creating more of what i want to see

i love looking for what i want to see i ov

love waking up to orders i love tha t
i am so loved i love feeling so loed
loved i love waking pu fe

up feeling so loved i love that the wife loves me
so much and misses me when we are apart i love
that we love each other and love our
life together i love that
she brings me my coffee

it feels good to allow life to flow
to know the magick of life to always come
back to the magick to remember that it’s only
ever me it feels good to zoom out it
feels good to zoom out

it feels good to zoom out

it feels good to calm
down relx i

into the moment relax ito the
into the here

here and ow
here and now it feels good

i love loving who i am i love
practicing loving who i am
and feeling the feeling of it i love

that i am god and i am allowed
to love myself because i am perfect love that i
get to love myself i love
i love that

knowing that i am already perfect how i
am i love that i get to love
myself i love that
i get to love who i am

i love that i get to love who i am
i love that i get to love who i am
i love that

that i get to love who ai

i love that i know life is already
perfect i love
that i know it’s already perfect

i love that i know it already is