what do i prefer

what would i raether?

a nice message a sweet message
looking for soemthing looking fr osmething to gain

i would rather not care
i would
it not affect me it all i would rather not care what happens

i love doing this work the inquiry work i love
thatt i no

longer havve to care i love that
have the vibrational bookmark

i love doing thw ork
the work and it helps a lot to ask

what doyo uprefer??

what do you prefer?

what do i prefer what do i prefer

i prefer to have a good day
i prefer to allowt he flow
the flow to flow

i prefer to trust god i prefer

to feel good

i prefer to feel good i prefer
to feel secure in my life secure in knowing that
everything is unfoldin gperfectly

secure in my gratitude to god
secure in my realtions


so grateful iknow that as soon as look for it
its there the beauty is ther ein all things

so grateful for the piece of life that

the piece of life that helps me ask that ehlps me
look that helps me learn

so grateful i know that life is always coming to me
what i want is always flowing through me

what i prefe ti

what do iprefer
what do i prefer

to nt care
to not ccare what happens
to not give away my

it works so quickly and easily it
works so quickly and esaily an that is

what i prefer i prefer to use my magick

i prefer to have a good day
and then i see the evidence right wa

away its so easy

its so eay to feel for what is preferred
and then its there and then its there

and then its there so big so much gi

just a simple switch just a simple emotional motion



just a simplemotion

toward what is preferred toward the feeling
i want to feel because the mind resists everything
and i realize that i ha

i had something to gain
its so nice topin

to pinpoint where the resistancce some
comes in so gratefult o feel good to

have the upper hand on my emotions

to choose to ha
to have a good day to be aaer of the type of person i want to be
and then choose to bee it i love that its so easy i ilove
that the aliens help me

i lovee turning the boat i love that
i saw the evidence
the proof so fast

in real time i love seeing the proof in rea time
and that is something ive bbeen son

wanting for so long

so grateful for majob man

major manifestations
so grateful to not care so

grateful to not care to have space tomake the the space
the ap

space to make the space

so grateful to do the work i did
the work and im proud of myself

ive been doing the work ive been doing the work

ive been doing the work and seeing the results

i love seeing the effets of the praccitc
i kno this

i know this iwork is all there is this
feelig is all there is an im fia

finally learning its here

its here its here and now its here and ow

its here and now

what do i prefer and im the one
who gets to choose

what do i prefer and im the one ch
who gets to cchoose get to choose

to be the source i am the one who gets to
choos to be the sourcce

and i am gratefult o everyone
who ehlps me remember this helps me


only i get to hoose cho

how i feel only i get to choose how i feell

i prefer the flow flowing through me i prefer the
god a

self i prefer allowing i prefer yes

i prefer thank yo
and i love tat i nkow i love that

that i get to feel it that i get to
feel the infinite buzz of god that i get t
to feel the buzz of god in every moment

knwoing god is buzzing god is buzzing
god is celebrating life

god is celebrating my life
so gratfl i know that
in every moment god is celebrating me
and i can feel it

i can feel life ccelebrating me
celebrating my existence

celebrating that i’m alive
celebating all the love in my life
i love that i get to feel it now
that i now i am the source that

the feeling of longing only
stops when i stop

when i stop the longing stops

and i love that i know that love that
i know this tha i now that

that its right here

right im looking

i love the feeling of me th
the feeling of god in me what would i feel like with god in me

i love that in each moment i get to make the choice
and then life reflects it instantly

my inner supply
instantly and constantly
takes on form and
experience according to my needs and desires

instantly and constantly
and i love that i nkow ths
this that i am aware enough to knowt his
to see this

to feel this
to know this for sure that life helps me see it
that life helps me learn i love that
life helps me learn

i loe that life elps helps me feel the
feeling of god and that life is changing

arranging itself around me
in every instant i know that life is arranging itself
around me
in every instant

i love doing th work
asking what i prefer and then seeing what the real issue is

where i thought i had something to gain
and knowing that what i would rather feel is indifference

unconditional love
love for no reason

love that starts and ends with me

the power ofme

it’s easy to say yes

its’ esay to say thank you to feel good to look
for a reason to feel t
good to look for

to feel tfor the feling good aspect of it and th
its always there the feeling good aspect of it

