doing the work and feeling better

when i do the work this
work of remembering who i am
and that’s
it’s only ever the energy and that i’m allowed
to love msyelf
myself and celebrate life

that is the
i’m afriad t

i’m afraid to
allow people to see me

celebrating life i’m afraid to jum pint

why i’m doing it’m
i’m taking the leap i’m jumping into

i’m celebrating life
right now

when i do the work
i feel better when i feel for the power of
me when i’m

brave enough

to feel for the power of me
to love me to love

to fucking love myself it feels so
good to fucking loe m

to love myself enough to look
for signs of improvement it feels good
to pracitce

loving myself and get there i
ti it feels good to get there
to to

pay attention to the energy it

feels good to be aware of the
energy it feels good to be aware of

the energy i love myself
and i deserve love i love myself and i am

worthy of ove and

love and i am not afraid to love
every single day because every day is a miracle
and i would reath

rather feel good than bad so m
i make the cohce to love the day and i love that
i can feel the energy i love that

it’s eay to let it go

to connect to spirit to elevate my vibration
to remember who i am and let go to remember
i never have to worry aobut

about anything or make any

anything happen

it feels good to feel the
energy to choose to feel at ease and
feel that i have access to it if

it feels good to do the work to
feel good about msyelf to celebrate this

iknow it’s only me
i know i am creating all of that
and i feel the feeling
of knowing that everything will
work out perfectly

i prefer to enjoy my life
i prefer to wake up excited i prefer to
feel invigorated with my projects
i prefer to
be proud of who i am i prefer to let
money flow in and out

i prefer to approve of myself
in this here andnow i prefer
to feel elevated and i love tthat
that i do al ot of the of the time
i love that i feel


elevated a lot of the time i love that i know
who i am and i know i am the creator i am remembering
this more andmore and th

the more i focus on this work
the mroe i remember that

so much trust in life

grateful to be doing the work
this work this is the only work that really matters
to me and i know it and i know it
and i know that i can do
i can change the energy i love

feeling the energy shift i love
feeling the energy shift i love
feeling the flock

the vlo

blockage break i love that the
blockage is breaking because the
enery that

energy that creates worlds is too
strong and i am not resisting it any more so
the energy that creates
worlds is flowing through eht

the blockage and i am
doing the work that helps me allow the
energy to flow

i’m doing the only work that matters
i’m standing up for me
and i’m standing up to my thoughts i

i’m doing the work to shift
the energy and taht’s
that’s alli can

alli i can ever do is
pay attention to th energy
energy and choose the feeling
the energy i want to feel
and whenever i feel tight i know
i can always feel loose and the more
i practice

feeling loose

i want to feel better
that is why i am here i want to
feel better i am tired of suffering and iknow
that suffering

comes aobut
about unneccesarily

and that life is meant to
be fun and easy and that the
vortex is right here and now

the vortex already is and
i know i am already in the vortex

i love that i am
already here and
in this place i am free from
worry because i remembe that
that worry is just wishing
for what you don’t want a

and doing this work helps me remember that
remember who i am
and what i truly want

what am i waiting for?
if i know the key to a full life
what am i waiting for?

and i’m so grateful i get to choose to
feel it now i get to choose to enjoy my life
in this here and now
to feel whole
and complete in this here and now

and this work helps me do it

helps me feel at
ease helps me

practice the feeling and iknow i can
i kow i can always turn the
boat i can always choose

and flow

i can always choose
ease and flow and trustin ght e
the flow
i choose
ease and flow and i kow that
tha with practice it gets easier i lovef

i’m here and now i know that it’s only
ever ener

ever energy i am here and no a
and i know that it’s only
ever the feeling the

feeling of blissville

the feeling of loving where i am
the feeling of choosing to
enjoy life o

of celebrating ever moment
the feelig of
of feeling well of lookinf fo

for improvement of standing up to my thougths
to do the work the the only thing

that matters and inow
i know that’s loving myself i am standing up
to myself and loving myself i am feel

am feeling the love i want to
receive i feel the love i feel the
feeling and that is what this work
is all about i know that the
feeling is all that matters
and all i ever need to focus on
is this work and feeling the

