the feeling is all there is

and i’m so grateful to remember the feeling of me
the power of em teh power of me

to remember to work to re

the work to remember the magick of life im so grateful to
focus and do th work and rememberr who ia m

so gateful for teh contrat that helps me focus
and remembe who ai m
that i alove

myself a god amount so
gratfult or emember tow

who iam i am and that the feeling is seek is the one right nhere

and its never outside of mse

i ilove athat
that i know its the feeling i love that i know its my turn to feel good
to take care of myself to atke care of how i feel first

to feel good for no reason to have fun for no reaosn to

feel gratitude for no reason to
feel love for on reaosn to

return to center to feht reason of taking
care of me of loving myself of loving myself

first so grateufl toretu

to get to choose how i r

how i feel to remember its the feeling its onle the feeling
and i kno the power of me

choose how i want to feel and then life follows

i knw its i

it is law it is law

it is law

so grateful to remember that its this work
that feels good its this work that creates life
the rest is the rest the rest is

the reflection so grateful to remember i have the owre to remember
i have to pwero

to see it hw i wnat
to see it and i love that i know this so

gratfult o do the work to tr

return to ceente to return to the feeling choose the
feeling choose the feeling and know that it

it doesn’t come vrom

from outside of me aht
everything else is an illusion i know that i nkow tis nt

not real i know the only real thing is within so garteufl to do the work
to feel the feeling practice the feeling do the work to let it go

to let it go do

to cme

amke the
to make the choice so gratefult o amke the hcoie

to focus on the feleing to get in the fv
vortex and then to tdo the work to tune mself
to the feeling to

go do bed to ge

to go do bed feeling owh iw ant tofele to
choose love to choose love and milke it to see what

loe can do to

look at myself and ask if ia m who i
wnat to be and to allow myself more love in

every moment today i am alowing allowing msyelf to
be love so grateful to tune myself to love so

to tune myself to love i wnat to love i want to love i

wnat to love i want to love i wnat to love
i am a conduit for love i know that i allow it i allow it

i allow it i allow ti i t

allow the love of god to flow through me
i allow myself to align with my wpoer

my power i al

allow myself to feel how i want to feel ia llow
myself to feel how i want to feel and i nkow hat

that is my pwor i love that i get tofeel i
to feel it i love that i get to feel it

i love the focus within i love the focus on my true self
i love thati this work tu

hels me tune i love tha i know that i am

i am tahe mast of the othis
this work i love that i knkow thi ilove that the contart help
helps me remember i love that the

contrast ehlps me remember but i know i know i know
the secret to life i know the

secret to life i ro

forgot for a second but i remember now
and it s

the feeling the feleing is the secre tand i gt to
feel it here and now and that is all ther is to life

accept it how it is love it how i ti s

feel good abou how it is
say waht i want

i know i know the pwoer ofme i say yi

i prefer

and then it is
i say i prefer and then it is i say
i prefer and then it i i feel the feelig

and i say
how it is e

i love that i now its me


the feeling of what i think i want is
right here with me

so grateful to remember to celebate the feeling is here iwth me

so grateufl to celebrate me

so grateufl to celebate me
to ccelebrate life to know

to tut the

trust the mystery i trust the mystery

so grateful i get to trust the mystery

i love that life helps me i love that i know now
and i get to live by it so gratefl to
dot he work to

remember who iam to remember who iam that i al

already am it al
it aleays it it alreayd is

life is alread perfect
so grateuf i knw

life is

already perfect

so grateful i know
life is already perfect

i know i know the power of me its so easy
every time i get to say thank you
to life for causing me to ask i know tis up to m e
to look for what i want to see

to feel how i want to feel i love that its that esay
i ilove that i knwo i loe that i get to chooe love
i lovethat

i get to choose love i love that i get to remember who iam
i love that i get to

remember who ia m and choose love

i know i already have it the feeling i want
i already am it i know that i already am it

i do the real work and let the rest go

today i feel abundant

i know that abundnace is all around today i look
for what i want to see and i know that i see it today

today i choose abundance today i choose abundance
that is my birth right today i choose teh abundance
that is my virth

birth right i choose the version i prefer i

choose the version i prefer i choose teh version
i prefer i choose teh version i perfer

