the power of me

so grateful for life for
the poer
of me for the power of me for the ina n
and out for the chance to learn
to learn the power of me

the creative powerr of me the
creative power of me

i know the power of methe feeling ofme i now the
feeling of me and i loe that i get to choose it that life heps

helps me choose it that life helps me choose it
the feeling of me i know the feeling of me i now the
i know the feeling of me

i feel yes i know the feeling of yes i nkow it
so well i know i am the boss i know the
feeling of yes i nkow its os

so well i nkow the feeling of yes i know

it so so wel so well
i kow the feeling so well i know the
feeling of yes i know ht
the feeling of yes

the power ye he power ofthank thank yout ha
the powero fme the power of e
the power of yes

so grateful for the in and out of life
that i know that i getto

to learn to
so grateful to get to love
learn and love right now
to get to feel good now to

knwo its going well right now
to know life is on my side
to get to celebrate life
right now

to get to celebrate life right now to get to
celebrate life right now to feel it right now
to feel the lfoe
the love right now
to feel the fl

the love right nwo

it’s easy to remembe the power of me
the feeling of me so grateful to choose the feeling of me
so gate

grateufl to choose the feeling of me
the poero fm e i get to choose the

the power of me so grateful to ch
get to choose the power of me
so gratefl t

to get to choose the power of me
here andnow
here and now

its easy to choose the god self the secure self
the knowing self the hot in cleveland slef

self its easy to
choose the god self

so grateful for the time and
space to trust the enery of life to trust the flow
of life

so grateful to trust the feeling of me
to trs

trust the feeling of me to tsut

to trust the feeling of me to trust the feeling of me
so easy to feel the true self
to feel my true self mmy knowing self

its so easy to feel m knowing self
to be my knowing self its so easy to be
and feel my knowing self its so easy to be my

knwoing self

i love that i dont have to care i love that
i dont i love that i dont ccare i love that

i dont i love that i get to do the work i
i love that i get to let go completely i love that

i get to let

its so easy to flip the switch and i feel
it its so esay to feel

the certainty of this moment of this

the feeling is all there is

i know the feeling is all there is i know
that life is on my side i love practicing the art of lfettin
letting life come to me i ilove that i know that life
is always flowing perfectly to and through me

i love that today i get to celebrate knowing this
i love feeling cured i love lettig life come to me

its here if you want it
come and take it

i get to feel good

i get to have a good day i get to feel love i get to
feel the feeling of love i get to send the feeling of love ige t

to choose the feeling of the wish fulfilled get
to choose the feeling of the
wish fulfilled

i get to choose the feeling of the wish fulfilled
i get to choose the mmood and life follows and
today i choose the mood of me
the ch

i choose the mood i want nand i dont care about anyone else

i choose the mood here and now and

and allow life to follow i choos the
feeling i want to feel here and nowi

i choos the feeling iw ant to feel
here and now i choose the
feeling i wnat to feel here and now

i love the feeling i ilove feeling cured
i love that i dot need anything from anyone

i love that i have god and my vortex
and i get to feel good i have god and my vortex and i
get to feel good

i have god and my vortex and i get to feel good
i love that ive let that go i love that
ive relase that i love that i get to
do the work i love that i get to feel healed i love that

i am healed i love that ive let that go i love that
i knw
i no

don’t need anything i love that i know god is always on my
side and i can alwys chosee the feeling and life
has to rearrange itself
i know that life is always arranging itself around my expectations

i love that i get to have a good day a flowing day a magickal day i get
to choose to feel good about that today i g tto

choose abndance today i get to choose the

total fulfillment today

i am totally fulfilled i lovee that i know
that i already have it all i love that i know that nothing is missing
i love that i get to enjoy the day with the feeling of nothing
missing i know that eveyrthign
is working out perfectly

i get to feel the feeling of me the poweer of m
i get to choose the feeling of me

the power of me here and now i get to choose to have a good day
here and now i love that i get to i love

