the work always works

and it feels good to feel the
feeling the feeling of knowing that
i can

look for evidence of
what i want to see and that
the pain

does subside

i know this
when i make the choice not
to suffer the pain subsides

and ik now that today i am
grateful i am turning
what if


i am turning what if into yes
thank you and i love that that’s
all that matters i love that i
get ot say

thankyou for this
life and than you for the contrast that helps
me focus the contrast that helps me

i want to be alive the contrast
that helps me know that life is on my side and ic anc hoose
to celebrate that fact i can choose the
feeling of yes i can choose the feeling of
the big leap

i love the feeling of the big leap i love that
there is always more than enough i love

the feeling of feelign prosperous

i wanted it and i got i love that i get to choose
i love doing the work because it works

i love that i have it
within me to not suffer

to refuse to suffer i love that
i have the power to look for what i want to see and i love
that it’s working i love

waking up every day

feeling that something magickal is
about to happen i love the

practice of


i love that life is easy inthat
way i love that i get to feel good in
this here and now i love that
the work always works

so GRATEFUL for hot water!!!

and savings!!
and being able to help my mom
and investing in something
bigger than us

and getting to help!!
and hot water!!

and the dryer is scheduled!!

i love taking care of it i love
that iknow this is

our practice run

so grateful to feel the feeling of
allowing me to be my best self so
grateful to feel the feeling of militant

to be constantly minng my

mining my reality for things
i want more of i love
remembering the power of me i love
remembering the power of me i love

that i know life loves me
i love that i know

life loves me i love that i know

life loves me i love
that i know life loves me
i know

so grateful life loves me and wants
to take care of me i love the
better it getrs i

i know i never have to worry i love
feeling in the practice of knowing that
life loves me i know

love knoinw

the power of me i love doing the work and
remembering the power of me i love

that i can

i love that i can look for what
i want to see and let go of the
rst i love

that i can

feel the feeling now
amazingly awesome
is happening to me right now i love
the power of transmutation
i love that iknow

i love i love that i know
its all in my heas i love
that i can let go

can that go

something amazingly awesome
is going to happen to me today

i can feel myself being aware ofthe
energy and transmuting it i love that
i get to

refuse to suffer
i love that i can always refuse to suffer
i love that i can just

relax into this here and now
i can just

relax into this here and now
and allow life to flow throughme i lovethat

that i know it’s not up to me
it’s not up to me and i can
trust the flow to take care o that
of that i love that i
believe in god and i know that life
loves me i love that i know i cna do

can do it i can let it go i love
let go of control and i love that that
life helps me do that i lo

i look forward
to wondering wtf is life

i love that i’ve let that go i love
that it’s not for me to worry about i love
the power of the ocntra

contrast i love that it hlep sme
focus i love

that iknow i am always becoming my best self
i love that i know for a fact
that i can

i love that it always works out
i love that there is always more than enough
i love being here and doing the work i love

being here and doing the work i love
doing the work i love doing the work i love

doing the work i love

doing the work and that the work
awlays wo

always works i love
that i can

always let go i love
being aware of who i am i love that
i know i am already perfect i am

already enough i am enough i am

i am enough

just as i am i am enough

so grateful to do the work

gods work and know this
is the only work so grateful to know
i don’t owe anyone
anything and i never have to
do anything
because i feel obligated
it feels good to live life for
me it feels good to look
forward to making a spectacle

it feels good to be a world renowned
artist and to be confident in making
my work it feels good to have the
unquestioning support of family
it feels good to always be doing my best

it feels good to feel good
about m;yw ro

my work to know that my work helps people

so grateful
to feel lifted grateful
to feel lifted toknow
to know that life is on my side
it feels good

to remember that life
is always on my side that it
always comes back around

it feels good to feel the feeling
the feeling the feeling it feels
good to feel the fee

songs sound
sweeter i am allowing songs
to sound sweeter

i am allowing life
to flow through me i am
allowing myself to
be my full self inthis
right now knowing that this
is my work and i can trust that

i know that this is my work
as an artist
my work on earth
is to explore the unknown

explore the mystery
and report back
my job is a healer

i love that i know i am
an ascended master i love that i
get to believe in life i love
that i get to to choose
i love that i get to look for
what i want to see i love that
i get to look for what i want to

