the better it gets

and i get to allow it
i get to allow my life to
be good i get to allow

i get to celebrate my
good life and not be afraid
to celebrate it and allow it

it feels good to expect it
to not need it and it
feels to good to be a match

it feels good to like myself to love myself to
be a match
to be a match to this good life

to choose rural

it feels good to let go to know
i’ve let that go and that i can
choose to feel at home
i this

in this here and now
this here and now it

thank you for this here and now
thank you for this

here and now for the flow
for the flow of the here and now

thank you for this
here and now kn

and knowig tha
tha tli

life always loves me it
feels good to know that life
always loves me life loves
me it feels good tolet i
let it come to me to

not be two faced wth

thank you
it feels good to choose
the version i prefer to
be awr

aware of who i am it feels good
to feel elevated to feel knowing
of who i am it feels good to feel elevated
to feel the
feeling of yes to feel the

the feeling of loving myself to
feel the feeling of the focs
of this here and now and know that
is all there is and thinking

about anything else

just gets i the
int he way and i am ahppy
happy to get out of the way

happy to get out of the way
and allow life to lfo

to flow through me and know that it
always works

out it feels good to love
myeslf and love where ia m right now
to beathe in and
raise my vibration it
feels good to

let the rest

it feels good to let it go it
feels good to let it go let the flow
flow it feels good to let the

the flow flow it feels good
to feel the flow to feel the flow
the feeling of life it feels good

to feel the feeling of life it
feels good to feel the
feeling of l

it feesl
feels good to come back to center i do
this work to come back to ent
center and pratice

practice remembering who ia
and to send the signal of love
and that’s all i can e

ever do is send thes ignal the signal of
love and this work helps me do that ilove
that i get to feel the feeling of live

love doing the work to feel
the feeling of ce

connected to self and witht hat
that there’s no fear

of rejection

of judgement

and i love practicing the
feeling of not being afraid of being knowing

thank you for this here and now
for the focus of me for the
feeling of me and for the

courage to feel it for the courage
to feel connected to life and to know that

life is on my side and to know

that it really only ever reflects me

for the courage to

remember that and ikknow the
better it getrs and this work is the only work that

matters it feels good to feel
good about myself and

celebrate life to say yes thankyou
and know that life

loves me

and it’s only ever


everything is god and everything
is acting according to

its a canvas

everything is a canvas and i
get to choose how it plays out and love

i love that i love that
it always comes to me


and in the flow

it comes to me in the flow
and i ge tto

get to

love myself and that’s all i can
ever do is love myself
and love toerh


all i can ever do is love that
that is all there is and i love that
i do th

i love allowing msyelf to do the work

without needing contrast doing
the work because it feels good and
i kow that

all that matters is feeling good now
and i can alet all

let all of the rest go i love tha ti know that
i know this and that the more
i let go the mroe life

life flows to me and i l

just get to say yes
thank you because i found

the secret to life i found
the secret to life

it’s thank yo u

it’s vibration it’s
the feeling it’s being


it feels good to let it all go
to know i’ve let that go and i get to
feel calm and at peacein

in my life i love that i get to choose
and thi i

is the work i love that i
get to feel good about that i love
that i

get tto
to feel good about that i love
that i get to

feel good about me

i love that i get to love me
i love that i get to do the work
the only work that


this work

remembering hwo i am
feeling the connecttion to
to self by remembering that the
feeling i feel is what

creates my reality and that
i get to choose how i want to
feel it feels good to

be aware of my thoughts to
be awre of where i am placeing


and hack it

it feles goo

good to focus to do the work
the good work the only work that matters
and allow those feelings of

god to flow to just be inside me
to be me because iknow it
it is me those feelings are me and i
get to feel them

nothing can stop me
from feeling good and creating
the version i prefer

and i know this
i celebrate this i

i celebrate that i am
god and that i am always

i want

no such thing as more

any time is a good tie to
come back to th
the flow and i relaze
realized i remember that you’re
either in our
or oyou
your out you’re either in
the flow or your not
so i amke the choice
to be in the flow’

