i dont have to care

i dont have to care how long it takes to feel good
i tond

dont have to care i dont

i want to feel good iw ant to feel and i know

i know its easy to take care of myself of how i feel i know its
easyt to drop out i know

its easy tod rop out i now its easy t
to drop

i want to feel good i want to have a good day i want to
let it go and i know is eay tot

to let it go i know its easy to feel good to let it all go i know

i know i dont havet o care i know i dont
have to care i kno i

i know its all in me i kno wit
i knot
i know its all in me i know is all
i me

i know its all

i know this work is all i need i knkow this
work is all in eed

i dont have to care how long it takes
to feel good i dont have to care

how long it takes to take care of me
to take care of me to take care of me

i get to take care of me and i dot
hae to carae how long it takes i dont hae to

have to care how long it takes
and i know that the souce

source of how i feel is iwthin me
i know that the source
of hwo i feel is in here in

here and now i know
i know the source

i keep my mind and thouths off this world
and that’s all i can dthat’s all i can

is allow god i love that its easy tof em
to fee good to flip the switch

it’s eayt ofr m
for me to flip the switcch its easy for me
not to care i know i cn

i dont have to care and i know hwen i k
noticce nothing

something i get tmore of it and i knwo i don t
want to lookf or what i awnt to see bc i watn to be ight

that’s fucked up

today i will look for what i want to see
today i will allow it
tody i will

choose to have a good day today i choose to ccelebbrate
the day

today i choose to dt
take care of me

today i choose to take care of me
of em tfirst
i kno wi knwo i know i know

i know i am the source i know

i know i am too powerful

i am the one and only
creator of me and i just needed to take the time
to take care of how i feel

i can’t blam anyeone
anyone else

i cant care what anyone else is doing
its not up to me to ccare

its not

up to me to care its not
up to me

to care its not up to me to care
its not

up t me to care i know that life
arranges itself around me

i know that

life arranges itself around me and i know that’s
ok i can feel my way to it i can

always allow god to come in i can celebrate the moment
becae god is

always rushing in i know that god is

i know the god is always rushing in and its up
t me its up to me to allow it

i knwo that god dos ti i know that idt
its not up to me to physically cis anything

i know it all hapens in the air i know everything
always happens in the ari
i know that life

i know everything always happens in the ari i know
go i
i know god is in the air

i know eveything comes from within
i know its me i kno its me

i know its me i know its i know its me
its up to me what i look at it s up t ome
if i can

if i care its up to me if i care its up
to me if ican

i care i know its me

its up to me to allow it to take me out of my vortex

and i can choose to refuse to suffer

to look for what i want to see

when i notice something i dont want
to be aware that its life allowing me to ask

its life allowing god to rush
in its alife

allowing god to rush in right now
im allowing god to

rush in its like

life allowing

the work is always here

the feeling is always here the relaxatoin
the knowing the

god feeling the feeling good feeling the

the knowing i dont have to care i love that
i dont have to care i love that i know tis me
that the energy of me

i lvo that i know the energy of me i love that
i know the energy of me

the release of knowing its only
ever me the god self i love that i
dont havet o care i love th

i love the feeling of letting it all god i
i love the
feeling of letting all go and then
there’s just god i love that

feeling of god energy flowing ther

through me i love the
feeling of gettin t

getting to love i love the feeling of love
driving my life i love the
feeling of love energizing me
i love the feeling of choosing to feel energized

i love the feeling of having fun i love
that feeling
the feeling of have

allowing life to flow through me
spreading love and good energy whereever
i go i love that i get to be that person i love t

i gett obe god i love that i get to be the god self i lovee that
i get to let the rest go i love that i know tis

nt up to me that im not right
that nno one is ever right ath its just is

today i live from pure being today i
am pure being toay

i release the rest and feel
filled up by life by god by knowing
by love today i am just here loving love


lovig being and i love that i dont have to care about
anything els

the level of just being and i knko this love

level i know i can do it all in the
the air i know i can do it all in the air i know i

can do it all in the air

the air i love that i get to i love that
it jjust doesn’t matter and i get to just be

i love that i get to live and love li

life i love that i get to feel good and
be a
happy no matter what is happening i love that

i cn always make it back to cn

to center

the god self the god self to remembe that i dont care i dont
care i dont care id ont

