thank you for my health

thank you for warm clothes
thank you for boots thank you for
socks thank you for a working
furnace thank you for a water heater
thank you for a roof
thank you for a brand new tub

thank you for good ideas

thank you for the flow
thank you for the flow thank
you for the flow thank

thank you for thank you for
good ideas thank you for a warm day
thanks for fresh pot o’clock!

thanks for so much to celebrate!
thanks for kyle being alive!!

thanks for a new day!
thanks for the well being always flowing
through my body thanks for the
change in perspective thanks for
the power to

tune my focus thanks for the
power to believe in me thanks for the
contrast that helps me focus and
remember who i am

remember that i am allowed to
celebrate life

in fact

it’s encouraged because if i don’t
i feel bad

i feel yucky but when i celebrate life
i feel good only i get to choose

if i am norm
sleeping late and watching
tv all day or am i me

the god given gift

i am god’s gift

to everything and i know this
thank you for my gifts thank you for
the abilities to express them thank you
for helping me believe in myself

i love being aware i love
taking the big leap into the unknown

i love that i can feel the
feeling of the other side of the
wave i love

that i can allow myself to
celebrate life that i can believe
in well beig i know

i know

for a fact that attention
creates and i know that attention
to what i want expands

i know the power of me and i am
celebrating the truth
the science of that knowledge

i know i know i know

i know i know the healing power of
me and i am allowing well being to flow
i am allowing well being to flow
and as long as i look at the well being
that is what i will see

i am celebrating because i feel
good in life i feel good in my life i am
celebrating feeling good in my life
i am not living my life in fear
i am

expressing myself fully
without fear of rejection
from life i am allowing
life to fully express itself through me
without fear of rejection and i am

paying attention to where the
flow is taking me i love that
this is my biggest coup


and i love that i know i can do it
i can let it go i can let it go and know that
it’s only ever me it’s only ever me and






i can look for the best i can
celebrate life in this right now and that’s
all i can ever do is

celebrating knowing
that life is flowing and the more i
celebrate knowing
the more life is flowing i love
that i can let go of everything
in this right now

and just know just know that life
is good life i sgood

is good in this
inthis right now
and i love that i’ve let that
go i love

it’s time
i’ve made the choice
to let that go and i’m
not afraid to allow the
well being to


i’m not afraid to allow the
well being to flow and i am
celebrating because life

helps me focus it helps me
remember who i am it always helps
me remember the power of me

and i am celebrating because i

remember the power of me i’m
celebrating life right now
and everything is brand new

because i am celebrating the
power of me i am

celebrating life

right no wi am

i am celebrating life
and i never have to wonder

aobut anytihng else

i am celebrating
life in this right now
and if my environment is
causing me to ask

then so be it

i trust the process of
this right now and i say thank you
for the contrast and now i am

to refuse to suffer and allow
well being i am celebrating the power of me

because i see

evidence of improvement
i love that i’ve let that go i love
doing the work i love that t
he work

the work always works

and i’ve become aware

i am allowing the flow
of well being to flow and i never
have to dout

doubt or wonder
i know everything is an indicator
and i can celebrate indicators

because they help me focus i love
feeling tuned int apped

tapped in turned on
and that’s all that matters

i’m noticing signs of
improvement laser focus

that’s all it takes that’s
all it takes is the choice to
feel good now to celebrate life right now

no matter what and i love
that i’ve let that
go i’ve let go of


my life and fear and now
i am bravely accepting
everything that comes my way
and looking for the
versoin i prefer

i love that the work
always works i love making the work my priority
and i love feeling better i love

feeling the feeling of relief
i love feeling the power of me
and i love

having hte sp

the space to focus i love
feeling the spce to focus
and i love that i feel

good about my life right now i love
that i have the choice

to celebrate life

i am celebrating life i am
celebrating life and i know that it’s
only ever a feeling
an expectation and i can

celebrate health i can celebrate life!
i can celebrate success and i can
always turn the boat i can alwys

refuse to suffer

i can do it

i can break from
from the shackles of thought
and that’s all it really is
because only a thought
can cause pain and i know that now

thanks god for the contrast that
helps me focus for the feeling that
helps me focus

the contrast helps me focus
because i know the body is a genius
and i know there is a feeling
i would rather feel and i can choose

