its me its never them

and that’s the new lesson life is teaching me the new
level life is bringing me and i say thank you fr
for the work thank you for the focus thank you fo th
for the power fo the next level thatnk
thank you fo th
the next lev

its never outside me and i know hat is
the that is the abundance the feeling inside me is the only abundace
it sthe nly t
the only thing
its all there is the o

its me its me its me its m
its me it si ti tits me
it si it iit
it itis me

i know ti i nkow the one ando nl;y abundnc ti know my

my understaing is my supply

and im brave enough to rest there
im braven e
enough to rest in the understaind
understanding i brave enough to rest in the understanding

i’m brave enough to t
rest in the understanding
im braven
enough to rest in the understanding

i hate you i hate you so very much i hate you
and i wish i was awaay from you i wasih
i was sawy away from all this i hate you for it

i hate you for all this because its your fauslt
that our life is so dumb and fake
i hate you i hte you for out i i hate you for all this
i hate

for all this i hate you for all this
i hate you for all this i fucking hate you i hate yo i ateh
i hta fi

i fucking hate you

i hate you for how yo
i feel i hate you for how fack
you you are you’re fucking fake


you’re fucking fake you’re so fucking fake

there’s only silence

i know there is only the silnec ei know ti know the magic of life
and its not thining i know the mgic of life im back to the
to the magic ofl ie
to the feeling i knwo that everything is in the feeling i know that
loe i

love is in the feeling i know that love is a feelig
not a thoughta nd i can i always feel it i can fi
feel it is
here it

the focus is all there is and i celebrate it i drop it
but i piick ut
it ba
pack up againa and i knwo i a
always can i know tis

its never anyone else ist
its me its the feeling of me i choose the feeling
of me andl ife reflects it

i nevver have to think i never hve to wondder
i love mak

i never have hope for the truth
i h
have no hope for the truth
i have

i have no hope for the future
i have no hope for the tur

my entire o
focus ins
is n the here and now i know the d

difference in ho i feel depencing on where my focus is and i know its up to me
to make the hcoice to c h
have a good t
dayi knwo tis only ever me
making the choice to feel good and have a godo day

1i nwo the one and only truth
and its he
eay to focus here and in the rhea idn
now with the one aond
only truth i nkow the one

and only truth and its
easy to focus
in the here and now knowing that its only
ever me its eay to focus ont he silne c
when i now its only ever me i lov that its
work i lvoe the poweer of the focus i love that
feel soog


i love feeling good i ilove feeling happy i loe
feeling confidnet in life i lovee
taking caring of my life i love
getting to have tit all i love that i get to i

i love that ig et to choose the focus
and know this

this focus this focus this focus this
focus is all there is

the silence so grateful to know
its only ever mt ot nkow that its never anyone
else i know tis only
ever me i know its never any
anyone else i love that i
get to feel good i love feeling sk

in mmy clothes i love that i love
i thougth that wored out perfectly
i love how easy it is i love
how esily

it is to feel good i loe that i now lov
life is always flowing perfectly

i kwo the feeling i know the placeless plce
i know the pce

placce behine the thougths i love that i can breath todya
i love htat i feel at east todayi feel the flow fowing
today i love that i feel
at ease to day i

feel at ease today
i love feelign the plc behined
the thougths i
love that i get to be it i b
get to be the placce behine thid

behind the thoughts
id ont have to think about it
i dont have to
about it
i dont have
to think about it

there’s no thouht there’s no thought
there’s no tsuch such thing
as thouht there

ther’s noth

no thought is real i nkow the truth the
one aodn ly
only truth and all ic an do is focus on it
all of lfie shows me who i am
what i am

i am the one aond ony creator and i nkow its

up to me to feel my life to see my life
how i watnt
wantt o see it i see my life how i want to see it

its only ever the focus of me and i nkow this
its me ai love when i feel good i love when i
feel confidence in myself and my poer and in life
i feel confident in life
i know that life takes care of life i know that life
takes care
of life

