
to get to choose how i want to feel
to get to

choose to feel abundant

get to choose to feel grateful
to have so much to be grateful for to
have so much to be
grateful for to have so much to be grateful for

so grateful for the magick
life so grateful everything went my way

so grateful its so easy to dictate
whats going to happen

grateful its so eay to choose to practice
looking for what i want to

see so graetfulf or the magick all around me

for the magick of choice
that i get to choose right now

that i get to choose love right now
that i get to choose

love right now i
get to choose love right now

the magick of dropping i
of knowing its not real of knwoing
there’s nothing to

gain i know there’s noting

nothing to gain i know i have nothing to gain
nothing to gain

and the more i practice the


that feeling in every moemnt when
i caatch moyse

myself looking for something to gain
i remember that ther

there’s nothing to gain

i ge tto feel good i get
to feel good i get to
feel good i

get to

noting to gain is the only feeling to seek

nothing to gain is the only feeling to seek and its
so g

easy tof fine to find

i’m happy h
im happy im happyin

im happy and in love i
and in love

in loe

in love with nothing
in love with love

life flowing through me
i nlove

in loe wthin
with god i

im in love withi god and i know thatsa a
ll there is
my prosiximng to

my proximity to god is all inedd

my proximitn
to god is all ineed and id id a al ot
i truend it around a lot today and
i alove myself for that

i love myself for my emotni maturign

i love how far ive come i iloe

i love taking my poer back

i love that i know the pwoer of me
i love that it

it work i love that that the
it works i love that
that i

its only ever me and i know that

its easy to turn the boat if i can turn
the boat so many times ont he hardes da

hardest day

i can do it any time
i know its easy to turn the boat
and i dot

it all the time i nkow its easy to turn
the boat i know it can do it

in every moment and i love doing it
its h

what i say it is right now life is whatever i say it is right now

i know i do need to make a choice
because i’m tired of resisting and i kn

need to say yes to life
to love i say yese to love i say yes to love i

say yes to love i say
yes to loe i say

yes to love

to the center of my vortex and i know its
and its easy to

join it to become it to say yes to it
to practice

to notice and practice

to notice the person that i am
to notice thep erson the
athat i am

to notice the prson t
the perosn that tha

i am allowing myself to be that life isa

is allowing me to be that life isf lowin

flowing through me to be and is up to me
to lookf f

for what i want to see

to look for what i want to see

i release it all and that is my
powerr i a ocme haere
ehre and i cleanse

cleanse it and im getting better
im getting the practice back
im cr

dropping it easier im
dropping it easier

im dropping it easier

im dropping it eaiser

releasing it easiesr
im be

getting back in tothe pracitc
ei know

i know life goes in and out and i
trust the in and out of it i

trust the in and out of live
i gr


trust the breath ofl ife
i tr

trust the in and out of everything

i am aware of the ppers

person i am aware of the person i am
aware of the person

i am

i am the person i really am
and i do the work
to allow

allow that i do the work to

allow that i

eery day

i forgive mysef for acting out

love myself i love myself for needing love for wnating llov e

i know it just wnats love too
i know it needs love too

i love that i can come here and remember

its me and b
get in a a go d
a good mood i can
come hera dn get
in a good mood and know that drives

and everything else
is akd

the contracea

hleps me focus helps me ask

im here for a reaoisn ima here to do thai

this work this
this work this wok this

the feeling work the knwoing work the god work th e the power of me work the power of me t

work the knowing woek the knowing work the knowing working

the knowing work

why am i here to remember the

truth of life
i come

here to rememberr that is

tis not otside
outside of me nothing is nout
outside of me

i come here to rem

feel the relief of remembering that
nothing outside of me is the source
and hti is

is the only fee

thing i need to knwo a
dn when i remember that i sink back

meaningless bliss

thats the part i miss
thats the part i need that i know
im missig the only thing missing is god
and i kno that the ocn
contrast helps me ask i know that life loes me i know that god loves me
i know that god loves me

iknow that god loves me

i love this work
because its true

and its me its only p to me
how i fee if i fele the

magick that
then life i is magick and
thas’ all ther is
i trust everything that is
i trust eveything that is right nwo

