so grateful for this day

for this day to feel good to feel wonderful
so gratefl for this wonderful say
day so gratefl for this wonderful day d

so grateful for the god self flowing through me
so grateful to wake up feeling good

so grateful to wake up to texts so grateful
to wake up to calls so grateful
i get to chooe to feel good today i get to chooe to love
today today i get to feel good i ca

get to celebrate the day
today i get to
celebrate the day d

today i get to do the only work that matters
and i love that i ccan feel it i love that i v
can feel the god feeling flowing through me i lov e

i loe that i get to enjoy the day
i love that i get to feel good get to

feel this feeling knowing that its within me
all of life is me i know that alll of life is me
its within m e

its wihtin me its within me all of life is the way i feel
all of life is what i expect and i love hat i know this

that ig etto dhtoo
to do this work that i get to feel good that i get ot
feel th

the flow the feeling of the focus the feeling of releaseing the
rest the feeling of freedom

i love that ig et to do this work
the only work im here doing the only work

feeling work the knwoing work the its inside me work

im going t
doing the work inside me i m doing
doing the feeling work im
doing the feeling work

i am the feeling work im the flow ima
the flow flowing through me

i amt he god self flowing through m

me i am life i know that they
the way i feel is life i know that the way
i feel is life and i get to choose
to keep feeling how i want to feel

i knowt hat the

so grateful to get back to life
to feel good to feel the feeling of life being good so
grateful i knwo life is good

so grateufl i get to ccelebbrate it so graetufl
i get to feel fr

rich i get to feel wealthy i
get to choosee th feeling right now k
i know that god brings is all to me
i love

that i get to cchoose the feling o i get to choose
the feeling i get to choose

the feeling of celebating life i love that i get to choose teh feeling
of life is good i love that
i get to chooe the feeling of feeling good

so grateful for this day
so grateful life is always working out for me

so grateufl i knwo that i am god and when i feel the
feeling iw ant to feel then life arranges itself

so grateuflt o fee the feeling of feeling confident in life

in knowing whatever happens in trsuting
whatever happens

so grateufl to be here praccticing the feeling i want to feel
of not ccaring of not letting anything get to me

today no matter what happens i will know it is on my side

it feels so good to practice feeling how i want to feel
to practicce feelign the magick ofl ife flowing through me

to pracctice the feelign of truting life
of knowing life of havinga lust for life

so grateful for this day

for love for sun for a great morning
for a wife who loves me so

so grateufl for a wife who loes me
who wants to be around me
who wants to hug and kiss me and love one me

so gratefu for a wife who loves me
who wants to love and kiss and hug me
and be around me and loves me so much

so grateufl for a wife who loves me
so much so gratefl for my perfect life
with my perfect with


so grateufl for the time and space to parce the

practicce th feeling want to feel

this moment to feel good this moment to ccelebrate life

moment to be aware of all that i have
this moment to celebrate all that i havve

this moment to pracitcce th love
the love i want to feel today i amke the choic to

practicce the love i want to feel to give the love i want to d

to receive and to remember what is importatn

to remember what i ha
i already have to focus on how beautiful what i alraeyd have is

so gratefuli get to choose
so grateufl to feel the power of me so gratufl to feel the

the poer of me the power of me the

power of me to remember the power ofme

to remember to be grateful
for what i already have that i already have everything
i need and to cclut

cultivate that
focuson it

build it up

pay attention to it
water it dont neglect it

water it and make it flourish
pay attention to what you already have
before is too late

feel the gratitue for what i already have
that i already have thae

the perfect love that i already have the perfect partner
righ here besides me

i get to feel good i get to feel god i
get to py

pay attention to the god self

and i get to choose to vibat

vibrate lack i get to choose

to havve a conee

wonderful day i get to chooset o
kknow that life is on my side

i get to choos teh feeling of life is good

i get to choose teh feelin t
he feeling of life is good

i get to choose hte fthe feeling
and i know the feeling is real it is the only thing
that is real and i love that i get to choose
to feel it i loe that i
get to choose to feel the feeling

