i know the true self

i’m here doing the work to
remember the truth

true self

i know my true self
i know the feeling of my true self and
i’m here connectiing with it

with the truth of life i’m here connecting with the truth
oflife and the more i practice the
feeling the more i

release the tension the better i feel the more i choose to feel how i want to feel the better i feel

the more i choose to feel how i want to feel the better i feel
the more i choose
to feel how i watnt o feel

the better i feel

i know my true self

i am my true self i am my true self
and its so easy to let the rest go

i now my true self and its so easy to let the greast

rest go

to feel good now to celebrate who ia m
to ccelebrate life

to ccelebrate my creation to celebrate my aret

to celerat

celebrate the here and now becuase god mad e

it perfectly for me and i know i know that

it always comes it alwys comes
ask it
and it is always given ask and it is always given

ask and it is always given i loe that it does i love the
feeling of noticing that i love that

feeling of being on the lookout for miracles
i love that i know i love that miracles

are all around i love that i now that miracles are commonplace
i love that i get to have a miracle holiday

i love that all of life is a miracle

totally confident

i recognized the feeling the feeling of picking on myself
the feeling of finding something to pick on in my reality

the feeling of looking for something to pick on
to pick apart i recognized that and i know that is not the path to bliss

i know that thoughts create and attention creates and
i am aware now of the ersion i ver

i create with everyth
thought expectation and emotoin

today i am brave enough to feel secure
in who iam to feel scure

secure in life today i am brave to feel good about
who i am today i am brave enough to feel good about who ia m

to feel good to feel tood

to feel the way i want to feel today i am brave enough to feel secure

to trsut

trust god to carry me i know that god is always on my side
i trust myself to commune with god i

trust myself to feel good no matter what

i trust myself to remember that it’s only a feeling i


it’s only ever a feeling i trust god to allow el

well being to flow through my body i

turst god to allow well being to flow
i trsut myself to let go of the

obsession i trust myself to let go i trsut
myself to feel good to feel good

to love myself no matter what to feel boo

good about msyelf no matter what and that’s all ic an o

all i can do is this work

if i notice i’m feeling insecure its because i dont trust god

its becausee i dont trust love

i trsut love i tsrut

i allow well being to flow i allow well being to flow

i get to sh

f i’m feelig insecure it means in
im not with god

if i’m comparing myself to others it means im not
with god

if im not celebrating someone elses success
i’m not with god and

being with god is all ther eis

ther ever is

being with god is all there ver is
it is the sourcce of everything else

love is the sourcce of everything else

i know i can choose it and all it takes is just
choosing it over and over i know that i can just choose it over and over

and that’s all that mattes

i know that i eans
means i’m holding something there

i know that god is the source of all of it

its how i feel i know that how i feel is the
source of everything i know tha i c

i create life with how i feel i
i know hat
that i creat life with how i feel

i just can’t think like that because
that is what creates so if i want to see what i want to see

then i have to choose to see it and that is
the only way i

have to look for what i see
i have to feel secure in myself and my

reality i feel secure in myself and my reality

i am totally confident in my ability to feel good
i am totally confident in my ability to feel good about myself

and sometimes i forget but then i
remember more tahn

than ever i remember more than ever how important
how i feel about myself is

i choose to love myself i choose to love my body
no matter what i choose to loe wher e
i am right no

i choose to lookf or things to appreciate

i choose to look for ways to uplife and

i choose to lookf or ho

how blessed ia m
i choose to noitce

notice that i’m getting everything iw ant

i get to choose to celebrae
i get to choose to feel how i want to feel right now
i feel good i feel good i feel good

there is so much to celebrate

so grateful to be the best i’ve ever been
took look

to lookk the best ive ever looked to be the skinniest ive ever been

so grateful there is so much to ccelebrate and i
dont have to

i dont have to look for things that i dont like

i can look for what i do what

how god would feel and this work ehlps me

ths work helps me and i

was feeling good and i let it slip i lve

i let the work slip and i nio

noticed the affects and i am brave
enough to admit that to admit i let it slip

to know

to be grateful for the contrast that helps me focus
that lhes

me remember who i ma

that helps me rememer the security in god that elhps me
remember the security in god

