i love doing the work

to remember who i am i love doing thiws

this work this work

i’m here


here i’m on the bus

i’m here making th choice
the choic ei’m here

putting it in the here ithe
the air i’m

here knwoing i’m here saying yes to life i’m here saying yes
to life saying

yes to the flow saying yes to love
bringing the love i want to see bring the

bringing the love i want to see

i’m here making the choice
to turn toward what i want to ds

see to t

i’m here to make the choice to turn the focus within
to release the tension

i’m here to make the choice to

relesat the tensoin i’m happy wher eia m right now
i’m happy

where ia m right now i’m

happy wher eia m right now

so grateful i’m loved so grateful to be taken care of
so grateful to be loved

so grateul to do the work to knwo i can do it to know that
ic an do it

i can always turn the boat
i can always fele the feeling the feeling of me the feeling
of knowing the

feeling fo t

of the truth i can always find the truth be the turht
i can always be thr turht
right here and now i a

can always

be thr

the truth right here and nwo i am
the truth i am the feeling ia m
the feelin

i’m here making the choice
am i brave enought o make the choice

am i brave enough to choose my pwoer
am i brave enough to trans mute it to do the only work this is theonly wrk
and i ge tto do it i love that

its in the air i love that i know when i
ask it is given i love that i know when i ask it is givne
i lov ethat ig et ot let go of ther est i love that

i get to get
let it go i geo i love that i get to be cure
cured i love that i know the secret ot life i lov ethat
i knwo the secret to life i love hat
i know the secret ot life

if i’m suffering i’m seeking

i love that i know the power of me
the power of the switch i love that i know the power of the switch i love

that i can just et let that go i lov etat i kow the power of me i love that
i know thep owr of me

i love that i know the powr of me i lov etha ti can let it gigo

go i know tis me i know its me i know when i care i push it wa

aways i knwo i am awrae i am aer

aware i am the work alwas work sthe work
alwasowrk al

always works

this work the only work i love that i get to do this work

i’m heri’m seeking i’m seeking

i’m seeking im

;lloking for mre i’m looking at what im not getting im looking for

evidience of what id ont want

im crating things im making things up i m

thinking ou dong love me that i wne toto too far that i tried too hard

that i went too far that i tried too hard i’m thinking
i’ll never get back to that magickal moment
that i never forced to happen but that ive been trying to force ever since

and that you’ll never want to feel that with me ever gain
again even though you felt it in the moment and so did i but now
its too much for you because i went too far and i fell too hard and you
dont wnat no more

like i always do
feel too
fell too hard like i always do but this time

i can break it i know i can and i know how

by going within by releaseing the tention
and returning to the true source
knowing i dont need that i dont need a ting
a thing
i dont need a thing

if i haven’t felt it its only
becuase of me the feeling is always right here with me
i nkow the rtur
truth i know the truth is right

here i say thank you god for everything in this here and now
i relae

release and allow this here and now i say
yes to everything that is in this her eand now
i say

yes and send the signal of love

the work always work t

this work always works

the tuning always works and i know that my mod

my mood is my work i love that i nkow this
i love that i nkow thiat

this i’m here

i’m here making the choice i’m here making the chocie

for how i want to feel taking care of how i feel i’m here taking care of how i feel

i’m here making the choice i’m here making
the choice
i’m here making the choice

i’m here making the cohice

i’m here remembering the truth i’m here i

i know that life causes me to ask i know that life
causes me to ask
i know that life causes me to ask

and that ask is alwas ansefed

i’m here making the choice
i’m here making the chocie
for how i want to tfeel i’m
here making the hcoie
to celebrat elife
no matter what

i’m here making the hcoice to enjoy life to nejoy the momen to enjoy tehhis
this day this here and now i’m here wn
making the hcoie

and i know it always works making the choice over and over

just do it just do it be brave enough to say

it always is th way i want it to be
and let it be

be brave to say its done and let it be done


it’s me it’s me it’s me it’s me its me

s me

im the source i get to celebrate my success i guet
get to celebrate the magick of life on my side i get to c

to celebrate the day i get to ele brae life going good
for me i get to celebrate life going good for me
i get to turn the boat i can alawys turn the boat