i trust everything that is
becaus it helps me be the perosn i want to be

it helps be

me be the ers

perosn iw ant to be

the perosn i want to be it helps me


this work remembering
doing ti

walking the walk

walking the walk
doing thei

taking responsiblity for how i fele

knwoing its me its me its how i feel tis
how i feel i

only i can decide how i feel ti
i know that i now that its me

me only i can decide how i feel i

every time i just release
and that’s all i can do i love that
i know this i nkow the

feelig i know the feeling
i know the feeling and
as along
as i feel the feeling first life has to reflect it

i know this i know this

i know life is going my way
and everything is going in my
favor i know

that life reflects that i know that
all of life

reflects that i know tis
only ever me

its only ever me

the release every time
of the rubber band because that
part isn’t real and the
feeling i think

i will get from that is
alread right

here withme and i dont need that
and i nkow that i dont have

to think about it i love that my power

is in not thinking about it not caring
i know that my power is in not ccaring
and i love

that i get oth
to refuse to care i love that i get to

to do it in the air i love that i
get to do it in the si

air i love that i tha
gt to
get to do it in the air

thank you for the feeling of god

thank you for the god self for
the knwoing

for the practice
all i can do is come here and practice

all i can

do is come here and practice
all i can do is come here and pracice


letting it all go

practicing the power of me thep oer of me

i know the pwoer of mt he
the contrast helps me choose the power of me

the inner world

the magick feeling the magick feeling is all there is
the magick feeling is all there is

the feeling is all there is and today im devoted to the feeling
the feeling is all ther eis

and today im devoted to it
today i will have a good day

today is a day to ccelebrate knowing that
its all in the air its all in the air when i allow it

when i allows i i know that its lal in the air i know that

the magick feeling is all there is
the magick feeling is all there is

the feeling of knowing that everything is god and that
everything is

is changing in ever second to

arrange around my expectation
and i nkow this is fact

i know that this is fact
i know the

that eveything is always changing according to my expectation
what i look for

i know that what i look for i see
and its up to me
i know that what i feel
i see

i know that wheat

what i feel insdie is what i see outsid
ei know the feeling the magick feeling the knowing feeling

the feeling that all i have to do is choose
and then it is

all ic an ever do is choose and then it is
and i get o feel the feeling as if it
already is because once it is insie
it is outside

the magick feeling the knowing feeling
and ic ome here to practicce it

because i know it and i nkow that h
the more i feel for it the easier it is to feel
and i nkkow that the only thing i can
ever do

is feel that feeling ig et to choose that
feelign ig et ot choose the

that feeling that magick feelin and
i get to choosee it now i get ot

choose it now i get to

to choose it now the feeling now the god self
now the magick life now i get to choose
the magick feeling now the feeling of knwoing now

the divine presence i am

the divein presence I AM
is the sourcce and substance ofa ll
all my good

the magick feeling is here wth m

with me and i know it i now the magick of life
i now the flow of life i know the


feeling of life i knwo the feeling of truth
i nkow the feeling of truth

today i renounce my hunamnhood

i had limited the unlimited
but no more

the god feeling the god self the god self
i know the god self i know the god feeling

i know the god feeling is all there is
i know i never havet o lim

limit the unlimited
i knowt hat everything is possible
whe i get to out of the way

i know the only control is letting go
i know that

my only control is allowing life toflow
through me knowing that its always in my favor

always making the choice

i know the feeling of me and that i get to choose it
no matter what i know the god feeling and i know

the feeling of limiting the unlimited
i know i never have to limit it
i know that i can just choose the

to feel the
magick of it i can always choos the feeling
and i can even celebrate

what i odnt have

wnat because it haleps me know what i do want
even what i dont want helps me know what i do want

and today i am focused on the version i prefer

today i look for the version i prefer
and i know the feeling of it iand
and i know the

practicce of it and i know i can do it i know i have the
power to look for the vversion i prefer i know i

i love that ig et ot choose it today that
i get to che

to celebrate it today that i get to live
today knowing that god is on my side

god is lavish unfailing abundance

my life is lavish
unfailing abundance

the ricch omnipresent substancce of the universe

this all providing sourcce
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me
the reality of me

