floating downstream

is all i can dal
all i can do is say yes all i can do is flip i
all i can do is flip to yes
just keep

switching to yes
switching to yes that’s all i can that’s all i can do all

understanding is all there is
focus is all there is looking for satisfatccions
is all there is switcht he mind to p
switch thte ind t

i am brave enough to switch to yes i say yes to lif
ei i dont fight against it i say yes to the flo
flowing to the fow the flow flowing the flow

the flowing the flow flowing i saye to the
the flow flowing to the flow flowing
to the flow flowing to the flow flowing
to the flow flowing
i say yes to the flow

float downstream floww st
downstream sy say yes to and be silent
float downstream
say yes tand

feel silent fallsilen
that’s me thta’t
that’s all on me its all on me its all
on me wher ei focus
as long as im focused on god the ret doesn’t matter it
tnmatter what
where i am if i a
focusing on god

the focus the yes the feeling of yes the focus
of yes the awarenss
of sliencce
the awrene of silence and i know that’s all it it s
i know for sure i kow for sure
i know for
for sure i knwo for the she



yes ys yes yesy turnig the boat
trusting life knowing the feeling
knwoing i knwo i
i nkow
i nko i now

i known i
i dont anythingto
to change i nkwo life is always on my
sid ie nkow
i knwo the more i fee
i feel that it it s
the easier it s
to get to the feeling i nkwo life is taking care of us
i knwo that the perfect thing is always hapenindg
im happe
gahappy becaue wahts ahppenidn is

i’m happy because the perfect thisn
is always flowing to and

i say yes all i do is say yes
yes ye yes yes yes yes
i say yes i release the mind and

i release the mind i release the ego
and i just am and that’s all there is

i know i now how life really works
and i can let myself release that completely
i can just say yes to gods plan
i can say yes to gods plan i cna let go completely i can

yes just say yes just sya y
say yes and keep allowing what i want i now
i know that life is alawys flowing
to and through me and
as lone as i
i say esy

keep saying yes

keep saying yes deny
the rest deny

anyting that is not the truth
t the truth only
the truth only
the truth that

god love sme god helps me
god love
love s me and is always hepling me as long i keepsaying
yes i say yes it and

knwo ti i know i t

my awareenss
and knowledge
of the all provviding
activity of the divvine mind
me is my supply

my awareness
and knowledge of
the all providing activvity
of the divinne mind within me
is my supply

my awareness
and knkowledge
of the all providing
fot he divine mind
within me is my supply

just focus on yes just
let go of the

constanct chatter
i dont need the chatter
i realse the chatter
that’s all it is that’s all
relase the chatter
and feel good
release the chatter
and feel good
and make room
for god
na dmake foor

room for god stnad up to u
your thoughts stand up to your thougths you
re creating it sm ei ch
get ti choose what i believe i knwo i get t
ti et thr
i always get through i always get through
to the truth i always find the truth again the truth
is lways here waiting for me

after i stand up to my thoughts

life is good i refuse to sufffer
im happy

an life takes ccare of the rest choose
the feeling of im happy and life takes care of the
rest i knwo the feeling and i nko

i know how to choose it i knwo the feelign
and i choose i know how to cchoose i chose

i chose it that is the only work that
is the only my


money is not mys supplly

my awreenss
understandin and knowlgne
of that
allpricing activinty

of the divine mind within me
is my supply

understanding is the supply

just say yes jsut say yes

understanding is m spply
understanding is my supply

is my supply
and i kwo this i nwo that

constantly creating my world
my world i’m constantly creating my wrold

my world im saying yes im flowing


floating im floating
i’m floating
im floating downdt

downstream dna tir stu
i trust it i trut that its j
right here and i jump into it

all i can do is
release the chatter
and be aware
of the truth

and understand

and knowledge

of the all
providing activity
of the divine mind
within me

understanding and nowl
and knowledge
of the all providing
activity of
the divine mind
within me

yes is all there is yes is all there is
yes is god yes i

is understanding
yse be

is communion
with god yes is
communtion with god
yes is communion with god
yes is
communion with god

yes yesy eys
is all there is yes

or silence
and i know this
i let it all bo
go all i am is
i nkwo thie
this all i ca
am is silence
i let the rest go
and commune with the silence

in the silence
the silence of god is
gos i
god is tehs i
the silence
god is the silence
the more silence the colser
closer to god

celebrating my power

celebrating yes
celebrating life right now
that life is good
allowing life to be
good saying yes life is
good not
holding anything against
feeling good feeli
allowing the flow of lfie
whtever happens i
allowing whatever happes
no minding whta happense

