forever expressing

it’s true nature of abundance
this is its respsponsibility not mine

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth
therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god

appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

totally confident

therefore i am totally conidnet


confident in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundace


this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affairs

grateful for this moment for this day to
feel the lust ofr

for life f

to feel the big leap which is leaping into god
which is

which is leaping into go into

leaping into god

making the choice to feel good about life
to jump into it
to trust it to love it

to feel the feeling of loving life
of knowing life is on my side

to feel the feeling of devotion to how
i feel to feel the devotion
to the god self to feel the god self to

feel the god self to know the god self to know

god feels like i know

what god feels like and that is my only work
so grateful to fee the foc
the f

the focus the effects of the practice to allow myself
to feel good to celebrate knowing that life is
on my side so grateful to fee the flow
flowing to know

that i get to make the choice

i get to make the choice

i get to make the choice i
get to make the choice

how i feel how i expect

what i expect what

how much og

i get to choose the knowing i get to
choose the feeling o
the feeling of center the
feeling of lust

for life i love that
i get to choose it right now i love
that its
so easy to tune to the
of god
teh vib

the vibration of love
and kowing

knowing for sure
through life experience
that this ife

this feeling is my supply

feeling of knowing that life
is always on my side
always answering my every desire
is the only supply i need

i know that life is always answering every desire
i know that life
is always on my side and i can

trust the flow turst th

trust the flow
turst the flow i’

trust the flow

the feeling i trust the feeling of life i
feel the feeling of life of god i feel

the waves of relief i feel the
waves of relief
i feel the
choice i feel the choice

i feel the choice i

i feel it and i know that is life
the choice is mky supply

the feeling is my suplpy
the feeling of god is my supply
the feeling of god

is my supply
i love that i get to choose to feel it

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing its true
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be awre

aware of this truth

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth
the one truth

that its gods responsibility not mine

the divine conscioiusness
that i am is forever expressing its true
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident in
letting go and letting god appear

as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

the abundant
all sufficiency this
in my life and affairs

totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and affairs

the abundant all sufficiency in
my life and affairs

i know all of life is this feeling
and whatever ih ave to

to do to

to feel this feeling is my work
and if i’m

not feeling

this feeling im blocking my
flow of infinite well being
i know it flows in all ways i know
tis all

always flowing to and through me and i welcome it

i welcome life
i welcome the god energy flowing

to and throguh m

through me i a

i am totally confidnet
in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

totally confident.

what does total confidence feel like
it feels like getting out of thew ay

the way like letting it happen like

trusint fulling

knowing it feels like
total freedom
it feels like flying


what does total confidence feel like
that is my only job to feel it
to feel it to feel total confidence

i know that is the secret to life
that is the secret to life

to know and feel total confident
in the one single truth the one

single truth
that i can let go of every single thing and
just allow i love that
i don’t have to

care about a single

total confidence
i love that if eeling
the feeling and it feels good

it feels like living it feels like
savoring life
knowing the full magick of life

it feels like love it feels like
breath it feels like knowing
it feels like

flying free it feels like speeding and knowing the
vehicle will drive itself
i love that i know this feeling and i kno hti

this is my only work i devote mysefl fully
to this feeling and trust it i devote myself
fully to this feeling and i trust

i allow it i accept it and i’m worhty of it

i’m worthy of it
i’m totally confident
in it i know all of

life is already here with me in this
here and now

thank you god forever

for everything thank you god for everything!!