let go of the rest and just make
my art which is this right here
and now this is my work this
is the only work this is the only
work this is my work as
an artist and this is what i’m here
to do and that’s all that matters

god in hwate
whatever makes you

smell the

it feels good to feel good to take
the big leap and know it’s
always working out it always does it feels
good to get to do the work

this is my work
my mood is my work howi feel
about that is my work
i love

that i’m seeing reflections
of what i want to see i love
that kyle has help and support
i’m grateful for that

i’m grateful for the
love and support of life
and knowing that
god loves me and will always bring me
to the right place at the right time

i dn’

don’t need it to come
because i already have it and
being here is allowing
me to do the work to lok
for evidence of who i am

to be a better person
to love myself and treat
myself with respect being here and

is helping me let go
of a lot of old

vibrations and because of that i feel
more free and because of that
i feel


grateful to be in the right place
at the right time to practice sending the
signal of love

i’ve looked for
evidence of improvement
andi’ve seen it

i look for what i want
t ose ei’m

i’m not afriad to ak
ask to know that iam
always asking and
getting no matter what

might as well look for what
i want to see look for what i want

want to see and this is the work
that helps me do that

so grateful to have support

music sounds sweeter

so grateful to feel calm so
grateful to feel myself letting go

of fear and shame so
grateful to take the emotional journey
to feel myself
sending the signal so
grateful to get it

taken care of so grateful it’s

so grateful i’ve learned from life experience so
grateful to know it work s

to do the work to nkow
know this is my only work this
is my only work to help people

to help myself wake up
all that matters is being authentic
to this knowing

i can’t

come out of my vortex
for any one

and i won’t i can’t
and i won’t

i love doing the work i love

turning in tunind on

so grateful to
get to know my authentic self to not
be afraid of who i am so grateufl to

to feel proud of hwo
who i am so grateful to make
how i feel my number one priority

so grateful to feel the comfort of this
here and now this here and now this here and

and now and now
the here and now i can feel the
comfort of the here and now

i love it here

in this here and now
i know whatever i activate
i attract

it feels good to feel the
feeling to be in touch with how i feel to
just feel the
feeling it feels good to feel the
feeling to

always be becoming my best self
it feels good

it feels good to feel at home in
this here and now so grateful to truat the
trust the here and now
to be in a place of trusting the
here and now it feels good to do the
the work

vibrational work to feel
optimistic it feels good to feel
optimisitic and to make

make it a way of life
it feels good to feel at how

home inthis h
this here and now to know
it’s not me

making anything ahppen
happen and that i can allow

amazingly awesome to happen to me
today i lknw

i kow the feeling of that
the expectation of that is all that
matters i love that i feel the feeling
i love that iam
allowing myself to

to trust my intuition

it feels good to feel good to amke

a point to feel good no matter what
it feels good to be immersed
in thenow and

and say thank you thank

thank you for this here and ow
i love that i get to feel good about myself
i love that i am amking the

choice to feel good i love

the better it gets ilove
that i feel good i love that i’m
feeling good about life
i love that i’m

feeling iptim


about life

the tao does nothing and leaves nothing left undone

i’ve noticed that things
that i want happen without
my input seemingly without

anything doing any thing
or have to try or force any thing

i love the feeling of relaxing into the
moment and knowing that i don’ thave

to change a thing
about who i am in order to be

i am already perfect
how i am and the tao

the flow
the universe already knows that

i know that my power is in my ability
to expand into this very moment

my power is inthis moment
that’s the only place and i love
feeling the power of relaxing inot this

into this very moment

i love that i feel good i love

feeling the feeling of knowing
something amazingly awesome is about to ahppen

happen i know the feeling i know
it well and i canfeel when

i say it to myself and then
my mind is like

no it’s not

and i can feel how i can get past
or retrain my mind

or just remember that

yes, it is

it truly is

i know the universe is clamouring to make
all my dreams come true and the morei feel
i feel
the vibrational resonsounce

resonance witht hat


the better i feel the better i feel
i love that i feel good about life i love
that it comes to me easily
i love expanding to

fill this moment and never
feeling like i need to escape it

i love that i get to love
i love that i odn’t hav

don’t have to be afraid of life i love
that i can always expect the best i love the
feeling of waking up feeling

the feeling of
expecting the best i love the
focus i love that iknow

it does have to be militant

but that’s no different than

focusing on what i am
afraid of or what i don’t like
or what is ‘wrong’

