i feel good

i feel god i feel the god self i feel
the knowing of me i feel the magick power of me
i kow th
i know the power the magick power of me and know that
life can only reflect me i know thats

the universal law i love celebrating
know i love feeling the god eneergy flowing through me
knowing that

my attention and knowledge of the
god self is my

currency and that is the only currency and i know this
i get up and i jpm
jump into the day because i know that
god has my


i know i know that everything is happening in my favor
i get up and have a good day i get up and have a good day

in this right now i’m having a great day
i feel the goodness of life flowing through e

the end of an era i love that i get to
celebrate life f

im focused within i’m focused
the al
laser focused of love

i’m focused on one point and that’s

love for everything that is
and that’s all i can ever achieve

is this feeling in the here and no it

it feels good to have it to know its always here to
know thatlife i

is always workingout for me
to see winning and success all around me to
really truly feel good now to feel so good in this
here and now
it feels good to feel the best iev
ive ever felt to feel the effects of of the focus
to just allow life to flow to me

to get out of the way and allow
and never

have to do a single thing or try just
get out of the way

i’m focused i’m focused on the god self

i feel the god slef lfoiwn
floiwng through me i feel knowing that
everything is perfect

i know that i am od i know that i am god
i know i that

i am the one and only creator

i never have to feel nervous i love letting go
of anxiety
and worry and fear

i love letting that go i love that i feel completely open in this
here and now i’m foxued

in this here and now.

it’s all cleaned up

i love it always comes and it comes from

i love the energy of life lfow
floiwng through me i love the snow storm
an excuse to be still

i love feeling goodi love
i love feeling good i love feeling
the flow flowing through me i love
feeling the
flow flowing

through me
i love where i am right no

i love this swork
i love that this is the only work i love
doing the only work i love
doing the only work
i love doing
the only work

i am focused laser focused on the
feeling of god flowing throughme i love
that i feel god flowing through me
i love that there
is so much to love
i love that there is so much to love
i love that life loves me i love
thatl ife loves me

i feel good i feel good i feel god

i feel god i feel god inside me ifeel
the god self flowing through me
and knowing that everyting i seek is withi
i know that

everything i seek is within i love that i know tis
i love that i know i love that i know this

is the only work
i love tuning tapping in turning on
i love

i feel good in this here and now
i feel great inthis
this here and now i love where i am

rightnow i love where i am right now i love
feeling good right now i love feeling good rightnow
making the choice right now knowing
it’s only ever me and making the choice for how i want to feel

how i watn
to feel i feel good now i feel the energy of life
flowing through me i feel tuned in to the true


remembering its only ever

my choice

i love feeling good i love feeling energized
i love that i love my job
i love that love my work
i love thatl ife

is working out for me
i love when the shcool pays the rent
i love makingmore andmore

every month

i love feeling good i love feeling
the energy of life flowing through me i love

the feeling of the true self
connecting with the knowledge

remembering who i am who i truly am
knowing that i am god i am the one and only creator
i am

the one and only creator
i get to choose i love that
i get to choose
what i look for
what i see i love that i get ti choose

to choose

i love where i am right now i love
feeling good i love feeling love

flow through me

i love that i dont care i love that
i love myself i love that i love myself i

that i know its as easy as a choice
its as easy as a choice

i know i am worthy of love

i know i am lovabel
i know i am love

i ma
i am iam

i am

i am
and what i am
in infinite
and all at once
and only here and now

i love remembering this i love
allowing the energy of life
to flow through me and trusting everything else
i love letting go
completely i love

feling at

feeling at ease

in my life in this infinite
know i

now i know that
i am the infinite

i feel tuned in tapped in turned on

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of

this is its responsibility not mine
my only responsibility is to
be aware of this truth

i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and affairs

letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant all sufficinecy
in my life and affairs
i love

seeing how my life worked out how
everything worked out for me how
i got everything i wanted
and knowing that what i want now

already is
it already exists
i love that i get to choose i love
that it already is i love that
i get to choose it right now

i now

i know that its all me its all a reflection
of me


is separate

i love where i am right no w
i love feeling good about myself
i love feeling good at life

i love feeling totally at ease i love that i know
life loves me ilove

i love that life loves me i love that

there is so much to love

i love feeling tapped in i love
that i know i can just trust thep roces

process of life and enjoy rightnow
all i can do is
enjoy rightnow

enjoy the feeling i want to feel rightnow

feel love now
feel love now
feel love now

feel the love i want to feel
and send the love i want to receive

that’s all i can do
is send the love i want to receive
and know that it’s not

the thing i think i want
that i really want

i want a feeling that i assosciate
with that thing
and i can find the feeling first

the feeling of loving myself
of feeling like

my life has purpose
that is all i seek and i can choose that
in the here and now

i love feeling energized and i love
wanting to feel good!!

