this is me telling the new story

and remembering that it’s easy
and the more i am brave enough to tell
the new story the more it becomes

my story

the only story the new story
becomes the old story so now i will try to
unpack why am i so intent
on telling the story of what i don’t want

why am i afraid to tell
the new one
the new one of what i want

is it because i really don’t know

is it because i’m afraid of it
coming true?

what am i afraid of
is it myself?

i feel trapped
but instead i prefer to
feel free and i can
choose the

feeling of freedom
i can feel the feeling of approving of
myself being brave enough to approve
of myself and my situation

being brave enough to love
this right now just as it is i am brave enough to
send the signal emit the signal and
i’ve noticed that i’ve been

sending a signal of


for quite some time now
so much so that it’s almost
become my identity and i
don’t know how to let it go and i can
feel that my psyche

my ego doesn’t want to let it
go either because it doesn’t know what
else there is

because it thinks this
feeling is its friend because they’ve
being hanging out together
for so long

but i


the person behind the mind
not the person really
the thing
the knowing behind the scenes


eye want to let it go
this feeling of tightness because i know
it doesn’t serve me and it makes my life

cut off
i can feel that in that tightness
that tightness i am cutting
of the supply i can feel that that is
exactly what i am doing and i can’t

for the life of me figure out
how to release that grip

on the hose

that is preventing the
water from flowing through

but then just like that
it does flow through

definitely when i’m not trying
to let go of the hose
the hose lets go of itself
and i get distracted

by the slip and slide

then the hose is free to spray
every which way and usually

all over everything

creating quite the show but
also a mess along the way

so then i see the mess and i

immediately grab the hose and
cut it off again

relegating myself to hose
control instead
of enjoying the water rides

the other


why focus on something
that got wet and will eventually


instead of enjoying all the
fun the water is making?

and why insist on cutting off
the supply of water?

eliminating the mess, yes
but also the fun

and then what is left?
a senseless job
and a summer in the

hot sun.

eye know i can let it
go this feeling of tightness

i can let the hose
spray i can enjoy the

freedom and letting
the hose

water the yard.

that’s the new story
the one of me letting the
hose run

that’s the new story the new story
that says that the flow of well being
is available to me always

and everywhere the new story
the new story in which i love and appreciate
myself and the world i am in the

new story in which i send the
signal of love

to every thing

the new story where i am not
afraid to live life to its fullestn
and not afraid to celebrate lfe

in this ightnow
not afriad to give

god reasons to express itself

it feels good to remember to
say i love you to everything
and every one and then life
becomes pretty easy

there’s no wondering or worry
when i just say i love you
to every situation and the reason why i do that
is because it sends a signal and that
signal makes my life

that signal is
my life

that is all there is to it
that signal is my life and the rest can
just reflect it that signal is my life
and life always responds to the siganl

so i send the signal
and that’s all i

and i do this work because it helps me
practice the siganl

remember that it always goes

signal then ‘reality’

signal then sign

signal then sign
signal then sign

and it’s only ever
a signal so i get to chooes to
have fun

enjoy this oment

enjoy this here and now
enjoy this here and

signal siganl signal
then sign

i do this work to feel good and
remember how much lifelove

loves me i do this work
to remember how to send the
signal of love the
signal of yes and the

signal of i know life loves me and is taking care oe
me in every om

moment i know life is easy for me when i dothis
i love that life is always helping me

let go i love that i can do it
i can just let go of all my thougths and

worries and i know i for sure
for certain
never have to worry again

i love the better it gets i love
learning to tell the new stroy
i love learning to tell the new story

i love the better it gets i love that i know
i can do it i just takes

the practice

that’s all there is
is paying attentin to how
i feel and feeling grateful

i am truly
for this opportunity

to enjoy life

i am truly
grateful for this life
i am truly
grateful for
this life

thanks god for everything

thanks god

thank you and i am

remembering how to say yes and how
to go witht he flow
it feels good to remember the flow
to just be aware of it and


thank you

it feels good to say tank
thank you and mean it
to be grateful for where i am
in this here and now and know

that i am always getting what i want
it feels good to relish the
feeling of kowing


it already is

The Back Yard

i can’t

for the life of me figure out
how to release that grip

on the hose

that is preventing the
water from flowing through

but then just like that
it does flow through

definitely when i’m not trying
to let go of the hose
the hose lets go of itself
and i get distracted

by the slip and slide

then the hose is free to spray
every which way and usually

all over everything

creating quite the show but
also a mess along the way

so then i see the mess and i

immediately grab the hose and
cut it off again

relegating myself to hose
control instead
of enjoying the water rides

the other


why focus on something
that got wet and will eventually


instead of enjoying all the
fun the water is making?

and why insist on cutting off
the supply of water?

eliminating the mess, yes
but also the fun

and then what is left?
a senseless job
and a summer in the

hot sun.