i get to do this work and i know its not up to me
i love that i get to juste

exist i get to just exist and enjoy life i get to enjoy
life i can
get toenjoy life i get to

enjoy lie i get to enjoy abundance
i know that i am abundance i know that iam abundance

i know that i am god i know that i get to

i get to choose how i feel gotay
i get to choose to have good day today i get to
choose teh flow today i

i get to do the work today i do the wor the feeling work today i
do the feeling work today i do the feeling work today i

i do the feeling workand know that is all there is today i
do the feeling work and return to center

who has the power i do

who has the power i do

so grateful to remember the feeling of trusting
it to the flow to remember the feeling of my own

power to remember its only ever me the feeling of me
how i cca

i get to decide

how to feel about myself i get to decide

so gateufl tore embmer the feelingo f teh power of me the
feeling ofl eaving it up to chance
the onlything

the only thing i can ever ddo is feel

is that what you want is that what you want
is that what you want is that what you want

is that what you want

is that what you want and its that easy

its awas

as easy as the feeling its as easy as doing his work the only work
and remmebering the poer of me its as

easy as remembering the power of me its aw

as easy as remembering the power of me

as easy as the pwer
power of me its eas easy
as the feeling as trusting it to the flow

i feel the feeling here and now an
i feel the feeling here and now and i knwo tis o

its only me i love that i get to do thi

this work and i love that the contat

contrast ehlps m hleps me fosuc
focus that ig et to

refuse to vibrate lack
that i get to refuse to vibrate what i dont want

that i et to refuse to feel how i dont want t
to feel beasue because life

reflects that

the feeling i know the feeling of me

so grateful to get to do this work the
only work so grateful to get to feel

good to remember the power of me so grateufl to remember the power of me

to keep up the work and get to feel good get to feel how i want to feel so grateufl to
get to feel how iw atn to feel
i get

i get to choose how i feel about myself
and i had an out of tahe vortex moment

but i take responsibilitiy for how i feel

for looking ouside outside of me
i take responsibilty for that

the feeling

the feeling is all the ever is
and looking outside of me will never be ti

seeking will never be it the only bliss is
i the e

the here and now its never outside of me and i know this
and this work ehlps

helps me remember its in here the feeling is i here and i knwo it

its the same feeling for everything and i know it
and i get to feel it whever i awan

want its reala nd

and life always follows the feeling i now that i now that life

i know that life always follows the feeling life

follows love and love is here with me

i know the power of me i know this work

i know who and what i am i know who and what i am

i know the truthi now the truth

i have found the seccet to life i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knoweldget

activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my ife

i kow i know the power of the focus i know the pwoer of

attentioni knwo i am the creator i love that i
get to create the version i prefer
i love that life can’t not

i love that i life an’t not i love

i love the ower of the focus

i love that life allows me

thatnk you thank you for everything

for te kindness for the sweetness for the eyes

thank you for the eyes

thank you for the eyes

i know the power of em i know

the pwoer of me i know the power of me of l

leaving it up to chance of letting go

of the release i know the power of the relase i loe the pwer

the pwoer of the arrow pulling back
i love that there is slo
so much to love i love that i

get to repace myself with love
i love

that i get to loet go of caring foerver

i love that i get to get itnt eh voretex and then

i love doing thiw
this work and feeling good i love doing thiw

this work and feeling good the only work and life causein

causes me to do it
so grateful for the life experience
to ccreate

to ccreate a life that is my art to know tha my life

is my art i know that my life is my art

the power of awrenss

awareness of focus on awren

awareness of lettin it it go of just e

existing here and now
letting it go and just existing

i get to let it go
and just exist

the mystery and it feels so much better to
releae to trusth
the mystery to

to take back my poer
my power in my letting go

to take back the power in letting go
so grateuflt otake
to take back he poer

in letting go to take back my power
and it feels good to release to do the work
tor emember the power of me

to remember my power to rmeember i ah

have the woer

so grateufl tof this work

i can always do the work

i can always come here i can always come here and feel good
and i’m so grateful i know this i can always return to blissi can

i can alawys take care of how i feel i can always take care of how i
feel i can always tret

return to bliss its easy to return to bliss to the unattached state

to the substance of spirit

i can always confidentally return to the substance of spirit

i can always return to spirit

i get to choose how i feel i get to choose the flow
i get to

choose to return to bliss i can always t
choose to return to bliss and i knwo life

