it feels good to wake up feeling good

to be aware of the energy of me

so grateful to know who i am
so grateful for windfalls
so grateful to do the work to do the work
it feels good to do the work

it feels good to say

i love you

to turn the energy around

it feels good to focus the energy

thanks god for everything and that is
all that matters i love tha ti have
that i have the space to do my work

i love that i get to do the work i love
that i get to feel the
energy of me

so grateful to get to make invites
to get to love to get to send the sigal

signal of love

to say


it feelsg ood t
good to say yes thank you

to wake up and do the work
to love myself it feels good to make the choice
to love myself and it feels good

to get better and better at it
it feels good to tend to my energy
because i know that
my energy is
who i am it feels good to tend

to myself

it feels good to tend to myself
it feels good to love to love
to love this here and now it feels good to truly

love this here and now

i love that i know this is my work
the only work and i love being in the habit
of doing the only work that matters
i love that
i love that i get to celebrate life in this
here and now i love that i’ve let that go i love

that i know that when you turn toward something
you turn away from it

you push it away when you
look at something
and try to force it into the
shape of box you think it should go it

you push it away

because it is god

whatever you are looking at
whatever you are trying to force

is god

and you can’t force god
and when you do

it runs

it runs and hides from
your attempts to control
and then

when you’re not looking
and least expect it

it comes out to play!

i love it when god comes out to play
and i know that olny

only happens when i least expect it

when i become god

because like attracts like
and god can only come out and play
when i am embodying god myself
and when i do

when i am god
then i attract god
and that is the only way

to truly enjoy the magick of life
is to become god and attract god
along the way and god always shows up

but when you aren’t looking for it

because when you are god
you don’t need god and that is when it

but if you are god
how can god come play

because they are the same thing
you are the same thing as
everything else


when you become god
so does everything else

and i love that i know this
and i love that it’s my work
to explore

this truth and i love that i know t
here is

there is no limit to the depth

i love that this is
my only work and the i lo

i love the better it getrs i love
i love making the choice to do the work

because it feels good i love
making the choice to focuso n feeling
good on allowing

my god sel to fe

self to flow of
feeling the way god

would feel how would god feel about that?



just ask yourslef

yourself that and solve your life
it seems trite

but it’s true
if you just embody that
energy of love

and knowing

then your life will follow and you can just
walk through life as if you are god

you are!@@@@

i love the power of me i love
that i ge tto fee

get to feel good in my life i love
that i get to love
me ilove

i love that i get to love me i love
that i get to

to love me i love that i know
lif loves

loves me i love that i know

loves me i love that i
get to choose i love that i

get to choose the enrgy i

project and i love that i
don’t have to care i love that i know
through practice that i become god
and if i look
at anything

without the godly gaze

it shrivels up

because if i am not god
i am death
and if i

if i look at anything

from a place of anything
but love

or god

same thing

if i look at anything
think about anything
from any other standpoint

i am death
and i kill it and i love
that ig et to

get to do this work and
remember who i am i love that i
remember the power of who i am
and i love that i know

i do not have to be afraid

of allowing what i want

to come to me i love
that i know the magick

of life and i can trust it
i love that i am

looking for evidence of myself
i love that i know this i love
that i kow

i know i am

god i love that i know i am

and i am one who gods

i love that i know life is
good i love that i get to feel the
feeling of celebrating life

i love that i kow

i know i get to choose how i feel
if i feel the god that is always within me
and i lovethat i

that i kno th

i know this is the only
work that matters
love is the only work
that at

matters and i love that i
get to do the work
i love tha ti

get to do the work

of love

love isn’t work though

love is easy
and therefore


When god comes out to play

that i know that when you turn toward something
you turn away from it

you push it away when you
look at something
and try to force it into the
shape of box you think it should go in

you push it away

because it is god

whatever you are looking at
whatever you are trying to force

is god

and you can’t force god
and when you do

it runs

it runs and hides from
your attempts to control
and then

when you’re not looking
and least expect it

it comes out to play!

i love it when god comes out to play
and i know that only

only happens when i least expect it

when i become god

because like attracts like
and god can only come out and play
when i am embodying god myself
and when i do

when i am god
then i attract god
and that is the only way

to truly enjoy the magick of life
is to become god and attract god
along the way and god always shows up

but when you aren’t looking for it

because when you are god
you don’t need god and that is when it

but if you are god
how can god come play

because they are the same thing
you are the same thing as
everything else


when you become god
so does everything else

it feels good to focus

it feels good to feel good
to feel life flowing to me
it feels good to feel calm
about thigns
it feels good to
get orders every day!!

