i love myself

i love myself i love the work
i love allowing feeling myself
let go i dn’t have to
carei just

just celebrate

celebrate the ease and flow of this right now i love
the ease and flow of this right
now i lllove that i never have to wonder
i love that i can always come
back to center
and its the ow

wondering how life is going to turn out
that causes anxiety

what i know is that i will never
gfgure it all out
and that’s ok i’m wok

i’m ok with that

i’m ready to moe on
move on tfr
from this i’m ready to take
control of my vibration

i love msyelf in this here
and now and i know
that is my only job i love

that i get to feel good

i loe the gift i love
that it reminds me that i am holind
holding on to something
needing it to go a certain way

i love myself i love
myself i love that get to
feel good now i can feel the
feeling now i love
the better it grts i love
that i get to feel good now

to feel good bout myself now
i love that i get to love myself now i love that i get to feel good now

i love myself

and i mean it i am allowed
to love myself i am allowed to
feel good about life i am

allowed to love my life and i know
i never have to worry or stress

or feel tense

i don’t have to feel this

i can release the
tension that coms with
comes with believing
i am separate

i can

the assuredness
of knowing that
everything occurs
in reflection of me

i love that i know
i notice that people pull things
from the air all day
every day

i love that i can
release the tenstion that
comes with wondering
about life

wondering how it will unfold

i never
have to wonder

i never have to ask

wasn’t i good

or am i good

or will i be good
enough or

will life turn out good
enough or

do i deserve this

because i know i do
i know i deserve the good
life the

best life i know i deserve
the best life because

every one does

it is our birth right
i know the best life is my birth right
i love that i
can celebrate that fact

and this work helps me do that
this work helps me remember that
my birth right is a good life and
i don’t have to feel the

tension of wondering

i’ve let that go
i’ve let that go and i am willing
to do the work because i want
to transcend that

i love that i can i love that its within

my power to transcend anything
i love that i’ve let that go i love
that i know

its easy for me to
send any signal

when i am willing

its easy for me to choose
the signal

its a matter of
of willingness

of willingness to allow the
flow to flow to turn toward the magick

and that’s the only
thing in life that’s ever going to matter

am i turned toward
the magick?

if not, i’m facing the
wrong way

maybe not the
way but not the way
i want to be

i want to be facing the magick
because when i am turned toward
the magick

i see it

i love that i am doing my
writing i love that i am cultivating the
feeling of celebration within me
and it feels good i love
the better it gets i love

the better it gets i love
that i get to celebrate this life
this here and now and know
that life is always flowing
i know that life is alway s

unfolding perfeclty

i feel good about that
i feel good about aht
and i am wiling

to take my own advice
and make room

make room i love celebrating
the infinte
possibility and knowing
i love allowing myself to feel
good about my life

you don’t have to care
or be so mad
or judgemental

you can just choose to enjoy your
life and let go of all the

you can stop caring and being
such an asshole
because you are running judgemental
thoughts rhou

through your head all day

you can let all that go
and enjoy life as an

iteration of god
you can say thank you you
can say thank tahk

tank you thank you thank you
thank you god for everything

you can choose to love
because it feels better

that is the only reason

no other reason

it feels etter
to to love

it feels better to love
than to think of reasons
not to

that feels bad
that creates tension

loving feels good
feeling good is all that matters
so love others
as a selfish

love others for the sake of you
and your vibration
that’s the only reason

the rest is just


i love myself i love myself
and i love cultivating
a sense of joy within myself

its not my place to judge
its not
my place to care about
other ppls problems wtf

its not my problem

i can just choose
to be grateful for what i want

more of and that’s all i can

really do to affect my
life besides
make the selfhish

selfish coic
choice to feel good now no matter
what i love that i can just
do the work
i’ll just do this work and then
everything else will fal into

i let go i’ve let go
of control and given it over to the universe

i know all i can ever do
is feel good and the more i

feel good the
better i feel and feeling good is all
that matters

feeling good is all that matters
feeling good is all that matters
feeling good is all that matters

i don’t have to try
i don’t have to try
and every time i feel myself
struggling to breath

