Uncategorized – Kelly Cree http://www.kellycree.com Magickal Record of Kelly A. Cree Thu, 13 Aug 2020 19:37:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 22835824 returning to the feeling http://www.kellycree.com/returning-to-the-feeling/ Thu, 13 Aug 2020 19:25:38 +0000 http://www.kellycree.com/?p=5579 Continue reading returning to the feeling]]> the feeling is the secret and i love that i know that i’m so grateful for the reminder that the feeling the way i feel creates all of my life and i know that’s all there is that’s all there is the feeling the feeling creates all of life the feeling creates all of life the feeling creates and i love that i know this and that life is just his easy i lthis esay i love that i know that life is this easy i love that i get to choose to feel good to feel life to feel life ]]> 5579 time for me to remember who i am http://www.kellycree.com/time-for-me-to-remember-who-i-am/ Wed, 12 Aug 2020 16:46:15 +0000 http://www.kellycree.com/?p=5571
time for me to remember who i am 

time for me to remember the power of me to choose the 
version i prefer to align with the version i prefer to tell the 
version i prefer and it's just that easy to not 

think about that to not blow that up 
that is't 

what i want just so grateful i know that and i get to choose
i get to choose feeling good i get to choose love and know 
that love 

is always the answer 

love is always the answer and i love that 
i know that i love that i knkow that 

i love that i get to choose the narrative i love that 
i get to choose it i love that i know

and today i will do the work of telling the story i prefer

of making the choice
not talle 

tell the version i dont want to not tell that story becauase 
its always a story its always a story 

i nowt hat i know 

i get to choose teh narrative i 
get to choose teh narrative and tha't

that's empowering that's empowering 
i get to choose the narrative 
and that's empowering
i get to choose teh narrative

i love that i know this i love that i et to 
choose it i g
i love that i get to chosoe it i love
tha ti know i love that i know th pwoer 
the powerr

of me and i get to choose i get to 
align with the version i prefer i get to 

choose liking myself i get to shoo

choose standing behind it 
i get to choose myself i get to choose wh

who i am and what i am 

i get to choose the version i act out and i love that i know 
that's all it is that's all i can 

seize the narrative and it sfeels
it fesl 

feels better to seize the narrative 
choose the version and i know that's my power
and i know that i get to choose i get to 
choose it i get to choose love
and i know that 

all of life is me 
the secret is the feeling and i 
always get to choose the 

the feeling the feeling i get to choose
the feeling i can always choose teh 
feeling seize teh narrative i get to ch

i get to choose teh power 
of me i 
i get to choose the power of me i love that 
i know this that 
i can alays choos 
love that i can always choose 

so grateful i get to choose the narrative
get to act out the version i prefer so 
grateful i know its only ever me 
i know 

its' only ever me and it can only reflect
me it can only reflect me


so grateful for the version i get to 
to ge

tell so grateful for community 
for friends to like where i live
that people are happy to see us

so grateful to be who i am 
where i am the 

that i get to choose to love mseylf
that i get

can drop the tiny expressions of hate
on myself i get to choose to love msyelf
and that 

version feels good that 
version feels good i get to 


to chooset h vers
the vrs

version i prefer i get to choose teh narrative and i love that i 
get to i love that i get to choose teh narrative
i love that 
i get o 

to choose it get to choose teh verison 
i act out the 
version i live 
i get to live

i get to choose i love that i get to choose i love that i am 
it i love that i am it that

reality is subjective

and the secret iss 
the feeling i love that i know the secret is 
the feeling ian 

and i get to choose it i get ot choose 
to x

choose teh v
the feelin right no
feeling right now i get to choose
teh feeling right now 
i get to choose

i get to choose i dont know
and i'm just making it up anyway

so why not make up the 
version i prefer i love that i get to 
and i lov taht its my power 

to do so i lov that i know that
is life
making the choice that is the powere of me
i decide it and then it is

i get to embody the truth 
ig et to 

to embody the vresio
version i prefer

i want to want to i want to want to 
and i know the horses can do it for me i konw the 
horses a


i love that i know i love that i get to choose 

i love that ig et to choose 
to allow the energy of life that i get to choose
to wnat to do it 

i get to choose i love that i get

so grateful for life flowing through me 
so grateful its easy 
when i take the leap

so graetufl to take the leap 
and make something good so grateful i knwo i can 

it i get 

i can get itn the flow and allow it 
its a good thing to focus on 
to remember who i am to remember what i am 

to remember what i am 

so grateful for the version i prefer

so grateful to feel loved and appreciated
so grateful to fee at home

so grateful for free fire wood for the whole winter!