feeling of ye s

the feeling of knowing the feeling of
knwoing is all that matters
because life ref

reflects that
and i can always let go of what i am
thinking about in that moment
and that’s whaty

what counting helps me do i
and if i want to feel better i have



i have to make the choice i have
to make the chocie to stand
up to my thoughts and

that’s all i can do and it’s fun
to do the work to hack

life it’s fun to hack life it’s fun to feel
good about life to get the most out of every day
it’s fun to celebrate the day to


to feel better to lookf or
what i want to see to feel the energy flowing through me
to feel good aobut life
and know that more the more i practice connecting with
spirit the eaiser i

it is and this shit is
real i can allow it i can allow what i want
to ahpp

happen i can allow it and know that life
loves me and it’s all just


it’s all just me it’s just
it’s all me i create all of it
and so i kno th

i know that it already is
it already is andi am
tuning myself to knowing that to feeling
good to allowing myself to

celebrate who i am in this hre

here and now i celebrate me
i love me!!!!

i love that i don’t care i love
feeling the feeling of not caring and that
is f

the feeling of freedom i love
choosing to feel the
feeling i want to feel choosing
to feel the
feeling i want to feel chooisng
it ow i

i know the power i know the magick of me
and all i need


is to come back to center all that
i ever need

is to come back to center
to reax in

relax intot he truth of who i am
to just sit and do this work
until i feel tuned

it feels good to change my point
of attraction to choose to live
the fullest life possible to choose to
celebrate who i am to choose to
feel loved to never wonder

to just choose to get
good at choosing it feels good
to get good at choosing

i love letting it go i love
choosig to
choosing to feel lifted i love

wanting to let it all go
i love feeling free from it all
i love that
i can feel aligned i

i feel aligned with source i feel
the value in me i feel the life flowing through
me i feel that life is worth living and not only

it’s awesome!!!

i am allowed to celebrate this now i love
that it’s easy to tune myself
and feel good on any topic it’s easy
turn the boat

and that’s where i’ve been feeling the block
like not able to turn the energy but i am allowing myself to
look fwith

with love to allow myself to love
and to heal i am allowing myself to

heal i am allowing healing energy to
flow and inow t

i know this is the only work i can
tune in tap in turn on t

to course

source energy is here and now
source energy is in me god energy is me
it’s only ever me and iknow i am
the one and only creator i know
i am the one
and only creator and i can alway sbe

break through i can always let it all go
let it all go i lovetha tit already is
it’s already done ita’s

already done

i’m remembering how to
be grateful and expect the best to
remember that life loves me and i deserve it

i’m remembering whow

how to feel like life loves me
and it eele
feels good it feels good to love myself
to love msyelf to feel good about myself it

feels good to feel good about msyelf

i’m strong and capable

i’m strong and capable

i can do it i can live the life i want
i choose the life i want to

i choose to feel free in my life
i choose to feel expansive in my life

i choose exhale

to let it all go i choose that in this
here and now i choose to let it all go
to not care to come

bakc to

to center it feels good to do the

to massage the energy to love msyelf
to allow me to love me

i approve of myself

than kyou thank you fr
for this here and now than kyou
for all that i have that
i now you
i know you created i kno

and brought to me than kyou
for this here and now so grateful

do the work and feel connected allow
myself to really to do

do the work and get the fuck out of
the way it feels good to make the choice

to send

love to everything to
be brave enought t
to send love to everything

to practice feeling this
way to practice loveing

loving and feeling loved it feels good
to pracitce

it and know this is the only workt hat

that matters this is the ow
the only work that matters and when i do this
work everything else works out

i never have to wonder or stress or make sure
anythig et
gets done si get

i get to just let go
and truat

all i can ever do

is let go

and trust

today i am focused on the energy moving through me

i focus on the energy moving through me instead of
‘the block’

i do feel that the energy is blocked but i can
also feel that focusing on the energy being blocked
makes the blockage worse so i focus on the things
that feel like neergy
energy is flowing free thr

freely through me and this work helps me
do it just focusing on the energy moving freely through me
allows the energy to move and the mor ei allow
i allow the energy
to move the eaiser i