i can remember that
means i am trying

just stop trying

and when i stop trying
the more it flows i love that
i can just sotp

stop tring

just stop trying
let it go let it go i love
just letting it fol

unfold i love the power of letting it unfold

i lve the power of lettng it go i love that it just doens’t
meatter i love

i love leaning

let that go

i know all it is is fear

and i don’ thave to be afraid of
my zone of genius

i can just let it come
i mlove

i love makig the choice
to live the magick life and knowinglife
is going my way i love

that i have the power
within me to know that life
is always

going my way i know that life is always owrking
working out for me i know

that life is always working
out for me

i’ve let that go
i don’t need to hold on to that
fear any more

i’m not afraid i know
i know life is good and i know its

ok to love it

in the here and now
i love myself in the here and now
and that’s all that matters
all i can do is come
back to center

that’s all i can ever


is come back to center

thanks god for everything
i know everything is already
taken care of i know its in
the flow iknow

i know its in the flow
i know i the more i let go

let go the more it flows the for

more is flows i love that i get to choose
the feeling the
feeling of knowing

you cN DO that when you feel better

i am taking the stande
for me for how i feel

i am taking the stand i am
taking the stand
for me i am doing me and i feel
good about ath

that i am
allowing my heart to
sing about that

i am singing and i am
overjoyed to be taking
control of my vibration
and my life

to take it to the next level

feel better and then
feel better
and then and then
feel better and then

feel better and then

i know that its all perspective

i love that i can vow to have a good day
to let it all go t

it easy to let go to let go
of the holding on
of the needing things to occur
of wondering its easy to let go

wondering its eayt oce
to celebrate this day its eay
to eay
to wake up feeling good its easy to feel good
to feelt he ease and flow of life
flowing through me and its easy to mek

the choice that i know serves me
its easy to ask myself what i should do and hurea

hear myself answer

its easy to do this work and let go
its easy to


its my choic to feel good about this day
to let all the rest go and allowthe flow
to flow

its my choice
i love that i get to feel good
today i love that i get to let
the rest go i love
that iknow

nothingm atters i love that i get to feel
at ease in my life i love
that lief is fl+6

its easy to feel good and i feel
good now i feel themagick of lif flowing
through me and i feel conviden
confident about ath i feel

confident in the universe’s ability to provide i feel
confident in knowing that i
feel good nw i feel good now and iknow
i know my only job is to feel good i know
its easy to

not feel stressed i knowi n
i never havet o stress i can let ig all goo
i know its ey


to feel good
its eaiser easier than suffereing
and iknow

i know its easy to feel
good its easyt o let go
to release the struggle
i know i don’t have to struggle
i dn’t have

to gasp for air
gasp for lif i know life is flowing
easily through me i know
that all that matters is knowing
that i know it s

its easyt o let go and feel good
i know t

its easy to feel good its eay to feel
good its easy to feel the ease and flow of life
its easy to feelt he

its eayt to let go to know
not care its easyt o not care its easyt

to feel good its eay to fee lt
feelt he flow of life its easy to feel the flow
of life its easyt o feel good to feel good to

to feel goo dits

its up to me to allow the flow
to release my vibation
and allow whatever happens to
flow through me

its my choice to not care about theups and
downs of life and know that

god always has my bakc

i know my only work is
this simaran

simran is my only work

i love that i can feel good
now celebrate life right now
because all i need is nmrk

i know this

i know when i focus on the simran
i feel better because i am

One day it just stopped hurting

and that was a result
a consequence of my turning my focus
toward something else

i do this work because it helps
me become aware of the
my thoughts patterns
of the version i am creating and it
helps me

come to terms with the fact that i am
the one creating

it feels good to
feel good here and now and i know
i can always make that choice to feel
good here and now i know

i don’t have to

i love that life is good i love that
i get to look for what i want to see i love

i do this work to
assuage my fears
to get to the heart of my anxiety
what AM i so afraid of
about the future?

that it won’t work out
what does that mean?