so grateful i get to choose 
and i never have to wonder 
so grateful to remember that 
so grateful to 



into the flow 
to the feeling of god

so grateful to jump into the feeling of god
to allow god to do it

to get to choose the version 
i prefer and know

for a fact that 

that's the power of me

act as if http://www.kellycree.com/act-as-if-2/ Sun, 09 Aug 2020 18:37:39 +0000 http://www.kellycree.com/?p=5549 Continue reading act as if]]> that’s all it is
just act out the version you
want to be in its so easy
its just so easy and i’m so
glad i now that i’m so grateful i know the truth
i know the power of me and its all in
the version i cat

act out the version i portaty

portray i love that in every oment i get to
choose teh v

thep erson
the person i want to be the person i want to be

in every moment
in evvery moment i get

to act as if i get to feel the feeling go
getto feel the flow get to feel

elevated in this life i get to feel

elevated in this life i get to

feel elevated in this life
i get to feel good i get to

to feel good i get to feel good

i get to feel good i get to

feel good i get to

feel good

just act out the version you
want and it’s that easy
and you know ti’s

it’s that easy i love that
i know ths i love

i love that i get to feel good that
i get to celebrate life

that i get to look
with love that i get to look with love

i love that i get to make the choice
to look with love
that the feeling

the feeling the feeling the

the feeling is all there is
get in character is all there si

i love that i get to choose
and i don’t have to ownder

or even bother creating the
version i don’t want
and i love that i know that

that it’s just as easy as choosing
to do the walk of life

walk in the way that you want life
to walk
to walk in s

to walk the walk which means

you know live your life the way you
tell others too

walk the walk walk the walk i know this
i know it’s only ever me and i am
so grateful i know this


simple turht

i am so grateful i know this one simple truth
i am so grateful that

i can always tune myself to this

frequency that i know the frequency of god

just choose just choose just

choose just choose
just choose just

choose just choose just make the choice
and that’s all there is

that’s all there is
just make the choice
and that’s all there

is just mak

just make the choice
make the choice just
make the choice

just make the choice

make the choice just make the choice

just make the choice

and then act as if i love that
i know the truth of life and i get to
choose who i am what i am
i get to choose hwat

what i am i get to choosee i
get to choose
the version of me
i get to choose
the version of me

i want to be

i get to choose the version of life
i love that i get to choose
that i get to get in alignmetn

that i get to choose how

have fun that i know the

the feeling comes and then the rest

i know the power of me i know the choice
of me i know the choice

fo me i know the poer

powe of me

poer of

power of me i love that i know the power of me
i love that i get to act out the version i prefer
i love that i know

its’ me and i get to choose i love that
i get to choose i love
that i get to choose

i love that i get to choose
i lovet hat
i get to choose

i get to choose and i never
have to wonder and i get to celebrate
that fact right now
so gro

for that reason i never
need to leave the here and onw

now because i already have everything
i love that i already have it all i love
that i get to act out the version i prefer

i love that i already knkow

i love that it already is the way i want it to be i love
that it already is the way i want

it to be i love that i already know i love that
i already know

i get to act it out and i love that
i already am i love that
the energy is here now

with me it is me i love that i kow the
god energy the god self the perfect god self
in this right now

i loe

love that i truly know it that i am it i love that
i get to be it i love that i know i am it

i am the god self i get to look at life like god

as god would

i know this i know the feeling of life
i know the feeling of life i know the
feeling of life i know

the feeling of life i know what life is
i know the pwoer of

power of me i love that i never have to wonder
or say you’re like this just

i love when you’re like this instead

it’s just so easy its so fucking easy and its
all you can do and its all there is
i love that i know this

i love when the rent is paid
i love when the bills are paid i love
being pop ricch
i love loving where i alive
i love feeling connection i love

feeling alust for life
i love looking for reasons to feel energized i love
deciding to feel energized i love that
ii know ti’s

it’s only ever meth

the vibraiton of me i love that i
gte to feel the vibration of me
get to feel the

energy of love.

