its time to make a switch

to the god self i have to i have to make the choice
im tired of feeling like shit im
tire of feeling like shit

its timefor
me to choose how i want to feel its time for me
to make the choice its time for me to stand up to my
thoughts i

i have to stand up to my thoughts i have to i have to find
the god self i have to
i need to focus on the god self i have to force myself
to focus on the god self i have to find
the god self i have to find the truth
i have to find the truth

i dont have to give a fuck what
anyone does and i dont have to care what happens

i dont have to care what happens i can my
find myself again i can feel myself to the truth
any time and im there
its not a path its a swithc its
and on or an off are you on the bus

or off

im on im on and on is all there is
when im on nothing can stop me
its not up to them
its up to me to feel the

on -ness

i don thave to think about taht
all i can think about tis the truth
that’s where i must focus i hve to choose
how i want to to feel i want to feel
tapped into life
i want ot enjoy the day i want to enjoy the moment
i want to feel good

celebeating life
i wnat to feel good celebrating life

i want to be unaffected i wnat to feel good i want to
enjoy life enjoy life
enjoy life enjoy life

i want to enjoy life i dont
care what anyone else is doing because there is no

futrue i know tha ti am
always creating with

my life with how i fele i know life
reflects me
and i want to feel good and enjoy my life
im going
im g

i must enj

enjoy my life in htis here and now
tis my only change

chance to enjoy j
my life is right now
i have to look for wnat

what i want to see i have to lookf or
what i wnat to see i have to let the
rest go i love th
find a way to let go to let go of it all
to let go
of caring ot let go of control and i know
i can i knwo i cna let go
i know i cna i know its ther ei know the

the feeling is there
there i know the truth is there
what is sthe truth
the truth is that

it all reflects me that is the one and only truth

its me its always me its always me its
always what i give the world is
its always how i see the world is

its always the inner dialogue

i dont have to think
i don thave to do just exist just exist is a
all i can do just exist is a
all i can do that’s all and i know i know th
thta this work always works

this work always works just fele for how i want to f
to fele feel for how wi
how i wqna wwhat do i prefer then what do i prefer

i prefer feeling good enjoying life saying its agood day
saying its a good day feeling like its a really good day enjoying the day toghetsr

choosing my own bliss chow
choosing my own bliss and nothing thinking about what others are doing
feelin unaffected feeling unaffected feeling

in charge of my own life
feeling in congorl in the flow of my life
feeling good about mysfle and my place in my life
feeling a

loved and appreciated

i have to make a change i have to i have to for me for me
i have to i have to stand up to my thoughts

i hvave to i have t i have to and just to start is enough to know god iis enough to remember that life reflecrets me is enough to be brave enought ot feel good no matter what is
a starte
just be brave enough tot choose how i feel first to choose how i freel first
and that
is all there is that is all ther is

it never matters what they do is

its alway
always me it never matters what they do and

i have to find the part me that knows that i know th

i know

its me choosing its me choosing
to take contorl no my thoguths mbut the the real me i know noen onf of it matters i know noe of it matters and its all about how i go thoru

i know noe of it matters i know its my choice to care or not i know its

i dont have to carei know i dont haver to care i know i dont have to care

what do i know i know this work works
i know this work works
wi know thei
works works i nwo god works i now the god feeling works i know its up to me
to fele how i want to feel i knwo its up to me

to fele how i want to feel to feel how iw ant to feel to feel how i want to feel to feel

its m i i feel it then i see it i don thave to think about anything else i dont have to think i don thave to think i choose how i feel and
i don t
doens’t matter what

anyone else doesn i know it doesnt matter what anyone sel

else does i knwo this
i now th

all of life reflects me i know that

all of life reflects me i knwo that tis me i notice it then i get more of it i knwo that it its me i know that all of life
reflects me and i have to

just ask myself

what i prefer to feel

what do i want

to feel good to feel the magic of life
flowing through me to feel the magic olife to celebrate the magic of life to ceebrate the magic of life

all i can ever do is the only work

i know this and it feels good
it feels good ot feel to feel good
it feel

feels good to feel good it feels good to feel

i know the one and only feeling and its me
i now the feeling i seek and its god its

the feeling behind the thoughts its the feeling behind the throughts
thoughts is all there s