becuase life reflects how i feel so its that or see how you dont want to feel
played out in front of you and i know thiat

tbat is the secret t l
to life

it’s only me its only me and i know the poer of me
i know the power of me i nkow the t

the power of me i know the power of me i know the power of e

me i know the

i keep my mind and thoughts off this wrld

i know that i get to choose how i feel what i lookk at

what gets stuck in my vibation i get to choose what i look

i get to choose hwat i
what i look at how

how i feel ig et to choose what i kl
look at i get to choose how i feel i m doing the work
to take a

care of how i feela nd i know that is’

that’s the only work this is the only work

i get to feel good i get to love i get to love i get to vibratae
i et to have a good day no matter what
knwoing that i am the sorucce of t

of the good day i get ot celebrate the day for me
i get to celebrate the day i
i love that my wife loves me i love that my wife is s

obsessed with me i love that i have a bueatu

beautiful and thriving marriage i lovee that i know
i am the sourcce of the love i am the source of the love

i love that

i know that i am the light i am the light i am the light i am
the source ia mthe

i am the source of the love i am the source of the love i love that
i get to choose ti i lovee that i get to choos eit i lo

i love that i get to hcoose lov ei love that i knwo i love that
i gt to do this work that this i

is his is my work this is the only work the
this is the only work this is the only work i love that i get to choose
the magick life

the magick life is all there is

i take care of me first i lv

i sink into me first i remembe to love me i frsit

i get tin the vortex and then
get in the vortex and then get in the vortex and then

and i love that i knwo i ilovee that
i can take the tiam e

time to take care of me first i love that i get to i love that
i know how to i love that i know the power of me i love that i now


i know that its neveer outside of me

i believed in objectified reality and gave it power of me
i know

reality is subjective i know reality
is subjective i know reality is subjective

i knwo i know i know i know i love that i nkow ai love
that i’m cured i love that i get t ochoose me i love that
i get to choose me i love that

i get to sink back to center

i get ot sink back to center
i get to allow the magick of life i get t

to practicce the art
of letting life coe to me
and that
is the only art

is my art this art this only work the magick work
the magick work the magick work

he magcik life the yes life is all there is i know that
this is all there is the feeling is all there

is the one the bus feeling is all there is

the choice is all there is ana
and everything telse is

everything else is

a reflection of that i

a reflection of that a reflection of that

i know its only everr me i know its only me i now is
only me

therefore i am totlaly confident in letting go and letting god

appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

thereofre i am totally confidnet in letting go
and letting god appear as teh abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

it’s only me it’s only me
it’s only me i

it’s only me it’s only me
it’s only

me it’s only mme it’s only me

it’s only mme

it’s only ever me its me it sonly me its all me
its all reflecting me the feeling of me

an i

and ive let that go i let it go i put it outside of me but i let it
go i

remember who ia m i know

who i am i know who ia m i know who i m ai
i know m ei know m ei know me

i love doing this work because it always wroks

works the me work the me work i love working on me
remembering who ia m

remembering who ia mwhat i am remembering who ia m
what ia m

i love that i get to let it all go i love that

i get to let it all go di love that
i love that i know the pwoeer of me i love
that i nkow the pweor of em

m ei

i love that id ont care!

i love that i don’t cae
i love that
i don’t care
i love that i don’t care

i keep my mind and thouths off this world

i’m here

i’m in a mood i’m in a mood i

i’m crabby because i let something outside of me be my source
i hadnded

handedover my power and my value to someone else

i was looking outside of me for god i was looking outside of me
for god and i know that god is always right here with me

i know that god is always right here with me
i am god

what is my problem what is the problem

idk i’m mad i’m sad idk i’m moody

i’m mad i’m mad i’m sad that

idk its not what i wanted it to be what i tought
thought it would be that it isn’t what i whouth

i’m here i’m here i’m here

i don’t care if awareness is focused or not i am awareness
i am awarneess i know that

when i turn the light of consciousness to it

it falls aparat i know i am aking something form

the only thing missing is god the only thing missing is god

i’m here doing the only work letting the rest go rememberign that caring is tha

isn’t it that needing something otuside of me
istn’ it

i know that i know its jut an addictive line of thought
i know that i don’t need anything outside of me i know that i