of real life

today i remember the power of me

nd and i stay focused in it i stay focused inthe flow

in the magick of the flow i know the magikc of the flow
i know the magick of the magick life and im so
grateeful i know it and i get to live it im so grateful i

get to live it i km
so gratefl i know the truth to life

i have fuoun
found the secret to life and can realx in the knoweldge
that the activity of divie abundance is eternally oprating in my life

today i get to be fun today i get to be god
today i get to allow love to flow through god

through god today i get to cchoose to feel good no matter what

remember the real sourcce
the real sourcce within me

if i ever start to look outside of me
for something i can always turn back toward the maick of life li know i knkwo the magci
of life is real and it is aly

alawys flowsing to and through me i know the magick oflife
i know the magick of god i knwo its

this is its responsibility i love that i knwo this i love that
i knwo this i love that i know the god feeling i love

that i knwo when it is

when i askk it is givne and when the contrast helps me ask
it is made right then

i now this for a fact and i now that the contrast helps me as k

ask i know that the contrast htleps me ask
i know that tgo
god is always doing everything in my faovr i knwo that

everything is always in my faovr i know its up to me
what i look for i knwo it

its up to me not to care i know the

easiest thing and

the hardest thing

is nothing
to just trust everything that is
i trust everything that is i trut the unfolding of life i t

i trust god i trust this work i trut this life

i trust me i know that i am god and that
everything is always working out in my favor i knw that ht

the feeling is always here i know that th e
feeling is always right here and

with me
inside of me i know that god is always right here
i know that god is always me

i know that is
its alawys right here with me and nothing
else is real i know t

that everything else is made up
and none of it is me i know that i always have access to the god feeling
and that is the feeling i really seek

and if im seeking outside of me
it means j

seeking god and i can get that feeling right here and now

i know that the feeling i seek is right here and that everytime
i look outsidde of me for it and i need some

someone else to give it to me it measn im looking for the
god selff the god sellf that knows im looking for the god selff that knows

that it always

already is im looking for the god self that knows it already is i

the god self that knows life
already is the way iwant it to be

that knows that feeling precedes experience and its all up
to me how i feel and then once i get to that feeling

placce once i allow that feeling placce to rise
i remember i dont need anything

to bring that feeling about and nothing ever weill



nothing will ever give me the feeling of me
and that is the feeling i seek

nothing will everr give me the feeling of me
and that is the feeling i seek

i know i am the source of loe i know i ma

am the sourcce of abundance

i am a conduit and i bing it to love
i love that i get to allow god to love through me
i love that ig et to love without expectation

i get to trustt he flow of god i get to trust
whatever hapens

i can summon god at any time i allow god alll the time

i do this work to focu onw hat i really know t
so that i can be the perosn iw ant to be

the perosn
i know i am the god self i g

do this work so i can be the god selff
i can remember the god self so i can allow the
god self to flow t

freely through me

it feels so good to make the time
to do this work to feel how iw atn to feel to

be the perosn i want to be becausee i love
myself and i love my life and i love where i am

right now

i love that life is workking out fo rm ei love
that i get to ccelebrate

i love that this work works i love that
i know tis

onlythis work i know that the only thing
i can ever do is nothing

i love doing this work and getting out of the way
i love

getting in the voortex and then i love that
having a lust for life

today i have a lust for life
today i

am love today i exucee

exude love for no raosn
today i havve a good day

today i know that the divvine presence
i am

is the source and subtance of all my good

the divine presencce


is the sourcce and substance of all my good

i love invintin the magick back into mylife
i love

remembering the god in my life
i reme

remembering its alll god i kl
i love remembering its all subjective in the moment i love htat
im making the movie as it unfolds

i’m in the flow

i’m in the flow and i love myself i lov myelf
i love making the choice and knowing
and its that easy

its that easy to have a good life its ehat
that easy to make the hcoic eand not look outsie of me
its that easy to bliess the contrast that helps me


hleps helped me focus
its that easy to find any way to feel good becaus ithat
that is the real powe that s i
is my real power and i bless the contrast that
helps m eremember my real pwoer that helps me focus
into my real power