care i dont care

i love that i dont hi hav
i love the
the feeling of letting o i love
i love the

feeling ofloving myself i love the
feeling of lo

of loving myself of loving myself
of kknwoing
of trustig god

of trusting god

of trusting god


that is the ulitmate feeling
of letting go and knowing its no

its not outside of me
that is only that is

its only me

today i am secure

i am totally confident in letting go and letting god i am
totally confident in letting go and letting

god appear as the abundanct
all sufficiency in my life and afffairs

i know i know and today i choose knwoing today i choose me
today i choose to eel good

today i choose the energy of life
today i gc

choose the energy of love
today i choose the energy of life flowing thorugh me

today i choose the feeling of certainty today
i choose knwoing today i choose

the divie presence

doing the work first feel the ing feeling first
i do the work irst
i feel the feeling frst

i take my mind and thoughts off this world
and pae my entier focus
on the god wihtin as the only cause of my prosperty

i place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i playce my entire focus ont he god within as
the only causee of my prosperity

its up to me to love its up to me to chooe how i

feel and today tye
the whole day i will do the work i will feel love

i will allow gods love toflow throughm e
as i know
that i

is my only work
is to allow god slove to flow though me

to knwo i that i m god and i get to feel like go dall day

i get to to choose hwat i want i get to choose what i watn
and i get to chooe to rejoice with god

i love that i can’t care

today i dont have to care
today i dont have to onder to wonder today i get to feel good

i get to feel good i get to feel god today i get to feel the god self
get to be the god self

i get

i dont have to be right i dont have to be right
i can just trust

i get to feel good now i get to feel good now

i love that i dotn have to wonder
i love that i dont have

to have any expectations i love that
i ge tto al

let it god let life go dna
and trust the flow
i loe that i get ti
to i love that i get to

today i refuse to suffe

today i refuse to vibrate lack
today i know that i don’t need anything

from nyone anyone
so grateful to come here to come here to center and know that
i never need anything outside of me
to make me feel good

i never need anything outsiidde of mme to fill me

i dont need attention to fill mme up
i dont need love to fill me up

because i already have it inside of me i al
i am already overflowing with it and i dont need it form you

from you

the all providing sourcce
of infinite proserpt8y

prosperity is individualized as me
the reality of me

all providing sourcce
of infinite prosperity

and i knwo this i know the
feeling of god and i know the feeling of enjoying life
no matter what i lovee that
i get to i love hat i get to and then

i get to see life refelcts that and i know its always
does i know that whatever i see is

reflecting me
i know that its only ever mea nd how i wfeel and
easy to choose how i feel its

so easy to cchoose love its s easy t
ot allow life to come to me
so easy not to care its so easy

not to ccare

today i feel the feeling of ccertainty
today i fe
i refuse to suffer

i know that if i dont like what i see
and i can always return to the

divine presence I AM

and i never havve to wonder or wander
i amde it here in the here andn ow

and i acccept it

i refuse to suffer
i refuse to feel lack

i refuse to suffer
i refuse to feel lack

i refse to vibrate lack
i refuse to vibrate lack
i refuse to vibrate lack

i love that i get to that
i get to do this work that this the only work
the pon


the only work the divne presence


i know i know that all of life reflects me
all of life is me i know that all of life
is me and i celebrate that

all of life is me and i celebrate that knowing
i celebrate life flowing through me

gods life and i get tout of the way

so grateul that i know the real way to feel good
and its neer out

never outsidde of me i loe the
the feeling of not needing anytong
anyone or anything forr anything

i love that ig et to come here and ccelebrate life
celebratee knwoing

celebrate love i love that i get to come here and


get filled up
feel the energy of life flowing through me
feel the god self flowing through

me t

feel the relieff of kwoin

knowing today i get ot feel the releif of knowing

i keep my mind and thoghts off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within

as the only causee of my prosperity

i keep my mid and thoughts of this world
i keep mymind

i keep my mind and thoughts off this wro

world and place my entire focus
on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity


i know that

i knokw for sure that god and life are always flowing
perfectly through me

i love that i get to i lovee that i get to chooee h

how i feel and that is independent i love that feeling


digging in to knowing life and sticking no t
to that feelign not latter

letting anything draw me a

drag me outo f me
my vortex
and i love i know that i dont havee to let


i know that i dont havve to di llv

so grateful to come here and do this work
so grateful

to be here doing this work the
the only work

the feelign work the kknowing

the kknowing the knowing work the knowing
work and it feels so good to remember who i am