act accordingly and i love that http://www.kellycree.com/act-accordingly-and-i-love-that/ Mon, 03 Aug 2020 20:25:36 +0000 http://www.kellycree.com/?p=5520 Continue reading act accordingly and i love that]]> i get to

am i acting as if?

as if i know the truth of life?

i can always be aware i can
always be aware of how i’m acting
of the version i’m acting

is the version i’m acting out
the version i want to be in??

it’s up to me to act out the version i prefer
and that’s all there is
act as if and then it is act as if and then it is

thank you for thism ometn for this day
for this knowledge

fot he ability to talk things through
that we can do it that we ds

stay doing it so grateful for my strong relationship!

so grateful usps is picking up
so grateful its already in chicago!!

thank you for thismoment
for this day for this knowledge

am i in my power
am i in my power in

am i in my power
am i in my power??

and that’s all i have to ask
and if i’m feeling bad about myself
thinking negative thoughts about myself
then i’m not in my power

i love that i get to feel
in my power i love that i get to be in my power
i love that i get
to feel good i love that i get to
feel good i love that i get to feel the flow
i love that i know the flow

loves me i love that i know the flow loves me i love
that i get to do the work i love that
i get to get paid!!

to blow up on tik tok!!

am i in my power?
is this thought in accordance?

is this thought


is it true?

and i love that that is
the choice that is the only questoin
i have

to ask

i love that i get to choose that i
get to feel the truth that i get to feel ove that i get
to chosoe love i love that i
get to choose love
and that love is

the answer to everything

i love that i get to feel the best version of myself
that i get to love myself i love that i
get to feel good about myself
i love

that i get to feel good about myself i love
that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good i love that

i get to feel good that
i get to feel good that
i get to feel good

that i get to feel good
that i get to

feel good that i get to feel good that
i get to allow to

god to do it that i get to allow the god self
the love self i love that
i get to choose the love self i love that

there’s always more than enough i love
that i get to
feel good i love that
i get to feel good that i gett

get to feel good that i get to feel good
that i get to be me

that i get to feel me that i get to

feel the power of me that i get to be in my power
that i get to act in

love that i get to that
i knowt he clo

the lcou

clouds are our friends love that
we get to do it

grateful for this t

feeling the only feeling
grateful for the only feeling

for the only feeling i love that
i get to choose that
ig et to know that
i get to allow
the flow

that i get to act as if
what would i do if it already was
and am i acting that way

am i acting as if i get to allow

because it already exists
all i have to do is vibrate with it i love

i’m acting out the
version i want to see

i am the version i want to see

i am the gaod

god self i am the abundant self
i am the loving self i am the kind self

i am the confident self i am the care free self
i am the fun self

i am the lust for life self i ah

i am the happy self i am the loving self the
compassionate self i love that i am the

compassionate self

i ilove that i

i love tat
that i get to that i get to fee t


feel this feeling i love that i get to feeling of life

the feeling god intended

the truth

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of the universe

this all providing source f

of infinite porsp

is kin

individualized as me

the reality of me

i love that i know the truth il ove that
i know the truth and that
is that life

arranges itself around me
around my energy and

i know that for i fact
i know that

that this is facct and
i act in accordance with this truth
and by doing this

i bring joy and relief into my life
right now

so ghten


i’m not out in the future

i’m here now, relaxed
and then every

here, now

is relaxed
and all those

heres and nows

add up to your life

feel the truth right now
and you know you’re doin

not doing it to get something
in the future

you’re doing it to feel good in
this moment

that used to be a future

and you feel good now
you got what you wanted
what you prayed for every day

you have access to it in every
it’s already here with you
right in front of your face

it. is. your. face.