that ring


brings me back to god every time to the feeling
evvery time and accessing the feeling is the only thing
that helps me mremember

remember what it feels like and the more i access it the more


bod mind and feeling nature

remember that feeling remember the truth
them ore i trun

turn toward the truth

the more i feel it the more

and i am brave enough to feel the ru

truth right here and now i am

brave ehought of eel the fee

the truth i am brave enough to feel the truth

to love me to ccelebrate me
i am brave enough to love myslef

to like m

i get to feel good i get to celebrate life i get to
celebrate my sexy wife i getto

to celebrate us i get to celebrate the good life
i get to focus on the good life and mre

remember that its only ever me

its only ever awareness

i’m the master i’m the master

two masters can exist at once

i love that i know ti love doing this ork that work
this work o

always wrk sand

the feeling is all ther eis the feeling is all there is

the feeling is all there is

the feeling

its only ever the feeling and life only reflects the feeling
i now that today i get to feel the feeling of god not matter what

i know i don’t have to mine any experience for good feelings because that
experience wsn’t the sourcce

i am the source and im’ so grateful i know this i’m so graetufl

i kow the i know the secret to life that i never have to wonder

because its only ever me its only ever me
and how i make the choice to feel

it’s only ever me and how i decide to feel i nkow that i get to feel abundance
and then i am

i get to feel abundant and then i am and i know that all of life
is about this feelign this feeling that i ghcoose

choose this alignment with god this
knwoign that
everything that god does is in my favor that life
is always

creating around me according to me i love that
i get to feel it i love hat i get to feel it now

i love that i get to feel nit

it now and i don’t need a reason i love that i
never need a reason to feel good i love that

i get to feel good i get to

i gt to feel the feeling i prefer

it’s only me it’s only me and i get to decide i get to decide
i get to feel good i get tmake the choice

i get to choose i get to allow life to work out
through me

i can do this work ic an do this work i know that
whatever happens is god on my side i know that

whatever happens is god on my side i know i get to make the choice
i know its only ever me i know its only ever me

i get to decide how i feel what i pay attention to

is that what i want to pick pu something so stupid
and make it into a thing make something small into a thing
build it up from mnothing
nothing and make it into a thing

or jus ask and know that it is givien
or just ask and know it is given

do i want to use my power or not and ;i know that is the owrk

think about what i dont want
or ask and know it is given?

i love that i know that i get to ask and know it is given
i get to ask and know

it is given i get to do the work for me i get to feel good form e i get

i get to allow life to come to me i get to feel good for me
i get to feel good for me

i get to choose i get to choose life
i get to choose how i want to feel i’m not
going to look at that i’m not going to look at it

im not going to look at that
i’m not going to ev

invent something i’m just trying to have a good day i just want to have a
good day im deciding o have

a good tday to fele how i want to feel cho

to choose how iw atn to feel and know tit always comes i choose how i want to feel and it
always comes

it always comes

i love that i get to i love that i get to choose the
feeling i love that i
get to fee

choose the feeling th

i get to choose the feeling i get to choose the feeling

i get to choose it fo me i get to choose it for me
if she doesn’t want it someone else can have it

i know this i know thi i

i know it’s only ever me and i get to choose how i
feel aobut myself i get to choose how i

feel about myself i love that i get to i love that
i get to cchoose how i feel i love that
i get to choose

how i feel i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel it i love that i get to

