the work alawys works

and i dont have to care i get to feel good about myself
and my reality and the god self
that is me

i get to love the god self that is me
i get

i know that no matter wha i have my bliss
i know that m
no matter what i have my bliss and i get to chosoe it
i love that i know that i get ot cchoos my

the work always works the work alays works
the god self is always right here

the memory of the true self is alwys right here with me
i loe that i know that i

have fun no matter what i love that ig et ot have
fun no matter what i love that

that i know i am the god self
i get to feelt he way god would feel i get

feel the way god would feel

i acccept everything that is
i accept change

i welcome change i welcome change

i get to have a good day

i get to decide to have good a good day today

i get to decide not to care i get to decide not to care
about any of theat

that i get to choose my inner bliiss right now i get to choose my
inner bliss and i love that i get to i love that its easy to i love t
hat i

tis’ easy to choose my bliss
bliss its esay to choose my bliss its easy to do this work the only work
its easy to feel good its easy to start the day off right i

its easy to jump into the flow its esay t

to trust the flow itss

ig et to feel that feeling of yes thank you
i get to feel that feeling ofl if

life going my way i love that i know life is goig my ay
i love that i get o

to feel good i love tha i get to feel that
feeling of knowing life is going my way i love that
i get to do this ork the only work i love that

i get to feel t

i love that i am tuned in tapped in turned on
i loe that i dont acc

i love that don’t care i love that i’m doing me i lovee that
i get to have a good day celebrating the god in my life
i love that i know god is here with me and htat i all i will ever need

i love that i nk

that i know god is here

right here with me and

and that is all i wai

will evver nedd

what can love do tday
today what can god do today wha ca

what can alignment do toay
i can

i get to have go

a good day today i love that i get to ccome o

come out on the other sie i love i lov th
i love that i don’t care i loe that ig et to choose just love i love
that ig et to choose love

i get to choose the god self

what can love do today i love that i kwno
i love that i know that love makes magick

god is magick and i can trust the god self
i am the god self and i know that the

the god self is the only thing i know

i need i lovee that ig et to feel good today
that i get to ccelebrate life today
that i get to elebra

celebrate me today
celebrate life today i’m here to bring forth the feeling
i’m here to bring forth aligment
i a

i’m here to shine light on alignment
to feel for the feeling and practice it i’m here to feel for the feeling of alignmetn

and know what it feels like
i’m here to remember god to remember the god feeling to remember that if eel good

that iw a feeling feat

great to remember that i feel freat

great to remember that god feels great to remember
that god loves

i love that i get to drop that forever
i love that i never had to care i love that
i know that life is good to me that

life loves me that life flows perfectly
through me that i never need anything outsie of me

that there never is anything outside of me
i love that i know that

this i love that i know that all ic an do is feel the
feeling and let go al i can

all i can do is jump into gods world
all ic an do
is jump into t

gods world i love th
the feeling of havinga

a good day i love that its eays to have

a good day i love that its easy
to feel the feeling when i let the rest go i love that
i’ve let that go i love that

i’ve let htat
that go i love that its s

its esay t

easy to let it go i love that its easy to let it g

its easy to let it go its s
esay to let it go and let god replace it

where i once was creating a problme
god arrived to create s ol

a solution
i love that i know that god always figures it out
tha til

that i’ll never figure anything out sn
and that i ccan just trust i can just trust tlife
i can trust life i

i trust the flow of life flowing through me
i trsut the feeling of loe

love and a good day and if i can’t bring myself to ov
to love that

then i can at least stop hating
i love that i get to choose how ifeel i loe htat
ig et to be evolve emotionally

i know that i dont ever have to try or make something happen
i can just trust the flow

i love that i no longer care i love that
i can allow life to come to me i loe that

i lovve that ig et to let go i love that god is figureing that
one out i love that today i get to just have fu

fun and nejoy life today i get to en
enjoy life today i get to feel good today i get to enjoy life