to emember that its never outside of me and i never have to
care i love that
feeling of remembering that i never have to care

i love that feeling of c

always coming back around to me i love that
i am full and i never thae

have to lookk outside of em i never have to look outside of me
to feel good

im filled up i love that i get ot feel filled up
and i n

need anything to do it

its not up to me

what happens is not up to me

what unfolds is not up to me
all that is up to m
to e is the feeling of god and

i can’t care aboutt he
the rest i now i can’t
care i know i can’t

i knwo it’s it’sll
it’ll never be enough

and so i can let go right now i can
let go right
right now and its just that
that easy to be the sun


i am the sun

i need not shine on
anything else and i know this
i know the power of me and the poer

the power of the feelign i know i know hat life
can only ever ev

ever ever reflect the feeling and the only choose i have to
is to choose how i want to feel right now the
only choice i hae its to choose how i want to feel right now


the feeling and release the rest
let the rest slip out of me and into the nothingness

the no-thing-ness

the yes in the no-thing-ness

and that’s all there is i know that
i am one who lloves i know that

my resevoir for love is never depleted
i know that i am god and i never need anything

i know that i am complete i know that i am

i kow it doesn’t matter i know i dont
need anything i know i dont need anything i know

i don’t need anything
i never havee to add anything

i know its just doesnt’ mater
i know its a feeling

i know its reflects me
i know

it relfects
it reflects me

reflects me it

its me its me its me
its never outside of me

its never outside of me
its me i now its its me

i know its me and i can release i get to choose
to release

to beocme aware i get to be aware
i get to love without knowing why

i get to love without
kknowing why

i get to love within out
without knwoing why

i get to let it go i get to not
not care i get to choose not to care

not caring is the best feeling the
best feeling

is esay to remember its only
ever the feeling just choose it just

choose to feel the feeling i prefer

that’s all ica n do is love for no reason
because tl
love its lawy

always the anser to everything love is always the


answer to everything i know this
i know this i know
i know this its

easyt oremember and its eay to practicce
i dont havee to care and

and i neverr have to give my power away
i neverr have

to give my power away
i never hae to and i loe that i know

this its eay to remember and
its easy to remember ot just no

lookk it its seay to remember not to care


easyt o release
its eato ato let it all go its eay t

its easy

i love when i truly dont care
and that is the

i reele

i reelae i release it reelase it ha
it all ihave to i have to i have to i

have to i have to i have do

its me

its me it s

me and i have to decide i have to
choose awareness and that’s all i can

i have to choose awarenss

i choose awareness and thats’
all i can do is focus here and now that’s
all i an do
is focus herehere and now

that’s all i can dis release ita ll taht

i can’t care i can’t care
all i an co is enoy the ride

all ic an so
is enjoyt eride
all i

can do is enjoy the ride all i can en
do is nejoy god here with me
athat’s all i need and i

i have it here wth me alaway s
i hvav

have t
god with me alawys i have god flowing through me
i allow well bing i allowing

healing i allow well being

i allow i wallow healing i get out of the aw
anw allow life i get t
out of the

i release the tension
i relesae caring i reese

caring i release caring

i release i release evertyhing

i release i release i releasa and sink o
into awareensa

all i can do is sink itnot hre present momtn
all i can do is put all my attneiton on it all i can
is relaee all i can

it doesnt matter it

it doeesnt matter
i love that id
it doesnt that its so eay to reember
that is so eay to allow
wel being that its

so eay to allow well being its easy
to allow well being

is eay to allow wellbieng
its w

easyt to flip thw
the switch

to allow well being to

release it sal

all it feels so good to release it all

it feels so good to release it all
it feels so good to
release it all

let it all fush
gush out of me

it f

so good to just trust to tur

just trust everything that is
it feels so good

to trust everything that

is that is feels so good
to trust t

everything that is

it’s easy to remember its only me
and let the rest go its

easy to remember its only
me and

its easy to remember its easy to remember
i dont have to care
to ake

take my powe and

back and feel the ulitmate feeling

not caring

it’s easyt o feel to feel the ultimate
feeling of not caring its easy to fel

its easy to release it all
and feel god fill it up

its eay to let jesuse take the whell

it’s easy to

empty myself it’s

easy to release evverything that i it

that i think is me
empty myself of everything
that i think will fill me up

everthing i thought i needed

its eay to its easy to not pcik
pick up the vibration
its easy to just ride in love ot just choose love