choose it i love that i get

to choose it am i going to give away my power
or am i going to choose it

or am i doing to choose it or am i going to choose it

am i going to choose it i

or am i going to choose it i
or am i going to hcoose i

or am i going to choose it

the power of the focus the power of the focus
and i know that i’m sut look

looking for something and i know that i can drop it
right way

i can always choose to feel good now
i know i am the source i know t

i am the sourcce of how i feel about myself
i know i am the source

how i feel about myself i am the sourcce
of how i feel about myself

i am the sourcce of how i feel about myself

i am the sourcce of
how i feel about myself

i am the sourcce ia m the source
i am the source of how i feel about myself

i get to choose how if eel about myself today
i get to choose to feel attractice

i get to choose to feel attractice
i get to choose to feel sexy i get to choose love

to love myself i get to choose to be good at

i get to choose it for myself and know that i am
i get

to choose it for myself an dknow that i am

i get to choose it for myself and know that i am

i am wht i choose to be
i know that how i feel i kn

i know that life can only ever reflect how i feel and
i have the power to choose how i feel right now

it’s only me it’s only me

it’s only ever the feeling its’ only ver

ever the feeling that’s all it is
its’ never otuside of me its never oust
outside of me its never outside of me

its ony me its only me that you its only me
thank you

i gt to feel good

i get to allow it in the flow i get to allow it in the flow
i get
to allow it in the flow i get to allow it
in the flow

i get to allow life to flow and that’s all i can
ever do i know its onl ever
me i knkow its i

it’s only me i now life reflects me i know iam
the cours
source i know the feeling is the source
and i get to choose the feeling
i get to choose teh feeling the feeling i get to choos teh

choose the flow

who has the power id o i do

i have the power ot feel good now to nejoy life now

to enjoy life now to enjoy life now

to enjoy life now to enjoy lfoe

i get to choose the feeling here and now
i love that i know i am the source i love hat

that i know the power is mine i love that
i now
i know nothing outside of me i love h

i love that i now it’s never outside of me
i love that i nkow
i know

it’s never outside of me i love that i now i love htat

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank

thankn you thatnk you for the feeling ofr rhe
the feeling of me

for the feeling of me for the feleing of knowing

for the feleing of celebrating life

so grateful to get to celebrate life so
grateful to get to ccelebrate life

to get to trust the mystery to trustthe
the breath in and the breath out

so grateufl to get to trust love to get to do this
work to get to feel good to keep uo


up with the work to remebering who iam to remember who iam

i know the power of me and i choose it i

so grateful to get to celebate life
so grateful to get to feel good
to get to feel good to get to to get to feel good

so grateful to get to feel the feel t
to choos eht efeeling

o cho
to choose the feeling to

the feeling of certainty the feeling of knwoing
that whatever ahppens is on my side

is god on my side is

god on my side is god on my side
i know that wha

whatever a
happens is god on my side i know i h
have the power i know the ia m the

master o the
of the choice of the knowing ia m the maste rof the

i know the
i have the power and i never have to give it aware

away so grateful i now the truth i now th r

the truth of life i now the truth of life i know the truth of life

i know the truth of

i know the poweer of me i now the powr of e
and i know its that esay i know

i know its that eays i know its that easy to make the
choice i know its the easiset a
nd the an

hardest thing nothing

i nkow all i can do nothing i love that all ic an do
is allowl ife to come to me

to celebrate this here and now

to relax in this here anad now

knowing god is taking care ofm e
i relax ain

in this here and now nk

knwoing god is taking care of meand i
allow life to i allow life i la

i feel good i feel good i feel happy in this

here and now i feel ah

happy in my life i

thank you for the feeling of yes for the feeling of yes
for thea b

the ability to lift my mood to remember ia m

i am the mater i am
i am the master

creator i am the artists to

to remember ia mm the artist
i remember ia m the artist

i remembe ia m the artist

i get to o
to chooe love i et to choose celebrate i get o

to choose happy i get to choose joyous occassion
i get to sh

choose rest and relaxation i ge to choose ane
enjoying life and i lve
i love hat

i get to i love that i know that i now the vibration og

of abundance i no
i know its all vibrational i know i know the vibration of abundance
i now the