i don’t need anything ourside of me and i knwo that the wthe

the work always works i love that the work always works i love that
i know ia m the source i love that i’ve

let that go i love that ii’ve let

let it go maybe i’m afraid to let it go and that’s why i keep lo
keep lookign and lookking

trying tomake ti

it something its not

maybe i limited the unlmtied

today i release caring today i am aware of how i feel
today i am aware of how i feel today i am aware of how i feel

how i feel is that matters
the god feeling is all that matters

i know its only me i know its the power of the focus
i know that

the only thing missing is god the only thing missing is god and
as long as i continue to look outside of awareness
for bliss

i will be missing something and i love that i know this
that i get to do this wor kthe only that i get to feel good for me

i just wish i knew

what my problem is
so i get o

could wash it awaay

the hug wasn’t good enough
jessica always gets the good hugs
jessica is alawys hogging the good stuff

the hug wasn’t good enough the hug wasn’t good enought

the hug wasn’t good enough the hug wasn’t good enough

i’m so hard up for attention that i care
aboutt he h
queality of the hug
that i’m looking att he quality of the hug

the quality of the gratitude
i’m looking tousei
outside of me for more more more when i know that’s not what it is

i know that’s not what it is

i know i want out i want out i want out i love

wnat i want my old life back and that’s easy to do that’s easy to do

et a bou

set a boundry

i’m mad i’m mad i’m crabby i’m crabby i’m mad i’m upset i’m

i’m mad its no enough im mad its not enough it feels like
its being witheld thats

ok thats a seed im thinkgin somehting is being withiheld from me
beauce im lae


and the whole thing is just sickening to me the thing is
not what i wanted the whole thing is

is not what i wanted i
and i know that i need to retreat within until
i feel better an tha’s that

that’s all i can do i kno there is only ever me there is only

ever this work there’s only ever this work

how do i feel how do i feel
mad like ive been robbed like i had something good and beautiful and now its tainted

tainted by the mind tainted

tainted by the mind tainted by the mind and that’s all it is

can i allow myself to love pure?
can i allow mysle love

can i allow myself love
or do i alawys hwat t

have to push it away

can i llow myself love or do i alawys hae to push it away
im mad becuase i want more

and more isn’t ther more is within
the magick is within

i was looking for physical reality to be magickal

but it isn’t the magick soemt
comes from within and all i can do is

is the work on me all i can do is god within

the only work the only work the only work

and why and why why whyw hwywhwhwhwhwhwhwhwy

and i looking
the other thing is i feel this way for no reason when t

when there is so much to love so mucht o be b
happy about so grateful

i guess im mad i care

time to take back the upper hand and i know this owrk heps
hlep s

helps me do that i love that htis
this wrk

work helps me remember who ia m that i can
get to choose to ccelebrate that

the feelig i want to feel i get to ccelebrate the feelig iw ant to

want to feel that i can choose unattached love that ig et

can choose gods love and not need anything in return
i get to choose love i g t
get to choose love

i get to choose to love i get to choose love
it was a really good day and i know it all worked out becuaas i said

please god i said god is lavish unfailing abundance
and then i had the best moment
i pwned it for me
i get to be proud of something for me

the work always works

thank you thank you thank you god for my moment
thank you for a good day thank you tof for a doog
good day i can turn i can tutnr turn whae

what i want to see i can turn wt
towrad awhat i want to se e

i can celebrate atht is

it all worked out in my faover i can ceelbrate that im the
ehre i m

i can ceelrate the feeling of eing the here

hero i can celebrate being the hero

i remem er the poer of me i nkow the pwoer of me i re

remember the power of me i rememer the power of em i
i know the power of me i know the

power t

of me i’m here remembering thte power of me

i love that it all worked out i love that
i got to be the hero i love that i got all the praise i loveht at
was the herek

i love remembering who i am the

i love remembering who i am bringin ti
it back to center m

feeling my power at center
feeling my power at

center so grateful to feel my power at center
at center

i love that i know i don’t need anything
i love that i am in an abundance mindset i love that
i’m in an abundance mindeset

i love ther power of me i love that i am
aware here and now i know its me i am

i am the source ia mthe source i am the source
i know i am the shit i know i am the shit
i know i am the boss i know i am
the boss