love doing this work and living
by the truth acting in accordance with the truth

acting out the version
that i want to live

already living it

already living it

the feelingw ork http://www.kellycree.com/the-feelingw-ork/ Sun, 26 Jul 2020 02:49:19 +0000 http://www.kellycree.com/?p=5472 Continue reading the feelingw ork]]> grateful to be here feeling feeling
the god self checking in with the god self
tuing wor

tuning wow
toward the god self remembering that tis
wahte v

whatever i want it to be i want it to be easy
ic an say
yes i can say yes i can


its whatever i want and i’m the one creating it
its ehat
whatever i want and i’m the one

creating it its whatever i want
its whatever i want it to be and i love
i love that
i know

this come here to check in to the here and now
let the rest go come here to shed ther est to

allow the god to float to the top
and allow myself to 4

bliffully ease below the god

i am what lies beneath god

thank you for this god feelig for
this access for the knowlede

for the ability to allow myself to
enjoy life
to enjoy life
to enjoy life

the fcou

focus work the focus wrk

grateful to do the tuning in work
to remember to drop the rest to

remember what it feels like to not llo
allow anyting to

disrupt the flow of well being
it feels good to allow the flow


well being well being well

being it feels good to feel the feeling of well being
well being
well being

its whatever i want it to be i know that its always
flowing its always flowing its always flowing
its always flowing

its always god its always the feeling
the feeling of celebrateing

i know the feeling of celebrating life and i allow
myself to feel it
i allow myself to feel it
i allow myself to feel it

i allow myself to feel it i allow

to i allow succes i allow
i allow my own prosperity

i allow prosperity
i allow my own prosperity

i allow it i allow it
i transcend my dna i want to

i want to ic an do it i can do it

the foxus
focus work the focus work the
letting it go work i know that

its beentight
and allowing it too

loosein my brip

grip losse

loosening my grip

loosening my grip

the essence is at ease
the exxence is at ease

i feel the ase i truat t
trust the ease i relish in the ease
i relish in the ease and i know that
its all here and now

i know what i am i know what i am
i know i ge tto choose i know

i get to choosei get
get to choose i get to choose
i get to choose

make something what you want it
to be i get to i get to i agte

get to i get to make it what i want

i get to have a good attitude!!

i get to have fun!!

i know the feeling i know the feeling
i allow the feeling i allow the feeling
of fun!!!

i allow the feeling of a good attitude

i allow it i allow
the tension to release
i allow the tension

to relase i allow me i allow
me to be me to be the version i want to be

i allow the fullest version
the loving version i allow the loving veresion of
myself the feeling good version of msyelf

i allow itmore every minute

i love that i get to do

get to do this work
the feeling work get to do this work
the tuing work
the allignmetn

i am in alignment
i am tune di know this
wor i know t

its all about the feeling
and i get to choose my attitude
about it i love
that i get to choose!!

i love that i’m so good at it now!

i love that i get to chosoe to how
have fun i get to choose to have fun
get to al

to line it up get to really do this work
know this work
not try so hard just

let go really do this work
really let go

really doing this work
allowing prosperity
knowing prosperity seeing it in
everything putting in

it in the he

air celebraring it
knowing its everythin

evidence everywhere

saying thank you being grateful for the

for the figt

so gateful
grateful for the gifrl t



thank you for the gift!!

thank you for the fig

gift thank you for the gift
and i’m grateful to come here and do the work
of tuing the self
of loving the moment

being my best most loving
kindest self i love that i
get to do that i

that i get to love i love that i
get to love t

get to align with love i get to aling with

with love i get to align with love
i’m learning more every da yi’

i’m getting closer everry day

i’m learning more
i’m getting better i’m bett

getting beter i’m
getting better evey day

i know that i am doing it
i know i an do it

do it i know i can transcend it!!

and its’ butn

fun to do that!!

i love remembering what it feels like!!

i love remembering what it feels like
to feel good to love life to have fun


to suffer

i love that ig et to li love
that its already flowing i alreayd feel it i already feel the flow
i already

feel the magick of life
i love rmembeirn

i love that i get to hoose
i love that i get to choose it
instead of want it

i get to choose it
instead of want it

i choose it i choose it
i choose it i choose it

i choose it i choose it
i choose it i choose it

i choose it

i choose it instead of wnt

wnat it i love remembering the truth
of me remembering its all me
i love remembering that its all me

what is that http://www.kellycree.com/what-is-that/ Tue, 14 Jul 2020 22:56:41 +0000 http://www.kellycree.com/?p=5351 Continue reading what is that]]> that i think i dont have?