that i get to i love that i get to choose
to have a good day i get to choose
to have a good mood

to fel the feeling of knwoing to relese the reat
to chooe love to get to chooe love today

i get ot choose mtoday i choose me today and tha’ts all i can

i now that all i can do is choose the feeling i prefer
and allow life to floowl

i get to choose and i never havet o soner

to wonder
i get to chooes the magick of me i ch

get to choose the poewer ofme i get to choose the
feeling of the wish fulfilled

i get to choose my mood i get to choosee the
feeling and life follows

and i love that i know that none of it amtters
i love that i know that nthing m

nothing matters and i get to just sit back and watch
i get to choose to feel good today

i get to choose to feel good to love my life
i get to choos to love my life today

how do i want to feel

celebrating life
magickal god feeling

i feel the feeling of god flowing
throughmei fee

i feel the feeling of knwoing i ove t
ath i get to choos teh feeling of knkowing
i love that i dont need

anything else i love that
i choose the feeling here and now the god feeling
thr trust feeling the

flow of creative energy feeling i love that
love is good that i ge toto

to choose the version i prefer that i get to havve a good life
with my wife i love that life is good that life is perfect

that i get to choose the mood that i get to choose the
expectation that
i get to choose
the feelig in every mome

moment i get to choose the feeling in
every moment i get to choose the
feeling in every moment i nko that i know that i get to that
the feelig precedes all of lfife a

and i know its a practce and its os eay
to practice i lovee that if eel

it now i ilove that i know that nothing can stop the feeling that
that i know that life is always evolving in my favor

i loe when i let it go completely i love when
i dont care what happens i love that i celebrate the day
and whatever comes

knwoing whateve comes will be magickal i love that
i know i dont have to do or achieve anything

all i can achiee is trust
is the feling of knowing

is the feeling of total fulfillment

i love practicing the art of letting life come to me

i knwo that god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality ofme

the reaity ofme

god is lavish unfialing abundance

today i get to choose the feeling today i get
to let it go

forever today i turst whatever
happens i dont need anything to happen i dont hwat

wnat anything to happen

i get o choose to feelgood now

i get to choos to feel good now to feel the
feeling now feel the feeling now knowing the feeling is me

i knwo the feeling is me i kow tha ti ma the one

and only creator of me

the feeling of me the feeling of god

i know the feeling of god i know that i am god
and i celebrate it i know that the particles are

me i nkow that the particles are me and that
life can’t not
relfect the feeling i know that life
ahs to reflect the feeling
and im

so gratefl that i get to come here and nchoose that
choose to flip the swithc to

choose to be aware of how i feel choose to know
that everything is in my favor choose to

trut the b

magickal unfolding of life

i love breaking through i love this work
i love

the feeling of this work and that i can always return
to center to feel
the feeling of knowing to the feeling of knowing
that i am god

i am the one and only crator

creator of me i am the one and only creator
of me and i get to choose how i feel here and now i

get to choose love here and now i choose love
here ad now i send the signal of love her ea dnow


now becausee i am one who loves

i love that fe
the feeling and i kow that that life freflect s


i knwo that first comes god
then the rest i love doing this work and knowing
i love feling good i love feeling good

because i am at center i love feeling the god feeling

trusting life


trusting the choice
truting the ower of me and that’s all i can

that’s all i can od
do is feel the feeling no matter what happens
knowing that life

is celebrating me
im looking for reaons to celebrate life
and life is celebrating me

i get to choose love i get to give love i get to
feel love becuase i am love

i get to have god day
nowing im god i get to have a god day
knwoing im god feeling good

choosing the feeling first
and i kno wthat i cna

i always can i can alays

choose to ccelebrate the day
to have a good day to feel loe
love to love and be loved i lovethat

i get to i love tha ig et to feel good
feel the feelign first
choose the freleing

feeling first choose the feeling first
i get to choose love first

i feel the magick of life if eel the knowing
of life

and i know that im the boss i m

i am the one and only creator of how i feel
and i love that i get to live this life that i
get to learn the god

sef that i know life that i now life reflects me
and i dont have to care what happens


i look for a way to feel good about
everything i am on the contstant lookout for ways
to feel good
and i just keep feeling b

better and better aout life!!