i now
i know i am the boss i love that i’ve let that go i love that

it’s that easy i love that it’s that easy to let it
go i lov that i am aware
i am ware

i am awre

who am i that wants more
who am i

that can never get enough
always thinks she needs more

who am i that thinks she needs more


i love that i know the truth i love that i know the
work always works the ew

work helps me release seeking the work helps me release seeking
the w

i get to choose how i feel and no one
else i love that i this
this is my work and i love that i know

how good i am at it i love that
i know how good ia m at

at it i love that i can let it go i love that
i don’t care i love that
i know the pwoer of me i lov eth

ia rem

i remember i have the ower i have the power
to ccelebrate myself to have a good time to

go positivt to stay positive to stay focused
on awareness to celebrate to sy yes say yes yesy sysyss

to sa yes to enjoy to feel good to love
to say yes to feel good ot w
to enjoy to love the f
to feel how i fe

i want to feel to feel how iw tn
i want tofeel to
feel to feel how iw an to feel right now
bringing my power
back to the th
this here and now i know i know i kwn o

the secret to life i nko
i know the secret to life ai know the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine aundance
is eternally opertaint

in my life

i know

why am i here why i am ai here why ia

;am i here im

seeking looking oustide of me for more and more
when its never that

its not

never going to be that iet s

its noe

its never going to bet hat its not that its tnot h

its tnot hat its never going to e that

i love that i know this and i get to celebrating me
im here celebrating me im’ th

here doing the work for me i

im here doing the work for me

getting in the vorta
c for me i am the boss ia m the

i am the bos i am the boss i am the boss i am the boss i am the boss i am

the boss and

its neer going to be that
so keep lookign to that but thats not the sou

the source ia mt he source the feelig t

is the sourcd the
feeling is right he

here with me ther efeeling is here tuneing
thing umyselt ot the feleing and
letting the rest go
i knwo taht

life is ao
on my side an di ust
just keep sayin gye s

all i can do is say yes and celebat life
celebatsing life

celebrating knowing what i now

the tuning alawys works

i’m here i’m here turning
the foucs


focus wihtin to the center to the truth
knowing its never outside of mea nd

and the more i tunr

turn it within the less i suffer
i know its not sou

outside of me and that’s why it n

it’s never enough because as long as im
looking as

the source is whitn and i know that i know that
i know that its never there

its always here and i love that thew ork
always reminds the

me of that i love that

taking the itme to do the work to do thw or

the work to be the perosn i want to be that i’m
always expannding i love that i am alawys expanding
and i come here to remember who ia m
to remembe the person i want to em

be to know what i really am to remember what i really am

and to rememberthe

the power of me

i love remembering that its me
im the source and i just keep saying yes to life

i know the feeling i know

i know the work i’m here to do the feeling work the knowing work
the proximity to god work

i know ive been worreid becuae im thingk

thinking about money and thinking that im not
working to make money but t

i know that ive always had more than enogh
i know that money comes easily to me in the flow
i know the rent is paid i know the bills are paid

m so

i know the feeling and i know the power of me i know the only work
the onlyw rok
the only work
i would need to do and the only work
i haven’t been doing is he

the feeling work
i get to choose the feeling work

i kow the feeling work i know the feeling work
and i kno th

the feeling work is the only work

today i will celebrate life
today im on the oloo

lookout for abundance
tooday i know abundance surrounds me
today im on the ol

lookout for evidence of god
i know that god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent subsntac

substance of the universe

this all providing sourcce
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

i know the feeling work and the feeling work is the only work t
hat iw ould ever need to do and just a small amount of time doing it reminds me that

and reminds me how good it is to feel good to feel amazing to wak

wake up feeling amazing to wake up celebrating the day
so grateful to get to wake up celebating the day

today i’m doing the feeling work and i know that is
theo ly the only work
today im’

today i’m doing the feeling work today
i’m doing the wor

feeling work i’m working i’m working in every moment
i know thati’m working in every moment
becuase every moment is creating

i love that the bills are paid i love that
they are all caught up nothing overdue
i love that the bills are paid
i love that the rent is paid
i love the better it gets i love orders i love
new subs i love that i know it can only match me