so grateful everything worked out

so grateful everything
is really working out for us
so grateful to settle in
and do the work and focus on the
the only thing

that matters thank you
for this here andn ow thank
thank you for this
this here and

i love that life is easy for me i love
feeling good about life i love that
i get to feel good about life i love that

thank you thank you thank
you for this here and now

for the power to focus inthis
here andnow and completely let go
it feels god
good to let go and remember who we are it
feels good to remember

it feels good to feel good to feel the
feeling the feeling the
feeling of feeling good the feeling of feeling
good the feeling of

yes the feeling of yes
the feeling
of yes the feeling
fo the foucs the feeling of
allowig of allowing and milk

the feeling of clam bliss
and just saying

thank ou

just saying thank you sounds really fun
so i say

thank you
thanks god for everything i say
thanks god for everything
thanks god for everything

thanks for the feelng
of the good life it feels good

to feel the feeling

of celebrating life

to go
for it it

thnak thank you thank you for
this here and now here and now

thank you go

focused in this
here and now and i am
here remembering who i

i am remembering that it
s me creating it and i get to choose

yes thank you yes thank you for the
feeling of feeling good the
feeling of feeling good

god self thank you for the od se
god self and the courage to allow
myself to feel goo i

in this hre a
here and now to love myself
in this here and now to kn

to love i inthis
here and now it feels good
to send the signal of love
in this here and



grateful for this day grateful to wake up
feeling good to want to do this work to feel
the effects of this work and know
that life

is energy

life is energy and i know this i know that life
can only reflect the energy i send so

i allow the energy to flow through me i allow
life to flow through me i allow the power of
this practice to

uplift me to

lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence


is the source and substance of all my good
it feels good to allow myself to feel good today
to lean intot he flow
the flow today and to say

yes thank you today

today it feels good to
feel grateful to know that it
only ever reflects me and i get to
choose what i see i have the power

to look
with love

i love that i know it’s
only ever the energy and i love that
i can feel the energy
within me i love that i get to
feel calmly blissful
because i am here now

i am here in this here and now
and i know that

life loves me i know that life

the feeling of blissful the
feeling of blissful the feeling of

completely happy where i am

doing the work

is all i can ever do and
even if i feel an inkling
of the celebration feeling
i can feel it’s there and

all i can ever do is
let go of worry and fear i love
that i can always release worry
and fear and i can choose

how i talk to myself
what i think about myself and my
reality because i know what

i think about i bring about and
that is why i do this
work because it helps me

practice what i know
so today i intend to be aware of
what i am thinking and ask
myself if that is the version

i prefer.

it’s okay

even if you wake up
feeling not your best
that’s okay you still
don’t have to beat yourself
up looking for reasons to
hate on yourself and not enjoy
the day

you don’t have to figure out
why you woke up feeling that way
although it may help to inquire
you don’t have to worry about the
why just feel good now

i love the etsy notification

no matter how you’re feeling you can always make
the choice to feel the feeling of
hearing the etsy

cha ching sound

and hold on to that feeling in
the here and now
and the work has been good lately
because i feel myself
becoming more aware and

having more

getting strong at

not the words i’m
looking for

i can feel the
focus muscle


i can feel that it’s
my choice where i focus i can feel that
it’s my choice where i focus
and how i feel and
whatever i don’t
want to feel
doesn’t matter and i love that

life is feeling


i love that life is easy and it’s meant to be this
way i love that it flows to me and i love that i know
it’s all the energy i love saying

yes thank you

yes thank you i love that i
get to say yes thank you i love
that i get to be proud of who i am

i love that i can
allow myself


you never saw me

maybe because i
didn’t want to be seen
or becaUSE

i didn’t see myself

and i can do that i can
choose to see myself and then i
don’t need you to see me

to have seen me and i can
also feel more and more that
i am letting go of old

resistant vibration

at this point i’m just tired of
carrying it around and i know

how pointless
and not me it is to hang
on to such old vibrations
ad it

it’s just getting easier
and easier to remember i don’t care it’s
getting easier and easier to slip back intot