my supply is unlimited

i love that i know my supply is unlimited because
my supply

is a feeling my supply is a feeling it
is a connection it is a resonance it is knowing

it is knowing the one signle truth the one
truth i am a


in alignment iwht

with the one truth and that is on

all i need
on the bus on

i’m on the busi ‘m on
i’m in


i’m on the bus i’m on the bus
on or off and my supply is
the on-ness

on-ness of teh bus i’m on tehb
the bus that’s the only feeling i need that

that’s all the knowledge
i need

i know my supply i know it’s within me
that it is me that it is

my connection to self i know

i live

i know that money isn’t my supply
the feeling

is my supply and my access to that feeling
is unlimited

and all i can ever do is feeli

feel that feeling on the bus w

feel that feeling
on the bus

my consciousness of this truth is unlmited
therefore my supply is unlmited

therefore my supply is unlimited

do this work the only work to remember
the feeling to practice feeling it
to practice feeling the
feeling of god and letting go
of the rest so
to feel good to feel good now

to feel god now so grateful to feel god now

to do this work to

practice the feeling to practicce the
the feeling of eeling good

now so grateful to feel good now to feel the flow

now so grateful to feel
the flow now

to feel god now to praict

practice the feeling of god
so grateful to feel the feeling of god
to love the feeling of god to cnnec

connect with god

so grateful to trun my

turn my fcous here to the truth to remember
the truth

moeny is not my supply
no person place or condition
is my supply

my awareness understanding
and kowledge of

the all providing activity of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is

therefore my supply is unlmiteid

come here to remember this truth to focus o this
on this truth
to trun the

boat toawrd

toward this truth come here to do this work
to flex this mucslc

muscle all i can do is
flex this is muslce
and know



and know this is the only work
so grateful to remember this is the o

is the only work
and i never have to think about anything esel

money is not my supply
money is not my supply
money is not my supply

i know this i knwo there is no such thing
as lack and i know that lfe

life helps me remember that in
every moment
i love that i know this love
i love that life is flowing

to and through me i love that life
is flowing to and through je
i love

i love taht


money is not my supply
no person place or condiion
is my supply
my awareness

and knowledge of
the all providing activity of

divine mind within me is my supply

i knowt his

my awraeness
understanding and knowledge

i’m here to focus on the feeling to focus on what
is true to focus on gratitude
to focus on all that is good in the world

to be awre of my thougths
feelings and emit


i’m here to reaise awareness

of the truth of what i really knowi know
i know that life is

flowing perfectly through me and i get to sit
back anc wa

and watch i love that i get to celebrate this knowledge
i love that life is good and i

get to celebrate knowing that i love
feeling tuned in tuned up turned on i love
feeling turned on i ilove that
life is good for me right now i love
that life
is good for me right now i love that

loves me

right now i love that life
is good i love that life
is good i love

i get to feel the feeling of the truth of the resonance of life
i love that i know thsi i love
i love that i know all of life is a feeling

the only work i can ever do is
feeling that feeling i love that i g

get to fe

to feel that feeling right now and i love
makig the t

making the time i love making the time

i love that i get to choose knowledge
i love that life is good for me i love that life

is good fo rme i love
i love that life loves m i love
i love that

life loves me i love that life lloves
loves me i love

feeling that truth i love
feeling the feeling of that truth i love
that i get to choose
the feeling i love that
i get to choose the magick
of life i love
that i get

to choose life i love that i get to choose

infinite abundance

therefore my supply is unlimited

my consciousness of thist ruth
is unlimited

therefore my supply
is unlimited

i lve that
i love that i know m supp

my supply is unlimited
i love that i know my supply is unlimited
i love that i know my supply


i love that i know

my supply is unlmited
i love that i get to say yes to that
truth i love that
i get to feel good

i love that i do feel good
i love makig the

making the time to release resistance
and raise my vibration
i love that i get to love and feel good i love that

life loves me!!

