so grateful to feel better

so grateful to leave the house
for sunlight for
another 10,000 dollar day!

it’s a $10,000 day!

and i know that the feelng of that is
all i need and i feel the feelin in this
this here and now i feel the
feeling in this here and now

i feel the 10,000 i feel it i feel the
feeling of it and that feeling is trust
in life that

feeling is of letting go i love
the feeling of letting go i love feeling at peace in the
here and now and i love that i never
have to think of that again

it doesn’t exist and i
don’t need it it feels good to let that go it feel
feels good to let that go
and focus on one thing
god in this here and now

and i love that th
that is all there is

all i can do is milk the feeling
i come to this pleace t
place to milk the fel
feeling and feelin
feel good

it feels good to dig deep to
zoom out to soom
zoom out and go deeper at
all at once it feels good to
totally let go it feels good to

come back to center
to feel good now and not care about anything else it
feels good not to care it feels good to rmem

remember that the breath comes in
as soon as i let it ass soon
ass goo
as soon as i turn my attention back to
center to

back to counting and not resisting

it feels good to
feel good to feel the feeling of mea to

to feel the feeling

thakn you t

when i get out of the way
i allow it to happen
i allow myel
myself to watch it come through

i;m n
i’m not trying

when i get out of the way
when i get out of the

the way life flows through me
on it’s own

in perfect harmony
in perfect timing
and it’s not

my job

to control life it’s not my job
to make life hppe

happen life happnes

life happens and i can’t
can only allow or disallow it

i feel focused in this
here and now i feel at
eaes in
this here and now i feel perfect

in this here and now i feel
whole in this here and now
i feel complete in this here and
now and i feel the feeling
of getting out of my own way it feels good
to feel the feeling of getting out
of my own way it feels good to feel the
feeling of getting out of my own way

it feels good to focus
to do the work to
belief in life to belief
in life to feelg

good in my life it feels good to
feel goodin my life
it feels good to celebrate me to
celebrate my successes to goo
to do the good work it feels good to

to do this work to focus in the flow and
do the the wto

this work the only work that
matters and feelthe
effects of the now

the power of now it feelsg ood
to make the choic

i feel good i feel free i feel the
best ever i feel the power of life

i am celebrating that life is
good i am ceel

celebrating life saying
thank you thank you yes thank you


yes thank you i know i know i’ts a
all only i know i’t sa

i feel good i feel happy and i know
the secret to life is trusting life
i can f
i feel the connection to the
i feel the connectoin

the connection to my power
when i get out of the way i am
i am out of the way
jst just watching

i feel good feel good about my life
i a al
am allowed to feel good about my life
to celebrate my lfe to like my life
right now it feels good to xzoo
zoom out litlle
little by little

little by little i am
allowing myself to love who i am love who i am
love who ia m
in this
here and now allow myself to feel the

life is good life is good life
is good what is missing is me

is me

sending the signal


life is good and i love that i
get to choose to
feel it now
feel the feeling of love

love my life right now choosing to celebrate life
right now feeling good about myself
choosing to feel whole and
complete in this
here and now


i feel good in this here and now
all that matters is how i feel all that
matters is how is how i feel
and i get to choose now to ca
not to care just enjoy this here and onw
here and now i love
that i getto

i love tha ti

i’m letting that go
forever i’m here to do the wor
to let go forever
i love feeling free i love

feeling spontaneous

i wanted to be there and
we were i got exactly what i wanted didn’t

i know it’s only ever vibrtion
and it is here to serve me
to help me to remember who i am
i nkow mi know my

power is in my bett
getting out of the way i know
i know my power is

is in my abilit to get out
of the way i know that is my power
and that

that is my only job

it feels good to love my life to feel
optimistic about my life
to celebrate life in this
here and nwo

it’s all only ever energy
and my
the only control i have is
over how much i choose to
accept that life only
reflects the energy
and that’s


the secret to life is
knowing that

singular focus

is all there is and is all there
would ever be

missing and
something missing would
only be a belief
or a misunderstanding

so what’s missing from my practice?
why do i feel like i’m ‘not getting there’?