its jut a thoughts
and its not real and my power is flipping every thtought

every mo
emotion its ea its treal
really easy and i know ti
that its i teh secret to live i know i am
the one

and only creator and its easy to chooe the feeling i prefer
right now and know its comeing

i know it aleays does i know the feeling of not caring
is right here
in the even horizone

i love making progress
i love making

progress i love feeling the effects of the procat

i love feeling the effects
i love returning to who iam rem

remembering who ia m i love rmeme
remembering who ia m
i love

remembering who ia m i love remembering who i m

i love htat i know its just a pa
pattern of thought i love remembering i love
remembering i love rememr

that its all fake i love that i know i love hta t
i ge tot love tit
let ti all go and tj
jsut rutst life i love that its
itsa eay to trust

it’s easy to keep up the good work

its easy to keep up the feeling and not drop it its
easy tot ak
trm it around so grateful to turn it around

so grateufl for the focus to make the choice to be
the personi want to be so gratefult o make the choice
the cohice to

be the power ther person i want to be and that ic an
i know that i can believe in myself that
i can be the perosn iw ant to be

that i can let it go that i can choose not to care that
ic an be easy going that ic an
i can enjoy life ic an tturst the flow of life that i can xhoos choose not care

and i can release it sall in this here and now
and remember who ia m in this momen t

i praise myself for letting it go i prai
i preasei myself fot he pthe the ower of me the
i know tis it s only this work i know tis ony ever this work its

only eer
i love thati
ond tha

care and i can always come right
here and not care i love that
life teaches me i love that life

teaches me i love

this work the only work this fitness the only fiteness and i get to choose it
i get o rlea

release the rest and know that go a

god always comes and whatever happens ha
whatever happnes whate

whatever happens whateer

happens is perfect i know that whatever

i remeber who i am remember who ia m
i know who i am and
i know the the tru

the real me i know the real me i know the
real me i know the

the real me i know the era
real me i know the real me i nkow the
the real me
i knokw the

the real me i knowt he i now the ght
tothe god self the god self
and yes i kn

trust eveything

its only me its only me its only me
ti sonly the feleing its

its all a
an outpiciturig

its tnot not real i know that not of it is rea
l i nkwo i know that nothing is real i know that
nothing is real i know that i ca

get to chooe the feeling gna
and i love when i get to choose it i love when i get to choose it i love when i gt to

to choose it

i choose it now anf for not reason and i loe t
aht i can co
do it any
in any momren moment i love that i know
i dont have to care i love that
i don
have to care i love

that i can lallo

releasea the cork that i get to do this work
every day i get to do this work ge
every day i get to co di
get to do thisw owrk

every day ige tt
get to do this work i get to do thies
this work i get to do this

work and this is the only work
and i get ot do to
to od i

and i feel for it fmore every day
i feel for it more every day
i feel gof
for it every day

i dont care i dont care i dont care i love feeling
good i love feeling go i love

feeling the flow i ilove that god helps me do this work
i love the choice i love flippig the siwthc

i love the powerr of me i love that i know tis just
a preacitc ei love that i know ic an do it i love
that icm
im creating it every moemtn i love that i dont
care i a

i love that i am a
aware i love that i’m ehre doing this work iw love that
im kaing making nwe wew work i love that life is good for me

im feeling myself and i don need a reason

i’m feeling myself and
i dont need a reasoins i
im feeling myself and i dont need a reaosn

i dont need a reason i dont need a reson
i love that i get to i love that i get to li loe tha i
i love hat i get to i love that

that i get to i love that

that’s the part i know for sure is
i get to choose it rith

right now rei
right this secod i choose it with eht
the feeling and nothing else ec

creates lifei know this and i choose it
it right now its so easy to choose it
and to keep


keep up the practicce its so easy to choose it
and keep up the practice its so easy to choose i

it sso

so easto
to chooe it itts so easy to choose it for me
and never wonder to empyt
myself of eveyrthing that is not the real me
its so eay to let it all be

go becausee its not real its so eay


so easy to let it all be
go because its not real

the only work the only

work tis its eay to keep up the only work the only work the

its easyt o
to keep up the only work
its easty to
feel good nowt o feel good now to