i love that i get

t ofeel the feeling of loving the day

the feeling work the feeling work and i
get to feel the better it gets

i get to love myself i get to enjoy life i get to allow
the breath in and the breath out i get to be awrae

i get to remember i dont need anythingous

outside of me and nothing is seprate from me

the feeling work and i get to do to
to do it and when i come here tand
and practicce feeling good i feel it i feel the truth of who i am

i love that i know that is the only work and i never have wo
to wonder or worry about anything else
i know that it only reflects me

it onlly relfects what i look for what i expect i know that god is
lavish unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance of the uniferse

this all providihg
source of infinite proserity is individualized as me
the reality of me

thank you for his moment thatnk you for the feeling

the feeling of knowing the feeling

its all the feeling and i know the feeling and i nkow t
the feeling is the only work i know for sure
that the feeling is the only wrk and i get t

to celbrate
celebrate that i know the feeling i know the feeling of waking up
jumping into the day i

knowing the day will be grarnd looking for the day to be grand

tuning myself toward the grand

being awre i am

i am aware that i am awrae a
and that is all there is i know i don’t need anything
else outside of me i know that

life is flowing i know that it always does i alove that
i lov that i know i lovee that i know life is good life is meant to be fun and easy

i love that i know life loves me i love the
feeling of knowing life loves me i love that
i know this is all there is sthe

the feeling is all ther eis and the feeling drives life

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

i love that i get to feel the feeling i love that i know
the feeling is here with me
i love that i feel it now i lovee that i feel it now
i love that i get to feel it now

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing sourcce
of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me
the reality of me

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me the reality of me

i know its only ever the feeling
the feeling of celebrating the day
the feeling of ccelebrating life

and i love that i get go

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
i know the feeling i know the

feeling of alignment with god a
with source

with truth i know the feeling of alignment with truth
and i know that feeling is

the coin of heaven

i know that feeling is my source and my supply

when i am aware of my god self as my total f

my concsiousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

i’m celebrating the day i’m ceelbrating
the moment i
m ceelbra

celebrating kwoing the truht
i’m celebrating this day feeling the feeling of god

id raw
into my mind and feeling nature
the very substancce of spriit
this substance is my supply
thus my consiousness of the presence of god within me is my supply

my conscoiusness of the prsence of awareness within me is my supply

thank you for this day

for this good day for ths ab

beautiful day

so gratefl to get to help
so grateful to feel loved and appreciated so
gratetufl t

to feel good to feel so much love so
grateful for my wife
for my life for the life i chose so grateful
i get
to choose love
in ever situation
i get to chooset o l

to line it up
it up i get to choose the feeling and know that life always follows the feeling

i get to choose to be kind
i gte to choose the
right path

keeping score i get to choose not
keeping score and i knoww that is
that is the feeling i get e

to chooset olove to choose love i get to

i feel good i feel good i feel go

food i

feel good i feel the power of me i nkow the power of me
i know i can always return to thep ower
of me return to love i knwo i can alawys return to the power of love

so gratful for orders
for checks in the mail
for my food made for me fr my blunts folled

roled for me

i’m here tuning i’m
here feeling the feeling

my awareness
and knowledge of the all prividing
activity of the divine mind within me is my suppy

my consciousness of this truth is unlmited


my supply is unlimited

the only work

i love that i know the only work i love that i know

i am the one and only sourcce and there’s nothing outsiide of em
i love that i know that there is literally nothing outside of me
i love that i nkow this i love that alll of life

reflects the feeling of me and that life
hleps me ask i love that life helps me ask
i love that life

helps me ask i lovee that life causes me to ask and then life answers i lovet hat i know the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternallly operating in my life

i love that i get ot choose it today i love that i get to choose teh
the feeling here and now i lovee that i get to do this work the only work

i have found the secret to lifei

i love that i know that i
get to

i know the secret to life
i am back at center i am back at the feeling
i am back at knowing

i m the source

so gratful to remembe i am the sourcce
that i get to have fun that
i get to have fun that ig et to be