it’s like i’m preventing myself
or i don’t want to believe or
i still want to hold on

to being right??

what do i perceive to be missing?

what is missing
the belief
the lust for life

the desire to live life

the desire to live my fullest life
to be my fullest self

the belief in life

the knowing of the magick
the choicet ok now t

to know the magick

the choicet o t
to either
celebrate life or begrudge it

the knowing of imrac


the connection to self and now
when i sit down to do this work i am
remembering this

more and more easily

it comes back to me more easily
that all that matters is the singular focus in the
here and now ad

and my only job

is to focus int he
the hre and
here and now my only job
is to focus in the here

the singular focus on
connection to self and that
is all there is

is that focus
that connection

or not
are you connected to source
energy or not and if you aren’t
you will feel


if you are
connected you feel



when i am connected i
feel the oving
the loving feeling
and i don’t have

to try to bring it out
about and i can always relax in knowing that
i am doing everything right
and my only job is to observe
and allow

i know that my only job is
to rememer that
that my job is not to od

it’s to allow and i love that it’s flowing
to me and through me i love
that it’s flowing
to me and
throught me

through me

the only thing missing would
be the belief that nothing
is missing

the connection to self would
only ever the thing missing and
that connection can easily
always be found right here by

reminding myself who ia m
and the more i come back to ceter
center and remember

my mood is my work
i am vibration
it’s none of my business what happen’s
i get to choose to be happy no matter what
only this moment exists
and the rest doesn’t matter
life is meant to be fun
and i am god

so grateful for la croix
and orders and new subs!

and feeling inspired and wanting to do
so grateful for this sunset and
day light savigns

so grateful to be aware of the energy
andk now

and know that the energy can only

life reflects me
it’s only ever me it’s only
ever me and i

choose the feeling i

i choose

it feels good to feel connected
to remember who i am to remember i don’t have to worry and
all that matters is the here and now
it feels good

tof cous
to focus in this here andc now
and let everything
else go id t
it feels good to
i’ll never

think about that again
and feel the freedom of that
it feels good to mae t

make the choice
i’ve decided not to think about that

and i feel free because i know i
don’t hve t
have to think about that i don’t havet o
think about that
i’m feeling more andmore

the power of my thougths
my connection to self

it feells good

to eelbr

elevante my
elevate my mind and heart
to be aware to understand
and to know that
the all provis

the divine presence I AM

is the source and
substance of all my good

of all my good all that matters
is the singular focus
of believing in myself

all that matters is the singular focus

all that matters is the energy
all that matt

matters is the energy

all that mat

that matters is the energy iall
all that matters is the energy all that matters
is the energy all that matters is the energy

all that matters is the energy so i can

say yes
i can say yes i get to say es
yes yes yes

sand never
and never think about that again
i get to decide to do the work
to lean into the

wha’t missing ?

the flow
the belief

the jumping into the flow
to becoming the flow to
acting as if to allowing the flow
to flow through me to

to being aware enough to
turn toward it feels good to focus
and kno that
that this is the only work
to line up the enrgy it

feels good too to line up the
energy and i love that i’m feeling good

i love that i

feel good right now
i feel good right now i feel
the power of me in this right now i know the

the energy of me i know it’s only
ever me and if i never do anything
else just

letting go of the thougths
is the best i can do and i kno wi can
do it with practice

with focus i can

quiet the mind
and the rst fa

falls into place i know this
so i do the work and
the rest just comes

inspired action
always comes

i never need to look for
action to take

today i stand up
to my thoughts today i allow my god self
today i renounce my humanhood
and take my bod for

god form i let go of allt he
the untrue thought

letting go of all that and
celebrating who ia m
who i really am i kno i n
i know i

never have to strive i know i never
have to wonder i know i never have

to worry and i always have access to this feeling
of certainty

today i renounce my
humanhood and i

and i refuse to care about
bullshit i embody my bod

god self i let the rest go
and decide i never have to think
about that gain
again and i can choose
singular focus