not caring what hapesn

the only work

the only foucs is paying attention to how i feel and
then refusing to feel that way if i dot want
i refuseing
to feel that way if i dont want to
so gateful fro the mirror so th
to show me

grateful to alloww myself love grateufl
to allow myself lov
egreatufl to allow lfov
elove fra
grateufl to allow life to

nothing is everr missing and i know that isup
to to me to go

go the directionless direction
every time
i lo
i know that life is infiitely abbundnct
i see abundce

everywhere i look i
see abundnce everywhere i look
i know that
i can do i i on
i know htat i can release old beliefe

the one and only feeling the one and only power
and i know i can do it i can
enjoy my life i cn a

can enjoy my life i
feel the feeling of total fulfillment

when i am awaer of the god self within me as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfiflled

i know that
i know that nothings missing i nkow that ntohign its midding i revel in my power i revel in my power
i feel pm
my power i feel life coming to me
i know that life is ca
alwayas coming to me i nkow that i can relax and know
that life is always ccoming to me i nkwo tis me
i knwo that i can do ‘it all i havve to is
do is be open to be it being differnece

i’m good at it i’m really good at
it im
really good at it im really good at it
i’m so good at it
sim so good at feeling the feeling
i’m so good at it
its my top skill my stop stk
skill ad i kwo tati
tis alll ic an do

tis all there is its all there is
is awareness thats all i need im find
here and now i deeply accept it i depely l

i choose knwoing i choose love i
choose l
god su

gods unconditional
i lo
i hoose me
i chooe me ad
as the cou
srouce the ony place
it ever comes from i hcoose me as the soruce i choose me
as the source i choose me
as the source i choose me
as the source i

dont think
that’s it its so easy dont think
just focus on the feeling
just focus on the feelin g
just focus on the feeling and tis so easy to feel it nown
it already is it ar
alreayd is i
i can trut fiht now
i can trust right now
i look at attentions source

its me its me its me its me its
its me
its the devotoni im im the source im the source
of my experience im the source of my p

experienceim the im the
im the souce
im the source its me nad i
ai knwo i know the powe of me i knwo i can do it i know i can aod i i know
i’m already there im alreayd
there im already there
i know that im already thtere

its me its
im the source as long as
i see within that’s all i can d
od i know this i knwo this

everywhere i am is abundct
life is always
is constatnly flowig to me life i
alwas flowing to me
i now that iam

awrae of the flow
of well being the raddiation
of creative energy
which is continuolsy
easily and
effortlessly pouring frt

forht from my divine sonc
consciouesnss i am now aware i am
noaw int he flow

i love that i know its mei love that i know
its me i love tha i know its me i loe that life is good

i love that it sworking
i love feeling at eas i ilove feeling releaec i love truting i love knowing

i know that life isalawys on my side

i know that life is alawys on my side
i knwo that all ic an do is feel
how iw atn to feel now

i can feel how iwant to feel now
i can allo lof
love now i can allow the god self now i can
turnat hte atteniotn within ow

i liove finding myself i ilove
finding my lust for life i ilove
feeling a lust for life
i love

feeling the laser foucs on god i love


i love hving all my tiem i love haivn
all my time i love doing whatever i want
i oe letting life take ma d
me and trusting it i love

i turst life
i trust
life i trust life i am devoted to how
my creation of i am devoted ot my creation of life
i am
devoted to my art

its only ever me creating it
perceiving it its only
ever me its me

its me its me it ups to me to alo
allw the version i prefer ot feel
it to stick to it

to it

its me and i now
i know there’s only one
feeling only one devotoin

one knowins
that life
life is alay
on my side
i knwo that life

is alawys working out
for me life always
wroks out for mee

nothings missing

i get to do the work i get to return
with fus

fistfulls of jwerels i get to return
with fistfuills of jwerels
i get ot ot to feel it now
i knwo im
creating it i nkow im

creating it i
with every thoguth
with ever belief

im returning with fistfulls
i have to i have to i hva to stand p
up to em
m thoutsh i have

i get to do it get to focus
i ca
et to feel the god self i get to
live magically
i get to lie magicalli
i get to
be the version i prefer
and then see it
tis the

only work i can do

the feeling

drives life and that’s all there i
i love

feeling safe in the moment i love feeling safe in the momment
knowing that life i
is on my side i love
feeling optimisitin
i love likeh