i love getting orders i love
getting paid for our ideas i love
sending gifts in the mail

so grateful for package pickup
so grateful for a great meal
and to get to play games with
the wife so gratefult o feel
to feel good today and
know that it was because

imade the choice
gratefult o to be aware
aware that it’s flowing
to me so grateful to say
thank yo so gatefu

so grateful to say i love you
to ame

ake the make the choice to be
kind becuse ti

because it feelsg ood
so gratefl to

grateful to know i am
complte in
this here and now so grateful
to be aware of the siganl i am

so grateful to say thank you to know
that life comes to me to be awre of
the energy

so grateful to feel the effects of the meditation

so grateful to wake up feeling
good to get the packages out

so grateful for cozy mornings
and coffee and doing the work
and yoga swings so grateufl
every day is the best day of my life

so grateul i

grateful i get to enjoy life
right now so grateful

it always somc

comes so grateul

to notice reflectsion

reflectison to
say thank you and know that

it is enough

a comment is enough
a like is enough

so grateful to feel the
effects of the practice to feel calmly
blissfu in

in my life to feel that life
loves me to feel confident enough to
feel good about life
and allow the flow to flow
through me every day

so grateful to
allow myself to feel loved

to know i can always

transmute the energy to
know who i am and the power of me
so grateful

grateful for the power of
so grateful to feel good about life
to go about my day feeling
good and know that it is because
of the way i approached it

so grateufl to know the power
of the feeling so grateful to fee

be feeling good to have the space to
iterate to know that it always comes
in due time
sog rateufl
grateful to allow it to

to unfold
so grateful for the
beautiful cover!!

so grateful for the
yoga swing whciuh

which healed my life

so grateful for life for the
ability to celebrate life andk ow
that know that when i ask it is given

and celebrate that life
is always flowing through to
to me and through me

so grateufl to celebrate knowing
thatl ife can only reflect me so grateful
to know my only

job is
to work on the energy so grateufl i know

how to do this
to feel the eerngy
energy of me and

tune so grateufl to tuen

energy to the energy of source and
slowly let go of resistance

knowing that when i ask it
is given and that life
is always flowing to me

it feels good to know that life
is always flowing to me
to know that life is good it feels good
to feel like a match

to life
it feelsg ood

it feels good to be a match
to life it feels good to celebrate me
it feels good to
celebrate me to celbrate

celebrate the magick of me
to make the choice to love m eit

it feels good to allow
life to flow through me and know tha ti am

am already whole it feelsg ood to
to feel whole
it feels good to feel gooda bout my

about msyelf
and my body
it feelsg ood to feel strong
it feelsg ood to feel good

to send the siganl to life for wha
ti want to get back and know

that everyt

every signal

single signal

i know that i am the creator
and i create witht he s

the signal i send and when i send the
sgianl of

signal of it is

then it si

and i know that is all
there ever is is the signal and
that is why this is the only work

as long as i remember that
everything is a signal
then i never have to wrry

worry and i can make
the choice to look for what i want
to see and trust the energy
i get to make the choice
how i feel and trust the rest and i am

allowing myself to

trust the rest i get to
make the choice how i feel
only i get to choose how i feel and i know


first comes the feeling
then the thing

get in the feeling good place
and then

feel good first
feel good for no

feel good and then and
that is the only truth

in life and i am so grateful
i know so grateful
that i kow th

i know that no matter what
i aget t

get to make the

the choice to look for the
sgianl signal

look for the magick i get to make the choice
to look for the magick

sog rateful
grateful i know so gratefl there

there is always more than enough
so grateful i always
get to choose the signal of love

and that is allthere
there is

so grateufl we are

it’s working so ga

grateful it’s working
so grateufl to love to love
and feel loved to do the work
and tune mysef

to the vibration of god

that’s all i can ever do and i love
feeling the power
of self

slipping back in to my existence

i love that i know can
be my best self in thsi here and

here and now

in this ehre and nhere

here and no
i can allow myself to
be my best self

my bod god self
and connect with the feeling of

how would god feel about that?