i can choose to let go of

enter the eternal

here and now it feels good to
to it reaise m

raise my vibration to get into the
feeling place of the vortex
of feeling grateful of allowing
everything to go

my bway

way to looking for reasons to
celebrate to being aware of my thoughts
and what they are making
it feels good to make the choice to

turn the boat and in
every moment that i do it

it’s enough

i know i can choose to
to id in every moment
and i never have to let anything

make me feel

and i love the freedom of that
i love that iknow

i know life is unfolding perfectly
i love that i know my pwoer

is in my letting go my
power is in my peace and
in being at peace with
with that i am at peace with that
i am aware of my thoughts

and their power
and the power of this work
so i do this work

and i feel good and
that pretty much sums up
the meaning of life

the focus brings relaxtion

without the resistant thoughts
the body can heal feel relaxed and i’m realizing more and
more that
it’s just the thoughts or
the attachment to the thoughts

believing the thoughts
that causes dis


it feels good to make the choice to feel
good lean into the flow and choos ehow i want
to feel it feels good to choose

to feel at ease and to count
because counting signifies
trust in the universe
and knowing that i’ts

it’s ok to let go of thougths
it feels good to practice
letting go of thougths

because it feels good and allo

all that matters is that i love
that i have perspective to see to see that
it’s all

focusing here to let it
all go to elevate my mid
and heart into the vortex
into the vortex and that’s

all that matters
si being
is being able to see myself
as well is

getting used to
a new perspective i love

feeling confident about lief
i love
feeling the magick of life
i love knowing the
magick of life an

love and choosing to love
myself i o
i love being aware of the thoughts
that take me out of the vortex
and it’s like the thoughts come
as a resutl
of a feeling and then i follow the thoughts i love

i lvet t

let them take me all around
and i don’ thave to and doing thiw wo

this work ehlps

helps me stand up
to thim
and not be running around in my
head all day

to come to center and remember that
i don’t have to think a bunch of thoughts all


i want it i want it i l

want to allow my best self
i need

i want to allow my bst
best self i am allowing myself to thri

thrive in this life
it feels good to thrive in this
life to feel good about me
it feels good to lov eme

it feels good to love

to celebrate me to love me that
is what i am working on

i love myself and it massages
the blockage awaer and
away and i kno t

that’s all i can ever do
is love myself and i am here to practice that
little by little
it’s getting easeir


i love myself i love myself
i love myself i love

kelly cree i love you
i love kelly cree

i love and approve of myself
it feels good to practice loving
myself and rememberig
this is all i can do it feel goo

feels good to get in the vortex and
then to allow the neregy


enrgy to flow to get out
of the way and watch it

today i am
allowing myself to
see a


version of myself

i am allowing healing i am
allowing myself to feel healed
i am allowing healing
i am learning to let go
of the grudge i am

of teh gra

the grudge i’m letting it
go i decided to let it go
to love it away o

to bhoo
choose a different vibration and little
by little i can practice myself into it
and it fee

it’s not about trying
its’ about allowing its about deice

deciding andl ooking
for evidence

its abut
bout cleaning up the


it’s about cleaning up the energy
linein lining up the energy it feels good to line p

the energy and rmem

remember who ia m it feels good
to love me to celebrate

me in ths r
this right now to remember how not to feel bad
to remember the god self the
focused self

free from resistant thoughts
and the more i let go of thoughts

the more

powerful i am
the more i am alloiwng to
come to me

it feels good to be brave enough to
get out of the way to let go of everything
to know

is my power and to be able to transmute
the energy is my power

it feels good to

do this work and know

i am already here it feels good to feel
connected to remember that god is my source
and feel relaxed in knowig that
it feels good to remember that i
get to feel good no matter waht it

i’m doing the magick work
i’;m dion
i’m doing the magick work
the only work that mattes work