the vibration of letting og o
of being grateful hree

here and now of letting go comopeltel i know i can co
it i kno
i know i can do it i nkow i can do it i now tha tis

is the answer i have to not care so mi
i make the chocie to not care and i do the work to look
at something else and decide to love myself
instead and be graeful for
for what is i make the choie to be grateufl fro what is

and then it comes i know this i nkow this is
i kow thi

this is life i tust
i trust everything that happens i and
and i don’t look atit i make the choice to feel good
and enjoy life here and now

i love that i get to do this work this work

the only work i get to enjoyl ife i

get to say yas
and then life flows that
tha’ts the only way
that’s that’s the only way that’s the only


that’s teh only way toenjoy life
is to make the choice to do so

i love that i know this

i know that i am the master of the feeling i am
the maste rof the mfe

feeling and that’s all i neeed

that’s all i ever need!!!

thank you

for the space and time to feel good to do this work the only work
to wake up feeling good to do the work to wake up feeling good

to do the work to remember its all me and ig et to choose
to remember that it just doesn’t matter what happens outside of me

because the feeling is always here with me the feeling iw ant
is always here with me and i always have access to it

i know that eveyrthing else is just a reflection of that
i love that i get to love myself i lovee that i get to feel good now i love

that i get to feel good now i lov that i get to

to do the work

i’m here allowing the flo to flow
allowing the magick to flow and just feeling the pure love

what can love do today

i’ve let that go

today i’m allowing life to ahppen
happen today i celebrate other’s success

today i know that nothing outsidde of me is my sourcce
today i do the work to feel good

today i look for reasons to celebrate today i look for
reasons to feel good

today i remember id ont need anything outsidde of me
today i remember who i am today i do the work tore member
who ia m
to remember who i am

to remember peeople

people come to me
to remember i am hot in clevelenad to

believe in myself to believe in my power
to know my power today i do the work to know my power

and i come here to practice to rememer my power
to rpa

practie the feelign iw ant to feell

i get to feel good i get to feel the feeling now and i know
i can gt there i know i can get in the vortex and then i knokw i

i know i can get int he vortex and then

tell me what you know then

tell me your poweer then

tell me what you know tell me aboutt he poweer of you

i know that life comes in the flow i know that life
comes to me i know that

when i let go it flows i know that the
real feeling i seek is not caring
i know that i don’t havet o care

to care i kno wthat the
secret to life is not caring i knwo that the secret to life
is choosing the feeling now i know the power of me
i know the

power of me i

i know that
all of life reflects the feeling inside of me

i know that all of life reflects how i feel and
what i expect i know that all of life

arises from the subconsciousna
dn my

and my art is to choose the

state of my subconscious
and that’s all it is

what am i feeling

slighted by the universe for nt giving me what i want
but was it a reflection of me

i feel that there is something that’s not there that i want to
be there and as long as i feel that it is not there

it will not be there

what is it that i think i need

constant validation that i’m loved
that i’m not tooo much
that i’m not too much

that i’m loved that i’m good enough that you want me around
that i’m not a nuisance

that i’m wanted

i know i’m wanted i know i’m the shit i know that this
is the only work that validates me i know that god is the only one

who can validate me and i know that this
work ehlps me get there

ehlps me get back on top again

brings me back to my power

instead of everyt ime i start to feel good and then i think
well but she didnt touch me yesterday so she must hate me

she didnt touch me yesterday so she must hate me

and how can i get past that how ican i not care i dont care if she touches me
ever gain i dont

i dont care if she touches me everr again

i feel good because i get to choos i

i get to choose it i get to choose it i get to choose and i
and i know this work is always the anaswer

answer i knot

i kno the i know the solution is not caring what i seek
is not caring and i know this work hleps me