the feeling is all thre
there is get the rest out of the way

and feel the feeling of life here and now

let go of all the rest and celebrate life
let go of all ther est and celebat

celebrate life let go of all the rset
and celebrate life

i know the feeling of life i know tahe
feeling of god and that
i have so much to celebrate i know that i have
no problems i celebrate knowing that
i have no problems i do the work
to remember that tor to

remembe that i have no problems that di
i dont have to stress that i get to choose
knowing that its all a solution i get ot know that i
get ot choose teh feeling of it i che
get to choose the feleing i

prefer i know this i know this
i get ot feel the feeling i prefer

i know

i know the feeling of lett ing
it all fall away of rememberin
it doens’t matter that ntohitng matters that the more i feel for the ffeeling the only feeling the more i feel for the only feeling i
the better i feel and i nkow this is the only anser to everything i know life is good i know ita ll
all exists right now

i know it all esists right now
i know it all
exists right now

the focus is all there is the god feeling is all there
is the god self is all there is the loving god self is
all there is the god

self is all there is the god self is all
there is know this i know this
i know the


what do i know i know athat god is lavish
unfailing abundnace
the rich omnipresent substance of the univerese

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me

god is lavish god is lavish god is lavish

how do i want to feel?

enjoying life!!

loving my life!!!
feeling good floating knowing
how good life is celebrating every day

waking up every day grateful
feeling grateufl for all that i have
remembering how blessed i am
remembering how blessedi

i am

how do i wnat to feel

how do i want to fele
celebrating my OWN life!!!!

celebrating my OWN life i love
that i get to

how do i WANT
to feel how do i WANT
to fele??

grateful grateful

thank you thankyou thank you
htank you for everything youve beive
given me i knw i know i know i kow

i know
i know the power of me i know the
feeling of me i know
the feeling

of me i know the feeling of
i know the feeling of me
i know the
feeling of me
i know the feeling of me

what do i want to feel?

thank you
what do i prefer to feel

happy grateful knwoing

i can choose to feel happy and relieved
i can choose to

i have to i have to i know the power of me i knwo the
i knwo ti works i knwo ti already is i know ita lrady is

i know it is i know it is i knwo life is

perfect i feel the perfection of life i celebrate the perfection of life i say thank you for life

i wnat to feel good i wnat to celebrae
my life i want to allow life to flow
i wnat to feel good in my life

i want to celebrate all that i have
i want to be grateful for all my giafts

i want to celebrate them every second

what do i know

i know
life reflects me
that others aren’t outside of me
that the way i look
at it is the way it is and its always a change
in consciousness that
changes life
the life is ee is the s t
is the life im creating here and now

and i know this is is true
i enjoy this fact i allow this fact to exist i celebreat it i celebrate love i allow love to flow through me i allow i allow life i allow life

i choose god what do i know

i know god i know i am god i know i am god i know that everything is happening according to gods plan

i know this i say yes to it

i dont have to care

i never have to care becuase i have god i have to god
the god self i have the god self i have
the god self i have t

the god self i have to
the god self i have the

i neveer have to care i never have to care
i never

i never have to care i dont have to care i dont have
to do anything i never have to do anything
just be just allow
god allow the feeling i prefer allow the feeling i prefer

just the feeling would
god would feel is all there is al
is all there is

all there is is all
i don thave to care about anything
just allow god just allow the
feeling iprefer
the feeling i prefer just allow the feeling i prefer
that’s all i can do that

all i can do is allow the
feeling i prefer
allow the feeling iprefer

there’s only god there’s
only now there’s only now
there’s only
god there’s only the feeling there’s only

there’s only how i feel

there’s only how i feel
there’s only devotoin to god to god to d
to go there’s only devotion
to god is all ther eis

ther’s only how god feels
there’s only how god feels and god doesn’t care

god doesn’t care god doesn’t
care god
only how god feels only how god feels only
how god feels only

there’s only how god feels there’s only

all ther god
that god matt

that matters is how god feels there
is no separation there is
no separation in life there is no

everything in life is a mirror everything
in life is a mirror

everything in life is a mirror
everything is a mirror and i know this
i know this i knwo

i knowgod

all there is is god all there is is
god’s plan all there
is is god’s plan

all there is is
god’s plan all there

i know that gods plan is to resitn ntohgi i knwo that gods plan
is to choose the feeling to know that life is good to know that life is good
to know that life is meant to be enjoyed

life is menat to be enjoyed life
is menat to feel good life is good life is good
i knwo this ii know that life is
fun i nkow that life is fun that it’s menat to be