feel that way

all i can do is feel at peace

i am the only one living my life
and i am the only one who can feel
who can

vibrate as me
who can choose to feel

happy and i know the contrast helps me
fcous helps me transmute

helps me

only i get to vibrate fro

for me only i get o have
to have my perspective on my life

i don’t have to feel so
tight so forced

i don’t have to forced everyth

everything i’m not forcing
i’m allowing and i

i’m allowing myself to do me
to focus on me i am allowing myself to focuso n

on me on feeling good for myself i am
alloweing myse

myself to get out of the way i am
allowing myself to do me

to do what i want to trust
my instincts and do what
serves me

i am allowing myself
to get out of the way and allow
the tao to do the work

i am giving myself

solid that gift i am allowing myself
the power of this here and now

and how ic an not

feel so annoyed
so pissed off what am
i so pissed aobut


why everything??????????????????????????????

i want to let it go and just
enjoy life and i know i have the
power to get out of the way

to not care i kno

i feel that my identity
is gul

built around caring
and that i don’t havet o ca

to care i can feel the d


other side of the wave
is not caring
the other side of the wave

is getting out of the way
and allowing and that’s fine

you don;’t

don’t want to help


i’ll just work on my numbers

and call it a day

an i know that is all
built up in my head and that
it’s my choice

how i look tat6

at it do i want to see it
in a way that makes me feel bad
or a way that makes
feel good

me feel good and i know that
tehw ork
the work
the world follows the
and i get to choose

and it can only ever

reflect me

it’s only ever me
the world is only ever
reflecting me
and i can only have fun if

i decide to have fun first
and i know that maybe it is easier
to choose a negative point
of view becuse that

because that is what i’m used to but
if that is what i want to se

see it is my choice and my
choice along


it is my choice
to choose to celebrate
it is my choice

the pitn


of view i decide to take
and i can always choose

to celebrate now i can always turn
the boat and i am
of myself for turning the boat

i know that the most
i can ever do is

feel good now and i never have
to pressure myself to

do anything else i love
the power of me an di l

i love doing the wor

work to turn the boat
i love how good it feels to
choose to love

my life and i love that it’s
so easy i love
that the workbook is coming
along in
due time

i love pwny i love my good
life i love that we
got the magicks done

i love that it’s enough
i love that tis’ more

more than enough that its’
always more a

than enough and i

always get to choose

how i feel i love the feeling
of turning the boat i love that
i can feelt he power
the power of it and i love

that i chose to do it because
i want to feel good and

enjoy life
i want to feel good and enjoy life
and that is the best i can do

in each moment

and not base it on
a past moment

i can only ever choose
expansion in this here and now
i can only ever choose
the vibration of yes

of love

in this here and now and i know
that life can only ever reflect me

i know i become it then i see it and
when life is forced

it doesn’t feel good when
i deny the flow

life doesn’t feel as good
but when i embrace and
accept it

wheni look
loook forwar

forward to life
it celebrates me
and i love that i am

becoming brave enough
to take the big leap i am

getting there and i

i am feeling more and more

brave ab out

about allowing myself to
be my full self and trust

the power completely i love
that i know i get to choose
the feeling first and then it comes

and i am doing the work

to feel the feeling fist i

i am doing the work
the only work that matters
and that is to feel the
feeling first

i love that i et to ch
get to choose the feeling
i love that i get to

send the signal of love

i love that i can
always turn the boat and remember
that life refelct

reflects the signal i send

i love that i can always do

i love that life always helps me
know what i prefer i love that
i get to feel like a cooperative

component to life i love
that i get to feel good i love
that i can do the work
i love

that i get to stand up for myself
and do the work that i ene

need to do to be the
person i need to be

want to be

already am and i know that
i am one who loves and i know that
when i feel good

life flows and i know that
feelign is

gopod is

good is all that matters
and the more i practice this

point of attraction
the more naturally it comes to me
and i know that



i know that everything
is perspective and i get to choose
how i look at life

how i create life
and i know that i always

have the choice to
create with love

i love doing the work

and i love the power of me
i love that i know life can only
ever reflect me and the more i
do this work the more i

remember that and the more
i can leverage
that knowledge

the more i do the work the
more aware i am of the energy and the
vibration i am sending
i love


i love that i get to do this work i love
that i get to feel good in my life
i love that i know it can only reflect me and

when i decide that ia m
to focus on spirit
then my life
does that as well

all of the characters in my life

do that as well

i love doing this work i love
focusing on the feeling i love
the focus on spirit
i love the focus on spirit
i love that i know this
is my only job i love that
it always comes