work and right now i am

in the stage of letting go
of programmed thoughtsa
nd thougths

in general and embracing
and getting to know my god self

my sole focus is knowing
god my sold fuc

focus is the understanding
knowledge and awareness of spirit

and that is all i everhave to

wonder about


this work is the god work
it helps be

me boecme

become aware of the energies
i can feel that
there is something
cut of

and i am doing the cutting of

by getting in the way
and tyring t
trying to control
so my number one

job taks

task today
is getting out of the way
and being the witnees

and building myself
up sending the

the signalof


i can do it
when i remember i just send the
yes thank you

i don’t want

i can find the feeling place
do the energy work i love that i know
the eerngy

energy wor is

is easy it’s

easy to love myself
it’s eay to


right now

and totally get out oft he wy
the way and trust the here and now
i love that i know i can

always trust every

here and now i love
that iknow everything is an indicator
i love that i get to choose to
feel in the flow and allow

life to flow through me
and just


it feels good to just
and know that

whatever ahppen


happens happens

it feels good to do the work

i am noticing he
the creative energy momre

more and the
feeling of knowing
i asked for that
i created that
and then i allowed it

and it came i feel that
feeling more andm ore and
i know that is just the


it feels good to pay attention to
the energy
and make that

my number one focus

that is all i can do is

make the energy my number one focus
make feeling good my number one focus

get in the vortex and then
just love just love just send the signal o f

and this work helps me do that

it fesl

feels good to feel good
to celebrate life
to lean into the flow and know
the flow ill
will carry me
to feel good

about life

to feel

at peace about life
it feels good to feel at peace

about life

isn’t it weird that we’ve been conditioned to be afraid of the true meaning of life

i notice that since i’ve
been focusing more on the work over the past

2 days

yes, only 2 days

i’ve noticed a significant
difference in how i feel

i feel more calm
at ease and trusting of life
i feel more clam at ease and
trusting of life i feel

more present and i feel

confident in life
trusting in life knowing in life
calm about life and
the more i
do the work the
better i feel
about my life in general

i am practicing loving myself
feeling whole and letting old things go

and i can feel the difference two days
makes i can feel myself lining up the energy and knowing
this is all that matters
because when the energy is aligned
the rest just happens

it feels good to expect the
best it feels good to expect the best
to not care it feels good to not
care how

it turns out it feels good to feel good in this
here and now tka

make the time to do this work use the time
i have to do this work and remember this

is the only work that matters

it feels good to love to
remember that it’s only ever me
and to say thank you for

the reflection i can feel that
change in vibration and then the
evidence of it

i know the truth of life i know the
truth of life and it’s to look with love and the most
important thing i can leanr to

learn to do is look
with love is to stand up to myself
about what i know is important in life
and do that

it feels good to focus on what is
actually important and the more
i turn my focus toward it the
more i remember it and the braver i feel
about it
it sucks that you have to

be brave

to live fully or maybe that
is just my misconception
it feels good to

live fully to put myself out there
to love and to


to totally stop the rest and
i know that my power is in my
ability to let go
i know that my power is in my letting
go and my gratitude in the
here and now the
feeling in the
here and now

my power is in how i feel in this
here and now

it feels good to feel
good to love this here and now and
to feel good to do the work in

this here and now a

it feels good to feel good i nthis
this here and now

it feels good to celebrate this

here andnow

to do the oonly
only work that mattes and
forget the rest it
feels good to do the to do the work
to lift the veil ti

it feels good to do the work
to lift the veil it feels good

to do me it feels good to do me
to feel good aobut the
the here and now to take the big leap into the hear

here andnow to
allow my best self in the hre and
here and now

and do this work not
don’g be

be afraid of my own power it
feels good to find myself to find myself
amongst the

muck of worry thougths
it feels good to

be deliberate about
where i put my attention it feels good
choose love and know that only
love can fl

follow it feels good to

to do wht

the only

work that matters
this is the only work that matters

is the only work that mattes

and i know because
when i do this work i feel


more content
at ease

and complete

when i do this work
becuase i know



about struggle i love that i get to enjoy the ride
of life and this is the work this is the

only work and iknow that there

there is always this person
in my head
i feel like i’m

having to answer to and i’m learning to
let that go and do

what i want
what i believe in no matter what
that other person might
think and that is