something amazingly awesome is
going to happen to me today

i love feeling the resonance with
that knowing i love feeling the
feeling i love that the prompt
forces me to feel the feeling
and also

notice any vibrational
resistance to that
universal truth

and noticing it
helps me let it go i love
remembering that god

is on my side and that god
loves me and knowing that
everything is for the best

i love that iknow i can
heal my life and i love
feeling the power of that i love

that i don’t havet o can

to change anything about myself
i can simply feel the perfection of life
in this here and now
and that comes


letting go of thinking
it’s not already perfect
i liove that i know

i know life is already perfect
i love that i know i am
a vibrational being
and that life only refelct
reflects the feeling

the signal i send iknow that life
life can only reflect me and i love
that i


it within me to feel good
to militantly

change my thoughts

just let the thoughts go really

that’s all i have to do
to feel better i love that i ‘ve
let that go ilove

making the hcoice to choice to do the work
i love that i know

i odn’ h

don’t have to be a victim of my thoughts
i love that i can reais

rais my

vibration in this here and now

i’ve let go of
thinking that at some point
i didn’t get something

i needed or

i’ve let go of all that
in remembering that
whatever happened is what

it feels good to let go of

that it feels like i’ve
been stubbornly

holding on to
it feels good to notice it
it feles g

feels good to be onthe
lookout for the next amazingly aesome


but not need it
i don’t care if it comes
because it already did

i love that i know i’m already perfect
i love that i’ve let go of that
i’ve decided to let that go
i’ve decided

to let that go and i can do it
easily by returning to the present
i love feeling the feeling of

of not having to be afraid i love
the feeling of letting the

fear go

what am i so afraid of
that someone will judge me?

i don’t care what they think!

afraid that there won’t be enough?

there always is!
and i love that i know

without a doubt that as long as i aling wit

align with the energy
that’s what i see i love that i know this
i love that i
get to choose how i feel i love that
i don’t have to

be afraid and i can just

jump into the flow of life
i love that everything is going perfectly i love that

everything is going perfectly

perfectly in the flow
i love the feeling of

the now

letting go of everything
because i am inthe nwo
i love

being aware of the thougths that
always come up because that means i get t


lget the
them go i love that i’ve let that
go ilove the

feeling of letting go i love the
feeling of feeling the fee

the power of me i love that
i am

yes thank you yes
thank you yes thank you

yes thank you

yes thank you yes

yes thank you

turn what if
into yes thank you

turn what if
into yes thank you
i love the


of emiting that signal
all day of

being certaint hat

something amazingly awesome
is about to happen i love that
feeling of certainty

of knowing


what i look for

i see

turn what if
into yes than kyou
thank you

i know something
amazingly awesome is
going to happen to me
today i love

waking up with the feeling
of knowing in my heart i love
that i’ve

let go of the resistance
patterns and am settling back in

to gratitude
i love that i don’t have
to care what any one says

or thinks

i am lving my life
for me and that’s iall

all i can ever

is vibrate for me
i am a match to the love of
the universe

i am on the frequency
i am on the

frequency and that’s

all that matters

i just get out of the way
and say

yes please
more please

yes please more please and i love
that this is the only work

money is not my supply


my supply is my ability
to know and understand the
inner workings of

the soul.

grateful for this amazingly awesome day

grateful to allow myself
to write that and feel that it was
so gratefu lto
celebrate the wins of the day
to be in the habit of looking
for things to be grateful for

so grateufl the site came
together so grateful its
int he bag so grateful to do it ourselves

so grateful to do the work
grateful to do the work

gratefulf or home made bread grateful for more
than enough grateful for more than enough

grateful fort his amazingly
aesome day to feel good about life
to believe in life to remember
that life loves me

and it likes me

life likes me and wants me to succeed
it feels good to
stack my chips
to look for

to be on the lookout for good
i am on the look

lookout for good and when i am
i see it it

it feels good to turn
the boat and feel good
to feel grateful in this
here and now
it feels good to say

thank you tyou
to feel the feeling of thank you it
feels good to say thank you it
feels good to

say thanks god for everything to

finally get what i want i’m finally
getting what iw ant

and i never had to try

i love the power of me i love
the power of letting go and i love the power

evidence of improvement i love that
i know it’s all an indicator
i love that ikno