the flow is always flowing

and if i try to hard
to feel the flow
force the flow

then nothing comes because
by way of looking
for the flow
you push it away

you can’t find it because it is always here and
the more you

look for it the more you create a
reality in which you are looking for it and when
you celebrate knowing it is here then
of course

it is

and that’s the secret is not in
the finding of it but the allowing
it to be here the allowing it

to be what it is no matter what that
is and facing up to the fact
that i will never be in charge so
my only goal is to know that

right now

is perfect

all i’ve ever found
that “works”

is relaxing and letting go
and i can feel t hat the more i try
the worse i feel and i can
feel that this

tightness is about
a need to control or see the
future or know the future

which i can choose
to know in this here and now and i can
choose to celebrate the

of life in this here and now i cam

am celebrating the truth of life
in this here and now

i celebrate life

the truth of life and i can let go
of the rest because i know i’m not in control
i know i’m not in control
i feel goo

i can feel the feeling
i can feeling the feeling i can feel the feeling i can

the feeling i this here and now i allow
well being in th
this here and now

i allow well being inthis

and now i allow


alignment i thi

this here and now i allow the alignment
to speak for itself

my attunement to th

the highest power

the isness of life ican feel myself


tuning into the powre of
power of life i can feel myself


tuning in to the power of life

thanks god for everything
is all i ever need to think
aobut athnk

thanks go for
for everything and the more
i remember to tune myself toward

the better i feela nd i love
that it’s easy to let go
and just feel how i want to feel

knowing that life

has no choice but to

witht he sam

i love that i get to
choose to feelg

good about life i love that
i get to feel good now
i already have the feeling right now
and my power

is in knowig that and the periods
of inaction

allow me to feel that i love tha t
i know they are clamouring

i love the better it gers i love
that i’ve let that go i love feeling

self actualization

of looking for signs of improvement

i’m looking for evidence of
what i want to see and that’s
all i can do
all i can do is look for what i want to

see and choose to feel the
feeling righ tnow
knowing that i can

can’t change
a thing

besides howi feel
i’ve decided to be happy
where i am no

and not resist life
i’ve decided to be happy how i am
and not resist life
i’ve decided

to love this here and now
and everything it holds i’ve decided to

feel the
feeling because i’ts how i’m mesnt to

meant to feeland

and it feels good i amke
make the cohice o feel to feel how
i want to feel and i love that
i’ve let that go i love that

it’s quite easy

just don’t wory
it’s that easy

just don’t worry

don’t worry
be happy
that’s my only job


not even

i am here doing the work
and the work alwyas works

i lean intothe fow
the flow becuas

beause i

because i ant t
want to feel my best

thank you for my health
than kyou
for a car to borrow
thank you for a good lunch
thank you

thank you for this life
thank you for this
moment in this here and now
and thank you for

alignment thank you for
helping me remember that
it’s all me i created all of

and there’s no such thing as
lack thank you for
helping me

remember who i am thank you
for healthy kitties thank you
for a warm coat and a warm hat
thank you for boot thank you
for a warm house than kyou

for hot water

thanks for free beers!

thanks for orders coming in!!!

thanks for all the payments
thanks for the payment from dewayne
thanks for good wok tha
work that i lok

i like thank you thank you tahnk

thank you for everythi

all i can do is let go

let it flow let life flow
to me and allow allow life

to take care

of life

thank you for the good life
thank you
for this life

thank ou

you for this life
thank you for this life
thank youf rot

for this life and knowin

knowing that life is long
thank you for the feeling

of connection

with spirit and thank you for

bravery to let go
to trust this oment

and it comes its always coming
and i can relax into the knowledge

just noticed everything that is
pouring toward me and i have to admit

i have it very good
just focus on what’s working and not
what’s not and it feels good to
let go of the rest it

feels good to take the big leap
and appreciate life it feels good
to celebrate life for me

and let go of the rest
to really do the wrok

because the practice of
feeling good

feels good it feelsg ood to
to really do the work to practice to
do the work and feel good it feels good

to dot he work
the work and feel t

i love that there are miracles

all around me i love that
there are miracles all around me and the more
i look for them the more i see th

what am i here to learn to day
to remember to relax to remember
i don’t have to wrry

worry or wonder about that
to feel

i love the i know i never
have to worry i love that
the pipe

fixed itself i love that
thep ip

fixed tisef

i love thatlife always fixes iste

i love that life
always ixes
fixes itself i love having enought o
give i love feeling tappend
into life i love feeling
the relief of life loveing men
i love allowing life
to love me i love doing the wor

of letting go of being aware of my thgouts
i lov that iknow that i’m not a victim of my thoughts
or my experence i love that i get tao