be fun that it’s meant to be fun

i don’t have to care
i dont have to care

i don’t have to care i
don’t have to care i don’t have to care
i don’t have to care
i don’t have to care

i don’t have to think
i don’t have to think
i don’t have t

i don’t have to care

i don’t don’t need anything

i don’t have to car e
i dont have to care i

don’t have to care
i don’t have to do a thing
i don’t have to think

i don’t have to think

i don’t have to think

all i need is the feeling of god all i
ever need is
the feeling of god all
i ever need is the feeling of god all

i ever need

i don’t need anything
all i need is god all i need is god all

i ever need is god and im so grateful i know that im so grateful i know that im
so grateful i nkow

im so grateful i know the feeling of god im
so grateful i know

the feeling of

god i knwo god and its all i nedd
need thank you god for showing me
the way

thank you go god b
for showing me the way

thank you god for showing


guiding me
thank you god for everything

all i need is the feeling
to choose the feeling i prefer and its there and i know
that’s aon

only ever me i know that’s only ever me
i know

that’s only ever me tha’ts only
ever me i know its’ only ever me

i know i don thave to care
i know i don’t have to care i know i don’t have to care

i know i never have to care

i love that i know god is the drug
and i don’t need the rest i now that god is the

drug and i don’t need the rest
i dont

need the rest i

don’t need the rest i dont
need the rest

i get to enjoy my day no matter what
i get to enjoy my life
no matter what i get toenjoy

my life no matter what i
get to enjoy my life

i can always feel the feeling
no matter what i can always feel the
feeling no matter what i can
always feel
the feeling no matter what i can

always feel the feeling no matter what

i have the drug of god
of god i can always feel the fro
for the drug of god
feel for god

is the drug
god is everything god is love
god is drugs

and i dont need anything
else i don tneed anything

all i need is god all i need is god all i need is
the god feeling and that’s all there is

i never have to think i never have to wonder
just trust god just trust the feeling of god

i don t

i’m here now i’m focus oned
on god now im focused on god now

i have the god feeling now all ther eis
the the god feeling and life helps me get ther e
life helps me let go of everything else
life helps me

resist nothing

fight nothing say no to nothing yas
say yes to everything say yes to life
yes to the gift of life say yes to the gift of

resist nothing is the only ansewr
remember its me is the only ansewr
remember its me
remember the science of life remember the fact of life remember the unchanging


of life
thes these are the facts that life
can only reflect me that its only ever me
tat i choose the feeling now that i choose godnow hat
i feel gof god now that i knwo god know

that i no

know god now

resist nothing is the only energy

feel how i wantto feel is the ony energy say yes to god is the only energy
knowing is the only energy not thinkgin
just knowing
just trusrting and knowing is

the only an
energy resit nothing
resit nothing
just say yes to
how life flows

i know the feeling and its not up
to anyone else i know the feeling
of me and it doesn’t have anything
to do with anyone else
i know this

i feel the power of me now more than ever
i get to choose it i ag
get to allow it i get to feel it i get to know it i get to create it i get to create it i get to create

i can do it

i can do it i can i can i can focus on what i can know
i know i can feel the flow i can feel the ina an
and out of life
i can

feel god im here to feelgod
to remember that the whole ideas is to feel my
god self that is life that is the point of life
to celebrate the god self

what would i prefer what do i prefer
and i know the feeling is always there i know the
feeling of life i know the onea nd only truth of life i know the one
and only truth of life and i love that i now it

know it

i know the feeling of god
how would i reather feel and i nkow the power
of this i know the power of this focus
i know the power of this
focus i know the

power of this focus thankyou thankyou thank lyou
for the knowledge for the

feeling of life for the feeling of life
for the
feeling of life thank you

i feel good i know god i know iam god
i know that i get to choose i am
god and i g

get to choose;

thank you for this day
thank you

for this day
thank you fro

the focus on the feeling feeling for the
feeling feeling brave enought o to focus on the feeling to know that
that the god feeling is here no matter

knowing that the god feeling is here nowmat

n omatter what

i know that life
isn’t real i know that nothing in
life is real i nkow that its all me
i know that

its only ever me i know that its me

allowing the neergy of of god i know that its me and i only feel releif when i find that feeling of god all i need is the feeling of god

the power of me

and i know it i know the power of me i know the powe of me the
poewr of me the pwoer of me the power of me the power