i know the energy of life and i love
that i’ve let go and am gettin out

of thew ay

my only job is be grateful
for everything i can find

so grateful for a place to live
to be getting to have a thanksgiving dinner
with my family

so grateful for books and
idaes and my computer
and this hoodie
and for other found clothes

so grateful for my boots
for a toilet and ta

a tub

so grateful for change
to be becoming my best self
so grateful to
celebrate this here andn ow

to look for reasons to celebrate

it feels good to do the wrok
to finally be getting what i want
it always comes

when you least expect it
it feels good to be grateful fo

so grateful for the hookup
for sandra for client work
for work coming my way

so grateful to not care
to know that life i s

it feels good to let it
go completely and say yes

thank you

it feels good to say
yes thank you it feels good to say

yes thank you
thank yo uit feels good to
be immersed in the work to a
allow myself to feel how i want to feel

to loosen up to let my guard down
and really love life to know that i’ve that

that go whatever that is

and now i feel better it feels good to love
to say thank you for this day

grateful for delicious meals that we cooked and froze for ourselves

so grateful to have it in the bag
so grateful to know the
feeling so grateful to know the feeling
to know the feeling

it feels good to say thank you to send the
signal of love
so se

to send the signal of love
so grateful to love where i am
so gratefl it

its unfoldoing
everything i ever watned i

is unfolding
perfectly so grateful to
say yes

thank you

yes thank you
yes thank you

it feels good to say
yes thank you
it feels good to do the work
to line up the energy and
feel at ease it feels good

to love to look with love tok now

love myself becuse i am

am getting better

am feeling better
i am loving more i am looking
with love and i am
looking for reasons to love

because it always feels
better to love

so grateful for a place to liveso
for no norm no dog so grateful
our cats are happy so grateufl to have
a porch to sit on and a yard to play in
na dthat

and that we can awalk
walk everywhere and that it’s
unseasonably warm

so grateful to get along with the neighbors
to have fun every mintue

to enjoy my work
to not be a slave it feels g

so grateufl i love my work
so grateful for books
so grateful for new ideas
so grateful for naps
and kfc
and feeling the flow and trusting
the flow

so grateful to have someone
to talk to so grateful for the space to
do the work so grateful the website

worked out

so grateful for g wagons
so grateful to know that god loves me and to
know that everything that happens is
in my favor

so grateufl to

grateful to be loved
so grateful to be loved
to be loved to be

cared for so grateufl for walks in the
sun and meditation

so grateful for chess

for the space and time
to place chess

grateful for a free place to live
grateful to get to cook every meal
grateful to get to focus on my work

grateful to know what i want
grateful to

to know that life is already working
out for me
it always is

it’s always working out in my favor
i know this i know that life is going
my way and the more i allow myself to

accept it and be grateful for it

the better i feel about life

thanks god for everything
thanks gof for

for this life for this chance to
laugh and play and love

thank you for all the good times
and good friends


all the elements that
brought me here thanks for the
trip thanks for making me


who i am is special and
i’m grateful for that
thank you for all my talents thank you
for sending me an angel

thanks for evyerhitn
everything you give me in
every moment

thanks god for everything

i love that i remembered who i am
i love that i get to feel good about life
i love that i know that life
loves me and wants to take
care of me i know that life loves me and wants
to take care of me i know that
life is meant to be good i know that

unabashed gratitude

the thing is
even though i don’t want
to or my mind doesn’t want to
i know for a fact


a science i know it’s all
energy and i can feel how what i’m seeing
is a reflection of what i’m sending
and i am brave enough to own up
to that

so grateful to be married to
someone who understands me and u
understands life
to the point of being able to help me
feel better so easily
so grateful

it’s so incredibly easy not to
care so grateful to know


that life is not out
to get me

so grateful for the consignment accounts
that are easy so grateful for
good relationships that are
easy to maintain so
grateful for cheap postage so

for all the tiems t
the times
things got delivered
at the right address

so grateful to be aware enough
to no
know that i truly don’t have to care
i love that i


never have to care and i love
that i know


even though my mind
desperately wants to
deny it



a science
unabashed gratitude
because that is how life
works if you sit there and

whine and feel sorry
for yourself and think
that life
just isn’t enough then ou
will see evidence of that

