
i know i am awareness i am awareness
and i am aware

i love where ia m i love doing the work i love doing the work
i love the work i love this here and now i love that
i get to g

enjoy life i get to enjoy life i get to
enjoy life i get to
enjoy life

i get to be i get to love i get to be i get to love i
i love where iam right now i love
i love where ia m

right now i love i love where ia m right now
i love where ia m right now i love where ia m

it’s up to me how i feel and if i am aware

the only thing ever missing is awareness
the only thing ever missing is awareness

i know this now i know this
i know this i know this i know this

i am aware

i know thate verything outside of me
is me thinking im separate and i know i am not separate
i know i am not separate

i know i know i know where ia m right now i know the
feeling i

i love that i can always return to awareness
to my heart center i can always

retrun to center i can always feel good
i can always love i can always

i love that i ge tto feel good now
get to celebrate my life
here and now i love that
i get to celebrate life
here and now i love that
i get to i love that
i get to i love that

i get to i love that i get to i love

i love that i get to choose to enjoy life
every moment i love that i get to choose to
feel good now i love that i get to choose
to align with god i love that i

know that i remember the power of me i love that
ir emember the power of me i love that i know
the power of me i love that get to see the affects of the practice i love that
i ge tto choose it here and now

i keep my mind and thoughts off this wrold
and place my entire focus on the god self within as the only cause of my prosperity
i acknowledge the inner presence as the only
acctivity in my financial affairs
as the substanc of all things visible i place my faith in the
principle of abundance
in action within me

i love that i know this that i get to life

live fully that i get to rest in awareness
that i get to rest in awareness

i keep my mind and thoughts off this wrold
i keep my mind and thougths off thiss
and just

and just am aware
i am aware i am aware i am
of wher eia m right now i am

aware of where ia m right now
i am aware i am
aware i am

i am aware of where ia mr igth now

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and
place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only activity in my financial affairs

i’m here

doing me doing my work doing the focus work
the unofcus work the

rleasing the training of rhte mind work the centered work the embodied work the flow work the foxus

focus work i’m here i’m here
aligning myself witht he source within i’m here alignin myself
with the source within
relaxing into the flow of life
into the flow of life

i’m here enetere
centereing i’m here relaxed i’m relaxed into awarness
i’m here

i’m hre i’m here
celebrating life i know that life loves me i know that life

i’m hre i’m here i’m at ease ai
i’m in the flow i’m happy ‘m loving

i am love i am awareness
i am love

grateful to be here
aware of the flow aware of the feeling
aware of the self i am here

aware of the self i am the self i am
here wa

aware of the self i am me i am
the infinite self i love where i am right now
i love that

i ilove where iam right now i love that life is
good for me and i get to choose it i get to continue
to feel good to feel the flow to feel the
feeling to feel good here and now
to feel good here and now
to feel good here and now

so grateful for the time and space to do this work
so grateful to feel good

so much more comfortable

so much easier
to just be aware ia m aware and i release the
rest and then i feel at ease with where ia m

the work always works ther emembering always works
the feeling of love always works the
feeling of yes always works

i love that i know
the work always works i love that i know that
the work always works

so grateful for my charmed life

for awareness for the center of me
for the knowledge so grateful to get to feel good and
enjoyl ife so grateful to get to enjoy life

so grateful to be aware
to kknow that whatever happens is in may favor

whatever happens is in my favor

i am here

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

today i am aware
today i am aware

today i am aware of the version i create
of the way i want to feel today i am aware
of how i feel

today i am aware and i know that whever happens
is in my favor today i am

aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of

the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuoulsy
easily and effortlessloy pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled
i know the feeling i know that i get to hoose
to choose the feeling i prefer
and emobdy

embody that feeling i get to embody that

i get to be the feeling ia m he feeling
i prefer to feel and i know that all of life
follows the feeling
i know that all of life is

the feeling

i know that ia m the feeling

i get to choose teh feeling i get to be the feeling
i get to feel the feeling i get to be it i get to be the
beacon of light i get to get it

get to be it i get to be it i get to be it

i get to be it i get to

when i am aware of the god self

so grateful for this moment

to be here directing the trip getting to choose

how i feel and that i am aware i get to choose to be awrea
and then i know nothing outside of me is the anser
then i’m not looking outside of me
then i’m not