i know life helpsme ask i know
life is always helping me ask i know life is always helping me

work on myself i no that

i know that this work ehlps me return to bliss i know that
i an always return to bliss and that its as easy as a feeling i love that
i get to choose the feeling of the wish fulfilled


ad choose confidence in life
all i can do is choose confidnece
in life all ic an do is choose confidnece

in god knowing that whatever is ahppening
is for the best knowing that
is happening right now is

always for the beest

god is lavish unfailing abundance
and i knwo i am god i know ia m god i knwo t

i m the source and i create everything with how i feel i know
its easy to choose to be my own source and that is theo nly work

that is the only feeling i seek i know i am seeking and thus suffereing
but i know its easy to return
to center i know its eayt o have
a good day i know its easy to have a good day

celebrating life i knwo it

its easy to love without condition its
easy to renturn

return to bliss its easy to feel complete
its eay to know

to feel that i dont need anything else its

easy to feel good now its easy to love freely its easy to be
my own source its easyt o be go its easy to rmember im the source

its easy to feel complete to have nothing to gain or lose

i have nothing to gain
i have nothing to gain i have nothing to gain
i know that i am always me right here and now

i know that i am always me
here and now

the work always works the work alwys works
and its the only thing that works its

the only thing that creates life and i nwo this
i can relax in the knowledget aht the
activity of divine abundance is eterann

eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow

i know i know the flow i know
i knwo i know i know

consciousness i know the truth of life i now the truth
of life and that life

can only reflect me i know tha ti am p

complete right now i know that i am god right now
i know tha ti m the creator right now i know that

i am the creator right now i know i t

that i am the creator right now i know that i am complete
that i already have everything

i know that i already have everything i could ever need

i loe that i dont have to care i love that
i am here nwo and that’s all that matters i am

my souce and

source and that’s all that matters
i know i just need to make time to take care of myself

i know that’s all it is i know its only ever me i know
its only ever the feeling i know its only

the feeling i nkow all of life is the feeling i know that
life is created by the feeling and i get to feel it now

i know that i can clean my vibration any time
i cna release attachment any time i love that i gt to feel good
i love that life is good for me i love that
there is s om

so much to love

being good is real
trying to be good is an illusion

i get to feel good now i get to feel the magick of life right

i hate loving you

i said iwasn’t going to love you i promised i was going to love you

i promised myself i wasn’t going to love you but you made
me you made me like this you did this to me and now i

love you and i can’t stop and i need you and i can’t stop and
i want you and i cant stop which is why id

i didn’t wnat to in the fist place which is why id raht

rather never see you again
than have to feel the pain of you

not loving me back

the pain of caring the pain of feeling

your cold shoulder

the pain of my cold shoulder the pain of caring the pain fo
being me i wihs i

i wish i didn’t lov eyou because then i wouldnt have to feel
the pain of being me

i hate myself so much

i hate myself for letting myself fall for caring for
loving ihate myself for loving

for opening myself for
being so sensisitive i hate myself for caring

i hate being so painfully insecure
i hate caring ih ate
i hate loving you ihate myself for loving you.

i can always do the work

i can always return to center return to waht really matters
and i know that anything outside of me that i think matters

doesn’t matter i know that it just doesn’t matter
and that is the work that is the work the work

remembering that it just doens’ matter the work is

working on myself the work is working on myself like
i wanted to in the first place
the work is following the feeling of me the work is following the feeling of me
the work is

feeling the feeling of me the work is feeling the
feeling of me the t

the work is returning to bliss the work is releasing it all the work
is feeling better the work is e

letting it all go the work is letting it all go
the work is letting go the work is letting go the

work is letting go the work is returning to bliss the work
is taking care of me of how i feel
the work is taking care of how i feel

the work is taking care of how if eel the
work is not caring the work is releaseing attachmetn

i know that im attached to that thing and i ow i can
easily let it go i know its easy to let go i know ti

its easy to let go i know tis

its easy to let go of attachments i know its easy not to care
i know its easy to do the work this work i now its easy
to do thiw

this work i know its

easy to do this work i know

it’s easy to

i know i can do it i can let it go
i know the power of me i now the power of me i know the poer of me