easier it gets to allow it
turn my focus toward the flow
instead of the block
and that is what i intend to to do

to feel for the flow
instead of the black
block and when i feel the block
it’s helping me feel the

for the flow and i feel empowered when i
reach for the flow i feel good in my life
i feel like there might be a smidgen of a chance
that life loves me t

so today when i feel the
block i will take it as a reminder to feel
for the energy

and i do it every time because what is
do i do i focus on the blockage every time i feel
it like

why won’t it go away
but instead i intend to focus on the energy
moving easily through me
and when i do that i feel good i feel the
ease of life moving through me i feel the
feeling of feeling
good i feel the flow
of life flowing through mei feel

i feel good i feel empowered by life
i feel loved by life and i know that’s ok

it’s allowed to feel good to celebrate life
because what else am i going to do so i make the choice
to feel good now and allow the energy to

it feels good

to stand up for myself to do the work
and feel better to know that when i do the work
i feel better what more
proof could i need?

when i notice the blockage
i focus on the flow when i notic eht

the blockage
i focus on the flow i focus on the flow an this
allows the flow to flow and the more i
practice the easier it gets to a

allow the flow

when i turn toward the flow when i turn
toward the flow instead of the blockage

i feel the energy flowing through me
today i am focused on the energy flowing through me
coming back to center and allowing the energy to flow

and that’s all i can ever do is

allow the energy to flow allow the energy to move up
and ask myself what i wuld pre

would prefer to feel and feel it
to make the choice to f

to feel at ease in this hre a

here and now and i’m brave enough to
stand up for me to stand up
for how i feel and

love myself

i am conditioning myself to
exists in a state of abundance
and joy

refuse to suffer

today i will stand up
to my thoughts today i will

embody my full self today i will
lift the veil and remember that it’s
only ever me today i refuse to suffer
today i will turn into the flow i will
feel for the ease of life

today i feel for the ease of life
today i stand up for myself
against my thoughts today i remember that
god is lavish
unfailing abundance

today i love myself i love myself i love
myself and i know that i am
enough today i love myself and i remember that i am
enough and by doing this work i become
more and more aware of who i am
today i do this work
and this is the only work that matters

today i say

i love myself

today i am aware of the energy
today i

turn the boat and make the
choice to no

not let anything cut off my supply
i lean into the power supply

the never ending power supply and the more
i feel for the ease in my life the better i feel i love
that i feel healed i love that
today i feel good about my life i love

that i know it’s all only


trust in life

it feels good to trust life to build up
that trust in life and want to build up that
trust in life it feels good to at least know

what i’m doing here what i’m working
toward what i’m focused on and i come
here to lay the groundwork for the day to
remember who i am and to remember to be aware of
the version i am creating

it feels good to feel good to celebrate life
and have a ‘normal’ day it feels good to know that life
is ever unfolding and trust that process it
feels good to admit that to myself
it feels good to

be aware of the signal i send and to
be int he practice of sending the signal of

well being it feels good to feel good about life
to allow myself to celebrate this right now it feels good
to focus in the flow and say yes it feels good
to focus it feels good to let go to
feel for it feels good to feel for the vortex to feel for the
vortex to feel for the flow of life the magick of
life today i am looking in the direction of the
flow and i know that with practice that point
of focus gets easier
i love the power of choosing to feel good
about msyelf in this here andnow i love

making the choice to feel empowered about that
i love that i get to be aware of my thoughts
feelings and emotions i can do it i love that i
get to do the things that feel good i love
that i get to let go of the rest i love that iknow

how easy it is to let go of
thoughts that don’t serve me i love that i am
aware i am aware of a block in my heart chakra

and i am willing to do the work
to clear it i feel it clearing i feel the energy clearing
i feel the energy rising i feel the energy moving up
and that’s all i can ever do

today i feel good today i feel at ease and
this work helps me do that

helps me create the version i want
and i love being devoted to my vortex and i love that it’s
working i love that life i smakg

is magick i love that it’s working i love
taking the big leap into life
i love taking the big leap into a life that’s good

thank you for this day fopr the

the awakening and i’m ready i’m ready to
let it go to let the energy go and feel
filled up by life i am ready to do the work

focus on something new i am ready to
do the work to

be aware of the energy and
not feel bad about i
but reather

rather feel good about
redirecting it again
it feels good to be aware of the energy and to know
that i can do it

i can choose to be aware of the energy
and direct it elsewhere and today i am doing that work
today i

make the choice to feel free
todayi am

i am free in my life and doing the work to celebrate
to send the sgianl signal for what i want and i know that’s
all i can ever do so when i do this work i am
coming here to pracitce fee

feeling the way i want to feel

so grateful we get to take a trip!!

