easy to do the work

easy to focus
easy to allow the feeling to flow
through me easy to focus
to feel the power of the here and now
to relax into this her ean dnow

here and now this moment
to allow the feeling to allow myself
to love

it feels good to allow myself to love
it feels good to allow
myself to love to allow the feeling
to choose to feel good i can
do it i can focus now i can

focus now

my consciousness of the spirit
within me as my unlimited source
is the divine power to restore the
years the locusts have eaten
make all things new

and lift me up to the high
road of abundant

this awareness
and knowledge of spirit
appears as every visible form and

i could possibly

i can feel goodn ow i can feel
can feel good now i don’ have
to resist

don’t have to fear

don’t have to feel bad
don’t have to
feel bad i never have to feel bad i

never have to feel bad

i’m here i’m here i’m here
i’m lifted i feel good i feel good i’m

lifted in this moment

this awareness understanding
and knowledge appears as every visible form and expeirence

i could possibly desire

i can do it i can do it i can

tune myself

thank you thank you thank you
for this here and now thankyou
for this

here and now thank you
for this here and now thank you

for this here and now for
this moment ot feel too

good now i can always

tune myself i can always tune myself
i can always choose love
and let go of ther est i can

always choose to say yes
to jump into it to feel good

i can always feel good i ca
cn al

can always feel good i can always

have a good attitude
i can always love i can always allow i can

always say yes

thank you!!

so grateful i know so grateful i know
that life always reflects

my proximity to god

life always reflects my proximity tog god

i love that i know this i love that
i feel good now i love feeling the release i love
doing this wor this work the only work
i love

that this is the only work
i love

that this
is th

the only work
i can do it i can
do it i

i just return to focus
return to now and i feel the
relief of god

taking over

returning to focus
returning to god

i want to do it
i want it to be good i want to feel good

want to of

i want to offer my support i wnat to be there
i want to tell my stories
i want to feel good

i want to want to i want to
want to

i can

i can release and feel good
i can release and feel good i can shoo

choose to feel good i can
choose to feel good

i can choose to feel good

i choose to feel good i choose
the flowi choose
i the

the flow i choose the flow i choose
feeling good i choose feeling good
i choose feeling good

i can do it i can do it
i can always address the enegy i can
always allow the energy i can

always chooseme first
i can always allow the feeling i can

allow myself to feel good i can
always allow the resistant

thoughts to rise i can always
getin the vortex and then

my consciousness of the spirit
within me as my unlimited source
is the divine presence
to restore the years the locusts have eaten

make all things new

and lift me up to the high road of abundant prosperity

this awareness understanding and knowledge of

appears as every visible form and expeirence

i could possible


maybe i will feel better
i mean i know i will feel better

why does it weigh on me?
why is it soemthing i dont’ want to do??

because i feel stifled
like i cant say anything good that happened to me

i feel that its a chore becuase its hard
becausei dont want to hear heavy sighs

its so lame
of me

to think wthat
that way

i just want to stick to my own life
worry about myself feeling good

not someone else
but its not like that

i just want to feel good

it make sme

makes me mad that i ‘have’

to do it

i can dune
tune myself i can tune myself

it’s easy

it’s easy to feel good its easy
to love the moment its easy
to return to the totality of love

to truly love
to truly love

its easy to truly
love to truly feel compassion

to be an extension of godits

its easy to tune myself
to vibration its easy
to love ot

to just choose love

to just

choose love

its easy to choose love


easy to choose love its easy to choose
love its

easy to choose love its easy to choose love
its eas y to feel good

to say thank you
to allow the god to

fog to lift its easy to allow
the fog to life its easy
to say thank you

to allow love to flow through me

its easy to allow love to

the tuning i can always tune
i can always tune myself to cneter
and release the rest i can always

tune myself to cneter i can

always release the rest i can

return to love
allow love

to return!

it feels good to feel
good to allow to say yes a

all i have to do is say yes
and allow god to flow and i love that
its that easy i love

that its working i love that tow

i love feeling the tuning
i love allowing myself

my sould to l

to life
to look at it like god would