what is it that i think is missing

the feeling the feeling of abundance i suppose
the feeling of certainty the feeling of knowing
but i know i can choose it

i know i can choose it the
the feeling of security lol
something outside of me to make me feel good ofc

so grateful i get to do what i want
that i dont have a boss that i dont have to
check with my boss that i get to
go to the lake whenever i want

so grateful for the lake!!

and that we chose it!
so grateful we can just walk down there any time!!!

we have our lake house!!

let’s have fun! http://www.kellycree.com/lets-have-fun-2/ Fri, 10 Jul 2020 20:44:54 +0000 http://www.kellycree.com/?p=5303 Continue reading let’s have fun!]]> so grateful to get to have fun
to get to allow the horses to do it
to enjoy it to enjoy life to enjoy this
day this moment this work i get to do this

here and now these sounds
these voices

i love getting to allow the horses to do it
i love that ig et to allow life to flow through me
i love gettinga t

a test
of the god feeling i love the
closer i get to the god feeling
i love ful

the fullness of the god feeling and i love that ig et to celebrate it

i feel good http://www.kellycree.com/i-feel-good-11/ Tue, 07 Jul 2020 01:08:52 +0000 http://www.kellycree.com/?p=5231 Continue reading i feel good]]> its a choice how i feel its a choice
how i feel what i’m looking for am
i looking for flaws??

or reasons to celebrate!

i love that its so easy for met o turn
to turn the boat to go back to loving myself
to loving myself i love myself
and i love my life i love that i get to chosoe to

love myself

i love that i get to choose to love myself

i get to feel good i get
to feel good i g
get to feel good i get

to feel good get to choose it
get to check int with
it get to remember the feeling
get the

to remember the feeling of
really loving myself!!

of knowing how awesome i am!!

to liking what i see!!

thankyou for that!

so gratefult o choose that feeling
and know that it

that it’

that’s all it is
it’s all perspective
so grateful i know this
it’sa l

all a feeling all a thought process

all a matter of focus!

all a matter of focus
where is the focus??

what version are you creating?

is this what you want??

i know the feeling i know teh fcous
i know the fcos

focus i know how to put my attention

where i want it i love htat i’m awrae i love
that i get to choose loving life

loving self i love that i get to choose

feeling good i ilove that i
get to choose feeling good i love
that i get to choose

feeling good i love
that i get to choose

feeling good i love that i
get to choose

feeling good i love that i get to choose
i get to choose and its easy i love that i
get to co th

to do this work
to train my attetnion

my focus muscle to pick
it up and put it on what
i want

on the version that is preferred

to choose the version that is
preferred and i love that
i always can

i’m here now i’m here now
in this moment rightnow

i’m here now i’m

here now i’m here now i’m here

i’m here now with god
feeling the way god would
feel i’m b

back to feeling how god
would feel choosing the
version that is preferred

choosing the version that is preferred i love that
i get to choose i love that i get to choose it
i love that i get to choose

it get to love it get to focus
where i wnat tht ati
get to remember this that i get to
just keep focusing
on feeling good

the focus where i want it
keep the focus on what is

i love that i get to i love
that i get to choose

to feel good about myself!!

to celebrate all my strengths

good to feel good about life

get to focus on all that is going well!!

i love that i get to choose i love that i get to
choose i love

that i get to choose how i feel
i love that i get to choose
which verison i o

version of life i lead i love tat
i get to choose teh feeling

of feeling hot
of knowing im hot of
liking myslf
of liking how i look
of not caring
how i look

just loving myself either way
treating myself

treating myself with love and

looking for positive aspects

i love that this is the best dsay
i love that i can be aware
of upper limits

i love that life is good i love
that i get to allow it to flow
through me i love that i get to
feel good aobut myself
get to love myselff

i get to feel good about msyelf
so grateful to see it come up
old stuff come p and be aware of it

and know i’ve come so far
and celebrate knowing that

and be able to get right back
to cetner

right back to feeling how i want to feel

right back to feeling how i want to

the focus work the focus
work all i can all i can

is focus on what i want

all i can do is focus
on what i want

becuase because is
if i focus on what i
dont’ wnat

i get more of that
i feel for what i do wnat

i do want to love myself
to really likfe myself

to be into myself!!