i know that i do this work
and then i get to th

the manifestation
and then i get t suc

get sucked into the manifestation
but its never that

that’s not the secet to life

i cn
relax in the knowledge i can releax

relax in the knowledge that the

the feeling of choosing the feeling is so much more poweerful

its so much more me
im not looking outs id

outside of me i dont need to look outside of me

i know its easy to let it go i now that this is my magaick
this i smy power

because there is always the other sid eof the wave and when i ask it
it is givine i know this i know this

i know this and life always causes me to ask
and when i ask it is given

so grateful i know my power to rememeber my power
to remember the power of me to remember the poweer of me

and the work he

always helps me do that
the work always helps me remember who i am

so grateful i know the secret to life
that i nkow it alw

it only reflects me and that i never have to loo outside of me

so grateful to do this work to feel good
to knwo this

that this is only work this is the only way to feel good
to feel secure in who i am

to find the security in god
so graeful to do this work and feel good
to do the work on myself on my vibration
on my subconsiousn

sna d

and know that itsnever

never outside of me i know that its never outside of me
and whenever i notice something that i think i’m lacking i can

take responsibility becaus that is reflecting me

i knwo its only ever me

its only ever me and twork the work reminds me the practice

the fitness of the mind and there is so
much to e g

to be gratefule fo there is this so
so mucht o be grateufl for

i gt to choose just choose becuase that’s all there
isd who

why am i consciousn of thw ati dont whatn


so make the choice make the choice

make the choice make the choice make the choice
to be the source make the choice to

be the course and i lov that ig eto ti love
that its’ t

ti’s the devotion i lvoe that i nwo i love that i now
tis not outside of me

i lvoe that i knwo i know its never outsideo f me
its right here and now i

and release the tension and its already her

here i already have t

ti and its not outside of me
i release the tension and tis alreayd here and the parc


practicce helpls me the practice helps me the

practice helps me

it’s only me and as soon as i do the work

i gee

feel better i love tat i get to i get to come herea dn
feel better

feel the feelin let

feeling let it all go remember who i am easily

easily remember who iam the practice hels me

the work works the work works the w

let me remember who ia m let me keep up
the good work let me go

keep up the good work let me nejoy enjoy let me say yes

let me look for what i want to see


let em look for what i want to see let me

allow myself to feel good let me not upper limit let mesay

let me say yes thank you let me say yese thank

let me take my poer k
let me take my power let me take back my power

it’s me its the feeling and that’s it tis the
feeling and that’s it choose to feel gratefl

i know i can get there i know i can get ther ei know i can
get there i know

i know its there its ther eale

tis the realse ite teh

tis h

the reale intot he here and now
feeling good now and trusting ther est

feelling good now

where am i placding my power whree am i pls
placeing my power where am i placing my f

power where am i placing my power and i am sa

am i saying i dont knowhow to


to feel how i want to feel and

am i saying i dont know my power
am i saying i don tnow

knwo my power am i saying i dont ha

know how to feel good nwo am i saying i dont
know how to fel

i know i was seeking i know i want t

was trying i kow i can’t try i know i can’t

try i know its o

too vob

obvious i lovee that ial

all worked out i love that is alwys me


the work

am i saying that i dont have the power am
i saying

i need something otuside of me am

am i saying im not the source amd

am i saying i dont look sexy that id
dont want to look sexy


am i saying no when i could mb

be saying ye si could be deciding to feel good
i gc

i could be deciding to feel good

i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel
grateful i feel grateful

right now now

i feel grateful right now i feel good now i feel good now

i feel good now i feel good now i feel good now

in this here and now is all there is
the rest is made up the ret is
the outside but its not the real me

and i love that i now the

i know this i love that i remembe thita

this that life alwys refelts me i love that i
get to feel it i love that i know i know

i know that life lways reflects the feeling and life
helps me me ber emem

remember that i know that life helps me mer

remembe that i lowve that i knwo that i know

dont’ ened anything else

its me is

its me its me its me

its me its me its me

its me its me

its me its never outside of me
and the feeling i seek is right here

the feeling is eek

is eek
i seek is the feeling of not seeking and that
feelng comes with this practice and the more
i practice f