the vibration of me and remember who i am
not be

afraid to remember that all there is
is the signal the energy i send to the situation
and i know that’s all i can do is

love all i can do is love all
i can do is love all i can do is love and i know

that’s all i can do
ad the mo

the more i
send the signal of love the
more that is what i see and
i amreme

remember that
i can be brave enough

to trust that

to look for what i want to
see and trust it i can feel myself
wanting to feel good and

the willingness
to choose it

the courage to choose it

it’s not about

force it’s
about courage

and i am willing to take
the gib

big leap every day the big leap

to enjoy life to love no matte what
and make the choice to send the signal of love

i am aware of

the signal i send the
the effects of that signal and i am
willing to send ths gian
the signal and i know

no matter how i wake up feeling
i can always feel for how

what i would prefer
and that’s all i can do and i

if i’m feeling something i don’t
want it’s because the other side of the
wave is there if i’m feeling

something i don’t want

it’s helping me focus on what i want

and little by little

i am getting there

i am feeling a little bit and a little bit
and a little bit better and

every little bit counts
it builds up to something


practiced bliss and i know it comes
it always comes and it feels good to
to know this to remember who i am
to do the work and

line up the energy to remember that
the energy is all there is and to feel

where my mind

always tries to go and it
feels good to

set myself free of that
to know that it’s just

a habit of thought ot think
to think but what would

this person

think of me if i let go of
everything and stopped striving
and did the one thing that i know
has the most powerful impact on my
life experience:


and i know this for a fact and the
more i do this work the more i remember it
the more i feel the feeling and
the power of me the more i feel the
feeling and the power of me
the more i know

it already is

thank you for this here and now
and i know that life
is always flowing perfectly through me life

is always flowing
perfectly through me and i am brave enough to zoom
out and see that i

zoom out and i allow myself
to enjoy this here and now this here and now

i am here now and i am god

i get to decide what i look
for what i want to see and i know
i know the power of me i am
willing to embrace the power of me

i embrace the power of me
i celebrate the power of me i am

brave enough to celebrate this day
i am brave enough to let go of

of everything and celebrate this day i know
all i can do is get out of the way and allow life
to flow through me i am allowing life to flow
and celebrating my god self

celebrating the fact that i never have to
worry and that life will always take care of me

celebrating that it always comes
it always comes it always flows straight toward me

the flow is flowing
to me to me to me to me and my only job
is to love i love that the owrk alw

the work always works and i ge tto get

i love that i’ve let that go
and i am now witnessing
life flow through m e

and that’s all i can ever do

born again

born anew in this moment
allowing myself to live
without the pressures
or beliefs of the past
or the

wondering about the future
i love that i can exist freely in
this here and now without
or pining

allowing the
baggage of the past

it feels good to feel
born again in this
here and now to feel like
my best self to allow my best self
int his here
this here and now and know
that it is possible

to feel born again
in every moment to feel
brand new to feel the
god self flowing
and know that that

the god self is always the
best self and it feels good to remember
that anything i could ever want

evidence of wanting

connection with spirit it feels good to
do the work in themoment
the moment and allow
this moment to be the

everything to be life this moment
is life and it feels good to celebrate this

it feels good to feel

a sense of positive expectation
to love life in this right now
to allow myself to celebrate me and
celebrate my life inthis righ
this right now
it feels good to celebrate life in this

right now it freel

feels good to let it go it feels good
to let it go to let go of the flow
to feel the feeling in this here and now
it feels good to

to feel the feeling of the flow

flowing to me and know that i am a
match and it feels good to

relax intot he flo
intot he

into the flow of life

life is working out for me

and it feels good feels good to celebrate life
in this right now to celebrate every moment
as if

i was just born it feels good to
experience life as a child would

with reckless abandon

with no filter
with celebration and play
it feels good to practice sending the
signal of love

and feel it coming back to me it feels good

to feel my situation improving
it feels good to feel that it’s working and that
it’s all me it feels good to celebrate life in this
here and now