a real vacation!!

so grateful to get to do things so grateful
to have money!!

so grateufl to feel good in my lie
to feel expansive about life
sog rateufl

gratefuli never have to wonder to feel in alignemrn
alignment with life and to never have to worry about what

other popele are thinking

it feels good to allow the flow to flow
through me to feel to feel like a match to feel that i deserve this
it feels good to make the choice

to feel

expansive about that i love
having the money to be able to take a trip
if i want to and love that i get to
choost o feel
to feel good about that i get to feel good about that
and this is my work

this is my work

deciding how i want to feel
and then feeling it and not letting worry
thoughts or doubts or

wondering what other people will think

get in the way and i know this is the only
work is making the choice

to feel good to feel good now
to feel good now t

making the choice to feel good

it feels good to have fun and celebrate life
to let that go to know that i can let that go

whatever it is i can let it go i am letting it go
i love that i get to to do the work the

and the wor is the
the work is the energy i know that i get to
celebrate and that is all there is i love
that i get to celebrate and feel expansive i love
that i ge tto c
to celebrate and feel expansive i love that i
get to enjoy my life and

choose the energy that i put out there
i love that i get to gho

choose the energy i put in the world and kow that
and know that is what is reflected i get to choose
the energy and know that there is always more

than enough i get to celebrate that
there is always more than enough

we never go out or hardly eat out so i think we
deserve to take a trip

more than that

i dn’t have
have to justify my choices to anyone

more that tha

more than that

i get to celebrate my abundance

my unending abundance!!!

that i know of for a fact and
if soemone

else doesn’t like it

not my problem

it feels good to use my energy to do the work
to feel for it it feels good to feel for it
and that is what this work does

it feels good to fee the energy
that i am feeling and then make the choice to
massage that energy i can always massage the energy
i can always look for what i want to see

it feels good to kow that
that i can get out of the way i tfeels go
it feels good to be aware and to let that
go it feels good to be aware and

to let it go to remembe that life
life is easy and it’s all about the

i can feel this part of me
that doesn’t want to do it
in the back of my head saying

but it’s too hard to change how
you feel about that

but that just makes me want to do ti
because i know i can
and i’m not
going to have

resistant thoughts

untrue thoughts

tell me i can’t

so i get to choose i get to choose i get to
choose and by doing that work

i massage my life
i massage the feeling by being aware of
the feeling i can massage it
and it feels good to massage the
feeling and little by little
the knotted up

and thoughts
can dissapate

making way for
ease of life


i love that i get to celebrate and
be aware of my thougths i love
i love that i get to
get to choose them i love
that i get to choose the eerngy
energy i love that i am

awrae that i am thinking about
what someone else might think

i am doing the work to let that go
i can feel that it is a restricing tho

restrictive thought and i am willing to do the work
to massage it

i am elttin

letting that go

i am so tired of living

restricted feeling

like i am suffocating myself with my own thoughts
so today i intend to stand up to them today
i intned to live

to live in the vortex and i
refuse to suffer i refuse to let thoughts that aren’t even
true thta are

that are just made up
affect how i feela nd i l
and i

i love that i can always get in the
vortex on this subject i love that i
get to celebrate life i love that there
is always more than enough i love
that i get to choose to myt

be ahppy

happy for myself and not
care what anyone else thinks i love that

get to not give a fuck and i love doing the work

practicing feeling how i want to feel
i am standing up to my thoughts and
choosing to feel the feeling i want to feel