create who i am in this
here and now i love that i get to calmly a
nd blissfuly

approach life with love

what am i here to learn to today
what i am i here to accentuate

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to hang out with family

i’m here to remember that i’ts only
ever me and that life can only
ever reflect me i’m here nt

to remember that this
is the only work
i do this work to remember that
this is the only work that

god is lavish
unfailing abundance


i liove that i get to choose
the feeling i love
that i get to choose

the feeling

tuned in tapped in
turned on i love knowing that
ti can

only reflect me i love
that i can choose to feel relaxed about life
i get to make the choice

to calm down and relax intot he moment
that’s what it feels like to
be able to breath to be totally
relaxed in themoment and i have the
metnal space to allow that
i have the

non pu
power the opposite of power
to rallow
allow that

so grateful for
a free good lunch
and a couple beers on a sunday

so graetful
to get to hang out
and dosomething

so grateful to get to create
so grateu

it alawys comes through in
the background
it always happnes int he


when you’re not looking

thank you for this
here and now than kyou for
the knowledget o know

that life

is far from over to know that
life is long and that
anything can happen

thankyou for the bravery to know that life

just let it all god

is all i can ever do
let it all go id all
is all i can is all

i can ever do let it all go is
all i can ever do let it all go is
all i can

ever do let ig all

all god

feel the feeling of oneness witht his
be brave enough to believe in life

be nice to myself

i love myself
not try so hard

dn’t try at all
just love myself in ths right now

love my work and know that
i am in the right place at the right time

choose to feelt he feeling right now

choose to feel the feeling right
now choose the feeling now and then the
rest comes choose the feeling
right now
andthen the
rest comes i love that i can
be brave enough to
feel the feeling right now

feel the feeling right now
feel the
feeling right now feel the
feeling right now
and ot

i don’t have to be afraid i don’t have to

hold my breath i don’t have to
be afraid i can trust the right now

trust the right now i
relax io

into this rightnow and
remember that this
is the only

work this

is the only work this is the only work
and in the air iswher e

everything is



that’s it and that’s
all and when i turn the bot

boat on my beliefts i

i turn the boat
on my reality i love that
i get to choose the signal
i send

and i love the better
it gets i get to hcoose the


of ease and flow i i

can do it
i can accept this moment as it is

i aceep

accept this moment

as it is

and when i can be happy with anything
that is when all the

things come

the secret is to remember to be happy no
matter what to feelthe feeling
now to feel the feeling now

to feel the feeling now and
what is the feeling i don’ th

don’t know but it’s always there and
i always have access to it

how i would feel if i knew
for a fact

that i would get

everything i ever wanted

how would i feel how would you feel if yo

knew everything would work otu

what am i here to learn today
to remember today

to just keep saying thank you
just keep doig the
the work the only work and be grateful for where i am
in this here and now just keep saying

thank you

for this here and now
just keep saying thank you

just keep saying

thank you

let everything go let everything
go let everything go and just relax

just relax and
allow relax and allow and i am
feel the

feeling the vibration

being massaged and i feel that i am
aware of something
i feel that i am on the
verge of something and i can feel that

with more focus on the

the work my power is rising and i can
feel that the focus on the wrok

work cultivates something within
me and i can feel mysel fl

letting go of more and more
moments of the day
and just trusting the oment
moment just feeling
the relief of this oment


just feeling the

relief of this moment
moment just feeling

the relief ofthis moment

and iknow i can

get there first and i know

it doesn’t have to be a struggle
it’s the opposite of struggle

the work always works

it feels good to do the work
to relax to take a break from

a permanent break from

to remember that it can
only reflect me and then come back
to center to make the choice
instead of look for what i

don’t want to see it feels god
to make the choice

easier and easier to make the choice
make the choice to take
responsbility for everything that is

the better it gets ilove the
better it getrs i love the

better it gers i love

i love seeing evidence wherever
i look i love doig t
doing this work because i know the

power of t
this work i love doing this work

is the only work that matters
i love that i’ve let that go i love
that i’ve decided to let that
go i love that i’ve

decided to vibrate away from that i love
that i get to choose
to approve of myself i ove

that i’ve decided to vibrate

from caring

i feel good in this here and now
i am grateful

for this here and now i

am grateful for this
here and now and knowing that

whatever i do

will always be enough

whatever i do

will always be enough i know this kno

i know that whatever i do
it will always be enough

in the here and now
and the wrok helps

em relase

and cherish this moment
love this moment

and trust

everything that is

in this very moment

i ove that

that i know


there’s no reason to try there’s no
reason to try i can trust
i can trust the flow and know that
there’s now reason to try t

just trust this right now
and let go
andk now that
this work

is all i can ever do
get in the vortex and then
and i know that
i know that

get in the vortex and then and i am

doing myself the service of

getting in the vortex

and i know

that ig just

takes a little focus
and a itt
lot of letting go

and it’s easy to feel the
feeling of letting go
of everything saying
i don’t give a fuck about that
and allowing myself to
enter the here and now

for just a moment


is the feeling of relief of knowing that
it will never not
be right now
and the the flow ill ala

always do the work

to feel
good now to enter the here and now
and hold on tight
because its quite the

indescribable ride

i’m here and now and i’m doin
the work to let go to feel how i want to
feel to look for what

i want to see to know that
it’s always enough it feels good to know that it’s always enough
to feel good

i love feeling the feeling i love
celebrateing the

now i love that i get to clean!!