i do this work
because i know the
and this work helps me
remember it

i can always turn toward
center and the only thing
that would preent
prevent that connectoin

would be a belief
a thought i know i can lways
alwas turn toward center
and if i ever wnat to

want to breathe again

i must

i never have to wonder
andi can
simply let go i know the

work isn’t arduous
it isn’t hard the work is
easy all i have
to do

can do is let go
and allow god i can let go
of all the things i hold on to
i can let go of all of that
and make the chocie
to feel at eae

ease in my life i can make the choice to feel
at ease in my life

i can let that go i can
release whatever i am holding on to
i can let that i go i don’th ave
have to be afriad i know

ther eis nothing to be afraid of and
i can just let go i can just let go and

only job is to let go i know my only
job is to let go i know my only job
is to l

let go i

i know my power is in my letting go i now i can
i can allo the flow to flow i kno the
only thing i can ever ‘do’

is allow the fow to flow
i love that i never have to care of abou

about the outcome know ti know that this
work works i know that through
self expressoin

becoming aware of my ghouths
thoughts that i can feel better

because it helps me let go
release resistance
and release attachment
to things i think
i care about but i really don’t anc i love
and i love that its
easy to let those things go
and feel good now i love that

its eayt o let it go and
lean into the flow i know

i love that its eay to let that go
and lean intot he flow allow the feeling to flow

do i want to send a signal of fear
or do i want to send a signal of knowing

do i want to send a signal
of confusion or do i want to send a signal of

and its up to me to relax and tsend the
signal of knowing i know that’

that’s all i can ever do i know letting
go is myonly wrk i know

letting go is the only thing
i can ever do i love

i know that
i know i can let go and let life to o the work
i know i never havet o wonder
i know i never havet o be afraid

i can always celebrate the
other side of the wave i can always feel
good now i can always feel the feeling
right now

i don’t have to choose
fear i don’ ht
have to block off the flow

i don’t have to cut it off

i can do the work and
raise my vibration and that’s all that matters
i know al that

all that matters is massaging my vibration
and this work does that i know that
i canl

can always raise my vibratoin
by releasing resistance

i love doing this work i love
that it works i love that i feel
at eae ilove
that its

easy to remember who i am
i love that i kn

never havet o wonder
about the satus
status of my lfe i love
that i can just enjoy
it i love

that i know god
the universe

knows what want

i know that god knows what i anw
want i know that the more i turn my focus
toward my god self
the christ within
the better i feel and that’s all that matters

i know

i feel good now i love that life is good
for me i loe celebrating life with my wif ei love that
life is good i love that i get to

enjoy this right now i love
that i know it will never not be
this right now i love that it will never

not be this right now i love
that it will never not bet his right now
i love that it will

this right now and i can take
solace in that i love

the more thoughts i let go the
better i feel i love that i knowi
i am loved i love that i know
god is lavish unfialin
unfailing abundnace

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source of
infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me

i lovethat i know i love that i know i love
that i can take the big leap and trust myself
i can only ever terust m
trust myself in this right now i

i can only ever do the work in
this right now i can
only ever allow the flow and say thank you
i love that i can always say thank you
and i can always saY


i love that i knowt he flow
is flowing through me i love
allowing the tnes

tension to disapate

one day it just stopped hurting

one day
when i finally got
fed up
and it just stopped hurting

it was when i decided to do the
work when i decided to make
the flow my job
and it just stopped hurint

hurting i knotice

noticed it
and its easy to make
the focus my only job i love
feeling better i love that is eay

its easy to feel better
to turn into the flow to allow
the flow to flow to let go

of everything
so grateuflt od o

to do me to
make the choice
all i can ever do is make the choce
the fhcoie to walk
spirit to make

my number one priority
and iknow that is the only
answer i love that i know and i can
always do the work i love that
the work always works and its laway

always easy to come
back to ent
center to feel good to make the choice
that feels the bets to fee

to me i love tha i can
let it all go i love thati
that i don’t havet o care i love that i’ve
let that go i love tha tits easy to let

it go

one day
it just stopped hurting

one day
it just stopped hurting i know everything
is the feeling everything is the focus i love

the flow is always flowing and that
i can always turn into it i lov
i know that how i feel is
only mei know tha ti how i feel is
ony me i love tha t

