i love that i dont care

i lovee the feeling of not caring i love the feeling
of not caring i love that i dont care i love that
i dont care i love that
i dont h

i lovee that i dont have to care i love that
ii dont havet o care i love that i
dot have
to care

i love that i dont give a fuck i loe that i get to be my

beset self today i love that i get to feel like my
best self today i love that i nkow th

i know tis

i love that i know i am


the only sourcce the of the feeling i am
the only way it ever comes

and i am god i am the mpowerf

i am thepoerful one i knwot hat im
the powerful one and today i knowt it

today i relish it

today i relish it today

i relish it i know i i
kknow it i now ti i knwo i nkow
i am the one aodn ly o
source i love myself i love who ia m
i love who ia m i love
who ia m

i dont give a fuck i love who ia m
i am god and i decide i am god and i decide
i am
god and i decide i love that i get
t oi love

that i get ot make the choice

i love that i get to choose the feeling for me
and tis never

never outside of me its

never outside of me i love that i nkow this i love that
i get to look within and knowt is
its only ever within
i knowt i

i kno its wonly eer within

i kno the power of me and i celebrate it i feel
the power
of me

and that is the only work i hold
nothing against no one

i am me and nothing can affect how ifeel

can affect my good time
i nkow this i

noothing can affect how i feel

good or bad nothign
can affect howi feel i know tis all more
my work its all mmy painting its all my art
its all what im creating
every day

i dont have to care id
ton have to care what happens only

the mid creates miseryt
only the mind creates resistance
ony the imnid

creates preferencesn
i dont ca

care what happes i dont
care wahat

happens im so tiired of careing what happens

i’m tired i’m tired of being in he mind
the mind of im

im tired of ar
caring im tired of ccaring i dont havet

only the mind can create miseryt
only the mind can create misery and i nkow ths i nkow
i nkow

its only ever me i know its

i’m choosing my poweer instead
im choosing my poweer insteas

instead im

chossing my power i

i dont hve
have to ccare what happens i dont hn
need anything to happen i can just trust
i can

trust i can trust where got puts me i can
trust where the flow pust
puts me i can trust the feeling no matter what
whre i am i can choose the feling
feeling i prefer and that is the
one and
only focus
that is the only

one and only focus there is only
one power and its m
there is only one power and its me h
its how i see life its how i f
see life and i nkow this i k

its how i lookt ati
at it everything is how i look at it

what i awnt is to not care
and hat is thep ower that is
feelig i rellay

really love that is the feeling i seek

is the real feelig adn i can choose that an

anywhre i can feel my sourcce my proximityt o god anywahe
i can trust
everhting knowigns that tis all unfodling accoring t d
my consicones nes
to what i expect i know tis

nly ever me and how i perceie it its only

ever me and how i perceive it

i love that i get to ffeel good i love that
that i dotn
dont havet o care
i love

that i

dont have to care i love
that id ont hav
have to care

give up give up reacitng to the outside world
and resume creating
be the real me be th powerful sotp giv

giving my powerr o
away sand ee
feel it every indute

tis time
its time to stand up to my thougths
to feel the way i awnt to feel and trust life
its time

to trust tlife
life its time to create hte version i prefer its time
to feel the way i awnt to feel in my life

to celebrate life to not hold anything
against anyone

its time for me to stand upto my
thougths and feel the god feleing i knwo ti know the secret
to life and i refuese

to not live by it i refuse to not live by it

its doenst matter ntohign is eer

ever goingt to be my source

its up to me to allow my heart ot sing
to sing its up

up to me to nejoy my lif to say yes to find a sa

weay to say yes titsti

its me iet
its always me its the focus its the unc
understanditng of the energy

its me its me its me i now i know the truth
i feel the feeling now its that easy

its that easy to just feel the feeling
and that is the only focus the
that is the only focus
it just doesn’t mater
and i know this i am

lookking for lov i am
looking for god in everything
i am noticing
i know tis mt
i know tis me i nkow tis i i i
i knwo ti can