i lovethat i have a house to clean
and i love that it’s fun and easy i love
that the flow is always flowing

i love that i get to choose
and trust the magick life jut trust

trust i trust i feel the
feelingand ik now that

that life always provides

it fesl
feels good to get in the vortex
and thn to listen to the flow it
feels good to listen to the flow and get in the vortex and then
it feels good to eel t
to feel the flow it feels good
to eel

focus in this here and now

what ma

am i here to do

why on
the hell

am i doing this work

to feel good
to feel better to feel
the truth of life to

let go to feel good
to feel good to feel relief
to feel relief to feel

loved and appreciated and
validated to know that life is
good to remember that

life is perfectly good to remember
to be brave enough to feel
how i want to feel to

practice being brave enough to
show up for life i am

brave enough to show up for
life i am brave enough to let go
of it all and just feel
the feeling the

feeling of love
is all i can

ever do
the feeling of love is all i can ever to

and when i commit to that
everything else

is nothing”

i’ve let that go

i’ve let the rest go
and thank god for the
this work that helps me reconnect i love that i know

the feeling i know i know
what everything is and i am now
a vi

not a victim of my gho
thoughts or my environment

i love that i getto choose

i love
that i


i love doing
this work this is the only
work the vortex is the
only work and i am

allowing myself to remember that
now i am not
a victim of my environment and i have
the pwoer

power to see passed it i have
the power to see passed my

current treali

reality and it is up to me
to be able to imagine it
to allow myself to be my
best self it feels good to allow

myself to be my best self it
feels good thwne

when i allow mysel f

to get in the vortex and then
and remember that

everything else reflects my

connectoin to source
that is the once true

fact of life is that
everything reflects me

so grateful to feel good and trust
the flow trust the flow
it feels good to
feel good and trust the flow

of life it feels good to feel good and trut
the flow

to make the choice to
get in the vortex and then
and know that it
can only reflect me
it feels good to celebrate this very moment
and know that life will always take
me in the right direction

so i can just trust
this here and now

i love doing the vibrational work

allowing myself to do the
vibrational work and allowing myself to
celebrate life i love that this
is my work in this here and now i love

its only ever the
vibratonal work and i love
that i am doing it

i am allowing myself to
feel good i am allowing myself
to celebrate life i am brave
enough to celebrate life

to say

thank you for the
reflection to say yes thank you
to allow myself to feel
the connection instead of

see it and say yes i see it
but it’s not enough

i say thank you for
the reflection thank you
for showing me i am a match to that
and thank you for helping me
remember that it’s only



it’s only ever me it’s only
ever me it’s only ever me

it can only reflect me i know that
and i love that i get to choose
so i look for that version
i look for that version and i allow
myself to see it

i allow myself to see
version i prefer and that’s

pretty easy when
i decide to do it i love
the better it gets and i love
that i’ve let that go

i’ve let go of needing
to hold on i’ve let go of
needing to please anyone

i am allowing myself to do that
and being here more than anything


helps me see who ia m
and pracitce


about what other people
think about my state of mind


have fun
be happy

and i know that it all there is

have fun
be happy and i love that i cna
allow myselt o

to do that i love that i am
i am me and i am here now

i let go
i know i don’t have to control anything
and i can just say yes
thank you and i know that i’s


it’s easy to let go and
allow life to live me to trust
life and to look for what i want
to see i ove the
i love the ower
power of me i love that i et to
get to choose

not to care
what they think of
who i am

instead i can choose
to be grateful

i’m grateful i’m here and
for the magick of this here
and now and i love that
i aware of the vibration
and through awareness i can let it go

i can feel myself afraid to
turn over trust completely
for fear of being judged

that i’m not enough hat
i’m doing enough
in some ways judging myself

for not doing enough always
creating a sense of not enough

i realize now that i am not
sending a signal of enough if i am
sending a signal of not enough

i am

i am enough

i am enough

i love that it’s
all flowing i love that i know
life is flowing
through me i love

the vibration
progress feeling tuend

tuned in tapped in turned on
and knowing that eventually i can
train my mind away from immediately thinking
but what would x think if
i didn’t do


how weird

because its the opposite

in the flow there is
plenty to ‘do’

there’s never any question
of that relly

really so much more to ‘do’

