how would you feel if it already was

so grateful to remember

who has the power i do who has the power id o

so grateful to remember
that i get to choosee i get to choose love i get to choose the
feeling i get to celebrate life right now i get to
act as if that’s lit er aly

the only thing i can do
is feel the feeling now and i knwo
i know its true
i love that i nwo i love that
i know that its’ only ever me who gets to choose how i feel

i get to hoo
choose it now and i never have to wonder and that is the only wrok !!!

it’s only ever me

so grateful for the time and space to remember who i am
anf r

and for the awareness to know that i’m getting what i wanted
and be grateful so grateful for the time and spacce to remember who i am
so grateful tf
for the time and spacce to do this work the only work
the only work that matters
so grateful to be here feeling the feeling bring that

bringing that feeling to all of life and knowing that its the feeling that
ccreates its only ever the feeling its only eer the
feeling and i love that i know this i love that i

its only ever the feeling its only ever the feeling and i love that
i am always getting what i want i love that i am always getting what i a

want and i can say thanks god for eerythi

i love that i know that it’s only ever me i love

getting up early i love feeling the feeling of love i love that
i get to lov eno matter what i love that

no matter what

i can awlays choose love i

i can always choose love i can always choose love i can alwys chooset he
feeling the feeling is me the
feeling is literally who ia m and i love that i know that i love that i know

i love that i ko that i love that i know

nothing ouside of me matters a
nd that the feeling is always right here with me and i

dont need anyone or anything to feel good i love that
i know ti love th i love that i know this i t

get to feel it now i love that i
get to feel it now i love that
i get to

feel it no wi love that ig et ot feel it i now

i love where ia m right now i love that i get to feel good i love
the time and psacc

space to do this work so grateful for the time and space
to remember who i am

so graetful for thet ime and space to decide how i want to feel
to decide who

how i wantt to feel i love that i get to

do the only work i love that i get to do the only work
that i know thi si s

so grateful for the time and psace
to do the only work that matters

this is the only work this is the only life
how i feel is ghte the only life

i get to choose i get to choose i wkno

i know i have the power i now
i now h
i know i have the poer i ln

i know i have teh pweor to choose i love that
i don’t have to care i love that
ig et to do me i love that i get to do me

i love that i get to dome i love that
i get to feel good i love that i get to feel good

i choose the feeling and every time i become aware

of how i’m feeling i can choose to
release the tensoin

tension of projecting my attention outside of me
and it feels so good to relese t

release the tension to remember the truth
it feels so good to

remember the
truth to remember the truth
the remember the truth

every time i become aware because awareness
is all there is awareness is all there is and i love that
i know that i get to feel good now

that i get to live myse life
my life now i get to feel ood now i get to live life now i get to
feel good now i get ot behow

to be happy right now
i get to feel it i know i am the drive

driver of how i feel i know i am the driver of how i feel i know
i am the driver

of how i feel i know i am the driver
of how i feel i get to choose how i feel and i love that i know this i lovethat
i know i this
every time i get to choose and when i sh

choose the is the r
when i choose how i feel

when i choose a feeling
life reflects it right aware

when i choose a feelng that’s my c

how i feel is my st

truth and i know it works every time

ig et to choose every time and i know the power of the choice

i know

the power of the choice
i know that is only power the po

the only thing i can do
is choose teh only thing i can do
is feel the only thing i can do

is be be the feeling i want to be
now be he feeling i want to feel right now

how would i want to feel how owuld

would i feel it what i wanted was tue
and i

i get to feel it here and now i get ot feel the
feeling of love now i get to choose it now

i nver have to wonder jut choose an dso
graeful to remember that so gateful
to get to choosee
so graedulf to get to choose

grateful to have a good day
celebrateing me

celebrating me celebrating life
i get to feel the feeling

i am aware i lov that i get to choose to
be aware i love that
i get ot hcoose love i loe
that i get to choose lov ei

i love that i get to choose love

i love that i get to choose to feel good
i love that i
get to choose to feel good now i

i love that i get to choose to fele how
i want to feel i choose how i want to feel
i get to xh

choose how i want to fee li

i know

that it’s all working out perfectly
i know that it’s all unfolding perfectly in the flow
i know that life is unfolding perfectly
in the flow

i know its all afee
a feeling i know all of life is a feeling
and i get to choose how i feel about it
i get to choose how i feel w
about it and life must follow it k
i know thtat life f
must follow it

thank you

for this day for this feeling for the moment
so grateful for the moment for this here and now so grateful to feel good now to feel good now to feel the
flow now to feel the feelig now

never feel the feleing of
the wish not fulfilled
know that the wish is fulfilled
and feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled
i know that is all ther is
i know that is all ther eis and i love that i nkow the
secret to life

i ilove that i dont have to care

i love that i get to choose to live in the now and
be happy now i love that i am loved

the work works the feeling works the knwoing work the loves works the
awreness is alwas thereness
the arenes sis the i love that i know that i can
just be aware

i get to be happy i get to enjoy life
i get to love life i get to love life right now

so grateful to get to love life

so gratful to do the work
to feel the flow to do the work to feel the flow
to feel the flow to feel the flow
so grateful to feel the flow