i love that i get to do the work i love that
i get to do the work i love that i know life
loves me i love that i get to do the work
i love that it

always comes i love

that life always flows through me i love
the better ti getrs i love
i love getting to do the work
right now doing the owrk

first thing in the morning that
is what iw anted and i just


i just intended
i just allowed i just did the work
myself and allowed life
to fall in line and i know that everyting
is the same

everything is an energy and

it only takes

up to 3 days

of sending the signal for
what iw ant

for it to materialzie

i love that iknow this
is how life works



i love that i know this i love
that i get to do the work
i love that i get to feel good
now i love that i get to

i love that i get to have fun i ove
that i get to do the work
i love that
i get to feel good

i love doing the work i love
that it always comes and i love that i know

life can only reflect the energy
i love that i know i love that i know
the power of life i love that
i nkow

i know the power of me i love
that i know the pwoer of me

me i love doing the work i love
focusing on the work an know

that all that ever matters in life
is thins this work is the remembering
who i am

that its not my job

to figure it out

the work always works

it feels good to feel
to feel the magick of this moment to

work through the vibration to
sit downa nd

and remember that ia m
the one and only creator
of my life

i love that i love that i
love that i get to feel good in this
right now choose
the feeling in

the fouc on
the center and allowing the
version i prefer

i know it’s always up
to me to choose

and i never
have to wonder i never
have to wonder i can

can always choose the
feeling i can always
come back to

center and choose
the feeling i can

can always

rleax the boy
ind and spirit

i love the feelign
of coming into
my power i love that i can
always do the work choose the
feeling first and allow
ther est
tot fele

to flow i love that i et to
get to say thank you i love
that i get to say thank you
i love that i can

always feel the feeling i love
that the contrast helps me
focus o love
i love that i get to choose
the version i prefer
and let go i love that i get to cho

use the magick

i love that i get to choose
the vibration i

vibration i send i love
love that i get to choose
the vibration vibration
i send i love that
i get to choose how i fele
i love

that i get to choose
how i feel that i

i love that i get to choose
the eeling feeling allow the
feeling i love that

i can always align witht he feelig
of how i want to feel

i love that i get to
always get to choose
the feeling i want to feel and
this work elps

helps me do that
i love that

this work helps me
send the siganl of yes i love that
i get to chosoe i love
that i knowi am

worthy of love

i am wohty of love i am allowed
allowed to love my life
and my self
i am allowed to choose
to feel good about that i am
allowed to choose
the feeling of celebrating

life right now and i love

that i know this work ehlps


hepls m

helps me do that and i know that
my only job is to feel the
feel the flow get tin the
in the vortex and then i love amkg

making the choice to
let go to choose the side
of the wave i prefer to choose to
send the siganl for what
i want

and trust it tocome
i get to make the choice to
send the sianl only

signal only i can send the


signal ony i can

only i can send the siganl i know
i nkowi am
i am the one and only creator
creator and i get to choose

only i

get to choose only

i love that i get to
choose the feeling i love that i
get to choose the feeling
i love that i know that

only i

get to choose the
feeling i love

that i get to choose and i love
that this work help

helps me do that helps me focus
on the feeling i prefer feelthe

feel how i would prefer to feel
feel how i would feel if
i got what i want

it feels good to do the work
to relase t

release the resistance
to know that i am the only a

one and only creator
and know that my only job
is to feel the feeling for
how iw nat to

want to feel and iknow that
the feelign ony

only ever comes

from connection

i love that i am

allowing myself to feel connected to life
to allow the unfolding
of life i am allowing the unfolding
of life i am

allowing myself to choose the
feeling to choose the feeling of love

that’s all i can ever do
is choose the feeling of love choose
the feeling of

love and ther est

the rest follows choose the
feeling of love and the rest

follows i know that life
can only ever reflect the feeling
of me i know this i know that

when i send the signal of love

i get the signal of love i l

subjective reality

when you have
enthusiasm about something
that is what you get
more of when you are
excited about something
that is what you get more
of and that is why when i

the day with excitement the day
unfolds effortlessly before me

it feels good to remember
life is not about doing it’s about
enjoying every day as if it were sunday

or whatever day of the week you feel like
playing out that day
just trusting the moment and not
forcing yourself into

any box
or to do list

it feels good to remember that
everything reflects me and when i ask it
is given it feels good to do the