i lovee that i now it
none of it is real and its all just for fun
i love that

i get to choose to feel good now i love that
ig et to choose to feel good

i get to choose to feel the feeling iw ant to feel
get to choose to say this is what i prefer
and know its going to ahppen

just like that
im so grateful to remember the real power of me
to use the real power of me
to use the real

power of me to celebrate the real poweer of me
right now
here and ow

i know that life is on my side i now that all of life
is on my side i know that og d

god loves me and is doing everything for me
i know that everything else is fake i know that

what i seek the feeling i seek that feeling i seek
is already right here and now

i know the feeling of knwoign i know
the feeling of acting as if
i know that my deram

dream was real
i know that my dream is real
i know that life is good i

i love that i get to celebrate it i love that
i get to celebrate it i loet hat
i get to

celebate it i love that
i get to no olong limit the unlimited

ii get ot celebrate the god in my life
i get to

celebrate this day

no more
no more will i limite the unlimited
today i

i celebrate the god feeling
i celebrate god celebrating me

the work always works

i love that i dont have to ccare
that i can always return to my bliss i can always

return to my bliss i can always
return to my bliss

my reasonless bliss i can alays be
happy here and now here and now here and now


i can always be happy here and now here and now
i can always choose the feeling here and now here andow

and now here and nnow

here and now here and nnow here and now
i know its only ever me i know its only ever me

i can always get in the vortex and then
i can always release i can always choose not to care

and i really don’t because i an

can always find joy in myself i have the joy in myself
because i am the sourcce

so i trust the flow i trust the flow of well being

i trust the flow of welll being i trust
the flow

the flow of well ge
being i trust the flow the feeling i ow tis me i now no

matter what i am what im doing its me

i know its only eb
ever me

and i love that i don’t have to care
i love that i can always find my vortex

first i can always find the vortex first
and allow life and allow life to fllow

follow i can always find the vortex first adn

and allow life to follow i say yes to everything that happnes
i say yes to everything that happens

i say yes to the flow to the feeling
i get to in the vortex and then

i get to in the vortexand

and then i get to in
in the vortex and then i get tin
in the vortex and then i get

in the vortex and then

becaue i really dont care and i love
that i odnt have to i love that i always

live for me i love that i can
live for me i love
that i can

live for me i love that i can live for me i love that
i can live for me i love

i can always catcch the feeling
i can always remember the feeling i can

lways remember the feelig i can
always remember the feeling sink into the feelin

all i can ever do is sink into the feeling
i want to feel that is the only wat

way to see what i want i know this is fact

i know this is fact
that only way to experience the life wi

i want to see is choose the feeling i want to feel first

i choose it now and then life is that way
i get to choose it now and then lie is that

life is that way

life is that way

i choose it now i choose it now i ask myself is
that what i yo

what you want i do the work to be
ther pweros the pweroins

person i want to be i allow myself
to be the er
person the person i want to tmbe
the p

the person i know ia m i am the perosn i knwo i am

the it i know the
i am the god self i the
feeling the feelinng
of what i prefer is all there is

i love doing this work the only work i love
doing the only work

i love that i
get to do this work

remember who i am

i intend

i am fun to be around
i am fun i am fun to be with i am

i have a good attitude
i am easy going i am easy going i am easy goiing

i am fun to be around
i dont let things things get to me
im easy
im happy im ahppy

im happy i dont let anything get to me

i dont let anything take me out
of my votex

vortex away from my truth

i pratcie


the magick life enjoying the magick life
enjoying the magick life and
i love that i get to
that ig et ot to slip in