than when ot in the
in the flow and really

i know that it’s just
practiced patterns of thought
i know that it’s just science

and i know that i’s on
it’s only ever me i love that ia m
allowing myelf to

rise above that
vibration i am
allowing my;self

to let that flow and
feel for the flow feel for the flow
i ove that i am

the space to do the vibrational work
to really do

the work and find the place of

resonance with god and feel



to simply
let go
of all the rest

because here in the space of communion with god

the joining fothe bodies mine
and yours

nothing else matters

that’s all there is and knowing my own powr

all there is it feels good to
rememer the

powers that me

the powers that me

very powerful these past few dys
days and know

knowing that it came from

one instant

of relief

if you can allow yourself
to feel even one instant of relief


i love that this works

work always helps me fet there

get there and i love the
better it gets

focus on it
and it


focus on it and it
expands focus on it and it

that is the only
answer inl ife i
and i love that i know t

this power

i know this power i love that
this work heklps

helps me

remember it

i love
online sales
i love that it’s wroking
i love that it’s
to me

i love that it’s wrokig
working and i am

how to love me how to
approve of myself
how to allow mysle f
be enough

to live like my
father is dea

it feels good to relly

really do the work

not be afraid to love myself
and where ia m right
now i love myself and hw

where i am right now i love
that everything worked out
perfectly and weirdly in the flow

i love that we
our income!!!

i love that it’s working
i love feeling tuned in tapped in
turned on i love feeling like
myself i love am

making the choice to feel
good about myself i love


left and
right and

i love doing this work
and remembering who i am and

i am source energy
observing itself

that’s all

i love that i know i love
that i am

coming into myself here and
being forced to truly realize who ia m

i want to be it feels good to

to expand
vibrationally and allow myself to
dothat it
feels good to

allow myself to enjoy life
in this here and now
and know that is all i can

ever do

enjoy this
moment right now

when you search for it it’s not there

i can’t search for it
though i know it is there i know it is
there so why search for it

why strive for it?

just allow it to be and that
is my power
not finding it
and making it more


but allowing it to play out
its own power to be powerful
in itself without the restraints
of my


my power is allowing the
now to be the now and allowing
the rest to come to me

that is the work i am doing here

is not

finding something but
allowing it to be as it is
being brave enough to allow life

to be as it is to remember
this is my time this is my life
and i’m allowed

to enjoy it feels good to
feel waves of

i feel

waves of relief

i feel waves of relief and that’s
all i can ever do is feel wave of
relief and i know i can never try i can

never ever try
that is how i do my best never try

i’ve let the rest go and i am allowing life to

through me

i love feeling good i love feeling
at ease in my life i love feeling at ease in my life
i love feeling the feeling of love i love that i
get to choose to love everyone

every thing i love that i
get to choose to love me i love that
i get to like myself i love
that i get to feel good now i love
that i get to make the choice to love myself

to send the signal of yes
and that is all that matters

i love you

i loveyou

i love you

i love this right now i love
tha tlife is good i love

waking up feeling good i love that
we are making it work i love


into the stream i love that
i know every day is the best ever
and the best work
i can do is just

allowing the flow to flow through me


intot he flow
every moment saying thanks for the oments
i have thanks for solutions hanks
thanks for wanting
wanting to get out of hav


having to get out of bed thanks for the flow
thanks for the


to enjoylife as it is

not afraid to trust the powers that me

it always comes back to
the one feeling of loving myself
the single feeling of
love is the answer to every single


i love that i get to choose to love
this here and now i love the better
it gets i love that i get t

get to make the choice
to approve of myself i love that
i love that i get to

make the choice to
approve of myself and feel good
about my choice i get to
make the choice to

approve of my reality i love
the better it gets i love that i can
admit to myself that i am seeing
signs of improvement

everywhere i look
i love that i’ve made the choice
to feel good about my body
and now i do i love making the choice
to let it go i love the

power of deciding not to care
i love that i don’t have to care
and i love that i don’t have

to be right

i love that i can do this work i love
that i can focus into the right nnow ther
the here andow because it is all there is
i love that i get to


this here and now i love that
i get to make the choice to celebrate i love that
i’m not afraid to make the choice
to celebrate life i love that
i get to celebrate

i love that we get to
have fun i love the
better it gets i love that
i get to feel good now i love
that i get to feel good nwo

i love that i get to trust the
flow of life i love that i can

i get to say than kyou

instead of what if i love that
i know it’s only


a vibration
i love that i know it’s

a vibration i love
that i get to send the signal i love
that i get to send the signal i love

positive feedback i love
that i an

can stay focused

on the flow and know the

the flow always knows i love doing he
the work i love that i feel good about myself i love
that i get to feel good
about myself i love that i get to

love myself i love that i have
been doingt he work
the work to love myself and my
reality and when i dothe work