tha ti get to expect the best i love
that i get to se

expect the best i love
that life is good for me i love
that life is good

for me i love that it
always ansers i love that i get to sho

to choose i love that i get o

get to choose a good life for
me i love the better it gets i love
that i’m ready i love

that i’m ready i love
that lf

life feels good to me ilove that the

the flow is l
always flowing its eay to come
back to b

center to remember that life
is alway
always going my way i love
making the choice

to follow my own intuition
to do me to do my own thing
to live my own life
and my

make my own choices about my vibratin
it feels good to feel good to allow the best
to flow into my life i

i love that life
all good for me i love
that its flowing i love
that i already have it all i love
that i know its all int he
the fl

focus its all in the though
the feelig i love
that i know its that easy i love tha ti
can do it ilove

tha ti already
alraedy am i i

love that its only me
i love that i can allow the
best i love
that i can

look for the best i love
that i get to

i love that its easy to choose the
focus i love that is

always works out i love
that it always comes i love
that i don’t have to care i love

that i can just say

yes thank you i love
that i can make the choice tof

for me i love

doing this work and
being aware of my thougths i love
doing my best i love
that its eay to

easy to do the work
to feel good for me i love that
i get tocel

to celebrate i love that ht

ther eis so
mcuht o
much to celebrate i love that

that h

ther eis so much to celebrate
that life always
works out for m eil
ve i love tha tlife

i love doing the work
i love choosing mei love
i loe

i ovethe feeling of
leaingin t

into the flow love
i love that i get to make
the choice to do it any time i love
the better it getsi love

making the hcoice to maov

moving inot the
move into the flow i love making
the choice to move
into the

flow i love making the h
choice i love making the choice
to focus on my bod
god self i love making the hcoice
the choic to

on my bo


god self i love making the choice
i love making the choice
to feel good i love

i love making the choice to be aware of
my thoughts i love making
the choice to feel good i lovethat
the work always ros

works i love that i feel at ease
because i amletting all that go i love
that i can let it


go all the inner chatter
all the
inner turmoil

i can

let it all goo

i loe the power of the
focus of the ease and flow
of the

gentleness i love the
eae and flow of life i love
the ease and flow of life

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i am allowing the best of life
for me i love

that i get to feel good that i get to
tune myself to the
the vibration of source i love that

don’tha ve
have to care i ove that
i get to hcoose the

choose the version i prefer i o
i love that i can open my

i love that i get to choose how i feel i love
that i know

when i practice i get
better tat i love
that i can alao

allow myself to do the work
i know i don’t

don’t have to hod

hold myself
back i can

allow myself to believe in my
best self i can allow myself
to believe in the
best verion

version of life and
the work

always works the mind
training and i feel better al ready
because i remember that i
don’t have to

be a victim
to my thoughts

it feels good to feel good

to wake up feeling good and aloow
the fow the flow to flow through
me it feels good to feel good and do the

only work taht matters
it feesl good to wake up feeling
good it feels good to do me


raise my vibration
it feels good to fel good
to feel the flow to

feel themagick of me it feels good to
do me to make the choice to do

what makes me feel good in this
right now

it feels good to make the hcoice
to feel good in this right now it feels good
to focus toward the flow and know that
god is always within me

it eels

feels good to feel the flow
to know that god is always here it feels good to feel good

to feel the flow flowing
through me to feel the flow

of life it feels good to start
the day off right it feels good to feel the focus
and know that when i focus on th

toward the vibration of
god then i feel good and i knwo that
god is flowing it feels good to know that
god is flowing and all my wishese are coming

coming true

it feels good to focus
to make the chociet o feel good
for me it

it feels good to do me
to know that life is la

always causeing me to ask
it feels good to feel good
about myself i t feels goo
good to feel good

about myself it feels good to
feel good now to love to sen dthe sig n
the siganl and to let go

of resistance
it feels good to celebrate life
and feel good in this life

to know that levery

everything is going my way
it fe

feels good to celebrate this day
it feels good to celebrate this day
because i know everything
is always going my way

it feels good to remember that
it feels good
to remember that this is
the only work that matters
it feels good to remember

how good i am at it
it feels good to remember how easy it is

it feels good to act as if
i know i can oa

always send the signal of
knowing i know i can always let that go
and let that come to me i love that i
can always let it

come to me i love that i

i can always feel good i love that i can
always feel good no matter what i love that i feel g

the flow i love that i get to make
to make the coice
choice to feel good about that i love
that i get to do me that

i get to feel the flow of well being
i love that i know its my choicet and its
its easy to allow the flow i love that iknow

i know its eays to allow the flow i love
working on myself i love tha tlife is
good for me i love that i know

everything is always going my way

i love that it always comes to me i love
that life comes to me and i can get out of the way