i love feeling good i love
feeling the feeling of relief and i love that i know
this magick i’ve discovered is the
real deal so i do the work the only work
that matters and i find
myself in a magickal world

every single day i love that
each day i can feel i am letting go of more and more and allowing
myself to love more and more today i am
allowing myself to love

without fear that it will end today i am
allowing myself to appreciate to send the signal of love
and allow myself to receive it
i am allowing the flow

the love to flow through me the life to flow
through me the

to flow through me and it feels good to
be able to say
that’s an old vibration it feels good to
love and feel loved it feels good to feel good in my life
to know that

every thing in life is a feeling
it feels good

to know that everything in life is a feeling

it feels good to feel the feeling
to know it’s only ever me and to celebrate this knowing
it feels good to celebrate the knowing of life
it feels good to celebrate the

knowing of life to say yes
to the dress

it feels good to feel good to practice this work
and know that this is the only work it feels
good to feel good about my work to celebrate life
to celebrate the work

it feels good to feel good
it feels good to
feel good to feel the feeling of yes it feels good

to feel the feeling of yes to do the work
and feel the feeling it feels good to know to know
it feels good to allow to know that it

already is and allow myself to settle into
that feeling it feels good to feel for it
and know that is
all there is is to feel the feeling it feels good

to feel the feeling to feel the
feeling of god within me and know that that

is all there is it feels good
to say yes to know to know that life

feels good it feels good to know that life
feels good it feels good to knowthat
life feels good flowing through me

it feels good to focus and want to do the work
to wake up feeling good and energized to feel myself

loving myself loving this day and
expecting the best of this day it
feels good to allow myself ot love
to love this right now to love the

journey to know that its all jut for
just for fun to know that

life is for fun

i love that i get to feel good
an nothi

and nothing can stop me i love that
i get to feel happy in this right now
i love that i get to say

yes thank you
i love that i get to say

yes thank you yes than kyou t
to this here and now and i love that i
get to feel it i love that i
get to feel the feeling of yes i love that i
get to feel the
feeling of yes i love
that i ge tto

to feel the feeling of yes i love
that i get to feel the feeling
of life i love that i
get to love

in this here and now i love that i
get to love in this here and now
and say yes thank you

for the flow i love that i get to

feel the flow i love that i get to
feel the flow the feeling of yes in this here and now
i love that i
get to feel the
the feeling of yes

in this here and now the power of the
the focus in this here and now i love that today
i feel good about myself nad i love
and i love that the flow

the work

is always flowing i ilove that
the flow is

is always flowing i love that
i get to feel good now i love that life is good and i
get to celebrate that and i love doing this
wrok be

work because it opens up a part of
me a magickal dimension of myself and i
come here to do this work to

re-discover that dimension
to remember i get to choose and celebrate that fact
to remember that it’s just

a simulation and i made it all
and it is all coming together
as i am creating it i love tha ti get to
to choose to celebrate this here and now
i love that
i get to choose to love i love

that i am allowing the best version i o

of myself i love


brand new i love feeling the promise of
something brand new

i love that i have a good life
i love that i
have a good life i love that i have
a good life i love that i
get to choose a good life i love
that i get to choose a good life i love
that i get to choose the
love of life i love that i get to choose
and i love

that i get to let the rest go i love
that i get to choose to

expect magick
get to choose to expect love and i love
that i am

letting the rest go i love
feeling free in my life i love
that it always comes by way of magick i love
that i know that

life reflects me i love
doingthis wor
this work and feeling good i love that
i know ther eis al

always more than enough and i love
allowing the

the enrgy

energy to flow i love

celebrating life

right now i love
celebrating life in this right now i love
that i ge tto

to send the signal of love and i know t
aht’s all

that’s all i can ever do i love that i
get to feel good inthis

here and now i lovethat

that i ge tto love me
in this here and now i lovethat
i get to love me i love that
i get to feel good i love

that i get to

love me

i can always choose to feel the energy of life in this here and now

i can choose it in this here and now
and it’s not based on anything it
doesn’t matter what i