so grateful for contrast
for allo flif
out income that our money is
tigt that we never have to wonderr or worry i love that
i know

i know i know life loves me i know
that life reflects me i kno

i know for sure
that i amm the creator and life
can only reflect me

i feel the feeling and thas’
all there is the feeling of knwoing the feeling of god

the feeling of magick and i love that
i get ot feel it that i am brave eough to feel the feelnig
of god

that i am brave enough to feel the ccertainty of god
that i get to have fun and celebrate this day
that i get to feel good
that i get to celebrate life
that i get to love life

that i am bravve enough to love llife

i get

i feel good i feel good if eel god

i feel god i trut the feeling i know that
nothing else is real
the only thing that is real is the feeling
and i

i don’t nneed
anything outsidde of me
i alwayr

already have the feeling i seek
i trust life i turst the unfolding of life
and i love that im learning i love the

better it gets i love that i know nothing
went wront

nothing changed i know nothing changed i know the
feeling is still ehre that i et to ccelebrate it

i kno the feeling is still here
i trust life i trust whatever happens i say

thanks god foreverthing
and im so grateufl to life for helping me leran

the poweer of me

i am allowing well being

i feel the feeling i feel the feeling isnide me
the knowing iside

inside me the turth inside me
remembering that tis me

its all me its alll me
its never not me and i get to th

that felin feeling hi have that feeling now
i have the god feelign now i haee the

the god feeling now and i dont need anyting
outside of me to provvdie it i have ti now

becuaasee i onw lie is good

i actually keep my mind and thoughts off this wrold

and place my entire focus
on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i want to have a good day

and i now how i know the feeling i nkow the feeling of here and now
i kno the feeling i know the practicce ehlps me feel it

i know that feeling for the feeling i can v
ffeel it and the more i feel for it the easier it is to access

i know the feeling is always right here with me
i know the feeling of god is alawys right here with me
when i release everything else

when i allow everything else to fall away i feel the
feeling of god the knwoing of god right here with me
always i know the knowing of god is always here with me
it always is me

i kow the feeling of me is god i know i am the feeling of god
i know that i only feel lack becuase im looking for it
but there really isn’t any lack

because god is lavish unfailing abundanc e

i will have a good day and not let
allow myt hoguths to stop me i kow tis a feeling
and i

feel it irelease the rest and if eel it i feel the
truth of god i feelt he turht of god

i lift up my mind
and heart to be aware
to understand

and to know that the divine presence

is the source and substance of all my good
and i know that by comeing her andm aking the choice
tof eel goo

good to releae the rest that i get to have a good dya
i get to feel the feeling iw ant to feel i get to choose it right now
i get to allow it right now i get to practicce it right now

i get to allow the feeling iw ant to feel i get to
releae the rest i canalways

always release the rest
idek why i feel like this
for no raons
reason for nnothing for no thing

i just want to feel good i just want to have a good day
i just want to hava god day

how to have a god day

know that everything is happening in my favor
know that today is the best day of my life

be brave enough to jump into celebrating life
be brave enough to have alust for life

be brave enough to not care what happens
be braven enough to not ccare what happens

be brave enough to believe in god
to believe in the good life to believe int he good life

i know
i feel good today i feel good today
i feel good today

and im allowing god to take me i allow god to take me
i allow the feelign to take me i feel the
feeling gocme

i feel the feelig there i feel the
celebration of life ther i get to choose it

no matter

i am a good day i am a good day i am
everything and i am a good day
i get to feel it i get to allow it i get to feel ti because its me

i can look for reasons to celebrate
i can look for

evidence of well being i can look for evidence
of miralces

miracles i know miracles are commonplace
i know god loves me and is on my sid e
and i nkwo tha ti can