to do the work to feel good go feel good

it feels good to
do the only work that matters to know that
it’s only ever within

within me because it’s my simulation
and i am the one who
gets to choose

how it plays out

it feels good to feel good
in my body it feels good to
feel good
in my body to feel good babo

about who i am to

who i am who i am who i am
who i a

am who i am who i am
who i am

it feels good to focus on self
to allow life to feel good wo

to allow life to feel good
in this
here andn ow it

it feels good to feel good in this

here and now
to know that


is energy

it feels good to it feels goo to
good o
to feel good to focus in the flow
and trust the unfoldig
of everything

else to know of the magick
of life int h

this here and now

it feels good to feel good
to feel good
in this here and now

it feels good to

to feel good in this here and now
to feel good to allow myself to feel good
i nthis

this here and now

it fele

it feels good to
remember who i am to
be rememberingth
the power of me

the feeling it
feels good toremember
the feelig t

to feel go

good to feel


it feels good to recognize
how the energy reflects

itself to be aware of
how the energy

reflects itself
i am aware of how the
energy reflects itself
and how life
can only reflect

me i am i am awre of the power of that
and i am willing to

lift the veil

i am willing to lift the
veil iam here to

lift the veil and i

her etodo

to do important work
and i am willing


i am willing to do the wo

only work
i am willing to

take the biggest risk in
allowing l

life to live through me

great exop


allowing life to live
through me and
it feels good to feel good
to practice feeling good

and be good at it it
feels good to practice feeling good
and then
it is easier to feel good

so grateful for an awesome
meal so grateful for a ride to
a different place
so grateful for smokin buddies

so grateful for friends
family who support us

it feels good to feel too

good to take the gi

big leap it feels good
to take the big leap it
feels good
to feel good

it feels good to love to be one
who loves it feels good to

allow myself to love it feels good
to allow myself

it feels good to choose the magick

to make the choice
i feel tat i

that i dno’t

want to or am afraid
but iknw i can just make
the choice

anc dh

and choose the choice

i know that’s all there is
to life
i know that

that’s all there is is choosing
over and over and i a

i am so grateful to have the
space to recognize that

so grateful to have the space

to say thank you

just say thank you say

thank you ilove this
life i am allowed

to say thank you i am

allowed to say thank

thank you i am

am allowed to say
thank you i am allwed

to look for what i watn
to see i am allowed
to look

for what i want to see to focus
on what i want to get more of

i love that i get to feel good now
that i get to feel the

purest vibration of me
i ge to fe
to feel the purest vibration

of me the god vibration
and that’s all that matters
is love and saying thank you

i love that i am remembering
my power rememing

its in my power the
signal i send

and i know that


is a signal

i love that i get to say
yes thank you i love that life
is good i love


allowing life to flow through me
i am a amt

match i am a amt

match i love that i get to
choose i get to c


my truth

i get to love mei

i get to approve of
myself and no one can stopy m

stop me i love that i have

the power

to eli

believe in myself and my ideas i love that i have the power
to chooe the

the reality i prefer i love that
i get to choose and this work ehlps



do that
i can

i can


i can do this i can connect
with source over and over and

learn how to feel that
connection always

more often
easily connect to
the source and that is
through practice

i knoe yhr

i know the power
of me and that is in the

letting go i love that it
always works itself out i love
that i get to feel the
feeling in this

here and now i ove th

i love that i get to feel the
feeling of the flow
in this

here and now i love
that i can always let go
and lt the fl
the flow do it i love

that i enver
never have to worry and
i know that i am the one

one and only creator i love
that i know the power of
me and how easily

i can

create things


i asked myself
i asked the universe
anything i asked it
what i should

focus on or what is
most important and it said you

and then i kept listening
and it said self

and i know that is true
i know more and more every day
that this is the work and

the importance of this
work is in the remembering of
what is important
the remembering the remembering
of what my priorities are

what my
values are and
when i remember that
i already have what i need
what i value that i am


so blessed
i feel a lot more calm
in my life when i remember
to focus on what
truly matters to me

which is enjoying life
and giving and receiving love
i know that i am a lover
i am one who loves and love

is the answer to everything the signal
answer to everything and i know that
is what cures all and makes all
of life good

worth living and i

i know that self is the
only thing that matters
this is the only work tha tmat

that matters and the
rest follows and i know that
by how i feel i can feel that i’ve

blowing up small tasks in my mind
keep on thinking
i have to get this done
waisting my nows