which is excited

the work is in where i place my attention and focus

i can feel that in the morning
before i fully wake up
i feel at peace i feel
that i can breathe

and i feel this before any thoughts
enter my mind and i can feel that
when i start to wake up
i start to feel that i can’t breathe

so i count
and that helps me breathe and feel relaxed and then
i fall back asleep and repeat

and that could explain why i would have
a hard time waking up because i want to feel that
peace of when i am asleep

and i know this is a clue and ik now
it’s up to me what i do with it

i know that
peace is power and peace is what brings
about everything

nothing brings about
everything and today my goal
is to bring that peace of when
i first wake up

to my waking life

to wake up in the dream and remember i
don’thave to care i don’t have to worry i can just
choose to send the signal of

it feels good to do this work
and pay attention to where i place my focus

it feels good to focus
and feel at ease it feels good to
bei nco
in control of how i feel and the thoughts
i attrat i

it feels good to do the work
to stand up for myself and how i feel to
stand up against my thoughts

to not be a victim of my thoughts
and know for a fact

through life experience

that i can decide to experience something different
and i do this work to feel that to knw that
i am the one and only craetor o

creator of my life experience

today i intend to wake up in the dream to
feel the magick feeling of hanving j

having just worken
woken up and it’s up to me to feel that
feeling that is already there

within me today i intne dto
to feel the magick that
that is already


within me today i inten to
to do the work to renounce my humanhood to

remember who i am
and to remember that i am not a victim
to celebrate the trueness of who
i am and to love myself fully it feels like

i have the answers and today
i will celebrate them!!

missing an old life and
feeling resentful about it
having to live a life
i didn’t choose for myself
because of someone else’s weakness
and i have

to suffer?

because of it i’m trapped in
alife a
i didn’t choose because of someone else’s
shit because someone else can’t
control themselves
so i have to live a life
that i didn’t even choose
and i’m supposed to
just sit by and accept it

and i can feel that i can feel better
i’m able to feel better but i don’t want to because
i want you to suffer too

because i’m suffereing an

suffering and you should suffer too
because it’s your fault

i’m suffering

but really it’s my own fault
but i don’t want to decide to feel
better because then it means its ok

that i’m being forced to live

your life.

and i’m supposed to just accept that
and be happy about the fact that yo uhave
issues that aren’t mine but i have to take
them on and that sucks

it sucks feeling like you are forced t live
to live a certain way that you didn’t choose

it sucks to feel trapped in
the life you are in


i come back to this place and
i remember who i am and i gather momentum i
remember who i am so i can

relax into the here and now
and remember that i never have to
stress it feels good to
remember the extremes my mind has gone to
and how easily i can turn the boat
of expectation it feels to
remember how easy it is to turn
the boat and then do it it
feels good to turn the boat
to feel good about that to

feel certain about that to
feel in the flow about that it feels good
to come back here and

let it all go and let it come to me
it feels good to let it all come to me
it feels good
to allow this here and now
and remember who i am what iam that
that i am the creator it feels good to
remember that i am the creator
to allow myself
to feel cenetered in there

this here and
than kyou for this

here and now and i am
focused on remember who
remembering who i am th
and that is why i come
back here adn now

do the only work that matters
the only work that
matters the only work that matters
is this o

work it feels good to feel the flow
flowing through me doing the work
the work and allowing myself to
trust the flow

to trust the

what is in this here and now
it feels good to

allow it feels good to allow
to feel the feeling of now to focus
let go of all the worry thoughts the
wonder thoughts the
what if thoughts the
i am not enough thougths
and come back here to feel the
feeling of well beig flowing

flowing through me i know that
there is only ever well being and that
is theo
onl wya

wya to feel it is to allow it to
it feels good to come
come back here for e to to do the work
for me and know that th
it’s only ever here and now
and i can

let hte rest the rest go let the
rest go and this work
know that this wrok always works
it feels good to let go
and be the winess
it feels good to zoom out and allow
well being to

zoom out and allow well being
allow love to flow allow life to flow it
feels good to amek

amke the
make the choice to allow

life to flow i am allowing life to flow
i make the choice to allow to zoom
out and allw to
get out of the way to
get out of the way
and i kow that’