can always come here and find my center and not
be looking outside of me for reasons to feel good

i knwo that i can find the center of life
withi me i know that hte th

the enter center of life is withi me and i alaws
always get to cchoose ig et to choose what happens next

i get to choose the magick of life
ig et to choos the
feeling the magick feeling of life i get to choose it here and now

i get t ce
to celebrate life today i get to

to celebra

i get to have fun i get to celebrate the day
nothing went wrong

i was looking for problems
i was upper limiting but not more

absolutely nothing happend
absolutely nothing happened
besides herr texting to check on us
bc she lovs us
and missed up

and i get to feel the good feeling the
knowing feeling the knowing its good feeling

the knowing its good feeling
i had it i kept it for solong
and then it just dropped off

maybe bc ididn’t take care of me

mabye because i started to look toward that

but i know the work i kow the power of try again
i know the power of try again

i kow the power of the feleing i knwo i am
the source of the feeling and i

dont have to care what happens i kno i wm
i know i wma

i know i wma th e
i know

i am the sourcce of the feeling i knwo i am the

sourcce of the feleing i know i am the source
i am

i know i am god i know i am god i knwo the feeling is here and hte more
i feel for it the mmore it is dominant

and i know that im not looking to anyone for
i know that i am the infinite wellspring of satisfaction
i know i am god
i know i get to chooe

i get to choose to have a good day toda
i ge tot feel as if i get
to know i get to choose knwoing i get to choose kwoing

i get to choose the feeling for me i g

get to choosee the feleing of me of god
i get

to chooe thefeleing of knwoing that its real
i knowt hat its resal so what am i doubting

why look for doubt
reasons to doubt
when i can look

i get to have a god day i am god i am god and i decide

i decdie what happens and i never have to wonder
i am

i am god i am god i am god i am the sourcce
i am the source of love

i am the sourcce og
of infinite abundance

i am the sourcce i amt he sourcce
it ccoems from me

i be come it and i ilove that i know how it
to be it how to allow it how to allow ti to flow

to know when ive started to look at something
and forget who i am
so grateful i gethta
that i get to keep it up that i get to chose to look at ccenter
to look at god and that’s all there is
i kwo that life

i know that life and god are always flowing to and through me

god matcches my energy i know that god
matches my entery and i get to choose the
energy of god

the energy of the good life
the energy of knwoing its a good day
its a god day

i wanted to do the work

and life ehlps
helps me do the work life ehlps me remember
it never helps to care

it never helps to care and the only work
is to not care the only thing i can ever do

is not care is release it all and trust
trust the unfolding
and let it keep being good ic an a

i can always allow well being i can always
allow it to be good i can always allow it to keep being good

all i can ever do is keep feeling
the feeling all i can ever do is keep feeling

feeling keep allwing well being all ican
can ever do is allow

all i can do is allow well being ll
all i can do is allow

well being i wanted to do the work so im s
doing he work i wanted to do the work so

im doing ehw otht eowrk
the contrast thelp helps me focus the
contrast heps me focuse

helps me remember whats improtaint
me remember the feeling of allowing well being

of allowing well being of allowing
well being of saying yes to whatever is
all i can ever do is allow well being
is say yes to what is

so grateful to life for ehlp
hepling me release
me let go do
so grateful to life for helingm e

release helping me let go helping me let go
and not care helping me not care

because i can’t
so gratedful im can

i can’t care i love when w
im at the point where i cnt

shoring up the feeling

that’s what im

i’m here doing the feeling work the knwoing
work the certainty work the

knowing work the god work the only work the god
work sis theo nly work i know that

shoring up the feeling work the knowing wor th
the feeling of me work the feeling ofme work the only work

the feeling of me work the
the feeling of god flowing through me

i had it going so good for a minute there
but that’s ok


always an in and an out
with an in an out

and learningmore

about who iam and the role i want to play
so grateful to know the role i want to play