i love the better it gets i love that this
work always solves everything
i love thi

this is theo nly work the only work


is the
only work

i love feeling the
energy that creates worlds flowing through me
i love

leaning into the energy
celebrating that energy

loving that energy

knowing that energy

honing that energy trusting that energy



i know i am god and i celebrate knowing
that i get to make the choice

i make the choice and then it s


and i never have to think about a different
version i can

refuse to feel bad
i can refuse to create versions i dont want

and i can insist on the version i prefer
until it is


ready to jump fully into ife
with no fear and trusting the flow
trusting the flow knowing the

energy that creates worlds is on my side
it feels good to focus my energy

here my energy on knowing my energ on feleing
feeling connected with self on feeling the
love god has for me rather than

beating up on myself i focus on the
love god has for me and knowing that i am already perfect

grateful for this day

so grateful for this day
for the work for the flow flowing through me
to have more than enough to feel

content in my life

so grateful to feel content in my life right now and know

i never HAVE to do anything
so grateful to celebrate everything
i GET to do

so grateful i get to do this work to come back to cneter
center so grateful to do the work and allow life to flow
through me to feel good now

so grateful to tune in tap in turn on
to feel the flow flowing through me through me

to me and through me so grateful for the flow
flowing to me and through me
to me and through me

all i can ever do is trust the flow
trust the feeling of life
all i can ever do is trust the feeling of life
trust the feeling of life

trust the feeling of life trust god
trust god trust god and trust the feeling
trust what feels best
and jump head

feet first into the day
i jump fee first

feet first into the day and celebrate this now

i love that i can program my life program who i am
i love that i get to program what my life is i love
that i get to choose i love that
i get to feel good now i love that i get to feel good now i love

that i get to feel good now

i lov

ii can do it ca
i can feel energized by life
i can feel at ease i feel
at ease in my life

i let it all go and just allow life
to flow through me
i allow life to just flow through me i

i allow life to flow
i allow life to flow

i allow myself to be me first
and the rest follows

first i become it then i see it
i can do it i can just

jump into the flow and allow
life to do the work that i don’t want to do

so desparately do not want to do

until i have something else to do
then of course i will want to do it
then of course

so today i celebrate i do the work
to celebrate

to feel authentic gratitude
for the work and hours
it feels good to feel good
to feel energized to feel tuned
to feel

grateful and that’s all i can work on today

is authentic


all i can do is focus
and allow and really just get it done so i can feel better lol

i can choose to celebrate it i can choose
to dread and bemoan

or i can celebrate

i feel energized about life
i feel good about life
i feel good i feelthe flow
the flow i feel

tuend in
tuned in tapped in turned on
it feels good to make the choice

just make the choice to feel good about it
jump into the day
and life

allow life to do the work
let life do the work

let life do the work

i relax in the knowledge that
i am always doing the right thing at the
right time
there’s not s

such thing as

needing to hurry
i relax into the here and now


relax into the
here and now
and let the present moment

be my drug

i allow myself to be my drug
i allow the present moment to be
my drug

i jump into the p


present moment i jump into the present moment
i feel good i feel elevated i feelt he

the flow flowing through me i am present

i am aware

i am

i am conscious

of the god self within me

so grateful for this day
for love for a loving partner and family

for my beautiful pets
for good food wand

and weed and boopies

and a place to live
that i love so grateful for this

perfect moment
so grateful for work

so grateful to get what i wawnt
to say hes to
yes to get waht
what i want to allow the most
of everyting into my life

grateful fort his
this here and now and knowing that
i cana lways
always choose to feelnee
the flow right now
to feel at ease right now

to feel my god self
in this here and now

feel at ease in this
here and now

my inner supply instantly and
constantly takes on form and experience
according to my needs and desires
and as the principle of supply
in action it is