pure freedom

i am d


learning more and more
every day how to enjoy the
here and now life this e

here and now and not
allow myself to think about anything


taking the big leap

what does it mean
it means letting go of striving
but also believing in myself
to lean into the flow
it means seeing myself
as already perfect it
means trusting the flow
enough to let go completely
and i know my power

is in my
letting go
my power is in my letting
go and i know that now

1 day to 20 20 vision

which means that it’s really easy to
turn the awareness toward what i want
to embody the version i want it only takes

a split second not even a day
i can already feel the effects of making this
work my number one priority

when i woke up i felt refreshed
calem i

calm i feel calm i this
here and now i feel calm in this
here and now becuae

i am practicing feeling calm i make the choice
to practice hte the thoughts i want the feelings
i want becaue i a

i am using those tools to create and iknow that’

that is all there is in creation there
is energy

i love doing this work and feeling the
energy and remembering that
this is
is the only work i love that i know this
is the only work and i

never have to struggle just

all i can ever do is feel and send the

this signal this signal this
signal this signal it

it feels good to feel the feeling the
signal the signal of love this signal of

love and to be brave enough to send it
and love myself it feels good to \

to love

it feels good to love me it feels good to love
me tomake the choice to

love me that

to know that is what is

so called missing

from my life the love
and respect for myself i know
that is the feeling i seek that
is the only thing

anyone ever seeeks s
and i i ca

can always find it in the
here and now i love making the choice
to feel at ease i love knowing i am
loved i love knowing
i am always

doing the right now

doing the right thing i love loving thins

this here and now i
i love loving this
here and now i love

loving this here and now i love
loving this

it feels good to love me to practice loving
me it feels good to practice loving me it feels good to
do the onlyw rok
to feel at peace doing the
only work there is

thank you thank you thank you
for this here and now this here and now

the energy it feels good to
sit down and do the energ wor

energy work to nkow the
the energy work is all there is and do the work
the only work that mattes

it feels good to do it for me
to remember the truth for me
to be

unafraid to live
life the way i know it is meant to be
live and that is
all there is all there is all there

all there is it feels good to
feel good now to
notice the affects of the work
to feel calm in this
here and now and to feel myself
letting the rest go

to be brave enough to never think
about that again to let it
go foreer it

it feels good to let

it go

forever it feels good to heal to alow
allow myself

my best self
inthis here

and hre

here and now it feels good to love
that ever
that version of myself and know

it’s not who i am ot
it feels good to release

it to this

to the light to know
it’s all

already there
it’s all
about awareness

all about awareness

i create with my awareness i create
with my w

and the more
i look at my
the more

i become

it feels good to put my focus on
god on the magick of life and allow
it it feels good to put my focus on
god it feels good to ppt

put my focus on god
to be aware of what

i am
to believe

it feels good toask
ask myself that to

take the big leap and
remember that my

supply is my awareness
of god my supply is my awaarene

awareness of the god
within me and iknow this
i nkow this for a fact i know this
for a fact

it feels good to allow myself
to wake up in the dream it feels good
to connect to self and remember the

only ting
thing that maters and focus on it desp

what society may tell
it feels good to be brave
enough to stand up for the magick
that iknow that i know i truly
and do

and dothe opposite of
everyone else
because i know it’s the truth

it feels good to
be brave enough to

follow my own truth
to wake up
in the dream and know that it
helps others do the same
it feels goofeels

feels good to do the only work that
matters and feel how trained my mind and my life
has beocme


to doing

i’ve been trained to

do do do do do do

doing is your worth
but the truth is that
the less you

and do

the more the
does that owrk

work for you ad y
and you can just get out of the way
and enjoy

it feels good to focus on the
focus on the magick of life it
feels good to focus on

the magick of life
it feels good to love
the here and now it
feels good to love the
here and now
it feels good to focus o