is alwways there the other sideo the wave
is alwys ther ethe

it’s eayt o allow life to flow
to drop it to not

go loking for somethint o pick apart
ts say

easy to allow well being to flow
to know that its always flowing
its eay to praise myself for how far ive come

so grateful for how far i’ve come
so grateful so

for how much ive learned so gateul to releae
the tension to relese the tension to feel so free

so grateful to get to hv the life experience that teaches
o g

so graeufl tof ocome so far

to chooset he foo
good feeling to choose the god feeling
so grateful i elt it go

so easliity so greratu
gratfdul i dont have to care id dont have to care

tha i get to choos that i
remember i dont care that i remember it doens

matter that i remember it doesnt matter
and i get to elt ig al
go and allow lfie to flow i love tha ti get
to allow life to flow i love
that i

i know the god self i know th god feelign i love
seeing the effects of the practi e

i love seeing the effects of the practice

the mind never knows the mind never knows
and i feel the feling

the feling of release the feelign ow
allowing well being
right now i allow well being

i allow well bing

being i place my entire focus
on the god within

i place my entrie

entire focus on the god within
i palce my entire focus on the god within

as the only cause of my prosperity
i know the feeling of abundance i kow the
feeling of love

i kow th
i know the feeling of abundance
i know the feeling of love

i love how far ive come i love
that i get to do this work that i get to expand in this way
ilove that i get to love in this way

i love that i get to love in this way

i’m here i’m here bring ing the focus back
to ccenter i’m here b

briging the focus back to center
im here remembeirng the triguth

truth im here trememering the trusth
im here rememering the truth

i’m here remembering the focus

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and place
my entire focus on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and place
my entire focus on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i kno wthe feeling of
i know the feeling of the devotion the f

devotion to center the deovtion to know
not looking at it

the devotion to allowing life to unfold
the devotion to allowing life to unfold

the devotion to the the th
feeling the on the
the bus feeling and i choose it not i get to choose it

now get to ched th
shed the old and b int he

bus here and now i never have to wonder
i keep

get to keep allowing it i get to learn
through this fa

phase of life i get to

so grateful for how much ive learned
that im always wrong when im mad
so graeful fo

for how far ive come so gratefl i

for cool neighbors that this is the most neighborhood block

for the feeling ofr hte
for theon the bus feeling fo the
certainty of the on the bus feeling

for my conneciton twith with god so gratdful
for my connection wiht god

so grateufl for the feeling of knowing
for the feeling of knowing for the feeling of the choice

so grateful i get to make the choice
that life helps me fmake the choice

that life ehls me make the choice that
ig et to come here and ndo this
do this work and feel this feeling this on the bus
feeling the feeling of knowing

the feeling of the god self the feeling of trusting the god self
knowing that when i ask it is given
and life causes me to ask

so gratufl i can just sit back and atch
the reat allowing it to unfold

allowing life i allow life i allow well being

i’m here i’m here focusing remembering the tuth

remembering that i never have to strive
i never have to need anyting esle

that i alraedy have it all
that i’m already totlalyf
and i dot need anything from anyone

so grateufl to feel that feelign of knowing th
now to get to feel grateful to loe

so grateful to feel gratefl to love
to allowl ofe to flow through m e
that i can

that ther’s always the ohter side of the wave

the revision

just revise it
i created it i can revise it

its that eay its that easy
its so easy to choose the feeling for no
reaosn its so easy to choose
the feeling for no reason

its so easyt o remembe that

to remember so easy to remember the truth
tis so

so easy to remember the poer of me
and remember that

it doesn’t matter
i never have anything to gain

i have othing to gain i never have
anything to gain i love that if eel it now
i feel the knowing of it nwo

knowing that all of life is oin my favor
knwoing that miracles are everywhere knowign that life
is fun and its meant to e that be that way

life is ay life is on the bus

life is easy life is on the bus

the feeling of me

the power of me
thank you thank you
thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank ou

for the power ofme for the feeling

thank for the feeling the feeling ive
felt so many times
the feeling ive felt so many times
the feeling i know

thank you for the feeling
here and now

i kow t

whta am i here doing what iam
i here doing

tapping into me tapping


why am i here writing this
because i want

thank you

for everything going my way
for insipiration firght
right in front of my face for inspirtatoin right in
front of my face for th
flow flowing so graeful the flow is always