impossible for me to have any
unfulfilled needs or desires

i love that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose

i get to choose the focus i get to choosel ife
i get to choose the life flowing through me i get to choose to feel
good i get to choose to love myself i get to choose

to focus in the here and now
to life myself up now to life myself up now

to remember

this is the only work
to remember this

is the only work

i wanted this i wanted this i wanted this i
wanted this say yes

say yes say yes say yes say yes

say yes say yes i’m saying yes i’m saying yes i’m saying yes

i feel good and i know ths this is the only work

i jmp

i jump into the moment and say yes thank you
i cando

i can do it i can do it and i trust this

here and now


so grateful for the opportunity
to do the work and see where my

see my thoughts
be aware of my thoughts
so grateful to be

aware of my thoughts

to get a chance
to do the work and not
get worked up over

false narratives
it feels good to choose to
choose love instead and know
that love is always
and feels better

and that is what life is about
if it is easy
and feels good if it is easy
and if it feels good

so grateful for all the blessings
constantly flowing my way
so grateful everything i want

always comes so grateful to come
back to center and remember i don’t have to

so grateful to be so busy loving
me that i don’t have time to wonder


so busy loving
god that i don’t need anything else
and thatis what this work is

so loving god that i don’t have time

or space

for anything else

but love
so busy looking for reasons to love

so grateful for gifts!!

so grateful to feel loved
so grateful to receive

receive so grateful
for everything that always comes my way
so grateful for the

here and now so
grateful to love

no person

or condition is my supply
my awareness

and knowledge

of the all providing
activity of the divine mind
within me is my supply

the work is to remember
the work is to rmeme

remember that the comment
isn’t my supply

and that is the work
that is the contrast that creates

it doesn’t create the thing
it creates the resolution within

and that is all i seek
is the resolution

the portals within
it helps me align with the
version i prefer
remembering i am

the creator
remembering i am the creator

remembering what my supply

remembering that my supply
my supply is all there is it feels good
it feels good it feels good

this is the only work
this is the only

comment and i didn’t want the

i pushed them away

i knokw i pus
i know i pushed them aweay
i resisted them

so i’m getting what i want
so i can celebrate that
it always comes back around

when you least expect it
when you let it go and i can
celebrate that this


is helping focus
celebrating the contrast that helps me focus
celebrateing the
other side of the wave

and getting out of my own way
so as to not

upper limit
it feels good to be aware of the upper limits

and love through them

just love through them
to choose the feeling oflove
and know

that it’s all out of love
it’s all out of love
it’s all out of love

so what you didn’t want to be
my friend when i lived near you
but you want to comment on all my shit
but still not

but really wtf is that
i have a right
to want to push you away

and then when it works
i want


so the work
is to transcend that roller coaster
to work on letting all of it

the attachment go
knowing that the attachment
is to an idea

knowing that the attachment
is to an idea

and i think that idea
will fill me up but it won’t

only whtis
ths work
this work will ever fill me
so i chosoe to

feel filledup right
now to love msyelf


to love msyelf

and to spite really

grateful to do the only
work and

to choose the sid eof
the side of the wave

i prefer it feels good to
choose the side of the
wave i prefer
and celebrate knowing

that side exists

it exitst right now
so i act as if i act as if
all i can do is act as if
and trust the rest

now i want it
so i will get it

now i don’t care
so it will come

but i won’t care
i love that i get to choose the
version instead of

wondering i love that i get
t o

to choose the version
instead of wondering i love

that i get to chosoe i love
i love that i get to chosoe

know that

no person place or

condition is my supply


is my cconne
connection to savoring this moment

connection to feeling good right now
and not

creating more of what i don’t want

my connection to self
to my own self worth
my conneciton

to detachment
from outccoe
i love

i don’t csre i

i truly don’t care

my awareness
and knowledge of the all providing
activity of the divine mind
within me is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my

supply is unlimited

my consciousness of this truth
is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i find the value
within me

i find my own value in this here and now
i find the love for self in this here and now

i remember that my value is
i don’t have to look to

to give me value
i know

i know my value and i love
myself i love myself how i am
i love

myself how i am and i choose the
other side of the wave
i choose to lo

appreciate i choose tolook
to look fo what

for what i want
instead of lamenting

waht i don

what i don’t
i celebrate every moment
in life

for fun

i get to feel good now
and for no reason
because i am god

and i say so!