the feelng

the esier it es it is to access and the mroe i rapce

practice the feeling the mroe i practice the feeling
the more it resides within me and the harder it is
to sha

shake me from that feeling ai

and i know the only thing thi

the only thing in life is the connection to spirit
is the letting go and allowing life to come to me i love that i know

i know that is all there is ever is
that is all there ver is is eve

center all there ever is is god

the only thing i could be looking for is god
the only thigm

hing missing is god
is love the only thing missing is love th
the only thing missing is love that

the only thing is

missing is love the only thing missing is
love the only ghing missing is love and i know that

that’s only ever me that’s only ever me

only ever me

i know that the only thing missing is god i know that
the only thing imss

missing is god and i know tho

i can always ask how god would feel about thes itu

the situation

this substance is my supply

i know this is the only work this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

when i am aware of the god self within me as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and can relax in the nkowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my ife

through my consciousness of awareness
i draw into my mind and feling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is myy supply

i ant to i want to i want to feel good
i want to enjoy life right now i want to feel good now

i want to have a good day i want to be in a good mood

i want to be in a good mood i want to have good day i want to have a good day

i want to enjoy i love i

life i want to enjo life i want to allow the energy to flow through me
i want to like my life i want to love my life i

want to wake up feeling good i want to wake up feeling
good i want to wke up

feeling good and i know that ive been putting my sort

my value outside of me and i know that my worth

is not outside of me i know that my worht

is not in my doing but in my being and i love that i get to i love that
i get to i lovee that i

can always choose me first i love that iam brave enough to choose me

frist i love that i am brave enough to choose me first

so grateful i get to feel good now i get to do
me right now i’m doing me right now i know

i know what i need to do to do feel good
so grateful life shows me so gratful i nwo

so grateful i know i gte to choose me i get to choose
to feel good i get to

choose to feel good now i get

i know i know its only ever me i know its only ever me
i lovee that i get ti

to feel godo i love that i know that it always wocme
comes back around i love that i know that it

it always comes back around i love htat i know that

life always comes back aroudn i love that i get to feel good now

i want to love myi wife i want to love my wife i love
i want to love my life i

i want to love my wife i want to love my wife i want to l

love my life i want to enjoy my life

and i know that all i can ever do is live life for me
right now all i can ever do is be present in this here and now

all i can ever do is ease and flow

i know i know that my value is innate
i know taht my

i know that my value is in that iam i know that
god is

i know that i am

lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity is individualized as me

the reality of me

is indivdidualized as me the reality of me

i know that my vlaue is in that i am

i love hat i now that

this i lovee that life ehlps m hlep sm e
helps me do the work i love that life hleps me focus i love that

i know the power of me and this work ehlps

helps me remember

so grateful i know im always getting what i want so
grateful i now life is always on my side

so grateful i remembered that i never have to prove my worth

so grateful i remembere i never have to prove my worth
so grateful to remember that
so grateful to do the work for me to remember who i am

to feel good now so grateful to sit
in my own house and just relax

so grateful to just sit and just be
so grateful to

to feel good now to be in a good mood
to just be and release the rest i know that i can always just be
right now and allow life to live me

i don tha

have to try i can al

just allow life to live me in every moment

i feel good now i feel good now i feel the

the feeling i feel the magick of life i feel ove
i feel

i feel ove in my life i can just be here a
now i can just say yes to everything that is

so grateful i remembered my value is in that i am
and i never have to prove it

so grateful i remember that i can just be that i am god
and i can jjust be i can always just be i love that
i know that i love that i

get to choose the feeling i love that i know its

always passes

i love that i know i love that i am the master of the feeling
and life always helps me remember gi

i love that i m’

i’m feeling like myself again i love that
i get to choose to feel like myself

i get to choose to have fun i get to choose to
feel good and i love that life helps me ask i love that