i love that life loves me i love that
life loves me

i love that i know my supply
is unlimited

money is not my supply

my awareness, understanding and knowledge
of the all providing acitivity

of the divine mind within me is m supply

and knowledge

my consciousness of this truth
is unlmited

therefore my supply is unlmited
i know htis

i know this is true and i know my work
is knowing this truth i know this is all there is
thisd is

all there is

devotion to this feeling
devotion to this knowledge

this is the only work

i am conscioius of the

conscious of the inner presence as my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

my consciousness is filled with with light of truth

my consciousness is iflled
filled with the light of truth

my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

i love the work i love this work

the wr

the work of feeling good doing my writing
at night remembering who ia m

checking in yes the one thing i sa

always said would take me
to the ni

next level writing twice a day
and her ei am

here i am doing the only work that matters
the feeling work and just tapping into the feeling
remembering the feeling of life and

relishing it building
it up i love f
building up the feeling of the

i know this is the only work i know this
is the only work the
feeling work

the feelin is the
only work

i am conscious of the
inner presence as my lavish abundance
i am
conscious of the constant activity
of this mind of infintei prosperity

my consciousness is filled with the
light of truth

therefore my consciousness is filled
with the light of truth

therefore my consciousness is filled with
the light of truth

feeling good i love that i get to feel it

i know this is the only work

i relax in knowing this is the only work i relax in knowing

i relax in the knowledge i relax in the knowledge

i relax in knowing i relax in knowing this is the onlywork


conscious of the inner presence as my lavish

conscious of the constant activity
of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

grateful to feel the flow flowing
to feel the fo

the fow flow flowing the focus on the
flow to say yes to the flow

so grateful to say yes to the flow
to all tht is flowing to me and through me

i say yes i say y es

to the feeling i feel the feeling of god i feel
the focus on god i feel the focus builging
i feel the muscle building

knowing that i don’t have to think about it
not only that i can’t think about it

i just trust i just trust i trust

i trust i trust the flow of well being i trust thef low
the flow
i trust the god self i trust the god alignment
and all i can do is align with

all i can focus on is god all i can fo us
on is god and chooseing
making the cohice

so grateful i know the truth to
feel elevated in the truth

with the truth to feel that my consciousness

is filled with the light of truth
and i never have to wonder i never

have to wonder i never have to conwer

wonder just feel the feeling just feel
the feeling just
feel the feeling never have to wonder never have to
wonder just feel the feeling

remembering the universe
always does it better than

i’ve imagined it i love that i know i love that
i know the one single

truth and i know it now more than ever i love feeling
my heart sing i love feeling the
my heart sing i love feeling my herat

heart single i love

i love that i get to feel this feeling the god feeling and this

immense contrast helps me focus
so grateful to remember this is my focus this is my focus

is my focus this is my focus this is my focus
this is my


i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish abundance
i am

i am conscious of the constant activity of this mind of infintie pros


therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth


constant activity i am conscious

of the constanty activity of this mind
of infinite


i feel it i feel the god self i feel
the infinite prosperity
flowing through me i feel it i feel aligned with it

i feel trained to it i
i know it i know the feeling i know the
feeling is all there is
i know the feeling is all there is

and all i can ever do is feel the feeling of

toward any situation
and that is the solution
i love that i know this i love that
i know this

i love doing this work the focus work and
feeling the focus build
feeling the muscle the focus muslce

muscle build

attention creates
i love that attention creates

i know that what i loo

what i look for i see
i love that i know ths i lvoe
i love that life

all of life is a feelig that
i get to choose all of life
is a feeling that ig et to choose

that is my power and that is myii supply
my ability to

feel love
toward everything

that is my power i know this
the restr is just

letting go

i feel good about that i
feel good about that i feel good
about that i feel good about that
i feel good about that

i feel good about that
i feel
good about life i feel good
about life i feel good about life

i feel good aboutl ife
i know i know this is what i’ve trained for
i know the

poweer of

poweer of

power of me and i jump into it

i accept it i say yes to it
i know it and i say yes to the poweer of me
the power of me the power of me
i love
i know that i get to

create it i know i am
i get to create it and i know this is my power
i love that i know this
i love that i know that

all the power is within
to choose the version i prefer

to choose the version i prefer to choose
the version i prefer
to choose to feel how i want to feel

to choose to sa

feel good to say thank you
to allow to turn my attention

toward wher ei want

i want it to be i know it’s this
easy i know it’s this easy

i love that i know i love
that i get to feel good get to feel
the feeling of yes get to
feel the feeling of yes