the placeless place the placeless place

im there

there’ snly one place
ther only one aosl
solution i know it i nwo it i kno it s
so well i knwo the feeling so esael
well i know that life lis working ot so werll
i knwo that life is going grea i ove tha
i get to do it i love that
i get to do it i love
that i ge tto feel good that
i ge tto feel the flow of life flowing through me

love only happens in sielnce love only happens and
in silence and misery only happens in the chatter

love only happens in silence
and misery only pha

happens in the chatter

its me its me behind the chatter
its me as the source
and i et to cho
to trust that i get to choose me i choose me

choose me over and over i choose me i stand up for me i stand
up to my s
thoughts and choose my bliss behind the thougths
ic hoose teh t
ghte gose
god self the god feeling i choose the god feeling i choose the god feeling

there only
only one focus
and its the placeless place
its the placeless place

that’s all there is is the the magic feeling
or not the

absence of thougth or noth and tahts all it is
to fel how towant to feel or choose to feel how you codnt but
you but your always choose its time to
make the choice
for what wnat i watn to ake
act ast
as if to act as if
to act as if

its time to act as if its tie to act as ti
if and i knwo thats all ica nd o

i’m mad i’m irritated

i think im just a bad personim
it hink im just a bad person ca
who can neer
never be hapy
happy i think im just ba bad hperons who wh
can never be happy and im
bettr hoff
just staying alone than dragging up
other people down

ram is all there is

just focus on ram is all there is

i love having a good day i loe having a good day
i loe alloing the good energy to flow
i forgive myself

i love having a good day i love
feeling the flow flow i love that tis eay to flilp the switch

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes to
everything that is
i didn’t do anything wrong yes to everything that is

yes to everything that is ye
to everything that is
yes to everything that is becaua
yes to everything that is
yes to everything that is

yes yes yes yesy eyse yes
resistance free and i
i know i am id i am
it i am god i am
the god sel

i am the silnec ie kndo hve to think about
its easyt o tu

return to the stilne ce to remember the silnce re
grateufl to for the contrast to remember the slicne

its me its my confidnece in life
its my coni
in life is m
its my understain of life
tis my letting go
its m

me letting go me letting god thank go dme
letting god
me feeling the feeling i want
me commanding the feeling i prefer

me commanding

me choosing it now feeling
ating peace and happiness

so graeudfl to rofucs to rmember what i want to focus what i wan
iam focus edon the flow on the fli
life iw prfe i am focuse don enjoy lfie on sayig yes to life iam
focsu on saying eys yes yes to lfie
to sayine goy
yes to life

saying yes to life im saying yes to tot life im saying eys to life

thank you thank you thank you

ye ye yes y yes yes yes

yes yes yesy esy y syes

i release all of it i relae it isay esy
to everything that is i say yes to eveyrthing that is i celebat
everthing that is
i celebrat the
love in my heart
the love

in silence i sc

the love in silnce
the soluntion in sol
i sc

celebate the love in

its neve them its its
and this is the only one aond only work i can do
i is
flip is let go
let og ocmpetl eand i love hta i

its me its itsm
tis the thought its just the thougths
thats it
go back to silence any tiem and thern
thre’s nothing

go back to silence any time and ther’s nthing
thats all there is and thats all ic an

if the chatter is there
so is the ego it fhte ch

if the chatter is here
si is the eog

just take the pathless path and im there

with awareness
everything wroks or
out perfeclty
relax into silnce and alow everything
to be perfect how it is

i have a bad attitdue i amd ma dm a

im mad for no reson
reason im m ad for no reaodn i ahve a a mbasd
attituce ihave h

ive have
had one since iw oek up becaues some
one is impositn gosmeething on me

another fucking hassle and im
right im
right in my indignation

its only ever me

i know tis only ever me and only i get to choose how i feel
only i can choose the day onli
only i get to choose the feeling of the day
the focus of the day
the feeling of the day
the focus of the day
the feeling of the day the focus of the day only
i get to choose the
feeling of the day only i can choosee how if eel fr
right now onlyi can ig etot
choose how it
the day unfolds
only i get ot choose how the day unfolds