this work is always here for me i love that i know this wor is always here for me
i love that i know that life is my work i lovet hat i knokw

that the feeling is always

always here with me i love that i know that the
feeling is always here with me

i love waking up feeling good i love making the choice
i love that i can alays
make the choice to feel good i

can always make the choice to feel good

i am the master of the feeling

ia m the mast the master of the feeling i am

ai a

i am the masater of the feeling iam the mast of the focus
i am the mat of


master of the

The Feeling i knwo i am the master of the feleing and its easy tof
for me to feel it here and nnow i love that its easy

for meto feto feel ti here andow


i am the mater of the work i am the master of the fele

feelig ia

and i know the easier it gets i know the easier it gets i know the
more i focus on how i want to feel i know the easier it gets i know itsup

to me to create it i know i ahve the power i know i have the power to
see it how i want to see it to feel it how i want to feel it

and i knkow that the more i feel it how iw ant to feel it the
the more that’s the way it is i love that i
that i get to choose it i love that i get to choose it get to choose
to feel the feeling i want to feel

get to choose toe remember i am the master i am the one


the one who knows more than anyone i know the feeling i no
i know the feelig createas i knwo the feeling createes
i knowt he feeling creates and i ge o

get to choose it i nko

i know i am the mast er


i know the power of me i now the feelign of me of loving me

i know the feeling of me i know th reco

i recognize the feeling of an old vibration and i know
i know

i can choose not ot feel tii live i love that i knwo i am
the master i know t

hat i get to choose love me for me
i love that i know m

i don’t have to prove my worth i know hat

i was born worhty

worthy i love that i geto lo

to love myself for no reason i get to love my life
for no reason i get to love my wiife for no reason

i gett o choose whre i focues i get to choose whre i

where i focus i get to choos
choose teh feeling and i now th

the feeling is all there is i know the focus is
all there is i love that i know i love that i

get toremembe
to remember i love that i let ig go

it go i love that i know that gliss

bliss is i love that i know that bliss
is remembering it no

its never ouside

outsiide of me

bliss is remembering its never
outside of me

bliss is the feeling no matter what
and i know that no matter what
its always the feeling

the feeling of fun the feelng ofligtneess

in my being i an i can always choose the
feeling of lightness in my being

i know that i am the master of ths w

this work i know tis up to me to choose this work
i love that i knwo i love that

the contrast elps m hepls me focus
i love that i now that e

eaverything everythin isan
is an inndicator i love that i know this i love that i

get to ride the wave i love that i get to feel the
feeling and right the

ride the wave i love that i get to get in
the vorte and then
i love that ig et to

get in the vortex and then

i love bieng

i ove being rich
i l

i love that all my bills are paid i love that
my rent is paid i love

i love that there’s always more than enough i love that
there’s always more

i love feelig confident i love choosing knowing i love

being the boss i love taking charge i love being the boss

i love being the boss of how i feel i love
being the boss of how if eel i

i love remembering my pwoer i love that i know i love that
i know that i now i lovee that

the work always work si love that i love that i
get to choose i love that ig et

get to choose i love that i knwo the feeling

i know teh feeling i know the feeling i

i know the feeling

i knwo the
feeling and i choose the feeling i know the feeling and i choose the

feeling i know

i knwo the feeling i am

i am the master of the feeling and i knwo that ia m

afraid of the power but now i choose it i now

i choose it today i choose it i

i’m ready i’m ready to use my pweorr i’m

i’m ready to use my power i m
ready to be bmy

my tue

true self to remember tis never outside of me
its only ever me and i know this
i knwo the feelign of me

t can
it can only ever reflec t

reflect the feeling of me

i am

the masater of t

i am the mmaster of the feeling and all i can
ever to di

do is feel it is allow life to cause me to ask

to choose to focus on creating
on allowing the

on remembering that attention
creates i knwo that whatever comes to mind
is whate i create i know this
and today