to feel it now i can choose to
feel the newness of life

in every moment i can choose to
feel the newness of this moment
the promise of this moment and i can
do that simply by pouring myself

into this moment

i can choose to feel love in this
very moment i can choose to love myself i can
choose to love this here and now and i know

that it’s only ever me and that
the feeling how my body feels is only

showing me a mirror reflection
of who i am on the inside
the signal i am sending and i can choose
a different signal i can choose

to feel the confidence in god i can
choose to feel the feeling leaving me
the resentment

leaving me i can choose
to feel the



feeling better i can choose
to feel the feeling of feeling better i can
choose to let go to let go
of the vibration

vibraiton i

i can choose to let go i can
do the work i do the work
the energy gode

does the work i allowe the

the well being to flow
and i do the work i do the work

i am god i am god i am god and i know that
none of it matters and i can choose
to let go and just look for what i want to see

so gratefl for this very moment
so grateful for the power
of the healing flowing through my body
so grateful

to be able to make the
cohice to ee

feel good to lean into the

tahe flow

the flow

and say eys

yes thank you i can lean into the
flow and say

yes thank yo i can

i can allow the feelig i know that
it can only

reflect me i love feleing htr
the power of me and knowing that
it can only
ever reflect me i can choose to feel
the feeling no matter what

i can choose to take
the big leap i can choose to
be my full self

my authentic self i can
allow myself to

be my full authentic self

so gratefult o wake

to wake upm

feel awake so grateful
to let it flow to

make the choice

not to be afraid any more

i am not afraid
i am brave enough to look
for what i want to see

i am brave enough to feel
the feeling of relief i can
reach for
the feeling of relief and it

brave enough to loo

look for what i want to see

to say

i love you just for the fun
fun of it to feel the feeling of i love you
just for the fun of it
it feels good toake

take the big leap for me
to do the work for me
to know its only


it feels good

to want
to live

it feels good to want
to live to know

the better it gets
to look for signs of improvement
to look for reasons to ov

to love it feels good to
be aware to get there to no

not be afraid to lean into the
the flow to feel the

certainty of having let
that vibration go

it feels good to allow myself to
let that vibration gho and i kow

that the better it gts the
better it gets it feels good
to celebrate



the infinite well being that
is always flowing through me to know

to know that it’s only ever me
to know that i can heal my life

it feels good to know that i can
heal my life i

that i get to take the

bigt leap
leap in this moment
and only i can do it

only i can take the big leap into this
here and now

only i can

take the big leap into this

here and now only i can feel the feeling
in this here ando nwo

only i get to make the cohice


is me
i know this and i know that

that life helps me do this work
i get to say

thank you thank you to the

that helps me focus
thank you to all the life

that led me here thank you
for the power of god within me

thank you for

the consciousness
to be aware of it
thankyou for

for this here and ow thank you
for the trust in the flow thatnk

thank you for the feeling for
the knowing thatnk you

you for feeling better
thank you for the mediciine that

the medicine that is always
flowing through me
thank you for the
feeling of knowing
thankyou for the

the feeling of knowing


me thankyou for the
the feeling of connectedness

tank you
thank you for the choice
thank you

for sub payments
thanks for

letting my brother live
thank you for my family
and allt he g

the good times we had
thank you for

a family
who loves and supporst me

thank you for a place to live
thanmk you

thank you for the

good feeling in this here and now
i nkow it’s

it’s only ever a feeling
and i feel better now because i made the choice
to and i know that’s

all it ever is i love that i know
this i love that i can

i know i can always comes back
to center and feel good i love that
i can celebrate thanis

this very

here ando wi love that i
get to feel good now and i get to
feel confident in life
i love that i don’t have t

to be

afraid i love that i don’t have to
wonder i love that i get to make
the choice to live a full and

healthy life

thank you for my health
thank you for my health
thank you for my health

and i love that i know who i am
i love that i feel the
effects of my practice i love
the better it

gets i love that
i’ve let that go i love

that i’ve let that go it’s just a


of an old
and now

i am saying

yes thank you i know it
can only reflect me i now that
it can only reflect
me and when i feel
the feeling

the rest flow

everything worked out and

i am allowed to celebrate i am
allowed to celebrate life in this right now
i am celebrating life because everything worked out
and i know that life