that i get to slip in that i get to rememberin
tis gett

godot gog

good to feel e

good its easy to feel good
its easy to be awarae of the

of the waords words coming out of my mouth

its easy to be
aware of the version i ma cre

craeting its to be aer

aware of how i feel its eay to
practice how if ea

want to feel

its easy to be brave enough to look for what
i want to see its easy to be

brave enough to look for what i want to see

im looking for what i want to see im

im looking for what i want to see i
looking for what i want to see

and i love that its that esay to

to flip the switch i love that its that easy
to flip the


the magick life the flow life
and i know it i i nkow it

and im tuned to it i lm
im looking at it i m

im allowing it to flow through me


i am aware of who i am
i am the magick life

i am what life causes me to ask for

i am what life causes me to ask fo

i know that i just have to ask
and its given

i know hat i
create it with the feeling

i love that i know that its that
easy t

its that easy to flow thr

float through life with certainty
knowing that everything is going my way

is that easy to know
to be aware of the perosn i am
of the word s i use

i am aware

of the version i create
is that what you want

is that what you want

and i am brave enought o c

create the verison the version i prefer

so grateful for this beautiful day

so grateful to wake up feeling good so grateful for
a wife who loes me so grateful for our house so gratefl
to feel good to feel the flow to feel the
flow to feel the flow

to feelthe god slef flowing so grateufl to feel the god self
flowing to
feel the fog
god self flowing

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on
the god within as the only cause of my rpsoperty

so grateful for ths da
this day for the flow of life for the flow
of life for the energy of life

flowing through me

today i intend to feel the power of me
the knowing ofme the certainty of me

today i intend to feel the certainty of me
today i intend to feel good now

today i intend to feel good now

i intned to feel good now

i know i’m here to remember what i know and that is
the energy of me i know the enregy of me of and

and i’m so grateful i get to feel it i get to
feel the energy of me i get to feel
the g

the god self today today i get to rememer the god self
teh feeling of letting go


the feeling of letting life come to me
today i allow life to come to me

today i allow life to come to me to come to me

today i get tofeel the energy of god the celebrate

toda i get to celebrate what i dkknow
today i get to choose how i feel today i get to chooes

to feel good today i get to choose the god self
today i get to

feel the energy of life flowing through the
the energy of god today i gt t

get to choose knwoing i loe that today i get to
choose knowing today i get to choose knowing

today i get to choose teh god selff

today iget to cchoose the enryg of lie
today i get to choose
the enregy of life flowing through me today

i get to choose kwnoing

so grateful to feel good today to wake up feeling good
to feet

feel the flow of lfie to feel the god self
with me here and now to fel the magh

the magick of lie i feel the magick of life i loe that
ig et to feel it i ove that i get to feel the
feelng now i get

i get to choose the feeling now

today is a day for the choice today
is a day to allow the god self to flow throug me

to celebrate the knowin that i am the one and only

today is a day to live subjectively
to choose in each moment the version i prefer

to choose in each moment the version i prefer
and allow it to flow through me today

today i get to choose today i get to choose
the cous

the sourcce within i get to align with the source wthin
within and know that its nothing outside of me
i love that i get to choose k

knowing i get to choose teh god the god self i get to choose
the god self i get to choose the god self i get to

choose the poer
the power othe

the power the power of me the powerr of me
the powerr of me

the god self flowing through me

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuously

easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciosness

i know this i know that god is always pouring forth through me

i know that all my wishes are coming grue

trued i

i know that life loves me and i know that everything is
in my v

my favr i
favor i know that the feeling drives everything
i know that the

the feeling drives life and all ic an ever
do is feel for the feeling of

connected to day

to god

of releasing everything else and
remembering that ti

tis only ever god
its only ever god its only ever my proximity to god

that drives my life

and i know this is true

i feel the feeling of release i feel the
feeling of knwoing

i feel the certainty of life
i celebrate the certainty of life i celebrate
the certainty of life i c

today i reach for the feeling
today i

sink into the feeling today i
remember the feeling

of me of pure awareness

i know the feelig i know the god self i know the
god self i know the god self

the feeling of releasing the rubber badn

the feeling of releasing the rubber band
and allowing y

my attention to fall back to center
so grateful to get to
so grateful to et to

feel the release to feel the release of certainty

so gratful to

grateful to feel the release of certainty

the feeling of certainty is all there is
feeling of knwoing is all there is

the feeling of certainty is all there is

therefore i am totally confidnet
in letting go and ltt

letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiendy
in my life and affairs

i love that i get to feel it get to c

choose it i love that today i get to choose the
feeling i prefer i love that today