just do the work

and don’t let other people steal your peace
even though murdering my neighbor

would bring me so much peace

i would hate to have to
clean up the mess

and remember
just do the work
and remember that
attention creates
and that is law

that is the universal
law and i know that only

the only thing i can do is
turn my attention away from
it just create something else

it feels so good

to create something else

just do the work to remember
just do the work to remember that
attention to

creates and i never have to care
i know that my work is to not care
the only thing i can do

is train myself not to care

my power is in my letting go
in my choosing the version pr

i prefer
my power is in my letting go
my power is in my letting go
my power is in my letting go

my power is in my night c
not caring my power is in my saying yes
to e er


it feels good to feel good to
feel good to ofucs
focus on feeling good it feels good

it feels good to do this work
to do this work the only work
it feels good to focus and


where my power lies
it feels good to trust my power
to know it
it feels good to choose
it feels good
to choose
it feels good to chosoe

feels good to choose
the god within
rather than try to force things in life
it feels good to cnnet
connect with the god within
it feels good to drop the rest


but nothing

it’s nothing
it’s literally nothing
if i don’t give it attention
it’s literally nothing
and that is my power

that is my power

it feels good to tune in and choose
the feeling of connection with god

to lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to ‘under
and to know that the divine presence

i am

is the source and substance
of all my good

it ;fe
feels good to remember who
and what i really am and put

my energy into that rather

the opposite

it feels good to confidently choose the
power with
it feels good to choose
the feeling i want to feel

it feels good to make the choice
to have the power

to not care
to truly not care it
feels good to make the choice
the choice
the choie

it feels good to tune in tap in turn on
it feels good tot une in
tap in turn on
it feels good to choose
it feels good to choose
to feel good now

to choose to feel good now
it feels good to choose th
feeling now to choose th

the power of me in this here and now
it feels good to choose the pwoer o

of me

in this here and now

feels good to tune in tap in
turn on to know it’s only ever me
i know it’s only ever me

feels good to zoom out t

to ask

who i am
who i sobserving

my power is in not giving it

i lift up my mind and heart to
be aware to understand and to know that
the divine presence
i am is the source and substance of all my good

i love that i know this
i know this
i love that i know this i love

that i know this
i love that i know this i love
that i know this
i love that i get to feel good now

it can be fuel for my internal fire

it feels good to make the choice
to come back to center to come back
to devotoin

devotion to self to devotion
for how i want to feel it feels good
to come back to the devotion to come
back to remembering who i am

so i should just take responsibility
for the version they’re creating?


fuck that
although i do have to
take responsibility for the
sub conscious version i’m

that’s true

it feels good to release caring
to release caring to remember


it feels good to focus on
creating the version i prefer
to remember it’s so easy
to remember that

heaven is here
and now
heaven is here and now
and i can choose
to see it here and now
i love

that all it takes is making
the choice and then trusting the choice

it feels good to release
to celebrate the day
to jump into the day
to jump into the day to feel the flow
flowing through me to

feel the flow flowing it feels good to
feel good to feel good to feel good to feel good
to feel good to feel good

to feel good
to feel to feel god

it feels good to feel the realease

to lift up my mind and heart
to be aware
to understand
and to know

that the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

it feels good to relax into the now
to releax into knowing

the power of me to choose th power
the power within and trust it
to choose the power within
to know
to choose the
i prefer
it fe

it feels good to choose the
version i prefer
it feels good to
choose it feels good to

choose it feels good to make the choice

i feel at ease
i feel at ease i feel focused
i feel
focused i feel focused in the now
i feel

focused in the now
and i let go of the rest i know that
i know that my connection to the
god self is all there is
and i know
i know that life can only reflect me
i love

that i get to relax in theknow

knowledge i lovet hat i
get to releax

relax in the knowing
i get to

relax in the knowing
i get to choose
to devote myself to go

the god self and don’t have
to ever think a bout
anything else
i get to chosoe the

version i prefer


that the work always work s
to ask to feel free and then i do
and then life


reflects that
so grateful to make the time
to do the only work
that matters to focus on self

really figure out what i want
and then ask

and then






i asked to feel free and now
i do because i remembered that i can live my life
for me and then i felt so much better
and no wi feel
good and life instantly