looking outside of me for something

i get to feel good i ge tto love i get to love life i gt to love life
i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose i

i get to choose awareness and tha’s all hth

there is the feeling of awreness

unoin with self with the inner self the pathless path

the pathless path
the pathless path the pathless path

the pathless path
the pathless path

i know all there is is god all there is si the feeling
releaxing in the perfect
in the feeling knowings the perfect timing
its the perfect

timing everything always is i know that all there is is

is the feeling is communion with self wtih god
all there is

is god the only thing ever “missing” is god
the only thing to ever seek is awareness

i am awre

the feeling is all there is an i’m celebrating knowing that

communion with the self withierh
the feeling

awareness the observer is all there is
the feeling is there when the tension is releases

i know that i am take care of i know that i can just
witness life unfilding i love that i know this i love that
i know this
i an j

can choose to just be awre
to sink back into the feeling the feelig of knwoign
sink into the feleing of knowing

i get to choose love i get to get
get to choose thank you i get to choose communion

oneness with tsle
self just being just existing
just allowing life i get to allow life to flow
i get to allow life to

flow through me and i get to just be
get to just commune with the feeling
get to choose the feeling tune
to the feeling of just being
of jut celebareint life

of knowing we

everythng is wroking out foe
for me knowing everything is workigout for me

i’m here
i am aware

am i aware?

i am aware!

i simply have to be aware
of the radiation of creative energy
which is continuoulsy
easily and effortlessly puroing forth from my divine cos


i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i am now aware
i am now in the flow
i am now aware
i am now in the flow


i simply have to be aware of the

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totlaly

totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the
activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
is continuoulys
easly and effortlessly ppouring forth from my divne consciousness

i am now awre
i am now in the flow

grateful to be here

doing the work feeling good
feeling good feeling good
feeling good so grateful to be here feeling good

i can direct my tripi can decide how i feel i can
tune i an t

can tune myself to this here andow
i can tue myself to this here and now

to do the work to feel the tu

feeling to tune the vibration to feel the
feeling to remember why i am here to feel good

to allow the good feeling to rise to celebrate life
to know that life is good for me

grateful to direct the trip
grateful to have fun
gratefil to enjoy
to get to enjoy life get

to get to tune to get to feel the good feeling of letting ita ll go
of remembering who and what i am it feels so good to remember
to remember who and what i am

its easy to just live

its eay to do the workless work
its easy to take the pathless path
its easy

to do nothing the only thing and its nothing
its easy to pull back its easy to allow
the natural state

its easy to allow my natural state of love and know
that life reflects that its easy to have fu its easy to feel
good its easy to celebrate life
its easy to love life its easy to love life its

easy to do nothing to take the pathless path
its eay to love its eay to expect the best
its easy to release everything else besides awareness

its easy to relax in awareness
and know that is all there ever is to do and i love that
i get to i love that i get to enjoy life and that i can

“do” it myself
which is really just a relase its not a do and i love that i get to choose to love

i get to choose to have fun

what if it iwas fun what if i t wasn’t a thing
what if i let go of all that and ;am
just aware what if it worked out really well bwhat if you got to have fun!

i am here ia m aware i am centered i am having fun
i am fun i am life life is fun i love that i get to have fun
i lovet hat i get to

i am aware i amware

i am aware

gratefulto ha

of it comeing
coming in

appreciative of the flow
to have fun to get to enjoy life to
get to have fun to get to fee t

feel the flow so grateful to get to feel the
flow to get to enjoy life to get to love to
get to revise to get to love

grateul to get to do it grateful
to get to do a good job
to get to use my skills to get to have fun no matter what
and know that its all the gift of life
so grateful to get to chosoe how i feel about it

to feel it to feel energized to feel the
flow to have fun to hav fun
to enjoy life
so grateful to get to enjoy life

so grateful for this beautiful andp erfect day!

so grateful for this day for this flow for this
day celebrating me for this best day ever
for this beautiful day to feel good!!

i’m here so grateful to do this work to feel good
to feel the flow to feel the flow
so grateful to love my life and my work so grateful to love my life and work

so gratefulto love this day
to get to love this day
so grateful to get to love this day