get to choose teh feeling of relesae

and i get to choose it every time
and i love that i now hat i always se

see the affects of the pracctice

i love that i get

can let it go i love that i can releaase it and i know that
life flows to me
i know that it alreays fo

flows to me to

so grateufl to know today to be in a place of knowing
of feeling good fof eeling rested

of feeling blessed of knowing how truly blessed i am

knowing that iam the source

i know the power of me

of the feeling of the choice i know the power of the choice
to feel good and i’m the sourcce

i love that i don’t have to care

grateful to be set free
grateful to not ccare

grateufl to be aware br

grateful to be aware

grateful to be set free
grateful to see bl

clearly grateful to choose me
to choose me and how i want to feel

grateful to choose me grateful to choose to choose me
gratful to be

set free grateful to choose not to care
gratful to

grateful to feel freeot
today i feel free today i feel free today i feel

the power of me today i feel the power of me
and all i can do is trust

i get to choose freedom i get to choose the sweeet smalle

smell that sweet taste
the swwet

sweet breath of freedom and today i get to do hwat i want

whatever i want to day i gt

this work si is all there is i knnow that this
work is all there is i kow that i can come here and feeel
my feelings feel my


feel my hurt feel my anger feel my resentment

feel the knowing that im over reacting and there much
must be something deeper

feel my feeling feel my feelings

i feel hurt i feel upset i feel disrespected
but i know its not ture and that ‘s the weird part is
i dont believe it but it cuse

a riff

it caused a riff and it makes me not want to be
around that person
to put myself in the postion
to be talked about

like that
to be talked to like that

i feel hurt i feel really hurt
i feel disrespected

i feel

i feel disgusted
i feel put off

i feel repulsed
i feel repulsed

the transmutation

i would rather not care

i prefer to not ccare
i prefer to not ccare what ah
happens i prefer to laught i prefer to laugh

i prefer ot to ccare i prefer to feel the
feeling of relief i prefer to allow my heart to sing

i prefer to celebrate life and its that easy
i am ccelebrating life and all of life
is going my way i know

i love that i know life that life
is going my way i love that i know life is oging my way

the only work

i love doing the only work knwoing its not the physcial work

knowing nothing is physical
god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this alll providing
today i get to do the only work
feel the only feeling feel theen

the energy of god flowing through meot
today i get to fee the energy of god flowing through me
the energy of god

flowing through me

i love that i get to feel the feeling and that is all there is
i love that i know no one can take it from me
i love that the

contrast thlpe
heps me focus on who i really am
on what i really am and i love that ig et to feel
it i love

i love the magick of life i love that i can
always choose the feelng i love the magick of lfie i love
the magick of life i love

that i get to cchoose it that i get to choosee the falo
flow that i get to choose the good lfie
that ig et to cchooset he magcik
life i get to choose the god feelign i get to chooset he

feeling in everysituation
and that is the seccret to life

the magikc work the flow work the god self the
god flowing through me so grateful for the god flowing
through me so

grateufl for the god self flowing htrough me

so grateufl for the feeling of god the feeling of the flow

grateufl for the feeling of the flow
so gratefulfor t

for the feling

feeling of knwoing for thefw
the feeling of knwoing that ig et to choose

grateful i dont hae to care

grateful i dont have to care

i keep my mind and thouhts off this wrod
world and place my entire forucs
focus on the go wthin as the only cause of my


i acknoweldge the inner presence as the only activity in my
financial affaris

the substancce of all things visible

i playce

place my faith in the principle of abundance withi

in acction wihitn me

i love that i neverr have to care i love

i never have to care i love that i get to turn my attention
within i love that i am

i know ia m the osruce the sourcce and i never have to
wonder or thinki about what someone else is oing
doing i love that i never have to o

to wonder i lovee that i neer have to wonder
i love that i h

never havet o wonder to wonder i love that
ig et to choose me get to choose the feelng

get to choose the power of me i gt to choose the power of me i get
tto cchoose the poweer of me

i love that i dont have to care i love that
i get to do me i love that i get to do me to do me i love that
i get to do me

i love that my poweer is in my not cring

i love that i know i never hae to do any thing
i l

i love that i never have to take any action
i love hat i never hae to

to care i love that i no wtis not my problem
i love that i know it doesnt’ affect me at all
i love that i know i ond t