today i get to feel good today i fet o

i get to say thank you becaus i know when i ask it
is given i know he

i know when the energy is there
life returns it i know that life returns
the energy i put into it

i know that life matcches my energy i know that life
matches my energy and i know that i can

get to choose my energy
i love that life is going my way
i love that i know life
loves me i love that i know this day loves me i love

tat i get to celebrate this day fully
i love that i get to love this day no matter what
and it already loves me back

it’s me

i feel secure

that’s whyi am

that’s why i am toally

totally confident in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affairs
in my life and affairs

that’s why i am totally confidnet in letting

it’s me

i love that i know it’s me

i love that i know it’s me it’s me it’s me

i’m here to remember me to remember the bliss
fo me to remember it just doesn’t

matter to remember tat
that life is on my side

i get to choose
i get to choose i know its me it’s me it’s me

it’s me it’s me it’s me it’s me

it’s me it’s me it’s me

it’s me

it’s me it’s me it’s me it’s me it’s
me it’s me

it’s me it’s me it’s me

let it go i lov ethat i can let it go
i love that i can refuse to acknowledge it
i love that

i can refuse to acknowledge it i loe that
i can

refuse to acknowledge it i love that
i lo

i get to choose ho i feel
i get to

choose where my focus is
where my consicousness is and i love that i

get to get to feel the flow get to feel good get to

connect with god remember god

so grateful to remember god to remember god here and now
that its

it’s so easy to flip the

switch to trust the flow to know all inca
can doo i

all ic an do is get out of the way i all i can do
is get out of the wy a

all i can do is get out of the way
trust the flow tru

trust the magick trust life i know that

i ccn

i can allow myself i can allow myself to releaes that
i know i

i mae

made something e
out of notihg

nothing and that i’m trying not to feel i

and that’s all it is
i kno

i know that

it’s oko to feel disappointed

it feels like


it feels like


build up

i love that i can let it go complte and lete

leave it up to the universe i love

that i knwo hat the only

control is letting go i love that i ge tto
ccelebrate this fact i love that

i get to celebrate this knowledge
i love that i get to i ove that
i love

i love that i get to

remember that control is letting go

i’m here doing what work
what am i here doing why am i doing this writing

to come back to center to the source of bliss within

tor emember that itsn
nevver outside tof

of me and that all of that is an illusion g

so grateful tor emembe the illusiong to
take control

of how if eel

so gratefl to
so gate

graetfl to remember the illusing and take
controld of how i feel

thank you thank you that

thank you thank you thank you

i’m so grateful i’m the

i remembered im
i am the mater of how i feel i am the master
of how i feel

i am the master of the flow
i am

i am the master of the flow
i am the master
of the feeling i am the master of the feeling
and i get to

feel good i get to feel secure
i dont have to look for what i want
dont want

i get to make the magick i get to make

i feel it i feel the flow i feel the flow
it sfeel soogd

good to tac

cath the flow to catch a wave of relief
it feels so good

to catch a wave of relief
it feels ood to
good to

feel good it feels good to feel good

it feels good

yes i feel the feeling of life yes
i feel the feeling of god i

yes i feel the feeling of god

yes i feel the feeing
feeling of god i am god i know that

only thing missing is god the onlly t

thing missing is god the
only thing
missing is

god the only thing missing is god
i love that i odnt

hae to care i ilove that i made the
choice to carea nd t

and i can make the choicet o not care i love

that i’m

i love that i dont have to ccare i lov that
i made it into something and i can make it

