and its alll i can do all ican
can do is drive life with the feeling
its me its me its me and that’s
what im doing here i here to remember that to
fele for the feelinf or that
feel for that and its all ican do
feel for that and its all ican di
all ican do is decide to f
its the poweerr of me and and i
i get get to choose onlyi can dhcoo
choose it only i can choo e
choose the life iw atn only
only its
only me the feeling of me i get to choose
hwo iw ant to
how i watn to lif
live my life i get to feel good
get to feel
get to feel the feelig i wnat right now
get to feel the
feeling iw atn right now get to choose
the feeling of god right now ge tt
fo eel for the feelng of god
right now and nothi
knwo thatnothing
is separate from me
nothing is
is separate i know that i am totallyfulfilled
i feel for it i feel the
the feelign iw atn to feelfirg
right now i feel the
feeling i want tofel to feel firth
right now the feeig iw ant to w
feel right now i let go dna let life i let
ai alllow he might
the magick of life i allow the
magick of life
i allow th magidk of lfe allow the ia llow he makg
magick of life i allow the fm
the magick of life i love that i get to that i get tofeel
to feel gaood n
now that i get to feel the god feelng now
that i get to feel good now that i get to feel good now that
i get to feel good now that
thnk for the the the god self for the flow of life for the knowing
for the cele
celebrateion of life of knowign that ths is the only
this is it thie
this is the only feeling and theres nothing
outsie of me knowign t
nothing outs ide of me i real
that i get to f
choose howw i watnto feel that i get to choose
choose how i want to feel
i know the one and only truth now t
eh one and only truth
i love that i nkow i love that
i get to flow through life i lovee that
i get to chooe the magick of life
i love that i dont he t
hvve to care aobut what anyone sel
is doing i ilov ethat its doesnt m
affect me i lov ethat i get to cchosoe how i
how i want to feel i know that the
feeling drives mylife
i know the feeling of me of feeling complete
i love that i now i love hat i ow
there’s nothing outside of me that
i get to chosoe the feeling i want to feel
i loe that i get to feel good i ilove
taht i get to feel good
i olove
that ig et to feel good that i et to choose
how i feel that ig et to chosoe to fel
to c
choose to che
celebrate the day celebrate
celebrat releaseing everything i love that
i ge to
get to releseas everything that i get to feel goodnwo
that i get to feel the flow gnow
that i get
to rmembe the god feeling i that i now tis
the devotion that all life is
i get to feel good i get to feel the
flow i get to feel the oneness with tgo
i get
get to choso teh feeling iw ant to feel i love that
i get ti love that
i get to
i love
its not up to anyoe
else that i get to feel it all the time no matter what i love that i
get to do thi
this work the onlyw o
this work the only work this work the only wrok
this work the only work
i get to feel good i get to say yes i
get to enjoy life i
get to enjoy life i ge tto
feel good i love tha i get to
do the work i get to remember who i am i lov ethat i get to
remember wh i am i lov ethat i get to rememer
remember who i am
i ilove that i nkow the secre to to life
i have found the secret to life and can
rlax in the knowledget that the activity of divine
abundance is
eternally operating in my life
i love that i get to feel good get
to celebrate life get to feel the feelign ow
now that i remember the truth that i can
cme her to be teh the source that
i came here to be tehe source and celebrate what i have
i feel it now i feel it now i feel it now i love
that i kno i love that i know i love ht ati now
i love
that i nwo i lov ethat i know i love
that i get to i i lovve that
i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative enerrg
which is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine
i am now aware i am now in the flow
i get to feel t
now i deive life with the feeling and
i get to drive life with the feeling i get to
feel what logic cant explain i can just feel it frist and
it ti i knwo that life hwas to follow it
i know that life
doesnt have achoice
life doest nchoose
life reflects i know tsi i know tis me
its me its how i react its m e
i love that i nto have to care