is just the feeling life is just the feeling
and i get to choose it right now i love
the better it gets i love

this day i love this snow day i love
allowing myself to go where the flow takes me i love
allowing myself to get in the vortex and then i love
allowing myself to feel good now to
feel good now to feel good now i love

doing the work that always works i love that
i can feel this feeling always i love that i know it’s
only ever a feeling i love that i get to
feel the feeling i love that

i know being here helps me do the work
and the work always works i love that i know

it’s only ever the work and i love that
i can feel the effects of the work i love that i

i’m so grateful everything
worked out i’m so grateful he lived

i’m so grateful my parents
didn’t have to go through that i’m
so grateful i have the power to choose
the version i prefer

i’m so grateful i was here

so grtefl for bud
so grateful for so many blankets

so grateful for a house to live in
so grateful for good ideas so
grateful i know it’s a feeling

so grateful i have a wife that loves
me so grateful my breathing is
getting better!!!

so grateful i know i am a healer
so grateful that evey time

every time i really focus my energy
it’s really quite easy

and quickly effective




so grateful i’ve let that go
from my body so gratefl i can
alawys enoo

choose to enjoy this day

so grateful i can choose to
enjoy this day so grateful to feel good to feel
good to feel the feeling so

grateful to love and feel loved
so grateful i’ve let tha go forever
so gratefulto make the c

choice to enjoy this right now to feel
good inthis right now to jump into the flow
right now i feel the flow right now and

i kow that’s

all i can ever do i love that
i can trust the feeling

of this right now the

events of this moment and simply
sink into them i can choose to feel connected to feel

so grateful that everyone is getting
along so grateful mom can stay with dad and laura

so grateful for my family
mom my dad brothers

so grateful for everything i have

and have always had

so grateful for everything i have always had
so grateful for my computer
so grateful for gar

so grateful for coookies

so grateful for this outlet

this outlet which has saved my life

over and over and so grateful to be feeling
it to be feeling this day so grateful to be feeling
this day to be feeling the

awesomely powerful
power of me to know that it
only reflects me
it feels good to know that

it only reflects me to do the
work it feels good to do the work to f

feel the feelig to

lift up myself up
to life up my mind and self

lift up my mind and heart to be
aware to understnad and to know that
the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

i love that it comes to me love
feeling connected i love that i’ve
been feeling more connected than

ever i love remembering that
the connection is all that counts i love that
i get to feel good about myself i love
that i get to feel good about my life

that i get to love myself
like my life depends on it and i love
that i have the power to let

all the rest


i love that i have the power
to let it come to me i love that
i can let it come to me i love
that i get to do the work
i love that i get to

play by my own rules i love that
i get to do the work i liove that

it all worked out!!!!

i love that i get to

celebrate int his right now!!!

because it all worked out!!!

it all worked out and as long
as i vibrate on that
side of the wave

i feel great!!

i feel great inthis right now

because i am
making the choice to thank

to say thanks and look for
what i prefer i love that i have
the power to heal my life i love that
i get to celebrate life

right now i love

taking the lea p i love

that i get to feel good nwo i love

that i get to

feel good now i lovethat
i get to feel the feeling to

feel good about myself i love

that i get toa feel

to feel good about myself i love that
i get to love me i love that i

have the power to c

celebrate this right now

thank you

for signs of improvement
thank you for when it comes to me
thankyou for

always bringing it to me thank
you thank you for leads that come to me
thank you for the feeling

thank you for the feeling
of feeling good

thankyou for the the feeling that n

thankyou for the
feeling of connection

thankyou thank you thank you thank you

for new beginnings
thank you thank you for
the contrast that helps me

let it go thank you for the

energy to clean it up thank you f

for the energy of god flowing through me
thank you for guiding me

thank you thank you thank you

thank you

for life and i know that i can
trust what is in this
very moment i love that i can
always focus the energy

i love feeling inspired
i love feeling on top of the world
i love feelig

the magick of life
flow through me i love knowing the
magick of life i love

the better it getrs and i love
that i am feeling more and more

connected and i am understanding
more and more i love that
i’m there i love that i am

connected i love that i am
connected to the infinite

and i am allowing well being to flow
i love that i can feel the feeling of
my thoughts and i love that i can
feel making the choice i love that i’ve let
that go i love that