into nothing

the feeling of the release the feeling of
deciding not to care

the feeling of the soluiton t

the feeling of it being resolved
the feeling of

the feeling of me

i get to drive ths

this doohickey
only i can align me

with my power only i can choose my poer
only i can choose my powe

only i can choose my poer
only i can choose my p

power only i can choose

i’m here in my magick i’m here in the magick
life and i know

ther’es nothing i
else i can do i knwo the ontl


i can do is othing ilove that i know
that the only thing i can do is

nothing i love that

i know that the onlyt hing i can do is nothing
and i’m to

to remember that to practicce thee oo

the knowing of that to do me
to be me
to be the perfect version of myself

i love that i dont have
to care what happens i love that

i never have to think about that again
i love that

don’t have to car what

care what happens

i can completely let that go forever
i can completely

let that go forever

i can completely let that go

i don’t hae to
to care because i know my bliss in’t



isn’t there

i know my bliss isn’t there i know that
my bliss isn’t there

its in hre

i can still have a good day

i dont have to let anyone else drag me down

i was having a good day and then you wanted to start a fight with me becuase youre emotionally unstable

and i’m not going to let anyone drag me

i’m not going to let anyone make me feel bad i’m not going to allow anyone to make me feel g

bad i know that i know that i know i know that i get to cho make the m
the choice to feel good i know that i get to make the cchoice how i feel i know that
i am in charge
of how i feel

i can always do the work for me i can

do the work for me i d

can lays do always do the work for me i can
always do the owrk for me

i was having a good day and i get to ccontinue to have a good

today i will have a good day today i s agood aday


today i get to enjoy life and feel good
today i get to enjoy life

and feel good today i get to enjoy life and feel good

i can always do this work and ignore the rest

i can always do this work and ignore the rest
i can

alawys do this work and ignore the rest

i always have this work i alawys

have to god self and i can always choose teh god self
its not my porblme
if others cant choose their god self

i love that i don’t have to care i love that
i get to choose to feel good today to have a good day today i love
that i get to choose to feel good i love that

i get to choose to ffeel good now
i love that
i get to choose

to feel the flow now i get to
choose the flow now i

i want to

i get to choose the flow now hcoose
the feelign now choose the feelig n

feeling now choose the

i alwys have this work and this wrk

work is the only work i alawys have this
work and this
work is the only work this

i alawys have this work and this
work is the only work

it’s me it’s only ever me

i love that i know the power of me i ilove that i now i am
the bos i love that
i knwo i’m

always getting everything iw ant i’m always getting everyting

everything i want i’m always getting
everything i ant
i watn i wnat to i want i’m always getting everthing i want

its me it’s the
feeling of me it sonly ever the feeling of me

it’s only ever the feeling of me

the work thi is the owrk this

ths is the work
i renoucney

renounce my humanhood

i renouncce my humanhood

i get to i get to i get to

renounce my humanhood i get to renounce my humanhood
i know the feelig of bliss i know the
feelig of mei know the feeling of

of complete i am complet i am complete i am

i get to decide to be the god self i am
the god self i get to decide to

embody the bod self i the god self i know that
ti know the course

i love the i know teh power of me i love
that its so easy to let go and not cre i love

that ire ally

i truly don’t care i love that i truly
don’t care i love that
i know that

i love that i knw that it’s in the flow

everything is magick and in the flow

it’s me it’s me it’s me it’s me

it’s only ever me it’s only ever me it’s only
ever me and i know all i can do is trust the flow

just let it go
is alll i can do

i get to feel good

so grateful to be back to feeling good to remember
the power of refusing to suffer i

remember the poer of refusing to suffer and i love that

i get to feel the

i feel the feeling now and im miilking it
i feel the feeling of goo

feeling good about myself
i feel the feeling of refusing to suffer

i fel the feeling of refusing to suffer

i feel the feeling of me and im’

i’m here milking the feeling i’m
here milkig the feeling of me
i’m here tapping into the god self

refusing to feel anything but the god self

that’s all ican ever do

i knw that i m gh
the god self no matter what

the feeling

its only ever the feeling

i’m mad at myself that i liet
i let myself slip but i know that i have the
choice and th

all i can ever is flip the swithc

im mad that someone else is seeing wht they
wantt to see because they’re looking for it
and i’m not seeing it an

because im not looking for it im looking for what i want to see
for what i dont want and im mad eht
that they are looking for what they want to see and seeing it