everything now ro

to remember that its all fakea
and noone of it matters and its so eay

to remember that ein every omemtom
moment tnat that is how i want to live

i wnat to live in the magick life i want to live wth
god flowing through me
i dot need
anything outsodie
of kem
and i know that the feeling i want
i the f

the feeling i seek is right here with me
right now i love remembering tha i dont have to canre
acna practicig not caring
i lvoe that i get to practice

not caring

the work always works

the work is all there is the
feeling is all there is and im so grateful to

relax into that into know do
so grateful to relax into knowing again
to let it all god

let it all god to let itall
god so grateufl to let it go let life god let life god im

so grateufl to let life god

i release everything to
god and celebrate this here and ow
so greateul

the feeling of me the feeling of the

i know the feeling i knwo the releif i know the

relief i know th

releif i know the awrenes i know the
feeling i knwo the knoweldg
i know the feeling i knwo the feeling i know the

feeling i knwo the certainty
the certainty

the feeling the relese
the knowing a
the releasing to god te releasing to god

i feel the feeling i feel the feeling o
i feel the feeling of yes i feel the feeling
of knowing if eel

i feelt he god sel f
i feel
the god slef i feel the knwoing the s
the knowing self i feel the knowing
self and i asay

say yes to tit
i feel the knwoing self and i say yes
to it i

i feel the nkowing kn
the knowing sel fi am the knowing
the fsel fthe god self i am the knowign self

knwoign the
the self the knowig self

the flowing self the god self i return
to the knowing tself

to flowing easself

to the ease and
flow self to tha paying

i am aware ia m aware of the words i say
of what i riti

criticize others for
i knwo its up to me to create the version i prefer
and look for the version i prefer
i know its up to me

look for the ersion ersion i the version i prefer

i know the work i know the feeling i know

i know i know the truth

i have foud the secret to life and
can releax

relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow the radiation

of creative energy which is continuoulsy
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from your divine consciousness

i am now awea i am now in the flow

i know who i am i know what iam i kow the version i create i know what
i look at i know its up to me what i talke about
waht i c

create what i expect i know its up to tme what i

expect i knw its up to me what i expect

thank you for the flow ffor the
feeling the feeling of yes the feeling of knowing the feeling of knowit

the feeling of knowithe feeling of hye s
yes the

of yes the tuning in tapping in trning on of
yes of the feeling of the
yes the
thef eeling the feling the feeling of yes

i love where i am right now i love
that i get to feel good nwo i love that
i get to feel good i love that
i get to

feel good nwo i

i lovve that
i get to feel good nwo i ilove

that i get to feel good now get to feel the god self
get to rememer the god self i love
relesae ing all the rest and feelting
the god self rise

i love releaseing all the reast
and lla

alling the god self to reis
i releaes all the f
and allow the god self to reis


i know i am hre i am hi
i m

i m here i am here feeling the feeling what feeling

what feeling what feeling am i feeling

the feeling of not caring what happnesthe fee

feeling of trusting what happnes
fo feeling secure in this r
here and now
the feelig

of bliss becausee life is working out my way
the feelong

feeling of love because i allow myself to
feel lov
i allow myself to love i a

i allow myself to love i allow myself to love

release all of it
to remember none of it matters

the feeling of remembering none of it matters
nothing matters that i release all of it

the feeling of releasing all of it the
feeling of nt not caring

the feeling of not caring the feeling
of not

not caring the feeling o not
ot caring the

feeling of not aring the feeling of letting it all go
the feeling of allowing god the bliss of allowing
god the bliss of knwoing tapping into the bliss of knwoing

intot he flib
the bliss of love so gratefl to chooe love and
and see it reflected to
so graetful to ch

i feel the god self i feel the knowing i feel
the release i feel the trusting

of liv

life i feel the power to look for what i want to see
and i know that is the

that is my powe feeling for the feeling i prefer
and i love that i know how i to so id
to do it i ilove that i get to feel the

good i love that i know the feelign i ove that
i know the bettet it
gets i love that i know i