i truly feel better i love
trustingthe p
the power of me i love that
i know my power is in saying

yes thank you for this
here and now and i’m so happy
where i am right now
i know that i’s

the only choice i can ever

make i love that i get ot

feel good no matter what i love that llife
life helps me do tha ti love
going witht he flow i love feeling
good about life i love
that i’m feeling on

top of the world i love that
i can just allow life to come to
me as a reflection of my vibration

i love that it always comes
to me

i love that
i know its’ all coming to geth

together and it can only
come together in the air

i love that i get to feel
the feeling right now i love
looking for what i want to see
i love a

making the hcoice to trust the flow
to make the choice to create my best work
and then i do i love

when i’m creating i love
creating i love
that i am always

doing my best

i love seeing improvementi l

i love the better it gets i love
that it’s coming to me
i love opeinging

the gates ilove that
life is good i love that inow
i know i can
always i can always trust the flow
i can always

trust god to bring me
what i need i an
always trust the flow to flow
through me i can know that
every day is ithe

the best day of

my life i can trust the flow and kn

i love that i know

i love that i know the magick o f
of life i love remembering the
magick of life i love remembering that mag

magick of life i love
who i

that i know who i am
i love that iknowthe
the powr of me

i love the better it
gets i love

that this work alawys works

i love the better tis

it gets i love that iknow
my attention
creates i love that i get to
choose what i place

my attention on

so grateful for collabs
so grateful for

fresh baked

and a workshop
and a wife who loves me

and a

furnace that works
and a

workout i enjoy
and projects to work on
something to hlep

help us create i know that is
the universe pulling something
awesome through me i am a

allowing something aesoem
awesome to flow through me
i am leaning to

to throw myself into the work
and allow the work to

work me i am allowing the work
to come through me

uninterrupted i am
allowing the flow to

do the work i am

letting go of the

strive i am letting go
of being oddly nervous or worried for
some reason all the time i’ve
decided to let that
go and relax into the moment i

i’e de

decided to be brave enough to love this moment
to love me in this very moment i lovethat
that life is helping

so much in this place

i am making

i am transcending my dna

so grateful to do the

to know

how to transcend to know that
life led me here and it will lead me other
places not in my control

thanks god for everything and i feel
the feeling of love i feel the feeling of love
about life knwo
i know that every day is good and not

nothing outside of me amtt
matters it is only inside and
i can choose the feeling of celebrating

every day and when i do

it celebrates me i love that i know this
i love that i get to look for


i want i love that i get to hcoose
choose what evidence i look for i get to choose
what i look for and that is

my choice i get to choose i get to choose i
get to choose i love you ilove that
i lov eyoui love

i love that i am feeling good about life
i love that i get to approve of myself i love that
i can let; e

everything else go i love that
i can change my past i love

that i get to love myself now

i love doing my best

i love feeling the feeling of the power of me

the space and time here
allows me to feel it and i have
been confidently feeling
confident lately

i approve of myself i approve of myself
and who i am and i can feel myself
allowing myself to become
my best self i feel myself allowing myself
to relax into the here and now i can
feel the
certainty of

well being flowing through

and i can feel the well being i can
feel the well being of life flowing
through me i can feel what i’ve been looking
for i can feel life flowing through me
and i can feel the

golden age
of vibrational alignment


i love that i ge tto love i love that
i ge tt

to love right now i
love that i get to love the power of now
i love that life i sgoo

in this right now i love
that i am allwoing myself to feel the
power of me to know the power
of me to know that

life i slfoiwn
is flowing through me

perfectly it feels good to choose


the perfection

of life choose to accept it

in this here and now
say thank you for it i love that i am
turning the boat and


myself to say thank you
for life thank you for life thank you
for life i love
that the work always worsk and i know this
i love feeling the

certainty of
the flow of this here and now i love
the certainty
of this here and now i love

certainty of this here and now i love
that i get ot feel to feel good about myself

to feel good about myself i fele
good about life about my

vibrational escrow

it feels good to feel good about life
to allow myself to feel good about
life in this here ando

and now to allow myself to
celebrate the perfection
of this here and now
to feel the perfection
of god inthis here and now to

feel the perfectoin of

of god in this

this hre and a
here and nowi love this
here ando

and now i love that i
get to feel good now i love th
poew rof

power of me

i love the poer o
the power of i love you im sorry please forgive me
thank you

i love the power of me i love the feeling
of mei love
i love

the vibration of me
i love the vibraion
of i love you i love

it feels good to feel good to know that
when i ask it is given and when
i lean into the flow

i feel the feeling of god i am
connected with god in this here and now
and iknow the

the power of the laser focus i love
that i get to choose i liove that
i know that every time

i get to choose

i get to choose how i feel and
i choose to feel good in this hre
this irhg n

right now i feel good i feel good
in this here and now becuase i know that
when i ask it is givien
i love that i cn choose t