ut i trust the feeling and am secure in the feeling i

and i knwo this
i know this is the only work i now the feeling is the only thing

i can ever do i know the feeling is the only action i can
ever take i know i can revise the past i know i can revise

i know its up to me to decide to look for what i want to see

wow i look hot wow i look hot
i know that it’s up to me to look for it
an i

and its up to me to feel it i knwo the feeling and i now that
ti comes

from fee

not being connected to god bec

because my alignment is everything
it creates my body

and when i am alignment
my oy

boody is in alignment


awareness is alignment
is flowing is god and nothing can stick to god

and beating myself up istn’ going to slef

solve it

the only thing ever missing is god the
only thing ever missing it s

is god

i’m grateful that this is my work
and that’s

at least i’m not looking for
to another peson
person to be my sourcce

i know that all ic an do
can do is feel good now

i just can’t feel that way
unless that’s what i want to see

i get to choose to celebate
i get

i get to feel good no matter what i get to celebrate
i get to feel good about myself

i’m tired of hating myself

i’m taire
tired of feeling bad about myself

of picking on myself

i know better i know better i know better

i know

i know the feeling of me the real me
the god me i know the feeling of me the

the feeling of me
the god me i know the feeling of me i know the feeling
of me i know the feeling of me

i know the

the feeling of me i know

i know the feeling of me i know that i get to chosee how i
feel i

i love the i remember that the feelng is
work i’m back to remembering the feeling work

i know the feeling work i let myself slip
but that’s ok because itjus

it just helps me remember it me
ti s

it just helps me remembe what i know that
i can’t feel bad about myselff
if i dont want to feel bad about myself

because i havent been

and that makes me hate myself more
but that won’t get me anywhere

the only thing that make s any difference is the feeling and
the focus

i admit i have been insecure

i’ve been looking outside of me
i’ve been picking on myself

i’ve been looking for problems i admit that

and that’s ok
i was doing that before and that’s ok
but i’m aware now and i know its easy
for be to get back to the place of

the place fo focus e

the place of drinb

driving how i feel
being the driving of how ifeel becing the sourcce
of bliss

of acceting eveything that is

i am in the place of acceptaing

accepting i accept everything that
is i accept myself i feel good about myself

i make the choice to refuse
to feel bad about myself

i make the choice to
refuse to feel bad about myself
i make the choice

to refuse to feel bad abbout myself
to focus in the flow
to focus in the
god self o be


be the god self

i’ve let that go and i’m b

grateful because i know it just helps me
grow my power i know that

times lke these helps me grow my power

i know that i’m levelig up and i’m brate

gratfful i can

allow my best self through i allow the
new leveled up version through

i am

i am moulting adn the new upgraded version is emerging

i am here i am in the praccti


practicce i am
i am aware of how i feel and how that
creates my life and i know that

is the only thing creating it
i know its easy to accces the feeli

access the feeling and then allow the feeling to ride
i know is
its esay to access the feeling and allow the
feeling to ride and

dont have to and dont

worry or woner how
just know dont have to worry or ao

woner how

dont have to worry or woner

or everything
ever thing

think about anything
or figure anything out

or figure anything out

i love that i don;t have to wonder
i love that i never have to wonder

i love that i know it always

already is i love that i know it alreayd

i love that i’m already there i love
that ‘m already thee i love that

it already is i love that it

it already is
i love that it already is the way
i want it to be i

get to choose my security in god and i know that is
all there is i
get to releaes

all the rest and trust

totally confident in letting go dna d

and letting god and so grateful
for te

the oppportunity o

to the opportunity

the chance to lever lup

to level up and remember my power

just god
hiding from itself

but i know you’re there
and we’re perfect together

the only work

the work is deciding what i want

to have fun to enjoy to know to let go to release

to trust god to jump into the flow to feel ove
pouring thorugh me to feel the god self pouring through me

to enjoy friday

to celebrate this ay to celebrate being god in this day
to celebrate being god

in this day to celebrate the god that is that day
to feel at ease to feel in the flow to be aware to feel gratefl

