come back to love on that come bac to
back to love on that come back
to the feeling of love and it’s easy to do
it’s easy to look toward love
to lean toward love
to lean toward the best in life it’s easy to lean
toward the best in life it’s easy to love it’s easy to love
it’s easy to love it’s easy to love
it’s easy to lean toward love
to focus on love
to notice
it’s easy to notice
when the knots are tied
and untie them
i can easily i can
easily i can easily
i can easily i can
easily i can
i can easily
i can easily
i can easily
i can easily
notice when the knots are tied when theknot
the knots bind me
when the knots bind me
the physicalness of self
i am aware of thwere
the knots are tied and i am
here to unty them
i love that i can always
easily and effortlessly return
to the love of the flow
the infinite love of teh flow
the flow just choose love and its there
just choose love and its there
just choose love and its there
just choose love and its there
just choose it
feel it and its there
be brave enough to cchoose
to focus on the
made up story i prefer
instead of the one
i dont and i know that my
is creating it i love that life is good i love
it feels good to return to
center it feels good
it feels good to let it all go
to focus to come
here to come here and do the work
and transmute
teh kno
the knots
into oceans
it feels good to let the knots
untie and reunite with the cetner
center of self and remember
there’s nothing outside
of me
it feels good to remember to love
no matter what it feels good
to remember to love
no matter
the focus the focus
the focus on love
not on the knots not on the
version of resistance
that i insist on creating
it feels good to feel good it
feels good to feel good
it feels
good to feel good to feel the focus
to come tof ocus to focm
come to focus
to remember what i really know to
relax into silent knowing
into not caring it feels good to relax into
not caring it feels
good to relax into gratitude
it feels good to relax into gratitude
i love remembering that ti’s m
it’s always my choice what i create
i love that i kow
i know it’s my choice
what i create
so grateful for the time and space
to focus so grateful for the time
to do me for
how life is right now so
so grateful for the wya
my life is right now
for the time ans pace
and space to do me
to create my work so grateful so grateful
to feel connected to life and know that
everything is unfolding in my favor
so grateful to feel loose
so grateful that life already
is the way i want it to be i love
that it’s working
so gratful for wholesale orders!!!
i love that it just doesn’t matter i love
that i get to feel good i love
connecting with feeling good
the truth of life allowing the truth of
life allowing the truth of life
breaking it down breaking it down
allowing it
to crumble
allowing the
and the
to crumble
and turning it
into certainty
and gratitude
i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel the
ease returning i feel that the
ease is always there and it never leaves
i feel that ease is my
center i feel that ease is
my center and i feel how easy it is to make
the choice for what i want
i feel myself
coming into center
with the self i feel myself
coming to center
and choosing the version i choose
the version i
choose the version i trust everything that is
i’m grateful
i’m grateful
i’m grateful
i know the power of me i know
the magick life
i kow the
i know the magick life i love that
i can always choose love i love
that i can always choose love i love
feeling my heart come to center i love
coming to cetner
centerr i love that i can
find gratitude
itsl aways
it’s always there and i know that
how i feel is what i see so i take
the time
to line up the particles
and then i see it ilove that
that i know ti’s
it’s as easy as that
it’s as wasy
easy as that
it’s easy to let it go it’s easy to let
it go
i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity
therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth
i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite
therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth
i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite
therefore my consciousness is filled with
the light of truth
i feel it i feel the god self i feel
the god selfi f
i feel the god self
and it feels good to
to do the work
to untie
and unite
with god
it feels good it feels good
to feel good
to choose
to choose the
becuse i am the creator
i am the creator
i feel good i feel
good about that