to feel good now i

i love that i get to feel good now
i love that i can feel the feeling
i love that i can let the flow do it
i love that i can

let the flow do it i love
that i can

let the flow do it i love that i know that life
always takes care of me i love that i know that
life loves me i love tha ti know
that i know that life

loves me i can feel the feleing
right now i love the feeling of feeling
tuned in tapped in turned on

i aget t

gret to f
get tofeel good i love that i get ot feel
good i get to feel the
wholeness of my vision

its easy to feel good its easy
to be a match to life its easy to be a match to life
to say yes thank you

its easy to say yes thank you to
send the signal of love its easy to send the
signal of love to

let go of everything that is and
be grateful in this oment
moment and the


hleps helps us do that it feels good
to amke tmake the choice to

on vacation it feels good to make the choice to
feel good now to feel the feeling in this
here and now it feels good to

keep iup th
up the good work to say
i love you ia m please rofr
forgive me
thank you i love you i’m

i love you i’m sorry
please forgive me thank you

i love that i feel good in my life
i love

that i get to make the choicet o
celebrate life
don’t like you life don’t feel

totally fulfilled

lookf of

for things that
feel fulfillfing

do the things that you know
feel fulfilling and lean
into the flow givethe
the flow and opportunity
to express tisedl

itself i love that i am
feeling good i love that i am
feel good i love that i am feeling good
about life i love that
i love life i am

leaning into the flow of life

choosing the version i prefer

chooseing the
version i prefer and i love that i get to
do the work i love that i get to
do the work i love that i
get to do the work and feel good now i love that
i get to feel good now i love that
i get to let

god do it i love that i
get to allow go d to do it i love
that if eel connected i love that
i get to c hoose the
version iprefer

i love that i’m here now
i love that i’m here now

i love that i’m feeling the
now i am allowing the feeling of god i am
allowing myself to come into my god self

i am allowing myself to feel grounded

i am allowing myself to

feel connected i am doing the wor k
to connect with my god self because that is
all there is ia m doing the work

disconnect from any attachment
because i know it doesn’t matter
how it turns out and i’ll never

figure it out i love being brave enough
to allow life to be good that’s all it is
being brave enough to allow
life to be good

brave enough to love i am
brave enought o love
i am brave enough to love to love
to love my life and when i love my life
i feel more connected

i love the better it gets ilove
the better it gets ilove that
its improving i love that

i know this for a fact
the better it gets and i get to
just look for what i want to see

i love wholesale orders i love
getting orders i love that we sell our gooks
books in stores and online
i lo

i love ralxi
relaxing into the here andnow i love
being able to trust everything that
is i love the feeling of believing in myself
i know that’s all there is i know that

leaningin into the flow is
all there is i love feeling the power of it
i love feeling conneted to

source energy and allowing
source to flow through me i love
feeling the certainty of knowing
that life is on my side

i love that iknow that

how i would you feel if you knew??

how would you feel if you knew??

if you knew everything was working in your favor

if you knew you were infinitely adored by all??

how would you feel i love
the better it gets i love letting go of
old vibrations i love

feeling loved by life i love
that i can do it i can do it i can

feel good even when
outside conditions are bleak
and that is what life
teaches us to do here

for that
i am grateful

it feels good to make time to do the work

to allow the work to flow through
me to know that the work is all there is it feels good
to remember the work is all there is

it feels good to celebrate life in this
right now and feel the feeling of letting that
go of letting go of the
evidence of old vibrations and allowing myself
to practice new ones

to be brave enough to take on new vibrations to be
brave enough to enjoy life to look for reaons to
enjoy life to be brave enough to feel good

it feels good to be brave enough to feel good
it feels good to allow the feeling to flow through me
to know that the feeling is always there

and inspiration

always strikes

it feels good to trust the
flow of life it feels good

to look

toward the flow

it feels good to celebrate life
today i am cele

so gratful

grateful he gets to go hoem!!!

so grateful to celebrate life
to learn how to love me i can
learn to love me too

i could stand
to learn how to love me


approve of myself

it feels good to do the work to feel
inspiried it feels good to feel the feeling
of believing i lifeit feels good to
want to do the work to wnat to feel
good in my body to want to feel

good in my life it feels good
it feels good to trust the process of life
and to trust the infinite well being that
is always flowing through me

to trust the flow and let go
resign myself to the flow it feels good
to practice in the vortex and remembver ho

who i truly am it feels good to
feel good it feels good to feel good to not
let anything get me down and to mek t

amke t

make the choice to love life in this
right now it feels good to feel the
flow and trust the process of life i a

i trust the process of life

thank you thank you thank you thank you

thanks god for everything thanks for
this aweomse
awesome life

thank you for this
awesome life

i this here and now i am
celebrating life i am leaning intot he
feeling of life i am
leaning into the flow
of life i am