liking how i feel i lik
li li

i love liking my life enuogl my life right now
feeling like insth this great isnt’t hi great

i love not cring

i love waking up
feeling good i love feeling confidnt
i loe flowing i love that the lfow is alawys flowing
i love getting
to nejoy the dya
i love monringins outside in the garde
at one

with life
i love feeling in communions

in union with life no

knowing there is no spereat eself


all i can do is be alone all i can do is
is be alone all i can do is be alone all i can do is be alone

all i can do is be alone
is take care of me is be me and let
the rest unfold all i acn do
can do is get out of the way all
i can ever do is get out of the way

i’m lways alone i’m always alone
no matter what’s happening im always alone
no matter who is there im alawys

its only ever meim

no metter who is there
im alone
no matter who is ther
i’m alone

no matter where i go ill
always be alone
no matter that i do i’ll always
be alone

no matter what i’m always completely alone
no matter what i’m always completely alone
its only ever me its only ever me its only
ever me its always me

no matter where i am
i’m alone no matter who is there
i’m alone

i’m always alone
i’ll never not be alone

i want to have a good day

who am i
is all there is who am i ai
is all there is and ther’es nothing outsic eof mthat

there’s nothing t
else thersno the

outside of me its me its me it
i get to choose i get to choo
choose if iam aware of it or not i can
get tochoos
what i watn i get to choose what i want

thank you thank you
thankyou thank ou
thank you thank you
thank you thank you
is all ther eis is all ther eis
and i ilove tha ti knwo i love
taht im
closee it i love that i knwo the choice
i get
to tmake the cohice

right here and now i am awere i am aware
i am aware i look at it

and get o see it i love that i ge tti i love that
i get ti i l ove hat i get ti o li i lvoet hat
i getot
do it i loe tha t
i get ot do it

fli the switch
make the choice make the choice
make the choice ma

make the choice for what i prefer make the choice
for mwa
what i prefer and then see it i lvoe that i
get ti i l o
love that i geto
to i love that i get to

i choose it i choose to now make
problems i choose to align with love
to be theo the sourcce of love to send love to be the
sourcce of love i choose to feel ghood in my life i cho
i chose to feel godo in my lfie to celebrate the day to jump intot he day to feel the
eneryg of the day i choose to feel the eneryg of the day
i chose to feel

the enerrgy of life the dd

i choose to be the cner
energy o the day i choose not
to be the neryg of the day i chose to say thank you
i chose
to say thank you
i chose to day thank you
chose to day thank you
fro the ersieon ip refer and tjus
its jtust that easy
dot cceat problems

don’t ccreate problems and its just aht eays i love
that life is flowing i love that i life is good i love that i

i love that i get to feel the god feeling and know the
god if
feeling i get o thoce th
the god feeling ge tot know the god feeling get to know the
god feeling
get to tap into tget to focus on only god feeling
her to fee
on ly
only teh truth all i can do is focus
on the truth i cant ;let
me syt
myself get warptped up in anyting all i can do

is focus on the source the source all
i can do is focus on the source and i thank the
conteat that helps me focs on on ly
only on he source iwthin on the love within on the
trust within i tust the flow i trust the flow i know
that life always give sme
waht im creatring life alayw shows m what im

the onw and only truth the
one aodn ly truthe and i m
creating it life is
on my side everything lways going
goes my way everything
always works out perfeclty

it will work out perfectly

will work pout out perecl
life always unfolds perfectly
life always

unfolds perfectly

i get to choose the feeling i get
to choose the feeling and that is the power
i feel my power ifeel my choice i feel
my choce and
my ability to

drop everything to focus on
ony on iiiiiiiii
i knwo the truth i now the on and only truth i kow the one ando nlly truth
i know life that life is on m ys ide i knwo that i get to celebtat eit i nkwo that t
the magic
of life is flowing through

i love my life i love my life so grateful for my
life so b
grateful for the time and psac e

time and space is all i need
time and spacce is all i ned
so grateful to be just be to e

for the time and spc to just be
to trust the god feeling
to give is
it all over to god trio
to trust the god feeling to nkow the god
feeling is all ther eis
to knwo that i choose how ot
feel that i choose i gu

guide life with the feeling its the only way

i know

i know god i now i am god
i know i am god
‘ knwo i am
the one creating it

i love that life is good
i love that if s

life is on the up a

i love the upward spiral of abundance i love
the upward spiral
of abundacne
of which i am the soruce i loe
seing abundance everytwher
e i lovve that i am a mathc i lvoe t
ath i get to celebrate it i lvoe tah ti
get to
direct how i fele i love that i get to direct y
my life i love that we won
in wi
wwe alwary
have it i love that life is good