on what i now i
know is the truth and make

my only job

coiming back to center that
is my only job is feeling the power of
the vortex

feeling the
power of now and knowing
nothing else matters

my only job is
to feel good and nejoy
enjoy that is my only job
and that is the
the only place i need to put my focu
i put my focus on
feeling good and let the rest go i love
remembering that
it only reflects
me it only mirrors what i

one day to 20 20 vision and i knwo tha

i know this i kno i know the better it
ges i

i know the better it gets i know this
is my work this is my job and i don’ thave

have to worry about anything
else i love that i never have to wrry
i love that i never ha e

have to wonder and i am
brave enough to accept and love this right now
and i get that courage

through practice i come
here and i practice

feeing goo

feeeling g

feeling good and that is
my only job
because when i feel good
i am aligned and then i am allowing
the flow of life to flow i love
doing this work
and feelig the

the magick of life this work is the drug
the vortex is the only drug and i know this
i know this i know this
i know
the feeling of connected to god i know

i know thtat that this shit is real
so i am brave enough to put all of my energ

toward tapping into this magickal power


i know this i know this i know this
and ik now my only job is to focus on this power
and unlock it i love feeling
the power of the
practice i love

feeling the power me i love that
i get to choose love i love that i
get to choose love i love that i
get to choose the

here and now i love the
better it ges i lov

i love feeling good about life i love
feeling good about life
i love raising my vibration i love

doing the work i love

that iknow i am i know i know i know
i know i know i know


that this is the only work i know that this i the only

work i love trusting it i love getting
out of the way



what else is there in life
besides to feel good?
and doing this work helps me
feel that so that is why i do this
work i

make the choice to feel good
that i care about how i feel i make
the choice to care about how i feel
and i do the owrk

work to feel good
for me
it feels good to

work through
the blockage@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and kno that i
that i can always do this and this
is my work that
rest is jut for fun
it feels good to
know that this
is my work and th reas

the rest is
just for fun

thank you for the time to focus

it feels good to remember
that all that matters is this work and to do this
work first and let everything else just
come to me and i know that is
the secret to life

do this work all the time
no matter what and don’t ever
worry about the rest
don’t ever think about anything outside
of getting to know god
because the rest is none of my business

so grateful to take the time to do this
work to remember this
is the only work and this is the only thing
that ever matters

feeling good now i feel good now i feel
good in this here and now and i don’t care what happens

or happened

it feels better!!!!

i feel better!!!

from doing the work from
not thinking outside the now i
i don’t ever have to consider anything
outside this here and now
and it feels good to remember that it

feels good to feel like my best self
my best self it feels good to feel my best self to always get what i want
it feels good to feel like my bes

it feels good to know that it already is
it feels good to know it
already is the way i want it to
be to not care what

anyone else thinks and just go
where life takes me it feels good to know i
dont’ havet o do any of it
or care about

any of it

it feels good to do this worj a
and every time i say “it feels good”
i get to feel good and
feeling good is all that matters
celebrating right now

is all that matters
and today i am doing that today
i leaned intot he flow
the flow and it fels feels good today
i lean into the flow an dit
feels good it feels good

it feels good feels good to feel like
my best sel to all
to allow my best self now

this is the best version of myself

right now

right now i am the best version of myself
and i celebrate that fact
right now is the best ever right now
is the main event i love that

that i know this is the main event and
i’m proud of myself for doing the work
to help me recognize that


my awareness
and knowledge

of the all providing activity
of the divine mind with me

is my supply



for helping me remember this
and celebrate it
and that feeling of remembering this
and celebrating it

that is life

that is the meaning of life

that is the meaning of life and i love
feeling it

and milking

it i love feeling better i love that i
get to feel better i love

lettig the r

the rest go i love feeling my vortex
i love that i know that

everything i ever wanted

is in my vortex and it’s all

just pure love i love feeling
good about myself i love knowing that
the best part me

is right no wi love
i love feeling good about myself i love

finding myself i love
finding the bad bitch within

i love

making the time to do the only work that matters
this work and i am brave enough to sit still

get to know myself
to remember who i am and love me
i am brave enough to sit here and