get to feel the feeling of yes

jup in

jump into the feeling of the
constant activity

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i feel good because i feel the
feeling i feel the god self and i know
the god self

is more true and real than

anything i now this
i know this from experience
and i feel it i

i know the feeling of it
i know thefeeling

of release of

more relief i know the
feeling of more relief

i love that it’s working out for us!
i l

i love new subs i love pee rags i love
my snot rag lol i love all the solutions
i love making the jump
i love

feeling good and i know that i don’t have to be
afraid of feeling good i can ust

just trust feeling good trust the
feeling trust the feeling
i love that i get to trust the feeling i love
that i get

get to trust the feeling i love
that i get to trust the feeling
trust the feeling

trust the feeling trust the
feeling tr

trust the feeling
trust the feeling
trust the


the divine presence ia m

and i know its me it’s always me its never not me
and me

me what i am is a feeling a vibration
and life is me i am the creator of me i know i am
the cretor o

creator of me and this work ehps helps me do that
ehlps me tune the purse

purest vibration of who i am

i lift up my mind and heart
i elebrate

elevate my thoughts and emtions
to emotions

to be aware to understand and to know

that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

the divine present i am

presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

i lift up my mind and heart to be aware
to understand and to know that the divine prsence

presence i am is the source
and the substance of all my good

i know that me

the presence i am
the feeling of me the vibration of me

my connection to god is the source
and the substance i love that i know this i love
feeling the god flow through me i love feeling the god flow
through me i love
feeling the

god flow through me
i love feeling the
flow through me i love
feeling the god flow
through me

i lift up my mind and heeart

heart and keep their focus not on this world
but on the energy that creates it

because i kow that
i know that is what i am i am
the energy that creates worlds
and if
i believe or an

involved a thought pattern that speaks to any other
truth then

i am mucking about in the

collective mistake
the collective confusion

i needn’t mack about
much about in the collective confunsion

i needn’t muck about in the collective

it’s a feeling more than anyting
more than enything

anything the feeling is more

powerful feeling the feeling
a feeling of alignment
a feeling of knowing a feeling
of connection
a feeling of focus
a feeling of turning the boat

a veeli

a feeling of chooseing

choosing not to go there
a feeling of letting things
drop into the the

the ether i love that i can do that
i love thtat nothing

i love that i am learning to not let things affect me
i love that i get to choose how i feel about that
i love that i get to refuse to feel bad

life is the feeling of refusing to feel gad

bad life is the feeling of refusing to feel bad
refusing to feel bad refusing to feel bad

life is the feeling of knowing the feeling

of remembering who i am the
feeling of focus teh fee

the feeling of tuning in the feeling of god so grateful

for god for the god self for the god self
for the god self

attuned self the knowing self
the aware self the knowing that
the feeling is the work
the feeling is the work the choosing

the choosing what you want it so

to be is the work

the feeling is all there is the
feeling is all there is
the feeling is all there is
and i can

lift up my filling

feeling my filling

i can elevate it about
above the muck to the
god level and just vibe within

wiith is

i’m so grateful i can lift up up

lift up my mind and heart
elevate my mt

thoughts and emotions i can

elevate my thougths and thought and emotions to
another level and i feel that l


i felt that level this momr

morning when i started counting right w

away i felt the feeling of the choice
the feeling of the choice to tap in

to forego
the rest and tap into the power of god that
is the choice that is the cohice
i can make in every moment
and i know that is my work
and my contribution

i love that i know this and i love
putting it into practice

remembering that it’s easy
remembering that it’s real

remembering to do it training myself to do

i love that i know this
i love putting it into practice i love
seeing the effects of the practice

i love feeling the effects i love that
i know i love that i know that

i love that i can choose to count
rather than think about what i don’t want
i love that i know anything
can ahppen

happen i love that i know ti’s all

a feeling i love that i know it’s all
a feeling

i lift up my mind
and heart to be aware to understand and
to kow that
to know that the divine presence ia m