i lean into the flow of life
i lean into the flow
of lifei lean into the
flow feel the flow of life
flowing through me feel the certainty of life
feel the feeling of letting go

it feels good to feel the feeling of letting
go practice the feeling of relief and the more
i allow myself to feel it

the better i feel the
better i feel the more i allow myself to
feel it the better i feel

i love doing the work
and trusting the flow i love
doing the work and trusting the flow i love
that i get to feel the flow i love
that i get to feel the flow i love
that i get to feel the flow i love
that i get to feel
the flow i love

that i get to feel the flow of god flowing
through me i love that i can let the rest go
i love that i know life is just
a feeling andthat his
work is all that works and that letting
go and celebrating life in this
right now

is all that matters

i love doing the work ilove
that the work helps me practice i love that
the work helps me feel good i love
that the work always works i love that the work always works

i love that the flow
always flows ilove

i know that i am
allowed to love who i am
i am allowed to love this
life no matter what i am
allowed to feel the
feeling the feeling i am allowed to
let go and i know that

it always works i know that the
flow always works and ic an
go inthis here and now i love that
i can choose to feel the
feeling of relief in this
here and now i love

that i get to feel good in this
here and now i love that i can
love myself i love that th

the work always works i love
that i get to feel good now i love that
i get to

love myself

how to love me??

what does it mean?

how do i love myself???

i love the better it gets i love
that i get to choose to feel
good now i love that i get to
lean into the flow

how to love me

what does it mean how to love

how can i be enough how i can
i love myself how i am

how can i love my life as it is

how can i truly love myself send myself the
feeling i want to feel

love myself the way i want to feel
loved by life feel the feeling of how
much life loves me and turn that feeling
to myself
feel it for myself

because life feels it for me
and it’s all in the work it’s all in the work
the willingness to take the the leap

to feel good about myself about my life
and i am lookig for
evidence of improvement
i am allowing myself

to live i am allowing myself to live

to celebrate life to celebrate life in this
right now
celebrate life exactly how it is and i know

it’s only ever the
feeling it’s oly ever

the feeling and the

weather beig like
this helps me do the work

and i know that it

can only
ever reflect me i love
tha ti get to

celebrate life

i get to celebrate life

i love feeling good about life
i love taking the big leap and allowing myself
to celebrate life i love
feeling the feeling of the other side of the wave

i love that i can always practice it i love that
i know it’s always there i love that i
get to fel good

feel goo about

good about me i love tha ti fee

about me!!!

i love that i feel good about me!!!

i love that feel the flow of me i love
that i feel good about me i love that
i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel the flow i liove that i get to

feel good now i love that i get to let go
of eerything i love that i’ve let that
go i love that

we all

get to live

because i’ve let that go i love
that i get to make the choice to celebrate life in this
rgiht now i love that i’ve let that


years of vibration
stagnant vibration gone i love doing the work
i love that the work
always works i love that the work s

always works i love
feeling tuned in tapped in turned on i love feeling the flow

i love feeling the flow of me i love
feeling good i love feeling the flow of

me i love feeling the flow of me i love

i love trusting the flow i love that
i get to amek th

make the choice to
feel good about my life i love that i
get to make the choice
to feel good about my life
i love that i
get to feel good now i love that i get to feel
the feeling now i love

that i get to feel good now i love
the better it gets i love remembering
to look for signs of improvement i love


i love that i want to life i love
i love that iw ant to live
i love that i am feeling good about life i love

making the space

to do the work
to feel good and remembering that htis
this is all there is i can
do it and i believe in the pwoer of

of well being and i am trusting the flow
trusting the flow of well being in this
right now i feel
liek i

i deserve to live and that life
loves me i feel good now i feel the
feeling in this here and now i feel good now i feel
the feeling ow i feel the

feeling of god flowing through me
i love that i’ve let that go i love that i’ve
let go of worrying of wondering and now

i am into choosing

now i am addicted to

making the choice
for the version i prefer

now i am into making the choice
for the version i prefer

i am here now doing the work
i am here now

i love it here i love that
everything workd out and an d

i am

allowed to celebrate that!!!

i can just say thank you
and enjoy this moment this here and now
and know that life is always flowing
through me life is always loving me
the most it can

which is infinite
amounds i love

that i

get to say yes to life
that i get to say yes to life that
i get to say thank you for this
life experience that i


can turn the boat can change the
energy within and it fels g

feels good to do this work so i do this
work and let the rest come i’ll just keep up with this
the only work that matters
and allow the rest to flow to me
as it alwyas

always does i love that i know
it’s only ever the feeling i love
that i get to feel good about life
in this right now i love

the easier it gets to
feel good about life
in this right now i am
grateful for life in this right now

thank you for life
thank you for life
thank you for life
thank you for life