i know i can do it i knw oi can do it i know
i can do it i know its
the thougths i know it i nkow

i know what it si i know i can let it g


its me its me tis mti

ii love that life is good i love taht life loves me
i love that im so spoiled i love that
im loved i love

that life loves me i love that
i can do i i kn

do it i knwo that i can do it i now that
i am not spe


separate life
from life i now life is me
i know tath
that life is me
and the feeling iw ant i always right here
i know

i knwo i am not separate from lif
i knwo im not separate

from life i know ia m not
separate from life i nkow tis me i get to feel
it and trut life i get t

to trust life i get to trust
i dont have to care

becaue i get to enjoy my life
i get to

accept eveything i get t allow
life to flow through em i nkwo the feeling of allow life to flow through me
of not having to ccare
fo nothing affectly me i
of knwoing tis me
of choosing me i get to choose the feeling of choosing me

how to stand up to my thouhts

just don’t think them the
just dont think them
just decice

deice to decide to hav e a good life instead just
decid to have a good life instead


all i can do is not think all ic an do
is gog within
go wihtin and ignore the rest

entire focus on the god within
and that’s all ic an do

entire focus
on the god within

entire foces
entire focus
entire focus





all i can do all ic an do i all
i can do

all i i keep

my mind and thoughts off this wrolds
world and place my entire focus
on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperi

entire focus that’s my only hoice
that’s o
the only choice i have left that

tha’ts ll i have left thats all i can
do that’s all i can do

that’s all i cn
can do foresake the rest
the rst

the foreskae the rest foresake the rest

i have god and that’s all there is

tha’s all there is that’s all there
thats a

all there is that’s all there is
that’s a

all there is
keep my mind and thoughts

off this world it
its only the eog
its the

its the separate self its the separate
self i now its tp

its up tme i now it
know its only ever me i reuf

get to frsut
refuse to sufffer i get to refuse to suffer

what if i had a good time
what if i had a good day

what if we got along what if it
was nice what if i expected the best what

if i made the choice to feel how i want to feel

what if i made

make the choce tofeel how i want to feel
an dtrust life

to do the rest i can eust
trust life to do the rest
i dont have to
get sucked into though

i now this i let thought drage
me down i loe

let thought upper limit
what if i use my power what if i ue the pwoer i have

what if i u
use it for what i want
waht if i elie in
waht if i believe in my power

what if feel good now
what if

i feel good now what if i feel good now

what if what if

and i think yes i can feel that wy
that way but then i stop myself

why do i stop myself???


afraid it wont come to pass?
afraid to bbelieve in
to let go of the comfort of misery to trust the unkown!!!

misery is comfortable
the unknown is scary

the mind chooses misery!
thnk you

i can trust the unkonw
i cna

i tust god i trust go i know im too powerful
i know i get to choose it
i kow h

i get to choose it i
ge t

get to choose it

my power thank you god
for showing me
who ia m i am


i am aware

i am awaer

i see myself i see myself
i see myself
and i rise d
above thatnk thank you

its working its working
its working

entire focuso the god within
wtihin is working
is mits me and i get to feel
good becuase i have god
bog thanks god

for everything

its never outside of me

its never going to be it whatever i think
i want outside of me is never going to e it
be it because im looking for a feeling that can only
come from within and then life

refelcts it and i nkoww that i cn
cn a

can alwys come back to the feeling

its never going to come from that its never going to make me feel fulfilled
becuase fulfillmetn starts here and i know that

i know the secret to life i nkwo how life worsk
i nkow that the only reality

is conscciousess
i know that the only reality is consciousness

its me its me its me its m

i am the source they dont give it to me
they dont give it to me


they dont give it to me thaty

they dont

i found the secret to life i found the secret ot life i find

found the secret to life i
i found the secret to life and relax in the knowledge

this is its responsibility
not mine

will never be will never be my sourcce

will never be my source
i have god i have god i have god i have go

god is the source i am the source i am the sourcce
of my good feelings i am the source of my good feelings i a