so grateful

to knowt hat i’m already complete
to not need a technique to know its the
the feeling here and now the knowing
ehre and

here and now tha
and that is tonly work wok i
is feeling that feeling moment to

moment knowing in every moemnt
and when i catch myself not knowing
when icatch myself
not knwoing thats

when i choose knwoing
over and over and that is the game

that’s the jok

that’s the jok e

im here feeling the feeling
the feeling of knwoing the
feeling of

that it alreayd is i
i know life alreayd is i know life i

alreayd is i am here and now
i have the feeling here and now i h
have to
the feeling here annd now

and now knowing that god love sme

whatever happens is in my favor
the fa

the feeling of trusting whatever happens
of letting go of eel
feelng ogoo
good of knwoing of choosing me

of letting that go of rela

releasing that rubber band

all i can ever do is releae the rubber band

love is rleae
releasing the rubber band

love is rlease
releasing the ruubb
rubber band and i love that
i get to

i dont have to care i dont have to care

i dont have to let it get to me
i dont have to

just continue do the work im
i gues im creating the version where im
doing the work

im doing the work
im going
doing the work im at center
i cant care i cant care

i can’t allow myself to look at it
i can’t make

allow myself to care so thank you god for not

allowing me to get sucked in and just
dong lo

don’t look at it i can’t

i can’t look atit i
cn’t let it get it ot
to me i can’t

let it get to me i can’t let it
i can’t let myself care

i love that i don’t care
that life helps me turn within

life turns within

turns within life
turns within
and it feels good it feels good to

it feels good to release the tension
release the

tension of the rubber band it feels ogod
to let that go forever it feels good

to let that go reover
forever it feels good to
be free

it feels good to feel free and not
to not allow myself to care it feels good

to not go there to do thew ork i

the work i said im here to do

it feels good to be free to let it go
forever to bless life for helping

me let it go forever to never again
have to care to never again

have to let it get to me
to never again have to care

to do the work to release the attachment
to release the rubber band to release
the rubber band

to once again
stop caring and she makes it so easy

over and over and she doesn’t even know

i make it esy o
easy on myself to drop it
to cut it off i make it easy on myself
to cut it foo

off and it feels good its the feeling
i wanted the
feeling i wanted the feeling of letting it go forever

the feeling of letting it go forever
the feeling
of letting it go forever

the feeling of cutting it loose

letting it go becuse its not me
its not the center of me its not the cetner
of me

its not the cetner of me its not the real
me its no thte
the real me its not the real me

its only ever me its only ever
the ccetner of me

so great
to be free which is what i really wanted

so graetful to be rf
free which is what i really wanted

free from caring free
from being triggered
every time im left out free from
throwing a tantrum every time

i can really learn to not care i can
let it go completely i can use my power i can
use the power of me to not care

i can ust eh o
the pweor o
power of me to not care to let it go
once again to let it go once again

to try again

she didnt do anything wrong

i’m not going to let it get to me

i loe that i no longer have to care
and that i can come here
to feel the feeling of

being free and that life helps me

life hleps me do what i dneed
i need to do life helps me release attachment
life ehlps me not care

life ehlps me cut that loose

life helps me cut that loose
life ehlps me no ccare

life helps me choose to feel good for me
i choose to feel good for me i choose to enjoy my life
for me i choose to tnot let myself care i choose
to let it go i choose it o

to rlease it is i choose to move on

i choose to life up my mind and heart
i choose
to lift up my mind and heart

i choose to lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know

tat the
that the divine presence iam
is the source and
substance of all my good

it’s easy to remember the feeling

it’s easy to remember the feeling
the flow the feeling the power of me its eay to

to remember the poweer of me the poweer the poweer
of me the power of me the power of me

the power of the power of met ehd
its esy

to sink back into the power ofme
to the focus ofm e its eay

to sink back in to the

to rmeme
to rememer the power of m

to remember the power of me and i know that life

helps me dot hat i knwo that
the conrast

elps the contrast helps me focus the
the contrast helps me focus

and i know the power of m i know the power
of the choice i know its onl y

ever me its only eve the feeling
its only ever the feeling

its only
ever the feeling its only ever the feeling
its esay to remember the feeling to

