easy to turn the boat

i always can turn the boat and i never have to
beat myself up for how i felt before i turned it

it’s up to me to turn on to turn to life
and it’s easy to allow myself to do that it’s easy to make
the choice if i am turned on or not and it’s just a choice
it’s nothing but energy i get to make the choice
to allow the energy to be the energy

i get to choose the energy and that’s what it is
and the contrast ehlps
helps me

the contrast ehlps me remember who ia m
helps me become aware of the ne

enegy of me and i’m so grateful i get to feel goo

feel it feel good now feel good now feel good now
be here now

i get to have a good day and
i don’t have to wonder i never have to wonder or
be like oh but i was like this before

i can just decide who and wha i am now
and be that and what i did or who i was yesterday
doesn’t matter

that contrast helps me focus and i was probably asking for that
so ghta ti could focus
i know it was fulding
building up but i feel better now!!

and for that i am so grateful!!

i get to choose teh eenrgy of me and that’s
all i ever need to know that’s all i ever need to act on

that’s the only info i need that’s all the info i ever need and i love that i know this i love htat

i know that
i get to choose the energy of me in every moment
i love that i get to choose the

energy of me in every moment

so grateful to turn a corn
and the contrast helped me do it

life hleped me do it and
today i get to celebrate and have a good day!!

i love that today i get to have a good day
that i get to enjoy life no matte what
and the contrast helps me focus

helps me draw in the energy helps me build up
the ene
energy helps me feel the
energy i want to feel and its so easy to
access when

i try when i do it for the right reasons lol

i love that i get to i love that i get to
feel good that ig et to

to feel the flow of life that i get to feel the
flw o

flow of life the god of life the god sle fi get to
celebrate the god self i get thave a good

day i get to have a good day i get to have a great day!

i get to have an amazingly awesome day!!

so grateful to turnt he boat
the boat to get to choose to
get to choose how i want to feel
to get to choose how iw atn to

to live to get to choose eht
the truth of life to get thave to a good ay

so grateful for how far i’ve come
that i have the ability to apologize and say i was wront
that i can own up to it and admit i was wrong

and i can forgive myself

i get to choose it and its herea nd i

i never have to look back because life is
here and now and i’m so grateful to the
contrast that helps me focus that helps foc

me remember how i want to live my life
the contrast helps me remember how i want to live my life
helps me remember who i am
and what i am a
nd helps

i can forgive myself and i can love myself for all the
good times so i had a moment but who cares i sp

apologized and moved on
and moved on and i love that i get to move on that
i get to choose the version i prefer

and move on i lvoe that i get to i
that i get to choose love that i get to choose love

because i prefer love

i love that i get to i love

i love that ti’s flowing that the energy is flowin g

and i can even say thank you for thda

days when i wasnt’ feeling it to make room
for the day s i did
and i feel bad for something i did
but i dont have to be hung up on it

i can forgive myself and move on
that’s all i can ever do that’s all i can and
i can love myself for all the good i dea

it feels good to breath to allow to allow life
to wnat to allow life ti

it feels good to breath easy and jump into life
it feels good to want to feel

new energy new breath new life

the energy is flowing and it is always flowing

get to say yes to it i get to say yes to it
celebrate life today today i get to celebrate life

i get to choose where i palce the
energy where i place my attention
i get to choose the love side of the wave i get to choose

it and i’m so proud of myself
for choosing how i want to feel when i go to sleep
so that i can feel good when i wake up and its so easy
to do that its so easy to choose teh other
side to choose teh
version i prefer
and then it is

it’s easy to choosee the life
i prefer to know that life is always halpe

helping me desice


so grateful to remember the
energy of life the joy of life
the poweer of life the ease and flow of life
so grateful to remember the ease and flow
of life

so grateful to remember life is easy and
life loves me and in every


i get to choose teh energy i want to
exude the energy i want to see reflected back to me!