because i will feel the same no matter
what if i don’t address the real
cause of the feeling which is feeling
like i am not enough and that
feeling comes from feeling separate with source

but when i am separate from source
i feel that way and that is the only
cause of the feeling and when i connect is
when i will feel better and

never before so all i have to do
is connect

choosing to celebrate what i created choosing
to celebrate this here and now choosing to celebrate this

here and now choosing to celebrate this here and now
choosing to celebrate this here and now
choosing to love myself no matter what and not
any excuse

to beat up on myself

there’s no excuse for negative self
talk and what i truly should focus on
if nothing else is to eliminate that

line of thinking that i
am less of a person because of an
action i took or

because of something i wanted

and i am finding more and more the
balance between what i want
what i think i want and what i seek

as a replacement for


and i am feeling connected
more and more with the real thing the
real thing with the process

of life with the process of life
with the process of life

with the process

of life with the process of life

it feels good to

feel the process of life it

feels good to feel the process
of life

it feels good to be aware of
the thought patterns and
be able to zoom out on them and
realize the root cause

of the suffering and to release
attachment to outcome and learn how to
love myself right now

no matter what that

is the work that is the only
work that matters and i do that work

first and allow the rest to follow

it feels good to feel practiced and
to feel the knowing

place of the vortex it feels good to
be able to get in to din

find the sweet spot easier and
easier and to feel calm about life
it feels good to

know how to transmute the
energy it feels good to
transmust the

the energy to choose to feel love
in this here and now it
feels good to choose to feel love in this
here and now cna

and choose to love myslef no
matter what and to know that the
real work is in
becoming ok with everything

that is

the real work is in bec

the real work is in
realizing that there is no good reason

to feel bad


there’s no good reason to
feel bad and i can celebrate

doing that work knowing that
that work is the only work and that n

no amount of beating myself up

is ever coing

going to amount to

feeling better

it feels good to know that and
to do th wo

the work surrounding that topic

to feel good ab

enough about myself to do the work that really matters

and make the choice to love
myself no matter what
my actions are

i love myself no matte what
my actions are and i can ask my

inner self what she thinks
and she doesn’t care

she never

loving me and i know this
and i can channel this

energy into my life ican
i can challe

channel this

loving energy i channel the loving
energy the feeling of the now
the feeling of the now

i channel the energy of the now
and i allow myself to feel good about myself

no matter what that is all there is
i can feel the window

i sense the window
and i am ready to take the leap
into love

into loving for no reason
love myself for no reason
love others for no reason
and it feels like


to feel energized it feels good
to feel

energized to love my life
to say thank you for this opportunity
to feel good now to

to let go fully it
feels good tocome
to come back to center to the point of

focus of the

truth it feels good to now to know the
truth to feel abo

good about myself in this
here and now it feels good ot

to let it go to be aware of it
and let it go it feels good to

allow life to flow through me to
do the work to

open the flood gates and

feel the energy of life no matter what

to talk

it feels good
to talk to myself to feel
the feeling and know that the
the feeling always comes back

it feels good to be aware of
the energy and to be brave enough

to notice it and let it
go it feels good to get
ready to get ready to get ready
and allow myself to

raise my vibration
incrementally and feel those
increments it feels good
to feel the feeling of knowing

it feels good
it feels good to feel the
feeling to do the god work
and to

refuse to talk down to myself

refust to limit myself
by contraints and make

make the choice to love myself
no matter what and that

i can do right now
i canc h

choose to see life that way and i can
feel that it’s an obsessoin that

that i can transmuste and
i can choose to love myself
i can choose

self love i can choose to
be okay with who am

i am and celebrate it
i am not afraid to celebrate me
i am

i love who i am i love who i am
i love celebrating myself no matter what
and i love that i can
let go of

pesky thoughts
and just

enjoy this here and now

all i can do is enjoy this
here and now and love myself
no matter what i’ll love you self

no matter what you decide to do or
not do

i love myself no matter what
i am perfect how i am