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness
and knowledge of the all providing
activity of the divine mind
within me

is my supply

my consciousness of this
truth is unlimited therefore
my consciousness is unlimited

i love the feeling of
certainty and that i can

get to choose it i love that iknow
my i love that i know my power is in the choice
the choice

the ability to choose certainty i love
doing the work i love raising my vibratoin i love
feeling life flow

perfectly through me i love
feeling good in this ere

i love the pp

money is no my supply
no person
or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding
and knowledge of the all providing
activity of the divine mind
within me

is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i know that my consciousness of
my god self is my supply and knowing
that i am god is the only thing i can
ever ‘do’

i love that iknow the
the secret to life i love that i get to feel good
i love that i get to celebrate this day
i love

doing it for me i love that
i et to celebrate hti

this day for me

i love that i get to feel the
power of me i love that ther is

more than enough i love tha ti know i am god
and god is unlimited i love that i know this i lov ethat i get to choose
the feeling of certainty i love that iknow

i never havet o wonder

i get to feel the feeling now i get to feel the
feelign i know i know that
everything is a blessing i love that i know t
his i love

i love that i get to do the work i ove
that i know its easy to do the work
to fee the

the power of life flowing through me i love
tat it

that its easy to let go its eays t
o its easy to let go and
feel good its easy to

direct my attention where i want it
its easy to choose to believe what i want to believe i love
that its way

easy to allow its easy to allow life
to flow through me i love tha i get


that i get to choose to love myself i love
that i ett o

get to choose to let that go i love
taht iknow that i know i love that i know
i know i know how to do the work
how ot feel good how to

let go and how to kno that
that god is always flowing through me
no matter what i love
doing the work i love

doing the work wor

to feel good i love belivin g
in myself and my reality i love
making the choice

to seize the day

its easy to feel good now

its easy to feel
good in the flow its easy
to feel good in the flow
its easy to feel good now

to look for what i want to see i love
that its easy to do the work
to celebrate this day its
easy to celebrate this day

its easy to feel good its eay to feel the
flow the flow is always flowing its eay
to let go and
get out of the way

its easy to feel good in the
here and now because i know life
is going my way

its easy to let go and
feel good now to do the work
the only work that matters

to do the expressive writing


feels good it feels good
to feel good

it feels good to focus
to feel good in this right now

it feels good to
feel good it feels good to feel
good to say thank you
it feels good to say thank you

to feel the feeling it feels good to
feel good to feel the focus to remember
who i am i know

there can only be tension
within me when i forget

who i am i know ther eis only
tension in my reality when i question

whether god loves me or if
god always has my best intersts
as heart

it feels good to come
back to center and feel the
feeling of knowing to
feel the feeling o

of gratitude for how i good
my life is it feels good to know
that its eay to let things go

it feels good to feel good now
to say i feel the best i’ve ever fetl

felt it

feels good to feel waves of
relief to know that life is always
going my way it feels good to say

yes thank you it feels good to keep up
the good work to do the work it feels good
to it feels
good to feel good it feels good

it feels good to feel good i love
that life is good for me in


i feel waves of relief i l

i feel the flow of life
flowing through me i know

i never have to wonder if
i am good enough

i can feel good knowing
taht i am

i always am

more than enough i know i am
always doing my best and that’s
all i can ever do

is my best i know i am always doing my b
est i know i am always doing my
best i love that there is so much to love i know
that there is so much

i love feeling waves of relief
i love that tlife is good i love that there
is always more than enough i love
thati know life is flowing i love doing the work
i love