that’s all i can do i feel the
energy of it and iknow i can

trust the energy and when i look
at the neer

energy i gain insights in
how to do that

i feel the eenrgy
energy of ease flowing through me
and i know that’s all i can
do is look toward

what i want to feel


ease toward the feeling of what i want to
feel and i know i can always do this i can
always ease toward relief i can always

feel the feeling of releif and i know
this iknow i am not a victime of

of my thoughts and i get to choose to
feel at ease in this
hre and here and now i feel at

ease in this here and now remembering who i am
remembering i am god and i am

creating this life i’s o
it’s only ever me and i am
celebratig that
that it already is how i want it to be

it’s ok to trust the flow

it’s ok to trust the what is in this moment
and know that the enery is

is always changing all i can do in this
here and now is be aware of the energy
that is and accept it and i’m grateful

i am getting better and
bettter at acceping what

accepting what is and allowing
it to be i know that i would
prefer to feel inspired and full of energy
but sometimes life gives me a chance to appreciate
the contrast the sit still and come back to
center to

cause me to pause and ask myself who i am
i really am and what i really want and why i want it
and i know that i

all i can do is stay focused on the version i
prefer and feel the resonance with that and feel
gratitude in this here and now i know

resistance feels bad and allowing
feels good allowing

the awareness to say thank you for this
here and now the awareness to saythank
you for this here and now and the

awareness to feel good the feeling of
feeling good it feels good to feel good and to know
that notm

no matter what the circumstances
i can always feel good and i’m glad that today
is hlepin g


helping me accept the isness
of life and to see that i am
getting better at it and also
feel the version i prefer the

version where i jump into the flow and i know
that i can always jump intot he flow
i can jump into the flow right now and let the
rest go i love that ‘ve de



i’ve decided to feel good about life
to jump into the fow and
i know it doesn’t require effort only

attention only energy and i love
that i can let go of

needing things to go
a certain ay i

way i can let go of that and look
for what to celebrate in this here and now
and i love that i am
getting better at that

at turning the focus the attention i am
getting better and better at turning the

attention and i guess

what makes me feel
frustrated is that i feel like
i do this work and don’t make
any perceivable

progress but i also know that
the perception is only mine



but i know i am always feeling closer to self
to spirit
to the knowing of who i am a
and in that way i am

making ‘progress’

i know that all that matters
i know

is knowing the god self within
me and i can feel that i am
letting go of the rest i cam

i am more and more courageous
about letting go of everything

besides god and this
ist he work the work tha thelps me do that
helps me take the big leap

and accept the here andnow it

it eel

feels good to accept the here and now
and let go of the rest it feels good

to be aware of who i am
it feels good to do the good work tok now that

to know that god is

always helping me

it feels good to relax into the here and now to t

to trust it and to know that all i can
ever to


to feel good to feel bettter
is to relax inot the the here and n
now of me it feels good to do me
to do the

the only work that matters
to pay attention to where i am putting my focus
it feels good to

to feel for the energy inside me and know that
ti’s a

it’s always there and i don’ thave to

create it

it’s already there

right now and i get to celebrate that
i love hte
the freedom
to bask i love

the freedom to enjoy thiss

the stillness of the moment i love
that i know it’s all me and i’t sonly

only ever an indicator i know that life
is only ever an indicator
so i choose to feel the feeling right now

i choose to do me i choose
to break from fromt he

the chians

chains the perceived

control i choose to do me
to do what i want when i want to

and that is what my heart
is yearning for

to feel totlaly

totally and completely free
and the freedom to do m e

i can always let go ofthe
the expectations and come back to ther e
the here and now and do me in

this here and now that it

that is what is stifling me
living for someone

someone elses expectations and i know
what i really want is to live life for me

only me

only consider what i want

and then i feel free

do me no matter what and that’s
all i can do
and that is what the magick is

helping me

live life for me totally for me
and no one else and when i do that i can

always feel good now because i’m no

not living for someone
else not

not acting
because of their needs or expectations

not thining

thinking i have to do or be something
else because of someone else and

when i amke the choice to

live fully as me
as i want to live

with no apologies

then i feel free

i feel free as i want to be in this here and now
and i can always turst

trust the flow of this
here and now and focus on me

i can always just do me and i
don’t have to care ou

about what anyone else thinks
and that

sets me free

no i intend to live fully
as me which means being fully
present in my own life

in this here and now

showing up fo rme

for me

not for anyone else
and trusting the flow completely
because that is all i can ever do