to be aware of all my blessings to feel loved
to feel appreciated

i love this

day i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to celebrate life i love that

i am aware

so grateful for my wife for my family for my lady
for the good life for all the love in my life

so gratefl life comes to me
so grateful i now life is always flowing to and through me
so grateful to have the money to buy krypto

o grtaeful for cute outfits

so gratefult o feel good now t feel the
the flow now to feel tuned in tapped in right now so g

gratefult o feel the
the flow to know ther eis

there is is o
so much so gratefl to say thank you to say thank you

i love the power ofe the fouc s
i love the ower of feeling good

i love the poeer of awareness i love the pwer
the pore of awreness

i love feeling good i love that

it always comes i love that i feel good in my body i love
that i nkow its eays

one day to 2020 vision
i love that i i love that i get to feel good
that ig et to l

feel love that i get to love my life

i feel the feeling nnow i feel the w
awareness now i feel the tre

self here and now i feel the true self

i eel
i feel the true self here and now
i feel the
blissful fs
self here and now
i feel

i eel the
i eel t
i feel the blissful self here and now i feel

the blissful self herre and now
here and now i feel the blissful self

i love the feeling of the releae of the focus
of the remembering of coming here to do the

only thing that matters
of allowing every word to count

of allowing every word to be in alignment
to allow the beauty of the words to flow
to reallly
be here

feelig the god self i come to

here to feel the god self to feel the
feeling of the release to feelthe

the power

poetry that is life allowing life
to write its poetry through me
allowing whatever happens in

each moent to flw to flow thorugh me
accepting everything that happned

happens accepting everything that is

it feels good to stretch the conscciousness

to point the consccioune

it feels good to point the consciousness
it feels good to focus and stay in the vortex

to rememer the power of me in the vortex
to feel the power of me in the vortex

to allow myself to feel how i
i would prefer to feel and allowl ife
to f

to reflct that knowign that is
it always oesn th

does that it can’t not that i

allowing myself to feel the god self the
bliss self to remember the bliss self

the bliss that comes within

kknowing that whatever happens i ca
i am taken care of that life only reflects me

that i ca

get to cchoose teh knowing the

total confidence in life the
total confidence in love
i l

i love that i now this trueh

i love that i know this truth the only truth
that i get to choose

i create it in the mmoment i ahve to power to create it in the oment

i have the poer to create it in the omet
i hve i am the power

i am the power to create life in the oment
in each moment i am creating it

i am creating this omen
oment and i get to choose the feeling that
preceeds experience

i create this moment i create this
this feeling that precededs the experience

i am the feeling of knowing i am the feeling
of certainty

i am god i am the creator i cam
i am the createo
i get to choose it
i know that i

it already is i now

i know htat that it already is

i konw that i know at
that it alre

i’m here

in the god self i’m here as the god self
i know hat i
that icho

i choose the feelin a
feeling and then it is i know that i

i love this owwork the feeling owrk
the source of all life i know hat

that this work the feeling wor is the source of all life

i know that bliss is the sourcce of all life
i know that bliss is the cou

sourcce of all life i know that life always happens the
way i expect it to i

i kow that it oes i know that i’m the powerfl c

powerful creator i know that ia m

the poerf
powerful creator of me

im so grateful for the life i ahve

so grateful for everything that is
i’m so grateful fo a

for a waife

wife who lovese me

for a wiffe who loves me and
that we have our health

i’m so grateful we have each other
and our health and that’s

all we need i’m so grateful we have each otheran
and our health and that’s

that’s all we need

so grateful i can relax in that gratitude
that is all in eed and i’m so so so so so s

grateful for it

i know that life loves me i know that life takes
care ofo me i know that im int h

