i am now aware
i am now in the flow i am now aware

i am now in the flow i have found the secret to
life and can releax in
the knowledge that the


activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

so gratefulf or subs!!!

so grateful for orders!
for opportunities!
for grants!!

to wake up feeling good

so grateful to takew

wake up feeling good to not have to cook
to not have to even see the person

so grateful!!

so grateful for nutritious good
food that we made for ourselves
years ago

so gratefl for new subs!
for orders!

for our awesome mail person!!

for our cute little walkable neighborhood
that we
can choose to go to the lake any day we want

for that little bite of lasagna

for yogurt!!
and jam!
and granola!!!!

so grateful for the life i’ve build
so gtrat

grateful to get to build my business
to start the day right to
go through t

the day feeling good so grateful for
flawless victories

so grateful to feel thef low
to feel the god self
to be aware of the god self
to be aware

of the way that how i feel creates my reality
so grateful to feel

inspired motivated


so grateful to have the
feeling of knowing and know

that i can trust that feeling
so grateful i know that
life is always working out
for me and my

supply is my lust for life
is my connection to the god self

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

totally fulfilled
totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled
i am totally fulfilled

i know that i am already totally fulfilled
i don’t need anything else
i love
that i know
this and that

i have access to this feeling i love
that i have access to this feeling

i am totally fulfilled.

i am now awrae of
aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine
is eternally operating in my life

the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine

is eternally operating
in my life

i simply have to be aware of the
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuoysly

continuosly easily
and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in the flow

and effortlessly

pourig fr

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

totally fullfilled

so grateful i’m totally fulfilled
so grateful life loves me

so grateful i already have it all

so grateful for

opportunities flowing to
and through me

the opportunities flowing
to and through me

i know that i am totally fulfille
di know

i know that life is on my side and
when i jump into life

it jumps into me

when i jump into life
it jumps into me
and i know this i love that
i know i dont have to trut



just allow life just allow life
just enjoy life

just say yes to life

just love all ther is

is love and i know that
i get energized

from love.

so grateful to do this work

grateful to e aw
be aware of the flow
to see it working out for me
on ver

every level to know its all
always being fulfilled
i know itls
all always being fulfilled
i know its work

grateful to trust the ease

and flow of life

the ease and flow of this moment
grateful to feel at peace in this moment

to know its happening perfectly to and through me

i feel at ease and
i trust in life

i feel at ease and i trust in life

i allow life to flow through me
and say

yes to everything that is i relax into life
i relax into life

and accept all that is
i accept all that is

i accept all that is

i accept all that is
i know i nkow

i nkow i kno

totally fulfilled

totally fulfilled



i am totally fulfilled
i love that i know this and
can always return to this knowledge

i love that i know this
i love that i know this
and i get to celebrate it

in the vortex get in the
vortex and then
that means feel good and then

feel good and then

feel good and then
feel good and
feel good and then
feel good and then

feeling feeling of
being totally fulfilled
and that’s all i ever need.

allow this work to be relaxing

allow this work to be life giving
not anxiety inducing

today i allow the work to fill me up
i allow i allow life to do the work

i turn the work over to god and i trust
and relax knowing that whatever happens will
be in my favor i can relax in kowing th

knowing that i never have to force
anything and that life always

has the solutions i love that i know life
always has the solutions i love

that i know the best thing i can do themost


powerful most
effective action i can take

is releasing anxiety
releasing worry

and relaxing back to center

letting it all go
and relaxing back to center

allowing this work to be fun allowing
life to be easy
being easy about it

the feeling of celebrating life
to flow through me

my consciousness of the spirit within
as my unlimited source
is the divine poewr t

to restore the years the locusts have eaten
make all things new
and lift me up to the high road of abundant

make all things new
my consciousness has the power to make
all things new and i kow that

this is my real power

floating to the bottom of the
valley and just allowing life
to swim overr me

relaxing into my calm bliss


relaxing into clam bliss
and i love that i know that is the only work

its not work to realx its an allowing its a

a choice to feel relief i choice
to let go of trying to force
a choice

a choice to feel relief to

allow relief so grateful i know this
to be

to be aware to be aware of the tightness
and know it’s easy to let it go
let the contrast

meet me on the other side of the
i can choose to feel at ease
i grt

get to choose to feel at ase

i choose to feel at ease
i choose to let go
i choose

to allow i choose to
be aware of how i feel and choose to
feel at ea


this awareness
understanding and knowledge
of spirit

appears as every visible form
and experience
that i could possible desires.

and knowledge

appears as form

my conciousness of the spirit within me as my
unlimited source

is the divine power to
restore the years the
locusts have eaten

make all things new
and left

lift me up to the high road of abundant

this awraeness

awareness understanding
andk nowledge

spirit appears as every visible form
and experience that i could
possible desire

just allowing is on
my only work relaxingin t

into that feeling of allowing is my only work

vibing is my only work
feeling the work of feeling good

i can always relax back to cneter

center i can release all tis

this tention

tension i can relase the
release the worry i can

release the shortness of breath
and come back to
full alignment
with the source within

with the relief within it
feels good to sink inot the

the relief within
to relax into the relief within
it feels goodt o


relax into releif

relax into relief
it feels goodt

to releax into center and let the
rest go

let go
of stress of striving of trying of


of trying to force
of coerce

just relax and allow


relax and allow i feel the
feeling of relief

i allow relief i allow
relief i allow relief

by remembering the one truth
i allow

by remembering the one truth

that its never not this moment
and i can always feel safe and at ease in this moment
by relaxing into it and allowing it

my wish is to feel truly at
ease and i know that’s my

not work i know its not work
its a switch

its not work its a switch and
i am brave enough to make that switch

to flip that switch

i can relax i can relax into knowing
i relax into knowi relax into knowing

i releax into knowing

i feel the fe
relief of knowing

i feel the relief i love that i
get to feel the relief i love that
i get to feel the
relief i love that
i get to feel the flow i love tat

that i get to feel the flow i love that i
get to feel the flow i love that i get to feel the flow

i get to feel it i
get to releax into it

get to let the rest go

i know i don’t have to think about that
i know i don’ have to wrr

to worry about that i love that i know

i release and allow

i release everything and embrace and love this
moment i allow life to live me
i allow life to breath me

i allow more relief i allow more

i allow

more relief
becaseu i know i

don’t have to worry about that

allow more releif

wehn i remember that

my awareness
and knowledge of spirit

appears as every visible form and
experience i can possible imagain

i feel at ease
i sink into this moment
and relish it knowing
it’s only right now

i release and allow
knowing this is the onlly “work” i can

the feeling work i relax into the moment
i releax

into the numbers into the simran
i let the simran do
the work i allow the feeling
to do the work

i allow the feeling to d the work
i know i

i kow i can operate as if it’s already
done i love

that i know it’s already done

i love that i know it’s

already done i love that
i know

it’s already done
i love that
i know

it’s already done

i relax and allow i relax and allow