flowing in my favor so grateful

i get to tap into the
feeling any time i get to feel the feeling any time
i get to feel the
good life any time
i get to feel the feeling of yes anyt time
get to feel the

feeling of toal fulfillfilme
any time ccelebate the feeling any time
milk the feeling any time
ccelebrate myself any time

celebrate the switch celebrate that iam
changing that iam getting better that i am

more aware every time
of the narrative my mind creates

so graetful that i’m learning so

im not learing not to judege
not to jump to conclusions not to have preferences
not to amek up storeis in my head

im int he flow im in the magick

im int he feeling of life im in the
feeling of life i know today is the best day
ever i know today is teh best day

of my life

i love the better it gets i love
loving our neighbors i love our community
i loe hat there is so much to love

i love getting to go to bed happy
getting to wake up happy
so grateful for my wife who loves me

who is patient with me
who i get to through life with who
i get to go on cute dates with

so grateful for loe so gratevul to b
e the sourcce of life

so grateful to lifek
myself to love myself to revise the day
how i wish

so graetful for a elicious brunch
so grateuflt o knwo its be and

be aware of the feeling os
gratefl to get to choose to love life

to get to choose to loe life right now
to feel the feeling i want right now that
i get to rvised

revise it simply revise it

i love that i ge tto choose to love myself
get to choose teh feeling right now
gt to choose the feeling right now the
feeling right now
get to feel the feeling right now

i get to feel the feeling any time
on any level i get to feel the
feeling on any level so grateufl
i can always choose the

the feeling the god self on all lov
levels i get to choose it now i get o

to choose it now i get to choose teh
version i want right ow i get to choose it right now
i get to choose it right now

i get to choose it r
right now i get to choose it right now
the feeling right now the feeling
right now the feeling right now

the feeling right now

the feeling right now i get to choose the
the feeling of yes right now i can always choose it
any time i
start to wonder is just a reason for me

a reminder to me

reminder to me and i love that
i always get to i love that g
we get to play this game together i love that
i get ot feel th e

the feelign now i love that i get
we get to grow and evolve togetheri lovethat
i cna

really feel myself changing i love that im

realy learning finally i love

im dealing with it i lovve that
i know now i love the
easier it gets i love that i get to choose it
how iw atn it to be

i love that i get to choose it how i want it to be

what do i know

i know the power of me the power of ethe
feeling and that i have to refuse to feel lakc
lack i know i havet o

to refuse to suffer i kow i have to fr
reufse to sffer
i can only choose t
not to care i can only choos not to care to do me
to keep doing me to rsut th

ttrst the in and out i can only trust the
in and out i can only ctur
trust the in and out i can only

trust the in and out

i’m the boss in here i’m the obs
boss in here and i know hat i ahve to h
find a way to feel good
i wan to
to live good i want to feel
good in m life aid i

i hae
to feel it first i have to feel it
first it h

i have to know it first i kn
have to know it first i kn
have to know it fist i have to know it

i have to know it first
i have to know it
first i have to choose itfirs
i become it fist

i do the work first ido the
wrok i do
the do
i do the owrk here i and
now i do the owrk here an dnow and now
i ddo the work
hre and now

i have to release i have t liv

lift up my mind and hae
heart i have to do the owrk i have to do the work
the practice

that is the only thing ih ave tried
everything else

i ahve to let t

to let it go completely
release it release it i

release it and allow the reat
rest of life to flow through me

i have to release it

i ha

i know i know that i am the one and only
creator and all i can do is feel the feleing i want

i want to feel i know that isthe
th powre of me and i aware
am aware of how i feel of the feeling of the
vibration i send and i know the feleing

releaseig it i know i havve the power i knwo he pwoer fo me
and i love tha tlife helps me remember it

i know the i and i choose it i know it and i choose it
that’s all i can do is feel it now
be it now because nit

its nowt
not outside of me and as log as
as i’m looking for it there

i wotn find it i know its her e
i know i am the cetner of it
and i lallowl ife to come to be
me to i tust the in and out i turst hte
feeling i trust
whatever happens i trust whatever happens

i get to choose i have to chooe
i have to choose i have tocom
come back to me i have to always come back to me i have to come