its up to me to say yes its up to me to say
yes onlyi can say ye only i cn create my world only i can
be grateful

just say yes and feel the
feeling of god that’s all i can do is feel the
feeling of god
not holding

anything against anyone
and tha’s the only way to feel good
i know the feeling is her ei nkow
‘i ahve it i know
tis haleay

alawys here with me i get to
always tap into it

the silence is always here and now
the silnece is
alwas here and now

the silence is always here and now i love th

i feel good if feel better i feel relief
i feel knowing i feel
expressed i feel

like im healing like i acan can do it that
i kwo that its me its the mind its the
mind resisting insteadof syaing eys

its’ the mind reissitning its
its the mind
its the mind
its the mind resisting
its the mind resisting

in silence is all the solutions
and i know this it htis is the this it
is the work going back to silence

its me creating its i
me creating it and im so
grateufl to see to be awrae its me
its me
caring its me
waking up in a ma
bad mood becaue im resisting
its me
its me lokout
loutside off o
me to instead o
to god that’s all it its
god say eys tgod
go s

sayes yes god saye
sayes yes god says

god says yes god says yes t
god says yes
god says yes god say ys

god says yes god says
yes yes yes is tal
all there is silence is
all there is
and all of the solutions are in sli
silnece is
the feeling i seek

silence is the feeling i seek silence
is the feeling i seek so graetful its a good day
sog reatufl it
grateufl its working
that we get to have both so grateufl i get to
say yes ot the silne c
i get to

feel the silence i get to swithc

its me and i get to feel good and be happy it swork sits work

im healing i now im healing i nko im healing
i knwo i would rather feel good
and have a good day a
i know its something deeper and its in me i know its m e

i know the solution is silence i know its
doesn’t matter i know nothing matters all there is is
is silence all i can do is feel silence now
all i can do is
is feel the silence now all ic an do is

focus here and now and feel

complete there’s nothing to heop
hope for there’s nthing to hope for

all there is is
understanding is everthing


understanding is everything
i love
that its a good day

i love that
we god a new sub!!

i ilove that we go
got orders!!

i love that its working!

i love that its fun i lov ehtat
its its fun!!

its me its me its me its me
never them its ne m e
and im a
brave enough to be teh slie
silnct god right now
i am

brave enough to e th
to be the silent god silent

god is all there is ram is all
all there is ram is all ther eis

the focus on attention’s source
is all ther eis i
all there is allow the heart to sing allow the
heart to singa

allow the heart to sing allow the
the heart to sing allow the heart to sing allow the heart to sing

allow the hert to sing
heart to sing allow the heart

to sing

its me its me focusing or not
thats all it is
its me i tits me holding my breath or not
its me its

its me holding my breath or nt
pinching off theflow or not

im saying yes im saying yes im saying eys
and its only ever mim saying yes
and its only ever me
i celebratingl ife

and its me the
its the focus of me its the love of me
i am the source of all of it i can feel it
in the silence i feel gods love in the silenc ei can
only love in silence i can
only love l
in ci

silence i can only hve
loe in

lovve in silence i can only love
in silence

the focus is all there is the focus
is all there is the focus is all there is this
is time i spence working im doing it im
focus im focus on the

the silence i’m focused
ion the silnece

its here now abundance is here
now love is here nwo
loe is here now
but only in the silence

connection is here now
but only in the silnce
only in the silnce
connection is here now
love is here now choose to feel the love and its there
choose to feel the
love and its there

feel the feeling and its
there c

the feeling and its there

feel the feeling
and its already here feel the feeling i
and its already here i love that we get to have ti all

today is a good day

and i tel lie i tell
life how it is i tell life how it is
i love waking up feelinggood
i love
the watering i loe enjoying life with my wife i love
lauging and having fun i love
enjoying each others company i love
feeling love i ilove
feeling the flow
the flo

the loe flow through me i love making the choice to enjoy the day
i love knongi th

knowing that i feel it and then it is

i love orders!
i loe that its working!!