take responsilibyt of the
the feeling its esay

easy to take responsibility for
how i feel for the vesion i create

its easy to make the magick vv
version its easy to make the love version
to live the love version to remember th

love version to love myself
for how for

far ive come its easy to love myself
for how

how far ive come

the power of methe power of me

the power of me the power of me
the p

seed planting the
celebrating the

celebrating the



attention that ccreates
is the power of me h
the attention that ccreates
is the power of me the

the attention that creates
is the power of me

the feeling of me the feeling of me
is all there is and i know it for a fact

the feelnig of god here and now
the feeling of knwoing the
feeling of secureity
the feeling of god
the feeling of god the

feeling of god the feeling

of god the feeling of god is here now the
feeling of god is here ano

now that’s all there i

all i can ever do is th

is feel the feeling iw ant to feel
all i can ever do is feel the
feeling i want to feel and i bless

everything that happened

and i am here now i am
only here and n

here and now i can only ever be here
and now with the magick
the magick of the

the particles i can only ever
be here and now with the magick of the particles

with the magick of fhte
the feelnig o

of certainty the feeling of knowing the
feeling of gratitude for what is the feeling

of knowing that life just keeps getting better
of getting
to eelb

celebrate my good life

my good fortuen my good night
knwoing that everything is unfodling in my favor

i get to choose teh feeling now get to
celebrate the feelgn

feeling now and dont have to beat myself up
because god loves me

god knowis

knows that im perfect athti
that i’m doing everything right
god loves me immensely

i’m here and i’m focused im feeling the feeling

feeling the feeling i knwo the feeling of me
the feeling of awareness the feeling of

of eys i know the feeling of yes

i know the feeling of yes

i know

the fee

i know the feelling of me i know the
feeling of me i know the

i know the feeling i kow the
feeling and i know im’

i’m either feeling it or i’m not
that’s all there is

and life helps me learn that over and over
i get to choose teh

side of the wave i prefer
i get to focus on the good prat

the good part the good

part the good part the
good part the
good part

the good part
i get to focus on the feeling

the feeling that’s all there is
the rest

is made up i know the feeling is the only real thing

and i alawy

always have it im the sourcce im the
source of infinite ove
loe and i and i love that i can always return to that

wellspring int he here and now

i never have to run it back i
never have to

wonder i can love here and now
i can

i can love this
ehre and now celebrate this here and now

knwoing that it is returning to cetner
to feeling of celebrating god

im here celebrating god and life
hels me

helps helps me do it life ehls

hellps me do it life
helps me do it

life helpls me feel the feeing
i either feel the feeling or i dont
and i know that

i know all there is is the feeling
the feleing of connected to god

the feeling of co
kknwoing the feeling of celebrating life
of c

celebrating the power of me
if ully

celebrat the powwer of me
i celebrate love

celebrate the poweer of me

te feeling of m
the feeling of letting

go the feeling of knwoing the truth
of celebrating the truth

of celebrating the truth

celebrating the truth
the feeling of me and i never
have to run

i get to sink into the feeling
of certainty the feeling of certainty

and life helps me dothat
thank you to life
for hleping

me sink intot he feeling of certainty
of knowing
of unwaivering


helps me sink into

i know i know
becuse lif reflecs me

i feel it now i feel it
now i feel the

feeling i feel the feelnig
i feel thea feeling
and i know thats all life is

the feeling or not the feeling

on or off

god or not god

god or not god
and im god right here and now
and i nkow that i

i am the source of the god feeling
of the god knwoing

i am the knower

i am the one and only creator of me
and i knowthis

thank you

for the power of me for the feelng of me

for the feeling of me for the feeling of me
the feeling of me for the feeling of me