thinking wasting

wasting my nows thinking
about what i’m not doing

but what i prefer

and what i now feels better
is trusting the isness of the
now and knowing that the
action follows that trust
and ia m

am grateful i am aware enough to know
this ia m

am brate

grateful i am aware enough to love
aware enough to love
for me for the sake of me
for the sake of my own life

because i do want to live

i want to enjoy the ride and
the way to do that is to sit down
and talk to myself
about what truly matters

it feels good to love to lift
the veil to know i already have the

i already have the teeth
they are already there and i can
relax into the knowledge of that
i know that

everything is energy and i understand
that on a grand level i know for a fact

that everything in life is

reflecting the signal i send
that is what really matters is the siganl

get the signal right then
try to do anything else and
feeling that i need

to do

anything else would mean there is a
lack of connection because when there

is understanding there is
knowing that the isness of each moment
is all there is and all

there can ever be

thank you

i can feel my bravery

building i cna feel that i am feeling more and more

willing to trust

the voice



the voice

i can feel that i am trst
trustin life more and
more ai can feel that i can
feel that i am more and more
willing to trust the life flowing
through me

more willing to

let go nd

allow myself to be at home in the moment

i am brave enoug to alolow myself
to be at home in the oment

brave enough to love to make
to love no
matter what
to let go and love
brave enought o
let go and love

it feels good to make
the choice to always

be at home in the moment
it feels good to feel brave enough to
let go of

the future
to let go of anything
out of this moment it
feels good to practice

the signal

it feels good to do the work
for me first to know the
connection is all that matters
it feels good to

make the space for me
andk now th
know that ther est
the rest floow



choose love and the
rest follows choose love
and the rest floowing


today i choose love and
they why they

the mind always comes back to the why

becaue it because it

it feels good and i want to feel
good it feels good to feel goodand

and i want to feel good

i am allowing to feel good!!

good god goo
it’s all the same

it feels good to focus
on the feeling to feel tuned in tapped in
turned on and know that that is
my only job and know that i can
choose love instead of judgement

i can let go of worrying about
what other pepe

people thing and embrace that
i am here to let that go i love
that i know understand the
source and that

it’s all coming full circle i love
that i can allow myself to

be seen i can allow myself to be
succesful to live my life how i want to
live it and i

i don’t have to be afraid
id on’t

don’t have to be afraid of what
others will think i can
only ever trust the feeling i an only

ever trust the feeling

i am aware of thought patterns and
my ability to

to think something new and
this work ehlp

helps me do that i am aware
of my thoughts and how they create
my experience

i know that my energy

my expectation
creates and i get to choose what i epec

expect and this work helps me work
through that


helps me become aware

of what i am creating
and the more i make the time to
become aware the more at home
i feel in the now the more
at hoem

home i feel int he know
the now

and i love that i get to
choose the feeling

of yes of peace
i love that this work always heps

helps me remember who i am
that ia m one
one who loves and that is

all that matters
its helping

me break down the walls
the facade

i am lifting the veil
and allowing myself to
be one
who loves

how to love me

how to love me how to love me
how to love me what does that mean

what does how to love me mean

it means really giving yourself the feeling
of being loved allowing yourself
the feeling of being loved

of truly liking myself how
to love me do i even know

do i even know how to love me

what does it feel like to actually

like myself??

how to love me how to love me how to love

feel the feeling of god loving you of
that person that picture as god loving you

feel it that person loves you

feel how you would feel if that
person was showering you with praise and

texting you all day saying
can’t stop thinking about you

and miss you and you are amazing

saw this and thought of you

feel how you would feel if that long lost

sent you a message saying

i’m sorry

you were right i was wrong
i always loved you
i never stopped and i wish
things didn’t turn out how i

wished they would

breath in and milk that feeling
breath out and notice its presence
within you

you are feeling that feeling
right now you are feeling that
feeling you seek the
feeling you keep thinking
you need someone else to

do something

for you to feel that way but

you just felt that way
you imagined what it would feel like
to feel that way and you felt it

and it felt good

nothing is stopping you from
feeling this feeling

breath in and feel yourself being loved
breath out and ask yourself
who is doing the loving

you feel loved you feel how you would
feel if this person did this thing

but you feel it now and what
is the source of the love???

how can you be feeling it
if this person didn’t do this thing yet?