i can let it all go i love that
i get to make the choice to

enjoy this here and now i love

that i get to do the work the only
work that matters is this work and

that i know for a fact

this is all that matters and this
is what i spend time doing and this
is what plays out in my world and the mor e
i mprea

the more i practice love

love for no reason
the more it reflects itself

back to me

the work always works

i love that the work always works
i love allowing myself i love allowing myself
to feel my best i love that i know i deserve
it i love the better it gets i love that i can
stay laign

aligned with the feeling i love that
i can align with the feeling i love

i love the better it gets

i love clearing out the old
energy i love that i am doing it
and i’ts

it’s hard

but i am doing it because
it is better than
the alternative

and i love that i’ve learned
beyond doubt
that my vibration affects
everything and creates


in my existence

so grateful for mcdonald’s

grateful for this here and now

grateful to let it go
for my health

grateful to feel that
i deserve a good life i am


of a good life i am worthy i am
worthy i am worthy i am

worthy of a good life and
i am allowed to feel good i am
allowed to celebrate this right now
and fuck the rest ia m
allowed to feel good now

and know that
the rest follows i love that
it all worked out

so relieved

it all worked out so glad it all
worked out so glad it all worked
out and look at that

helped me let go of what i am
hanging on to

i’ve let that go i;ve th

let that go and

life helped me do it

life helps me do it and life
helps me look for what i want to see and i know t
hat what

what i want is first cultivated
within me

within me life is
inside and then
a mirror

shows me what it
looks like

i love that life is good
i love that i am celebrating right now!!

becaue everything worked out!!!!

i love that i can say thank you
tahnk you for
the packages we got in the mail today
than kyou

helping me clear the air

for clearing the air

thankyou for

for evidence of improvement
thank you for my brother

thank you for

his life

thank you for
gtting to talk to him
on the phone

and him not dying before i ever
got to speak to him again
thank you for eh

showing me so much about myself

tahnk you for the celebration

for the cause to celebrate thank you for
this life and

inspiring photos

that remind me who i am
really am that remdin

remind me

how much i can love myself that remind
me how good life can be that
remeind me to love myself
and enjoy life

in this right now no matter what

enjoy life in this
right now no matter what and it feels god

good to feel good about myself to
amke the

the choice to

feel good to amek

make the choice to do the work


to do the work first it feels good
to do the workt o love

and to love who i am and to know it
always comes it feels good to eel
feel good to love life right now to
feel the feeling fi

right now to know that i can
choose that feeling frit

right now to choose to love myself
in this

right now i can choose
to feel good i choose to feel good i choose
to feel

the feeling ichoose

to feel the feeling right now
i love that

there’s always a lesson

so grateful to do the work
get i the in the vortex and then
get in the vortex and then
get in the vortex and

then then let it come to me let it come
to me it feels good to feel
the flow and to celebratew

wher ei am right now

i love that it worked!!!

the feeling always works and i can
always choose the feeling
i deserve the feeling and i


of myself i approve of

myself and that’s allt hat

that matters

that’s all that matters

i approve of myself and that’s
all that matters

so grateful to let it all god
to give myself the space

to give myself the space to do the work
and clear up all the energy

it feels good to make room
to make room
for the new energy to enter the room
it feels good it feels good to to

to do the work to day yes

say yes to take the big plea


it feels good to take the leap
to allow myself to be happy it feels good to take the leap

i love that i know life
reflects me i love that
i am aware of this now i love that i am
aware i love that

doing the work and being dedicated
to the to the work

dedicated to the feeling
is all that matters
and it works every time i love that i know
this i love that i know

it’s only ever a feeling and
it can only ever reflect
me and i can allow myslef to

to do the work and feel the
feeling because that’s all there is i love

how far i’ve come i love

how far i’ve come i love

that life loves mei love th

that i know life loves me i love
that i get to choose the
version i prefer

i love that i get to choose and
its that easy i love that i
get to do the wrok

work feel the feling i love that i
get to choose what i look for

and kow that
know that no matter what no matter

what it always reflects me i love teh
power of the work i love that the work

always works i love the
better it gers i love that

i let it go

i did it!!!!!!

i let it go!!!

i can do anything!!!!