feel the energy of this space

i can feel the energy of
this space this place in

so called
time continuum
but really it’s just the
same time and place

always with different
energy and i am tuned to the energy of the here
and now i love
feeling the energy of
the now and remembering

that is me i am aware of nervous
energy that makes me contract in the
space and i am aware of expansive energy
that enables me to fill the magickal
space of now

it feels good to feel the expansive energy
and know that it’s always there it feels goo

feels good to make my only
focus feeling for god in this here and now
and that is what helps me love

and it’s not a matter of
making myself love it’s a matter of
letting go of all the muck that

gets in the way of a signal that

already exists and wheni make
make my focus on

set my channel to god
to feeling for the god in every moment
then i feel that
resonance instantly
and that is why i do this work

to feel the relief of feeling
god in every moment and subsequently
feeling the love that already exists

it feels good to allow myself to
love fully and know that love

is real

feels good to release to allow
well being and know that it’s
a practice well being is a practice

and love is a practice and this
is what this work is

practicing feeling the feeling
of love because that is what we are all
striving for

we all just want to feel
loved and accepted and we think
conditions will bring us that
but it’s already there

right now the love
and acceptance already exists under
the belief that we need
something else to
bring it

thank you for the power
of me than kyou for the magick of me

and it feels good to celebrate the
now to milk the feeling to know that

we’ve made it it feels good to know
we’ve made it to
to feel the feeling and allow life to flow
through me it feels good to allow my life

to flow through me it feels good to all
to allow life to flow th
thank you for this

here and now than kyou
for this here and now this

here and now t
and the feeling of the focus the
feeling of remembering

who i am

thank you for
the power of love the feeling of love
and choosing love i do this work
so that i can practice choosing love
choosing to love myself
choosing to love this

here and now choosing love in this
here and now choosing love
in this here and now and i am
here in thi

this thank you for love
in this hre here and now thank you for
reflections of

what i want to see and the
feeling of enough thank you for the
feeling of knowing that

it’s only ever a match it
it’s a match to the energy of me it’s a match to the
energy of me and it feels good
to feel good as me it feels good to

love myself it feels good

to love myself it feels good to love
the feeling of me it feels good to

feel the feeling of me it feels good
to feel the feeling of me it

it feels good to focus to focus on
god and that’s the only thing that matters

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

i know this and so that
is why on

my only focus is on feeling connected to
god to my inner self to source

energy in this here and now
and it feels good to

feel source energy to
feel the energy that creates

worlds and

feel it always coming back around
feeling the certainty of love and kow

knowing that th

the feeling of love is
the sea that carries the
ship of life

thank for this here and now
for the well being flowing through me
for the

feeling of a brand

art building

thank you for the
feeling thank you for the feeling of
now the feeling of knowing the
feeling of allowing it to come to me
of knowig that

the magick of life the
excitement of getting out of the way

allowing myself to connect to self
to feel the vortex to make the

the vortex my number one priority
and that is all i can do is

focus on how i feel make the choice to
feel good feel good now

feel good now and

that is the feeling of god it
feels good to get in t

to be grateful


grateful for likes so grateful to get to
do things for gallery shows for

to work on the house to make progress to feel it
unfold to say yes
to this right now to the magick of life to remember

it feels good to remember the only
thing that matters and the more i remember it
the easier my life is the easier it is to
love this here and now
because i do the work to remember who i am to remember th e

the only thing that matters
and that’s feeling good in this here andnow
and when i focus on that one simple thing

then i am able to wade through the muck

all the untrue beliefs i’ve built up
around who i really am which is someone who loves
and i get to choose
to be that person

that loves and when i focus on the
one thing that mattes i f

i feel that feeling of love and i know that is
all that matters in life so i take the big leap to let