the source i get to be the rosu

source i get to

i get to feel the feelig i
get to feel the feeling

i get to feel the feeling i get to be the feeling i get to be the feeling first i get to
be the feeling first
i get to choose it and then align with it
and be it i love that i get to

enjoy life i get
to enjoy being loved i love that i
get to enjoy being loved and taken care of i love that
i get to i love

i pay attention to how i feel and know that
how i feel is always thesour

the source how i feel is lways t

the sorce the source i nkow that
how i feel is the source o fmy life i love that
i get to choose it i love

that i ge tto have fun i love that i get to have fun
in life i love that i get to choose my power i love that i
get to choose my power i love that i get to take m

back my power

i have found the secret to life and can


i love that i know i love that i get to do the only work
the only work that i ge to feel good in life

that i get to celebbrate life that i
get to celebrate the god self knowing that everying

is always working out in my faove

favor that life continues to take care of me i love that i know this
i love that

i am totally confidennt in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant all suffiici

sufficiency in my life and affiars

totally confidnet
totally condfident

totally confident

totally confidnet in the
feelng in my ability to steer my own desiting

in the

the power of choose ing the feelnig of the wish fulfilled
and then continue return to that feeling

i get to choose the feeling of the wish fulfilled

i get to cchoose the feeling of the wish
fulfilledi get to choose it now i get to choose it now

totally confident in letting go and
letting og

god appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continously

i’m here

i miss the feeling of just the too of us
enjoying a holiday just the two of us jut the t

just the two of us enjyoing the day
no one pressing us no one checking up on us

i know the feeling i knwo the feeling of getting to celebrate the day
today i make the choice to celebrate the day
today i know i don’t need anything else and i cn just

i love that i can choose the feeling i love that i know hwo i am
i lov ethat i know the power of me i love that

today i do the work
to remember that its only ever me that there is nothing separate
from me today i do the work to love
and feel loved todayi

i say thank you today i feel the feeling of god today i
feel the feeling of god today i kn

i feel the feeling of god and know that

today i feel the feeling of god and know that life is always on my side
today i
celebrate with myi wife today im
on vaccation mode tday

today im having fun
today im having fun

today im enjoying life todayi m

im having fun
today im enjoying life today is

a good day today is

a good day today i get to feel good today i go within today
i go within

i get to feel good in my life
i get to keep allowing my upward spirla
i know its only me

i know there is nothing separate from me i know this
is theonly work
i know i get to go through today
celebrating i know i get to
have a good day and its up to me
whethere i have a good day

i know i get to celebrate i et to

i get to feel the eae and flow of life
today so grateful i get to feel the ease and flow o lfie
of life do

today i get to feel the ease and flow of life
today i get to trust the flow today i get to feel good today i get to
do me today i et to let it all go today i get to

go within today i get to know its all me today i get to do the work
the only work i get to let go of the rest
i get to know its all in the air i get to know that i hve the power
i get to feel the feeling iw ant to feel
i get to e w

be aware i get to do the work the only work
i get to see the effects to

of the practicce today i get to see the effects of the pracctice

i love that i get to have fun
i love that
i get to enjoy life i love that i get to enjoy life

i love that i get to enjoy life
i love that i get to enjoy life

i get to feel the feeling of fun
the feeling of excitement the

feeling of total fulfillment

today i get to feel the feeling
of total fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i love that i kwo i love that i love that i know the
feeling i seek is not outside of me i love that
i know life shows me this over and over i love that i now this

this is the only work and how i feel is never
up to anyone else

i love that i know this that i always

alwaays have the power of how i feel and i knwo that is

is the power of me i know i get to choose i love that
today i get to choose the feeling i want to feel

today i get to release today i get to love today i
ge to have tufn

fun i et to choose the life i want to life

live i get to live the life i want to live

i know i know its never up to anyone else how i feel
i know i get to choose how i feel how i see someone
i now i

i know i get to love i know the feeling of love and that
i get to practice it
i get to relee the

releae th

release the rest

so gratefl to rememer the powerr of me
to bet

get in the vortex and the
to celebrate life for me to know i can do whatever i want

that i never have to suffer i know i never have to suffer

i love that i get to feel good here and now i love tha t
i get to celebrate the day
here and now i love that i get to love the day
i love that i get t

