first i have to take care of me first i have to
take care of my vibration then
i can take care of my vibration the tuning
of my energy first i take care of the tuning of my
energy first i take care of me then i can
take care of the rest
i take care of my vibration then i take
care of the rst
the rest
the rest the rest the rest
then i take care of the
the rest the rest the rest the resw
the rest the rest the rest the rest
the rest the rest the rest
i do the work this work i do this
work this is the only work this
is the only work the focus is the only work
wher i place my focus is my only work and the
rest follows where i place my focs is the work
and rest follows the
rest follows
the rest follows
thank you for this day this
here and now ths
this her and now ad
the b
ability the knowledge that life is created by
where i put my focus
thank you for the focus the power of the focus the power of
the focus the power of the focus
thank you for the knowledger f
for the abilty to lined
p up my energy i can always lines up my energy i can
always lines u
up the energy i can always line it up i cna
always feel the flow flowing
effortlessly thought me
it feels good to focus and allow it it feels good to
focus and allow it it feels good to allow
the best of life to flow through me
it feels good to allow the best of life to flow
through me it feels good to
feel good to feel the flow of life to feel the
flow of life to take that
to be
that bitch it feels good to know i’m that bitch it feels good to
be good at life it feels good to step into it
to say yes
please more please
it feels good to say yes please more please
it feels good to focus feels good to aling
align it feels good to feel good
it feels good to focus to know who i am
to focus i can do it i can focu i
i an can do it i focus i focus the enegy i focus the enegy
energy i focus the energy i allow it to flow
i allow it to flow through me i allow the energy of life to flow through me i allow the
energy of life to flow through me
i allow the energy of life to flow through me
i feel the
i’m focused i’m focused i’m laser focused on t
trusting the feeling trusting my intuition
riding the wave it feels good to
ride the wave and allow greatenes
greatness to flow to tally
totally trust the universe it feels good to
ride the waves of relief of alre
totally trusting the universe
totally trusting the universe
thank you
thank you thank you thank you
i’m focused i’m focused in the here and now
i don’t care about anything else i love
that i dont have to care i dont have to get involved
thank you thank you thank you
i am tuned in tuned in to the here and now i am tuned in to the
here and now
i am tuned in to the here and now i am
focused i am fcoused in the flow i am
focused in the flow i am so grateful for the work
that god
that god gives me everything i ever wanted i love
that i get to do a good job i love that this is
calling i love that i kno life
is slowing
flowing perfectly through me i love that
life is flowing
perfectly through me
through me through me
through me
through me i lov that life is flowing perfectly through me i love
that life is good i love celebrating life i love
that i get to think
so grateful
we have someone
thank you thank you thank you
i love tat
that i get to choose the energy i get to
choose the een
energy with which i approach everything
it feels good to align it feels good to focus
it feels good to focus
it feels good to focus to feel good to f
it feels good it feels good
it feels good to feel good it
feels good to feel good it
feels good to feel good it
feels good to feel good
feel good to feel good i love
i lov feeling good i love
feeling good in my
life i love
feeling good in my life i l
i am focuse
in the here and now
tuning the energy to yes it feels good
to tune the neerg
energy to yes
to positive expectation
to knowing that life is
in my favor knowing that life is in
my favor
it feels
good to raise my consciousness
raise my vibration
breathe in and raise my vibration
breathe out and release my resistance
ut feels so good to release it
to be in a phase of releasing
the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of
this is its responsbility
not mine
my only respsponsibility
is to be aware of this truth
i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs
it feels good to totally let go
to know the magick of life to really really know
to really know
to really know i know this
i know this
i know its real i know i get to choose it i know this
is the only work the awareness of the thoguths
thoughts and the choice to change them that’s a
all there is and it can solve every ailment
it feels good to connect it feels good to
allow it feels good to allow
it feels good
to focus to allow and let go to know
to know to nkow the feeling of tal
totally letting go and letting go
and celebrating that knowledge
it feels good to celebrate the knowledge