but when you breathe in you still have
access to that feeling you felt just now
in your fantasy

and when you breathe out you can feel
the momentum that feeling already has

you can feel that since you’ve
decided to feel the feeling of being
loved you have

easier access to it and every time you

breathe in and feel the feeling
of being loved
and breathe out and release your resistance
to it

you will feel
more than feel
you will know

that you that something
or someone
infinitely loves you
and you can look back and say

i love you too.

the work feels good

and the work feels good because
it is the only thing that matters
is it in

alignment with god
energy the energy

that creates worlds and is
also creating your world and the more
i turn and look at the
stardust instead
of the dust on the shelf

i feel good i feel when i look at the
stardust and that is how i know it is
my only job i feel empowered
by life and that is how i know

it is my only job and i feel
good when i write because i am
letting go i am taking the big leap in

trusting life making the choice to love
life to love myself enough to

how i feel and when i love
myself enough to
care about how i feel

when i love myself
enough to care if i love


that is how life is meant to
be lived and i love the more i become
aware i’ve beomce

become aware that a lot of
my stress comes from

fighting where i live
and i can easily just let that go
i love that i have a lot
of life experience to

work with and the smallest things
sometimes end up bringing the
biggest lessons and i lovethat i know
i am energy i love that i can
fee th

feel the energy of me the connection of
me i nthis here and now

and knowing that i don’t need anything
else it feels good to write
and focus and

believe in myself i love that i
get to make t
the choice to believe in
myself to stand up for myself

to approve of myself

i love feeling the power
of me i love feeling the power
of me i love feeling i love
feeling the power of me i ove

feeling the power of me
i love feeling tapped into the source
knowing that it
already is

life already is the way i want it to
be life already is the way i a

want it to be and i love that i
am brave enough and evolved neoug

enough to know thatlife
is always flowing through me
and that

this is the only work
and that all i can ever do

is trust my intuition

i love thati know the
feeling is always

right here a

with me and i can always be
here now i love
thati know i can
always be here now i love the

better it ges i

gets i love that life helps me
focus i love that i can

always laugh
and say thnak y

thank you because life
helps me focus life helps
me love life is always

helping me


i feel at peace in this
very moment i feel brave enough in
this very moment to lift the veil

i am brave enough to lift
the veil to see life
as it truly is

a print out of the
signal i send in that

i that way i understan that
that all that matters
in life is how i feel and i have
the choice to feel
at ease

and then that is what i see
in my life i know

that i get to

make the choice to look for what i want
to see i nli

in life and i know that i
it can only ever reflect me i love
that i know it is only ever me
i and
i get tomake
the choice

how i feel i ove that i get to
make the choice to feel goodabout
about my life i ove
that i get to
to do this work i love
that i get to feel the

sense of empowerment

that comes along within knowing

that it can only reflect me

i love feeling the choice

i get to make the choice
to let that go now i am
aware of it and i am aware that
i am letting go i am

allwoing my

allowing myself to relax into
and trust the flow life

i deserve to be loved to
feel loved by life i deserve to
feel loved by life i know
that life loves me and
always wants the best for me

i know that i am
deserve to feel loved by life
i am loved by life i am loved by life

love doing the work and
milking the feeling i love


how to choose the feeling
and let it go i lovethe p

the power of that i love
that i get to do that i loe

love that i know this is
my only work learning how to

to love is my only work
letting go of the rst is

rest is my only

work and i love thatthis
is what helps me do it

is the most

in the

and i know that now
i want to be seen
i see beyond the veil and it
sees me i know that i know


i see beyond it
i’m not afraid to look
beyond the veil and remember
who i am remember

magick of who i am

and practice my magick
i get to choose i get to choose
and i will


i allow i love and and

i allow i love and i allow



for who i am and i
don’t care who sees it

i’m ready to be seen for who iam

ready to relax into life
and love i’m ready to take
the night off

take thislife

lifetime off

from worry
and wonder and strife

i’m ready to love!!!!!!!

i love that i feel ready to love
i love that i feel the love

pouring through me i love tha t’m here

here and

getting to do the work
and trust the flow the feeling

trut ever

everything that happens i love that
i’m here and i’m ready!!!

i love that i know this
is my only work i love that i know

i know
the secret to life

and it’s that this is the only
thing that matters connecting

to spirit is the only thing
that matters and when i focuso n

the rest comes i love that
life is good i love that i get to love

i love that i aget to

get to love myself i love that i know

i am