is the cour

source and substance of all my good

the source and substance
the source and the substance

i know that it’s al

not otside
outside of me i love hat
i love that i know there’s no

no such thing as lack

it’s a feeling and i get to choose
i love feeling the confidence in the feeling i love
feeling only the feeling i love
feeling the

devotion to the feeling i love
making the choice to feel the feeling no matter what

to flex the feeling

the muscle of the feeling and the feeling is
the feeling is

what i feel when i wake up in the morning and
i make the choice to count instead of worry

that is the feeling its the devotion to
the law of cause and affect
it’s accepting and knowing and

knowing that i never havet o in

to intervene

it’s best if i don’t so i let the horses
do it and i count and that is the feeling

that is the feeling

i count to feel that feeling

not to get high in the numbers
but to get high on them

to feel that feeling of saying no
i don’t believe in lack
it’s not real and i refuse

i refuse to worry i refuse to live life that way
i refuse to get involved

i choose counting i choose god


and i know this i know the work i know the focus i know the
power of the focus i know the powe of me

power ofme and i knowi know its

not outside of me i know its not outside of me

i know the powe of me i know

that god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
or infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me

the power of focus and the pwoer
the pwer

the power of turning the boat of asaying

of saying i’m not going to think that way i’m not
going to go dow that

down that route and immediately
turning it around by remembering that god
is lavish
and unfailing abundance

and feel the resonance of that truth
most importantly feeling the resonance of that truth

just always switching back to that
remembering it as mu t

my truth holding it as my truth remember

life and the world are as i want them
to be and trusting the horses i trust the horses

i trust god which is the horses i releax
i releax and

let go and say yes and i know that i

that is all i can that is all i can is
just tru

turn the boat toward the truth

i know the truth and i know the power
of alignment with it of total focus on i
and i can see that it’s working i can see that
it’s working i can

trust that it’s working i can know that it’s working
and thatth

this is the only work this is teh only work
this is where i replenish my supply

the rest is just for fun and i’m
so glad i know that that i get to just
witness i just say thank you for it
and allow it to pass

gratefu to to do this work t
the focus woek

work and know this is all there is i know this
is all there is all there is i

is focus on what is wanted or not
i love that it’s working i love that ti’s
it’s working the

that the flow is flowing the flow is
always flowing the flow is

always flowing god is

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omniprsent

substance of the universe
this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

thank you thanky ou
thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you

thank you th

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe

this all providing source of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me
the reality of me

is individualized as me

the reality of me and this is the only work
the focus work is the only work

the focus work
is the only work the focus
work is the only work the focus
work is the only wrok the focus
work is teh only work
the focus work

is the only wrok

in response to every single hing

thing and i know the effect that

type of focus has on my life i know it has
no choice but to manifest because it is law

and the erason

reason this is the only work is because it helps me
remember the power of that focus
nothing else compares to that focus

to the devotion to the feeling of knowing that
god is on my side and always doing everything in my
favor and knowing that all i can

ever do EVER do is focus on that feeling

feel that feeling that is all i can ever do is
feel that feeling of knowing and trust it
and allow life to unfold according to my

communion with that feeling that feeling

of knowing that feeling of konwing
of being with god and trusting it completely

i know the secret i know it

i know it for sure because i’v see

seen it so many times
and now i get to put it into action i know this
is my work and this is my power and this

is my contribution i love that i kow this

thiis is my contribution
the power of my focus i know this i know this
i know this i know t

i know this is my power i know t

i know my power i know my power
and its to be awrae of how i feel and if


im resisting AT ALL

oo tr

i turn it right back to tknow

to god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infintie prosperity

is individualized as me
the reality of me

i love doing the focus work
i love remembering the power of me
i love

feeling the feeling of being brave enough
to focus solely on this knoweldge
and tune outt the

the rest i know that i can tune out the rest
and that is what lifeis about

focusing on how i want to feel how i want
to see things i know that its up to me

decide what my experience is
i get to say thank you i get to say thank you
i get to say

thank you i get to say thank you
i get to choose the feeling i want to feel and use teh

contrast as the turning point

the momentum that pushes me
back toward god to push me
with hat

that energy toward god and just accept life
as it isin th

in this here and now
accept and knowi k

i know that is my poer

that is my power to choose
hoa i feel
how i feel not

it is much more imporatnt th

than any action i love
to feel good i love to relax and allow i love
to enjoy life i love to enjoy life
i love that i get to enjoy this right now

knowing that god is lavish

unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of
the universe this

all providing source

of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me.