to enjoy the holiady i love that its that
easy i love that i

get to enjoy it i get to feel the feeling iw ant to feel
because nothing is separate

i get to ask myself well how would you prefer to feel then
and then i et to feel it ia nd

an di know

i know its only ever me and hte y

they way

the way i see it i love that i get to hcoose
choose how i see it

i’m making it that way if i see it that way

its because i ma making it

and i can always decide to des

to prefer something new

i get to choose the feeling
i have the ower i know the feeling i know the

i know the feeling i know the feeling
and if i know

if i’m not feeling it that’s on me
i know that

today i’m looking for reasons to love
today i’m looking for reasons to enjoy


today i’m looking for evidence of abundance

today i’m looking for evidence of love
today i’m basking in the love of god

the power of me

the power of me the power of me the power of me
and i come here to tune that tune my power tune to the power of me
tune to the poweer of how i want to feel

tune to the feeling of the wish fulfilled and that is the feeling i get to keep
that is the feeling i get to keep i know its only ever me i know its only
ever the feeling i know the power of me i know the power of me
i know the power of the vibration i know the power of letting go i know the
only power is in letting go and i can choose to let go right now

the power of methe
the power of the feelig of the wiish fulfilled
the power of the feeling of presence

the power of the feeling of being aware
of being seated at center i feel the feeling the

feeling the power of the feeling the power of me

i know my power and today im in it
i’m celebrating the pwoer of me o

i know the power of me i know the power of the choice i know the
the power of the choice of how i feel i knwo the power of the
choice of how i feel i know the power

of calling my attention back to cenet

i know the pwoer of acctign as if i know the pweor
of aligning with the feeling no matter what becuase its always
always the feeling its never not the feeling

today i get to celebrate todayi get to
feel good todayi get to feel loose today iget to feelt heenegy
flowing through me today

i get to feel love today i get to realae and just love
just the lo

love the day love the oment love where i am right now
i get to feel gratefulf or all that i have i get to choose the
feeling i want to feel right now

i love that i get to do this work theo nlly work that i get to tune how i feel and know
that life can only reflect that i love that i get to tune to how i feel i love that
i get

to choose how i want to feel and tune my energty to that
and that’

is the only work i knowt hat is the only work
i know that tuning i sthe only work the vibattion is the only work
how i feel is the only work
and i know im good at it

i know that i am complete right now i am whole right now i am comepl

complete right now and i don’t need to ad anything to myself

only i get to choose how i eel
only i get to choose how i go dthrough life

i know that when its in the air it happens i know the n
this i know that whatever i put in the ari air comes to me so fast

i know there is a part of my vibation that is vibration lackk bue i know
but i know i can tune it out
i know i can tune toward abundance

the feeling of lavish abundnce that is my ir

birth right and i know that i can always ease myself into the feeling i prefer
i know that i can always feel for the feeling i prefer

the feeling of the wish fulfilled and i know the feeling of the
wish fulfilled is the feeling of not needing anything

the feeling of being at center and not needing to add anything else to my
experience i love that i get to choose this ffee

i choose the feeling then life follows i nkwo the feeling the
feeling of release the feeling of not caring

the feeling of knowing the feeling of knowing and i am aware of how i
feel i am awre of how i feel i am awre of how i feel and i get to choose it i

i get to relae the rest and feel how iw ant to feel and i knwo that
is h

this is the only work how i feel is the only work how i feel is theonly work

tis on

te only conrol its the only contrll
when i want it i push it wa

awarey when i care i push it wasy

away i know this i know this i kwo the feeling of me
and i get to choose it and through practicce i can chooe it more and more

i love that i know llvi love that
i’m cured i love that i’ve let that go i love that
i’ve let that go and i know that i am

already complete i am already whole i am already love

i know that i am the soruce i know that i am the sourcce
and i get to choose love i get to choose god i get to choose teh

the truth i get to choose teh feeling iaw tn to feel

i know the power of me i now the power of the choice i know the pwore of em
i know the power of the choice i know the pwoer of

lletting go i know the powre of letting go
i know ia m the sourcce i know

i the

i know the feeling of feeling like there’s something i want that i dont have
and i know i can choose the feeling right now i choose the feeling of having
it right now