i know that i am aware of this
i know that my signal creates it
and it’s easy to create

a frequency

of gratitude
i know that’s all it is
is gratitude

a frequency

and i love that this work helps me do it
i love that it’s easy to look for reasons to
be grateful and if i just focus on that one


i will feel better
and that’s all life is about
is enjoying this here and now

i am allowing myself to enjoy this
here and now and i know it’s
a science i love that
i can look for what i want to see i love
that i am feeling better i love

i’m so grateful i don’t have
to finish that
i’m so gratefuli don’ t

don’t have to


with that any more
and i can
focus on what feels good
so gratefl to make
room for

something else so gratefl i
get to choose how i feel and i

never have to alow anything

to “make me feel bad”

or “make me so mad”

i refuse to suffer and i refuse
to give my energy over to someone
else blaming

blaming them

it’s not their fault

how i’m vibrating i love that
i know this i love doing the work
i love lifting the veil i love that
i know

it’s only me it’s not outside of me
it’s the energy that is me it’s the
energy that is me and it
feels good to turn the boat

to be humble and look for
things to be grateful for
instead of what i don’t have
i love that i can

already feel the
energy changing i love that
it feels good

it feels free to look for
things to be grateful for
and truly

not just
because i’m trying to

‘create more of it’

just because i’m truly
grateul for it

and remembering
and remembering that
it’s all me and i can accept that

i can celebrate that
fact rather because its as
easy to change what i see

as it is to change the
energy and i love that i’m
getting to do this work

and remember that the energy
is my supply the energy is my supply
and i get to say thank you for

unabashed gratitude
because gratitude
and giving are a science

i know that there is more
than enough for everyone and that
my supply is never limited

when i am tuned in tapped
in turned on i know this and it feels

good to be tuned it

it feels incredibly empowering
to choose not to care to let it
go to the ether
and allow god to take care of it

i love doing the work
i love the better it gets i love
waking up wanting to do the work
i love
getting to a place of allowing myself
to do the work for me
i love allowing myself to feel elevated
i love

that i can change the energy
i love that i can
expand to fill the moment

truly enjoy this here and now
because if not now


i am expanding to
fill this moment i am saying thank you
to this moment i am


not begrudging of this
moment i feel grateful in this moment
and that is

my unabashed
goal for this day
is to keep looking for things
to be grateful for




today i am on the lookout
as a practice to see what happens

i’m doing it becuase
i know i know it is a science
is a science

its not philosophy
its physics

and i love that the
contrast helps me send the signal for
what i want to see and it helps

focus that signal

it shows me what i am

or what i am looking for
i see so i get to look for what i want to
see i get to look for

what i want to see i love tha t
i can feel the energy turning
and i am ok with that
i am accepting that

i accept that life is good
and full of miracles i love that
i can feel the

energy the science of gratitude
i love that i can

can already sense the healing energy
flowing through my body and i love
that the gifts of this here and now

are bringing that forth
i’m so grateful for signs of improvement
so grateful for the flow
that has always

and will always

take care of me do sgr

so grateful i don’ thave to
do that any more
so grateful i can say


i loe that i’m letting it go and i
don’t have to feel mad any more
i don’t have to feel bad

i love that i get to
be grateful and look with love

because all that really matters
is how i feel right now i know all the answers are
in this here and now

i love that i know for a fact
i love that i am

letting go
of negative energies
and looking for reasons to love

i love remembering who i am

i love waking up wnating
wanting to do the work
because it works i love wanting

the best version of myself
i love
that i knwoi can heal my life
i love

making the time to feel good ilove
that i know i am so lucky i love
that i can look for things to be

grateful for

so grateful for sub payments
and a warm bed and a warm wife who loves

so grateful for dry laundry and
my computer and a place to live
and that at least one
of my parents loves me

so grateful god loves me so

grateful to feel the feeling
of believing in life so grateful

life loves me

i love that i know it’s
all me its all the feeling and the
feeling guides everything

i lov that i never have to
care about the rest and

my only job
is to enjoy life in this
here and now

and today
i intend to enjoy

the work always works

the work always works and i
can feel the divine energy flowing
through me i can feel myself

not caring about feeling
bad not feeling like

going down that path
is worth it and i also feel a lot more
aware of my thoughts
that in a long time i feel good