entire focus

i keep my mind and thoughts my mind and thoughts
oof this off this world and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presencea s the
only activity in my life and affairs

i trust the

i place my faith in the prinicpel

principle of abundance in actin wihti

action within me

entire focus ENTIRE

all of it and that’s the only place i need

it needs to be and i know this for a fact i know this i know this
i’ve lived this i’m

ready for this

entire focus and that’s all it
is and i get better every moment at
feeling this focus at remembering this focus

at honing this focus

at practicing entire focus
and i know this is all there is
and the awareness helps me see it
helps me know when
my entire focus isn’t there

it’s reallyquite

quite easy i know it’s all so easy i know it’s
all so easy i love that i know this i love that
i get to look for what i want to see i love that
i get to choose
to playce

place mmy entire focus on what i want to see
to have the bpower

entire focus entire focus
entire focus

all of it all of it the more focus on god
the more god i see

the more focus on god the more go di see

i see and i know this i love that
ig et to chosoe this i love tha
i get to choose this
i love that i get to feel good i love that

i get to feel good get to feel the flow

get to keep my mind and thoughts off this worlds
and grateful for the contrast the ha

that hleps m foc

me focus grateful i get to choose grateful i f

i feel the god self i feel the feeling of the entire
focus celebrating the entire focus and letting go

of everything else

i keep y

my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my ENTIRE

focus on the god within as the ONLY cause

of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as

grateful for the focus for the god self for the god
self for the god self for the god self

for the entire focus for the
feeling of entire focus

so grateful for the feeling of
the feeling of entire focus and
that i know the feeling of it
i know the feeling
when it clicks

entire focus

i kow the fee

i know the feeling and i know that the secret t life

to life is entire focus on the god within
on the knowledge of who and what i am
on the knowledge that i am
always creating my reality with my thoughts
feelings and emotions and the

only thing i can ever do the ONLY

thing i can ever do is remember that
i know this is my power i know this is my power

i know this is teh a

the answer to everything i know this is teh secret
to everything i know this

i know th

i know this feeling is all there is
and that is why ip lace

my entire focus on this feeling
on this knowledge
on this truth and i now that

i know that i can only ever

vibrate for me
i choose it i choose it i choose it
i choose it i choose it

grateful for this day

grateful for this day for
this moment for the
the entire focus on tehg od

teh god with
the god within grateul

grateful for this knowledge
to be brave enough to do it
to take the big leap into

into god mode into fully trusting
god into fully trusting god i knw this
i know this is it i know this is
it the work i know t
i know this is

work is easy its either on or off
and its not a journey
its a now

its on or off

it’s on or off the bus

i know this i know the feeling i know
the feeling of totally giving in to god i know the

feeling i keep my mid and


mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on teh god

the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial affairs
as the substance of all things visible

i place my faith in the principle of abundance in
action within me

entire focus and i know the feeling
its muscle isolation
but with the god muscle

just flexing the god muscle
just flex the god muscle and know it’s

taken care of

i keep my mind and thoughts off
this world and it frees up so
much creative energy it

frees up so much energy
and make s me

makes me feel light
like i’m flying like ui==

i’m floating

i know i can just trust this moment
i know i can just feel
this moment i

i know i can jst

just feel this moment
i feel this moment
i feel

i feel this i feel this i
feel this i feel this i feel this

i feel this i feel this
i feel this i feel

i feel the entirey of t


of this moment i

i keep my mind and thoughts off this
world and place my entire focus on the
god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as
the only activity in my financial affairs
as the substance of all things visible
i place my faith in the principle of
abundance in action within me