i loe that the staus meeting was easy
and its flowing i love hwen class is fun i love our
generous neightbors i love
getting a show i loe
knwoing the

they do it on puurpouse

i loe that i nkow i love i love that i get t feel yes i get to eel the
feeling of yes i get to feel the feeling of abundance i
get to feel the feeling f yes i get to feel the
feeling of yes i get to feel

i loe feeling good i love feeling the flow flowing

i love feeling good the
ow flow flowing the ram breaking the rock the raom

ram is breaking the rock and that is all there
is the

i l

i feel good about myself i feel good about my
life i feel good about mmyself i feel good about my life
i feel po

optimistic i know that i can do it i now that i can
imagine the life i prefer i nkow that life has to

reflect it i kow that i never have to i
i never have to worry about the furte i never

neve have to hope for anything in the futrue
buecae i have it her
and now i never have to ha
heop becaues i hav

i ahve it here and now i and i love that i now that

i love the feeling of the focus
of the god self of the knowing slef focusing only
the kknowing sellf i love
the feeling of the focus knwoing the
focus allowing the focus

on the flow the flow is all
there is money isn’t the suply
and i nkow this

yes yes yes yes yes
ye yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
ye yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes esy
yes yes yes yes yes yre

yes yre
yes yes yes yey i now the truthi know the tthe flow i nkow its work
i relish that its working
i feel the feeling of love flowing
through me i love
the feeling of love
flowing through me the flow flowing me
through me oos grateufl to feel good to feel the flow
flowing to have a good day to celebrate to have a focsu


i feel good i ilove feeling good i ilove
nwoing that

i kwo that i know
i know i kow i now i

yes yes yes yes yes yesy ey ey eys
i love doing the work i love the power of the focus
i love the poweer of the focus i love doing ti i

i love doing ti i love doing it i love the power
of the focus i love that its working i love
that its working i loive that its

its working i love
that its workin gi feel the flow flowing
i feel rma
i feel ram

i love using my talents i love haing
having a godo idea

i love i love i llove love

you can’t love with the ego
you can only love in silnece
you can only love in
silence you cant love with the separate self

you can only love you can onlly

you can only

loe silently i knwo this i nkow the
feeling of silence i now the feeling drives life i know the feeling
predeceds life i knwo that this is teh only focus
the feeling is the only focus
and wit

focus comes the feeling with focus
comes the feeling its so esay
to focus and know
i never have to wonder
i never have to hope
for something in the futre
that i alays have right here and now
i have it here and now

i have awareenss
here and now i have understanding here and now

the silnece is all there
is the silence is all ther is
answer it with

silnece aner it with silence resolve it with silnce resolve it with silence resolve it with silnece i know i nkwo life is good i know
i never hve to care becuase i already have verything i need

i dont have to care what anyone sel

else does i enjoy life for me
i enj
enjoy life for me i feel good

i am i am i am is the treasure

i am is the treasure

gaive up and turn within
give up and turn within
give up and turn withn

give up and put all the foucs
on understaing the god wtih
the part tha tnever changees look only to this
look only to lsilnece
look only to

look only to silnece and know its already here
all already here whatever i seek is already here

silnece is all the is silnce is all ther is

silence is all there is
silence is all there

silence is all there is
no thought is all there is no thought is all there is

i already have everything
i could ever want
i already have everything i want

total fulfillment
i don tneed anything else
i already have it

i already have it

i already am it i lready am it i already am it

its silence

there is only ever silence and i ow this
there’s nothing else
i am totally confident in the silence

all i am is silence i
just sa
ask the sol
silence just turn toward the silence and all the
solutions are there

the only work

the only poer the only poweer so
grateufl to choose teh only power the power of silence so grateful to
get to choose it to get to

the only work is sielnes in
and i say yes i say yes its esay to feel the power

easy to fele the silence to choose the feeling of the silnc
es its so easy
to choose to fe