reflected that

so grateful to choose to feel
good to choose to love myself
to choose to allow healing to choose
to feel good in my life
to chosoe to

to choose to feel good now

this is the only work this is theo nly work
it feels good to do the only work
it feels good to

grateful to do the only work
that matters to come back to center to

and allow life
to live me to

i feel good about myself i love myself
i know

i love who i am i love who i am
i love who i am

and i know i am worthy of love
it feels good to stand up to my thoughts
to feel for relief
and then feel it
it feels good to allow myself to

live my life fully to live
my life freely

i love myself and i know this is the only work

so grateful todo th
to do the work for me and say

fuck what anyone else thinks
so grateful to feel for what is best for me
and do that

and make that my work
what feels best so gratful ic a

i can always do what’s best for me
and trust that is what’s best for me

so grateful to do the work to feel
good and know that is the only work
so grateful to make the choice

to love myself so
grateful to do the work to feel good

to be aware of who i am
of how i feel of the thoughts i think

about myself
about my life
so grateful

to be aware and to choose heaven on earth by choosing the version i prefer
and knowing it’s just that easy

so grateful to focus on me
to focus on feeling good to getting back to center

back to

loving myself
appreciating myself

sending love to myself
loving where i am right now
loving my life

feeling certain about who ai m
choosing certainty it
feels good to choose certainty to chose yes
to choose the right now

i’m happy in the here and now

i feel resolved i feel
at peace in my life at peace in the moment

knowing i am trusting my gut feeling

thank you

it feels good to feel the energy
building to send the energy up
to feel the energy flowing through me
the energy of knowing the

energy of yes the energy of making the choice
of knowing that the choice
is always backed up

the exhiliration of knowing that
that the flow is always floiwng
in my favor that i can always
choose the version i prefer

and focus on that

it just doesn’t matter and i love that i know
this that i get to practice and i

that i know
how i feel is all that matters
i love that i know and i love that
life helps me decide
i love that life
helps me decide

i feel my heart singing
running from here to there
i feel the flow

running through me

i feel the

flow running through me

grateful to do the work of

choosing how i want to see myself
grateful to do the work

to feel good
to feel good

practice constant gratitude

and that is the only work

that is the only work
that is the only work that is the only work

this is the only work
connecting with self is the only work

connecting with self is the only


so grateful to sit and do this
work so grateful for connection
so grateful for love

so grateful for the choice
to feel gratitude
to look for the side
iw ant

the side of the wave i want
the side of the wave i prefer
it feels good to allow myself to a

take the big leap into life
into my zone of genius
to say yes

it feels good to say yes

to jump in to say yes
to say thank you to choose the
version i

to kknow i get to get

to choose

to get comfortable with the choice
and then watch it and allow it

to unfold
it feels good to it feels good to
it feels good to say yes to jump into it

to know there is always more than
enough it feels good to feel good

to love myself to love myself

to love myself

to do the work of loving myself to
do theo nly wro

work that matters t

to do

to know i always get what i want
i walsy

always get what i want
i love that there is always


i love taking the big leap
into life i love taking the big leap

into life i love


doing the only work that matters
which is
how i feel so grateful i konw this

so grateful to make
the time to come back to center
so that i amy allow the

focused on the god self
always remembering and alliwng th

allowing the god self and ik now that
all that matters is
how i see myself

i get to choose the version
the vision of myself i prefer
i prefer

grateful to be here now
for who i am grateful for who i am

grateful life is good
grateful ilfe

life is good life is good

is good so grateful for the
here and now
the here and now
the here and now

so grateful to say yes
to release the rest and allow my est

best self through so
grateful to have an inkling of




my best self is
so grateful to do my work
to do this work

first to do this work
first the work of coi

coming back to center to
of remembering who i am
allowing the best version of myself
the best version of myself

getting all my plates spinning
it feels good to get there to feel free
to allow everythig

i feel good because i’m focused on
i’m focused i’m focused

on the version i prefer
i focus on the version
i prefer

i focus on feeling how i prefer
to feel i do the spiritual


of practicing making the choice
for what i want and then
allowing it

thank you fro
for this right now
this right now
this right now

right now
this right now

this right now
right now focused focused
on who ia

who i really am and that’s a
ll t
all ther is

there’s no reason to care
about anything else
and when i free msyelf
from out

come then i am truly free
i am
truly set

thank you thank you i’m
focused in here and now

it’s easy the easiest
possible thing
is always the right choice
i love
that i get to mka