in the flow i ma in the libss

bliss state with god i love that
i am in the bliss staet

state wih

with god i loe that i i love that ia m t
i am in the bliss tte

state with god i love that i am
in the bliss staet

state with god

i love that i m in the i m in the
bliss tate

stte a

state as god god doesn’t need antying
anything doesnt

doesnt’ need anything to happen or change
god doeesnt’ need anything to happen

i know

i trust the feeling i trust the feeling and its

its easy to tap into the feeling

i trust the eeling com
feeling com

i trsutt eh feeling completely

i am the master of the feeling i know that i am the master of ehte feeling
and i know that i had a moment of forgetting the power
fo the feeling

the feeling but now i remember again and i know that i can trust the
feeling completely and there’s nothing else

the only thing missing is god
the only thing missing is god
the only thing ever missing is god
and i love doing the work for me i love

doing the work to remembe that to remember my poweer
to rememer

my power to remember my power to remember it doesn’t matterw

what’s outside of me
to get to chosoe to feel good to not
look for prolblm

problmes to lok

look for reasons to feel good i love the
that i am remembering the powr of the focus
the poweer of the choice the power of feeling how i want to fel

the power of making the choice for how i want to feel the

the power of making the hoic
choice for ho i

how i want to feel i get to feel it now i get to ch
to feel ti now it
i get to feel it now i get to feel good about myself

i forgot for a second how easy it is to feel good abut myself
but i remember now and i feel good i knwo
tis a feeling i knwo tis

know tis
i know its a feeling i kwo tis a feeling

i trust the feeling and i now that the feeling is
all theres

just take a ride on ethe feeling
and alllow the feeling to take me

through life the feeleing of
i prefer i get to feel good about myself
i know that it sall there

all it is
i feel goodabo
about myself i feel good about myself
i make choices

i know that i always make the best
feeling cchoicea nd i can trust ath
that i can rely on that i come

i know that i can always come here and feel good
i know that i ahv

had a phase
of negativve self talk
but i allowed myself to slip and no more

i renouncce my humanhood i

i renounce my humanhoo

today i renounce my humanhood
and i feel the
for teh feeling i prefer to feel

i feel for the feelin i prefer to
feel because that’s all i can dhtat

that isi the only change i can make the
that is the only change i can

ever make is my proximity to god
i know it
i know thsi i know i cra

i know i create it i knwo i create it
i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to feel good

i know this is the

only work i know this is the only work
i know the
this is

this is the feeling i renounce my humanhood
today i renounce my humanhood

today i reneounce my huan

bhu an


today i renounce my humanhood

i get to choose it feo
for me i get to fliip the switch i get to flip

the switch i get to take care of me i get to take
car of me of me of me

of the god within i get to clulti

cultivate the god wthin
i get to hcoo

co s

so grateful to know the feeling to turn tw
toward it to know that the feeling si always

is always there the feeling is always
there the feeling is always there

the feeling is always there

i trsut the feeling of god i trust the
feeling of god i’m turning into the feloflow

i’m on some noew
new shit i’m on some new shit

and i love that ig et to be that
every day is a chance to be on some new shit
i love that i get to love this day i love that
i get to be the example i love that
i ge tto

turn the focus i
within to awareness
to know its the feeling i seek
its the feeling i seek

not the state
its the feeling i seek
not the state

i trust everything that is
i trust eveyrthin that unfolds
i trust god to create my life
and i get o out fo the way

its me i am the

i am all of it i am all of it i am
all of it i am

all of it i kow tht i am all of it
i know hat

that i reate

created it that i deserve it tahat
i am it that its a reason to celebrate

i love that i am it i

the feeling

what i seek is a feeling the state is a feeling and i know that

get to choose to feel it
to release everything around it
and its there

release everything around it and its there

release everything around it ana
and its there

release all th

everything false and the feeling is already there

the feeling of bliss

happy for no reason

not needing a reason
just loving life
and trsut

i trust life i trust whatever happens in my life

i am the master of the feeling i know i am

too powerful i know i am too powerful

i am the master of the feeling

it feels like

superiority haha

it feels like lightness

it feels light
it feels floing

it feels free
it feels mindless

it feels light

i feel light as air
flowing through me
i feel light
as the air flowing through me