i love that i am the source
that i get ot play
that i get to play with my life that i get to

im happy im happy im happy
im happy im

centered im focused on
the truthe im happy
becaues i know the one aodn ly
truth and i dovee
dont havet o think about anything
else im

happy becuae i know the one ando nly
truth and i dont havet ot hink about ab

anything else

i dont havee to think about that i
dont have to think about
that i



i am is all there is

i know i never have to think i never have to solve anything
just relax in the i am and know

i loee that i never hae to think tha i n
i know i nevver havvet o think i knwo i na
never have to think i love tha i get to just
enjoy the day
i lov that i get to just enjoy enjoy the day

the mental brilliance of the higher poweer
enjoy the mental brilliancce of

i never have tot hink ust enjoy the day
i never have to o
wonder never have tot hink nevver tha
have to wonder nee
never have to think never have to wonder
i just
get tjust enjoy life i get to nejoy the day
the moent all i can right
do right now is enjoy the moment

i loe tha i nkow life is unf
always unfolding perfectly i love t
aht im
alwys getting what i want i lovee that i get ti i
i love that i get ti i love that
i get to enjoy my life by f
just feeling goo just feelign gogo djust
feeling the feeling iwatn to feel i love
i nwo that i get to feel the feelign iw atn ti

i love doing this work i love nejoying th ea
the day i love that its a good day i love that
i get to feel god here and now i get ot
feel the god self her and now
and n

here and now

i get to feel the god self here and now
i get to feel the

god as the drug god as the sta
god as te letting go i get to feel
god as the letting go i get to
feel the feelig here and now

an how

now i get to feel the
feelign her eand onw that i nwat to feel i get to

i’m here because i nwo the truth i know how g
life works i love that i now how life works its
all how i see myself my life

i love that my

i love my time i love having lots of time i lovve having
endless time i love doing w
hatever i wante i loe that i iknow
i can rust myst

myself can trust the flow no matter what i nk
dont have tothink about what happens i

dont havet othink about m
wat happens

i get to
feel the feeling no i gt ti
relax into i am
releax into i am knwoing that i am


my only responsibliity is to be aware of this truth

the divine consciouesns
consciousness that iam

is forever expressign tis true nature of abundance

life is always expressing abundance life
is always expressig abundance and i know this

i get to fee it now i get to feel it now i
get to cchoose it now i get to create my life
i am alawys creaeteing my life

i am always creating my lfe i am always creating me y
my lif i am alays takien
taken care of the divine presence

i am toally confience
in letting go and letting god

the focus i am the focus on the mental brilliance
the focus on the cohice
the the focus on the choice the focos on m
the choice the focus on the cohice i love
that ican be

be cool wit everytion
i loe eing

being cool withi
everyone i lvoe that ig et to i love tha ti get ot

feel the powr of me i love that i nwo the
feelign of
pwoer of me i loe that i nwo the feeling opweor of me it
the feeling pweeor of em the feeling poweer of em
i love that i nkow the feeling pwoer of em

its always me creating it
its always me
its alawy

always me its alawys me iet
its nnever outside of me its never outside of me its thi
this feelign here and now
its what i believe about myself and my lfie

allowing life to flow through me

i love that i now life does everything perfeclty
i love that i now

that i dont have to ccar i love that
i dont have to care i love that i dont havet o ccare
i love that i dont have to care
i love

that i dont havet o care

i love that i
i love that i get to feel good today
that i get to feel good today
i love that i get to jtr
turst god
today that i get to say yfes today i love
taht i get to

yes today i love tha ti
get to feel god today and nt
nothing can stop me i love that i feel t
he feeling and nothing can stp me
stop me

i lvoe that i know that nothing can stop me
i love that i nkow that

nothing can sotp me tr
from trusting god from not careing
caring nothing can stop me
from noot caring

nothing can make me care
all i can do is trust the flow of life all
i can do is trust the flow of life

all i can do is trust the flow al i can do

is trust the flow trut the
flwo all ic an

do is feel the feleing of god

totally confidnet in god creating the
best possible outcome

i ilove ot caring i love
flowing with life i ove
feeling my heart sing i love

remembering knowing that its me itsmy
life o
i dont have to do anytihng ic an always
trut the flow
i can