that the fow

the work is easy i know that it
can only reflect me i love
the better it gets
i know all that mattes

matters is this work i know that
all that matters is this work i know

the only thing that
cuts off the flow is
negatie thoughts

i know all that

i love feeling
of waves of relief i love that i know the
feeling is always there i love that
i know god is with me here

in the here and now i love
that inow tn


i know it just doesnt matter

i love that it just doesn’tm atter
i love

that it already is the way
i want it to be i love that i know i am
loved i love that i know

i am enough i love that i knowi am
good enough i love that i know life is
good enough i love that i can
trust the here

i can always trust the here and now
i love this here and now i i know i t
it will never not be this right now
i know it will never not be
this right now

i know it will never not be this
right now i know it will never not be
this right nwo i love that i get to choose
i love hat

that god will figure everything out
i love

i know that i am doing my best i
love how far i’e come
i’ve come and i love that i am
letting it go


the feeling is always here and now
i know the feeling is always here and now
and its up to me


its up to me its up
to i feel good now

i know the feeling is just connection
to god and i have

always have that i love thati
get to choose the

feeling i love that i get to choose
where my focus is i love that i get to be grateufl i love

that i get to look for what i want to see

i know i love that i know god is
with me i love that he
flow is laways flowing

i love hat i get to make
the choice to feel good now i love

that i get to make the chocie
i know that all that matters
is making the choice i love
that i get to make the choice to feel grateful to look
for things to be

grateful for i lovehtat

that i get to let go i love that
i get to let go i love that i
get to let go i love that i get to let go i love

that it always works out i love that
life is good i love

that life is good i love that

there is always more than enough i love that
i know

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
i love

that i know everything is a l

in life is afeeling
and when i count

i let the feeling flow
i get tout of the way

i stop worrying
thinking about it

and allow the flow to flow
today i intend to get out of the way
and allow the flow to flow

the work always works and the work is all that matters

i love doing th work
the work and letting everything
else go i love knowing that my mood
is my work i love tat i a

am good at that work
i love that its esay t f
for me ot feel good and trust the flow of

i love

that i get to make the
choide i get to make the
choice to love i get tomake

the flow the flow
is flowing the

i love doing the work

and feeling

i love doing the work i love
saying yes thank you i love that it
always comes
i love that i know it

i knew it would

i love that life is flowing preft

perfeclty through me i love that
it always comes i love
that there is always more than enough
i love that iknow life
i know life loves me

i love that iknow life
loves me i love tha i feel the flow floing

i love that its
easy to feel good
i love that

its easy to let that go i love that
i love myself i love that life
is good i love
that there is so much to love

i love that life always flows
through me i love that i still
get paid

i love that life is good
i love that it
always comes i love the flow the
in and out of life i love the

i love myself i love thatl if is
goo i love that i get to say thankuo

you il

i love that i get to say thank
you i love that i

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to love myself i love that
i get ot celebrate this day
i love that i get to

let go and feel good i love that
tis easy

for me to feel good i love that its
easy to fo

for me to create the versoin
of my life that i prefer

i loe that i love
that this ismy love i love that
i get to

to make the choice to feel
good now i love doing the
good work i love that iknow all that matters
is the feeling and the more

get out of thew ay nd
and feel the feeling i love
that the more i get out of the
way nd

and feel the feeling the
better i eel i love that i get to
make the chocie the choice
to love i love that i am
aware of my

thoughts i love

that i am aware of my thougths

i love that life loves me
i love that i get to feel the feeling
i want to feel i love that i

get to act as if i know that
all i can do is act as if i love the power

of the focus iknow the power of the focus
i love feeling i love

being aware of how i feel

it feels good to smlie
and do the work and let go

i know i never havet o

to wonder i knowt he work
always works i love that i kno th
the work always

works i love that i get ot feel g

good in this here andnow i
love thati

i feel good i feel good
i nthis right now i feel good

in this right now i love

that there is so much to love that
i love that there is so much to love

i love feeling good
i loe feeling
good i love loving life ilove that
i get to feel the feeling
right now il ove