i know the feeling i know the feeling
i know the feeling of flexing he g

the god muscle and that feeling
of on the bus in this moment

is all there is in life

that is all there is to achieve
and it is all ther is that is worth
seeking out becuase
everything else is just a proxy for that feeling

i know this i know this
i know this that life happens right now
and then it adds up to a bunch of right nows but

for now

it’s only right now and it only
will ever be so all i can do
is place my entire focus on
feeling good

taht’s all
it is that’s all it is

placing my entire focus on
feeling good making the time
to create the world i want to see

and feel that is all it is

feeling the feeling one moment at a time

when i am aware

when i am aware when i am aware and that’s all it requires

awareness when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth and can relax

relax relax relax

in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuously

easily and effortlessly pouring forth from
my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in the flow i am now aware i am now in the flow

when i am aware of the god self within me as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of thef low
the radiation of creative energy which is
easily and effortlessly pouring froth

forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i get to feel good i get to enjoy life
i get to have fun i get to allow the flow to flow through me
i get to have fun

and mostly!

i get to say yes thank you!!

i’ve been feeling guilty and afraid ah

when i could be feeling grateful

i can choose gratitude instead and then i feel better
i don’t have to feel guilty
i don’t have to be afraid of the future

i can just say thank you for everything that is
and kow that life

that life will continue to provide knowing that it
always does knowing that all of our spoils are evidence of that!!!

i know this i know this
it’s evidence of god!!!

i get to say thank you for the god

presence the presents of god
i get to say thank you and

i never have to feel bad because that is
god at work so grateful i know i ah

i am always c

taken care of so grateful i know that god is
always taking care of me and so graetful to

to come here and remember that i
always get to choose how i feel about that
and how i feel drives my life

i know thsi know that
i know that how i feel adds up to how
i live

i know this and i know that all that
matters is how i feel all that matters is

how i feel i love that i know ths i love
i love that it just doesn’t matter s

i love that rent is paid i love that life is paid
i love that life just keeps rolling
no matter what is “happening”

it’s all the same now its all the same now

i get to feel good i don thave

have to feel bad i dont have to
feel bed i get to feel good ig et to

i get to feel good i get to say yes say yes
to life to life to flie

i get to say ys to the divine


when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge that the activity
of divine abundance is eternally opertaing in

operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuosly

easily and effortlessly pouring fr

forth from my divine consciousness
i am now aware i am now in the flow i am now ware i

i am now in the flow

when i am aware of the god self within me as my
total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

when i am aware that i am god
i have everything because i remember that i do

i don’t have to change a thing just accept
and say thank you that i already i love that i know this
already i love that i’ve had so many years to

practice it i love that i know thsi

i love that i know this i love tha

that i know this

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be awrae of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuosly easily

and effortlessly pouring forth from
my divine consciousness

i am now awre

i am now aware i am now in the flow

so grateful to know this
so grateful to feel good to feel the

lust for life to know that my fulfillment
is within and i get to know this and
this is the only knowledge
and also the secret to life

i have found the secret to life

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life

and can relax in the knowledge that the
activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of thef low
the radiation of creative energy which is

easily and effortlessly pouring froth
from my diving consciousness

i am now awre

i am now in the flow

so grateful to feel free to feel good in this
here and now to feel the flow of life flowing through me
to feel good

so gratefult o feel g

to feel good to feel good to
feel good so grateful to feel good now

to feel good nowt o feel the
certainty of life so grateful to feel the certainty.