i love thet the feeling is back i love that
i get to feel good i lo e that
i get to feel good

that i get to ccelebate life i know i knowthat life is good

i love that i know and i get to celebrate knowing
i loe that i et to celebrate knowing god sna di
and its so easy i ilove that

i can always come back to know to knowing what to lok for
what to feel that i get to choose how i feel and
acan alwayc o

the only work

the only relief is coming back to god is coming bacck to god
i know the feeling of coming back to god i know the
celebration of god that flows through me

all times i love that iget to
have a good t
day and i get to choose it now ig et to have to a
a good day and i get to choose it now i

i get to choose the ease and flow
of life i get to choose knwoing i get
to chooset eh feelnig of the wish fulfilled

i know the feeling of knwoing i know the feeling that
preccedes experience
i know the feeling i know that i can always just choose to
feel the feeling iw ant to feel and then
it is

i kow the feeling of me i know the feeling of me
i know the feeling of god within me

i kwo the feeling of god within me
i love tdoing this work and tuning myself and slipping into the vortex

the release today i get to feel the release today
i get to allow myself to enjoy what ive made today i g
et to asy yes today i

to do thw ek
the work today i get to do the work

i know who i am i know what i am i know the
feeling of me i know the feeling of knwoing

i know the feeling of knwoing i know the feeling i
get to cchoosee i know
that the feeling creates i know that this feeling
creates and i get to

rest in it i get to relax in it
i get to rest in the fact that this feeling
of knowing this
feeling of trusting god is all there is

and that everything reflects it

everything reflects the level of god in my life
reflects god and i knowt hat

i lovejust existign
i love

getting out of the way i love that life
already worked out for me
i love that im here ccelebrating
i love

that it always ccomes back abour
aroudn i love that i know i am loved i love that i know

i am loved i kno
i know the feelig of gods love and thas’s
that’s all there is i know the feeling
of gods love and that’s all there is

i love that i know this i love htat
i get to ccelebrate it i love that
i get to feel it i love the
better it gets i love the

the better it gets i love that i get ot hve
have fun i love that
llife is good i love that
llife is good

i love that i know god loes me i love that i
get to celebrate this day i get to
celebrate this day

i can breathe i can breathe because i know i
i know i kno god i know the god self
within gm

me i can relaex into the god self withim
ei get to

relex into the god self within me
i know the god self i know the god slef

i releax into breath
i realx into all there is

i relax intot he god self
ito fd

remembering me find me i relax into me i real
into me

i reelas
i releas

i remember

who ia m the knowing of me
the feeling of me the abundancce of me

i relax into the abundance
fo me

i relax i release i know i choose
knowing i choose god i

choose knwoiing
i kn
i choose knwoing

i know i ad i embrace
i ay yes
i say yes to the feeling i say eys to love i say yes
to love f

filling my life i say yes to god filling my
life i release the reat

i release the rest

so grateful for the life god gave me so grateful
life is good so gratefl to
feel the god flowing through me

so gratefl i canallow myse

to feel good
i allow the god self toflow through me

i allow the flow
love the flow throughme
i alllow of th

all of this energy to blossom
i say yes to it i say eys to the
love burrsting forth from
i say yes tot his beaustiful say
i day

i say yes to how excited i feel abbout liiffe i
release i say yes i say eys i say

i say yes i release i release
i catch

catch my breath in the flow

im here im here im here im here

im hr im releax i releaxinto the

i releax into the knowledge
that the activity of diive abundace is tern

eternally opertaint in my life

i catch my breath i catch
the feeling i feelt ht efeeling

i feel the release i

feel the release of i
i feel the release i fee life flowing
through me

i feel life
flowing through me

i am in a god mood

today im in a god mood today i am in a god mood today
i allow the magick of life to flow through me today
i allow god to do the work
today i release the rest and allow god to do the work

today i release the rest i release and feel the god self the magick self
today i get to feel the magick self

its esayt o be in a god mood to do this work a
nd be in a god mood what does tit ment to

to be in a god mood it means

it rust e
i trust everything that thappen
happens i say yes to everything that happens

i say yes to the flow and let go do anything
i release resistance
i know that its easy to release resistance