i am th

i am the srouce
thatnk you thak you for m

for reminding me thank you for reminding me
thank you for reminding me

thank you for reminding me
thank you

for reminding me

i get

i get to refuse to think i get to refuse to think

and when im not thinking im not suffereint

when im not thinking about
im not suffereing

no more

i said no more i said no more i said im not goig to care
i said im no
going to have a good day i sayid
said i going to have a good ady
im going to come back groum
from it

i nkow i now i nwo i know its me i knkow
how esaily i creates i ti know im

im im creating i nkow im

why am i here
to feel better ot have a good day tomorro
and then

and the only way is to say yes to life
to change my way of looking atl ife t

to change my way of looking li
at life to let te rest go
to know

im here to feel good how do i feel good how i
do i feel good i g
let go of believing the untrue

i let go of creating the ersion

version i dont want i let go
of caring i remember that i
tis never goingto
to be my source isay
i sy

say yes to my source and know thats all
there is i nkow that iam the sour

i knwo is me i know its me its me
its me its
its menver the

them its me i can do it ican swtich to a positive mind
i can stiw

switch to a positive mind

i can say thank you s
i can say
thnk you i can refuse to think
i can f

reufse to think i get o refuse to think
and tall
allow myselt ot oc
to come

love myself i love
deeply loe and accept myself
i ddeply love and ccept

accept myself i ilove
i love myselr i accept myself
i love myself i laccet myself
i bless the contast the athta h
htlpe mse focus t
hat ehlps m

me frefuse to suffer

i bluse

the ccontats

im here im here to remembe theo ne aond nlyt ruth the one aond lniy pwoer and foret

forget the rest im here to choose love and r
forget the rest im here to have a good day now i m a

here to allowt he neergy of that creatse tworld sot knwo that its all in my favor


refuse to think
refuse to think
love myself and refuse to think

all there is love myself
and refuse to think and i nkow i can
do it i nkow that

that i cna do it

im here because i know the truth im here bezuse

because i nkow the truth and i now hwen i foxus ion
it i
i caret it

create it why dont i want to allow myself

to createthe other version?

is it too easy?

feel how iw an to feel and i get to
feel it now its so esay to focus
on what i wnat on waht i an

know that i am the source
fo the feeling know that i am

i have i a h

am here an dnow i dont hae
to think i
about the rest

i am

refuse tot hink th

refuse tot hink thats
thats all i can t
do that’s the only answer just refuse to think
and allowl ife
to fill hte rest

that’s all i can and
do is
and i bless the o
contrast that helps fm
me focus on that one aond only truth
i can always trunt he bat
boat right now


turning the boat is the mental

its my powre its my talent
i can do it in a moment i cna
can turn the boat in ain
an instant in

i can
i know i can that is whta i am good at
that is my powr that is my power

refuse refuse to give away
my powr focus focus focus
devotoin thats all there is

its me ni
tis not her its m
its not her its me

its not her its me it
its me i love myself i ca
accpet mye

i accpet eveythign that is and get out of the way i freuset
to suffer i reufs
i refuse to think thost hosugh t

refuse to think that i refuse to feel that i

to feel that i refuse to feel taht

i refuse to feel that

refuse to

think thats all i can do turn that boat on how i feel its my powr
to do do i

so its my power to do so
its my power i
to do tso

so thats how life works nothing is real an

and nothing is true nothing is real and nothing is true
decide right now
either way im deciding right now

either way im deciding right now

that’s te powre that’s the power is refuseing
to feel any other way
its me

its me its all how i look at life
its how i look at life
i decdie how i want to go through life

only i deicd
how i go through life

only ic an de

i refuse to suffer i refuse to suffer
when i know i i know the one aod
and onlly

thruth t

truth that my only abundance is my proximity to god
and i nkwo i now i can do i i nkow