practice loving myself and
feeling loved and knowing that

that feeling is real

i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel
elevated i feel aware i feel
elevated i feel aware i feel the effects of the practice

i feel good i feel elevated i feel aware i feel
loose i feel calm i feel at ease i feel
trust in the universe i trust it to unfold i’m allowing

the magick i allow i

i allow the magick i know the power i allow the power i see
the power in eerything

everything i get out of the way
and see the power in everything and i practice

loving myself i oe m
i love myself iknow this

i know this is the answer i love
myself i love myself i love

i love letting it unfold i love
always doing my best i love

choosig to love

choosing to love wher ei
i am right now o
loving where

wher ei am

i am in this

here and now i love where i am
in this here and now i love

where i am in this here and ow
now i love feeling the energy
just feel the energy just feel the
energy just be brave enough to feel the
energy of what you want

just be brave enough to feel the
energy of what you want

i can do that i feel the energy of
what iw ant and iknow that’

all there is there is energy
and it is either of what you want
or what you don’t want and i make the
choice to feel th e

the energy of what i want

then i already have it

and i don’t need the thing
because i already ghave t


have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i already have it i already
have it its alredy there
already there
i already have it and i know

i know who i am i know the power
of me i know

i love that right now is
the best version of myself and i get to choose to love
me right now in t

this here and ow

i get to choose to love

thank you!!

i love practicing loving myself

and saying fuck the rest
i love being in the habit of loving
myself and not giving a shit about
anything else

all i can do is love myself
and life will reflect that and i
don’t have the energy to waste on
anything else because i know life

reflects that energy

i love standing up to my thoughts!!!!!

and remembering that i am magick
and i am god and nothing can stop me!!!

i love standing up to my thoughts i love
feeling my god self come in and that is why i do this
work to feel my god self

rise up to remember that

it’s only
ever me and i remember by doing this work
and the more i do this work the

easier it is to remember i love
celebrating knowing that my mood

is my only work i love doing this work
and feeling good i love

getting it all out
talking to myself about it

i love every opportunity to use
my magick i love
getting to use my magick i love that i
get to feel good inthsi

every here and now

i love remembering who i am and
celebrating this fact i love

being brave enough to love!!!

the power of the focus i love the power of
the focus i love that i get to choose and this
work helps me do it i know

that i am god and god is
infinite and i never have to
believe int he worry
the worry thoughts
and i love that

this work

helps me remember that

life is fun and it’s mean tot
be that way i’t

it’s only ever for fun and it
helps me remember my fun self it helps me
like myself enough to

i love feeling better i love that i
get to make the choice adn

and it all comes back to how much
am i

showing up for life??????

how much am i showing up for life?
or at all????

what message am i sneding

sending life??

it feels good to tap into the
the magick of life to
drink the honey
to feel the honey

to be the honey of life
it feels good to allow myself to
be the darling of my own life it

feels good to allow myself that
and not allow anyone
even myself

especially myself to stop me
it feels good to amke

make the time to do the only work
that matters and feel good in this here and now
no matter what

knowing without
a doubt that it always

reflects me

do you want to think about that
or do you want to embody your god self?

satnd up

stand up to your thoughts
and allow yourself to be who you are

the god self and themore
i look for teh god the god self
the more i feel it

see it

hear it

taste it

touch it

feels like i had good dreams

which means i was at peace in my sleep
which means i went to bed at peace
and i know i did because i did the work

it feels good to wake up in the dream
to be aware of the energy it feels good
to focus on how i want to feel and feel
practiced at not allowing
doubtful, fearful, or resistant thoughts to enter

it feels like i do start holding my breath
when i smoke
like the fear the paranoia creeps in

and then it’s like would i b
e better off sober

it feels good to not need anyting
to feel good in my l ife
life right now it feels good to
feel good in my life right now and
feel the feeling of peace and when i build pp


when i build up this feelig of peace when i build
up this feeling of peace
it lasts longer and long it’s a

like a drug that
when you take it
you need less and less of it
to get high

the more you take it
the less you need

self love is the only drug that
the more you take it the

it the less you need

i love mysle fi love
i love myself for getting out
of bed!!!