feel the flow to feel the flow to feel good now t
o ffeel good now so grateufl to feel good now

i know the power of me

the inner voice the feeling the feeling the
feelig the feeling of whtever i wnat i get to choose the feeling

the feeling ig get to choose it i know that thwn
when i ask it already is something ithat i want it already is
and all i can do is ffeel the feeling now

i am brave enough to feel the feeling now

i know the power of me

and i get to celebrate it i get to say yes to it i get to say
to yes to the flow i get to feel how i want to feel i get to
feel the way i want to feel and i know that the feeling

is awareness

that is all ther is all there is is awareness
all there is is awreness and i love that i know that i get to choose the poer of me
i love that i know the power of me i love that i know ti the feeling i love that i kno the
power of the feeling i love that i know the feeling

the pweo
poer of the power of the feeling i love that i know the power of the feeling i get to chooe
ig etto

i love that i know the power of me i love that i get to choose ti love
i love that i feel it here and now i love that i feel it
here and now i love that i feel it here and now

i lve

i love that i feel it here and now i love that
i feel it here and now i love

i love that i know the pwoe of e
me tat i get to choose the power of me right now
i love that i i love that i get to i love that i get to

it feels good to feel good it feels good to feel good
it feels good to feel good

it feels good to feel good feel the flow
feel the low feel the flow feel the flow
feel the flow

i know the power of me i know the power of the
feeling i know i dg

gt to choose awareness
get to choose love get to choose
how i want to feel

grateful i know the truth of life i know the truth of life
ig et to choose the feeling i get to choose
the feeling i get to choose the

i get to choose and i know that’s my power

i love that i know i get to choose teh feeling
i get to say yes i get to say yes to

the unoflind

do i know when i ask it is given i know that
when i ask it is given

i get to choose i get to choose teh feelin the
the feeling i get to choose teh feelngi get to choose how i feel about it
what i see about ti
i get to chooset he vesoin wer


i k now the power of me i know the power of me i know the power
of the fele

feeling of how i feel of tuning the self i know the power of me
of tuning the self i know the pwoer of tuning the self and i love that
i get to i love that

i get to tune the self i love that i get to
i love that i ge tto come here and remember the feeling
i get to come hre ean remember my power and never give it way
away i get to come herea nd celebrate my life

my choe

whole i get to come here and celebate lf i get to c

come here and celebrate life and i love tha ti get to

i get to choose the feeling and i never have to wonder

when i ask i no
i know it is givena dn i know its a feeling
and i get to feel that feeling now i can

release the tension
i love that i getto i love that i get to
put it inot practice

i love that i know tfor sure this is theonly work t
he energy is the only work

the energy is the only work and a
n i

i am the only oe
using my energy so i know that the
enerrgy is my only i can vibati

vibrate for me i love that i know this

that i ge tto come ther eand now feel good

i love that i know it i know the power of the practicce i know

i know how to feel the feeling i wnat to feel i know how i

to feel the feeling i want to feel i know ho to c

choose the feeling i know how to choose knowing i know
how to choose knwoing i love

i know how to choose knwoing i know how to choose
knowing i know how to choose the feeling i know how

when i want tosmeth
something and then i know tis comeing and i get to
get out of the way and trust i love that i know the feeling of life i lov that i get to choose it
that i get to


this feeling now i get to choose this

feeling onw i get to

to chooset his feeling now as if
i already have it i get to choose this
feeling now as if i already have it and that

is the feeling the feeling is never there

its right now

here with me i always have the feeling i get to realx in that
i get to relax in love i get to just
relax in love

i never have to wonder i never have to wonder
i can always choose teh feeling here and now
i choose the feeling i choose the feeling

i choose it here and now i ge tto choose it here and now i
get to choose iti love that i get to choose it

in every moment i love that life helps me
remember the power of e i love that i love that i know
the truth p

true power of me i allow i i allow it i

allow it i feel the feeling i know the feleing i know the
feeling i know the choice i know the inner dialogue
i know the inner dialogue and i know that’s all there is i know the
feeling and the inner dialogue isa ll

is all there is i know i have to feel it now what i want i hv

have to feel it now i feel it then i see it

thank you

so grateful to remember who i am to remember the power of to remember the power of life
to remember the power of the feeling so grateful to remember the power

of the feeling so grateful i get to remember who i am
get to enjoy life get to say ytankyou

get to enjoy life d
so grateful fort he time and space to remember who ia m !!


grateful for the breath and the breath out
grateful to do me grateful to let go to feel the feeling
to return to center to return to self

grateful for the circumstancces of my life
grateful to feel good in life to feel the feeling
no matter what to feel good no matter what
so grateful to feel good now to feel good now

grateful for the time and space
the breath in and the breath out

so grateful for teh breath in
and the breath out that i get to choose that
i can always return to center that this work
always works so grateful i never have to care

so grateful i never have to care so
gratefl i never have to care
that i can always just let everything go and true
return to center

my awareness
and knowledge
of the all providing
activiyt of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlmited

my awareness
and knowledge of the all providing
activity of the divine mind within me is my supply

i love that i know i love that i know the power of me
i love that i hev

never havet o
to wonder i love the power of choices