i love

i want to be into myself!

i am into myself.1!!

i get to choose i get to choose and i
never have to wonder

i get to choose
and i

never have to wonder
i get to feel good i e

get to feel good i get to
feel good i

get to feel good

the focus work
be awre

be aware of what you’re thinking
of the version you create
of the version you create

the version i am creating
i am aware and i am
feeling for what i prefer i choose what i prefer

i choose what i prefer
i know i get to choose i
get to

pick up my attention i lov that
i get to i love tha ti get to

and feel good

relax and feel


release and
feel god

i feel god with me
here now

i feel god
wtih me

here now

i feel god

i feel god flowing through me

i feel god flowing throughme

i feel god i feel the god self
i feel the god the

god self i feel the god self

i feel the god self

i feel god flowing through me
i feel god flowing through me
the feeling of god flowing through me

the feling o

the feeling of god
flowing through me
i love that i get to feel
it i love that i get to
feel it
get to feel the god

self get to feel good
gt t

get to feel good get to love me!

get to let source be the rug!

let source fill me up!

and celebrate me!

all that i’m doing right!

celebrate all that is going well!!

what i’m doing right!!

all that is right!
celebrate that and notice more of it!!

celebrate that!

and i love that i get o i ilove that i get
to feel good in my life get to enjoy my life
this much i lov that its this

eay i love that its this eays i lov

that life is good!!

thank you http://www.kellycree.com/thank-you-46/ Mon, 06 Jul 2020 01:51:38 +0000 http://www.kellycree.com/?p=5226 thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you

i can do it http://www.kellycree.com/i-can-do-it-19/ Sun, 28 Jun 2020 20:14:36 +0000 http://www.kellycree.com/?p=5124 Continue reading i can do it]]> what do i know what do i know as the truth
am i chooseing to

to engage with the version iw ant

want ??

am i aligned with the version i want?

then align with that
and feelg oo
feel good align with the version i want

and feel good

i need to

i must i must return tto
to center i’m already thre
how do i get there how do i tru

return to center

wait a day lol
i want ice cream

i get to focus i can do it i can tretu
return to focus i can always

return to focus i can always tr

return to focus to center to
having fun i can always fun f

have fun i can always tune i can

train my attention tune
my attention i love that i can
awlays tuen

tune my attention i love that
i get to feel it the tuning the swtich

switch i can always flip the switch in in moment
life helps me flip the switch life

helps me flip the switch
i can always feel the feeling gof
of god knowings

its evidene of an old vibration and
get to choose a new one right now
i love that
i can always choose a new one right now

enjoy this moment enjoy this day
enjoy this moment
enjoy this day
enjoy this moment
enjoy this day

i wanted this i’m celebrating this day
i’m celebrating this life i

celebrate i feel good!!

i feel good i feel the flow flowing through me

why am i pretending

not to know?jump
why am i turning toward fear?
expecting the worst?

when i have a choice??

why choose to get hung up on thougths


i love that i dont have to
i love that this work helps me realize it
i kow that

i love that i know that only thougths
can make me feel bad i love that
i know that i love that
i can j

jump into letting go jump into letting

jump into letting go

into letting go jump into letting
go jump into letting go

why pretend to not know the truth?

why operate on that frequency when i
dont have to??

when i can focus on celebrating today!

leting it

letting go of those worry thoughts
and enjoy right now!

finding the flow
just jump into the flow

the vortex all that matters is the
vortex i love that
i know ti love

i love that i know this
that i get to choose

i feel it i feel it i feel the
god self i feel the god self i feel the
god self and i know that

focus on the god self is what brings it about
i love hat i get
that i get to choose to release fewar

to notice when the switch is off
and switch it on


it on i can switch it on
i get to do this work the only work this

work this only work
this is the on ly work

the switch take my own advice and flip
the switch ok
fear so



allowing what is accepting what is

thinking i an’t feel good because of this one thing
indicator of an old vibration
i can let it go i can choose the other side

i can choose not to think about it