i did it and i am out here celebrating that
i got out of bed and

decided to start the day by leaning inot the
inot into the flow and i can feel that
it helped that i did the work last night to allow
myself with source it feelsg ood i

it feels like being able to trust
what is and not resist it ifeels
it feels good to trust what is

it feels good for someone
to say

i thought about you

it feels good to love to
easily just come back to love and

feel the freedom of that it feels good
to come back to love

it feels free

it feels free to love it feels good
to feel good to make the choicde t

to feel good about that

i’m doing it!!

something happened that i didn’t
and i decided to feel good about it
and trust it and look for what
it might be bringing

and that is the habit i want to be in i love
being in the habit of noticing feeling
bad and then choosing to feel how i want to feel




the circumstances

it feels good to love it feels
good to love to love to know that all i cn

can ever do is
inspire from within
all i can ever do is inspire from

it feels good to let go of th rest and
allow life to flow it feels good to

to feel good it feels good to feel
good it eels

feels good to feel good to feel

good it feels good

thank you for the feeling for the
rememberign feeling that the love

is always there the feeling is always there
and the perfect moment to feel it

is here and now i love that
i get to feel it right now i love
that i get to feel it rightno wi l

i love that i get to feel it rightnow i love
that i ge tto feel

to feel good in this here and now i love
that i get to love me
inthis here and now i love taht

that i get to love me i this
this here and now i love the power of the focus and making
the choicet o do t

to do the work here and now

i am

i am already perfect how i am and i’m not
afraid of that i am brave enought o em

to embrace

to embrace

my perfection to allow myself to embrace
my perfection

i embrace that i am already perfect how and

how i am and this helps me do the work
it feels good to feel improvement it feels good
to feel improvement it feels good to

to feel good to feel good to remember that
all that mattes is

is feeling good and the rest i cn just
practice not giving a fuck
and when i do
it all unfolds


thank you thank you thank you for this

thank you thank ou
thank you and i love that i know i am already perfect

i do this work to remember how easy it is to
enjoy this here and now i do this work

to remember how easy it is to

enjoy this here and now this here and now
i remember how good it feels in this
here and now to choose to choose to choose

to choose it feels good to make th choice
the choice and remember i’m not a victim it feels good to amke
to make the choice to
lead by example

it feels good to feel fearless and ngaf

it feels good to embody those feelings i this
this here and now and feel

literally feel my vibration

i come back here to
talk to myself to remember who i am
what i relaly

really want out of life

and to let of of the

untrue version i’ve created along
with the collective consciousness

today i renounce myu


right now i renounce my humanhood and that
feels good that feels free

i can let go of all the error thoughts
and just focus on my god self

mky ma

mky m

my magick self
and tha’ts a lot more fun

it’s alot

a lot more fun to choose how
i want to feel how i want my life to unfold
it feels good to be in a place of looking for the magick
it feeels good to it feels good to look for the magick it feels good

to look for the magick
it feels good to choose the feeling it feels good
to allow life to unfold

to send the signal of yes
to send the siganl of

yes and know that is all ic an
can ever do

it feels good to focus in one place
to let go of the rest it feels good to e

let go of the rest to

renounce my humanhood
it feels good to feel the spiritual realm
to focus on the spirit realm
and know this
is all that matters

it feels good to find it in myslef
to find god in me it feels good to find
god in me and feel it

it feels good to feel god in me
to feel the

the power of my observations and
expectations it feels good to remember


is the only work and

let everything else go
it feels good to remember how i feel is
the only work and the

or the shit that happens

matters none

because i can always feel good i can
always connect with source and feel
good about life

that is my natural state

feeling good and trusting life
is my dominant state
and it feels good to feel the confidence of knowing
that when i ask

it is given it feels good
for life
to give me the chance to choose

it feels good to know the magick of life
to say every time

it’s getting better
and know it’s true
it feels good to know this
to have access to this feelig

it feels good to do the work
and feel better to feel at ease to do the work

to let go to exhale