to me i have to come back to me i have to
come bck t
to me i have to come back to me
to the cdner
of me that’s all i can do is know that l’all

all i can do is the magick

all i can do is the magick
i can do is the magick


what do i knowd
what i do i know hat

life is created in the subconsicous
i get
choose it and its esay i choose it and its
easy its me
its me

i am the bosso
i choose it iallow it i allow life
to unfold i say yes i look

for evidence and its there
i look for evidence and its there
i look fo

for evidence and its there

i look for evidence and its ther ei know
i know that life shows me where i a i
i choose hwer ei am
i choose hwer ei

i love seeing the effects of the practice

so gratefl
for a who
home choo
cooked meal so

grateful for

a wfiew
who love s
me for a god who love sm

thank you i’m not seeking i feel the
feeling of ig

i feel the feeling of knwoin g
knowing i know its only me

i come homw i’m howm a
and i allow the rest ia llow the
rest i reis

rise above i say yes i say
yes i say thank yo i feel the feeling id o t
eh work to feel the feleing of knowin

i do the work to feel the

to drop it forever to turn life withing
to know

to know that the anser is right here

what do i know what do i know for sure

that it’s never outside of me
that its’

me that is tha
the feeling of me i love tha
ti love the power ofme that
i g

get to choose not to care that noth
caring what happens is the ultimate
feeling its
is what i look for i tust everying th
that ah

happens i trust everything that comes
my way i know i
i know that

i know the power of me i know how ot use the power fo me
i know
how to use th

thepower of m iknow that i have to
let it

completely i knowt hat
that’s all there this i knwot ha’ta ll i
i can od
is do nothing i

all ic an do is nothing and just exist in
this ehre and nwo love in this ehre and now


nothing is missing i have god i have how
god seeis it i have tothe
the god life the god self i have the effects of the practice

i have the practic ei have the ertiant
i kno

have the knowing i have the allowing
i have
the allwing
i have the allowing

i hve
i have the allowing

i’m the boss i’m the boss ih ave the

the power i know what i know i know what i nkow

i know hwat i knwo i know what i know i knwo that

i have found the secret to life

i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge tha the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge tha the
activity of divine abundance is

eternally operating in my life

i have found the secret to life
i have found the secret to life i have

i have found the secret to life
i have found the secret to life and

i have found the secret to life
i have

found the secret to life and
can relax in the kknowledge that
the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my lfie

i love my own life i love i love i love
the poweer of me
i love rememberring the feeling

the feelng of not seekign
the feelng of
rememberrig that it will never be enough

s l

as long as i am looking outside of me
it will never be enough

as long as ia m looking outside of me it will never be enough
i love

that i am totally fulfilled in this
ehre and now heere and no i love that
i knwo i am totally fulfil

fulfilled ant tha
that is the real felling f
feeling i seek that is the real feeling i seek

i love the confidence of me
the poweer of me the

power of the confidence of me
i love that i get to choosee

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am ttao

totallly fulfilled

when i am aare
aware of the god self within me
as mmky total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

when i am are o
aware of the god self within me as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i’m found i’m found i’m not seeking im

found i’m not seeking im found
im found by god by the tao

im found

im not seeking i love that i’m no

i’m in me i’m ine

in me in my beautiful self im in my a
beatifl self i love that i know i me
i love that ig et to love me i love that i gt to love me

i love that ik
i know i’m already totallyf ufle

fulfilled i love tat i don

dont’ need anything outsidde of me
i love that i know i love that is

ti’s all right here that i am
the source that i am the feeling i love that
i know that my only job is
is to feel the feleing i love hwen i know

i ove hwen i feel the on


confidence of me
knwoing that life comes to me knoing that life loves m

knowing that life comes to me
nkowing that life coemes

comes to me
that i dont need anything
that life comes to me

what do i need

what do i know
i not

i know that i choose the feeling of soemthing missing
and no matter hwat
what happens i get to cho

i am the one choosing that feeling
i know th
i know the truth i know the power of me
and i know wha ti need i know that i need
to have fun
doing something

i need ot have fun doing something of me
for me

and i bless that
i bless the life that i bless the life that
causese me to ask tha tha