to know i wanted this to focus on what is
to celebate all that is good in my life

so grateful to celebrate good health so
grateuful im

grateufl im

well so grateful i’m well

so grateful for my wife who loves me
and takes care of me
so grateufl for mama who loves me and
takes care of me

who calls me for dinner
so gratefl fr l

so grateful for love and community so grateufl

it’s eay to feel the feelng now its
eayt o feel the

the feeling its easy to empty it out and make
space for god toa llow god to live its life
thourhg the
vessel of me

to remember the trth to remember nothign
is ever missing to remember how to feel good
to lokkf woht
for what i want to see i

its so eay to remembe the pwoer of me
the power
of methep ower of getting out of thew ay

the way

the power of getting out of thew ay
te power of emptying myself
of all need or expectation
and celebrating the god energy flowing through me

the yes to wondering and he th

the here to my wandering

the here and ye th yese and here
the yes
and h

here the feeling of h
yes and here i’m here i made it im here in the ys

i made it i’m here in ght
the yes

i made it i’m here in the yes

i pull back i a

i allow an go

god flows in


i allow and god flows ing

i want to feel good so
that is th e

the way that i choose to feel and
i know life follows that

i choose gratitude
and ic hoose

fullness i feel complete with god i trust
everthing that god deos

i trust the flow i trust the unfolding
i get out of the way and i ve

i choose to feel the w i
the way i want to feel right now
i choose to feel thew ay iwant to feel rgh
right now and then i c

feel the feeling of god becuase
i am god and then life is good because i made it that

i made it that way i

i empty myself out and allo god to flow trhoguh
through i love because i am one who loves ia llw

i allow love i am grateful
i am
so grateufl for the loe ir

the loe re

the love i receive the love i receive

thank you for all the love i receive
thank you for the
certainty of god

knowig that is nothing that the sun
shines its light on

its me its me i am the sun
the sun isn’t anything
it ul

i know this and i relax into it i celebrating knwoing
it i c

i celebrate ht power of it i celebrate the powr of it

welll id idnt watn it so i didnt get it and thatsa

ok becuae im with god and i dont have roomf or it
i appreciate love but i dont have

room for the rest i appreacit
i am so grateful for the life i ahve im

so grateful for the feleing of god

so grateufl for teh wife i love
i have fo t

for the love i have so

so grateful to be here toidn thiw work
to feel well enought o

to feel well enough to feel well enogh

to feel well enough to do this work
th oly work to f

feel the feeling now to feel the
feeling now to feel the
god self now to feel the
god self now

to swim int he god self i
flow into the rivver of the gos el
slef and allow

i get to coose
choose the god self here i c

get to chosoe teh c


i get to choose the god self
here i get to be the god self here i get o
love the t

god self here i get t
to drain the god self her e

i get tto remember the tr
the trit
of life i get to remember

i get to remembe that is not outside of me

is me

i’m the sun i’m the sun i am
the light that

illuminates life

i am the light that

animates life its me
its me its the signal i send

its the god self here and only
i a in charge here

i know its already done

feel the god self right here
to know that is

it sia

is alreyd
already done it is already done

it is already done it is aleady

already done i now that all
of life is already madei know that i nkow

i know that i am god and god is celebating
celebrating life hrogh
through me i nkow that god is celebr

celebrating life gh

through me
i knwo that go si ccele r

celebating life
celebrating life

through me

through me

god is celebrating life throgh
through me through the flow of me

the knowing of me

the yes to my wondering
and the here and to my wandering

the yes to my wondering
and the here to my wandering

i feel the love of god i feel the feeling of god

i feel the flo
loe of god flowing through me

i feel the gratitude of god

for god i feel gratitude
i am gratitude
i am the fow the flow ofl ife
i am the lfow
the flow of life

i never have to wonder

the yes to my wondering
and the here to my wandering

i love rememberig that nothing matters

i love remembering the ultimate freedom
which is getting out of the way

i love that i know the only control is letting go i know the
only congrol
control is letting go

i love remembering control is ieltti
letting go i love remembering i can never

i love being aware of how i wam
of ho im
acting of the energy im bringing

today i choose to pracitce
being happy no matterw


today i refuse to sufer to

today i refuse to suffer
and i know i sometimes forget to keep practiccing
refusing to suffer