i love

feeling good bout myself i love making
the choice i ove tha i get to
make the chocie

to feel good i love tha ti
get to make the choice
to celebrat this here and now

because we’re all alive!!!

thanks god for everything!!
i love tha ltife i s

is good i love the better it gets
i love that i change my thouthg

thoughts and changed my life
i love feelig invigorated by life i love
tha i know it

only ever reflects me and i know that
everything is a reflection i lvoe that i
get to feel andn

good and celebrate who i am
i this herre and now i love that
i get to celebrate life

and enjoy!!!

feels good to do the work

to relax into this moment
and just trust

trust this moment relax into this
moment and trust and that’s
all i can ever do i love that i can
always feel the feeling of
connection with spirit and i love that
the contrast helped me

focus is helping me
clear up some
stuck old vibrations and i love
that i am making progress in

letting those old vibrations
god i love that i am
allowing myself to feel secure
in this moment i am allowing myself
to feel secure in this

here and now i am
allowing myself to feel the power
of now the focus of now and
the feeling of now

i love that i’ve let that
go i love that i can say with
confidence that its

a reflection of an old vibration
i love that i don’t need to get anywhere
and i don’t need it to be a certain way

i love that i’m learning
to just simply not let other peoples
behavior affect me and i know
this is important and i love
that i am

re learning

how to do it i love
remembering that la

all i can do is love and
everything else is out
of alignment

and what comes when i am out
of alignment?


so i’ve let go of
negative and decided to love

for me to do it for me
for no other reason than it
feels better to love

it feels better to love
that i lo

i love that

i’ve that

let that go and it’s all
working out i lovethat

that i’ve decided to let that
go i love that i can let it go i’ve let ght

that go

i’ve decided not to care

decided to put my faith
in the here and now and trust that
whatever comes is whatever

i am creating

so grateful to do the work
and feel at peace in the here and now

i love the

better it gets i love
that tho

these resolutions
are coing t

coming to me and i love that
i’ve learned just how powerful my vibration is
and i love that i l

am learning to love
and not have to right

i am learning to let
other people do whatever they want
i am learning

to let myself do whatever
i want

so grateful to


able to breath
to let it all go

to release

but i’ve let that go
and now i am just looking for the
best and i know i never have

to be nervous or ever wonder

because life is always working out perfectly life
is always

going my way accoridng

to my creation and i love
that i’ve learned to

let that go i’ve let that go

i’ve let that go i’ve
let it go i lve

let it go and i can only
live my life in the here andnow

that’s all i can do is
be here now the

rest doesn’t matter

its the
white balloon

and i’ve let it all go
into the abyss ive

let that go and i remembe now

that i don’t have to

care i can only do me
i can only live my lifei ca

i can only

of myself i can only
ever approve of myself and
i approve of myself

i feel the feeling of the
here and now and i let it
come to me i know that it
can only reflect me i love that
i get to f
eel the

the feelong o

of god in this here anow

and now i love that i get to feel
good i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to allow my best self i love that i kow

it’s only
ever me
it’s only ever me it’s
only ever me

it’s only

ever the feeling

of alignment

it feels good to
feel goo di t

it feels good to feel
good in this here and now

look for the best in
every moment

and know that it’s
always there if i look for

i know that it’s always there

when i’m looking for it

let it go and let it come
to me because i am not in contrl

never have been

not of what happens

only of how i feel and that
creates the rest i love that i am

remembering this on a grander scale now
i am seeing it in everything
and i am noticing the
effects of my practice

i am noticing the effects of my
practice and i can feel everything
clicking into place aas i

as i choose to look
for the versio i prefer

the version i prefer

the connection with spirit
the knowledge of spirit

i feel connected to the
knowledge of spirit

it feels good to be
to feel connected to feel the
feeling to allow myself to feel
the feeling and know

that this moment is life
and i don’t have to

make it happen because it is always
alredy re

right here in this very moment
and i know

that something
amazingly awesome

is going to happen to me today

i love the feeling of
feeling connected to life i love th

knowing that life
is only reflecting me i love that
the contrsat help

helped me ask i love
that it’s all happening in perfect timing
i love that it’s all working
out i love that i know

the magick of life

so grateful for


so grateful the wife is happy
and getting to work on a project she
feels passionate about

so grateful to feel the power of me
to be brave enough to take the big leap into the
hear and now

it feels goodt o be
to be brave enought o tke

take the leap into the here and


letting the rest go

the white balloon

letting it all go letting
it all go

for my health because it

feels good to feel good

to know to know that it’s all me

and allow this

moment right now .