dont havet o be right i love that
i get to choose not to care i love that
i get to choose

not to care i love that i get ot just
be me i lovve tha ti get to just be ma ei love i love that
i ge tto be me i love that i love
that ig et to m

be me
i love that i
get to
chooset he god self i get to chooseteh
god self and refuse to sufffer
and i love that i know

that is the easy part
that is the fun part

there’s nnot hing fun or magickal

about trying to cotnr


imagine the feeilng of becomeing it
then seeing it

without having to take a single step

make a single move besides
the quantum leap within
i love

i love that its easy to take the quantum leap within
i lovve that i dont haveet o care

i love that itsnot
not up to me and if something
directly affects me

i loe that i dont have to care
i love that its not my problem

i love that i get to do what feels best
to me in every mometn
i love that i know the freedome

of me i choose the freedom
of me i choose the
of me i choose the feeling frst

i loe that i dont have to caree
i love

that my power is not to care i loe thet
the poweer of th
i love the power of
i love the power of me i loe that i
get to choose teh power of me i loe that i know
that god will always lead me
in the right direction i lovee that
i know this i love that

that i know that everything is always in my favor
i loe that i can c

trust that

i know hat my power is in the not caring

i love that i know that my power is not ccaring

not caring what happens
never caring what happens
just choosing the feeling evverry time

what do i prefer
to feel what do i prefer

what do i prefer

i prefer to feel aloof

i prefer to bein my vortex

i prefer to float above
i prefer to

refuse to sufer

suffer i prefer my heart to sing

i prefer my attentio to be on god no
matter where i am

i prefer celebrating life

i trust where life takes me
i trust where god takes me

so grateful to feel the magick of life flowing through me

to feel life fill me up
to get to have a good day to be
get to cne
enjoy the flow so grateufl to get to enjoy the flow of life

the magicck life to rmember the feeling the power of me
to remember that the power of me is so much more paowerful

poweerful than anything physical
so grateufl to come here to remember nothing is physical

so grateful to come here to remember nothing is physical

that eeverything is a feeling
everything is a

the particles everything is the particcles
everything is within everything is me

i kow that everything is me i nkow that eveyrhting this
is me and i know that is

its eayt o let it go its esay to let it go
it its eay to allow well being its sy

to be aware its esy to relese ite

it sesy to release its easy to release
its easy to know the energy it s

its easy to take the god right
to chooset he knowing route

easy to choose the knowing rought
route the everything is working out in my favor route

god is lavish unfailing abundance

go is lavish

lavish lavish


unfailing abundance

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
do i have the courage

to align with that feelign wth that
knowledge because that is all life is
and that is all i

ever need to remeind mm

remind myself

any other belief is made up and i love
tha i know this that eveyrhting else
is made up

i get to choose teh feeling i get to cchoose
the feeling of knowing right now
i get to

choose the eenrgy of life flowing hough
through me i ge tto

choose teh energy of knwoing that
verythign is in may

my faovr that god loes me

i get to feel good

i get to have a good day i get to fee the feeling now i
get to feel the feeling now ig et to feel the
feeling now i get to feel the feeling now i

get to celebrate life i get to allow the neergy of love
life i get to allw god i get to have a goo

today i get to have a good day today
i get to tune the self today i get to utne
tune the self today i get t

to have a good day feeling the focus of god
eeling the feeling of go

god ffeelig the love of god realzin
relaxing into the truth today i get to
realx into the truth of life

today i get to feel the feeling here andow

i get to ccelebrate life get to know that life

is working out for me get to choose love
get to

choose this work i choose this work the
feeling work i choose this work the feeling work i

i choose this work the feeling work

i get to chooe knwoing
i get to choose

god i get to choose feeling good i get to tune the self

i get to release the rest
i get to release the rest
and el

feel the god self i love that i get to i love that
i feel it rising

i love that if eel myself
feeling tuned
i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose

i get to choose and know it doesn’t matter
i get to choose the magick life

i get to choose the love life
i get to choose the magick of lie

ig et to choose celebrating life