it all go and let it all for t

straight to me

and i do this work
because it always works it

it always helps me feel good
feel loved

love and feel loved and
remember that is the only thing
that matters

in life

attention to the attention

and i come back to here to this place
to keep doing the work to keep the feeling
up because i feel good and i want to
milk it i want to
live the good life feel the feeling of the
good life and connect to self
to feel my best self it feels good to allow the feeling of my
best self it feels good to allow the feeling of my best self it feels good to allow the feeling of my best self

it feels good to feel the feeling of my
best self it feels good to
feel good about who i am it feels
feels good to feel good to feel the feeling of me it feels good to

to feel the feeling of me

the foucs of the here and now
and that’s why i com

i come back to the here and now
to feel the feeling in the here and now
to com
come back to center to do the only work that matters
it feels good to do the only work that matters it feels good to do the
only work that matters

to feel good in the here and now to apy

pay attention to my vibration to make
how i feel my number one priority and to milk the feeling

of feeling good it feels good to
milke the feeling of feeling good it
feels good to milk the feeling of

of feeling good it feels good to
milke the feeling go
of feeling good it feels good toc ome
back here and focus to remember
to pay attention to
where my focus

is and it make

it feels good to ame
to make
my mood my number one priority it feels good to love myself
i this here and now it feels good to love myself
in this here and
now to come back to cednter and

and feel the feeling of love the feeling
of knowing
feeling of knowing it feels good
to feel good to feel the feeling of knowing
in this here and now it feels good

to focus in this here and now
and love who i am ro

to feel the feeling of relase

to feel the feeling of yes
it feels good to fee lt
the feeloing of the feeling of yes
and allow myself to

feel it it feels good to come
back to centert

to practce the

the only work that mtt
mattes to make my mood my work and
know that how i feel is the only
thing that ever mattes it feels good
to do the work to pa

attneiton to the focus it feels good
to feel well to love myself it feels good to

make the choice to feel goo di

it feels good to make the choice to
feel good in this here and now it
feels good to

to make the choie tothank you

thank you for this
here and now thank you for all the
experiences i et

get to experience

so grateful to get to do
do things to enjoy where i am
to feel lke a

a leader and trend setter it feels good
to love where ia m and

and blow that up it feels good
toc ome back to center
and remember who i am to remember that

that life is always celebrating me
it feels good to know that it’s
only vibration and that it’s up
to me if i allow life to flow to me it feels good

to allow life to flow through to
me to me it feels good to lift up my mind and heart

it feels good to feel the connection to
remember the magick of life and always stay
focused on it if eels good to feel the
magick of life flowing through me it feels good

to just


thank you for the magick of thi
this here and now and remembering
to remember that this is the only work
the connection is the only work the

the feeling is the only work and thi

this is all i have to remember and the more
i focus into the vortex the better i feel the more
i make the choice to feel good in this

here and now the
better i feel it feels good to feel good right now
to love where i am right now to

to love where i am in this here and now
it feels good to say

yes thankyou

it feels good to love where ia m right
now it

it feels good to love where iam
i am right now it feels good to
love where i am right now it feels
good to love where i am

now to love where i am right now

it feels good to feel the feeling to
allow myself the magick of
whre i

of the here and now to allow myself to
feel good inthis here and now to love
myself inthis here and now and feel the
feeling inthis here and now

for everything

it feels good to know to choose
ti it to choose the life to choose to
feel good to choose to love myself to

send the signal of

it feels good to feel
grounded to feel centered and to
feel calmly blissful about who i am
it feels good to be aware of the pain
of the past and to be working

on letting it go more and more

every day i am letting go of more and more
and i am sending the signal of love more and more
and it feels good to

to take the time to do the only work
to be aware of the feeling

the thought pattern and to be able to let it go
to feel it

slipping away to feel myself
aware of an old vibration and to feel
myself focusing into
a new one that feels beter th

better that feels more suited for who i am
and it feels good to practice feeling how i want to
feel because i kno that

that feelings
create life i know this for a fact
i know that this

is a fact



life and that’s all i ever need to know
to remember that feelings create life
and one tiny instance of

coming into resonance
with the feeling

is all it takes