thank you

thank you for

always granting all my wishes thank you for
giving me everything i ever asked for

thank you for the contrast that helps
me focus and the

omni present

other side of the wave

thank you for
steady hgb

thank you for
better and better thank you
for evidence of improvement

thank you for all the
evidence of improvement
thank you for


thanks for bud money
thank you for my chippes

thanks for bud thanks
for getting to borrow the car

thanks for a place to live
thanks for

and apology thanks for the
contrast the hlpe

helps me let go
helps me remember its not

about me its not about me
thankyou for helping me
remembe that

whatever anyone else does


thank you for the space to
realize that

thank you for the space to realize that





and no matter the reason
i am hating

the reason doesn’t matter
the reason doesn’t
matter the reason doesn’t matter

the reason doesn’t matter

if i am feeling it within my heart

it affects me and it
affects the world i live in

and ideally i would want
to get along

enjoy life harmoniously
and thank you for the contrast that
helps me focus on this knowledge

thank you for the space that helps me
realize thank you for the space that helps me

that helps me realize how
far and wide my power

and the contrast helps me know this
the contrast helps me inthe vo

the vortex which helps me transmute the energy
so to the degree that the old energy

felt bad

so can the new energy

feel good.

thank for the life experience that helps
me know this the life
experience that helps me know the

life experience that helps me
know that it is nothing
but alignment

life is nothing but alignment
and i know that now i know that
i know that
everythig is a

reflection of me and i now


how very strong hate

can be i know that and that is
how i know that it’s not worth it

it’s not worth it to

feel that feeling no matter what the
cause no matter what the cause no matter what
the cause and i love

that iknow the

the power of me and i love
that i make the c

time to do the work

i make the time to
do the work and


i make the time i make
the time to feel good i make the time
to feel good and i can make the
choice to love

no matter what and that is
what lief is

is helping me learn is that

love cannot be

its not for god and i am
god so if i

put a condition on love
that means i am putting
conditions on god

and when i put conditions on god

it suffocates god
it cuts god off it
lessons the flow
pinches the hose

of god

because by placing conditions
on it lessons its power
it makes it have to fit
into the box of your expectation

is far more lmited
than the powers of

of me

which are one and the same
and when i need something to
be a certain way i am cutting off

the full expression of god
asking it to fit into my
narrow viewpoint instead
expanding to fill its

infinite one.

and i love doing this work
because it helps me remember this is
the only work and it helps me remember that

life can only reflect me and it
helps me remember that

it ALL is me
and i can take solace in knowing
that nothing

showed up
that wasn’t i direct

reflection of me

even states away

even worlds away

universes away

it’s all me and i love that i know
and understand that and i love that i am
learning how to allow myself to feel good

to love myself more
than i want to hate that person
deciding to love for no reason

because it’s for my health

because it’s for my health

and it feels good t focus
to focus into the vortex and say

thank you

because everything i’ve ever wanted

i got

everything i ever wanted, i go
and i know this is true

when i ask

it is givine
and i know this

i love t hat this
this bit of contrast has come
up because it was something
that i needed to deal with
and life gave me the change to

chance to
deal with it
to say look

here it is
and i am making the choice
to let go to love the practice feeling
love because its better than the
alternative and when i can

i love you
without having to take action

i love doint he wrok

the work and taking
responsibility for how i feel i love
that this is the only work
and i love that i know

i know this is all me
its all me and i did ask for it

i created it vibrationally
and it wasn’t until now that
i realized how very powerful the
signal lsi


its not like its limited to your tiny little

it reaches everywhere and


its all you its all me

its all me and i ilove that

and am so very grateful that
the contrast helped me
the version i want

i want
i prefer to have a loving
and supportive relationshipo with
my family

all my family

that is my preference and i know
that seeing what i don’t want to


is only

a reflection of me and i
can accept that i accpet t

accept that and it feels good to
do the work to transmute the energy

to decidet o love
to love instead and know that

the change in vibration
is all that matters it feels good to
feel brave enough to come