causes me to know that and i nkow that the fun
thing is god the god life

i kow the
i know the
i know the feeling of the iwhs fulsf

filfilled i know the feeling of abundance
of total f

fulfillment i know the feeling of on the bus i nkow the
feling predeced everyting i nkow that
i get to cchooe certainty now
i love that i get to choose it now
i get to choose it now

the feeling of knwoing tha is separtaed
from all tings the feeling of e
certainty inside of me the feeling of releaseing it all

i know the feeling i know the feeling
and life is always calling me back to it

because it is my atr
state i know my natural state i know natural
bliss i relax into natureal bliss

i have my own thing i am my ow per
pweron i am my own person i love being my own person i love

dong my doing my own thing i love that

i get to have both i love tha i get to remember the power of me
i love that i get to remembe the power of me

the feeling of knowing hte
knowing of feeling the knwoig the feeling the trusting the
feelig the allowing the feeling to build
te c

the coming here to feel the feeling to know the
feeling to go b

to bed with the feeling to wake up with the feeling to
wake up with feeling to feeling the now
to know that is my natural state and life guides the resa
tot know hat love is all around to rsut
it to know that life

love is alla ournd to raut
trust everry moment ot know that god in in eery thing

i know the truth and i never have to ondr
wonder any time i start to cc
wonder i get to choose and tha is the

the power of me any time i start to wonder
i never have to wonder i ge t

to choose any time i start to wondr
i get to choose i get to choose

the veel
feeling of a vibrational bookmark
i get to celebrate the feeling ofme
i get to

feel the feeling of it being good
i ge to
to feel the feeling now i get to
feel the
feeling now not looking over ther

it feels good to find me
to remember me to knwo i need to f
remembe me that ned d
ht ath i need to focus on me

i know the feeling of the releasae i know
i know the feelni

of knowing i kow the feeling of being the s

he powe of mthe
power of the release of me

allowing of me the allowing of im
here because i know the allowing of me
and it feels good to practice that l
allowing of me to trust every thing to rsut
everry moment to

trust every singe
thing that happnes to feel the feelig now to relaes to never

to let it go reover to
let it go gorever
forever to haver fun
tdoing my own thing

i’m here doin

iwhat tdoi know what do i know what do i know

the mor i let go the more it flows

attention creates

allowint allows

what do i know what do i nkow

it doesnt matter i know it doesnt matter
i know it have nothing to gain
i kno wi have

nothing to gain i nko wi don thave anyting
to gain

so grateful to relax into
inn that knowledge
so grateufl to relax in that knowled

relax in know in
in knowing

i never have to wonder

i love letting it go forever i love
letting it be just one aspect
that i appreciate when its ther
i love

letting life come and go as it pleases i love knwoing htat
everything is a match i love knwoing im

creating it all with love i love
knowing its alredy pefet ilove the
feeling milking the feeling accessing the feeling

accessing the feelig the
feeling of vli
bliss for no reaosn i am

i am the sourcce of bliss for no reaosn
i am the

source of bliss for no reason i am
happy because life is flowing perfeclty
through me

and nothing matters because i know
everything is always perfect

so grateful i get to live by this knowing

the feeling of dropping it
the feeling
of taking m power pw

my power back the feeling of celebrating
my life feeling abundant

being aware

of not needing to separate myself
i feel that feeling now i feel
the oneness of me

i release the rest

i feel the oneness of me

the awareness of me
the nothing to gain of me

i have nothing to gain
i have

nothing to gain i have nothing to gain
that happens will change me

nothing that happens will change me

it is a good day

i know the work works i know the power of me i know
the power of me i nkow the

the power ofme grateful to remember th

i get to feel life flowing through me i get to
be aware i get to be aware i know that whatever i put
in the aire

is whate is
is i know that is in the ari i know i
i know that i get to lov ei love
tha i get to love i love that
i ge tto love

flowing to and through me i love htat
i get to choose it gh

choose the feeling of god choose
the feeling of knwoing i love feeling the
the feeling of knowing the
feeling of god i love
feeling the feeling of god i love

feeling the feeling of god i love

the the feeling the god self the knwoing self
the powerful self i ch
get to choose to feel the feeling right now
and i knwo that liffe

can’t not reflect that

how can i have a good day

how can i have a god day look
for god in everything know the miracles in everything
know the truth feelt he feeling of the trh

here and now feel the feeling of the truth here and now
feel the feeling

how can i have a good day??