but its so easy to remember again
its so much easier every time and it feels so good
to releas

relax into the flow of life

and accept everything that comes

so grateful to remember the truth

rellieved to remember the truth

my awareness
and knowledge of spirit

my consciousness of the spirit within me as my unlimited

is the divine power to restore the yeast

the years the locusts have eaten

the cuases

so grateful to remember the causeless joy
the predeced sl

all experience
the feeling of bliss the precedes all experience
so grateufl to get to feel it
get to feel ti

hes in his car again

the causeless joy so grateful to rme

return to it
to reel
feel the bliss of not caring
so gratefult o tru

to return tot hf e
the feeling of not caring

so grateful to return to the feeling of not caring

the feeling of me

the relese of everything else
and i love that i dont have to care i love that i get to
do it in the air and i love the p

the poweer of me i love coming bac to r
the power of me practiccing the fitness of the mind

the fitness of the mind the
fitness of the mind

so grateful to take the dircet
direct path so grateful

to feel good tofeel
brave enough to feel good

so grateful to feel brave enought o feel
to feel good to feel my true self to be my true self
to focus on my true self

gratefl to focus
in my true self so

graetfl torlease all the rest

to no olong long limit the unlimited
so grateful i dont havve to

think that way anymore
so graeful ive let that go

gratefult o feel the other side of the wave so
grateful to choose love so grateful to

relea i

relax into llove to feel the feeling of love not matter what
so gatefl to feel the
feeling here andnow to get to ccelebate
life here and now


i’m here i’m here i’m here

doing what
doing what

renouncing my humanhood
and seeking the feeling of god

feeling for th fe

the ffeeling of god

so gratefl to havve the feeling of god in my life
to have acccess to it
to trust the feeling of god to know t

nothing is ever outsie of me and everything
is the feeling and i know this

and i can trust it i know that hte feeling is
always more than enough that

and that i can trust and reside in it
i know that god loves me an d
my body reflects how god made it

that’s all ica n do is trust god
trust my bod and tryst myself to feel good

all i can do is be consciousn of how i fele

i call

all ic an do is be conscious of how if eel’

so grateful to get to remember it
to get to remember the fitness of god

the feeling of the god muscle

so graetufl to feel it flexing inside of me
so grateful to feel the
god muscle to remember i
the poweerr of me to remember ia m the

creator and its that easy

i know tis the feeling and i
i fel the
i feel the feeling of god i know the power of tahe feeling

of god and i love that i get to choose it
here and now i love that

i get to choose it hee and ow
here nd ow

here and now

i release everything else and just
choose the feeling i prefer and i trust the

feeling i trust the feeling i trust eh

the feeling i trust eh

the feelign i love that i kno

get i get tofeel it i get to tune to it
i get to feel the powe of em

poer of

power of me i get to fee th
the powerr of me i know tis a feeling i know tis
a feeling i know life a s

llife is a feeling

i know that everything is an illusion
that everything reflects me that life

reflects me that i get torl

releaee everything and ffe

feel the bpu
pure vliss
bliss that is god the pure bliss

that is god and that is the
real and only solution to any “problem”

i know that i was looking outside of me
i know t

that i forgot i was god and iw as
feeling bad about myselff

i am aware of that now i am aware of that now

i am aware of that now i am aware of that

i love that i dont have to think about
like that ever again

i love that i grust
trust the power of the feeling
and i can let the rest go

i trust he powr of

the feeling ican i can

let the rst go i know tis the
feeling and i choose the feeling and that
is life i know

the feeling of freedom

from pickig on myself
from feeling bad about myself

and i can use it as a lsing

to remember how i preer to feel
how i re

prefer to feel and i know i know
for a fact

i know the feeling i know that i watns’
making it a priority

i know ths i knwo this a
and im ok with it


i’m ok with myself
i know im going my best
i know i ma

amazing i love that i know i love that
i know how ot feel good
how to feel good about myself

i lov that i know how to feel good

about myself i love that i get ot choose to know
now i love that i knw the

i know the feeling i kno th e
feeling i know the feeling i prefer to feel

its as easy as the flow its as easy
as the feeling i know that

it comes from the subconscious
and taht’s all there is

that’s all there is i know this
i now th

i know i know t

i hve found the
the feeling of release the feeling of god

flowing through me and that’s
the ol

only feeling i know i
i know the feeling and i now that
life refelcts

the feeling i kno that life fre
reflects the feeling i know that

all of life is the feling
i know that all of life is the feeling
and i get to cchoose how if eel