the silence is all there is

the silence is all there is
its the only place
is the only feeling
its the only resolution
the silence is the only resoluiton
everything go hold nothing against no one hold nthing against no one
relase the seam

release the chatter and life already is

release the chatter and life already is releae the chatter and life already is

thank you
is a

feel for the
feel f
for the silence ffel
fo the
feel o the
for the silence fr
feel for the silence

for the silence feel for
the silence
that’sa ll there is jsut
feel the silence thatsl

all i can d
i know its me i know its isi nkow its me

i’m happy im
celebrating life im celebrating the

i stand by
the choice

i stand by it

i know that life is flowing
perfectl i now that
im making the right choice

i knwo this i nkwo this
its for me its nothing else
its m

for me its nothing else
i love you but i have to do this
i have to

take my time back i have to take m time back i

i took my time mback

i take my silence back i choose my silence first and the rs
trest unfolds i choose my silence first and the rest
unfolds i choose my silence first

and the i love
that i get to love i love that
gt to
choose the love in silence the pure love of
silence the purce

pure love of silence
the pure love in silence the pure love in

get to choose it i get to choose i get to choose
the silence i get to choose the silence

the silnece is the solutions
silence is the solution
is the one and only solution
silence is the one and
only solution silence is the

one and only solution

the silence is always the anser
silence is always the answer
silence is

always the answer i know i knwo i can
always trust my gut feeling as
as long as im doing that i know im donig

right thing that’s al i can do is trust my ugt
and allow life to flow trust
the feeling and allow life to flow
i know im doing the right thing
i know in
im turning myself downstrem i know

i kow

i know the silence is everything
i knwo the silence
is everything i can choose the flow
i can choose love

i can aal

always choose the silence
the feeing of the floww the feeling of the flow
the feeling of the flow

the feeling of the

the feeling of god the knowing god knwoign
god knowing god has my back knowing god is
proud of me for choosing

MY vortex
i choose MY vortex and allowl ife
to flow from that
i choose MY vortex and allow
life to flow from that i now that all of

life flows from that i know that all
of life flows from that

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
im doing it im doing it im doing it im doing it
im choosing my silence
and allowing the rest to unfold
dong have to care i never havet o wonder
i never havet wo t
to wonder whats going to ah
happen just sink inot the feeling
i n
i never
have to wondder whats going to ahppen
just sink intot he eeling
the feeling

the silence is all thre
there is the silnece is the only solutin
no thoughts no assumptions no

separate self ther
is no separate self there is no
separate self there is no separaete sa
self i now thsi knw its all me it
only reflects me it only relf

shows me mysl its it ionly shows me myself it only
it ican only ever show me myself i take m
back my time i
i tiake mbackk my time i take m
back bm
my vortex my focus my powwer i take back
my power

my powwer i take back my poer i take
back my power

the silence is all there is
finding the silence is the number one priority
always i kow

its only me its never them its never them its me

never them is me its never
them its m e mits never
them its me

its never them its me
it s

its never them its me its me
its me its my own silence i know this

i sink into myself
the raelity of me


sweet silence
is all there is
witnessing is all
there is

is all there is
understanding is
all there is
witnessing is all there is
silence is
all there is

is all there is silence is
all there is silece is all
there is and i know this
i know the silence and im

gateulf for the time and psace to practice it ti praccitce it i knoaw my power and i
i know my power and i know what i havet o do to
take it back
and im not sorry for that

i need my power for me

i always have more than enough i always
have more than enough i always

have more than
enough i always

have more than enough i know that life is
flowing perfectly i know that iam the
source of love i a the sourcce of my own votex

vortex i nkow that is the only pursuit i know
i can all

let all the rest go i let all ther est go i h

wish the best for it all i know that god
will take care of them
i now

i know that god takes care of ti s
ita ll

god takes care of everything
in silence

the tao does nothing
but leaves nothign left undone

floating downstream

is all i can is all i can ever do
just go with the flow
is all i an ever do just trut the
trust the flo trust the flow

trust the flow and be aware and that’s all ic an
do is let go of the
the thoughts and know that life