always stand up to everything
with god on my side
i dont have to do an

a thing

i dom enad ai
am totallly confidnet in doing so
i feel

my life full and enriched and i knwo that
god always provides everything i need

i know devotion

i know the feeling of devotion i know the feeling of
letting everything else god and jumping into the god realm i knwo there is no
between me and life i love tha ti nkwo this

all phasese
end i love that i knwo i can st
trut life to unfold perrfectly i knwo the owrk
work shte feeling works that its only
ever the feelign its o
only ever the feeling

i know the secret to life and t
its that there is no seprate self
i allow life to flow through me
and i never have to wonder i allow life
to exist and i never have to wonder
if ocus in this
here a

and now and i never have to wonder i relsae
i release the feelign of separteness

i release attachemnt and i love tha ti ge to i l
lovet he feelign of intense focus i love that i nkw tis ocme sna
goes i lo
i know that all of life ias and in and out
an out i lvoe that i get ot feel it i love tha ti get to
feel ti i i love that i
get to feel it i love that i
get ot feel it i ilove tha ti
get ot feel the flow now

excited about life i love that i ge tto love
i love that i get to have posositve expectaitons

i feel the certainty of oneness
with life i feel the ceatiny

i love that im letting it go i love
that id ont care hwta happens i love that
life is good i lvoe that life
is easy i love that i now life is alwys on em

my sid i love that i can i know i can do it i can
i know all
ill always arrive back ata
self i know ill always gett
there without rytin i knwo its alwya
right her ethe sen of th
sellf is right her eand it seveything i know

am eveything i love how far ive come i lvoe how much ive learned i love

how much has been shown to me about myself i love that i nkow
lfie is
is alwy sjut showing me who i am what i am llife is always show mw

i lvoe that i now the truth
and i get to feel it i get to feel the oneoens
with life
knwoign all

i can ever do is ask who am i
all i can ever to

i love trusting life i love
trusting life i now
i love knwoing the ufodling i love trthing
the unfolding

i just want to feel good in my life i just
want to enjoy my life i just
want ot be

feel happy i this moment and i now th
that’s all i can do is enjoy this moment
all i can do is feel it now i know

i know the feeling and im feeling it i know the
feelign and i feel ti i feel the feeling i feel the
feeling i want to feel i feel the feelig iw ant to fee

to feel i feel the feeling iw ant to feel
i h
feel how iw ant to
to feel and i dont need anything else i feel how i want to feel
and i dont need

anything else i feel how i want
to feel i feel how iw ant to feel i feel how iw atne to
to feel i love mys

life i apprecitate my life

ifeel the god self the fulls elf the turs
tre self

i feel the tue

treu seefl the non septe slef that itsa all me self its me its all me

tis all me its all me its me me
it onlye ve ever show sme me and i nwo this i nwot his i knwot hie
there is nothing sepaeate from me i knwot hi neve rhave to worry becasie tis all me
its not speraa tae frmom
me its a game an aillustin an doutpeicture ing
i knwo this i nkow this

its no sepater ethere is no
other person

there is no other person
there is no
other person there is no other person
there is no outside

there is no outsice circumstance
its me and that is my power

theres no other person

whats going toh appen is going thappen
i and
i nkow this i nkow thi cna make
anything happen with my f
feeling i can jsut feel good an d
allow whats going to ahpend

i dont make things happen
i do
but that
as s a didffent story lk

i knwo i nwo i know oi nkow its me
i know it its me i nkow that life is good
i know tis how i see it i know

that i am alawys make the
maing the the choice i am always making the hcoic ei am a
walsy making the choice


always i loe makign the choice i love
feeling good in my lfe i love feeling complte
today i am complte

i am

switcch the mind to posotive
right now
ad i wno t
i know i can do i t
i h
dot have
to do
anything jsut w
reremember who ia m
remembe there
s tno

no separate i love that i nkwo i love that
i knwo i loe that i nwo
how life li
wrosk i know how life works i know how life
si w

i know the
how life worskkk have foudn

i have ffound the secret to life and can
relax in the knowledge
that that act

its never outside

there is no outside circumstance
i knwo ths
i know this i knwo thi

there is no outsie circumstance

there is no outside

there’s nothing outside
who am it

nothign really exists

i am

who am i

i know who i am i nkow what i am i knwo what iam
i know its up to me

its nevver outside os
of me its never outsice of me its never outisde of
me its ne

never outsidde of m im

i knwo so grateufl i nkwo for how ho
how far ive come for doing everything perfectly
for trusting the flow
for releaseing the future
ther eis no t


its never them its me
tis never tem its me
i never have to lose my focus
i never have to lose my focus

