so gratefful to remember how i feel is
all that maters and if i can just
be aware
pay attention to how i feel all day
then i can feel relief in my life
becuase i’m looking fot at
for that
feeling i’m feeling for that feeling
i’m mining fort hat feelng
knwoing it’s always there
and know that
knowing that i have a choice if i want to create
more of what i don’t want i always
have the choicee if i
i want to create more of that
and i can allow it to pass through me
i can allow myself to feel it
without fixating onit and making it more
i can fixate on the good feelings and
feel those more i cam
jump into teh hree and here and now
and fixate on what i do
want i love that i can create the version i do wnat
i love getting orders every day
i love that i’m so happy joyful
blissful in my marriage i love that
life is good i love that
liife is good i love that life is
so so so so so good
i love that this is what i wanted i love that
this is what is i love
feeling the effects of the practice
i love FEELING
the effects of my practice i love
our hoome i love that i love our home
i can be aware
i am aware i am present in every moment
grateful for this moment f
grateful so very very grateful for this life
experience that brings about love
so grateful
to show up for love i show up for life
and i showup for life
love and i am brave enough to realized that
realize to
that everything is always coming my way that
i can bring about joyful
no matter that i can know
i can choose knoawing i
knowing i can choose
to allow the unfolding of things
savor the her and
here and now
today i’m savoring the here
and now sav
savoring each moment knowing
its my choice to
savor it
i’m savoring the feeling of life
being good i’m savoring the feeling of all
that is good in my life
all that is fulfilling all that is
love i’m savoring the feeling of so
so so much love i’m savoring the feeling
of gratitude for that love i’m so grateful
i’m so loved
i’m so grateful
i feel fulfilled in this moment
i feel filledup with
wtih u
with love because i’m showing up for love
i’m showing p for
i’m devoted to how i
feel and i know the science of it
i know the science of
every word i speak
it becomes things
ik now this i know this
i know this the particles are always
changing always taking onnew
on new form according to my
expectation and by being wa
i’m deovte
devoted to how i feel i’m devoted to how
i feel
i’m totally fev
devoted to how i feel
and whe i say
i’m devoted to god
i’m devoete
devoted to love
to feel ing
feeling of lovve
becuase th
that is
god i know that life
love is god is life
i’m showing up
for life
showing up for love
showing up for
i am god i am god
i’m showign up for myself
how much am
showing up for myself??
today i show up for myself
i who
show up for how i feel and tak e
take responsibility for it
i love that i get to choose how i feel
get to choose to be wa
aware of how i feel i4
sink into how i feel becus
because it is the only here and now
is only this feeling this
feeling right now
there is only this feeling right now
i know the powre of me
power of me i know the power of me
i know i’m creating it
i know i’m creating it
i love
that i know i’m creating
every moment of it and i’m devoted to
this work becausee this is the
only work the
work of how i feel is the only work
and i alawys get to choose nad
and life helps me choose
i get to be aware and i get to
on purpose
the focus of god the focus of love
i know the power of everythoughts
i know thep ower of ever word
i know thep ower
power of every emotion i love
that i get to do this work that
i get to focus
i love that i get to do this work
that i get to feel the feeling of coming
into alignm;ent
that ig et to
get to look for what i want to
see that
i get to look for what
i want to
see i get t
i get to look for what i want to see
i get to look for reasons to feel
good and celebrate life i get to do this work
and feel better and better
because that is the
what this work is
feeling better
getting to know
how to feel better and there
is no
limit to how good you can feel
i feel the feeling of god right now
the knowledge of god
that i’ve known through my own life
experience for a fact
that the connection to god is all that
matters i know this i know that
seeking the god self is
all ic an do
i seek the godd selfand i know
i know all that see
is a reflection of me
i’m fe
devoted to how i feel
i’m devoted to feeling good
so i find the feeling that
the feeling that want
and i marinate on that
and that is how i create and i know
this i know the power of this
and i am
devoted to this and only
i always
get what i want