i feel the power of love today i am
feeling the power of love and that’s
enough i love that i get to choose
the feeling i want to feel i can
always change the boat i love that i

can always turn the boat i love that i can always
turn the boat i love that
life can flow through me i love that i can allow life
to flow through me i love that i can

allow life to flow through me i love
that i can allow it to unfold i love
tha ti can allow life to unfold i love that
i know life loves me i love that i know

life loves me
i love that i can feel the feeling right now i love
that i can always take it

one moment at a time
just pay attention to this moment
this moment has all that
clues i love that i know

money is not my supply i love that the
contrast helps me look for what i want to see
and thn i see it i love that i am
letting go of needing to be


about something that i created
anyway i love that i al

am learning to let go
to be lighter about things i am
learning to look with love
i am learning to be happy in the
here and now no matter
what i am

feeling the power of letting
go of allowing this
right now to be enough

i created it after all

why should i try to get away from it

this moment is my
child just like all of the rest of
them and i love all my
children equally

i love that i get to smile
about that i love that i get to smile into this
moment i can feel myself
lettig go and

and allowing myself to enter
this moment
to be free and here in this
moment to allow myself
to feel the feeling now to

allow myself to feel the
feeling now i love that i am

that i feel free i love
that i get to celebrate life i love that
i get to celebarate

life in this here and now
and i know that this is my only
work i love that i can always trust the
here and now i love that
i know

this feeling is my supply

this is the work feeling this

this feeling is my only job
is to seek joy and feel the flow of
life i know for a fact that the
rst works
itself out

i liove feeling lifted i love
when a client is polite
and writes back i love getting
paid for the work i’m doing
i love feeling

fairly compensated i love that
i know its’ only


energy i love that
i know it’s only ever energy

i love feeling like
my best self i love making the
choice to feel good about myself
i love

that it’s back
the heyday
of vibrational alignment

is back its back
the feeling is back the
elevated life is back
and it feels good to know
that all i can do is trust the flow
and let it gom

come to me i love that

it’s easy to do the work
it’s the

the same
work the other day
i said it was different

but it sreally the same

there’s something
i want that
i think i don’t have and
i think i won’t
be happy unless i have it

i *need* it

in my mind
and the work is letting go of
that vibration

i love trusting the
feeling of me i love
trusting the feeling
of me i love the feeling
of mei love doing the work

i amdoing the work
i lve

doing the work i love
that i know that this
is my

i am content inthis
here and now and that’s
all that matters
i am allowing myself to feel
good in this very
moment i am allowing myself

to flow like water to
go with the flow like water

the watercourse way i love
feeling the feeling of letting go
i love feeling the empowerment that comes
with looking for what i want
to see i love that i get o
how i feel i love the
better it gets i love that i know
everything i s

is already perfect how it is and i love
that i get to let go of the rest i love

that i’ve let that go i loe that

i’ve entered the here and now
i remember that all that matters
is my connection to source
i get to feel the feeling i get to
celebrate life right i get to feel good i
get to

love it in ther ehere and now
i get to feel loved in the here and now
i get to feel loved inthis
here and now i get to feel god

this here and i
the golden era of
vibrational alignment

has returned and i am
letting the rest go because

i don’t have

room in my vibration
for the bullshit
so i look for the best and that
feels goodi’ve

i’ve decided to enjoy my life
in this here and now

it feels good to
raise my vibration to

be incharge

of how i feel and
be brave enough to just let
it feels good

to be brave neough
enough to just enjoy this
right now i love tha t
i get to do this
work i love that

the work has a postive impact
on my life and i am remembering how not
to care i love that being hre a

is helping i love that i am

breaking free

from the shackles of
a misunderstanding of life
i love that i am
remembering that
nothing matters and its all just for fun!