into me to come into who i am
to know that its all
reflecting me it feels good to know


there’s no separation

and that’s why i can choose to feel good
because there’s no separation that’s
why i can choose relief

i can choose it in this right now
when i let go of doubt
when i am brave enough to release doubt
that is when i come into my power
and i don’t
have to do anything i know it’s
all within me the pwoer is
in this here andn ow and when i choose
i can feel the power of my life changing
i know it’s all up to me to choose how i want to feel i know that
i am creating my own life experience

it can only ever reflect me
it can only ever
reflect me it can only ever show
me who i am i know that life
is only reflecting me and that i can
look for what i want

and i can choose to be
grateful i am brave enough to feel
grateful i am brave enough to feel
grateful in this here and now
to say to myself

is going to happen to me
today and allow myself to
believe it

i can allow myself to heal my life

i can allow myself to heal my
life because iknow it
can only reflect me

an whatever i am
whatever signal i am
sending whatever signal i am

it can only reflect me
and by the process of relaxing
intot he
the now

i can change everything
about my life experience but i don’t have
to change

a thing i can only allow what already is
and i can only choose which side of
the wave i prefer and i can only make the choice
to look for what i want to see more
of and i know for a fact

that what i look for expands

i know it’s only me and it is life
helping me helping me

do the work showing me who i am
and giving me the motivation to let
go of all my

old standing
and i know that that is how i fe

heal my life i do it from within
i know it can only ever reflect me

its weird
but true i know it
only reflects me and all it
takes is to clean up the
vibration to

be afraid

to feel good to know that
feeling bad never helped anyone

feeling bad never helped anyone
so all i can do is expect the best
relax and allow god to flow that’s
all i can do and the better
i feel the better it gets

i love that it’s working i love
that i et to

get to choose i love that instead

fearing the worst
i canchoose
choose to expect the best
i can choose to
expect the best

i can choose the
version i prefer and i know it’s


and i know that life
is helping me
do the work that is all it
ever is is life is hleping

helping me do the work
life is helping me do the work

helping me remember who i am
life is helping me remember who i am

i’m brave enough to take
the leap do the work i am
brave enough to do the work i am

brave enough to take the leap take
the leap take the leap and trust
the flow know it’s
only me and take the leap to

focus within to clean it up
within clean it up from within
and i know th

i am doing that now and i know
that it’s working i know that
the energy is rising and i can
trust it i am allowed to trust
what is i am allowed to celebrate what is

celebrate what the work is helping
me do and know that no matter what i can
always connect to source and i

can’t virate


for someone else i can only
make the choice to feel my vortex i an

can only make the choice to
feel my vortex and let

all the rest go to just
let it go

not hold on to it
any more and not care

at all i have the choice

to not care in this right now

let it go i’ve let it go i’ve done it
i don’t care about any of that

i’ve let it all go
besides its not who i am and
it doesn’t have to affect my life

other people’s actions
don’t have to affect me

don’t have to even give a second thought
to them and i can choose not to care i know that
i can choose not to care and
i can do the work

to go within i know this is the only
work i know thit

this is the only work and i know

that there is no separation
i know that it always

has to come to something
serious doesn’t it before

i will do the work but i’m doing it now
because it’s all there is

it’s allt here is


trusting this moment
relaxing into this mometn and
allowing myself to feel good
no matter what knowing that
i don’t h

have to care because it’s not
my life

i’ve let it all god and i

go and i don’t even care i don’t care

i’ve let it all go
and i don’t have to let it affect me
i kow that

i know that life is giving
me what it’s going to give me

and i am
brave enough to

to look for what i want to see
to know that i have the power to
look for what i want to see and the mor
i stretch that

gratitude muscle
the better i feel

so grateful life is helping
me do the work so grateful
my dad apologized and
we are talking again

so grateful for a warm coat
and short lines and card stock

so grateful for pizza and
amazon prime and a new printer
so grateful for orders

zine distributors

so grateful for who i am
for ideas for stew
so grateful to win at chess

and lose too

so grateful for my wife so
grateful she loves and takes care of me
so grateful i can feel my

through this i can allow
i can relax into the moment and allow myself
to send healing energy i can come into the
power of me and kno that

and know for a fact that
it is all

reflecting me no matter what
and know that the work always works the
feeling always works