i do the work to remember that today
i choose knwoing today i chosoe the feeling

today i choose teh power of me right now i chosoe
the pwoeer of me i chosoe me i choose my work

i choose the art of letting life come to me
i know it i know the pwoer i now the

i know the power of me i know the poweer of me and
this work this pracctice helps me rememer

thanks god for everthing

the work always works

today i want to feel good i want to feel good about myself
i want to feel good about life iw ant to celebrat

i get to choose to feel good today i get to choose to d t

to do the owrk today i get to choose to feel tood
good i get to choose to do me

i get to choose to love myself i get to choose to do dome today
to do me todayi n

i get to choosee toenjoy life
my life today i get to chooset o enjoy my wife today i get to choose to feel
good i get o

i get to feel good i get to choose to feel good
i get to choose to feel good

i get to feel good about life i get to live my life for me
i get to celebrae life for me i get to do me i get to cle

celebrate life for me i get to feel good in my
marriage i get to feel good i get to feel good ig et to

i get to feel good i get to feel good i get to feel good i
i get to feel good i love that i get to i love that i know the
feeling is always right here with me i love that

i get to live life for

i get to live life for me i get to feel good for me i get to live life for me i

get to feel the feeling for me i get to do the work for me
i get to cha

to catch the mood for me i get to feel the
feeling for me i know the work always work sthe feelign
always works i love that i knwo i lov that
i lov that

i get to do the only work whci

which is nothing ig et to feel the feeling
which is nothing ig et to release


thank you for the feeling for the feeling of life
for the feeling of feeling good tahnk s

god for everything for the feeling of now

i can let go i cn let go and just be
i get to just be i get to just be for me

i can do it for me ig et to live for me i get to feel
good for me i get to feel the feeling for me i get to

feel the feeing of life ig et to do this
the only work i get to wo

today i get to win today i get to win to dayi get to

why do i get tos
so annoyed?? by other people ?? lmao

they get on my nerves bc they are
they seem fake

all up in mky busines is
it just feels gake fake maybe bc im annoed that they feel fake

why do thtey feel fake am i fake
its all ust a show so she can get to the neighbor’s house

that’s what it feels liek

a show

today i get to feel good i get to choose

what do i want what would i prefer what would i prefer

i wantto have fun i want to enjoy my life
i want to love my wife i want to have fun with my
wife i want to love my wife i love

i want to love the one im with i wna t
to focus on love i want to feel good i want to love my life
i want to love the life i ahve
i want to feel good now i want to feel good now i

i get to feel good i get to celebrate life i get to

to feel good i get to ccelebate life ig et to
give what i want to get i get to feel the feeligni want t

to feel i get to e
decide i can always choose to feel the feeling iw ant to feel
i can

i choose the feeling i want to feel in love i want to feel happy
i want to feel in love i want to feel happy

i wnat to love the life i have i want to love what i have i want to e

to br graetfful gratefulf or what i hve

myabe i ms truggling to give lovve

i get to feel good i get to feel good and i kwo the work

always works i wnat to feel good i want to love my wif ei want to love my life

i want to allow myself to i want to allow myself to
feel good i want to love myself iw ant to love my life

and i know ti all comes form this work from the choice fr

senders receive senders receieve and i love that

i know the truth of life i know the truth i know the secret to

life and can relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be awrae of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is

easily and effortlessly pouring froth from my divvine consiconesss

i am now ware
i am now it he flow

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel good

i feel the energy of life flowing through me i

i feel love i l
i feel god love flowing through me

i feel gratitdue
for all i have if eel grateful for

everything that ih ave

so graetful i get to wake up to my beautiful wife and she actually LOVES ME!!!

so grateful my beatiful wife loves ME!!!!

so grateful so grateful so grateful for the love i have for the life
i ahve so grateful to have someone to go through life with

so grateful the work ala

always works to help m efeel the
way i want to feel

so gratful lfoe

life loves me so grateufl o