every morning is a brand new day

a chance to feel ok
to feel ok to love this life and not
be mad every day is a chnace
to feel good to celebrate
and i know today i can celebrate this right now
i know today i can choose me

i can choose to celebrate this right now
i can choose to celebrate hit
htis this here and now to feel good in
this here and now i fee goo
feel good in this here and now i feel good i feel
good in this here and now i can

make the choicenot
to care i can make the choice not to care i can mek
the choice to feel good and do me i get to make
the hc
the choice to feel good in this here
and now i get to make the choice to feel good
in this here and now i get to

feel good now to know that i don’t have to change
any thing or make it any way
where to feel good i never have to canche
change i know i never havet o changet i know

i never havet o chance anything about
myself to feel better i know i don’t havet o care i know
i don’t havet o care i know i don’t have

to care and i ge tto focus on mi get to

focus on hfe

feeling good for me and i can let the
the rest go i love that

that i don’t have to care
about any thine
and i get can just let go
and do me

i don’t have to care
i don’t have to create negativity
in my reality i odn’t have
to do anything
i don’t have

wnat to do i can simply choose to
do me i can make the choice the
feels the best within me
i get to make the chocie
to feel good for me i get to make the choice

to feel good for me and i can always
make the chocie
to come back to center to not
care i can always make

the choice nto not to care i can always make
the choice to
i can always make the choice
to feel good in my reality i can always make
the choice to feel good now i can always make the choice
to feel good now i can

alwayas tru

trust the flow i can always trust the flow i can
always feel good i can always make the choice to love and feel good and
have a good day i can make the choice

to not be mad for no reason i can make the chocieto let
to let it go and not care i get to make the chocie

how i want to live my life

how I wnat to live

i get to make the choice how i want to feel right now
i get to make the choice to be was

aware and that’s all i get to
make the choice to move up
to move about i get

to i get to make the choice to feel good now i get to
make the choice to

feel good now i get to make the choice to do me
to feel how I want to feel

i get to make the choice
i ge tot feel good now i get to let go i
get to do me i ge tto
do me i get to feel the feeling right now
i hget to

hget to get to do me in this ehre ano

and now i get to live my life how i want to to live
i get to do

to do the work for me to feel good for me
and i get ot make the hdoice
choice what feels best for me i get to make the chcoie
to feel good for me i get to make the choice

to do what i think feels best

i dn’t have don’t havet o allow myself to be bullied

or bossed around
i get to make the choice to feel how iwant to feel i get to make
the chocie to feel how iw ant to feel and

good iwould rather feel good
i would rather have fun i would rather enjoyl ife

i would rathare
feel good i would rather enjoyl ife
i would rather allow life to flwo through
me i would rather feel good i would rather
feelk good i would rather

walk my own pather
follow my own bliss
i know ic an always
always follow my own bliss

i can alwaysa a

ask myself i can always ask myself
what i want and then do that i can

and i can let the rest go i can always d me i can
always feel the flow i can always feel the
flo i can
always feel the flow flowing through me i can

notice that and let it be ok
i can ontice

notice that and let it be ok

i can make the choice to feel good about myself
in this here and now i get to make the choice
to feel how i watnt o feel i get to make the choice
to el

to let go andnot

i get to make the choice to feel good
today i get to make the choice
to celebrate this dayi get to
make the choice to do it for ei

i get to make the choice to feel good
for me i get to make the choice
to enjoy life and know that life
can only reflect me i get ot know
that life can only

reflect me and i get tomake the cho


the choice to feel good now i get ot make the choice
to feel good now i get to make the choice
to do me to do what feels best to me i get to

make the choice i get to make the chocie to feel good now
to feel good now i get to

to make the choice
to feel good now to feel good now i feel good now
and i get to make the choice
to celebrate this day