make all things new

i can make all things new in each moemnt
adn and each moment is new

i come here to flex the muscles
to flex the focus mcusle


muscle i come her to

to remember who and what i am to remember
i came to feel good to remember to celebrate
life to remember the feeling of

celebrating to

life o remem

to remember to feel the feelig to
remember love to remember to love
to send the s


signal of love
it feels good to love
it feels good to love
this right now it f

feels to
good to remember the feeling of

of life

love and its important to remember it often
because then

i always have clos pr

close proximity to it
so grateful for this day

cooking and having fun
for enjoying the comapny of my wife
so grateful fo

we have each other
so grateful for the abundance that is flowing
so grateful for
the fcous

focus for choosing
knowing now i choose knowing


i choose ing
i choose knwoing

the divine power to
restore the years the locusts have eaten
make all things new and lift m

me up to the high road of abundant prosperity

i know this and this is where ia m focus


so grateful for sub payments!!

so grateful for fun!
for our porch!
for our cats!
for candy!!

so grateful to feel good to feel good now
that everything is working out

so grateful for grocerites that came right away!

so graetful we can afford it
so grateful for paymetns !!!

we made so much in passive today!!

so grateful it’s working
so grateful life is working to and a

through me to and through me
to and through me to and through me to and through me

thank you for remeind i

reminding me of the energy of life
so grateful to come here and tune myself
back to love so grateful to

tune myself back to love so
grateful to feel the feeling to

focus the on the feeling to

flex the muscle so grateful to flex the msucle


so grateful to do this work
to flex this muscle
to remember who i am

this awareness understanding
and knowledge of spirit

appears as every visible form and experience

i can possibly desire.

my consciousness of the spirit within me
as my unlimited source
is the divine power to restore the years the locusts have eaten

make all things new

to lift me up to the high road of abundant



i can do it i can focus i ocu

i focus on what i know is the truth and
allow thwe world
wht e

the words to flow i know this is all i can
do is let go zoom out oz

zoom out remember who and what i am
i know that is my birth right

to ignor every

ignore everything else

and trust to ignore ver
everything else and trust ignore everything else and trust
ignore everything else and trust

focus focus
entire focus on the god within

this aware ness understanding and knowledge
of spirit
appears as every visible form and
i could possibly imagine.

thank you for this knowledge and
for the

ability to just enjoy and relish

this moment so greateful
so grateful forth

for this moment for all that led up to it
to get to choose to be grateful for this
perfect momemtn
and relish it and enjoy it
so gratefult o e

enjoy thismom

this moem moment so grateful fo

to enjoy thism oment this moment
so g

grateful to just feel it just
feel it just feel the flow just
feel the

flow just feel the flow feel the moment

feel the god self in this moment
and keeping in the practice of tuning the instrument

keeps me there tuned aligned

the consciousness of the spirit
within me

fixes everything it heals all wounds

make all things new
elevate me

i know it’s all there
i know it’s snowballing i know this
i know this

i feel its truth i feel the certainty of it and i say yes thank you!!!

i say yes thank you for everything that’s working out for me

yes! thank you!!

yes thank you i feel connected i feel knowing
i feel the feeling of knowig

i know the feeling of knowing
and i know this feeling is my supply
so when i come here to do t

this work this writing

really waht i’m doing is replenishing my supply
so if i ever feel lack

i can come here and replenish my supply
i know that is true@@

for a fact i love that i know this and i love
doing the work to come
here and remember it

to come here and remember it
remember to celebrate it
remember to say yes to it remember to

be grateful remember to be grateful for all
that you have so graetful to
to feel the feeling
to feel the
feeling to feel th

the feeling
so grateful
to feel grateful

to remember who i am
i am to

remember what i am
to remember the feeling of knowing that
there’s always more than enough
and to celebrate that truth

i get to choose i get to choose alignment
i get to choose god

on all things i get to choose god
on all things i
get to choose to align with god to see

how god would see it i get to see

see how god would see it

i’m here now its here now

its here now and so iam

its here now and so iam
i am here aligned with my source

my unlimited source i am
here aligned with my

unlimited source so
grateful for all that

that is flowing s

so grateful for to commune with life
and say yes!!

thank you for the unlimited source flowing through me!
thank you for the alignment with that truth!