i love feeling better i love that i’m feeling
better i can
i know that i can always
let it pass i can
always allow it to pass and it does
i can always make room
for something else to
i feel better and when i
feel bad i’m grateful that i always know
that i will feel better
i’m so grateful i have the ability to get out
of the way and allow other feelings to flow
to come to me
to feel the space that is empty
the space not feeling
being filled by
and sad thoughts
just ask and it comes and i know
this is true i know it’s true that
when you ask it
comes and you
can just get out of the way
i love that i’m feeling better
i know i can always
just wait
and that’s a
what did i expect
by going to bed feeling like shit
but oh well
it’s easy to feel good it’s easy
to feel better and it’s easy t
to jump right back into the
flow and i know aht i
what is missing and it is the flow flowing through me
it iss the
the flow flowing through me i know aht
the flow is always flowing the flow
is always flowing
and i can
just waid and
just wait
until the turbulence subside
u jbiw’i know
i nkow i
i knkow i created it becuase i
kepth thinking i waonder
wonder if i will be dr
depressed after ryan leaves
and i wasn’t at first
becuase i want
was stil flowing
and then istop
i stopped flowing and i felt bed
but that’s ok
it’s ok
it’s ok
it’s ok to feel bad and i don’t have
to feel like i have to push it away
i embrace it
i embrace feeling bad knowing that it
begs me to ask
and i do
i ask a lot
when i feel bed
i feel better i feel getter
better i feel good about my life about the
here and now i feel good
about the here and now and i’m so grateful the the flow always
starts flowing again
i feel it i feel the flow flowing
and i can choose to take the ride
i feel better i feel better i
feel good i feel focused on the only
work that matters
the journey within
i nkow that
i know that the only journey that matters
is the journedy within
the only journey that matters is the journey within
i feel good i feel better
and it’s easy to allow life
it’s easy to allow life to
fill in the blanks
fill in the blanks
life always filles in the
fills in the blanks
and right now i am
allowing life to be whatever it
i don’ thave to
to work toward making life something
it isn’t i
i don’t have to work toward making life
something it isnt
i can just say
say thank you fro this
for thi shere and now
for how life i s
is in this here and now
today i intend to be kind
today i intend to love
i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel
good i feel the flow flowing through me i feel the flow
flowing through me i feel the flow
flowing through me
i’m free
i’m free
i’m free
i’m free
i don’t have to sit
around watching shows about
there is so much more th
there is so much more to life
and that is waht i a m
i am here to experience i know there
is so much more i no wlife
i know life is meant to be magicka
i know i don’t have to DO
choose to enjoy life
or don’t
choose to
feel bad
or don’t
i can do it i am
i am my best self
in this here and now ia m
am always my best self in this here a
and now it feels good to turn
the boat i know i have the
the mind set to turn the boat
to turn the boat i love
that it alwasy comes
comes back around
i lov it here
i love it here a
i love thatthis
this is my life
i’m free
i know i created this but i can
create a different
version i know its
all unfolding
it’s all unfolding
it’s all unfolding
it’s all unfolding
exactly as it should
and it’s just for fun
just for fun just for fun
i can do it i can take the leap
into the moment into
the flow take the big leap back
into the flow that’s all it is
i can turn my resistance
into gratitude
i can choose to feel how i want to feel
i can live life for me i can celebrate life
for me
i’m so grateful life helps me ask
so grateful life shows me the indicators
and helps me play the game
helps me ask
helps me explore my
supernatural abilities
i know i have supernatural abilities
but it’s not supernatural
every single person has these abilities
i love my house
i love wher ei am
i love where i am !!
i love how far ‘ve
i’ve some
come i love how far i’ve come i love
that life works out i
i love i love that it’s our moment
i love that it’s our moment
i love din
finding our niche
thank you i’m so glad i’m
feeling better
and my dominant intention today
is to tak ethe big leap into the
into the flow
i’m so grateful for clients!!
i’m so grateful people want to host us a workshop!!
look how far we’ve come!!
we can charge $40 for a workshop!!
and we’ve already sold tickets!!
i’m so grateful for that!!
i’m so grateful to make it the best it can be!!
i’m so grateful to feel my best o
feel the best version of myself flowing through me
knowing that my skills
can help people
my life experience
can help people
my presence can
help people
so grateful for that!