defy reality

i love that i get to choose how
i feel and that emotions are my guidance system

grateful i know my guidance system
so grateufl to relax into the flow of life
so grateful for so much to be grateful for

so grateful to do this work
to have a place to live!!

so grateful life already worked out for me so
grateful life loves me

i love that i know i can focus

i can focus inot the flow

i love that i can do it i love that
i can tune in tap in turn on i love
feeling the flow i love

feeling the flow i love doing the work
i love feeling good in this here and now
i love that life loves me i love

that i get to choose how i feel i love
that i can always trnas

i can always feel for how i want to feel

i love feeling good i love
focusing the energy i love that life
loves me i love that i can defy time
i love

that life loves me i love that
i feel good i love that life

feels good i love feeling good i love
feeling good i love
feeling good i love feeling the flow

flow through me i love

where i am right now

i love where i am right now

i love that life is good i love
that life loves me

thank you for this life
so grateful to feel good to feel connected
to feel the flow to feel the flow
to connect to the flow
to allow the flow

to do the work it feels so g
so good to allow the flow

to do the work

i love doing this work i love

making the time and space to do this work
i liove feeling at ease in my life and that
i can always

make the time to feel at ease
to transmute energy

so grateful for so much to be grateful
for so

grateful we have money and
we will never be poor again
so grateful to start a new life

i love this work i love that
i know this is the work i love that i know this
is the owrk i love

that i know this is the work
i love doing the owrk i love
feeling the power of me

flowing through me

i love doing the work i love the
power of the focus i love that life
is good i love

that everything
is always working out for me
i love feeling good i love

feeling good

i know this is the only work i know
this is the only work i nokw this

this is the only work
how i feel is theo nly
the only work and i can

always choose how i feel i can always

choose how i feel no matter

i love that i know ths i
is the only work i love that
i can always


source to do the work i love tha i can
alwaYs allow source to do the work i love

that i could


worthy i love feeling good i love
feeling uplifed i love
that i wanted thiss i love

getting to do the work to lean into the flow
i love that i cn


turn the energy i love that
i can


always turn the energy focus
the energy i love that i can feel good i love
taht i get to feel good

i love feeling tuned in tapped in turned on
i love that i get to do wit

it allow the magick of life
to flow i love

allowing the magick of life

to flow

i love allowing the magcik
of life to flow i love
that i ge tto

to always turn toward the vortex i love that
i get to feel good i love that i get to feel good i love

that i can always

focus in the flow i love
doing the work i love doing the work i love
where i am right now
i love the power of the

the focus the focs on
the verison

version that i want to see i am
on the versino i

that i want to see i love that
i get to feel good i love that
i get t

to feel good i love
where ia m rght
righ tno w
i love that

it just doesn’tm atter i love
that i can always do

my best i love doing the work i love
feeling the flow i love

feeling the feeling of relief i love that
i get t

to choose it i love that i
get to choose it
and i can

always transmute i love that
i am in charge of how i feel and i can

always move into the vortex
on any subject

i wanted this
i love that i alwaY s

get what
i want

i love that i know i am the creator i love

feeling myself i love that i know i can do it
i can do it i can focus in the flow
i can

take the big leap i can do the work i can

take the big leap i can
feel good now i can celebrate life right now i ve

can feel the feeling right now

i feel good now if eel connected now i feel the
flow now i believe in myself right

now i feel solutions flowing through me
in he hre and now
i feel good now i can do th

i am allowing the owrk to flow
through me in
this here andnow

i feel the flow flowing
i feel the way i want to feel i celebrate the now
i celebrate the
chance to work to do good work
to enjoy my work
to enjoy my llife


to enjoyt his day
this day thank you
thanks god
for everything