i love that ig et to come here and practicce
how i f
want to feel i love feeling good about myself

i get to feel good about myself
i get to refuse to suffer

i get to feel good about myself for no reason

i know that whatever happens i am
god and i trust go to do the rest

this is its responsibility
nnot mind

i can only trust the flow

i can only trsut the feelng of me i know that
when i say it is i s
its ies

i knowthe feeling i knwot hat i can trust the
feeling and i know that only ican feelthe

the feeling of me iknow that ive een there

and i know its a fitness like everything else

i believe in myself and i believe in the feeling

i elievve in myself and i
believe in he feeling

its easy to feel the feelin
torelease everything

remember the feeling of m its
esay to remember the feeling of me
to rpacctie the
feeling of me tis eay to practice
the feeling of me its eay t

to practice the feeling of me

to relese eveyrthing th
else it o

ti s

its so easy to feel good its so g
easy to feel good its easy to feel good

its so easy to feel t
good to trsut it and know
then know its true that

that’s the part i need to return to the
truth of the

the feeling of ethe way i see myself
i knwo that the way i see myself is all that matters
i kow that
the way

i see mysel fis all that mattes
i lvoe that
i know that
this i love thati
that i know this

i love that i know thsi i love that i know thsi i love tha t
i can choose it i love that i
get to vhoose the feeling

its up to me the version of myself
i choose and no one
can change that no

no one can change that i know that is up to me
how i see mysle

myself and i thank go i thnk god for helping me
see that i know that life loves mi
i know that life love

me i know the feeling of me i know the power of me i know the

i know the

i foudnt eh secret to life
i know for sure
i know t

i know the truth i know nothing is outside of me

i know

i know its me i now its me

and i love that i can fix it within i love
i know that i can feix i

it within

i love that i can let it all god i love
i love that i know that’s all it is i love that i knw life

reflects me i love tha i kow i

get to choose it now i get to choose it now
i get to choose i get t oc

to choose not to care i ch

get to choose not to care i get to choose
not the
to care t

not to care

i love that i get to choose teh
feeling the feeling

the feeling the
feeling i love that
i get to

choose the feeling
the feeling

the feeling the feeling
the feeling

i get to choose the feeling
i get
to choose teh feeling

the feeling first the

first the power of me jsut
remember the ow of

just remember the power fo me
let everything be a reminder of the power of me

let everything be a reminder of the power of em

i get to choose it and i love ht a
i get to i love that
i get to h

choose the poer

the pwoe of me i know i know the power of me
and i choos it now i feel fromt he pal c

all i can do is feel from the place
all i can
is feel from the plave

all i can do is feel from the place

all i can so

do is feel from the place and
i love that its getting easier
i love that im
back i love that ‘m

back in control of how i feel i know
that i let it go i know that ive

ben holding on to htings
i n
i knot w

i know that its all vibraation
i know that ive known this efore
and its so esy to revisit

i love that its ea to learn
every tiem i love tha t
i nkow tis all a

of me ig et to do it

its too eay and thats why i had to forget
for a minute but i remember again
and i can relax in that knowledge

and i say thank you for the inspiration
i say thank you for the love i say thank you
for the god self i g

i celebrate the god self and i get to myself

because ic an
becuase im good at it and i trust the
feeling i nowt i

its that easy to feel good and i know t
its the feeling

its always he feeling and i have to make
the choice i have to make

the choice i have to make the choice

i release everything and relax into love

realeas everything and relax into love

release everything and releax into love i
feel the feeling he and
here and now its so

easy its too easy to
rememeber its only me and ec

celebrate it its too
easyt o remember its only
me and

celebrate it
its too eay

to let it all go to shti
wrok tao memebeho i am to

to reelase th

to reelase
it all to release that thought pp

pattern to choose love instead
to chooe


tis to eay to let it go
to chooe love to

choose appreciation
choose it to say

i can do it in the air i can

clip the swithc
and i love that i get to

i love that i get to flip the switch

reelase it all and feel the
certainty of me i kow im

i kow the powe of me i know tis a fitness and
mthe more i feel for it

the easier it is ft
to find i know i’m always getting everything iw ant
and i can trust that feeling