for the feeling of me here and now the
feelng of me here and ow i nkow its only

grateful to keep the flow flowing

graefl to feel the here and now
to keep my power to not give w

away my power to remember the power of me

say yes to the power of me to remember

cleebate the power of me to knwo tis the feeling ofme
to know tis the
feeling of me tis the feeling of me t

to celebrate feeling good to
celebrate feeling how i want to feel

to celebba
celebrate feeling how i want to feel it
feels good to feel good to choose to
feel good to look

for reasons to feel good
to allow myself to feel good to be happyy
here and now

to allow life experience to teach
to allow life
to teach

to feel th center of me
the power ofme o feel

secure in the ower of me
in the pwoer of

god so grateful to feel secure in life
to feel good in life
to feel happy in my life

so grateful to feel happy in my life

so greatdfful to know my power to know the power of me to
know the power ofme to now the
power ome

of me so grateufl to know

to knowt he power of me so
grateful to know the power of me
to feel the power of me to feel good

to feel good now
to feel good now to feel the

feleing here and not to know the
feelign th

the feeling is all there is the
feelng is all there is

the feeling is my proximity to god
the feelng is my proximity to god

its the god viewpoint and i love that im practiced i love
that im allowing that i know how to surrender to life that i now how
to say yes to life i say
yes t life here

here and now here and now i say yes to lfie
tot he feeling of lfe

life here an dnow

thank you for all the abundance in my life
so graetful my life
is flowingso

so grateufl the flow is flowing i lfoe the
i love the flow flowing through me i love the
flow flowing through me

i love knwoing god in the moemtn i love tha t
i ge tto feel the feeling in the moment

i love that i get to feel the feeling in
the moment i love that

i get to feel the feelig now that i know the feeling now
that tis easy to focus the
feelin now
now that i know eveyrhitn ig

is in the flow that they can rearrange my appointement
the clouds can do anything i know the clouds are on my sid e
i say ye i say yes to the flow
to fht
the flow of well
being flowing through me

the flow of well being flowing through me


the magick of life here and now and i know
its in me its in the feeling of me i know the fee

its in the feeling of me i know the magick of life
is in me i

the feeling ofme here and now
the feeling of me and tis the only work
i love that i get to feel it get to hoose
cchoose it get to know ti get to

practice it i love that life helps me i love that
i knwot he feeling and i ge tto cele

celebbrate it its the feeling of knwoing god is on my side

tis the feeling of knowing god is on my sdie

its the feeling of knowing god is on my side its the
feelng of kowing knowing god is on my side
its the feeling of knowing god is o

is in my favor all of life is on
in my favor i get to

choose the feeling here and now in

every oment moment i get thco
to choose the feeling here and now in
every moment
i get to choose the feeling here an dnow
in every moment

i get to feel it now the
feeling is me i am the source

it snot hi
nothing outside of me and i never hav
to wait
to feel it ih
its h

its here and now it
and its god i know i am the one and only
creator i know

proximity to god is all there is
its not outside of me its never outside i

of me i know the truth of life
i have found the secet to life

i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world and place my
entire focus on the god within

as the only cause of my prosperity
i never have to i never have to i never have
to wonder i ne

i never havet o wait to feel the god feelng
because is always right ehre and now
with me

here and ow i never have to wiat to feel the
god feeling
i never havet o wiat to feel

to feel the god feelng i am god i am the creator
and i get to choose knwoing i am the
creator and i get to choose knowing

the magick of life flowing through me and i know it
becausee i am it

i knwo that god and life are always perfectly

flowing perfecltyt
through me i love that i know it and i get to
choose it i
know it i
and i get to choose it

beuca i am the sourcce i love that
life alreayd wroekd out for me

i love that life
already worked out for me i love
that life already worked out for me

i love that life already worked out for me
i love that life

is always working out for me and i knowt hat
that i get ot celebrate
ti that i get to feel it
flowing through me
that i get to feel ti

flowing through me

that i get to feel ti flowing thourh
me get to know it
here and now ige tto feel the
feeling of knwoing it