and i can already feel the god returning becaus today im
in a god mood today im
in a god mood im in a god mood im in the modod

mood god would be in

i lovve getting to work on mywelse
myself i love that i now that the god mood is alrey
alawys right here with me and

i get to let go of the rest
nowing that knowing that the only

today im in a god mood and it feels good
today im in a god mood and it
feels good to feel the way god would

so grateful i can help
so grateful
i have the time and resourcce

sgrateful i know there’s not bottom
to the love god can give through me
i know the

i know its only this work and i now that its wa
as easy as releaseing resistance

i know this work i know ths work band
and its not work its not work

its the pathless path
i know the pathless path
and its easy to let go and sink
into it its easy tnotot

not to care when i know its not up to me
i know that god never resistancce

resists and today im in god mood

today im in a god mood im looking at it how god wook
i want to have a good day so i clean it up within i make the time to eal

clean it up within
i make the tiem to do the work to move the energy to allw the

energy to move through the god energy to move through me a
nd its way to

easy to love when i dont care
its esay
to love for not reaosn

no reason its eas to
to loe without reason

the work is so eay and its not work the work
is so easy and its not even work

i love when i can breathe easy i love breathing is
easy i love that i can just breathe i can

relax and breathe i know i can always
releax and breateh
and come back to cnetr

its eay to be in a god mood
its easy to

let everything go its easy to

i dont have to try
i dont have to do
dont have wto

to wondder
just know just know god loves me
just know i am god

just now there is no limit
to how good i can fooe

feel there is no limite
to how good i can feel and thiw so

this work hlps me direct my attention there
i kno wthat i can choose love i know that i can

choose love i know that i can

direct gods love iknow its not me
i know tis not me

i kno tit snot

today i release the cork and it feels so
good that is the only work
i have to do today and its fun

its fun to release the cork
its fun to fee llife rise

its fun to feel the resitance

fun to feel the other side of the wave
its fun to clean it it up
its fun to

get into the vortex
and remembe what i really am
is so

its so fucn to get in the vortex


its fun to release the cork and
that’s all i can ever do

so gratefulfor the

god self within alays g
calling me i know

i can do it

i can do this work i can
bring the fcous ba

back i can release ther
the focus back i can milk the feeling
feel the feeling i can

i feel the feeling i feel the
feeling i feel the

i can do it i can do this work i can
remember this feeelng i remember this feeling

i remember this knowledge
i remember this poer power i remember this power i remember this

loe i rememeber

i remember this release i can feel this release

i feel the love of the release i feel the feeling

of ghte
the release i feel the release of love

the feeling of me the feeling of me

feelig of methe

feeling of the releae the feeling of the release the
feeling of the
release the feeling
of the release

the feeling of the release

i can do it i can do this work
i can do this this this this work

this work
this moment the work in this moment
the love in this moment
the release in this moment the

god in this moment the god in this moment
the remembering in this moment

i can do this work and remember bliss

i do this work to remember bliss

i do this work can remember bliss
i know bliss i know knowig

i know god i know the feeling of god and
ic an cchoose it any time
for any reason

its is

is always her with me it always is me
and i get to choose the feeling
always right here and now

i can breath i can release

i ca

i m it am i am it ia m this work i am lo
ia m lov i love

where i am right now i love
where i am right now i love

i am right now i love where ia m right now

i let it all go because ia m the one
and only creator

i can do this wor kand
trsut go i love that i get to get out of the way

i dont have to care

i know i dont havve tto be rith
i love that i know the power of me the secret of me i know the power
fme i know teh opwer of me

i know its all me i know the power of nevver giving a fuck
i know the power of never giing a fuck

i wnted this and it canme

came and i know the i know the poer of me
i and i know i made a vox to

vow to never give it away
to renounce my humanhood

i knowt he power of me and
tand the pwoeer of the p

the power of god and

tis all within

its me its only b
ever mme and im so grateufl for the time and spacce

come back to cneter and knowing that is all
i ever
need i love that i never havet o give a fcuk