i can always keep it up i can always keep
the focus its ne
never them tis me its me i m up for the challenge i am up the challenge i knwo that all i can do is turnt he focus withitn
that’s all ic an do is keep up the work if

im afraid of losing my focus that’s on me

i love that
when i know i love that im no t
afraid beause i nkwo how to focus

the work alays works

i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel good

i love waking up feeling good i love
waking up to such love im so grateful to get to
wake up to such love im so grateful
i’m loved and appreciated

i’m so graetful i get to enjoy my day
m so gratefulf or my garden and my planets
for a good weird lunch
to clean out tieh
the freezer

so grateful for free good so graeful for
free goof

never mull it over never mull it ovver never
mull it ovver just decide just decide
neverr mull it over never wonder
just reutnr ot tuen
to the feeling u
trust the feeling is doing all the work
just return to the version ansd tures t

trust life just retuern to the ersion version and trust life just return to the the version and trust life ies
its actually me its alc
actually me and its ok im human h
im human i love i loe that it wokers
out int he flow i i i love hta ti now ti all reflects me i ilove
that i get to hve a good day i love that
i get to

have a d
a good day i lo
i love that i get to have o
a good
have a good day
i neer

i enver i
never have to wonder i never have to wonder i choose it now
i never have to wonder i never
havet o conwer

i choose it now

i never have to wonder because its me
i never have to
wonder because its me its me creating it its me desiging
it its me designing

it its me desiging in t
its me designing the experience its me
desiging int he experience

i know its me its all me
is never its never not me its never
not me its me its
me allowing life its me
allowing life its me
allowing life to unfold getting out of the way knwoign the power of enjoy life
its me knowing the power of enjoying life
its me knowing the poer of

power of enjoying life

its all me it all me its all me
and im ant
am the source isa
its all me there sno t
nothing that th’s that’s not me
ther’s nothing that th’at
that’s not me

i know this work i knwo this work i nkow
the only truth i knwo the only work i nwo theo nly work is feeling good i knwo the only work
is feeling good i knwot he only work is feeling godo i knwo there
is only one flow and its of well being i know there is only won
one flow and its of well being

i know there’s only one flow

letting it all god f
feeling free feeling free feeling
the skin

fall off
the flow flowing the flow flowing
the flow flowing the
flowing the god self shining the
god self shining the choice and knowing
the choice
and nkowin the

reality follows that
s h

that’s how it works tha’ts a
how it works

i love having gufn
fun i love being in love i love trusting life i love
playing lifes game i lov playing along

i lvoe allowing myself to feel good now
to know the one aond ly truth
i love rmembering the one and only

i can let it all go i remember the feeling
of dropping it i f
remember the feeling of not proecting my ttent
attention externally

i remember the feeling of me i trust the feeling of m i know that i can keep focus
focused on who am i and tha’s all i need as long i
as i keep my attention within
eveyritng unfodles perfectly
as long as i exist beofre thought
everything unfolds perfeclty
i love that my life is alyreadi
perfect i loe that life is perfect i love that
life is alredy perfect

the feeling of falling back to cnet
center the feeling of oe focus the feeong
feeling of one focus the feeling od
of knwoing life how life works the feelign of n
knwoing how life works
of trusting life to wrok
the feeling of

being brave
enough to trust life tow ork to look

to give life what i want in return
to celebrate life celebrating me celebrating life celebrating me

i love that i know that
the flwot hat i can am
make the choice that i cn amke the choice
that i get to
chooe love i
that i get to

to choose the one aond only feeling
that i c
get to choose attention
at its sorucce ithat
the i
get to choose the
pre thought existence that

get to just be here and now
celebrateing the feelign of life
i get to just exist
here and now eclee

celebrating the the
the feeling i am the divine presence i am

in letting go and letting god
letting go and letting og

god lettig o
go adnd

its only me its only the cennter its onlly
the ai
i am nothing else will ever matter nothign else will ever exits
and i know this
i nkow this

i knwo the one aond only flow i know the one
one and only e

is only me its only ever me its me
who am i awho am
i love feelign the deepre leve i love
feelign the deerp lvevl of god
i love feeling deerplevels of god

the one aond l
and only focus and foresake e
everthing else i love feeling it i love feeling it
i love feeing h
god sversion i lvoe feeling gods ev
versoin and

it to ful
im alowoing god version to b

to build up i inside of mand become me im
allowing god vers vresion to become me

i’m allowing myself to be totally confident
i letting go and letting god