don’t ever wonder

looking for magic
knowing the magick and knowing
the energy know

being in touch with the energy
of life i make space to
get in touch with the
energy of life the
energy of life the energy
is in everything ilove

i love that i know i’ts

it’s the energy i love
the power of me i love that
i get to chooes the

choose the feeling i love
that i am in touch with how i feel i love
that i get to feel good i love
that this work feels good

i love that i am noticing
signs of improvement
i love the power of the choice


i love that i am turning
i wonder

into i know
i love that i know
my work is good i love
that iknow

i know people

are clamouring
i love that it’s wrokgin
working ilove that
tit’s wor


i love letting of the

the veil

what ou se

you see is not life
what you see is not life

inside is life

the connection is life
the ourside

outside is just
the entertainment

the outpicturing

i love that i am
knowing more and more who i am
i lov that i

that i have access to the feeling and
i love that i know

i know that when i choose
not to worry

i feel better

when i choose not
to run that over



in my head

i feel better
i know this for a fact
i feel more at

ease when i make the choice
to stop worring
and all that matters

is feeling at ease i love

that i am making the conscious

not to wonder
about what someone
or how they will

or what will happen in
the future

i can take my foot off
the gas and enjoy this
right now i love taking
my foot off the gas

i love the power of me i love
that it’s getting better
i love the better it gets i love
thati know

i know there is always the

other side of the wave i know the
other side of
the wave and i know it exists
i love that i know
i love that

i get to choose

instead of wondering

i get
to choose

and you can too

you choose what’s
best for
you i love that i get to
feel the feeling i love
that i get t o

feel the feeling of

me i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to feel the
energy i love taking

the big leap i love my wife
i love having fun i love planning the
meals i love that we get to cook
i love that we are


i love that it already is
i love that life
already is the way i want
it to be ilove that

it’s just energy i love
tha i get

i get to choose
the other side of the
wave i love making
the choice to look
for improvement

i love that i’ve
let that old vibration

i love that i can feel
the vibration and i can also let

it go i love that i get
to do the work i love that
i get to see where
a lot of my ingrained vibration
comes from so i can

look at it
and then let it go i love

that i’ve let that
go and i’m doing it

i love that it’s easy
to drop into the flow of life
i love that

it’s easy to feel good i love
that i


i never havet o strie
i love that i can let go i love
that i get to let go
i love that the power of life
is always on my side
i love

thinking about

knowing who i am

i love feeling good
now and letting go of the r
the rest i love that i

neve have to care about
any of the shit i thinik

i think i care about i love
that i get to do the work


any negative energy i love
that i

nothing can hurt me
because i am
in charge of the energy
and first

you become it
then you see it

i love that i l’

i’ve let that go i love
that i can let that vibratoin
leave my body

feeling tight

i can let go

let loose

it feels good
to let loose

it feels good to

let my guard down

why do i
have my guard up

why do i have my guard up

i feel loose i feel the
energy i know that it’s
just enery and

energy and the more i look
at it the more i am able to
let it go i know it’s

just a vibration i love
that i am aware i love

that it’s
a nre

new vibrational challenge

i keep trying to find


in old life experiences
but this is a new milestone

this is new work
this is a new one

a new nut to crack
in the here and now wnad

and when i focus on the
energy of the here and now
ad not

and not the past

i can do the vibrational
work the

emotional work

i am letting go of shame
letting go of the feeling of
not enough

of not feeling accepted by life
of being afraid of life or that

love me

or that i’m not good enough

i’m being judged for who i am
who i can’t help that i am

this is who i am
and i am accepting that
now i am dealing with

old demons

and it’s fucking awesome!!

i love getting to
be here to dothe work
the work i love feeling
better i love that i

can always feel better
and that’s all that matters

when i feel better
i know that nothing
can make me feel bad

and when i know that
i feel good and i’m less likely
to think about scenarios

i don’t want

ad i can

i can feel the energy

building inside me
i can feel the energy moving up and i feel
the power of me
to say

yes please more
please i love feeling the
power of me

expanding the power
of me and

power of me is the

just relax into the flow of life

it feels good to just
relax and enjoy relax and enjoy the
flow of life

let it all go

just be aware
just be aware of teh

the energy and the more
i practice letting

go of the anxiety built
up within me it gets easier

i am letting go i am letting
go needing to control
needing to know what will happen
next letting go
of wondering and choosing


instead it feels good
to choose the feeling
and trust it to come
trust it toc ome

to come to know that

unfolds according to me

according to me it
feels good to feel good to trust the process
of life to feel good now it
feels good

to feel good now to do the work
to do the work to do the work to do the work
to do

to focus to focus
to laser focus that’s all it takes
and alli ti

it takes it

is to change what if

to yes thank you
to yes thank
to yes please more please

change what if to
yes please more please


create with my attention i love
that iknow i ‘m here to do the work
i lovethat

i’m here to do the work