i love hat i never

ahve to give a fuck i love that
i gond
dong have any

fucks left tog
to give and that ig et
can just let god live my life for me

never otsi
outside of me and everything outside

it’s only ever me its only
me its only

me its only me its only me
its only

i love that i get to feel better

i love that its that eay that
i’m too powerful i love that i’m gt

too poweerful i lovet hat i get to choose it i
that i nwo tis me it it si me

tis the version i create i love that i get to just
be jget
to just be love i juet
get to just be love i get to refuse to suffer
becuase its not up o me

to me i get to refuse to suffer

i dont have to care i dont havet o care
becau i know life only reflects me i

i knwo i dont
i never have to take any action

so grateful to get to feel better
to get to have a good day to get to choose to refuse

to suffer so grateful for the space and time

i love that i knwo that its alays on
the physical plane i love that
i can choose love and
everthing else willl reflect that

i get to choose love and everything else willl reflect that

therens nothing outside of me and i now it
i just didn’t do the work id dint’ do the fitness

and i knw it and that’s ok becauese iam
allowing the god back in al

im allowig the god bacck in allm
im allowing god to do it im
allowing god to do it

im allowing love to flow through me
im allowing life

love to flow through me im alloing myself to feel how god sourl

i’m brave enough to feel the feeling of god

brave enough to flip the switch im
brave enough to feel love

send the signal of love
bravve enough to send the signal of love

brave enought o be it im
brave enough to not let anything
in my vortex

im brave enough to love without
kknowing why

im bravve enough to empty myself of everything else
im brave enough not to care im brave enough to love
without reason

im beave bravve enough to trust the feeling the feeling of life

to do this work the only work i’m

brave enough to do the only work
im brave enough to do the only work

to do the only work im bave enough not to carae
to know that i

dont have to care im brave enough to feel good no
matter what to allow god to serve im bravve enough to allo god to server

to allow god to serve

im brave enought to allow god to server

im brave enought o allow myself to be god

im brave enough to allow myself to be god

to not need anything im brave enogh
to n

alredy be filled up im bravve enought to already
be filled up to be already filled up

im brave enough to feel filled up im
brave enough to be filled up to not ccare

releae the tension and just be
im brave enough not to care im brae enough to eel good nwo
to choose how i wat to feel want to feel

to chooe how i want to feel

im brae d

i kknow i can do it and i know this is the work
i know
i can do it and i knwo this is the work

i know i can do it i know tis easy to
have fun and feel good i know its easy to not care

i now its so eays to not care
i kow its so eay to choose my vortex
i know tis so

so easy to be filled up in this
here and now i know tis so easy to laugh
and smilk e
andhave fun i know its

so easy to laugh and msile
smile and feel good i now
i know its so easy to laugh and msil

smile and enjoy life i know

its so easy to filled
be filled up to not need anything to change
to accept it alll as god as go

as god’s loe its so eay to
be god’s love
to overflow with god’s loe

and to trust everything that happen s
its so easy to remember that i am my own sourcce
and i dont need anything to chage

its so eay to remember that i am my source
and i don’t need anything

i do’t
dont’ need to anything to me

i know the powee of me and i knwo i can do it
i know i never have to allow naything to get to me

i kno i never have to allow anything to get to me
i know that i can do it i know that i can fel oo

feel good i knowt hat i can

have fun i knwot he
the power of me the power
of my consicousn

i knwo the powerr of me

me as a creator

i know i am the amster reate
i knwot his

i knowhti s

so grateful to do it to practice

to remember i can do it to
remember the power of me to remember to

create teh versoin i prefer
to ccreate the
feeling of love its f

feel sso good to be the feeling
of loe to know that all i can

do is be th f
the feeling of love all i

that it’s never outside of me
its never outside of me

its inside me and i get to choose it

inside me and i get to choose it
i get to choose love and harmoney

i get to cchoose love and harmony
and i know im the souce i

source i know i am the source
an i dot need it oursiide of me a

i know this is my lifes work and i know that
i am

really good at it

so gatefl for teh time
and space to remember
so gratefult o take the time
and spac to remember

the poweer of me
and im not giving it awat

ti a

to anyone