love that i ge tot feel
at ease in this
here and now

i love that i get o

feel at eae in the
in the

i love feeling good i lov e
feeling the flow i love that
is good i love that life
is good i love that life
is good i love

that life i sgood

i love that ther
is so much to love i love that life
is good i love that i get ot feel
good i love th
i love the better it
gets i lov th

the better it gets

i love that i can mbe

be a match to love

i love that i can

just stop

stop caring and stop
creating the ersi

version i don’t want

its that easy

just stop

stopping is easy
its the trying
that’s the hard part

so just stop
trying and start allowing

so just stop tring
and start allowing just stop
just stop and its that easy

i love doing me making the hocie
chocie how i want to fee i love
that i get to make the choice
how i want to feel and i want to feel good

so i make the choice to send thes ignal for
what iw ant and i know life
is giving me the opportunity to send the siganl

for what iw ant

i love that i don’t have to care
i love that i get to feel good for me i love
that i get to love and enjoy life no
matter what i love that

i’m not afraid
of what other people think i love that i
can do me i love that i get ot have fun

i can just stop
i can just stop
i don’t have to care i don ‘thave
to care i

don’th ave to care i can just sto
and stop

and feel good i get to make the choice
to stop

nd feel good now i get to make the choice
and feel good now i get ot make the choice
thte gh

the choice to feel good now i love that i get to stop

i get to make the choicet o stop

right now i ge tot make the chocie
how i feel i get to decide how i feel andi feel
good about life

i feel excited about life

just stop

and then don’t start again
just stop thinking the negative thoughts

its that easy

and come back to the here and now
where everything flows perfectly without my interference

i get to feel ght

the feeling now and i
get to stop
i get to stop i get to stop

i get to just stop

and feel good now its my choice
how i feel its my choice how i feel and i get to
feel good now i know

i am always doing my best and i get to make
the choice

to feel god now i get to make the choice
to feel good now i get to make the chocie

to feel good now i get to make the choice

to feel good now i and i don’t have to care
about the rest i get ot make the choice to feel g

good now and do me

i get ot make the choice
to feel good now to appreciate this life right now
to have a good day right now
i get to make the choice to feel good now

to enjoy life no matter what

i can let it go i can let it go
and i don’ thave to care

i love that ‘m not
not afriad i love that i’m not
afraid i love that i love who i am i love
that i alove i love who iam

and that’s all that matters i love that i
get to love who i am and that’s all that matters

i love that i love who i am
and that’s all that matters i love that i get to love who i am
i lov that i get ot feel good now i love
that i never have to wonder i love that i know

all that mattes is the focus
nd i can

i canalways STOP

just stop thining thoughts
that make me feel ad


and its that easy i know that thoughts
that make mf efeel bad
are false and i don’ thave to believe them
i don’t have to

believe in things that make me feel bad

i get to choose and i want to feel good and
enjoy this day i get to choose andi want to fe

to feel good and enjoy this day i know that
with practice comes

and i know that the better it ges

the more i do the work the
better i feel so i wai

will just say yes thankyou and
take the gift from god

i love that god is always on my side
i love that
god is always on my side i love that i
get to choose to feel good
i love tha i get

get to choose to feel the
feeling i love that i

get to choose to feel the
feeling the feeling of god within me i love that
i get to choose certaitny li love

that i don ‘thave to care i love
that i don’ t

i never have to wonder i never
have to be afraid of the flow f

of life because waht

whateve i give to the worl

is what the world gives back to ma
ei know i know
i know i know i know

whatever i give to the world

what i get back i know its
only me i kno it can only

reflect me i love doing the work
and feeling good i love the better it gets i love
that its easy to feel good
and have a good say
day i love that its easy to feel good and a

allowthe flow
of gofd to

to flow through me
its easy to stap

stop my false self
and allow my true self to flow
and it feels good to allow myse

my true self to flow it feels
god it feels good it feels good
it feesl good

it feels good it feels good
it feels good
to feel god and now

and not care i love that i
don’t havet o care i love
that its not my probably i love

i love that i gt ot

get to make the choice to feel good
no matter what i love that i grt to

get to feel good no matter what

i love that i ge tto feel good
and stop the rest