i don’t have to be afraid
to feel good i get to feel good

because it’s my life i love that
i get to make the choice to feel good no
matter what i love that i get to make the
choice i love that i get to make
the choice to celebrate life in this
here and now

detach from outcome
i get to feel good in this right now
i get to celebrate the version i prefer
and know that the work always works i know
that the work always works i know that

life loves me

loves all of us

and we are meant to be
happy and healthy and that love
can heal all the
feeling of alignment with source

my wishes are coming true as i wish them

and i know it’s as a
direct result of the feeling
the vibration the

energy that i am
and the energy that i am
makes up my world and i know that
extends to the far reaches of the


it affects everything
not just what i see in front of my face but

as far as
other people’s lives

because i know that i am
the one creating them
and that they

are only an outpicturing of me
and i can decide to look for something new
i can admit

that i am the one
that created that i am
creating that and i can choose
i can choose to

create something

new to decide to
discern to

prefer something new

all i can do is make the choice

all i can do is make the choice make the choice make the choice
make the choice

to decide
to discern
to prefer

something new and i love
that it’s working

and i love that i know the work
always works and i love

that life just keep shwoing me
that over and over

i am brave enough
i am brave enough i am
brave enough to look for what
i want to see i am
brave enough to look for
what i want to see i am

brave enough

i’m not afraid
i’m brave enough to look for
what i want to see and admit
that life

is just showing me
life is just showing me


i know that and i know that ti’s

easy to change the make up of my vibration
its a simple as a switch in perspective

i love that i am
aware enough to realize my power

i am aware enough to
realize my power and to know that
the power lies

within me i love that i am
feeling the power of me i love that
i am feeling certain
of the pwoer of

of me i love that i am
seeing everywhere

evidence of the undeniable
power of me and evidence that
life is just a reflection i love

i know that it
can only be a match to
me and i’m not afraid to
say yes thank you to the

signs the
gifts from the universe

i’m not afraid to say yes
thnk you

not afraid to say yes
thank you

for the gifts from the
universe and know that

the whole world

not just whati
see in front of my face

is affected by my
creations and that iam

the only one creating my life
because i am the only

experiencing it
and i am experiencing
the power of me and it’s

very profourd
very profound

that the world
can so quickly change according
to my expectations
and i know that life

life is

reflecting me
on a massive scale

i know i’ve created hurricanes
and ;i know
i know te power
the power of my intention
can heal

and it can heal relationships too
and i know all that ever matters

is how i feel i know that all
that ever matters

is how i feel my expectations of
life and the energy i send toward it and i klove
that the work helps me


realize this i loe that
i can feel calm in knowing
that life is going
to happen either way and i love
that i am feeling

i love that it’s working
i love that it’s working i love
that i am doing the work and
letting go and i no

i know that when i change
the energy the things
around me change i know this
for a fact and i kno th

i know that everything
in life is just an outpicturing of
me so i can

take full responsibility
for all the events in my life
and that

sets me free because i don’t have to

blame anymore i can take responsibility
for creating that and i can
take responsibility for

creating something new

it feels good to do the work and know
the work always works it feels good to do the
work and know the work

the work always works and it’s
up to me to decide within myself to

the version i prefer

don’t like what you see?
choose something else and i know
it really is that
easy that is all there is to it

and there’s nothing i can do
to make anything happen all i can do is
ask and allow ask and allow and know

that i’m allowed to feel good
to look for the best i’m allowed to look
for the best and i know it’s all me

and i know

i can


i can heal my life
and i love that i get to do the work
i love that i can

feel the feeling i love that iknow it’s
only me and i love that i am

transmuting the energy i love
that the energy is strong and with
the power of transmutation

i can change my world
i can change my world
and i now it’s only ever

my world
and that attention creates

so right now
i am grateful i am grateful for good news
and signs of improvement

i am looking for signs of
improvement i am looking for signs of

and that’s all that matters
just look for what you want to see

just look for what you want to see
just look
for what you want to see

just look for what you want to
see and you will see iti can

i can

face my life ican

can say yes to
getting what i want
and not push it away

i don’t hae to
have to push life away

and i know this
i know that life

is me and every day is a gift
every day is something to be grateful
for and i know for a fact that
through transmuting

my energy

i can heal the world