i know the power of me i know the power of me
i know the power of me i know the power of me
and i love that i get to feel good i
get to feel good ig et to feel the flow i get to feel the
flow of well being i get to feel the flow of well being
i get to feel good i get to feel good

tired of the roller coaster so im getting off

tired of the roller coaster so im getting off
and tis that its

that easy release
its that easy to release the reubber

rubber band i

and iknew this is the work i neede to be doing anyway

i knew this ist he wr

i needed to focus on me and what i needed to do how i needed to feel i neeeded tofocus on me on the
feeling of me and i love that i get to i love that i get to
i love that i get to choose the feeling of me i love that i
get to choose the feeling of me

this work thie s

this work

why am i here
to release my attachment

to somehing ogin h

going a certain way
to need validation

today i release the need for validation
today i relase caring

i no longer care i no longer care i no longer care

i know i dont havet o care i know i dont have to care

i know i dont havet o care

i’ve let that go i’ve let that go i’ve let that go

i know i never have to try i never

i get to feel good now i get to feel good now
i get to feel the flow now

i get to feel the release now i get to
feel the transmutation right now

and the feeling of the desire fulfilled
would be the feeling of non attachment

of no longer caring today i get to make the choice
to do the work and the contrast helps me focus i know the
contrat hels

helps me focus the contrat ehops
helps me focus

helps me release helps me return to bliss and im

im tire

im tired of living like this im tired of
feeling like this so i have to i hve to i have

to sotp


i have to releast he
the tension on the tun

rubber band and return to center

return to peace and i know that the owrk always helps me
the work always works
i know that the work

always works the work waly

always works the work wa

always work shtis
this work alawys works this work always works this work

always works
what is this work what is the work

the work of remembering who i really am the work

the work of
remembering i am god

i kow i am god i know i am god and god wouldn’t ccare

god accepts everything as it come i know that
god accepts everything as it comes
i kno

i knwo that this is the life challlenge i created for myself and i know
that i have a power

i know that ih ve the power to transcend my DNA

transcend my trauma

and choose me
choose how i want to feel choose how i want to feel ig et to choose

how iw at to feel i get ot cchoose how i want to feell

i’m mad that i’m mad i’m mad that i’m feeling like this when i said i never would again im mad
that i feel like thai
i’m mad i let myself feel like this i’m mad i let myself feel

im mad i let it get like this im mad i lost my
composure im mad it happheedn
again im mad it happened gain im

im so mad at myself for caring im so mad at myself
for caring

i get to choose me i get to choose me
i get to choose me i gt to
choose me i get to choose me i get to choose me

well at least she makes it easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

abundance is real

lack is an illusion

and i refuse to vibrate lack i refuse to ibrate

vibrate lack i know its me i know tits its

its me i know is caring i know its caring i know its
caring that pushes it away i know its only ever me i nkow tis only
ever me i know that

lack is an illusion i know that the infinite abundance
is me i knwo that infinite abundance is my birthright
and i nkow that the feeling is the feelng of not caring of not needking

needing that and that is the feeling i seek that ist he feeling
i seek the feeling of wholeness the feeling of wholeness

and i love that i know that tha
that the contrat thelps me focus helps e do the work that matters to me


do the work that matters to me

i know its me i nkow its how

i know its me i now the only thing missing is god i know that i nwo that
and the
the work helps me remember this work ehope

helps me remember who i really am
that im god this m

work helps me remember i am the god of my reality i ma
am the god of my worn reality i am the god of my own
realtiy i am the god
of my own realtiy

its me its me its me

its never outside of me its n

its never outside of me it can only reflect me and i know this
it can only reflect me

and i just have to feel the feeling of the wihs
wish fulfilled and the feeling of the wihs

wish fulfilled is not needing anything outsie of me
because i nkow that ia m

totally fulfilled i am totally fulfilled

and if anything its my own fear that’s holding me back
so if i see that reflected its beaust hat

that’s whwat
what im bing


im not going to try im not going to try
just allow im just going to allow

i love me and i love the power of me
i nkow the poer of me i nkow the power of me

i know that if im suffering im seekign
i know that if im suffering im seeking

and i can choose total fulfillment rightnow
i can chooset ot let that go right now

i can choose to let that go right now
because i refuse

to vibrate lack and i love that
i get to make that choice
i love that ig et ot make
the cohice