i nkow n
nothing else is my soruce
and mysupply

god is my soruce that

i am th

is the
the feelign ia m

is the treusure

all i can do is let it go

i can do is let it go
i can’t depend

on what soeone sel
else is doing to

feel good its not up to ehtem

it can be up to what

it cant matter
it cant matter i have to drive life with
how i fele i h

i have to decide what i wahtn
want to see and look for it

the misery is only in the mind
as soon as you lose the mind
you lose the misery

i can cut it loose forever

and that’s what i have to do jut cut
just cut those thougths loose forever

cut those thougths loose forever just ccut

cut i know how to
to do it its so easy to have a good day

not th
let things bothet me to not let me y thoguths
get out of contrl

its so
easy to put the attentoin
on who am i

all i need is who am i
every time i hear those thoughts i can say

who am i

all i can do is refuse to suffer
to choose new thougths

what if i neve when down that path

what if i ddint
create that version
what i f

if i just feel for gods love what if i just feel gof
for gods love

the love of god is always here with me

the love of god is always here with me

yes im mad mad at myself

mad at myself for loving i hate

i can go back to not careing
i cn

i can alwys come back to my real sourcce
i cn always

decide to feel how i would prefer
to feelt hat’s all

all i can ever do hat’s theo nly choice and

the only choiice that ever col

solves anything is me and i now this
and i kn
now i get



to do the work because
every time i go into the m

the darkeness

ram is all there is

its meits me its me

its me every time i
think that its outside of me

i give awya my power i
refuse to suffer

who am i who am i who am i

who am i
who am

whoooo am i
who am i

who am i who am who am i

thak kyou for showing me everything shows me

everything shows me

everything shows me what i am

everything shows me ehwa
waht i am everything shows me

what ia m what i am

what iam i what i am
what i am
everything shows me everything

show sme ram
everything shows me

shows me ream

its me

its never them its me its never them its always
me creating its always me creating its sl
always me creating and i have to take responsibiliyt for that
al lthat hahpp

happend whaws
was i let my thoughts get out of the
out of control

live and learn and i love that
id ont have to beat up on myself
i can accept myself

i can accept myself

its me its me its me its me

the only solution is to refuse eveyr thought
becuasee im too powerful
eveyrthing that i think imk creating and i know the
onlly thing i

can do the only thing i can do is refuse every thought
i ca

come back to pmy my power my source
and im not giving it away in

im not giving it away iim
not giving it aawy im
not giving it aawy

its never them its me creating it its never
the i don thave to care i dont have to care

and i think

i thank the contrast that shows me i think the god self
within that takes care of me and knows me
and loves me

i don thaet o lok at
out i dont havet o llok out the window becuase
its not mysource

its not mys rouce
i dont have to

that’s not my source and it never will be i know that i am
too powerful and everthing i focs o

focus on i creat i
i havet o take responsibility for creating my earliy

i hae to take responsibility for
creating my
reality i have to make the choice to go
within i know

i know that its me i now that all i can do
to dofeel beter
better is stop thinking
stop creating more of the problem
stop cresating

more of the problm
creating more of the problem
thats all im doing thinking about it
just fre

feel for the solutionand tis there

just stop and thats’ a

all i can all i cn do is cut the thougths i
al l ican do is decidt
to stop caaring all ican do is not care

i can do is not carea ll i can do is fcous
on what i knwo a

all i can do is let go all i can
do is not care a

i allowed myself to care and that’s
the only problem but

i know my source i know my source

its me anything i think
is someone sel

else its me its me i let myself slip byt
but i can easily get bs
back again i can always come backt o c

to cneter

center i can always come back to cnter i can
always come backt o cetner

its never them and all i can do is stop
stop b
and put attentoin on the reasl source
the real source
and tahts’a

all ican d

its so eay its so eays to
feel attentoin

to put attentoin on itself
to take back my power

all i cn eer
ever do is take back my power is take
bac my power
not allow anything to