downstream is the only way and i know it i know the
feelingo f it and i now i et to
get to choose it i know i get to choose it
i knoww i getto choose it i now

i knwo the one and only truth
and its god i know the one ao
and only truth and its god

it’s working its working its esay to
hve t
it all its j
eay tto tust the feeling its
eay to do the work right now
to use my time right now its easy
to feel good right now

to feel the flow right now its

easy to feel the flow to focus on the focu s
to focus on the feeling to know the feeling thank you
god for the feeling

the silence in knowig the
silence in knowing making the choice
so graetufl to make the choice to
get to make the choice for me for
how i watn to feel so grateufl to
ge tto enjoy the day
for me so grateful to stande

to tand up for myself and i love that i get ti love that i get ot i loe
making th the best choice for me and i know it is
i love that i get i love that i get ot

to feel good now

the silence the silence the

silence is all there is i know i make the time to
feel the god feeling i make the time to feel
the god feeling i make the time to feel the god feeling i do
me i

i expec


i love the feeling
of me i love the feeling of me i loe

i now
i love the feeling of me i love the
feeling of getting to
feel good no matter what i love that i
dont have to think today i loe that
i dont have to think today

just enjoythe ride

just enjoy the ride i knwo tis eay
to focus i knwo tis
esy to feel the
flow flowing tis esay to feel the
flow flowing i lovve
stanidn up for myself and my time!!!

silence is all there is
the natureal peace is all there is

the ffocus the focus the one aond only
placeless place and im there i never have to wonder

i preer to feel sure i prefer to feel sure
to feel focused in thi here and now
and i love that i get i i i

i love that im doing the work i want to do i love
that im standing up for myself i love that
im choosing my vortex if i just choose my
vortex i now
i know im doing the right think

thing i choose the feeling of love
and understanding i choos the
feeling of loe and
love and understanding
i choose the flow i choose war

understanding i choose understanding
of how life works i send the signal of love
i send the signal of love
and let go and

allow life to flow i get to out of the way
and allow life
and love to flow i lo
i love the feeling of knwoing that

the foucs is always here and now the focus is always here
and now the focus
is always here and now

floating downstream and tha’s all i can
do it feels good totake the c

the reigns of the boat and allw myself to flow
it feels good to take the reigns again
it feels good to take the rei

reigns again
and trust god i know that god will always
tell me what to do i know that
god will always t

tell me what to do

saying yes saying yes saying yes to me to the flow
to the flow
i can focus
i focus i feel the feeling of yes i focs
and feel the feeling of yes

the feeling of yes so graetful to make time
for myself to make time for myself i did it !!

im celebrating me
standing up for myself i did it i did
it i loe that i did it i love that
i did i it i love it i
that i nkwo i loe that i kno the feeling of yes and i can
always keep coming back to it

i knwo the foxua i know the stream
i know the p

feeling of switching the mind to positive
i swithc the mind to positive
i say yes yes yes

i say yes yesy yes

that’s all i cn
can do is say yes and feel good so tratufl to feel good
to know i
i’m doing the right thing i trust
im tursting the flow and

its the focus and i feel good i feel so good hre and on

doing the work using the contrast the hlep me
focus knwoiing up
im doing the right thing
standing up for msyelf

falling silent knowing nothing
exists besides silence
just feeling good just feeling good
is al there i

all ther ei just feeling good is all there is
just feeling
good is all

there is

the silence is al there is and i love that i nkow
i love focusing on the truth i loe feeling the truth i love
that life helps me i love htat id ont

care i love that i dont care what happens i love that i
dont care what ahppens
becaue i don thave to htink about it

i just enjoy this
here and know

knowing its perfect feling the feeling of knwoing
feeling the feeling of knwoing

feeling the feeling of knowing
feeling the feeling
of knowing

of knwoing feeling the feeling of knwoing

yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes

is all there is understnading

is the currency and i nwo this
i nkow this i know that
is the ccurrecny
i now that understanding
is the currency