i am the air flowing through me
i know that i loe that i get to feeli

it i get to feel good about my life
i get to conjure the feeling and i know this is my power
i know that ia m good at conjuring the feeling and creatoring
from it

anything that iw ant
when i ask it iis given and i just alllow it to come to me

this is the only work

i know this is the only owrk i nkow this is the only owrk

this is the only workk and he only thing mai
missing is god

god said thank you
i nkow

i know this is the only owrk i nkow this is the only work
and that the

i know this is the only work tht
the feeling is the only work the feeling is the only work the

the feeling is the only work the
only thing missing is god i lovee that

i don’t have to care dont have to looing for problems

i get to choose to create
the life i get to choose to look for what i want to see and i love that i get to

i love that i now this workk i ilovee that i know this work and this is the only work

i love that i now nothing else matters and its all made up
and i love that is eay to leat

let it go i love that its ways to zoom out its eay

its easy to zoom out its easy to

its eayt o to zoom out and be the god self to rememberr the god
self and to remember that everything else is made up i love that
i get to choose not to ccaree i love that
i get to make the choie

not to care i love that i nwo i love that hi
that i now that is all i need i love that i now

what i need and its

the energy work the
feeling work i know the

i love that i dont have to give my power away
i lovee that

i get to choose how its

thank you for the knowledge thank you for the
the knowledge thank you

grateful to remember i never have to give my poweer awarey

graetflt o practicce not caring

thank you for the knowledget thank

thannk you thank you thank you for this here and now thank you for ths here

here and now this here and now this here and now this

here and now

the knowledge of me of who and what i am
that ia m the one and only creator
and whne i loo for it i see it and that
i have to

power to let it go

to release ccontrol to now that
the only contorl is letting go

i knw i can release my need to control
i know i can say yes to everything that i s

i get to say yes to everything that is

i love that i know when to work on myself
i love that i know its never not me

i love that i know i dont need anythin
i love that i now that no one sel
exists and its just me
i nkow t

i know its hat i
what i look for i know wha ti look for i see

the power of me and i never have to give it away

the power of me is how i feel the power of me
is how i feel is the version i create

the power of me is the version i create
the feelig i create what

i am conscious of what

where i place my attention i know its up to me
to create the version i prefer
i know tis all me and is up to me what i look for i know its

my choice what i look for

i’m the feeling of god
the power of me is the feeling of god

and i never have to wonder i can do
all the work within i know that all of the work

is within i love that i get to enjoy this day
i love that i get to make the choce to feel good now

that ig et to make the ime to do the only work
that matters

i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel it now i love that i ge
t to

to take the pathless path i love that
it already is i love that i now i

i know that i am creating it all i love that
i know that i am creating it all

therefore i am totally confident in letting go dna d
and letting god appear as the abundant all sufficienty in my life and affairs

i am god and i know it i am

the one and only creator i know that i am
the one and only creator

i know that i am the one and only creator of my life

i am the one and only creator of my life

i get to choose the god self i get to choose teh
version i prefer i never have to wonder because i always
get to choose th

i always get to choose teh ersio i prefer
and then line up with the

line up with that
i et to
i get to choose the version i prefer

i can always choose teh
version i prefer i love that
i get to
i love

that i get to i love that i get to i love
that i get ti i love i love

that i know the feeling i love tat i now i
i know its me i lov that
that i get to choose and then it is
i love that ig et to choose and then it si

its so easy to make the choice to feel it first
and i know taht aall of life comes fromt he feeling

i get to choose i get to

to choose the flow the feeling i
get to chooe the feeling the feeling
the feeling i get to choose the
feeling i get to

choose teh feeling
i know that is my poer and i know the power
of me i nko th

i know that is my power
i know that is my power i know that is my power

i get to choose the feeling of me
i love that ig et to i love that i get to i love that

i get to