make the choice
and allow the magick
to do it
i get to

allow the magick to do the work
i get to to

to get tha mgi

allow the magick
the magcik

i allow the magick to flow
through me i

get to allow


the magick to flow through me

to flow through
me the magcik
to flow through me
i get to allow the


i love that i don’t have to care
i love that
i get to choose how i see
myself i love that
i get to choose
i love

that i get to chosoe i love
that i don’t havet o care
to care
i never havet o
to care i love that i never have
to care

i love that i can always choose
love i can

always choose love

i love knowing the time
is always right i love that
the time is always right now

i love that this
the time is always right now
i love that i know the
time is always right

now i love that i know the
time is always right now
i love that i get to choose
i love that
i know it’s

onlly ever me
i love that i know it’s only
ever me i love choosing to embody
my best self my bdo

god self i love doing the only work that
matters an taking
taking care of self i love doing the work
to go within
andlet go

of everyting i love toin

to go witin

first you become
it then you see it fisrt you
become it then you see it

and i’m making the choice
i’m making the choice to look for

what i want to see to practice seeing
what i want

coming back o
to center remembering the magick of me

in that knowledge


that is my only work
to celebrate the god self that
i am and i come back here to remember
to do that and to know
is the only thing that
will ever matter

is remembering i am god
and ch

choosing the god self
every time i am brave enough to choose
the god self every time

so grateful for this day

so grateful for everything that is
to love myself to make the choice to love myself
to make the choice to say thank you

to just be grateful and choose knowing
it feels good to

choose knowing
to tune my vibration to the one of
knowing the one of god self to the one
of celebration
it feels good to tune myself
to the vibration of knowing to choose

to know i never have to wonder
never have to doubt and that center
is always right here waiting

center is always right here
center is always right here and it feels good
to come back
and just keep saying thank you and knowing
that i am creating the version i prefer

whatever i give attention to
is the version i create and i love that i know this
i love that i found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the

activity of diving abundance is
eternally operating in my life

it feels good to connect to come back to center
to love it feels good
to love this here and now it feels good to love this

here and now to really connect to truly
choose the feeling of gratitude of knowing
that attention crates

creates gratitude creates
gratitude allows it feels good to get back to center and choose how i feel
it feels good to choose how i feel to
feel good now to love now
to choose love now
to choose

gratitude now to choose the side of gratitdue
to choose the side of feeling good because its better than

feeling bad

to choose the side
of gratitude

because it always feels better
it always feels better to chosoe the

choose the version i prefer
to look for reasons to feel good
it feels good to look for reasons to feel
good to look for


ways to use them agick it
it feels good to use the magick

i decided to feel good aobut
about that i decided to feel good about that
to allow my heart to sing about that
i decided to feel good about that
and that feels good

that is alli can
can ever do and i knwo this
is the only work i nokw this

i know this is the only work
coming back to center is my work
and i know moeny

mone is

money is not my supply
love is my supply
because when i love
i d

i don’t interfere with waht
i don’t interfere

with what is

i intend to do the work
i intend to tune
i intend to get all
my engines running in one


i feel good i feel good i feel
the flow flowing through me i feel the feeling
of yes i feel the trains

i feel the enegines

engines i feel myself
allowing them to run
believing in myself
believe i

believing in life
loving life
treating life with the
with which i expect to
be treated

hope to be treated
pray to be treated

treat life
the way you want to be treated

i know money is not my supply
and not only that
but it is limitless

i love that i know this and i love
that i know that

it is only an outpicturing

all of life is i loe t
love that i know this i love that
i know this

i love that i know and i can live my life

money is not my supply
no person pla ce

or condition is my supply
i love that i can celebrate athat

everything that is

i love that i can always


celebrate everything that
is i love that life

loves me i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to love myself i love

that i get to love i ilove that
i get to send love i love that i get to send love

through my consciousness of my god self

the christ within

i draw into my mind
and feeling nature the very substance
of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness
of the presence of god within
me is my supply


i draw into my mind and feeling nature the
very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness
of the presence of god within me

is my supply