contrast creates

the focus contrast creates the
focus and i love that i don’t have to care

i don’t have to care what other people
think and i can just keep living my
life the only way i know how i love that
i know life follows the

energy i love that i know that for a fact
i love that i know thismore andmore
every day i love that i know this more
and more every day

i love that i know this i love

that i know this
i love that

i love that i know this i love
that i get to feel good i love that
i get to love i love

that i get to love i love that i get to
love i love that i get to

i love that
i cna always
shift the focus i love

it’s easy to shift the focs
and that the work always works i love

that i know the work is
flowing through me
the flow is flowing through me i love

that i ge tto fe
to feel good i love that i

get to feel good now i love that
i get to choose how i want to feel and then
feel it i love that i

get to feel the feeling
i love that i get to choose the feeling
and then feel it and that

life is always helping
me shore up the vibration

i love that
i get

to feel good i love
that if eel good now i love

that i’m happy now i love
that there is always more than enough i love

thank you for this
here and now thank you

for the flow thank you

for the flow thank

you for the flow for the feeling for the
knowing for the god self within
for the god self within

i love doing the work i love
knowing i love knowing the flow i love knowing the


i can do it i can do it
i can allow the emotions to flow
through me i can allow flif

life to flow effortlessly through me
ilove that

life is always showing me
the output of the vibration within
i love that i know this

for a fact
because i’ve experienced it

time and time again
and the only pwers

person that has to know it

is me i love that i get to do the work
i love

that i get to feel how i want to feel i love

that i get to feel how iw ant to feel i love
that lifei s good
is good i love that

life is good i love that life

is good i love where i am right now i love

i love doing the work
i love feeling connected to life
and knowing that i can

get out of thew ay i know
that i can just get out of the way
i love that i know this

i can get out of the way and allow
life to flow through me i l

i can get out of the way and allow
life to flow through me i love that
i can always allow life to flow thorugh me

i love that i know the truth i love

i know that what i look for i see
i know that
what i look for i see i know that
what i look for

i see i know that what i look for

i see i know that

i know the universal
law of attraction



i know that i am all
energy i know that i am
all energy that life
is a reflection of that
i love that i
get to decide i love that
i get to decide i love that

life is goo di love
i love

that life is goo di love
i love that

life is good

right ow i love that
i love that life is good in this
here and now i love

where i am right now i love
that i can always say thank you
i love that life loves me i

i knkow that life
loves me i know that life

loves me i know that life

loves me i know that life loves me i know that
life loves me i know that life
is good i know that life is good

i know that life is good i love t

the focus is always here
the vortex is always here and

i never have to

try to feel a certain
way or make something happen

i can always trust the flow
i can

always trust the feeling of yes
the knowing i can

always trut the know

trust the knowing
i love that life is good i love
that ehre

there is always more than
enough i love

that we can help i love
that we get to help i love

that life loves me

i loe that life loves me i love
that life is good i love

that life

is good

for no reason i love that lal my
all my wishes are comng

coming true i love that i
get to feel good for

no reason i get to
feel good for no
reason i love that
i get to feel good

for no reason i love

that i get to feel good for no
reason i love that life loves me!!

i love that life
loves me i love that

life loves me i love
that life is good
i love
feeling good i love

my vibration i love
tuning myself

i never have to try because
life is always

right here
waiting for me i love that
i know everything is a

reflection i love that
i know this and i love

paying attention to it
i love that i think something
and then

jessica brings it up
i love that i know the

power of this
i love that i know the

power of me i love that i know
i always get what i want i love that
i know

i always get what i want