the feeling of having everything the feeling of having a good day

the feeling of knowing and that is biggest challenge and that is the pwer t

part that i know i can do i know that is my poweer
and i know i am good it

at it i know its only ever me and i get to chcoose and
any time i get to woander

i start to wonder
i get to cchoose and than

then its resolved and i dont need the thing

just the awareness

i have the power

so grateful i remembered the rule the rule the number one rule
when you turn toward it your turn it war

away so grateful i remembered and for thet iem and
space to remember who ia m to know hwo i am to bring myi
attention inwar to let it rest at cetner

so grateful to remembe rih ave the power and to empb

embody that bo


so grateful tor emember who iam tor emembe that my ultimate power is in
never thinking about it i lov ehat i know that its my power

who has the power i do who has the power id o i have the power
to choose how i vibrate i have the power to choose how i

vibrate and i love that i do i love that i get to keep up the good work theo nly work
to remember the feeling of yes

to remember the feeling of knowing to rem

to remembe the feeling of awraeness i remember the feeling of awraeenss
i la

i allow it to come to me i preactice the art of letting life come to me
o feel

of feeling the feeling and knowing life follows i love that i know this
i lov ethat i i know thepwoeer of e i love that ig et to use it i love that
i get to d

say thank you

i know the feeling of me i know the power of me i realx

i re

relax in the power of me i relax into the power of me

i releax into the power of me i relax into the

feeling of me of how i want to feel i relax to
cneter to awareness

i know that the spell is not
to never think about it i ove that i ll
i know the secret to lfie i o
i love that i ge to tfeel the fee

i love that i know i dont hav
i know i have the power
i know i don thave to act like anything

just be just aaw

awareness just be centered and trust life
is all ic an do i love that i know ths i lov etha ti now that
all ic an do is

trust the flw

flow ofl fie that is the one and only thing i can ever ddo i love that i know this

i love that i remembered the power of me that i have

power that i am the poer so

so grateful for thet ime and apsa

space so grateful for the time and psacce to s
remember who i am to come on
into alignmented with me to feel the feeling of


i know the power of me i get to feel the feeling i prefer
i get to enjoy life i get to feel

cenetere idn my life i get to feel taken cae of i c
get to say yes thank you i get to say eys thank you
and know that life s
always flows to a
me i ilove that i nkow the secret t
to life i love that i know the feeling of liv ei l ofv
that i get to choose the feelign right now

i’m here remembering the power of met h

the power of my own awreness and i’ so graefl to ta
takte the time to call my attention back to center
so gratefult o remember who ia m to

remember i ge to enjoy life i get to enjoy life i to remember
i get to en

be me i ge tto be me so gatefult o get to be me
so gratefu to get to be me

so grateful to be here remembering the powe of me

grateful i know the power of em the awraaeness of mee
that ia m my own person

so grateful to remember wh
how fucking great ia m so gratefl to
remember me

to enjoyl ife to

sink i and just enjly
life so grateful i get to have fun
i get to enjoy th day
ig et to live lfe i

life i the flow ig et to say yes thank so

you i get to say yes thankyou
i get to say yes thank you

i get to say yes thaknk you

i get to be confident in who ia m
in knowing i am the sourcce i get to be confidnet i knowing
i am the source i get to choose to give love to all
because i am the sourcce

i get to remember who ia m i get to e
relax in the gratitdue of life

i get to feel it now i get to feel it now that
is the power of th

is thep owe of life thate verything i seek outsidde of me
i am the soucce
sourcce of ig i am the source of ie


everything i seek ia m the source of it everything i seek

i am the sourcceo f it i love that i nkow ths i lov etha t
i get o choose it i love that i t
get to chooet he pweor of me i lov ethat iget to
chooset he pwero of em

it feels so good to remember who ai

who ia m to remembe the power of me it feels so
good to remember the power of the feeling

to remembe the poer of the feeling it s
feels so good to remember the pofer of

the poewr of the feeling it feels so g
good to rememe th
power of the feeling

the poer of the
the poer of me to remember i’m steering it

remember i am
i have the pewr

power to feel i have the power to feel it nw i ahve the power
to be it nw i have the

power to allow it now to be it now
to be it now i have the power to be it now