choose kwnoing
choose knwoing choose the feeling of god choose
the feleig of the wish fulfilled

no matter what i get to choose the feeling of the wish fulfilled
and the feeling is the

only thing there is
that feeling i seek is in me

that feling i seek from her is me
the feeling i seek from her is me

its right here its right here and when i release that
seeking i feel the feelign here andnow

i never have to go looking because i hae it here and now i have
the god self here and now i have the
god elf h

here andnow

how can i have a good day??

decide that iam !!

decide that its the est day ever
allow myself to

feel the feeling now i get to feel the feeling now
i get
to feel the feeling now the magick of me

the magick of miracles

how can i have a good day
feelthe feleing now

i keep thinking i have to wait to feel the
feeling wondering if im going to feel that feeling

from someone else but i never hae to wait
i get to choose it now and life follows i love
that i get to cchoose it now

i love that i kw life is
on my side i love that i knw lfie
is on my side i love

that i ge to choose the feeling now

what do i want out of this day?

to have the best day ever!!

to hae a really good day to feel the
eeling freeling now

so grateful i get to choose teh feeling now
i get to choose it now

i know that i am the source i know that
ia m the sourcce of the feeling and when i think about it

think about it being missing
i know that i can always

feel it without having to go anywher or do anything
becuase i know for sure god is always on my side

and i know that the mind tries to think
otherwise wbut

but i know its just a practice i know ti spracitc
ei knwot hat i can feel the feelign of it whenever i want

and that drives life
i just keep choosing it and that’s all there is i love that
i get to just keep choosing it

i ge to feel the feeling now i ge to
to feel it now and is not up to anyone else

i get to choose knowing here and now i get to choose magick
here and now i get to

choose god here and now i get to jump into the
day i ge to celebrate the day

knwoing its a good day knwoins its agood here and now
its agood infintie

infintie now
infinite now

i get to feel the feeling i seek
here and now and that is the feeling of me
i ge tto feel the feeling i seek

becausee i know tis always god the feeling
i seek is god and god is always here because
god is me

i get to celebrate making the version i pefer

prefer i get to celebrate felign love here and now

i choose kwnoing and thats’
all there is i choose knowing i choose knwoing
and that’s all ther eis

i choose teh feeling because i get to i choose
the feeling because i can


because its my power
i get to choose whate ver

happens i get o choose hwat
what happens i get to choose how i feel and
ig et to chose

choose hot i want to feel in everything
ig et to choose
i get to look for how iw atnto feel

in everything i get to revise i know that
alll day i get to choose i get to choose hwate

what happens

it sso eay to have a good day and feel the
feelig i want to feel and feel the feeling i want to feel

which is certainty which is knowing
which is

lust for life and whatever happens
which is trust in god which is

feeling the feeling now the feeling that i think is missing
the feelig i s

the feeling i seek
i choose it now ad then its here

i choose it now and i dont need anybody else

i love that i know i love that i am ware
i am

i lve that i am aware i love that i know i can
keep up the good work i can keep up the feeling
and the life follows life always follows

life always follows

i get to know for sure andi feel
i feel

the feeling i feel the feeling here and now
of knwoing of e

celebating life of feeling how i want to feel

of feeling how i am supposed to feel

todayi look for evidence of god
todayi am

looking for god in everyingth

everything i know that god isin
in everything i know that i can feel god in eer

everything that happens i know i never hae to

hae to

have to wonder i never have to feel lack
god is alawys one my side
i knwo that god is always flowing in my favor

and i get to feel that knwoing here and now
i know thi

nothing is ever missing i know that i have god i know
that i am the source ad nothing can ever

get in the way of that
nothing could ever take god away

i feel the feeling of knwoing life i feel the feeling of celebrating life and i know that sl

all ic an do
ever do is feel that feeling and allow life to flow
i love that ig et to allow the

the certatinty of life to flow


i want to feel good i want to wake up
feeling good feeling secure in my life i want to feel good in my life
iw antt

i want to celebrate lfe i want to celebatae the feleing of me i wnat to feel
ti inside of me not
not outsideo f me i want to feel it in the certainty of me
i feel iti n the ceatinty of me