to refuse to vibrate what i don’t want ‘i know that
everything iexis

exists in consicousnness
nothing is real i know that everything is

exists in consciousness
and if i want something to be a certain way
i can just imagaine it that way

i can be it then see it i know nothing is missing
i know all things are

created in consciousenss
i know the flow i know the flow

i knwo the flow i know the flow i know the magick of life
i know the magick happens when i stop s

trying i now the more i let go the more it flows
i know that ig et to let go i get to

to let go i know the power of mei know that i get tallow

allow life to come to me i lov
i know that ig et to

allow life to come to me i get

to allow life to comet o me

i know the power of me

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance is eteranlt

eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy that is continuously

and effortlessly pouring forth from my divne

i am now awre
i am now in the flow

i am happy i am whole i am complete

i am one with god ia m

i am one with all that i desire
i am one with all that i desire
and i know

its only ever me i know tis only ever me and ig et to choose
the feelign if eel i get to choose the feeling if eel

i get to feel the feeling i get to feel the feelig

right now because i have nothing to gain or lose
i know that i have nothing to gain or lose
i know tha ti have nothing to cgain

gain or lose and im so grateful to know this
i’m so grateful i know i’m so grateufl i know

i’m so g

grateful iknow i’m so

grateful i know the feeling of me i know so grateful i know the
feeling of me i know

i’m so grateful i know the feeling of me

i’m so grateful i nkow the feeling of me i now the feeling
of comeplete

complete i nkow the feelng of knwoing i know the
feeling of magick of choosing the magick

what have you been looking for what
have you been looking for

that is what you see i love that i get to hcoose to feel
love i love that i get ot co

all i can do is choose the feeling i prefer
because all of life originates in consciousness

all of life exists in conscoiusness
i know this now i n

i remember this now i remembe the pwoer of me i
remember the power of me

and i’m happy
im a

i’m happy

i’m totally fulfilled i love that i
get to choose the feeling of eeling

totally fulfilled
i love that ig et to i love tha ti get to i love that

i get to choose the feeling now i know that abundance
is real

i’m here

i’m cured i’m cured i’m cured i’m cured
of looking ourside outside of me i’m cured of
thinking it is the way i don’t want it to be

today i look for evidence of how i want it to be
today i look for evidence of how i want it to be

i release the rest i release the negativity the pessimism
and the upper limiting beliefs

today i release upper limiting beliefs and just enjoy
i know that abundance is real lack is an illusion

abundance is real
lack is an illusion

its up to me what i create its up to me what i create

i’ve been in a rut in a funk in a hole th

and i dont know why i dnt know when it started
maybe right after it got too good

i upper limited??

really ever since then??

the probelm is looking for it to be good or not the problem
is keeping scor e the prolem is

in care int he

caring the problem is in believein in lack

she doesnt llove me as much as i want her to
but dhe she odes does she loves me

i know it comes to me i know it always comes to me
i know it i know i am the neergy energy i now that life


reflects what i bring and i knoew i can
i know i cn drp it i cn let it go i can

release the attachment i can release the attachment

i feel like every day i wake up wand i

and i feel bad becuase i feel there is osmething missing

something missing that i want but im not getting
or that i

tried too hard? to obtain?

or that i cared too much aobut and im mad i care this much
im mad i care this much im mad im in a rut
when i wa

was alwys the one telling her not to get too involved
not to get too attached not to catch feelings

i know better and i know the vibration of me i know life always comes to me
i know life always comes to me i know life alwys comes to me

and if im suffering its becuaase im seeking

if i’m suffering its because im seeking im looking
outside of me for validation im

seeing myself as separte from

separate from life im seeing myself as separate from life

this substance is my supply
this substance is my supply

its all where ive been putting my focus
and im ready im ready to let it go im ready tolet it

to let it go forever
im so grateful im aware of the energy of me i’m so
grateful its so easy to turn the thide

tide to decide to focus somewhere else to decide
where i get to focus to decide where i get to focus

to make the choice to focus on feeling how i want to feel instead of what i think is missing

ever since a really good moment happened
or every time one does

i get o
hung up i get hung up i get cure and then i get thung hung up
and i come here to gain the awreness to le tit go

today i let it go today
i let the attachment go i know

i kow that is not awareness i knwo there is only awareness
and i let the rest go