affect how i feel i know i know the secret to life i nkow the secret to life
i nko

i know its up to me what i look for

i know itsup to
up to me to

up to me what i look for

it is everythign just is
i nkow is me i know i creating

created it i know i created ti
i now i made it i know i mde it
i know i made it this
way i

made the choice to think it t
into existecne i cna make the choice t
ot hink something else into

i cn make the choicee to turn my attentoin
to m
put my attentoin o n something t


to take repsontibly
every time i think its them
to know for sure its never them

tis never

its never them

its neve them its me its never them its me
and here ia m hurting again

here i am hurting again
over someone that

doesn’t care the perosn dont
doesnt care i need ot

stop thining they do
one on

that’s how they get you the tiniest fucking biscuit and im
sucked in again

all i can do is

all i can do is not think
if i can just managae to do that
i can feel better and when i feel bat

better i cn attracct better feeling thoguths i now tis
i now

i know its me i decide to tlet something get to ma

to me thne i made a big mess out of hit

it i can just laught

but i cn just laugh

you expect me to be there for you
through all your ups and downs just constantly giving and giving and giving you taking tan
and taking and taking and never offernign
any sort of emotinoal support in return

just expect me to be threre for you through everything
do eveyrhting for you but you
aren’t there for me you just expect me to be

be perfect all the time and not
havet any problmes so as to burden you wiht

all i can do right now
is stop

all i can do is stop
that is the only goal for today

stop mking more stop
making more
knowing that

know that god loves me na d
and relax in that knowing that


will neve be my source and live teacches me
over and oe life

teaches me over and over
the consequencs of my choices and i havet o

take the information and learn from it
that’sa ll ic an do

all ic an do right now is stop
all ic an do is feel gods loe and let that be neough

all ic an do is feel
gods love all i can do is feel gods love and let t
ath be enough

greater personal worth

that’s all ic an do is feel my worth and allow
those that recognize it come to me

i nkow its m creat
me creating i know its me creating
i now its

me creating

its me

its never them its me
its never them its me
and when

im thining about them im creating them
and them im blaming them

for me who
for who i am for the veresion i created
and then i bleam
something but its me
tis always me

its always what i look for its alawys hao

how i decide to feel an i love hat i get to let it go
thank you to

thank you god for helping me for the contrast the helps me
focus that

helps me cut the cord for the contrast that helps me
cut the cord thank youfor

you god for the contrast that helps me dcu

cut the cord

its me its me and im
not giving

i dont know what to do

the work works

the work works the works
changing the focus fow
turning the focus works

who am
i who am i who am i
and that’s all there is
that’s all there
is that

that’s all there is
is who am i

the work will hlep
help me focus the work will hepl me have a good day
the work will

help me have agood day
the wokr always works the works e
always works all i can do is the work
i kn
i no lth
lookkign at the sourcce of attention is the only
anser i now ise
i nkow its mme ggiving
it attention when i could sh
choosee not i no

i knowt hat i do
do nt have to care i do nto have to care i love hta
that i d
do hn
not havet o care

the work is alreayd worksing and the roblems are
in the mind the work is alredy working ad n

and the porblems are in the mind the problems
are in themind i n
i now that i now that i now mi know that
the one and only powr of me i now the onw
one and only power of me

the work always works i
and its so easy tis so easy to refuse every thought
to decide not to care its so
easy not to care its so esay
to choose god instead
to drop thought and ec

choose knowing knwoing is easy
its just htere
there it just exists
knowing is so easy knowing
god is so easy and god fills in the rest

the work

the work always works the work alawys
works the work always works

becusee i remember who ai m am
i remember the one aodn o nly power i remember the one aond knly power ofme the feeling of me the feeling of methe

i remember not to let anything be my reaons
to not do the same thing i a
acucuse others of
of doing

on the
only the work will ever do anything ecaue

only the work woks
works becuase theres not
solutoins in m
the mind the work works becuaes
because there’s