of me the pwoer of me

the power of me the power of me the
power of me

i knwo me i know that i am god i know the one and only truth
and that

tha’ts the only feeling that can ever e missing and i know that
i know how powerful i am when i feel into the flow feel into the
flowing i know the powre of me i know i can allow more and more
i know i can keep allowing i kno

i know i

ther is no limit

why am i here

why am i here
to remember to remember to feel it to feel the power ofme
that i know
the power of me the poewr ofme the power ofme
oim heere to feel the power of me to celebeate the power of me
im here to feel good

i know what i am and i know the only question is only
ever what do i prefer what do i prefer to feel and that answere

answers everything that is the answer to
every question

i know the feeling of me i know the feeling
of god within me i know the feeling of yes and all
i can ever do is say yes
is keep u pthe yes

is kee us
up the yes keep saying yes thank you

the power ot feel fe
to feel good to feel good to feel
good to feel

the power to feel good the power of life
the power of life the poer of

the power of life to flow through me
the power of life to lfow
through me

why am i here

to feel the feelingi prefer
what do i want to freel
what do i prefer to feel

the per ofme why am i here to feel the relief of
knowing to choose knowing to lte go
of the mind hi
im here to lte go im here to feel the feeling
i want to feel to feel the god self ot know the god self
to to ask who aim amd i and know the answer know that htat i am the one and only creator

i love that i have so much to be grateufl for
so much to celebrate so much to say yes to to say
yes thnak you so much to saty yes
thnkyou to say yes thank you so much to say thank you to ht
thankyou to so much to say thank you

why am i here to make the choice to rmeember to make the choice
to keepmaking the

choice for who i am to mkeep m
making the choice for who i am
for who i am

thank yo god
thank you god for thank you god for replacing me
with you for replacing me

thankyou god i am god thank you go di am
god just be aware of how i feel in the moment
i know this i know this through a lot of experience i know that the onlyrelief comes from trusting god i knowt hs i nokw this i am with god i am focus one on goad the god god wihtin is all

there is

why am i here to focus
to feel the energy of life flowing through me
to feel me to feel the real me
to know the real me to stand up
ofr th
for the

to stand upfor the
real me to feel the
feeling of the ream eto remember the feeling of m the
the real me

thank you thank you yes thank you yes
thank you

yes thank you yes thank you yes thank you
yes thank you that

i know i know
why am i here why am i here why
am i here

to remember who i am to celebrate ye to celegbrate the feeling of yes

the feeling of knowing i am god that life has to follows how i feel
to remember the magic of life to know its all me tits all me allowing the magi
magic of life just focus on life and the fre

rest follows so grateful to feel who
i am again to know the wheel of forturn

thank gof for god for the god coming back to me reanimating me

reminding me who i really reall am
i nkow i knw who i

what i am i know what i am
i know what i am
i know its all me i now i am the powerful one i know i am
the powerfuc
one i know i am the one who knows it its me its my focus its my focu

its feels good to care about myself
to believe in myself to be my best f
self to allow my best self

i know its me i know its me
i know its me i know whatever i see in the world is me i know all

thank you for this here and
to be getting back to god to know the feeling of god
to allow myself
to feel

the god self
to know the god self to knwo god to know that
god is always flowing through me that life is always happening forme iknow this and i trut this and
i release to this i do this work because its

the only good feeling the
rest is
just on top

thank you

god thank you thank you god
thank you
thank you

thank you god thank you i love that i nkow i love
that i nkow i love that

i know i love that i now
know that i know i love that i know

i dont have to care i don thave to think
just feel just feel god and
forget the rest id ont have
to care
i dont have to
care just fel god
god just feel how i want to feel

thank you

for the tide turning for this life for this life for this life for this dsay
for this beautiful dsay
for the flow flowing to

for allowing the flow for allowing the flow thank you for the
flow flowing through me
fro ease and flow for celebateing life for celebrating life

for the truth of life for the focus for the flow

flowing for the flow the flow flowing throughme
for the flow flowing through me thank youfor the flow

flowing for
through me for knowing

thankyoufor the feeling ofr the

for the rmemebering of the truth to remember
that its only ever its only ever me i know the truth i nokw

i know the truth i nkow the one and only truth i nkow the one and only truth
and its me
i know the the one and only truth
and its m

thank you thank you for the here and now for this here and now

thank you for this here and now
for the flow for the flow
here and now for the flow

here and now for the flow here and

the feeling here and now the
feeling here and now