never any solutions in the mind
theres no soluion in the mind

all i can ever do is drop out
all i can ever
do is drop out all i can ever do is let it go

all i can ever do is drop out

the work always works and its a mater
matter of ofcus

is a matter of deciding how im going to feel
tis am

its a matter of making the choice how i want to feel
and where

who im giving my poewr ot ma
am i giving the powr of
over how i feel to someone else

i choose ow i feel i choose how if eel
and it has ntohting to do with

anyone else im indiffernet

i dont hcare what happens i kno
dont care what hapens i
dont care what happens

i don tcare


there’s only one solution to every problem and its god
theres only one

solutoin to every

problme and it
s god

there’s only one solution
there sonly on
there sonl

only one power there sonly one feeling
when you drop
all thought theres only one

feeling and i now this i know i dont
need thought i need god

i dont need thought i need god i

turn away from thorugh though and turn
toward god

i trun
turn aware of

away from thought and turn twar
toward god

i dont have to care i trust the flow
i trust what i
happens i nkow the flow will take me
where i need to be

i know the flow aill
will take me where i nedd

where i need to be i know the flow
will take me where i needt o

to be i know the flow will

take me where i an
need to be where i need to be

i dont need thought i need god

i dont need thought i need god

i dont hneed thought
thought its neer then

them its never them the thoguths
are never “true”

only god is tue only god is true
feel for god and froget the f
rest is if

if i want to feel good i feel for god
and forget the rest

i feel for
for god and forget the rst

thought is n’t the soluiton god is

stand up to your thoughts and create eh version you prefer
tha’ts all i

i can
ever do all i can
all i can
ever do i
all i can

all i can ever do

is feel for god that is the soluiont
to every problem and i nkow thsi

i know thisf or a fact theres nothing else
theres’ nothig

else besides the feeling of god
everything else is misery

let the rest go dn
and feel for god and let the
rest figure itslef out
who cares just look for away
to enj

a way to enjoy life
all i can do is

enjoy life

all i can do is look for away
a way to enjoy life i now that
no on is perfect

people mess up

i mess up

i mess up all the tie i beat myself
up for not being perfect and hope that people can find a way to understand
me and love me anyway

that people can look past it and love me anyway

its all made up

choose m poweer instead of giving it away

choose god instead choose totl
fullfillmetn in stead

in the hre and now im

int he here and now i am
totally fulfilled

n th

in the here and now i am totalluf ifl
fulfilled i lvoe that i get tofeel

it that i ccna lways turn
toward god that i can

always turn toward the feelng

if you’re thinking you dont know

i love that i know i love i love that i nkwo
i love that i get to feel the energy of life i love

that i feel the energy of life

that i feel the energy of the focus that if eel
the energy of the truth that
i can o

always keep that window
open that i can always carry a new frangrance
and i know

i know that is the window
i can look through the beautiful window

i get to look for the beauty
i don thave to

ever allow the rest to affect me

i get to be conscious
i get to
to b

be aware
i get to be aer o
i get to be aera of how i feel i

get to choose how i feel i

there is only own
one power one feeling of god
there is only one

feeling of god only one
focus only one focus
and i get to
feel it here and now
i ge tto choose to enjoy

my day

anywayi get ot
enjo e

my day anyway

there’s only oe pweor

ther’es only on anware
and i know that if im thinking
im not

if thiking i dont know
if im ithink

thinking i dont know i lo

that i can refuse every thougth and choose
hwo i want to feel
today i can
refuse everyt thought
and stuck to the magic version of life

i get to life

live a magic version of life

i get to look only for the beautifl
i love that i am
i am aware of how i feel i am

aware of how that drives my life
and i know that is the one anod

and only power i know that is the only

power there
s only one power there s
only one power i

there’s only p

one power

looking for satisfactions

only looking for the beautiful
in everything only knowing

the beautiful in everything

thank you thank you thank you thank yoiu
for all that is beautiufl thank ou

i o nly see that beiatul
than god i feel better i feel better